Skylar Richardson Trial Day 3 Witness Dr Christa Latham Part 3

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • Skylar Richardson Trial Day 3 Witness Dr Christa Latham Part 3

Комментарии • 192

  • @nearlythenewswithvicki9289
    @nearlythenewswithvicki9289 5 лет назад +18

    I’m saying it again- I really admire this judge. He is on top of things and makes sure things are orderly and everyone understands what’s going on. Also said this on an earlier day, I do like the defense attorney. I think he is great. I’d want him on my team.

  • @kandkcollins1
    @kandkcollins1 5 лет назад +13

    My sister, at the age of 16, went into labour when she was 40 weeks pregnant. NONE of us knew that she was pregnant! I was her sister and shared a bedroom with her and I too never had a clue that she was pregnant. She looked like she had gained a small bit of weight, but nothing that indicated that she was pregnant. We have tons of pictures to prove it; pictures that were taken only days before she gave birth. Absolutely NO ONE, including family, friends, teachers, etc., knew or expected that she was pregnant. She even wore her jeans at 40 weeks pregnant! (She was almost starving herself so that she wouldn’t gain weight) We honestly didn’t expect that she was pregnant. She awoken one morning with her bed soaked in blood. Her placenta had dislodged from her uterus and she was hemorrhaging. She went into our parents bedroom and woke our mother up. Needless to say that our parents were shocked! She hid her pregnancy out of shame and fear. My VERY loving parents supported her and loved her and she was rushed to the hospital and she delivered a beautiful HEALTHY baby girl, whom we all immediately fell in love with and we spoiled her rotten! We were told that if she hadn’t received immediate medical care, the baby would have 100% died before she was born! The baby was full term, but a tiny 6 pound little girl with a head full of beautiful blonde hair, a little button nose and the bluest eyes that you could ever imagine! Our parents helped raise her (in their home)until my sister graduated from high school then graduated college. My sister then received a good job, eventually married the babies father 6 years later and the rest is history. The baby is all grown up and is now 40 years old and married herself. She still has her blonde hair, little button nose and beautiful blue eyes and she is gorgeous and successful in life...just like her Mama! She is the nicest, kindness, loving person that I know and we all love her soooooo much! Even though we are a close, loving family, my sister was still so afraid to tell anyone, including me, her very close sister, that she was pregnant... out of shame and fear of being looked down upon, so she hid it. She was an A student, popular in school, on all kinds of committees and involved in all school activities...she had it all! This happens to many, many young girls, wether they have loving, supporting parents/family or not. My sister was so traumatized from going through this and hiding her pregnancy alone for 40 weeks, that she never had any other children nor could she touch another woman’s pregnant belly, including mine, when I had my two children years later. Her pregnancy was so fearful and traumatic for her that it scared her mentally. When I look at this young girl and listen to her interrogation, I keep thinking about my poor frightened sister and how easy that she could have been in Skylar’s could have EASILY been my sister and her baby girl!! The only difference here is that my sister opened up my parents bedroom door, woke our mother up and asked her for help. (My mother LITERALLY fainted dead on the floor when she saw the trail of blood that my sister left on the floor from our bedroom into my parent’s bedroom! Her mattress was so blood soaked that it had to be thrown away!) My beautiful niece and my sister could have died. So, Instead of attacking this young girl, Skylar, please try to put yourself into her shoes and try to imagine the fear that she was living. I don’t know if she killed her baby or not, but it is certainly possible that her baby was healthy during her pregnancy, but died before she was delivered. Skylar was obviously afraid to tell her parents, full of fear and panic, alone, in pain, terrified of giving birth ALONE and tried to cover everything up once the baby was delivered. I only pray that the baby was indeed a stillborn and that she didn’t kill her baby. Either way, Skylar will need mental help, because this is going to scar her for the rest of her life. May little baby Annabelle Rest In Peace and I pray that Skylar finds peace in her heart and mind. Skylar needs our love and support now, more than ever, so, please dig down deep and try to show some compassion for both Skylar and her little Annabelle. My heart bleeds for this family...God bless them all! xoxoxo Edited to add: my sister’s iron levels were seriously/dangerously low and she had to be treated for a whole year after she had her baby. The doctors said that the baby takes EVERYTHING from its mother in order to survive, so that’s why Vanessa was born healthy, but leaving her mother’s body unhealthy and lacking.

