Particle Beam FX EEVEE │Blender 2 8 FX Tutorial

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @StringFairy
    @StringFairy 4 года назад +72

    You'll be one of the top Blender tutors if you just keep at it.

    • @thecgpatrick
      @thecgpatrick  4 года назад +7

      Syncretic 3D ...thankyou for the encouragement man!! Appreciate it alot.

    • @squidcatbass
      @squidcatbass 4 года назад +3

      @@thecgpatrick I agree with Syncretic 3D, stick at it! This was really creative and you felt like you had a deep understanding of blender. I need to learn how you modeled that platform so fast lol.

    • @IndustrialPlasticsNanaimo
      @IndustrialPlasticsNanaimo 4 года назад +1


    • @aashay
      @aashay 4 года назад +1

      Keep at it my good Sir!!

  • @grabbitt
    @grabbitt 4 года назад +111

    Well done and nicely explained. I'm sure your channel will do well :)

    • @vrmsali
      @vrmsali 4 года назад +11

      Congratulations on getting thumbs up from Grant... He & his channel is my inspiration for getting into blender.

    • @alittlebitanimation8771
      @alittlebitanimation8771 4 года назад +6

      wow even the pros are here

    • @ridwanmayaki4400
      @ridwanmayaki4400 3 года назад +2

      @@alittlebitanimation8771 that's why they are pro... They humbly learn from every useful resources

    • @CornerLineStudio
      @CornerLineStudio 3 года назад +1

      OMG Grant you are here!!!

    • @SStupendous
      @SStupendous 3 года назад

      It's HIM!

  • @Kazegawa
    @Kazegawa Год назад +1

    Love your pronounciation!

  • @JaredOwen
    @JaredOwen 4 года назад +32

    WOW. Never has a channel with less than 1k subs pulled me in so quick. Thanks for your hard work on this!

    • @jamesriley5057
      @jamesriley5057 11 месяцев назад

      Patrick multiplied his subs by 13 since this post.

  • @Pyrohawk
    @Pyrohawk 4 года назад +8

    5:08 "how cool is that?" Very cool!! Came to learn about particles, learned a bunch of new modelling skills too. Very creative. Nice!!!

  • @lacusrengoku5087
    @lacusrengoku5087 3 месяца назад

    perfect presentation! I have been struggling with a similar problem for weeks. this is life-saving!!!

  • @koopanique
    @koopanique 4 месяца назад

    Pretty interesting tutorial
    Also glad to see this guy went from 200 subs to 13000 since then

  • @BrickExplainsPoorly
    @BrickExplainsPoorly 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for teaching me that a simple model can be a lot more complex with just a few modifiers

  • @vylicer
    @vylicer 4 года назад +5

    I was curious about how to create the particle beam, then boom! you introduced the array + 360 curve technique to make some crazy design like that platform! Thank you for sharing your knowledge! More power!

  • @twistedwizardry5153
    @twistedwizardry5153 3 года назад +2

    Amazing! I came for the beam but the actual emitter device looking so complicated but yet so simple completely blew my mind!

  • @ProfessorOfHow
    @ProfessorOfHow 4 года назад +13

    This channel will definitely grow man.

    • @thecgpatrick
      @thecgpatrick  4 года назад

      Professor Of How ..thankyou for the kind words man :)

  • @rifqiartstudio
    @rifqiartstudio 4 года назад +29

    So we have CG Geek,CG Cookie,CG master,CG Matter and now we have CG Patrick 😃

    • @earthcantholdme1209
      @earthcantholdme1209 4 года назад +3

      to many CGs lol.

    • @mahirfr
      @mahirfr 4 года назад +5

      You forgot CG Vertex, One who makes model with single vertex check out he is awesome.

  • @maharishikashyap8995
    @maharishikashyap8995 4 года назад +18

    I'm a beginner and I can confirm that this was really well explained.

  • @Janx14
    @Janx14 4 года назад +4

    Clear, simple, and easy to tweak to get a lot of cool results. This is a great tutorial.

  • @bigboss9150
    @bigboss9150 4 года назад

    You are THE KING, my friend. I bow down to you in gratitude and respect!

  • @ShinZprime
    @ShinZprime 2 года назад

    i love this video so much i love lasers a LOT

  • @brandenportman7717
    @brandenportman7717 3 года назад +1

    This is the best tutorial on the subject. I sincerely appreciate your step by step explanation and friendly demeanor.

