Great video. You have fantastic patience. I gave up after my 3rd sprag in under 18000 kms. Traded in on a japanese bike. MV never again. Service lacking in NZ and even today on going issues with sprag clutches.
Im on my 2nd replacement not counting the original...this time Im doing it myself even though it's covered under warranty for the life of the bike I don't feel like traveling 80 miles to the dealer and waiting...I will also be getting a Kawasaki 1400 concours as my next bike, tired of starter problems...
I did have to remove the Intake and the new sprag works well, thanks for the, As I am replacing the battery... I broke a 90 degree plastic fitting that goes into the fuel inlet in the bottom of the fuel tank....after repair I will sell the Dragster RR...
Thanks for the vídeo, nice coverage of replacement! Mine is stil in warranty and it's now in repair shop because of this, maybe it's time to say goodbye. I imagine what follows after warranty ends....
Hi, sorry to hear you've had this issue. At least your dealer has sorted it under warranty, mine refused to. I sold it in the end, bought a Ducati Streetfighter, not as pretty but much more reliable :)
@@philringwood5446 Phil, my Brutale have less than 2 years. This is a failure not normal. And he said me before it happen that is often issue in this brand!
@@Fee.1 not that I'm aware of. The actual process of changing the sprag clutch is time consuming, but not an overly technical job. Bottom line it should have been designed better.
Damn, but that was already the 8000c4242 even the upgraded one fails😬😬 just changed mine. I suppose you have to keep the battery fully charged as well. I noticed that when the battery is not fully charged that can destroy the sprag.
How good are you on working on bikes? You say this only takes 6 hours? Could I ade you on any other social media and have you as a helper if I get stuck when doing this? I get Phase sensor fault and guess it could be my battery or the spray clutch h
@@ExtraEFI hi, thanks for answering. I tried to remove the two from the left or the bike and I'm affraind of breaking the top of the screw. Also I see that there are other 5 more to be loosen, and I don't know how to do that. I think that tomorrow I will send the bike to the mechanic to finish the job.
Thise this effect the riding clutch too? I just bought mine and its got the same problem! Only 2,900 miles on it. What i noticed was that the the clutch seems slipping or there is delay on power moving from RPM to rear wheel.
FIRST OFF,THANS FOR THE VIDEO SIR. I own a 2014 dragster, sometimes the yellow light shines(side stand warning light )and then engine stops automaticly. i cant solve it, can you give me some advice?
Hy friend! According with MV Agusta salers in my country, sprang clutch was modified in 2017 and new replace give no problems. Is it real? Or you had problems after replace it?
Hi, the local dealer didn't want to look after it, despite me being a paying customer, so I sold it after doing the clutch, as I figured one day something will go wrong that I couldn't fix and it would become an expensive ornament!
It's great stuff, used it on many an engine rebuild and its always been fine. I sold the bike shortly after the video, it was simply too unreliable to use and the dealer didn't want to know or help, so it had to go :(
Phil, boa noite! Cara, tenho uma F3 800, que está com esse mesmo problema. Você sabe dizer se corrigiram esse problema? Me passa por favor o código da peça. Obrigado e parabéns pelo vídeo....
It cost me $562.50 to get my 2015 Dragster RR towed home after the sprag took a shit..2nd unit the bike has had..Im looking to buy the "upgraded version" and repair it myself..thanks for the video..
I don't remember the part number the first one that the dealer replaced was supposed to be the upgraded version too I bought this one online and did the install myself. I believe that it is warranty for the life of the bike I would check with the dealer...Installing the Lithium battery made a huge difference in the life span of it.@@DLindgren46
No Part #8000C4242 is supposed to be the upgraded part but I don't think it completely fixes the problem permanently..The lithium battery helps a lot..
Why did the sprang clutch fail? I'm asking because I have heard that it will probably fail again. So what's wrong with it & is MV factory doing anything to remedy it. I want to buy a 675/800 or an f4, but issues like this are putting me off. Has the f4 got the same problem? Thanks.
@@davidrespect6471 I wouldn't be afraid of buying the F4, I wish I had done that (brutale) instead of the Dragster RR only because of the starter, the bike is bad ass...I also hade a cooling fan circuit failure..
Thank you very much Brother. You are a good Samaritan. please do add more videos on Agusta service and replacements.
Great video. You have fantastic patience. I gave up after my 3rd sprag in under 18000 kms. Traded in on a japanese bike. MV never again. Service lacking in NZ and even today on going issues with sprag clutches.
Im on my 2nd replacement not counting the original...this time Im doing it myself even though it's covered under warranty for the life of the bike I don't feel like traveling 80 miles to the dealer and waiting...I will also be getting a Kawasaki 1400 concours as my next bike, tired of starter problems...
Thank you so much for this. I'm very mechanically un-inclined but your video makes it look easy.
I did have to remove the Intake and the new sprag works well, thanks for the, As I am replacing the battery... I broke a 90 degree plastic fitting that goes into the fuel inlet in the bottom of the fuel tank....after repair I will sell the Dragster RR...
Thank you!!!!!!!! You are a good man.
Well done. Thanks for taking the time to do the video.
Thanks Phil. Great video and explained really well. Just hope I don't need to try it out on my Turismo.
I have exactly same problem. So thank you very much for this video. Also thanks for part number. Can I ask what was the price of that sprag clutch?
Great video - really concise.
