Lost in Time: Exploring a 120 Year-Old NYC Townhouse

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 573

  • @bonniepwtf
    @bonniepwtf Год назад +59

    This may be my favorite of all the places you've shown in the years I have been watching you. Absolutely beautiful, all the overhead light fixtures were works of art. That giant round burner on the stove in the middle is something we all need. The outside space and views were terrific. You and Steffen captured it all, thanks.

    • @sinash
      @sinash Год назад +3

      I couldn't agree with you more! This is just a stunning property and Cash (along with Steffen) captured it all! Cash got the "money-shot" with this one!

    • @bonniepwtf
      @bonniepwtf Год назад +1

      @@sinash Good morning Sinash. Yay, we are on the same page today. That basement could easily become a workout room💪
      I just loved it. Let's not forget the moat!!!!🐡

    • @sinash
      @sinash Год назад +1

      @@bonniepwtf Good morning, darling. I'd say that we're in agreement on most days and those days when we aren't are just "teaching moments" for me. I look at it as just seeing another view from another perspective which could enhance or possibly even change my point of view.

    • @MamaCarola1
      @MamaCarola1 Год назад +1

      I absolutely LOVED that stove! The fact that it was so massive & had that huge middle burner....& can we talk about the color? Stunning! & everything just went 2gether so nicely. Nothing over the top tacky at all

    • @bonniepwtf
      @bonniepwtf Год назад +1

      @@MamaCarola1 It was perfect, first one I have seen like it. Gorgeous, never thought I'd use that word to describe a stove.☺️

  • @0Ciju0
    @0Ciju0 Год назад +19

    This is one of the most beautiful places you've shown. Screams class and taste.

    • @653j521
      @653j521 Год назад +2

      Class and taste do NOT scream. :)

  • @benjaminniemczyk
    @benjaminniemczyk Год назад +96

    This house is nicely-done. So many gutted homes in NYC are not. They are shadow designs of their former glory, but this one--somehow--elevates the original experience. Bravi to all!

  • @Mori
    @Mori Год назад +133

    Love the content Cash. You're my favorite NYC based creator at the moment. Great stuff brother.

  • @starla.
    @starla. Год назад +12

    Thank you for the tour of this lovely home, Cash. And thank you for not slamming doors here. (Whew!)

  • @auroratorres7873
    @auroratorres7873 9 месяцев назад +1

    This is an absolutely gorgeous townhouse. If I owned it, I would never rent it to anyone! I love Cash's sense of humor. He is the reason that I see all his videos to the end!

  • @rongendron8705
    @rongendron8705 Год назад +26

    I went to High School in Manhattan, from '59 to '63 & there were still a lot of family owned townhouses, then!
    But, to see a home like this magnificent one, still existing 60 years later, is mind boggling! It reminded me of
    Jack Lemmon's Manhattan townhouse, in the movie, "How to Murder Your wife", where he 'shut out' the
    cacophony of New York City, until his butler opened his bedroom doors to outside, massive construction!

  • @lizjoyce4846
    @lizjoyce4846 Год назад +7

    Love love love love love love this beautiful home! Thanks for the showing.

  • @theoriginalbridgetconnors
    @theoriginalbridgetconnors Год назад +15

    Cash, that place is worth every single penny! It is absolutely gorgeous. I fell in love with it the moment I saw that stove.😊
    If it wasn't for the fact it is way out of my price range and my knees couldn't handle all those steps i would be signing the lease right now.
    Bravo for showing this! 👏👏👏👏👏

  • @KarinLynnBates
    @KarinLynnBates Год назад +120

    This is a very luxurious place. The decor looks like it’s about 20-25 years old and slightly dated but it is clearly top of the line and ever-classic. Incredible.

    • @csxcobracsxcobra334
      @csxcobracsxcobra334 Год назад +2

      like you could afford better, or updated.

    • @Zezam_
      @Zezam_ Год назад +17

      I dont get peoples obsession with always having new stuff?