    • @windycitypretty1
      @windycitypretty1 5 лет назад

      Wow. Thank you for sharing that.

    • @veegee916
      @veegee916 5 лет назад

      Karyn, thank you for this story. After seeing the interrogation, I felt terrible for this girl...It is a big mess!!

    • @kat0726
      @kat0726 3 года назад

      Love this, thanks for sharing ❤

  • @notinadequate2119
    @notinadequate2119 5 лет назад +18

    Oh my gosh with these lawyers and the continual clicking of the pens and slamming on the podium...

    • @debbiemacphail5404
      @debbiemacphail5404 5 лет назад +3

      The clicking is driving me nuts too but I think it's his glasses he keeps closing and not a pen.

  • @maureens100
    @maureens100 5 лет назад +43

    that defense attorney is being ridiculous....and his side are talking...smirking...rolling eyes..and misbehaving...I mean really??????????

    • @ifellicantgetup
      @ifellicantgetup 5 лет назад +11

      Agree, I found myself thinking about other things while he was rambling and whining. I finally just fast forwarded to something else.

    • @peacelovemusic3400
      @peacelovemusic3400 5 лет назад +5

      I can’t imagine the jury liking him either! He’s a turd

    • @carolmahoney2109
      @carolmahoney2109 5 лет назад +1

      I know. excuse the french, but he's a real asshole thinking that his old man style badgering is going to win over the jury. That's the only defense he has since his client clearly is a baby murdering criminal.

    • @emiliebrooke321
      @emiliebrooke321 5 лет назад +2

      Exactly! He's acting like this Dr is the one on trial here. 😷😷

    • @carolmahoney2109
      @carolmahoney2109 5 лет назад +2

      @@emiliebrooke321 that's the only defense he has -- putting words in their mouths (in other words lying) and trying to intimidate the witnesses. How else can you defend someone who lied about her pregnancy, told her doctor she didn't want the baby, looked up on the internet how to get rid of a baby, gave birth without telling anyone, then buried the infant in her backyard??? And what, is she the luckiest person in the world that the unwanted baby just happened to be stillborn? The baby she didn't want coincidentally was born dead. Yeah right, give me a break. What kind of a creature murders their own baby, or any baby for that matter? Why didn't she just leave the baby at the fire station and at least let the little girl have a life? It's totally appalling. She's lucky I'm not on the jury, she would never see the light of day again.

  • @robmullin1128
    @robmullin1128 5 лет назад +15

    I find myself calling the defence attorney an arrogant prick but then I have to remember that Brooke’s parents are paying him top dollar to do a job,which is to make sure their daughter has the best possible defence. I bet her entire college fund paid for this defence team!

    • @Thebeautiful11
      @Thebeautiful11 5 лет назад +4

      The attorney and his arrogance makes me look for ways for him to be wrong.

    • @You.Tube.Sucks.
      @You.Tube.Sucks. 3 года назад +1

      @Amyra Batya Well, she was found not guilty, so they did something right.... or the prosecution just plain didn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

    • @You.Tube.Sucks.
      @You.Tube.Sucks. 3 года назад

      I'm not sure why people comment on THE defense attorney, when there are clearly two. I appreciate the comments that distinguish between them. I find the son much more likeable than his father.

    • @bethlouden971
      @bethlouden971 3 года назад +1

      @@You.Tube.Sucks. nobody likes defense attorneys, it's just the nature of their job. I actually like this guy and think he's done an excellent job proving doubt.

    • @You.Tube.Sucks.
      @You.Tube.Sucks. 3 года назад

      @@bethlouden971 reread my comment. You've misunderstood. I was saying that people were failing to recognize that there were two defense attorneys.
      I agree though about the younger Charlie. Not all people hate defense attorneys. Many educated people understand that they're an integral part of our legal system. I wasn't saying anything about that in my comment though, lol.....

  • @utedre
    @utedre 4 года назад +2

    This judge is brilliant! I love how he makes sure EVERYONE is on the same page of things and understand.

  • @deew1215
    @deew1215 5 лет назад +15

    Omg defence final objection is the pot calling the kettle black. They have been tut tutting, eye rolling & talking throughout prosecution witness testimony!

    • @MrsMrMoney
      @MrsMrMoney 5 лет назад +1

      Donna Wong i think his only concern is that the jury may be able to hear what they are saying on the prosecution side.

