I am ur avid fan here in Hongkong I'm from Philippines and my employer too fan of all the mirror most of u mr.anson lol even my kid that I taking care she's 2 year old but she know to sing ur previous song the MEGAHIT and I'm a small Filipina RUclipsr let me allowed me MR.ANSON LO to react your song,,thank you so much proudly introduce to my co Philippines people about you.im working in Hongkong for 4years.and I love Hongkongers people thanks a lot for being such a better human to everyone.(ROMA IS LOVE)
Love the stranger/mysterious theme. Thanks for showing us the different sides of you, or at least tell us that your are human afterall, just like all of us. 👶🏻❤️🧛🏻
Anson is so professional on giving this masterpiece to the public. I love to see this behind the sense so that I can know more on how to film this wonderful music video! Looking forward to the Dance Version. Keep it up!!
Gorgeous! The MV is absolutely wonderful, the look, the story, the dance, the song, the theme... very well presented. It is nice to see BTS, I can know it more and it’s interesting 👍🏻❤️
Mr Stranger's behind the scene is so professional, just like a film with bilingual subtitles. You have share your long working hours due to the team is asking for the perfect scenes. Thanks for giving us a wonderful job
辛苦哂所以台前幕後既工作人員❤好鐘意睇每一次既behind the scenes! 多謝成個團隊同Anson Lo自己都追求完美 令最後我哋有個咁靚咁正既MV睇!期待你黎緊2022既每一個作品 見到更加多面向既你!Thank you Mr.Stranger🧛🏻♂️ Cant wait for your dance version!!!!
Always enjoy watching every single Behind the Scenes of your music video. Your perfectionism and all your efforts and hard work is appreciated and commendable. Looking forward to the Dance Version !
Thank you for this behind the scenes. It is so professional, filmed with high-resolution and even with bilingual subtitles! Liked the parts Anson interacted with snake and little girl. We can feel your passion and your dedication to your work. Of course the MV is wonderful~ We enjoy it so much!!!
Thank you for your effort in producing Mr. Stranger MV and the dance version with your team. I find it really difficult to learn the steps and gonna try to learn some signature move by watching the MV and DV. Appreciate your talent in dancing, singing and acting 🤟🏻🤟🏻
大家期待Dance Version嗎?🧛🏻
同兄弟工作的vlog! 🧡🧡
Anson Lo愛你
教主,見到你工作時的認真和調皮,中間見到你有啲位都好倦,但你的付出和心機沒有白費啊,大家都愛好看又好聽的mr stranger,嗯,看完bts 有種莫名的感動。加油!
I am from Hong Kong and I am in your school I am so happy and I hope you have alot of likes bye
教主好有心呀,字幕有中英對照,照顧唔識睇中文字嘅聽眾♥ 喺你岀呢條花絮片之前,已經見到有一些外國人react Mr. Stranger MV,加油🙂
Yes I love you!!!
I love anson lo so much!
Mr. Stranger 個MV好好睇,每一秒都好吸引,睇得出喺非常專業同認真制作,多謝Anson Lo 同製作團隊嘅努力,帶畀我哋咁正嘅MV !
Anson Lo: 希望你會繼續做唔同主題嘅MV💪🏻😉
Anson is so thoughtful to include English subtitles! Thank you for taking care of supporters from diverse backgrounds :D
教主拍MV要花咁長時間咁多精力,仲花心機拍MV Bts俾我地睇,多謝你呀教主🙏🏻♥️👱🏻♂️
I am ur avid fan here in Hongkong I'm from Philippines and my employer too fan of all the mirror most of u mr.anson lol even my kid that I taking care she's 2 year old but she know to sing ur previous song the MEGAHIT and I'm a small Filipina RUclipsr let me allowed me MR.ANSON LO to react your song,,thank you so much proudly introduce to my co Philippines people about you.im working in Hongkong for 4years.and I love Hongkongers people thanks a lot for being such a better human to everyone.(ROMA IS LOVE)
Happy to hear that you're introducing Anson Lo to your people in Philippines!!! We need ppl outside of HK to recognize AL!! much love.
