Thank you for giving your time to share these memories. These young people were the start of what we now recognize as the Tachibana style. These videos will introduce many more people to these young people and to their successors. Thank you again.
Thank you for recovering and uploading these videos. You are correct that the future is unknown & it is better to let many enjoy & feel the joy from the hard work of these fantastic youngsters. Thank you again 🙇🏻🙏
Thank you for this video! Tachibana has been, and is, a perfect blend of everything fun and good! They inspire, motivate, and are still the best in the world to me. I love them! They are of great help.
Wonderful to see just how much fun and excitement they bring in the wonderful concerts with hopes that these students maybe will play too. So many fond memories. A Huge Canadian Fan.
Kids, through their hard work and visible enjoyment of their achievements, inspiring other kids. And inspiring us as well! 8:10 - It is perhaps fortunate that the band do not need a conductor to play in perfect harmony! Thanks for yet another high-quality film- the camera must have been the best available at the time. The last image is wonderful- an expression of the KT spirit. You mention the Izumo and Matsue schools; more material on them would be very welcome! Izumo Business and Matsue Commercial (to use the English titles they have chosen) have, after all, had the courage to adopt the challenging KT genre. And thank you for your reference to Notre Dame in Paris, not far from where I live. Reconstruction is progressing slowly, but steadily. Let’s hope the same will soon be said for the innocent land now suffering the greatest tragedy.
Where was this , so much audience interaction. Wrote my last comment before the end, so hence my second comments. Love the star conductor 😂. And the big hugs with the kids at the end, a beautiful sight. Professor H dream was starting to really take shape 🙏
I am totally knocked out by these performances from the GBA archives, the quality of both sound and pictures is unsurpassed. Whilst the world is well aware of the triumphal 2017/2018 visit to the USA of the Orange Devils and to a lesser degree that in 2012, these performances from 2005/6 are like finding buried treasure. What a Great Band!, What a Great Performance, What a Great Audience Reaction! Unstinted praise is due to our uploader MICHINOKUGORO! - May we have some more please?
Thanks for posting these videos! Until now, not much was known about the 2005 US visit. The band also visited the US in 1996 for the Altanta Olympics, where the band performed in some related events. Hoping someone also has footage from that year's visit. 動画の掲載ありがとうございます 今まで、2005年の米国訪問についてはあまり知られていませんでした。1996年のアルタンタオリンピックでも訪米し、バンドはいくつかの関連イベントに出演している。この年の映像も持っている人がいればいいのですが。
Son geniales, buenas, espectaculares, entretenidas, lo mejor de lo mejor, que gran banda e institución, son lo más sano que pueden haber en lo instrumental y musical, a parte de ser lindas chicas e inteligentes, que avanzado es Japón en este sentido.
Translation of the description: Before tomorrow's regular concert, I managed to finish uploading the videos of the 2005 group. I am planning to make my main channel (GBA1998) a channel dedicated to the Rose Parade group from now on (except for past videos), and I will be posting the other videos on this sub-channel. We are very happy that in such a short period of time, more people have viewed our videos than we had expected. The reason why we decided to release the GBA video archive in this way is because we wanted to make everyone feel a sense of happiness through music, which can somehow brighten our hearts in today's world, where we never know when important data may be lost due to earthquakes or wars. A few years later, who would have predicted that Notre Dame would burn down? Now, with the Corona Virus, the Green Band cannot go abroad, but we wanted to let you know that these truly wonderful children transcended borders and skin color differences, united their hearts, and shared the beauty and joy of music with us. Since this is an old video, it took me quite a while to correct the image quality. It brought back many great scenes that I myself had almost forgotten, and I cried many times as I edited it. Many RUclipsrs have already uploaded their videos of the Rose Parade 2018, so I hope to upload more videos of the Rose Parade in the near future. 12 Rose Parade videos in a five-part series (we are currently in the process of recovering the data). As for future plans, we would like to feature Mr. Osamu Okubo, who started marching at Izumo Commercial High School and is well known to all KT fans. Mr. Okubo is currently at Matsue Commercial High School, but he used to teach at Izumo High School and has been with us on two overseas trips to Florida and Paris. It just so happened that we were having a special event called the Disney Honors program during this time, and we rented out a Disney park for the event, which was a terrific program. I would love for you to see how the Green Band went from there to competing in the Rose Parade. And please, please refrain from slander and negative comments on any videos other than Tachibana's. Unlike concerts and competitions in Japan, all schools have to play under very strict time constraints and in an environment that is completely different from Japan in terms of humidity and temperature, and the possibility of going out of tune or making mistakes is quite high (and there is jet lag as well). While the world is prone to hostile feelings due to wars, etc., at least in children's music videos, such sad words are not necessary. Please, I hope that you will continue to watch these young people who love music and brass bands with kind eyes.