  • @somedudem8
    @somedudem8 5 лет назад +11

    What is Erin Moriarty doing in the back row? She may be doing research for her show??? Committed.

    • @caterinascarcella
      @caterinascarcella 5 лет назад +1

      somedudem8 good eye!!

    • @somedudem8
      @somedudem8 5 лет назад +5

      Thanks. Erin has been there the whole trial and I wonder is she tweeting to the outside world or doing research or what??? I must know. BTW I believe Brooke to be innocent and telling the truth. What do you think...? I also predicted the type of mother she would have before viewing the tapes. Worried about keeping up appearances and or what the neighbours might think. Loved the letter to the pathologist about the police response to the anthropologists findings. Busted. This case has it all false confessions. I nearly died when Brooke waived her rights to remain silent nor did she wait for legal representation. That is why the cops did not want her parents in the room to stop her doing that. The detectives really crucified her trying to find evidence of murder. I wonder if any woman can have a miscarriage in America without facing charges.

  • @deew1215
    @deew1215 5 лет назад +10

    Everything about this case is tragic! Guilty or innocent.....Superficial perfection reigns supreme for this girl & her family. It’s a sad but common reflection of our times with FB & social media in general. Narcissism is the new norm. Looks aren’t everything, it’s who we are & our actions that matter not how good we look & selfies selfies selfies🙄😳 How about others counting for a change. What a concept!!!

    • @Nikki30288
      @Nikki30288 5 лет назад +1

      Plus abortion is promoted...she probably felt it wasn't a big deal if the baby was in the womb or on the outside. Sad all around. In no way do I excuse what she did...but I can understand how it happened. I pray for her and her unborn baby along with her family.

  • @newmommy413
    @newmommy413 4 года назад +4

    I’m just taken aback that the defendant doesn’t show any feeling at all when they are talking about the child. 💔

  • @nearlythenewswithvicki9289
    @nearlythenewswithvicki9289 5 лет назад +5

    It’s normal for a defense team or even the prosecution to ask about the payment an expert witness is paid. It’s a way to make the jury think the person is only there because they were paid to have a theory which will support whichever team is paying them. Surely the jury knows that expert witnesses are normally paid on both sides.

    • @alidadebruyn3560
      @alidadebruyn3560 2 года назад

      Yes as their reports can be questioned as they are paid by either defence or state means they will act in the paid persons benefit. This is getting interesting now. Love the defence team. They are really doing well to protect their client from a tragedy where the state is trying to prove a horrible homicide at the expense of an 18 year old already frightened girl

  • @mirandajones2319
    @mirandajones2319 5 лет назад +4

    Just as much as this doctor can not possibly diagnose her with IUGR based on what was available, the prosecution also cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that baby Annabelle was born alive. Since that is the what this case hinges on, it was destined to be found not guilty from the start.

  • @LoriCrabtree31
    @LoriCrabtree31 5 лет назад +8

    I'm sorry, but the defense is really doing a great job at creating a shadow of doubt. I'm not sure how they can come to the conclusion that she for sure murdered the baby. Maybe she can get charged for abuse of a corpse, but not sure how anyone could throw her away for murder.

    • @rlb209
      @rlb209 2 года назад

      @Amyra Batya agreed

    • @grilledsleaze
      @grilledsleaze 2 года назад

      @Amyra Batya have you honestly no exposure to false confessions??

    • @grilledsleaze
      @grilledsleaze 2 года назад

      @Amyra Batya OH okay got it, you base your assumptions on blanket generalizations as opposed to actual case by case assessments, sounds fun

    • @grilledsleaze
      @grilledsleaze 2 года назад

      @Amyra Batya your aggressive attempt at condescension in your replies is laughable when you don’t actually include anything of substance 😅 but since you need me to explain your own words to you- you based your conclusion on “most confessions aren’t false” …your words sweet cheeks. Most does not equal “all” therefore the smart thing to do would be assess each case individually instead of clinging to blanket assumptions.
      SHALL I go *on* (for your sake)?

  • @El-lq4bv
    @El-lq4bv 5 лет назад +7

    Defense grampa is terrible. He's destroying any case she has. Let her other lawyer take over.

    • @patriciatibi7115
      @patriciatibi7115 5 лет назад

      He thinks he is Columbo. Makes me want to vomit.

    • @chocltelvr
      @chocltelvr 5 лет назад +1

      He definitely has a bizarre approach for his client. I thought it was just me.

