Matty's Matchbox Max FX Freddy is Friggin Awesome, great purchase! A boxed!? Secret Wars Tower o' Doom playset at the CON?! That's an unbelievably fantastic find! Still quite a bit of vintage stuff to be found there it seems... Congrats on the Great purchases you guys!
Wow!! Awesome finds that u and Matti found. Loved that bootleg agent707 attaché.. Caus I used to live in area code 707😜 but that Maxxfx Freddy thing was really cool and I’m sure super rare! Heyyy I got my Ed’s Retro Geek cap too!! Thanks Ed and Narc 😉👌🏽
Awesome, i was there too, very crowdy but cool, nice toy haul u got guys, Matti with the mighty Max 🤘 and you with that zappo(sapo in Spanish) 👌 it's because like in México, Spain has a lot history with bootleg, i thing the biggest producers of bootleg here in Europe, i was waiting for the interview with Kevin, but i guess is the next video to come, saludos!! 🤘🙏😁
Your comic con had so many vintage/retro toy stalls then the comic con I went to recently here in the UK.. So jealous, they had some great wrestling pieces I need and Want. That Bootleg Turtle (Zappo) comes in the same style Box as the WWF "Star Toys" figures.. they were also Spanish too. very interesting 🤔
Great pickups on the ghostbusters firehouse can’t wait to see what custom you make for it you mentioned TMNT 👍🏻 Also nice finds on the mighty max sets looked quite a good day and awesome pickup on the bootleg turtle 🐢 and tazan 😂😎🤘🏻
Let me guess the firehouse is for those custom tmnt Ghostbusters... there's a guy that does the van with moving antenna on top like the ecto1.... those are so sick
Nice! There were some good vendors this year. Scored some cool items. Did you see the goonies lunchbox and thermos? Bit too pricey for my taste, but never seen this before in belgium.
Hey Ed, great to meet you there, turtle did look awesome but damn, you guys should have shown me the Freddy box as well. Greetings from the guys with the big tie fighter in their hands 🙂
Sea Squirm, Cyber Skull and The Fly on those Mighty Max! great find, last 2 are quiete expensive to pay for if complete. The seller of them has a website? Still looking for more MM, the rare ones are a pain the ass to get for a decent price :) So far i got all i have at 100% complete toys.
I enjoyed your video cool stuff I gave you a thumbs up like can you tell me where this convention is or this thing is will you get the chance to buy these toys at I really appreciate if you could let me know where this convention is held
Hey Ed great finds, great videos. i just wanted to let you know that "Ninja Turtle" came from Spain but it is not a Turtle, Sapo or in this case Zappo in Spanish means frog that's why the feet and eyes are different and that's why it has no shell. It is a "Ninja Frog"
Nice video and awesome pickups. Too bad I had to miss Brussels Con. Are you planning on going to the Dortmund Comic Con in December? I've never been to that one but I've heard a lot of good things about it. Does anyone know if it even has a vintage toys section?
I mainly buy for myself but when buying a toy lot I end up with doubles and sell those to recoup costs for the stuff I want to keep. In this video everything is for keeps. 🤓
@@EdsRetroGeekOut if u want i can send u pictures i have also 3 troll tmnt and 1 giant leonardo u might like and then some other thing. i m about to sell em on ebay but i rather them go to somebody like u. let me know
Did anybody buy the big chicken figure with all the eggs that shot bullets? I would love to get one of those for my mom for Christmas she raises chickens and it would be a hilarious present especially because it says the cock can turn itself 360° it's so funny.
@@EdsRetroGeekOut I can't even! I can only type it. If you ever sell anything at a convention or something you could give discounts to people who can pull it off lol
Something about the videos, make me feel like I was along for the ride. Once again, thanks for the invite, Ed. Hello to Matti
Thanks buddy 🤓
Oh those Dragon Flyz!
love em!
I loved my ghost buster house as a kid. I used it for every figure I had.
It’s such a versatile playset 🤓
Matti..and Ed the TMNT MASTER on the hunt ... BRAVO .
