I dont think the @ matters when its a post on my own channel, it only matters if someone replies to me on someone elses video to then notify me, not sure though
Remake of my all time favourite song. Love the energy in this.. Voice feels more raw and less... electrified?tuned?? I mean to say.. sound more like the real you in most of it.. especially in the start.. Spamming this
^^ Depending on the theme and what I want to do, there will be more or less reverb or higher/lower pitch and I can do a couple of accents depending on how I want it ^^ Glad you like it Raptor
Love this so much omg
New drawing jam for me
And possible remake turn it up before we fall
Happy to hear you like it Poke ^^
Ill add that song to my to do list!
@Sakura_Yuki_NC thanks turn it up before we fall is one of my favorite songs along with many others from your list
Ill do my best to make it better ^^
Just an fyi, Releasing your remake tomorrow ^^ Hope you'll like it Poke
@Sakura_Yuki_NC aww thanks
Nice work Yuki
Glad you like it Mini ^^
@@Sakura_Yuki_NCkeep it up also this is some what related to this what is the point in atting you using this (@)
I dont think the @ matters when its a post on my own channel, it only matters if someone replies to me on someone elses video to then notify me, not sure though
Ok i can test that hear with out using the @
Remake of my all time favourite song. Love the energy in this.. Voice feels more raw and less... electrified?tuned?? I mean to say.. sound more like the real you in most of it.. especially in the start.. Spamming this
^^ Depending on the theme and what I want to do, there will be more or less reverb or higher/lower pitch and I can do a couple of accents depending on how I want it ^^ Glad you like it Raptor
@Sakura_Yuki_NC you have a really versatile voice