    • @josephsf2452
      @josephsf2452 Год назад +1

      the kitchen is VERY dated with the exception of the stove.

    • @bill90405
      @bill90405 Год назад +4

      If its ever-classic then how can it be dated?

    • @grahamsmith6210
      @grahamsmith6210 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@Zezam_ it's a suburbanite complaint

  • @theCPRgals
    @theCPRgals Год назад +17

    This is the best residence I have seen on your videos.
    I love the old style - modern does nothing for me.
    This is more of a home than and apartment.
    But $25,000 a month?
    That is about what I make a year, if I am lucky.
    To whomever rents this place - Enjoy!

  • @vincentnnyc
    @vincentnnyc Год назад +6

    Cash: u are the hardest youtube vlogger that i know. Putting a new video everyday!

  • @marysander36
    @marysander36 Год назад +21

    This is absolutely beautiful! Someone has great taste. Call it outdated all you want, I wouldn't hesitate to own up to it! I prefer country living, but if I was a city slicker, this is definitely what I would go for. Oh, and if I had the money. Almost forgot that part

  • @patriciapankow1774
    @patriciapankow1774 Год назад +22

    Beautiful place. Decorating is superb, neighborhood amazing. I'm in.

    • @reddwarf4278
      @reddwarf4278 Год назад +1

      Me too. Now we just need to find 23 other people with $1000.00/month and we're good to go 😅

  • @envyvicious
    @envyvicious Год назад +6

    I'm in love with the kitchen. That range is gorgeous!

  • @sinash
    @sinash Год назад +20

    Well... I LOVED THIS!!! I was so overwhelmed that I had to stop the video to just catch my breath ever so often! This is absolutely one of the very few properties that I have seen on this channel of which I would say is worth every nickel of that $25K/month rent! I could be QUITE comfortable here! FANTASTIC renovation and interiors! The owner(s) and team did an EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, job here! I was sold on the active working dumb waiter but that was only the beginning of my many "oooh's and ahhh's" That laundry room... just so much. So much, much, more... Fabulous! Just simply FABULOUS!

    • @bonniepwtf
      @bonniepwtf Год назад +3

      I had to stop myself too, I could have gone on and on. That laundry room, huge and bright, wouldn't feel like I was stuffed in a closet in there folding clothes.😁

    • @MamaCarola1
      @MamaCarola1 Год назад +1

      You know, there were 2 things that did surprise me with the renovations. They didn't try to install an elevator. Also on the top floor they didn't bother to at least add a 1/2 bath. Surprising since this was an "add-on" floor. But those aren't deal breakers really.

    • @sinash
      @sinash Год назад +2

      @@MamaCarola1 : Oh, gosh! I couldn't have taken an elevator. That would have forced me to go to the streets to pick up bottles and cans to help me cover the $25K/month rent!

    • @MamaCarola1
      @MamaCarola1 Год назад +1

      @@sinash you would be the most stylish can collector in the city unless you were totally covered up in a biohazard suit lol

    • @sinash
      @sinash Год назад +2

      @@MamaCarola1 What's that old idiom? "Never judge a book by its cover"? Yep, I sure nuff' would be stylish, but I'd need to be collecting those bottles and cans to help cover that rent!

  • @liizzset
    @liizzset Год назад +9

    This is a beautiful interior of a townhouse. I love the colour scheme too. And love the ideas they implemented throughout the apartment. Well, what was explained in this video. Thanks for another video about apartments Cash.

  • @historiascuriosas-ix1uv
    @historiascuriosas-ix1uv Год назад +1

    Me espanta, es como.una antigualla, super oscuro, nada luminoso, rancio y anticuado, ni aunque tuviera dinero lo alquilaría ni lo compraría, amo las casas modernas , luminosas , prácticas y nuevas, por muy histórico que sea no lo querría ni regalado

  • @jenniferlampley8397
    @jenniferlampley8397 Год назад +5

    I do believe this one is so well decorated, such good taste. ❤ . So so nice.