Thanks for the vídeo, nice coverage of replacement! Mine is stil in warranty and it's now in repair shop because of this, maybe it's time to say goodbye. I imagine what follows after warranty ends....
Hi, sorry to hear you've had this issue. At least your dealer has sorted it under warranty, mine refused to. I sold it in the end, bought a Ducati Streetfighter, not as pretty but much more reliable :)
@@philringwood5446 Phil, my Brutale have less than 2 years. This is a failure not normal. And he said me before it happen that is often issue in this brand!
@@philringwood5446 just what i needed to hear. i've only ridden triumphs now wondering whether to go MV or Ducati. I'm going Ducati.
Phil thanks for the video. I used it as reference to change the sprag clutch on my F3 800. How did Mv get this so wrong?
Is there any major differences between the f3 800 and dragster in regarding how to change the sprag clutch ?
Trying to also replace mine
No major difference. Mainly need to remove the fairings and airbox, battery to get to the sprag. They are the same motor.
@@alexo7912 this is insane. Is this the same as a slipper clutch? Surely there’s better designs?
@@terencemalady1373 it makes me wonder if there’s a possibility of an aftermarket approach that’s better
@@Fee.1 not that I'm aware of. The actual process of changing the sprag clutch is time consuming, but not an overly technical job. Bottom line it should have been designed better.
Damn, but that was already the 8000c4242 even the upgraded one fails😬😬 just changed mine.
I suppose you have to keep the battery fully charged as well. I noticed that when the battery is not fully charged that can destroy the sprag.
How good are you on working on bikes? You say this only takes 6 hours? Could I ade you on any other social media and have you as a helper if I get stuck when doing this? I get Phase sensor fault and guess it could be my battery or the spray clutch h
hi, thanks for the video, how did you remove the screws in 10:55 ... I'm unable to do that
Hi, I can't recall to be honest. They were awkward, but I didn't use any special tools.
@@ExtraEFI hi, thanks for answering. I tried to remove the two from the left or the bike and I'm affraind of breaking the top of the screw. Also I see that there are other 5 more to be loosen, and I don't know how to do that. I think that tomorrow I will send the bike to the mechanic to finish the job.
Thise this effect the riding clutch too? I just bought mine and its got the same problem! Only 2,900 miles on it. What i noticed was that the the clutch seems slipping or there is delay on power moving from RPM to rear wheel.
Hey could you explain how you removed the seat? Trying to replace the battery in my dragster RR and can’t get past the seat lol
FIRST OFF,THANS FOR THE VIDEO SIR. I own a 2014 dragster, sometimes the yellow light shines(side stand warning light )and then engine stops automaticly. i cant solve it, can you give me some advice?
I would by pass the kickstand switch and see if the problem stops..
Hy friend! According with MV Agusta salers in my country, sprang clutch was modified in 2017 and new replace give no problems. Is it real? Or you had problems after replace it?
Hi, the local dealer didn't want to look after it, despite me being a paying customer, so I sold it after doing the clutch, as I figured one day something will go wrong that I couldn't fix and it would become an expensive ornament!
Is that Loctite still holding strong? I'd imagine you would want to use a high temp silicone. Thanks for the video good stuff
It's great stuff, used it on many an engine rebuild and its always been fine. I sold the bike shortly after the video, it was simply too unreliable to use and the dealer didn't want to know or help, so it had to go :(
Phil, boa noite!
Cara, tenho uma F3 800, que está com esse mesmo problema.
Você sabe dizer se corrigiram esse problema?
Me passa por favor o código da peça.
Obrigado e parabéns pelo vídeo....
Boa noite. Qual problema sua moto apresentava?
It cost me $562.50 to get my 2015 Dragster RR towed home after the sprag took a shit..2nd unit the bike has had..Im looking to buy the "upgraded version" and repair it myself..thanks for the video..
Which one is the upgraded version?
I don't remember the part number the first one that the dealer replaced was supposed to be the upgraded version too I bought this one online and did the install myself. I believe that it is warranty for the life of the bike I would check with the dealer...Installing the Lithium battery made a huge difference in the life span of it.@@DLindgren46
Im doing mine as we speak...are you shure that you have to remove the intake manifold?
Is there aftermarket sprag part for this bike?
No Part #8000C4242 is supposed to be the upgraded part but I don't think it completely fixes the problem permanently..The lithium battery helps a lot..
Which lithium battery should I buy for my 800rr dragster?
Thanks friend!
This is phase sensor? Help!! Thanks!
'm afraid its not the phase sensor, this would be something else entirely.
@@philringwood5446hola me gustaría ponerme en contacto contigo tengo un problema con mi mv agusta 800 2021 turismo velocce
Hi! how much cost you a new one ?
Hi, around £100 I think.
@@philringwood5446 thanks for the info !
Why did the sprang clutch fail? I'm asking because I have heard that it will probably fail again. So what's wrong with it & is MV factory doing anything to remedy it. I want to buy a 675/800 or an f4, but issues like this are putting me off. Has the f4 got the same problem? Thanks.
Thank you for the video!!
The sprag problem is only on the 3 cylinder models. The F4 has different issues :)
@@tommidahlberg1451 Even worse issues? 😬😆
@@davidrespect6471 I wouldn't be afraid of buying the F4, I wish I had done that (brutale) instead of the Dragster RR only because of the starter, the bike is bad ass...I also hade a cooling fan circuit failure..
I really thought the sprag clutch was on the left side of the engine casing. I guess I was too spoilt by Japanese motorcycles.