It's funny that Sire basses has preamp and eq on most of their models, I sort of wish that Fender basses would put preamp and eq in their cheaper models. I'm cool with the idea that the Deluxe and American Ultra series both have preamp and eq to the model series.
Beautiful slap tone, it has an nice preamp to the American Ultra series precision bass.
I have the Ultra PJ-Bass Mocha Sunburst with Maple Neck........i can get this bass to play everthing
Nice playing and tones too
Paul,, Liverpool UK
Great demo, great playing ...!!! 😀
Precision bass so nice
Real clean sound
@@happycyclekick 弦に原因がある場合がほとんどですが、その場合は当然弦を交換すれば治ります。他に考えられるのはサドルの溝の接点かナットの溝の接点がいい当たり方をしていない、あるいはサドルの後ろのバネの共振、フレットに当たる音・・・も考えられます。溝を少し削りなおすか弦高を上げる、バネが共振していないか確認してみてください。弦を交換してもいつも同じ症状なら楽器工房に持って行くのが良いと思います。サドルが原因ならサドルを交換しちゃうのも簡単でいいですね。尚、開放弦をはじいたあと、サドルの後ろの部分を指で押さえると治る場合はサドルあたりが原因と思われます。
@@trocks221 ご丁寧にありがとうございます。
@@happycyclekick はい、必ず治ると思いますよ。サドル交換ならご自分でも出来ますし、ナット交換で治るかも知れません。その場合は信頼できる工房がいいですね。76年プレベ、いいですね。オリジナルパーツにこだわる場合は少し残念かもしれませんが・・・。あと4弦が105で大丈夫だったものが100に替えたら具合が悪くなった・・・などもたまにあります。逆もあるかもしれません。ナットの幅と弦の関係が偶然変な感じになる場合もあります。
Jazz bass is nice
It's funny that Sire basses has preamp and eq on most of their models, I sort of wish that Fender basses would put preamp and eq in their cheaper models. I'm cool with the idea that the Deluxe and American Ultra series both have preamp and eq to the model series.
This is literally the equivalent to the P7 from sire hahahahahaha
They did, the Player PLUS Precision bass and Player Plus Jazz bass
@@bobbyzig3879 Before there was Sire there was FENDER........HAHAHAHAHA
The E string on the P sounds chorusy 🤔
Mine isn't so chorussy on the E string. This is probably a string thing.
that song, please!
Couldn’t understand shit you where saying but nice playing sounds good
Considering how much a sea travel can be dangerous for wood , if i were japanese i would always buy a Yamaha of the same quality...