  • @amyyoshikawa7698
    @amyyoshikawa7698 Год назад +10

    Hi Cash and to your friend this is a beautiful vintage townhouse. It looks great for a 120 year old townhouse in NYC. I like the vintage decor inside. Stay well and safe 👍😀

  • @nonaeubinis4934
    @nonaeubinis4934 Год назад +5

    I woke up a little early this morning and thought. Oh, darn, no Cash Jordan this morning. But here you are! Good morning, Mr. Jordan.🌄

  • @EliseArtology
    @EliseArtology Год назад +11

    Just beautiful...I cannot imagine living in such an extraordinary home. It's perfect!

  • @SP-ki5gn
    @SP-ki5gn Год назад +25

    Steffen's got great presence, should be in the movies!

    • @Yah-Yah733
      @Yah-Yah733 Год назад +8

      Just say he’s fine as hell because I did 😍🤣

    • @MrStar700
      @MrStar700 Год назад +1

      @@Yah-Yah733That sweater was made for him….lol.
      Yea he’s fine. 😅

    • @steffenkralny
      @steffenkralny Год назад +3

      Thank you 😊

  • @washburn9999
    @washburn9999 Год назад +4

    "party like it's 1987" you crack me up....great video as usual...

  • @Mom2my4blessings
    @Mom2my4blessings Год назад +13

    It’s an amazing home! I usually think everything in NYC is way overpriced but this is worth it. I could never afford it but it’s beautiful.

  • @planningpersonlaidbackdeep1273
    @planningpersonlaidbackdeep1273 Год назад +4

    This house made me cry 😮 amazing.

  • @patriciafuchs5970
    @patriciafuchs5970 Год назад +5

    Wow, that house is a testament to luxury and good taste.

  • @thebudgetingbaker2023
    @thebudgetingbaker2023 Год назад +36

    I am not usually impressed with the apartments in NY..but this is ABSOLUTELY stunning! I am in awe! I can only dream!

  • @kathy3178
    @kathy3178 Год назад +139

    This place is stunning. It is well worth the 25K rent. I love how the previous owners didn't turn it into a cookie cutter and kept the character.

    • @Judge3366
      @Judge3366 Год назад +28

      😂😂😂😂😂😂😂a rent price probably no one can afford isn't worth it no matter how nice the place is

    • @lights_utopia1130
      @lights_utopia1130 Год назад +5

      @@Judge3366Actually a quite a few people could afford it but only in the top 1% category so maybe one day you can live there to if you slave away!!

    • @653j521
      @653j521 Год назад +5

      @@Judge3366 It's probably already gone.

    • @paddyolten4031
      @paddyolten4031 Год назад +1

      It costs so much to maintain this townhouse. Unless you are super loaded so buying a chanel bag is like going to McDonald, otherwise don't bother…..

    • @LoveandLightHK
      @LoveandLightHK Год назад

      @@Judge3366 I can afford it. But I don't like that area nor have a need to be in NYC for a year. BUT, the price is definitely fair.

  • @dianecarlberg8002
    @dianecarlberg8002 Год назад +4

    Absolutely gorgeous Cash!!!

  • @1NikkiNewJersey
    @1NikkiNewJersey Год назад +11

    You hit a home run with this, that house is so beautiful and luxurious, keep them coming 😀

  • @cammiemr5172
    @cammiemr5172 Год назад +6

    Amazing!! Ah, to have lots of money!❤😊

  • @MamaCarola1
    @MamaCarola1 Год назад +32

    This place is stunning! You can tell that when the owners renovated they spared no expense. It had to be hundreds of thousands of dollars. That stove is magnificent! & a sub zero fridge? Entering right in2 the kitchen was a bit surprising tho, but look at all the new apartments that have that feature & this isn't 1 of those "kitchens on a wall". So much room & outdoor space in midtown! I'd say the price is definitely correct for what you're getting. We've seen other places for that amount & nowhere near as nice as this.