好期待 Dance Version
Love the stranger/mysterious theme. Thanks for showing us the different sides of you, or at least tell us that your are human afterall, just like all of us. 👶🏻❤️🧛🏻
Yay engish
Mr.Stranger 睇完再想睇👍🏻😉😘
謝謝盧瀚霆送給大家聲色藝俱全的娛樂,Mr Stranger Rap得流暢,舞得靈活,演得入戲,好代表到你。次次作品都不同,要歡樂有歡樂,要陰暗有陰暗,要浪漫有浪漫,風格極之多元化。Anson Lo,追求完美之餘,不忘要好好放鬆啊。❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
辛苦教主和製作團隊,《Mr. Stranger》唔只觀感聽感澎湃,也帶著教主嘅經歷,每聽一次好似跟教主走過呢個經歷,多謝呢份2022年新開始嘅禮物❤️
多謝你辛苦地為我哋整出這首歌,I love you ❤️
多謝你同你的團隊有追求作品質素好嘅行為,我地先可以睇到精彩嘅Mr. Stranger MV,加油💪🏻
很精彩呀!欣賞團隊用心製作,大家通力合作的成果,好喜歡教主的新歌Mr Stranger ,愛你的心思和努力😍
好喜歡睇到一件事情背後付岀嘅努力同意義,因爲唔係人人得知背後需要付岀啲咩,有啲咩人,先可以完成呢一件事。所有嘅安排唔係一下子可以做岀嚟,有故事嘅idea要靠背後團隊每一個人試驗,智慧,execute 岀嚟仲有當日所有人嘅勞力,努力,超額嘅體能先可以做到一個咁有迴響嘅事情。仲有之後嘅後期製作團隊令全部嘢有一個完美嘅結尾。
MV bts好看,Mr. Stranger排舞小玩意也好好看,有d steps跳得好快,睇到好讚嘆,期待dance version🙂♥🧛🏻
Mr Stranger MV 好精彩,無論係教主既舞蹈,整個MV都睇出用左好多心機。教主一直做得好好,不要比太大壓力自己,你每一面神徒鍾意。希望你增肥成功,你瘦得連個頭都變細了 😂😂😂🤟🧛♂️🧛♂️ 期待dance version
辛苦教主及一眾台前幕後工作人員,今次MV 絕對是超水準之作!不論場景、剪接都好厲害,好proud of 香港人製作出到咁精彩既作品
多謝追求完美的團隊 拍到迷你電影咁
盧瀚霆 你都要同自己講返聲辛苦晒自己😜
anson lo good 💚🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟
見到你每次嘅作品都好認真同努力,作為神徒的我都為你驕傲,盧瀚霆你真係好叻仔呀,咁忙都可以構思成個mv嘅主題,仲要係好有情節,表達到你想給大家嘅message,你成功了。期待你嚟緊嘅Dance Version! 教主加油💪🏻
我國得Anson Lo變第二套衫嗰陣好靚仔紅色嗰件衫都好靚仔呀我係你嘅fancy嚟㗎你嗰個片我都讚你好靚仔呀
Get ready for the stranger!!
Get ready for the dance version!!🧛🏻🤟🏻
撈撈,多謝你分享behind the scenes,除了作品本身,每次也很期待製作花絮或你對作品的解說,讓我們更了解創作背後的點滴。這條片好好睇,如果有更多就更好!😄 你要吃多點東西才有力氣跳舞,唔好唔食嘢呀~ 奸巴爺~~~
Mr Stranger真係好好聽,MV好好睇好精彩!辛苦晒所有幕後製作團隊、舞蹈員、各演員!多謝教主嘅努力!高水準嘅跳唱用心嘅演繹!
Thank you for the BTS! 辛苦了♥️ 2022第一首新歌 勇敢挑戰不一樣的曲風 坦誠分享自己不同面向 神徒期待教主更多作品🥰 記住多吃東西 祝增肥成功 🇦🇺👶🏻♥️👱🏻♂️
Behind the scenes 永遠都最吸引,因為睇到你拍攝時的精彩片段,亦係最真實一面。見到你拍攝時的笑容就知道你好滿足,今次MV同新歌都好成功,期待下次再有新挑戰的你,加油💪🥰
♥️♥️♥️Cute. Anyone’s looping Mr. Stranger everyday? Simply can’t take my eyes off the most charismatic vampire.🧛🏻
辛苦晒整個製作團隊的努力,尤其是作為Mr Stranger 靈魂的LoLo, 你對於工作200%的認真,觀眾一定感受到的。看花絮更感覺你有超乎常人的体力!超過24小時的拍攝,不能多吃,重覆又重覆的舞蹈拍攝,還要做運動….這不光是靠體力,還有堅強的意志才能撐起來的!謝謝你,盧瀚霆❤️!
