2023 Prophetic Word: The Time is Short | Bobby Conner

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 120

  • @realdeal8779
    @realdeal8779 Год назад +47

    I believe Bobby is a true prophet of God❤ May the Lord continue to use him🙏

    • @johnnyyuma4194
      @johnnyyuma4194 Год назад +2

      Question ...I may have been left behind A lady next door in a motel 6 last night kept screaming OH GOD OH GOD IM COMING IM Coming OVER AND OVER.

    • @liparitpoladyan4383
      @liparitpoladyan4383 Год назад +1

      Please no his not don't be deceived.

    • @realdeal8779
      @realdeal8779 Год назад

      @@liparitpoladyan4383 why? What is he doing that you don’t agree with? I don’t get where you are coming from?

    • @liparitpoladyan4383
      @liparitpoladyan4383 Год назад +1

      @realdeal8779 he never preach salvation, he just talks about his encounters that is not even true and is outside the Bible what he sees or hear.

    • @realdeal8779
      @realdeal8779 Год назад +4

      @@liparitpoladyan4383 I would recommend that you see his ministry.

  • @tammyweber5475
    @tammyweber5475 Год назад +18

    I love talk show's so awesome that there is now one for Christians. Better than a church service. Thank you God for doing a new thing 😁

  • @TroyBlack
    @TroyBlack Год назад +18

    Yes, purity is critical, and it’s available through belief in Christ.

    • @lydiaharding8641
      @lydiaharding8641 Год назад

      We have a new heart, a new identity. To be made righteous means, that sin no longer lives in us, so it no longer can rule over us. In believing the truth of being made new in the inside, grace will empower us to live as the ones we already are. Dan Mohler preaches a lot about this freedom, and the book from Mark Greenwood "Awake to Righteousness" is a wonderful eye opener. From striving to live holy to believe that we already are made new and are holy, leads with Holy Spirit help to all lifestyle of holiness.

    • @Gods-Ambassador
      @Gods-Ambassador Год назад

      Agreed brother 💯

  • @dublinbirdhanson1232
    @dublinbirdhanson1232 Год назад +28

    I'm always so encouraged by this beautiful servant of God Bobby Conner !

  • @joannayow8045
    @joannayow8045 Год назад +18

    Bobby Connor nailed it! Thats what God showed me constantly till this day - purity!! Praise God for the same word. Amen

  • @babygerviebauer3636
    @babygerviebauer3636 Год назад +17

    By Him, thru Him, and in Him, we are unstoppable. Thank You, Lord Jesus.

  • @lynneabbott2409
    @lynneabbott2409 11 месяцев назад

    Watching from Ontario Canada 🇨🇦

  • @joanneyow8034
    @joanneyow8034 Год назад +13

    When I heard Bobby said purity, I went bingo!! That has been the word I been hearing since 2020, it has not changed! The other word - we need to get real militant.... that's something I heard too... I can see restoration already... and my fav.... John 15:5.... everything in me screams amen!!! That's the bride I know God is raising!! God is good and He always confirm His words! Thank you Jesus and the team!

  • @matilderodriguez1603
    @matilderodriguez1603 Год назад +3

    Years ago Prophet B.C. Impact my life than change completely my Christianity, THE WORD OF GOD

  • @marleenwalaitis9542
    @marleenwalaitis9542 Год назад +12

    I love listening to Bobby Conner!

  • @angelacombs2328
    @angelacombs2328 Год назад +2

    Preach Bobby, Love You, Believe All You Are Speaking. Get Born Again, Acts 2:37-39 In Jesus Name Amen ♥️🙏

  • @lenawagner6405
    @lenawagner6405 Год назад +2

    Thanx for sharing the love and grace of the Lord Almighty, Amen and blessings to all on earth!

  • @Song-uh2dk
    @Song-uh2dk Год назад +8

    Prophet Bobby Connor is uniquely one of a kind in this world with a good sense of humour. Enjoy very much his awesome sermons May Lord God Almighty use him mightily in Jesus Christ glorious and beautiful name! Amen! Amen! Amen!

  • @aspinallsandy4810
    @aspinallsandy4810 Год назад +9

    Wow, he is sooo spirit filled, it just overflows , what a joy to listen to him, Blessings to all

  • @cheryldaymont9770
    @cheryldaymont9770 Год назад +2

    Thank you for this encouraging message

  • @FetchTheGoodness
    @FetchTheGoodness Год назад +4

    In the beginning... all I heard was Dad jokes and I said, "UGH'. I've never heard of Bobby before and almost clicked away. I was soooo thankful I kept listening. This is actually brilliant.

    • @FetchTheGoodness
      @FetchTheGoodness Год назад

      @@brightskyfireworksuk thats an interesting assessment to a total stranger. I found it entertaining only, but thanks for your concern.