  • @tracievendetta1908
    @tracievendetta1908 5 лет назад +12

    Let's ask the defense how much he's making!! They all have professions. Why shouldn't they've paid!

    • @TrekJohnDoe
      @TrekJohnDoe 5 лет назад

      Tracie Vendetta good ideal. You know he is getting paid or he would not be there.

    • @amandalewis2415
      @amandalewis2415 3 года назад

      Actually I think skylar works for him and still does to this day.

    • @bethlouden971
      @bethlouden971 3 года назад

      It's a tactic to make the jury think he's only there because the prosecution is paying him. It's done in all cases

    • @alidadebruyn3560
      @alidadebruyn3560 2 года назад

      He is being paid not like the doctors who had seen Skylar or the coroner etc, he has a reason to falsely testify and by the sounds of it his company has in the past if you were innocent would you reject this witness, knowing he is being paid to work in the opposite sides interest, of course you wouldn’t trust him and even more so if he has had past convictions of doing so

  • @sparkeyspark5961
    @sparkeyspark5961 5 лет назад +8

    Has anyone else noticed how high Miss Sky is and how dilated her eyes are...She is medicated....

    • @blues7160
      @blues7160 5 лет назад

      Sparkey Spark
      Good God I hope so!

    • @veegee916
      @veegee916 5 лет назад

      Do you say this on every comment???
      No one told you that you couldn't have your abortions...YOU mind YOUR business!!

  • @Jelly_andJam
    @Jelly_andJam 5 лет назад +17

    The defense attorney has lost the case for me. Yesterday I was favoring the girl now they got me turned towards the prosecution.

    • @nicoledimiceli6144
      @nicoledimiceli6144 5 лет назад +3

      I keep going back and forth.

    • @lizhall746
      @lizhall746 5 лет назад +7

      I wasnt sure about her guilt at the start but she has told too many lies . She's guilty, The defence lawyer is a pompous arsehole.

    • @peacelovemusic3400
      @peacelovemusic3400 5 лет назад +4

      Im with you. It’s such a back and forth.
      I’m glad I’m not on the jury. I feel like she is guilty of being naive and immature. Guilty of handling this situation wrong from the start. Guilty of lying and covering up what she did.
      I think she should serve some time for what she did....because she was in the wrong in many ways. But no one can definitively say whether the baby was alive or not. She’s the only one who knows what happened to that poor little girl💔 and unfortunately, I don’t think she is even sure herself.

    • @FloatingFont
      @FloatingFont 5 лет назад +3

      @@peacelovemusic3400 she knows exactly what happened

    • @ajax2543
      @ajax2543 5 лет назад

      Brenda Therrien Thank you! Also I hope these same people are never on a jury in a murder trial bcuz they clearly let their opinions outweigh the evidence!

  • @cfrygirl
    @cfrygirl 5 лет назад +3

    The defense attorney needs to prove DOUBT he’s doing his job right or wrong

  • @keithharris9930
    @keithharris9930 5 лет назад +4

    Older defense attorney has Jack Nicholson voice.

  • @bakers41
    @bakers41 5 лет назад +5

    Poor little baby, she’s an angel now. 🙏♥️👼

  • @stlouismo1972
    @stlouismo1972 5 лет назад +8

    I'm Sorry Ya'll But I Can't Help It But ... After Five Months ... You Mean To Tell Me She Didn't Know She Was Pregnant .. No Signs .. No Movement Of The Baby .. What She Thought It Was... Gas ???

    • @judyberends4586
      @judyberends4586 5 лет назад +7

      She sad she felt it move at one time . I think she knew. I liked the Doctor today. He was a great witness. I learned so much . Thank you for this trial .

    • @stlouismo1972
      @stlouismo1972 5 лет назад +2

      @@judyberends4586 Oh O.K.. Haven't Had A Chance To See The Whole Trial ... Just Bits And Pieces ... It's Getting Interesting Tho ..!!

    • @youtubecommentpolice2043
      @youtubecommentpolice2043 5 лет назад +2

      It wasn't 5 months it was further then that and it's actually common for many women to not feel anything based on not knowing what they feel. This isn't the first time someone didn't know. She had a feeling she was and went to get checked out she didn't wanna face the fact she was. That's what she said

    • @stlouismo1972
      @stlouismo1972 5 лет назад +3

      @@youtubecommentpolice2043 O.K. !! Mr. YT Police ...( And I'm Not Defending The Prosecution) What About Not Having A Period For So Long .. Shouldn't That Tell Her That Something's Not Right .. !!!

