How to Solve PLL Parity on 4x4

  • Опубликовано: 2 дек 2024

Комментарии • 97

  • @daneescalo9559
    @daneescalo9559 2 года назад +56

    Parity: 0:56
    Diagonal Edge: 5:20
    Parallel Corner: 5:52
    Diagonal Corner: 6:37

  • @bigtumgo
    @bigtumgo 3 года назад +19

    I remember solving 4x4 and got my first solve about two year ago. I haven’t been solving 4x4 in a hot minute lol I just got a nice 4x4 from the cubicle like two weeks ago so I need to learn parity thanks Adude.

  • @AAZ91
    @AAZ91 3 месяца назад

    OMG, as a beginner I always reach the yellow part and i stop I don’t known how to fix it, and i watched many videos but it keeps misses up and no one said that there is an algorithm that is in between i should do it, and other videos they are 100x speed, you are the only one how helped me thaank you sooooo much

  • @shadowdemonix7215
    @shadowdemonix7215 2 года назад +4

    An easier algorithm I came up with to swap the two opposite edges: MR2 U2 MR2 MU2 MR2 UM2
    srry idk how to write algorithms correctly
    MR2: Middle Right 2
    U2: Up 2
    MU2: Upper Middle and Up 2
    UM2: Upper Middle 2
    Hope that helps ^^!

  • @asgaming1331
    @asgaming1331 Год назад +1

    Most awesome parity tutorial out there.

  • @robertoalejandrorios7376
    @robertoalejandrorios7376 2 года назад +3

    I made a new algorithm for the adjacent corner swap
    Edit: Do parity algorithms (swaps front edge with back) then do the 2 look corner swap algorithm but make sure that one of the corner is on the top right for a colored side or or bottom left for the yellow side

  • @Itsprism97
    @Itsprism97 2 года назад +3

    thank you yesterday i was trying to do checkerboard in my four by four and when i got it i did not how to change it back i tried so hard to solve until i got parity i searched how to solve parity on 4x4 and i chose you and i solved it thanks man!

  • @bananaking6206
    @bananaking6206 3 года назад +33

    Wow that's a great video. I'm surprised that it has only 1,3k views

    • @adudescorner3267
      @adudescorner3267  3 года назад +4

      Thanks! Sadly most of my videos are like that, although I haven’t posted in awhile

    • @carterhassel4459
      @carterhassel4459 2 года назад +2

      Ik right

    • @evanboone6208
      @evanboone6208 2 года назад +1

      @@adudescorner3267 I believe your videos don't get many views because people might not be able to learn anything from your videos. I tried solving the cube using your algorithms and it was not helpful at all. I couldn't even slow down the video enough to see how you did something. Like if I have to work that hard to even understand what you did then you bet your ass I ain't leaving a like. Show more scenarios, go slower, do more videos with very clear and understandable thumbnails, and if your solving more than 1 scenario in a video then for the love of God please segment the video so the viewers can see where in the time bar where the important part of the video is.

    • @adudescorner3267
      @adudescorner3267  2 года назад

      @@evanboone6208 hey bro that’s super cute and all that but few things, first of all my channel is all for fun and not every person can learn from any video, there are many other videos and tutorials on this where you can learn from, if you go through the comments you’ll see that this video has helped a lot of other people, your view is important to me absolutely but I’m not going to re-upload a video based for you where (maybe) a majority of others can’t learn from, why do you expect me to change a “post-made” video for one individual? I appreciate the input however you may not be at this level of cubing and if you’re not then maybe stick with the first portion of the tutorial which is for the beginners, and guess what? there is time stamps listed at the beginning for those who need them

    • @rowjo2006
      @rowjo2006 Год назад

      82k now

  • @RamachandranKandiah
    @RamachandranKandiah 11 месяцев назад

    Very best way to solve the parity .
    So my lot of thanks to u
    Will meet again and
    I am expecting ur next latest video.
    Once again Thanks for u

  • @blbezzly
    @blbezzly Год назад +1

    thank u

  • @Hi-189
    @Hi-189 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much, this really helped a lot and I had no idea what to do until I saw ur vid

  • @renukadamayanthi4732
    @renukadamayanthi4732 2 года назад

    Superb bro. Thanks for your help now I can solve the hard points of 4 by 4 rubik's cube

  • @petergunawan24
    @petergunawan24 Год назад

    Thank you. That's awesome. I hate memorizing too many algorithms.

  • @VAERK
    @VAERK Год назад

    Is it work on 5×5 edge flip parity

  • @ventin75
    @ventin75 Год назад

    Best tutorial on PLL parity

  • @urmilatomar9990
    @urmilatomar9990 Год назад

    Wow ! It was a very very useful video. I loved your video very much. I want to thank you very much. 😘😘😘😊😊😍

  • @azaradors500
    @azaradors500 2 года назад +4

    Algorithm (to remember while doing the others):
    Uu2 Rr2 U2 r2 U2 Rr2 Uu2

  • @dddboom
    @dddboom Год назад +1

    Everytine I do a 4x4 I always get 5:06 and never figured out how to get past it, never came up in my 3x3 many thanks

  • @CrzyForDaArt
    @CrzyForDaArt Год назад

    Tysm I just learned how to solve a 4x4 from my friend I already know how to solve 2x2 and 3x3 so it was pray simple after the edges but thx for this parity algs I really appreciate it

  • @yasir7146
    @yasir7146 2 года назад

    Tysm bro this was my first time solving the cube the tutorial I was watching was like not showing all the methods u deserve a sub from me

  • @elijahoriain679
    @elijahoriain679 2 года назад +3

    Thx so much 😊 that helped me a lot I finally solved it

  • @SunilSharma-vu8tf
    @SunilSharma-vu8tf Год назад

    Great job. Please keep up the good work. Thanks!