  • @rebeccawalkup5683
    @rebeccawalkup5683 Год назад +1

    I need to meet you, sir! Wow! Absolutely lovely!

  • @melindabruns2189
    @melindabruns2189 Год назад +1

    What’s beautiful show

  • @blessedhana8092
    @blessedhana8092 Год назад +4

    Wow he is so full of the word of God.

  • @suzeyc5301
    @suzeyc5301 Год назад +4

    This was quite a show and I enjoyed every minute of it, especially Prophet Bobby Connor ~ Hallelujah !!! Praise God !!!

  • @rickeystinson6014
    @rickeystinson6014 Год назад +2


  • @judsjo
    @judsjo Год назад +1

    God bless your Prophet Bibby Connor. Bobby's whole life will make you cry with laughter

  • @beachluver149
    @beachluver149 Год назад +2

    Bobby is such a gift and a blessing. Thank you sir for your dedication and service

  • @pam6243
    @pam6243 Год назад +7

    This is great! A little weird, but I like it and gotta love Bobby Conner.

  • @scottfranson4215
    @scottfranson4215 Год назад +4

    JOhn 15:5 . This just showed up on my YT ,,, How Cool is that .I was hesitant ,but knew I could change it fast if it was mockery . I do admire, Bobby Conner & Family . Faithness & Love for the Body of Christ is endless. Joy Joy Joy In Him

  • @his4evr2c
    @his4evr2c 7 месяцев назад

    GOOD job Sirs

  • @patriciahunt3663
    @patriciahunt3663 Год назад +3

    The intro sounds like a celebrity game show.😏

  • @michelestanek2350
    @michelestanek2350 Год назад +1

    Amen. So good. Thank you for all the words of truth and encouragement.

  • @wheneaglesfly4817
    @wheneaglesfly4817 Год назад +3

    Bobby, Your joy cup is so full and running over! Thanks guys for sharing! Purity! Ive been living it and experiencing God more everyday. Amen!

  • @bc4306
    @bc4306 Год назад +2

    Awesome, Charlotte has BOTH truth & whit 🎉 Bobby is a national treasure.

  • @bobnwashington
    @bobnwashington Год назад +1

    I like Darin, I watch SRC on Sundays.

  • @patriciaowens3479
    @patriciaowens3479 Год назад +1

    God bless you and yours 🙏😊

  • @daretobedifferentministriesabq
    @daretobedifferentministriesabq Год назад +1

    Gooood word. Thank you

  • @nokafisher2771
    @nokafisher2771 Год назад +2

    Gods journal become my journey 🙏😇💪😎❤💚

  • @krissypet386
    @krissypet386 Год назад +2

    Wallawallawombaaa!!! Your Dad Darrell would be so proud of you Darren! He brought me into the kingdom! I miss him!

    • @krissypet386
      @krissypet386 Год назад

      I loved your album too…psalm 23, so peaceful 😊

  • @patriciae8917
    @patriciae8917 Год назад +1

    Wonderful Jesus. Thank you. My God is faithful to deliver my lineage. 🙏🔥

  • @desigreen9580
    @desigreen9580 Год назад +1


  • @Massiel_antonia_8
    @Massiel_antonia_8 Год назад +5

    This was such an amazing show! New subscriber! ❤

  • @patriciaasaylor5835
    @patriciaasaylor5835 Год назад +1

    Sick Chicken 😮

  • @NoraRichardson-r1n
    @NoraRichardson-r1n Год назад

    I am coming against the interruptions of commercials when
    the Holy Spirit is showing me valuable

  • @sunnyelizabeth2910
    @sunnyelizabeth2910 Год назад +1

    This is fantastic...haha!

  • @regisandjody393
    @regisandjody393 Год назад +1

    I feel like I'm watching Mr Rogers on steroids for Adults 😂 loved it. ❤

  • @yejeongkim565
    @yejeongkim565 Год назад +1

    I dont fully understand the signed original part. Can anyone help explain?

  • @janetbillingsley950
    @janetbillingsley950 Год назад +3

    Great show! We need comedy too!

  • @rosalynfayemartin4027
    @rosalynfayemartin4027 Год назад +2


  • @calebcosman
    @calebcosman Год назад +1

    Love it!

  • @iDelta77
    @iDelta77 Год назад +1


  • @Ruvastln-gw9oc
    @Ruvastln-gw9oc Год назад +1

    Dearest Brother Conner: How is your cool grandson doing? Much love.....paloma

  • @funktrain77
    @funktrain77 Год назад +1

    Don't. Stop. Otherwise I'm gonna have a sad face, and we can't have that.