    • @MissPrettywoman628
      @MissPrettywoman628 5 лет назад

      @@stlouismo1972 she said at one point that she had irregular periods. My periods were so irregular that I didn't know I was pregnant until I was having a miscarriage and ended up in the hospital. I was 18.

  • @michele8208
    @michele8208 5 лет назад +1

    This defence attorney sounds like Bill Lumberg from OFFICE SPACE movie. "Aaaahhhh....yeah.....uhhhh"🤣🤣🤣

  • @ToyaTalk
    @ToyaTalk 5 лет назад +3

    How could the baby be growth restricted if the baby was born full term. I wish they stop with the growth restricted bs.

    • @charleneg.4053
      @charleneg.4053 5 лет назад

      Huh? Do you know what growth restriction is?

    • @ToyaTalk
      @ToyaTalk 5 лет назад +2

      Charlene G the baby’s bones measured 38-40 weeks at birth so how was it growth restricted

    • @charleneg.4053
      @charleneg.4053 5 лет назад +1

      @@ToyaTalk right, now THAT don't add up. But the baby could be full term with bones measuring appropriately and still be IUGR with a fetal weight that is below the 10th percentile for gestational age.

    • @You.Tube.Sucks.
      @You.Tube.Sucks. 3 года назад

      @ Toya -- Do you know what "full term" is? It has zero to do with size. Full term is based on the numbers of weeks gestation (about 39-41 weeks), not on size.

  • @caterinascarcella
    @caterinascarcella 5 лет назад +4

    This lawyer is really mean.

  • @charleneg.4053
    @charleneg.4053 5 лет назад +1

    How many different ways is she going to ask the same questions???

  • @charmainkilloran9133
    @charmainkilloran9133 5 лет назад +3

    The defence lawyer didn't even have all the facts and dates with him when questioning the Dr. Not very prepared.

  • @PuffPets
    @PuffPets 5 лет назад +2

    Defense v. Dr. throwdown.... getting popcorn...

  • @karenm7449
    @karenm7449 5 лет назад +17

    The prosecution just does not have enough to prove all those charges even though you can drive a bus through parts of her story. Those abominable parents are a gift to the defense. I feel sorry for her on many levels.

    • @Mammaj1963
      @Mammaj1963 5 лет назад +1

      I do too !

    • @rochellehibler1044
      @rochellehibler1044 Год назад

      Yes I agree and she also says that maybe she squeezed the baby too hard when she said that I knew that she killed that baby and that she was born alive.

  • @rickybronikowski
    @rickybronikowski 5 лет назад +6

    Can we prove she killed her baby no
    Can we prove it was stillborn no
    Can we prove the baby died because she neglected to do anything yes
    Therefore, she killed the baby
    Attempted to cover up her crime.
    Forget all the other rabbit holes, you guys keep going down, that's a life case right there.
    She neglected to say care or do anything for the baby. And then try to dispose of it. That's it that's a lot. all facts both sides agree on

  • @hrhwew8485
    @hrhwew8485 5 лет назад +2

    The older defense atty is soooooooo dramatic. 🤮. He’s hoping for easily confused jurors.

  • @surpriseimblack
    @surpriseimblack 3 года назад

    You could tell that that Dr. was so coached..

  • @stephk3221
    @stephk3221 5 лет назад +1

    Questions. What about the missing bones? What about the evidence of her googling terminating her own pregnancy? What about the prescribed birth control she said she took but the doctors office said they terminated the prescription?

  • @somedudem8
    @somedudem8 5 лет назад +6

    Go defence. Rip into 'em.

  • @Jelly_andJam
    @Jelly_andJam 5 лет назад +3

    The bald guy in the blue shirt behind Skylar keeps laughing. And the women behind him keeps talking........

  • @1justpara
    @1justpara 5 лет назад +2

    Bwahahahaha, defence lawyer is sooooooo cringeworthy . Perry Mason he is not and his pen clicking, ring whacking, glasses clacking habits I can only hope are annoying the hell out of the jury.

  • @ShereeseMaynard
    @ShereeseMaynard 5 лет назад +1

    The defense attorney did a good examination but the prosecutor came back at him with a score.

  • @bluejackgirlyx
    @bluejackgirlyx 5 лет назад +2

    @15.25 HERE HE COMES!!!!!