  • @IndustrialPlasticsNanaimo
    @IndustrialPlasticsNanaimo 4 года назад +1

    Also really nice to see some other guys from amazing channels giving encouraging comments. Good guys...

  • @heyk-lee
    @heyk-lee 4 года назад +7

    Damn dude, I'm so glad this was in my recommended! For only 320 subs, you're producing content that deserves 100K+ subs!

    • @thecgpatrick
      @thecgpatrick  4 года назад

      Thank you for the kind words man!! I really appreciate it. Hope we make it to 100k soon! There is a lot to come!! :)

  • @sumerjacob850
    @sumerjacob850 4 года назад +2

    You just solved my dilemma, I put a point light in my object hoping it would beam like this and here you’re with perfect solution. Thx 😊

  • @xelo_516
    @xelo_516 4 года назад +2

    BRUH,you deserve many more show us the essentials and skip basic stuff.even as a beginner,that helps a lot.keep up the good work uwu

  • @charlesnorman4676
    @charlesnorman4676 3 года назад +1

    thank you bud, i liked, subbed, and added it to my playlist. i look forward to your next tutorial. i hope this finds you well, be blessed. i have gotten so much from watching your videos. way better than most i have seen, you inspire one to be creative. you provide us with the tools to be better in areas you do not notice. you have opened my eyes. pls do NOT stop sharing with us! :)

  • @Juan6Meses
    @Juan6Meses 2 года назад +1

    Dude. where are you? your tuts are so good. I like your style, please keep tuts coming!

  • @IndustrialPlasticsNanaimo
    @IndustrialPlasticsNanaimo 4 года назад +1

    So I just used your technique for modelling the! Powerful...thank you again.

  • @guinness11
    @guinness11 3 года назад +1

    I know this video is over a year old but it's still good stuff! I just watched it for the first time and it gave me some new ideas! Thank you!

  • @workingwithaudioandvideo6239
    @workingwithaudioandvideo6239 Год назад

    Pretty good concepts. Simple, creative, and awesome. You are great at this man.

  • @gurubhaitube
    @gurubhaitube 4 года назад +1

    Man you are amazing.....better than ducky ³d..

  • @dimitridehouck9506
    @dimitridehouck9506 4 года назад

    Woaaaaah! I love finding gems like this channels on RUclips! This is pure gold my man! Thank you so much for making this!

  • @sanderbelmans6788
    @sanderbelmans6788 4 года назад +5

    Nice tutorial Patrick! Your videos are great, keep up the good work!

  • @matefoldi3992
    @matefoldi3992 4 года назад

    Okay now its official. I've found the most underrated channel on RUclips!

  • @TheDucky3D
    @TheDucky3D 4 года назад +2

    Oh my god ur tutorials are amazing

  • @myztazynizta
    @myztazynizta 4 года назад +3

    Awesome. A lot of people have a bad habit of stopping the tutorial long before the video matches the thumbnail. I wish you covered how you got that slight handheld shake in the renders at the very end.

    • @gower1973
      @gower1973 4 года назад

      Thin Soldier it’s just a noise modifier on the camera keyframe

  • @Rocketcityninja
    @Rocketcityninja 3 года назад

    I've not even gotten to the beam yet and this first step is awesome, so simple yet so effective. Thanks for the tips and inspiration!

  • @mix-up9003
    @mix-up9003 3 года назад +1

    it's too bad we haven't seen more videos from you, your tutorials really help me build up my confidence in learning blender , I hope you come back to it again soon.

  • @tommywright
    @tommywright 4 года назад +1

    There are so few VFX eevee tutorials.. thank you for filling that gap!

  • @dimitrilalushi4693
    @dimitrilalushi4693 4 года назад

    I came across your channel very recently. The clarity with which you make the tutorials is exceptional really. Keep making tutorials please. They can be very helpful to a lot of people.

  • @zetta6656
    @zetta6656 2 года назад

    I found another video from this guy love his videos.

  • @DuarMa
    @DuarMa 2 года назад +2


  • @vacationgreat5095
    @vacationgreat5095 3 года назад +1

    Great tutorial! Thumbs up.

  • @1na_muse
    @1na_muse 4 года назад +3

    The 62 guy here!
    amazing tutorial again. Thank 🙏

    • @thecgpatrick
      @thecgpatrick  4 года назад +1

      Oooh man! I will never forget you man!!! Thanks 🙏 .