    • @sinash
      @sinash Год назад +3

      RIGHT? "I'm "Sinash" and I definitely agree and support your post!

    • @LoveandLightHK
      @LoveandLightHK Год назад +3

      A few mill went into that reno a decade or so back.

  • @charlotteforrester3118
    @charlotteforrester3118 Год назад +2

    The most beautiful and majestic place! Simply stunning! ❤❤❤❤

  • @calisoul1326
    @calisoul1326 Год назад +3

    Wow Cash.... This is living. Thanks for sharing

  • @nickj12
    @nickj12 Год назад +2

    Gorgeous. Charming. Homey and cozy looking despite they size. Great place.

  • @heathersheartco
    @heathersheartco Год назад +5

    I love seeing all the colorful business near this residence.

  • @suzannahmontreal1051
    @suzannahmontreal1051 Год назад +2

    I love the old fashion feel of this place, I wouldn't change a thing. The last terrace with the incredible view is to die for but when I saw the poêle/fourneau I knew it was a La Cornue the masterpiece of European kitchen appliances. It feels like Christmas today thanks to you Cash you're the bestest 🪄✨️

  • @sanydeemyers1729
    @sanydeemyers1729 Год назад +1

    Just around the corner from work. I should never be late.

  • @suepeer3078
    @suepeer3078 Год назад +4

    OMG! That place is beautiful! If I had the money I would rent it in a heartbeat

  • @kitsiewr
    @kitsiewr 10 месяцев назад

    Finally, FINALLY - a lovely place that hasn't
    been "updated" into a gutted white charmless hospital ward!!! Imagine - actual rooms - and warm color everywhere!!!

  • @AnnGoldberg-t4c
    @AnnGoldberg-t4c Год назад +5

    What a gorgeous place!

  • @t.kersten7695
    @t.kersten7695 Год назад +12

    this house has so many secret little places and details. things like this aren´t made anymore nowadays.

  • @ericsimonson5852
    @ericsimonson5852 Год назад +38

    The owners who remodeled this place have a lot of class. The only thing I would change if I owned it would be to have more bookshelves.

    • @sintay8002
      @sintay8002 Год назад +2

      If I actually read books I’d agree… maybe comics

    • @josephhodges9819
      @josephhodges9819 11 месяцев назад

      I would like that but only if they were electric recessed bookshelves so when I have a party they are hidden.

    • @nanoflower1
      @nanoflower1 8 месяцев назад

      I would just convert one of the rooms to nothing but books.

  • @rakeanomander1
    @rakeanomander1 Год назад +3

    Actually, yes! The price is right on. Perfect! Finally a place that would suit my needs, level of taste.

  • @ericalampley480
    @ericalampley480 Год назад +7

    This is beautifully done. And worth the price, I think.

  • @chrislastnam6822
    @chrislastnam6822 Год назад +4

    I like the architecture and the many outdoor terraces. I bet it's even better on a sunny day. The only thing I would want is more color on the walls and in the tiles in the bathrooms. I'm glad Cash Jordan is finally showing us something other than cookie cutter apts with white everywhere.

  • @jenniferlampley8397
    @jenniferlampley8397 Год назад +2

    Thank you once again, you always lift my spirits ❤

  • @user-vm5ud4xw6n
    @user-vm5ud4xw6n Год назад +3

    The whole place is unbelievably gorgeous and I love the chandelier in the formal dining room! Breathtaking. They need to make a koi pond out of the moat! That would be awesome

  • @mompreneurlife
    @mompreneurlife Год назад +2

    It's been a while since we visited NYC. Looks like it's time to go back. Thanks for the great visit!

  • @mamadag8616
    @mamadag8616 Год назад +4

    Beautiful! I am surprised there is no elevator for all those floors. I cannot believe that was in the middle of the city. Must be a spectacular view in the evening!

  • @oscarmadison8530
    @oscarmadison8530 Год назад +6

    Steffen is cool,I like this place. Plus,with a La Cornue and Subzero refrigerator,yeah,I'd live there.