Thanks buddy 🤓
great to see u at matty bk for a vid xx great content as per Ed 😃
Thanks so much 🙏🤓
Another brilliant video....Always great! And some amazing things loved seeing the Robocop peices for a second. Love Robocop! 🤩🤩😉😉👍👍👍👍👍
Thanks buddy 🤓
Thanks for having me in the video at 7.04 as a deatheater! 🤘🏻🐍💀
Like usual we entertain there 😜
It was great to see you guys there!
I didn’t recognize you dude 🤣
That zappo turtles is the craziest turtle I’ve seen lol
And such good quality
Awesome finds 👏 great hunt as usual and yes thx for sharing 😀 👍.
Thanks buddy 🤘
Thank you for the great Contant🧡🧡🧡
Thanks for watching 🤓
Always good to see Ed and Matti!
Thanks buddy 🤘
Great video Ed and Matty! Loved the Robo Chicken!
Aw yeaaaaaah
That secret wars fortress I had one never knew what it was as a kid 🤯
Epic playset 😁👌
Matty's Matchbox Max FX Freddy is Friggin Awesome, great purchase! A boxed!? Secret Wars Tower o' Doom playset at the CON?! That's an unbelievably fantastic find! Still quite a bit of vintage stuff to be found there it seems... Congrats on the Great purchases you guys!
Thanks buddy I was very happy to find one boxed been on a secret wars and super powers kick lately
That Skeletor clip was hilarious! 😅😂
Wow!! Awesome finds that u and Matti found. Loved that bootleg agent707 attaché.. Caus I used to live in area code 707😜 but that Maxxfx Freddy thing was really cool and I’m sure super rare! Heyyy I got my Ed’s Retro Geek cap too!! Thanks Ed and Narc 😉👌🏽
Awesome to hear it got to you safe 🤓🤘
@@EdsRetroGeekOut it sure did! Can’t wait to wear it on my next toy hunt.. after I’m well from CoVid that is 😢
Awesome, i was there too, very crowdy but cool, nice toy haul u got guys, Matti with the mighty Max 🤘 and you with that zappo(sapo in Spanish) 👌 it's because like in México, Spain has a lot history with bootleg, i thing the biggest producers of bootleg here in Europe, i was waiting for the interview with Kevin, but i guess is the next video to come, saludos!! 🤘🙏😁
Thanks buddy 😄 I need to get to spain
Your comic con had so many vintage/retro toy stalls then the comic con I went to recently here in the UK.. So jealous, they had some great wrestling pieces I need and Want.
That Bootleg Turtle (Zappo) comes in the same style Box as the WWF "Star Toys" figures.. they were also Spanish too. very interesting 🤔
Uk seems to have enough dedicated vintage toy shows 🤓 so I guess they don’t head into comic con with those booths 🤓
Can’t wait to see what you do with that Ghostbuster house
😏 i need about 10 more movie foot soldiers
First thing that hit me was the music and then *anything else* 😁🤤😊👍!
Thanks buddy 🤘😄
Great pickups on the ghostbusters firehouse can’t wait to see what custom you make for it you mentioned TMNT 👍🏻
Also nice finds on the mighty max sets looked quite a good day and awesome pickup on the bootleg turtle 🐢 and tazan 😂😎🤘🏻
Tarsan is the best 😂
What an awesome show and video! ..and yes never tell the wife lol!!
Don’t tell her! 🤣
Let me guess the firehouse is for those custom tmnt Ghostbusters... there's a guy that does the van with moving antenna on top like the ecto1.... those are so sick
Nah more of a movie 1 thing 🤓
Love to see you guys come across a bootleg Spawn figure. Don't believe I've ever seen one.
I haven’t seen jt yet 🤔
Nice! There were some good vendors this year. Scored some cool items. Did you see the goonies lunchbox and thermos? Bit too pricey for my taste, but never seen this before in belgium.
I didn’t see that 🤯
great funds and a cool con
Thanks buddy
Thanks for the plug buddy! Recently there was one of these zappo turtles on uwkringding. Naturally I forgot to bid.