  • @Daniel12.4Ministry
    @Daniel12.4Ministry Год назад +1

    What a show, the greatest show on earth. Should I give applause now or shall I cry for all those who think that this show is more than simply show,? Did you make enough money with this show or will you continue to bring forth more shows to grow your fortunes and your fame?
    Here is the judgment:
    You shall go down to the water but it will be dried up. You shall thirst and not be satisfied. You will call out but there will be no one that hears you. For God does not hear the prayers of sinners.
    You will cry out in desperation and your cries will be in vain. But the day will come when you will stand before the judgment seat of God and he will judge you for every thing that you had done in this life, and for each and every soul that you mislead. And then you will hear those terrible words spoken to you, DEPART FROM ME, I DO NOT KNOW YOU, DESCEND INTO THE ABYSS WHERE THERE SHALL BE WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH; GO NOW UNTO THE EVERLASTING FIRE.

  • @LizelleGrobler
    @LizelleGrobler Год назад +1


  • @matilderodriguez1603
    @matilderodriguez1603 Год назад

    Prophet Bobby I’m trying to buy your book in hard copy for library not able to, fee back please thank you .

  • @PompeyBoy66
    @PompeyBoy66 Год назад

    Bobby Conner was good. I guess the format is to reach the lost who watch late night TV chat shows.

  • @ruth8753
    @ruth8753 Год назад +4

    Why do we as Christians have to copy the things of the world, God can do a fresh and new thing. I thought I was watching the Johnny Carson show.

    • @darrenstott
      @darrenstott Год назад

      Who is Johnny Carson? I was born in the 80’s. 😉👍

  • @michelleleeschaeffer3482
    @michelleleeschaeffer3482 Год назад +3

    This late night talk show theme is soooo very uncomfortable!! It’s compromising. However Bobby Conner was on point.

  • @NormaChivers-fu5hs
    @NormaChivers-fu5hs Год назад +2

    Luke 21 v 34 to 36 Romans 13 v 11 to 14 please read Revelation 3 v10 please read Norma from Australia 😃 🙏 🙏 🙏 ❤ 💙 💚 💛 💜 💓 💕 💖 💛

  • @Ruvastln-gw9oc
    @Ruvastln-gw9oc Год назад +1

    Do you remember "Romans ;814" that you wrote for me? Paloma......

  • @marcimccann1109
    @marcimccann1109 Год назад

    red shoes?

  • @Spirit-FilledMindset
    @Spirit-FilledMindset Год назад +1

    Daniel 7 already happened. We are not in that time.

  • @cooper7931
    @cooper7931 Год назад

    I’m sorry but is the audience in the background fake? I feel like there’s really strange timing with the reactions

  • @hollyberry5100
    @hollyberry5100 Год назад +1

    Grilled the chicken! HA😂

  • @landlockedpirate54
    @landlockedpirate54 Год назад

    I literally thought that this was a secular channel that mocks Christians using some of the absurd material we give them. Then I realized it wasn’t a parody at all … 😔

  • @republicanrule
    @republicanrule Год назад +3

    What a strange format for this type of show.

  • @agapephilerostorge
    @agapephilerostorge Год назад +3

    What's this, a newer version of Mr. Rogers?

    • @darrenstott
      @darrenstott Год назад +1

      It’s Mr. Rogers, but prophetic.

  • @ClarkRuell
    @ClarkRuell Год назад +2

    Hear hear now...that clap track is WAAAAAAY overdone. Too too much.

  • @eloisagonzalez6857
    @eloisagonzalez6857 Год назад +5

    Johnny Carson want to be??????

    • @anthonywhite6653
      @anthonywhite6653 Год назад +1

      There's a saying 'diffrent methods one gospel' and that's Christ crucified✝️ this episode really encouraged me so much to live and pursue righteousness and purity in my walk with Christ🚶‍♂️✝️
      Religious & Pharisees will always point out the faults according to there opinions but forget the life changing message of the gospel that I only heard 100% in this show!! Blessings

    • @darrenstott
      @darrenstott Год назад +1

      Johnny who? 😂😂😂

  • @KATHYFLOYD-qj2bq
    @KATHYFLOYD-qj2bq Год назад +1


  • @rickorider
    @rickorider Год назад +1

    Bobby Connor totally fails to understand the revelation of the mystery that Christ gave to the apostal Paul.
    He is taking scripture totally out of context and inserting his own imagination.😢

  • @lesleyosborne9319
    @lesleyosborne9319 Год назад +1

    Mr Squiggle. 😅

  • @cejay5288
    @cejay5288 Год назад +8

    Love Bobby Conner but this comedy bit doesn’t work. Why are you trying to copy late night comedy?