  • @mrpeel3239
    @mrpeel3239 Год назад +1

    Perfection! Great nabe, plus most of those townhouses have their garden spaces.

  • @Leelee...
    @Leelee... Год назад +2

    Absolutely gorgeous place, from the basement to the penthouse.

  • @shockerallstar
    @shockerallstar Год назад +1

    Love the video Cash. I live in rural MN and will never leave but love visiting NY. Thanks for the great tour!

  • @whitneybrown4067
    @whitneybrown4067 Год назад +3

    This is Gonna b so Cool CJ🔥🔥🔥👍n Happy Thursday😀….

  • @friedhelmrosner8216
    @friedhelmrosner8216 Год назад +3

    breathtaking standard Illuminating Engineering

  • @vickiblausey8349
    @vickiblausey8349 Год назад +1

    That place is BEAUTIFUL!! The price is a BANG for your buck for sure!! So worth it!!

  • @gerardguida7727
    @gerardguida7727 Год назад

    This place is Gorgeous.... fresh paint and wallpaper and some beautiful furniture and your good to go!! This place stands the 'Test of Time'❤

  • @michellejackson7293
    @michellejackson7293 Год назад +1

    This place is amazing now that living

  • @christaverduren690
    @christaverduren690 Год назад +1

    The neighborhood reminds me of NYC in the late 80s to mid 90s. I love it.

  • @awesomeadamfrom2099
    @awesomeadamfrom2099 Год назад +4

    Awesome job cash see you on Sunday

  • @davidhunternyc1
    @davidhunternyc1 Год назад +1

    It's a warm and cozy home but you've got to love BEIGE !!!

  • @lisamcdonald9792
    @lisamcdonald9792 Год назад +11

    House is stunning! Brings luxury to another level! God Bless anyone who can financially afford to live there.

  • @CPATuttle
    @CPATuttle Год назад +4

    This house never ends

  • @PaulRubino
    @PaulRubino Год назад +3

    Another great video, Cash.👍

  • @sueweatherby3729
    @sueweatherby3729 Год назад +7

    I would take that, no questions asked - if it had a little elevator. I'm past my days when schellping up several floosrs is of no concern. But I loved what they did with the place: they really respected the style and era of the building. I wonder what the asking price would be if was to be sold.

  • @TROTHofficial
    @TROTHofficial Год назад +1

    Without a doubt, one of *your best house tours* ever! Very nice indeed.
    Now, I have a challenge for *you* ! Tour us around in an original apartment in the *Dakota* building, New York. In loving memory of *Rosemary's Baby* !

  • @hummers7342
    @hummers7342 Год назад +1

    This is beautiful. Love every light fixture.

  • @nerdbot37
    @nerdbot37 Год назад +2

    Wow. Just wow.

  • @bkm2797
    @bkm2797 Год назад +1

    Amazing how some people live, really makes you wonder.
    Thanks Cash

  • @vickilawrence7207
    @vickilawrence7207 5 месяцев назад

    Wow! I can’t imagine living in this fantastic apt! It’s gorgeous!

  • @justjane2070
    @justjane2070 Год назад +2

    Such good taste. Beautiful 😍

  • @traceyfreeman5784
    @traceyfreeman5784 Год назад +1

    Gorgeous place. Thanks for letting me dream for a few minutes.

  • @notoriousfierce
    @notoriousfierce Год назад +1

    Old money apartment. Lovely!

  • @mikefinley4367
    @mikefinley4367 Год назад

    Appreciate someone keeping the architecture alive and adding to it in a complimentary way. Favor the entry, stairways, kitchen. Basically The hint of darker tones of rich Tuscany with a balance of ,often day. The interior designer gets two thumbs up from a very picky old cuss.