  • @MRR-ef3ds
    @MRR-ef3ds 5 лет назад +4

    The only eye witness-Skylar- reports the baby was alive for 5 minutes and then she buried the baby. If I were the defense I would argue the child died naturally in her arms. They have lost the stillborn case for me.

  • @combatgremlin2188
    @combatgremlin2188 2 года назад

    If I ever kill anyone by accident I am getting that old, gray, terrifying defence laywer guy on my side. He is tearing everyone apart.

  • @safdarakbari
    @safdarakbari 5 лет назад +9

    Why is this defense lawyer being nice to this doctor. Looks like he targetted Dr who conducted the autopsy, kind of an ugly strategy in my view

    • @karenm7449
      @karenm7449 5 лет назад +5

      In the summing up he is going to tell the jury that even with good medical care this baby is likely to have died anyway. Also he said it cannot be proved if it was born dead or alive which means the prosecution cannot prove it's case. The most they are likely to get her for is tampering with a corpse and covering up a death.

    • @maureens100
      @maureens100 5 лет назад +9

      yes.....bully to the forensic pathologist....a WOMAN....

    • @wowlife2169
      @wowlife2169 5 лет назад +12

      He was very rude to the autopsy Dr. Raising his voice, clicking his pen, hitting the podium, flipping papers loudly, huffing, writing loudly into the mike, sarcasm. His whole demeanor changed with this Dr. Hum....

    • @ifellicantgetup
      @ifellicantgetup 5 лет назад +8

      @@wowlife2169 Yep, and to think that old butt hole can't remember titles of witnesses, testimony, correct words, and he can't hear well. Dude needs to retire. I actually like his son, his son seems to be much more on top of things.

    • @youtubecommentpolice2043
      @youtubecommentpolice2043 5 лет назад +4

      @@wowlife2169 because she was not being honest. It u pay attention to the email n her testimony so he treats her like a joke on purpose

  • @annaover60
    @annaover60 5 лет назад +14

    she knew that baby was alive murder

  • @fiegenfiegen
    @fiegenfiegen 4 года назад +4

    The defense attorney is a true filthy snake trying to try to soil expert witnesses' qualification and credibility with questions on old things that have no relation to the case. Attorneys should not be allowed to do these things.

    • @marilynbehan4042
      @marilynbehan4042 2 года назад

      I agree iam so angry that he is allowed to speak to these professional doctors etc in such an obnoxious, derogatory, and disrespectful manner, he is so rude and ignorant he needs to be struck off , who on earth does he think he is 😡

    • @grilledsleaze
      @grilledsleaze 2 года назад

      Are you serious? It is ESSENTIAL that they are able to bring their credibility into question. Did you see any of Amber Heards “expert” witnesses?? I suggest you do so if not.

  • @travitoburrito10
    @travitoburrito10 5 лет назад +1

    What happened to this being live??

    • @franmellor9843
      @franmellor9843 5 лет назад


    • @80slady69
      @80slady69 5 лет назад +1

      It's live on Facebook.

    • @maureens100
      @maureens100 5 лет назад +2

      @@80slady69 on FB....what is it under 80;s lady??? ty

    • @veegee916
      @veegee916 5 лет назад

      How do I watch it live on Facebook?

  • @le1434
    @le1434 5 лет назад +2

    Omg!! How ridiculous is the defense attorney!! Seriously annoying! The way he talks and gets upset about things, I can tell he is just pretending all this reactions to get the attention from the jury, and the funny thing is that I am sure that the jury is hating this old men for that, he is throwing away any chances for this girl to win the case, he should zip it for the rest of the trial!! No one likes him!!

  • @denkat2010
    @denkat2010 5 лет назад +5

    At the very end, and I mean very end, the defense complained about people on the prosecution side of courtroom talking among themselves. I'm going to hold this judge to his word. Remove ANYONE who shows preference or reaction to testimony and that should include Brooke's father (he reacts frequently, when we are able to see and when we are not I'm sure it continues). I wish we could have a split screen with one side on the testimony and the other on the gallery. If the people in charge of camera paid attention then I'm guessing we will see more of the gallery next week.

  • @peggyroberts2468
    @peggyroberts2468 5 лет назад +1

    Wow what is he doing? I have a feeling he is losing his case. I have to get them to change. Hmm I can't believe he is saying that.