    • @anthonywhite6653
      @anthonywhite6653 Год назад +1

      There's a saying 'diffrent methods one gospel' and that's Christ crucified✝️ this episode really encouraged me so much to live and pursue righteousness and purity in my walk with Christ🚶‍♂️✝️
      Religious & Pharisees will always point out the faults according to there opinions but forget the life changing message of the gospel that I only heard 100% in this show!! Blessings

    • @pennylane8318
      @pennylane8318 Год назад

      I agree.

    • @darrenstott
      @darrenstott Год назад +1

      Comedy bit?? That wasn’t supposed to be funny. This is a serious show for serious people. 🥸👍👍

  • @Truthseeker-jp4km
    @Truthseeker-jp4km Год назад +1


  • @911elijah
    @911elijah Год назад +5

    I hate this format. It is sensational. It is canned and un-original. Prophesy should be connected to integrity.

    • @darrenstott
      @darrenstott Год назад

      911Elijah, Blessings!!! 😎👍👍

    • @JT-ip3ch
      @JT-ip3ch Год назад

      So true! Very worldly and not set apart.

  • @perfectlyimperfect3082
    @perfectlyimperfect3082 Год назад +9

    😢 this is NOT scriptural

    • @anthonywhite6653
      @anthonywhite6653 Год назад +1

      There's a saying 'diffrent methods one gospel' and that's Christ crucified✝️ this episode really encouraged me so much to live and pursue righteousness and purity in my walk with Christ🚶‍♂️✝️
      Religious & Pharisees will always point out the faults according to there opinions but forget the life changing message of the gospel that I only heard 100% in this show!! Blessings

    • @ekd5213
      @ekd5213 Год назад +1

      Yes it is!!!READ

    • @perfectlyimperfect3082
      @perfectlyimperfect3082 Год назад +1

      @@ekd5213 I think you should go read lol

    • @perfectlyimperfect3082
      @perfectlyimperfect3082 Год назад

      The blind leading the blind. Quite sad

    • @johnnyyuma4194
      @johnnyyuma4194 Год назад

      I may have been left behind A lady next door in a motel 6 last night kept screaming OH GOD OH GOD IM COMING IM Coming OVER AND OVER.

  • @suzanneburns2931
    @suzanneburns2931 Год назад +3

    I can’t imagine in all the world , Jesus being part of this night club act . I get the idea of Christian entertainment , but bringing a prophet on in this environment is so irreverent , prophecy is not entertainment .

    • @darrenstott
      @darrenstott Год назад +2

      I’ve met Jesus, and he’s actually quite funny. In fact, Jesus created humor. True story!!

    • @caroltomlin8822
      @caroltomlin8822 Год назад +2

      @@darrenstott : You are so right ❣Jesus is very FUNNY. I LOVE HIS "FUNNY".

    • @Janeintheok
      @Janeintheok Год назад +2

      A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. That's the Word

  • @quienvive675
    @quienvive675 Год назад +1

    There is something so desperately wrong with this type of programming. It doesn't really matter which prophet is a guest on it. The forum is conducive to frivolity and lover's of pleasure.

    • @jeanetteshawredden5643
      @jeanetteshawredden5643 Год назад +1

      For some of us, the devil (through natural disaster, vandalism, illegal means) has stolen MANY $ thousands from us, including homes, jobs, cars. We are NOT seeking a cheap prosperity message, but crying out for help from God,vand that he will avenge us of the wrongs done to us.

    • @quienvive675
      @quienvive675 Год назад

      @@jeanetteshawredden5643 OK, but what does that have to do with what I wrote?????.....

    • @karenzupanic718
      @karenzupanic718 Год назад +1

      Agree..why on earth are we copying crap tv show formats..even with all the scripture quotes?
      It is vastly diff feel to true men and women of God.
      Then again, God uses many different channels to reach people...

    • @quienvive675
      @quienvive675 Год назад

      @@karenzupanic718 Amen, the program appeals to the flesh..."lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God."
      "The Master, God-of-the-Angel-Armies, called out on that Day, I called for a day of repentant tears, called you to dress in somber clothes of mourning. But what do you do? You throw a party! Eating and drinking and dancing in the streets! You barbecue bulls and sheep, and throw a huge feast- slabs of meat, kegs of beer.
      “Seize the day! Eat and drink! Tomorrow we die!” The God-of-the-Angel-Armies whispered to me his verdict on this frivolity: “You’ll pay for this outrage until the day you die.” The Master, God-of-the-Angel-Armies, says so." Isaiah 22:13-14 Message Bible

  • @liparitpoladyan4383
    @liparitpoladyan4383 Год назад +1

    Him is all the money flow and he is not true teacher please don't ve deceived

    • @emilylynch234
      @emilylynch234 Год назад +2

      Have you ever listened to him? All he does is preach the Word.