撈撈,你真係好敬業,《Mr. Stranger》帶住暗黑華麗風格,睇嚟賞心悅目,真係好似一齣電影。
睇完呢個behind the scene,知道製作呢個MV 唔容易,多謝你!多謝各位演員、dancers同各個製作單位!
認真跳舞嘅你好charm🧛🏻✨ 扮娃娃音氹小朋友嘅你好溫柔👶🏻💓 第一次摸蛇驚嚇嘅你好99🤣
辛苦哂所有台前幕後嘅工作人員 因為你哋對作品嘅追求先有一個咁完美嘅作品誕生🧛🏻🤟🏻
盧瀚霆 多謝你係新一年就已經送咗一份咁好嘅禮物俾神徒同觀眾!
「真實為了你我更勇敢」多謝你願意向大眾展露你嘅另一面 勇敢表現自己所想!
2022年請繼續加油♥️ 期待更多不同面向嘅你😚
辛苦教主,拍攝團隊, 及所有台前幕後的人員.
我們看見MV的每一分鐘每一秒, 都是你們的心血結晶.
Mr Stranger 真係好mm7🥺多謝教主為咗神徒們咁落力做好呢首歌同MV🎀唔好對自己有咁大壓力,無論點都好,我哋一定會支持你㗎!同埋要食多啲嘢,神徒們表示非常心痛💔
盧瀚霆你真係做得好好㗎~Mr Stranger無論係mv定係成首歌都好正❤️多謝你喺2022年送咗呢份禮物俾我哋~
Anson is so professional on giving this masterpiece to the public. I love to see this behind the sense so that I can know more on how to film this wonderful music video! Looking forward to the Dance Version. Keep it up!!
Mr Stranger 個MV故事性好強,可以拍一個劇集,見到你有好多新嘗試,剖白自己內心世界,挑戰同蛇拍檔,又和小妹妹合作,知道這些都不容易,但你都嘗試去突破, 但同時你都很享受整個拍攝嘅過程,和小妹妹也很開心的工作。
你為咗力求完美,通宵去拍攝完成依個咁精彩嘅MV,辛苦你啦,期待Dance version❤️
Gorgeous! The MV is absolutely wonderful, the look, the story, the dance, the song, the theme... very well presented. It is nice to see BTS, I can know it more and it’s interesting 👍🏻❤️
Love the behind the scenes
好鍾意MR STRANGER❤️每首歌風格都好唔一樣,每次都好有驚喜🥺辛苦晒所有人🙏🏻❤️
拍通頂真係好辛苦💖但見到你滿足嘅笑容就知道你好享受☺️做緊自己喜歡做嘅事情❤️🔥而且有一班甘用心嘅團隊support 你去做好呢件事真係好幸福🥰加油呀🤟🏻繼續努力💪🏻支持你💜
Love u so much❤️❤️❤️
Anson Lo越來越放膽嘗試唔同形像👏🏻用作品同大眾分享佢內心世界,即使每個人有陰暗一面,但宗旨都係保持善良一面,唔會傷害別人🧛🏻❤
Love the BTS footages with both Chinese & English subtitles, thank you Mr Stranger! Looking forward to the dance version!
Thanks for sharing this BTS. Working lolo is also very charming. And love the cute little girls too.
很期待dance version啊🧛♂️
好鐘意Behind the Scenes♥️♥️ Mr. Stranger真係太瘦喇,每次MV都辛苦晒你同工作團隊,20+小時真係唔容易🙏🏻小妹妹好誠實,18歲的你🤣🤣
Can’t wait for the dance version🧛🏻
Hey, 18歲的Mr. Stranger😆
期待Dance Version
好正呀Mr stranger❤
Behind the scenes 近鏡睇到多d跳舞動作細節呢~期待dance version!🧛🏻♥
《Mr. Stranger》MV非常有水準
辛苦晒 個mv 好好睇🥰
你真係好可愛 眼定定望住妹妹點得架😆
好期待dv ♥️♥️
睇完更期待dance version🤩🧛🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻
好鍾意睇bts 因為好鍾意睇工作中嘅教主 同埋睇到私底下嘅佢
Hey, Mr. Stranger 無論曲風、歌詞、編曲、MV 同造型真係一流😍 好開心可以透過首歌更加了解你🥰 多謝你送咗首咁正既歌給我哋👶🏻❤️👱🏻♂️🧛🏻
I'm so happy HK has Anson Lo! We are truly proud of you! More good things to come in 2022!!!