Demef san You have said it all with great passion and love. The work you perform to bring us such visions of the band(s),is second to none 🙏 Watching these videos just lights up my day and I am sure many others👍 I was very touched on one comment you made on editing and it brought tears to your eyes😢. I can fully concur with that sentiment and have found myself shedding a drops when watching them on video 😢. The kids exuberance of fun and joy, just captures the people watching and I feel sure touches their hearts. As always I finish with the following,”The future is bright the future is Orange 🍊 “.
Roy, it is a fair comment, but as time as marched on the band has grown in popularity and with that comes a massive following and security concerns by family members and school members. Videos show in 2017/18 the hundreds of paparazzi as I call them, jostling for position to get the best short. Although the kids take it in their stride with impeccable professionalism (which is a Japanese thing in the culture). The future is bright the future is Orange 🍊
明日の定期演奏会を前に、何とか2005年グループの動画をアップ完了できました。 私のメインチャネル(GBA1998)は今後ローズパレードのグループに特化したチャネルにしようと考えておりまして(過去動画は別)、それ以外の動画は、こちらのサブチャネルの方でご案内させていただく予定です。 短期間で、予想以上に多くの方々にご閲覧を頂けて大変うれしく思います。今回、このようにGBAの動画アーカイブを公開することを決意した切っ掛けとしては、地震や戦争によって、いつ大切なデータが消失するか分からない今の世の中で、皆が音楽を通じて、どこか心の中を明るくできて、幸福感を感じてもらいたいと思ったからに他なりません。 以前、パリのノートルダム寺院の前でドリル演奏を致しましたが、その数年後、誰がノートルダム寺院が燃え落ちることを予測したでしょうか。今は、コロナ渦で、グリーンバンドも海外に出ていけませんが、このような本当に素敵な子供たちが、国境や肌の色の違いを超えて、心を1つにして、音楽の素晴らしさ、喜びを伝えてくれたということを知っていただきたく、ご案内いたしました。
古い動画なので、画質補正をかけたり、結構時間を要してしまいました。私自身忘れかけていた多くの名シーンが蘇って参り、編集しながら、何度も涙してしまいました。 ローズパレード2018の動画はすでに多くのRUclipsrの方々がアップされているので、近い内に2012年のローズパレードの動画を5回シリーズでお届けしたいと思っています(現在、データ復旧中であります)。
今後の予定としては、KTフアンの皆さまはよくご存じの、出雲商業高校でマーチングをはじめられた、大久保修先生の特集を組みたいと思っています。大久保先生は現在は、松江商業高校におられますが、以前は出雲高校で教鞭をとられており、フロリダとパリの2回の海外遠征にご一緒しています。たまたま、この時期、Disney Honors プログラムという特別のイベントをやっており、ディズニーのパークを貸し切ってイベントをしたりと、すごいプログラムでした。グリーンバンドがどういった道のりで、ローズパレード出場に向けて動き出していったのか、是非ご覧頂きたいと思います。そして、どうか、橘以外の動画においても、誹謗中傷やネガティブコメントはお控え頂きますようお願いします。日本国内の演奏会やコンクールと違い、どの学校も、時間的な制約がとても厳しい中、日本と湿度も気温も全く違う環境で吹かなければならず、音をはずしたり、ミスをする可能性もかなり高いんです(時差ぼけもありますし)。世界が戦争などで、敵対的な気持ちに陥りやすい中で、せめて、子供たちの音楽の動画の中では、そのような悲しい言葉は必要ないものと思います。どうぞ、これからも音楽や吹奏楽を愛する若人たちを、優しい目で見守っていただければと願っています。
Thank you for giving your time to share these memories. These young people were the start of what we now recognize as the Tachibana style. These videos will introduce many more people to these young people and to their successors. Thank you again.