  • @g-mer3230
    @g-mer3230 4 года назад +1

    Man! This channel so underrated.BTW Great Tutorial Sir, hope you get more subs

  • @RunescapeGod
    @RunescapeGod 3 года назад +1

    Dude, your approach to CG is so advanced and efficient, where did you learn this? You’re also a brilliant teacher since I’ve only been using blender for 1 month and I can follow along easily! Thanks a lot!

  • @FloraSora
    @FloraSora 4 года назад

    The bending transform was so smooth. Thanks for introducing me to this modifier!!

  • @lamborghin1rami598
    @lamborghin1rami598 4 года назад

    Dude, i love sci fi circles. And your model was amazing , and the beam is cool (is like what you'll see in big films)

  • @SuperLongfield
    @SuperLongfield 4 года назад

    A mini masterclass in Blender. Amazing tutorial, thank you so much!

  • @backscracthers
    @backscracthers 3 года назад

    ive been racking my brain trying to figure this out thank you !!!!

  • @Royal_kingship
    @Royal_kingship 4 года назад +1

    Didn't regret subscribing to this channel ....nice tutorial

    • @thecgpatrick
      @thecgpatrick  4 года назад

      Thank you 🙏 for subscribing man!! Appreciate it a lot :)

  • @vivvygipe9605
    @vivvygipe9605 4 года назад

    Didn't even know you could do stuff like this in Blender. Thanks a bunch!

  • @mastermind5661
    @mastermind5661 2 года назад

    Dude, keep making videos. Excellent tutorial. Bravo!

  • @Igoreshkin
    @Igoreshkin 4 года назад +1

    I love your videos. Please don't stop.

    • @thecgpatrick
      @thecgpatrick  4 года назад

      Igor Volkov :) thankyou man! there is alot coming.

  • @Arsoona
    @Arsoona 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for the guide
    Now i can make some fancy lighting beam effects now

  • @danielwork9139
    @danielwork9139 2 года назад

    This helped a lot for my project, thank you!

  • @matthewwong3948
    @matthewwong3948 4 года назад +1

    Ur tutorial is perfect, it is fast and simple!

  • @BrewskaySA
    @BrewskaySA 4 года назад +1

    Freaking Awesome!!!!!!! Great Work man!

  • @krish3d385
    @krish3d385 4 года назад +1

    Wonderful. Keep rocking.

  • @rudypieplenbosch6752
    @rudypieplenbosch6752 3 года назад

    Wow how you did the lens, amazing result and yet so simple

  • @zaidkiwan5168
    @zaidkiwan5168 4 года назад

    best tutorial ever

  • @Bazools
    @Bazools 3 года назад

    Amazing tutorial! You just saved my skin with my project! Amazing.

  • @scathis1982
    @scathis1982 4 года назад +1

    AMAZING!!! REALLY THX, I've been looking for so long where I can make a laser like this!

  • @pramodgaikwad9256
    @pramodgaikwad9256 3 года назад

    Very creative. Nice!!!

  • @Alzexza
    @Alzexza 3 года назад

    Beautiful man!!

  • @leekolb2027
    @leekolb2027 3 года назад


  • @IndustrialPlasticsNanaimo
    @IndustrialPlasticsNanaimo 4 года назад +1

    Amazing job Patrick! Encore... :-). Hope to see more soon.

  • @vain3d973
    @vain3d973 4 года назад +3

    Awesomeness!! :) what's next?

    • @thecgpatrick
      @thecgpatrick  4 года назад +1

      Thanks Man!! I have few ready in line! but Its a secret For now XD .. For sure it is going to be 10x awesome :)

    • @thecgpatrick
      @thecgpatrick  4 года назад

      Fallow me on instagram: @thecgpatrick
      I am posting my Future tutorial there and some future added bonus content soon :) we will be doing a unique DNA animation FX.

  • @adekuns958
    @adekuns958 4 года назад

    wii.. gila baaang... keren bener :D

  • @lucasmantovani3400
    @lucasmantovani3400 3 года назад

    Awesome content Patrick. Thank you!

  • @eralec
    @eralec 4 года назад +1

    Keep going! Great stuff

  • @sanjaymahato8229
    @sanjaymahato8229 4 года назад

    Thank you soooo much sir loootttssss of love for you. I was soooo confused and was not able to do it but your tutorial is just awesome helped a lot

  • @aadi_BB
    @aadi_BB 2 года назад

    Love the tutorial but it was a bit hard for me to create that reactor because you speeded it but it was fun thanks for this lovely video.

  • @pashtotub7207
    @pashtotub7207 2 года назад

    Great work bro❤

  • @sheraixy
    @sheraixy 4 года назад +1

    You are the best!