  • @14svalde
    @14svalde 5 лет назад +2

    Okay so I have to ask WHO is that bald guy sitting next to the defendant's dad? He ALWAYS smiles when old def attorney is questioning as if the def attorney is making a point. He was worst when old def attorney questioned Dr. Brown. 31:09, but he does it before that too.

    • @gypsydoll14
      @gypsydoll14 4 года назад


  • @14svalde
    @14svalde 5 лет назад

    omgee so my comment below the judge noticed it too I am sure! see 48:00. Way to go judge!

  • @kathleenamatangelo3713
    @kathleenamatangelo3713 5 лет назад +1

    How much did this Expert Witness charge for his work and showing up?

    • @kathleenamatangelo3713
      @kathleenamatangelo3713 5 лет назад +3

      $5,000.00 per day to testify, and $500.00 per hour for research. This is this doctor's first civil case rodeo.

    • @franmellor9843
      @franmellor9843 5 лет назад

      @@kathleenamatangelo3713 kerching

    • @destdan2
      @destdan2 5 лет назад +2

      This is not a civil case

    • @kathleenamatangelo3713
      @kathleenamatangelo3713 5 лет назад

      @@emilyflotilla931 I should have said criminal. Before he only was an expert witness in medical malpractice for the defense.

    • @maltzumom468
      @maltzumom468 5 лет назад +3

      Can you imagine?! $5000 a day is what he “brings in” everyday in his practice! So $25000 a WEEK! Giving him six weeks vacation each year that’s over $1.1 million!! No wonder it’s for insanely expensive for everything related to healthcare!🤯

  • @gypsyqueen411
    @gypsyqueen411 5 лет назад +2

    My question is Where is her Mom? Her Dad is sitting behind her and her Mom was sitting behind her on opening and Day 1. Where is she now? Not very supportive.

    • @Christieinthejourney
      @Christieinthejourney 5 лет назад +1

      Maybe someone has to work to pay for it all!!

    • @kathleenamatangelo3713
      @kathleenamatangelo3713 5 лет назад

      @@emilyflotilla931 Either side can request a witness not be present in the courtroom, even after they are on the stand in case they are recalled.

    • @ifellicantgetup
      @ifellicantgetup 5 лет назад +4

      Mom is not permitted in the courtroom until after she testifies. She has no choice. Nothing to do with support or lack of. She is sitting in the hallway all day. Sounds supportive to me.

    • @blues7160
      @blues7160 5 лет назад

      Mommy was on docket to testify she could not be I Court

  • @rlb209
    @rlb209 2 года назад

    The older defense attorney did NOT help his client at all. He was way to abrasive and I believe the jury did not appreciate that approach. I know I didn’t while watching him.

  • @BBH101
    @BBH101 5 лет назад +13

    Under today's political atmosphere, I am surprised the left are not applauding this girl's actions.

    • @80slady69
      @80slady69 5 лет назад +4

      As Teddy said *"Lunatic Fringe."* That's what comes to mind when I think about the left.

    • @feurigerStern
      @feurigerStern 5 лет назад +1

      Are you serious?

    • @Lynda25252
      @Lynda25252 5 лет назад +7

      This comment is precisely the problem with the US. Nothing can just be about the agregious actions of an individual, there is always some disgraceful political commentary. Regardless of your political affiliation this case is not about the left or the right, it is about a terrible tragedy. I feel sad for the people of the US.
      Also, your ignorance is appalling, no one on the left is either applauding killing one's baby or still birth's. Why you would think that shows your complete lack of education.

    • @debbiemacphail5404
      @debbiemacphail5404 5 лет назад +3

      Of course the left are applauding killing babies, they now want to be able to kill them right at birth, that's been on the news for the last few months.

    • @BBH101
      @BBH101 5 лет назад +2

      @@Lynda25252 I am ignorant? Have you paid attention to what the left promotes these days? Obviously not!

  • @germojulia
    @germojulia 5 лет назад +1

    First, what was she going to do had the baby NOT been stillborn?
    Second, not to judge, but from the 1st interrogation it seems she has the mother from hell. The body language of all 3 screams dysfunction. I'm also trying to grapple with Skyler not leaving the baby wrapped in the towel when she buried her. When folks from the OB/GYN were testifying, I thought I heard Dr. Andrews and the Medical Assistant testify that the birth control prescription had already been called in prior to the pregnancy test and after the positive result the Dr. had given instructions for the birth control prescription to be rescinded.