Thank you for recovering and uploading these videos. You are correct that the future is unknown & it is better to let many enjoy & feel the joy from the hard work of these fantastic youngsters. Thank you again 🙇🏻🙏
さすがです😆🎵🎵何回見ても。かんどうです。有り難うです 頑張って下さいね🙋
いゃ〜凄いお宝映像ですね‼️橘 ローズファンの方は分かると思いますが '18ローズのディズニーメドレーの時「From Japan❗️i Love Japan❣️」って言ってたノリノリのお兄さん、もしかしたら この時にいた子どもかなぁ~⁉️なんて勝手に想像しながら観ちゃいました。😲🤭😭 動画UPありがとうございます。🤗
アメリカの人達は子供から、大人まで、明るくて楽しい元気が出る音楽は大好きなので、きっと気に入ってくれたと思います。Good Jobでした!この子たちが日本の事を好きになってくれていたら、うれしいですね。
わぁ~凄い映像♬ アップロードいただきありがとうございます(^^♪
2:28 tristeza この時から演奏してたとは
見れるなんて 🤗
🎷🎺📯🥁 🎵🎶
青空の下でのトリステーザ最高ですね ♪ 小学生で橘のBRASS見ちゃったら絶対やりたくなるだろうなぁ… それにしても演者も小学生も楽しそうですね ♪ 貴重な映像をUPしてくださってありがとうございます
素晴らしい貴重な映像音声ありがとうございます🎉カリフォルニアのスクールボーイズ ガールズのみなさまに伸縮隊形のマーチング演奏はさすがいつもだれにでも全力演奏演技の橘バンドらしいですね。18年前にすでにあったとは感激です 🎉
Nice to see this video from 2006. Domo Arigato.
I'm a big Kyoto S.H.S band fan from the Nehterlands
10:03, that last hug was amazing.
Super. Des videos que je ne connaissais pas. Merci pour ça. J'espere qu'il y en aura beaucoup d'autres
These students have already accomplish one of my bucket list items and experienced a live KT performance!
Thank you for this video! Tachibana has been, and is, a perfect blend of everything fun and good! They inspire, motivate, and are still the best in the world to me. I love them! They are of great help.
Wonderful to see just how much fun and excitement they bring in the wonderful concerts with hopes that these students maybe will play too. So many fond memories. A Huge Canadian Fan.
Kids, through their hard work and visible enjoyment of their achievements, inspiring other kids. And inspiring us as well! 8:10 - It is perhaps fortunate that the band do not need a conductor to play in perfect harmony! Thanks for yet another high-quality film- the camera must have been the best available at the time. The last image is wonderful- an expression of the KT spirit. You mention the Izumo and Matsue schools; more material on them would be very welcome! Izumo Business and Matsue Commercial (to use the English titles they have chosen) have, after all, had the courage to adopt the challenging KT genre. And thank you for your reference to Notre Dame in Paris, not far from where I live. Reconstruction is progressing slowly, but steadily. Let’s hope the same will soon be said for the innocent land now suffering the greatest tragedy.
Where was this , so much audience interaction.
Wrote my last comment before the end, so hence my second comments. Love the star conductor 😂. And the big hugs with the kids at the end, a beautiful sight. Professor H dream was starting to really take shape 🙏
These videos are gold dust🙏
Thank you for re-releasing them 👏
So where are they all now 🤔
The future is bright the future is Orange 🍊
I am totally knocked out by these performances from the GBA archives, the quality of both sound and pictures is unsurpassed. Whilst the world is well aware of the triumphal 2017/2018 visit to the USA of the Orange Devils and to a lesser degree that in 2012, these performances from 2005/6 are like finding buried treasure. What a Great Band!, What a Great Performance, What a Great Audience Reaction! Unstinted praise is due to our uploader MICHINOKUGORO! - May we have some more please?
These videos from the archive are so great. Thank you for publishing them!
Energy, panache, children's joy and ... hard work, hard work, hard ...
Thanks for finding new videos I have shockingly not seen before!
They have always been Japan's best goodwill ambassadors. I wonder what the members of this class are doing now?
thanks a lot and ...
more, more, more .. please:)
素晴らしい映像をアップしていただき、ありがとうございました。この頃に、既に海外遠征をしていたんですね🤔 ここに映っている生徒さんは、今は殆ど誰かのママさんになっているんでしょうね😊
We now have a good idea from where Tachibana,s greatness flows.
Thanks for posting these videos! Until now, not much was known about the 2005 US visit. The band also visited the US in 1996 for the Altanta Olympics, where the band performed in some related events. Hoping someone also has footage from that year's visit.
動画の掲載ありがとうございます 今まで、2005年の米国訪問についてはあまり知られていませんでした。1996年のアルタンタオリンピックでも訪米し、バンドはいくつかの関連イベントに出演している。この年の映像も持っている人がいればいいのですが。
橘スタイル今も同じ凄いですね がんばれ。
this is soooo great
👏👏👏👏 👍👍👍👍 💖💖💖 Sugoi Perfect 💖💖💖 🇵🇭
I Love 💖 Kyoto Tachibana ShS Band in Japan 💖💖💖 🇵🇭
このイベントの演出で、カラーガードさんがクラッカーを発射していますね。2:20 この6年間、ずっと京都橘高校吹奏楽部の皆さんを見てきましたが、はじめて見る演出です。皆さんが造り上げてきたエンターテイメントは本当に奥が深く、アイデアにあふれ、本当に素晴らしいです。
@@渡辺充-t4g さま
Son geniales, buenas, espectaculares, entretenidas, lo mejor de lo mejor, que gran banda e institución, son lo más sano que pueden haber en lo instrumental y musical, a parte de ser lindas chicas e inteligentes, que avanzado es Japón en este sentido.
