Fighting Game or Bible Verse?? (Combo Breaker 2024)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 4

  • @TheWordPlay
    @TheWordPlay  5 месяцев назад +1

    How did you do?

  • @PYCrossUp
    @PYCrossUp 5 месяцев назад +2

    Amazing content as always bro! Such a creative series. I got mixed with a lot of those questions 😂

  • @silaswenger6268
    @silaswenger6268 5 месяцев назад +2

    I love this series but i feel like 3 out of 5 would be better suited.

  • @TheWordPlay
    @TheWordPlay  5 месяцев назад +1

    Ramblings now that this is up:
    This is the final video from Combo Breaker 2024!
    Thank you very much to everyone in the video who was willing to participate! Sorry this took so long (exactly one month after Combo Breaker); I knew June would be busy, but I still would've preferred to have this done sooner.
    I either need to retire the wireless mics or need more practice on how to use them, because fixing the audio to be salvageable was the most time consuming part of editing. Hoping to have the sound ironed out the next time I do this.
    Originally I was just going to stick to just offering the prizes I brought, but I was thinking of how it would probably come off as uncool to give stuff away while in the presence of artists who took time out of their weekend to set up booths. This approach of having the player choose what they want from artist alley or the merch booths not only gives them what they wanted, but also supports the artists in the FGC. I spend way too much at these events anyway, why not spend it on others vs myself?
    Anyways, thanks for your patience! See y'all next video.