    • @brandosuedavison5131
      @brandosuedavison5131 5 лет назад +1

      Julia Harman I have been wondering the same thing. What was that girl going to do with the baby? Put it on someone’s door step? And why would she take Birth control when she knew she was pregnant?

    • @germojulia
      @germojulia 5 лет назад

      Brando&Sue Davison, Apparently she didn't know any better.
      unbelievable how naive and generally unifomed she was/is!!!!!!

    • @MsStephanieJane32
      @MsStephanieJane32 2 года назад

      @@brandosuedavison5131 It sounds like a self abortion attempt

  • @benhutton342
    @benhutton342 5 лет назад +2

    Even if she did, it's not that much different to an abortion. She has suffered enough, LET HER GO!

    • @Nikki30288
      @Nikki30288 5 лет назад +1

      It does bring up Roe vs Wade, doesn't it ?

  • @kchedden1
    @kchedden1 5 лет назад

    This lawyer cannot pronounce morbidity and accurate????

  • @youtubecommentpolice2043
    @youtubecommentpolice2043 5 лет назад +1

    Eating disorder,?

    • @youtubecommentpolice2043
      @youtubecommentpolice2043 5 лет назад

      @Jennifer Lynne I'm entitled to ask what I want. This young girl had enough emotional issues to begin with and from the start of this nightmare ice not heard anything about that until trial. I was a little taken back by it. It was obvious there's alot of mental issues based on emotional abuse ....and those parents.... I'm allowed to say...ask..think....n post what I choose. it was just shocking first time I heard it after 2+ yrs. Have a good night Jen

    • @veegee916
      @veegee916 5 лет назад

      She is both anorexic and bulemic...

  • @gagagoose2878
    @gagagoose2878 3 года назад

    I think the father part of the defense team is very arrogant. So far, he has questioned most of the witnesses rather than his son, who is, I assume, as competent. The father has a creepy voice, has problems with the visual technology, mispronounces words and sighs and pants through his questions.

  • @CW1971
    @CW1971 2 года назад

    WTF is heighth?

  • @Fee212
    @Fee212 5 лет назад +3

    I' m staggered by this guy's daily fees. He gets $5000! OMG! (3 month's salary for a UK RN.) And his eagerness to spit on the credibility and reputation of another doctor. In the UK they mostly stick up for, and support one another.

    • @denkat2010
      @denkat2010 5 лет назад +7

      I'm wondering if this is your first trial involving the medical community. ALL good experts cost a lot of money. This doctor is testifying that he disagrees with the defense expert. They know each other. I'm sure he's surprised that the Dr. you are accusing him of "spitting" on made the statements he did in his report. We'll have to wait and see if that Dr. (the one who's reputation you are concerned about) actually testifies and the prosecution can ask him how much he charged to do the same thing this Dr. did. The bottom line in this case, so far, is, we have a woman who gave birth to a baby she did not want and tried to hide from EVERYONE. She lied to everyone from police to her parents, including the Dr. she went to trying to get birth control pills (what does a pregnant woman need birth control for?). I believe, and I may be proven wrong by the jury, she is lying to this day. She's very good at lying. According to her parents she does it all the time.

    • @maureens100
      @maureens100 5 лет назад +4

      this doctor is UNDER OATH....he has to tell the truth....and the truth is...Dr. White lied....some people have dignity and integrity and tell the truth...regardless of who he knows..

    • @ifellicantgetup
      @ifellicantgetup 5 лет назад +2

      Actually, that is pretty cheap. It is not at all unusual for it to be around $35K.

    • @ifellicantgetup
      @ifellicantgetup 5 лет назад +4

      BTW... I am a nurse as well. Seriously? He should stick up for another doctor even when the other doctor factually wrong? And he is. I'd love to know what HE charges per hour. I'll bet you a dollar it is more than this doctor.
      I don't know about you guys over there but in the US we are fighting tooth and nail to get doctors to STOP dishonesty and the good 'ol boy's club. We are fighting to make them honest. Glad to be on this side of that issue vs. your side.

    • @veegee916
      @veegee916 5 лет назад

      Things are different in America! That's why all your rock stars come here once they get money...Lower taxes and better opportunities...

  • @chocltelvr
    @chocltelvr 5 лет назад +1

    I keep looking for her mom. Just see her dad. Looks like her grandpa.