  • @rookboi900
    @rookboi900 Год назад

    Thank you so freaking muchhhhhhh

  • @froqwo4851
    @froqwo4851 Год назад

    Your algs are slightly wrong, Uu2 shoulds be u2 and same with Rr2 and r2 should be 2R2 so the alg should look like this, u2 r2 U2 2R2 U2 r2 u2. But anyway great video and explanation but I have one question because I can't find an answer anywhere, how do I solve the cube when I get these singular edges that aren't paired with anything in PLL and I can't solve a 4x4 because of these, the closest I can get is two sides solved (red and green) and then the red side there is on orange piece on the right side edge and a red edge on the right for the orange side. This means that I can't swap them using parity because they are not in the same slice. How do I fix this?

  • @dzhwar1356
    @dzhwar1356 2 года назад +1

    That's great video and best way for solve PLL pairty . pls make another video how to make yellow cross i have problem with it thanks.

    @SMUA_BSM Год назад +1

    my cube was stuck at the PLL parity for a week and now i can solved it.

  • @cyberfiend7927
    @cyberfiend7927 2 года назад +1

    Blue green white are solved, orange edgecis fliped on the red side and red edge is on the orange side what do I do?

    • @adudescorner3267
      @adudescorner3267  2 года назад

      So basically you have both parity cases, you have OLL and PLL parity, this tutorial only covers OLL parity, which you will need. I do also have a PLL parity tutorial called “how to solve edge parity” which will be useful but make sure you use and apply both methods

    • @cyberfiend7927
      @cyberfiend7927 2 года назад +1

      @@adudescorner3267 thankyou

  • @RevloSMP
    @RevloSMP 8 месяцев назад

    I dont understand when i get to pll the edges wont be the same

  • @nsoorrk7630
    @nsoorrk7630 2 года назад +3


    @HYPER_EVAN 2 года назад +1

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I got a 4x4 but there is a parity I did not know how to solve it and I don't want to take it apart and break things so thank you plus I'm so subscribing

    • @adudescorner3267
      @adudescorner3267  2 года назад

      Hey glad I could help!! Thanks for subscribing! :)

      @HYPER_EVAN 2 года назад +1

      @@adudescorner3267 :)

  • @sagarthapa0707
    @sagarthapa0707 2 года назад

    What's the last algorithm could you spill it?

  • @sweyinsoe3955
    @sweyinsoe3955 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you

  • @nf8051
    @nf8051 2 года назад +2

    Thx 💕💕💕💕

  • @bruh5644
    @bruh5644 2 года назад +2

    Wow best video of parity

  • @cochub801
    @cochub801 2 года назад

    why in the last layer there so many cases i don’t know if it is parity but bro i can’t solve it

  • @gustavinus
    @gustavinus Год назад

    Why people make so many videos on edges and almost no one teaches how to solve yellow corner parity (which happens almost every freaking time).

  • @Lam-ki8ee
    @Lam-ki8ee 2 года назад +2

    U use same the 4x4 as me

  • @azaradors500
    @azaradors500 2 года назад +2

    Corner twist: 5:53

  • @ethankim6806
    @ethankim6806 Год назад


  • @adrenalineracerf1
    @adrenalineracerf1 2 года назад

    "we will end up with a G-Perm"
    2 look PLL merchants:

  • @mumbaidevraj
    @mumbaidevraj 2 года назад +4


  • @Jenniekimfan_blink
    @Jenniekimfan_blink 2 года назад +1


  • @Madkiller500
    @Madkiller500 2 года назад +1

    remember me

  • @carllrac8370
    @carllrac8370 2 года назад


  • @blu_wae
    @blu_wae Год назад

    y 3x3 have all parity on 4*4

  • @ahmeterencengiz5275
    @ahmeterencengiz5275 2 года назад +1

    Can anyone give me all algorithms?

  • @hawkward2964
    @hawkward2964 2 года назад


  • @keonwoo8416
    @keonwoo8416 2 года назад +1

    this is for me, 2:04

  • @BaconNuggetsYT
    @BaconNuggetsYT 2 года назад


  • @erpetek
    @erpetek 2 года назад +1


  • @meoremeryaiman3714
    @meoremeryaiman3714 Год назад

    Uu2 Rr2 U2 r2 U2 Rr2 Uu2

  • @rubixcuber678
    @rubixcuber678 11 месяцев назад

    This crap didn't help me 0/10

  • @lebrode3445
    @lebrode3445 2 года назад


  • @Clara-tn2ts
    @Clara-tn2ts 2 года назад +1


  • @puzzlesolver2274
    @puzzlesolver2274 2 года назад +2


  • @noahstepp2347
    @noahstepp2347 Год назад