喜歡你每一次都盡200%的努力去演繹每一首歌❤️ Mr Stranger MV好好睇,跳舞好正,服裝同場景都好靚~ 呢首真係同megahit唔同風格,欣賞你每次都創新🤘🏻 加油!神徒們會繼續支持你,期待你更多不同的作品✨
教主, 今年七夕之約, 你知道神徒們一直都在就夠了, 做你神隊友支撐住你❤~ 只要你舒心平安就好了! 撐你愛你❤~ #一起走下去💖
上班族Anson Lo受驚表情演得好好
5分鐘咁快睇完🥲 你同小妹妹對話好可愛(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
Mr. Stranger & MV超正🧛🏻🤟🏻 謝謝你同團隊的努力🥰!Dance version must be so jeng🔥🔥🔥 Can’t wait ♥️
盧瀚霆多謝你分享拍Mr. Stranger MV,真係好似睇咗一套戲,多謝你每次工作付出200%💪 無論有邊一面都支持你,每人都有黑暗面,多謝你 坦白分享。👶❤👦🧛♂️
Mr Stranger's behind the scene is so professional, just like a film with bilingual subtitles. You have share your long working hours due to the team is asking for the perfect scenes. Thanks for giving us a wonderful job
好正呀🤟🤟🤟好期待dance version 👶🏻❤🧛🏻🤟
Thank you Anson Lo for behind the scenes!❤️
So happy to see that your hard work pays off,
Mr. Stranger is such a cool song to vibe to 🧛🏻
好鍾意睇BTS😍辛苦教主同幕後團隊通宵拍攝,出嚟效果超級精彩,非常鍾意《Mr. Stranger》作為2022頭炮solo好適合,多謝教主 👶🏻♥️🧛🏻
😍😍勁期待Mr Stranger Dance Vision❤️❤️
多謝霆霆嘅努力付出,仲好勇敢去摸條蛇…so proud of you!喺2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣2️⃣第一首歌已經有咁大驚喜…真係好開心🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻
辛苦哂所以台前幕後既工作人員❤好鐘意睇每一次既behind the scenes! 多謝成個團隊同Anson Lo自己都追求完美 令最後我哋有個咁靚咁正既MV睇!期待你黎緊2022既每一個作品 見到更加多面向既你!Thank you Mr.Stranger🧛🏻♂️ Cant wait for your dance version!!!!
Always enjoy watching every single Behind the Scenes of your music video. Your perfectionism and all your efforts and hard work is appreciated and commendable. Looking forward to the Dance Version !
睇得出你每次都會好俾心機做好每一樣野❤️And this is the reason why Sontos love Mr. Stranger🧛🏻 👶🏻❤️👱🏻♂️ We are looking forward to the dance version!!!!!
❤❤工作停不下來.... wish our 🧛♂️🧛♀️journey happy for longer time
Waiting for dance version😍
Thank you for this behind the scenes. It is so professional, filmed with high-resolution and even with bilingual subtitles! Liked the parts Anson interacted with snake and little girl. We can feel your passion and your dedication to your work. Of course the MV is wonderful~ We enjoy it so much!!!
超級期待dance version ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
好用心的一個MV, 每個鏡頭都係心血結晶, 一絲不苟, 你的努力越嚟越多人睇到, 教主世一
hi ason lo I'm your biggest fan in the world
Thank you for your effort in producing Mr. Stranger MV and the dance version with your team. I find it really difficult to learn the steps and gonna try to learn some signature move by watching the MV and DV. Appreciate your talent in dancing, singing and acting 🤟🏻🤟🏻
Love you everything Mr. Stranger 🧛❤️ 好開心可以透過你嘅作品了解你更加多,好欣賞你對工作嘅認真同事事追求完美,見到你真係瘦咗好多,Anson要好好照顧自己,我哋會做你最強後盾🔥❤️
好期待Dance Version❤🧛🏽♂️🤟🏻
辛苦了❤️期待dance version
期待Dance version🌟🌟