Translation of the description:
Before tomorrow's regular concert, I managed to finish uploading the videos of the 2005 group. I am planning to make my main channel (GBA1998) a channel dedicated to the Rose Parade group from now on (except for past videos), and I will be posting the other videos on this sub-channel. We are very happy that in such a short period of time, more people have viewed our videos than we had expected. The reason why we decided to release the GBA video archive in this way is because we wanted to make everyone feel a sense of happiness through music, which can somehow brighten our hearts in today's world, where we never know when important data may be lost due to earthquakes or wars. A few years later, who would have predicted that Notre Dame would burn down? Now, with the Corona Virus, the Green Band cannot go abroad, but we wanted to let you know that these truly wonderful children transcended borders and skin color differences, united their hearts, and shared the beauty and joy of music with us.
Since this is an old video, it took me quite a while to correct the image quality. It brought back many great scenes that I myself had almost forgotten, and I cried many times as I edited it. Many RUclipsrs have already uploaded their videos of the Rose Parade 2018, so I hope to upload more videos of the Rose Parade in the near future. 12 Rose Parade videos in a five-part series (we are currently in the process of recovering the data).
As for future plans, we would like to feature Mr. Osamu Okubo, who started marching at Izumo Commercial High School and is well known to all KT fans. Mr. Okubo is currently at Matsue Commercial High School, but he used to teach at Izumo High School and has been with us on two overseas trips to Florida and Paris. It just so happened that we were having a special event called the Disney Honors program during this time, and we rented out a Disney park for the event, which was a terrific program. I would love for you to see how the Green Band went from there to competing in the Rose Parade. And please, please refrain from slander and negative comments on any videos other than Tachibana's. Unlike concerts and competitions in Japan, all schools have to play under very strict time constraints and in an environment that is completely different from Japan in terms of humidity and temperature, and the possibility of going out of tune or making mistakes is quite high (and there is jet lag as well). While the world is prone to hostile feelings due to wars, etc., at least in children's music videos, such sad words are not necessary. Please, I hope that you will continue to watch these young people who love music and brass bands with kind eyes.
Demef san
You have said it all with great passion and love.
The work you perform to bring us such visions of the band(s),is second to none 🙏
Watching these videos just lights up my day and I am sure many others👍
I was very touched on one comment you made on editing and it brought tears to your eyes😢. I can fully concur with that sentiment and have found myself shedding a drops when watching them on video 😢.
The kids exuberance of fun and joy, just captures the people watching and I feel sure touches their hearts.
As always I finish with the following,”The future is bright the future is Orange 🍊 “.
son muy buenas ..... Saludos
❤😂🎉", Beautiful Professional Trophy 👏🏆 Superstars Champions 🎉🏆🏆❤🏆🏆❤🏆🏆❤🏆🏆❤
I truly feel the past KT members were more open and cheerful, also had better interactions with audience. 😁
Roy, it is a fair comment, but as time as marched on the band has grown in popularity and with that comes a massive following and security concerns by family members and school members. Videos show in 2017/18 the hundreds of paparazzi as I call them, jostling for position to get the best short. Although the kids take it in their stride with impeccable professionalism (which is a Japanese thing in the culture).
The future is bright the future is Orange 🍊
素晴らしいコメントですね。me too 歴代 人に優しい部員さん達に寄り添う素敵なコメントです🎉引き出しをたくさんお持ちのようで尊敬いたします🎉
この年っていろんなとこで演奏してたんですね。アメリカのちびっこは単純なので、最初から「マリオ」を演奏すれば、完全に心をつかんでいたと思います(^^; 当時のちびっこはみんなお母さんから「良い加減に宿題しなさい」とか「ご飯食べなさい」と言われていた世代。それを日本のお姉さんが演奏したら「きゃーーーー><」てなる笑 そこでスターウォーズを演奏したら、「ぶきゃーーーー><」てなる。それにしても橘は、もう立ち位置が違いますね。すごいとしか言いようがない。プロのエンタメレベルですもん。でも、今は、「宿題しなさい><」って言う側(^^;
Para 2006 que gravação de alta qualidade