  • @vrmsali
    @vrmsali 4 года назад

    Wow... Just too good. I have been working in similar line for wone of my projects but just could not get the desired results. You just nailed it. To top it up with eaisest possible nodes (my nightmare 😀)

  • @fetusness
    @fetusness 3 года назад

    Thank you man this is awesome!!!

  • @werewolfanimations1349
    @werewolfanimations1349 2 года назад

    Nice effect! It is very adaptable and can be used in many different ways! Thank you

  • @zero-gj4ql
    @zero-gj4ql 4 года назад +1

    Amazing man. Easy to understand, very simple and concise. Keep it up and keep improving man you're gonna be big! And btw if any chance are you filipino?

  • @yvesmolina
    @yvesmolina 4 года назад +1

    So nice !!!

  • @tariquerizvi5479
    @tariquerizvi5479 4 года назад

    Amazing work and Awesome explanation.

  • @DragonAlexRu
    @DragonAlexRu 4 года назад +1

    Brilliant! Simple and brilliant! Thank you for your work! Привет из России :)

  • @KwasiMedia
    @KwasiMedia 4 года назад +1

    Definitely helped. Using it as a beam blast for my animations. 💥💣💥

  • @sicfxmusic
    @sicfxmusic 4 года назад

    "OK tbh only very few times I subscribed to someone after just watching the first tutorial. Guess what... YOU MADE THE LIST🧾🖊✔"
    - Chris Jericho

  • @murdockhowling4800
    @murdockhowling4800 4 года назад +1

    You are really really really incredible. Thanks for your tutorial.

    • @murdockhowling4800
      @murdockhowling4800 4 года назад

      Could you make a tutorial about electricity VFX when you have time? Many thanks.

  • @thebaker7872
    @thebaker7872 3 года назад

    This is insane

  • @yusrighouse
    @yusrighouse 3 года назад

    Hey dude just found your channel. Really awesome simple tutorial. Thanks!

  • @knucklesbyname
    @knucklesbyname 4 года назад +1

    Subbed. Brilliant!

  • @taro-x
    @taro-x 4 года назад +3

    Yes... Thx now I can make my CHEST LASOR BEEEEEM

  • @MrHannessie
    @MrHannessie 4 года назад +1

    Nice one!!!

  • @labangithiaka6542
    @labangithiaka6542 4 года назад +1

    you've justgot another subcriber

    • @thecgpatrick
      @thecgpatrick  4 года назад

      Laban Githiaka Thankyou man!! Appreciate it alot.

  • @AdityaArtBox
    @AdityaArtBox 4 года назад +1

    It's really really help full .. Keep it up bro

  • @samurais.a.s9682
    @samurais.a.s9682 4 года назад +1

    Awesome content! Thanks dude!

  • @MiloAdventuresYT
    @MiloAdventuresYT 4 года назад

    Ey this was uploaded on my birthdate nice. Really good!

  • @ThomasHartStudios
    @ThomasHartStudios 4 года назад +1

    this is great ! ! thanks man

  • @RenderEngine
    @RenderEngine 3 года назад

    Awesome stuff. Am integrating this one into my latest project, I'll link you when it is released

  • @chinkitgaming
    @chinkitgaming 4 года назад +1

    great tutorial

  • @baebearr_pcy4501
    @baebearr_pcy4501 2 года назад

    Wooo genius!!

  • @astakus1738
    @astakus1738 4 года назад

    Hi CG Patrick. This tutorial was awesome, you really did great job. Also this is much faster then doing some physics or stuff... So my Pc thanks you☺
    Advice: when you model, you can use smooth shading, and in vertex menu(green triangle menu icon), open normals and click autosmooth.

  • @blenderbuddy3192
    @blenderbuddy3192 4 года назад

    Awesome.... Very Impressive Tutorials. Keep it up bro...

  • @jesuraja553
    @jesuraja553 4 года назад +1

    Neat, clear and crisp. Keep it up 👍👌

  • @borahcn
    @borahcn 4 года назад

    Thanks Man.
    İ just eat my brains out trying to figure out of to make the wave like this.

  • @chanruzzi
    @chanruzzi 4 года назад +5

    Where have you been all this time?
    And I MUST second that comment - "if you keep at it you'll become one of the top Blender channels" !!!

  • @shackeditaotao
    @shackeditaotao 4 года назад +6

    you are amazing :-)

    • @thecgpatrick
      @thecgpatrick  4 года назад +1

      You are Amazing!! :) Thanks Man.