Don't buy a minimal phone

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 5

  • @techno_eclipse
    @techno_eclipse 9 дней назад +1

    Great ideas. I think my only problem with this is that addicts find a way, but the dream scenario is definitely reducing screen time on your smartphone due to the cultural dependence. Things like menus, parking, photos, etc.

    • @jaredkelnhofer
      @jaredkelnhofer  9 дней назад +1

      That's true-- but this could be a decent "middle ground". Imagine someone so addicted that they haveeee to use a light phone or similar device. If they could handle having a piece of paper in their house (buried in a closet or something) that's only a tiny bit more willpower to resist than the ever-present temptation of public library computers for example. I'm hoping this solution is more accessible and less painless than the extreme measure of buying an actual dumb phone for the majority of the population.
      Big agree on the menus and parking-- that's not entirely worked out yet because you have to use your PIN to whitelist them.

    • @techno_eclipse
      @techno_eclipse 5 дней назад +1

      @@jaredkelnhofer In my testing Android phones actually seem to be the easiest to turn into "dumb phones"

    • @jaredkelnhofer
      @jaredkelnhofer  День назад

      @@techno_eclipse Thanks for the tip

  • @parsa_numb
    @parsa_numb 9 дней назад +1

    What you say makes sense.