  • @vickilawrence7207
    @vickilawrence7207 5 месяцев назад

    I got a true lol moment when you said, “ I will sign up for Amway!” That was a brilliant response! You’re hysterical sometimes with your witty remarks! lol! 😂😅🤣

  • @andydrew3320
    @andydrew3320 Год назад

    Out of everything I love the scrambling of digits hahaha that’s amazing

  • @dazchu1899
    @dazchu1899 Год назад +1

    Wow, this place is amazing, love it

  • @reighn80
    @reighn80 Год назад +1

    That top floor is👏👏🫡I love it!!!!

  • @williamgildea8348
    @williamgildea8348 Год назад +1

    This is one of my favorite homes I’ve seen on your channel.

  • @Riposte821
    @Riposte821 Год назад +2

    St Agnes Church is right next to that 99c Pizza store as well. Beautiful parish with great history and tradition!

    • @ohmightywez
      @ohmightywez Год назад +1

      All of our parishes in Los Angeles is relatively new and looks very Un-Catholic. The absolute worst travesty was the closing of the original cathedral, St. Bibiana's which was stunning, and replacing it with a hideous, cold as death, hideously angular and modern Cathedral. If nobody told you it was a church, you'd think it was a museum of modern art.

    • @Riposte821
      @Riposte821 Год назад

      @@ohmightywez that’s so sad to hear! Doesn’t get more Catholic than St. Agnes! Come visit it when you come to NYC. Also St Ignacius Loyola on 84th St (truly gorgeous). I hope this madness ends soon!

  • @dsparks149
    @dsparks149 Год назад +3

    Beautiful I love it ❤❤

  • @mgunny05
    @mgunny05 Год назад +1

    THIS place……on my “I won the lotto!” list….very nice

  • @kencase2179
    @kencase2179 Год назад +1

    I LOVE this townhouse!

  • @Stanley-px3bt
    @Stanley-px3bt Год назад +11

    I want to live in this Townhouse, and spend evenings reading the works of Edgar Allan Poe by the fireplace.

  • @mitchellbarnow1709
    @mitchellbarnow1709 Год назад +1

    5:43 The handle in front is for filtered water.

  • @thequestionis2113
    @thequestionis2113 Год назад +1

    Just beautiful I would not change anything 💞💞💞💞

  • @izzy1563
    @izzy1563 Год назад

    Super family home. Classic NYC look.

  • @prissilou
    @prissilou Год назад +1

    Now this one, Cash, is as you say....MONEY!!!!!! Between the townhouse, the location, the shops, and the restaurants, what more could you ask for?

  • @aye3678
    @aye3678 Год назад +1

    Stepping on all those carpets with shoes. Yikes. Aside from that, what a lovely home. Absolutely massive!

  • @leiilima808
    @leiilima808 Год назад +1

    I love this townhouse💖💖💖

  • @annebutler2648
    @annebutler2648 Год назад +2

    wow,love it.

  • @3618499
    @3618499 Год назад

    😄 (lol) “ HILARIOUS!… Cash is speaking Truth with such great humor. I could listen to Him, all day long. ”

  • @ekokusumo4583
    @ekokusumo4583 Год назад

    Great house. More content like this. Classic and time appropriate

  • @georgemallory401
    @georgemallory401 Год назад +3

    This house is beautiful with every upgrade appliances one could hope for. Cash, you have never heard the word banquette? Best kind of seating table

    • @kiliipower355
      @kiliipower355 Год назад

      In Germany we call it "Eckbank"
      Was out of vogue for a while, but is coming back.

  • @flower-up1tx
    @flower-up1tx Год назад +2

    Wow 5minutes ago fresh video Ilike apt with bathtubs have a great thursday😅😅😅😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @jamaramonet5020
    @jamaramonet5020 Год назад

    Cash your videos are awesome! Well done!

  • @donnamcknight3584
    @donnamcknight3584 Год назад

    A time capsule! Absolutely beautiful!!

  • @epicmatt3467
    @epicmatt3467 Год назад +2

    Cool neighborhood; beautiful house; I need that stove =)