Always nice seeing you at the shows buddy 🤓
Hey Ed, great to meet you there, turtle did look awesome but damn, you guys should have shown me the Freddy box as well. Greetings from the guys with the big tie fighter in their hands 🙂
Thanks buddy 😄👌
Universe Fighting Cock yeah that’s definitely one of the sweetest toys I’ve never seen. The box art was bright and amazing. Fun video as usual.
Thanks buddy next time I see yves i’m buying that chicken! 🤩
Sea Squirm, Cyber Skull and The Fly on those Mighty Max! great find, last 2 are quiete expensive to pay for if complete. The seller of them has a website? Still looking for more MM, the rare ones are a pain the ass to get for a decent price :) So far i got all i have at 100% complete toys.
He doesn’t have a website he sets up at cons in out area 🤓
That Zappo turtle looks a lot like a frog with the bulging eyes, webbed feet and no turtle shell.
I’ve been looking for that Freddy as well at decent price 👍🏻
And Matti just sniped it 😩
Super Cool Giant Treasure
Indeed 😄
Zappo is "Sapo" (Toad, Frog is "Rana"), just stylized.
Awesome 🤓
Cool to hear Mattys laugh... Is that building an railway station, ?
Not sure it looks like an old factory 🤓
ED that was funny when you were trying to get the MAX FX ...and then help Matti with another toy instead ...
I mean i could try 😂
Looks like it was a lot of fun. You should do a behind the collector with Matti or is it Matty
We have a behind the collector with matti on the channel 🤗
I enjoyed your video cool stuff I gave you a thumbs up like can you tell me where this convention is or this thing is will you get the chance to buy these toys at I really appreciate if you could let me know where this convention is held
This is comic con brussels they do it twice a year next one is in may I think
Hey Ed great finds, great videos. i just wanted to let you know that "Ninja Turtle" came from Spain but it is not a Turtle, Sapo or in this case Zappo in Spanish means frog that's why the feet and eyes are different and that's why it has no shell. It is a "Ninja Frog"
Thanks for watching 🤓
talks about the maxx freddy as a freddy cosplayer walks behind them great timing
Thanks buddy 🤓🤘
Mathias going all in!
Oh yeaaah
Aaah yeaaah brother all or nothing mighty matthi strikes again
Hundy! Lol! Cheers bro!
Thanks buddy 🤓
Nice video and awesome pickups. Too bad I had to miss Brussels Con. Are you planning on going to the Dortmund Comic Con in December? I've never been to that one but I've heard a lot of good things about it. Does anyone know if it even has a vintage toys section?
Never been and we’re already going to toyzone amsterdam in december so i think that part is gonna be full 🤓
fun fact: "zappo" is a cool way of spelling "sapo" which means toad in spanish
That’s frogtastic 😄
awesome video
Thanks for watching 🤓
@@EdsRetroGeekOut your welcome
10:24 ninja frog TMNF
ZAPPO means frog that’s why it doesn’t have a shell
Got to get Matti and maybe even Renzo to the U.S.A. one day to go toy hunting with the attic invaders.
It should happen in another form 😏 in the near future
That would be super sweet
Zappo Translates into Bull Frog in Spanish It does look more like a Ninja Frog lol
Do you happen to know any toy collectors in Buenes Aires, Argentina? Going there in February and would love to hunt! Great vlog BTW!
I don’t have any connections there yet but i’ve heard really good things I’m hoping to get there myself next year 🤓
Where's Matti with a beer 🍺?
I think he had a couple but we we’re pretty busy 😅
I’m new to your channel just wondering do u buy for resell or are u a collector for yourself ?
I mainly buy for myself but when buying a toy lot I end up with doubles and sell those to recoup costs for the stuff I want to keep. In this video everything is for keeps. 🤓
Zappo means Toad
Awesome 🤘
The guy dressed as Freddy in the background as u talk about the max fx Freddy set. What are the odds. 5:39
Indeed 🧛🏻😎
Dude how did you manage to get an interview with the great Kevin Eastman?
I tried through 3 contacts and one of em worked had to write up a whole thing tough and show what I had done before 🤓
@@EdsRetroGeekOut it really is cool man. I always get the idea Kevin is just a down to earth guy. Cant wait for the video.
was daar ook, wel leuke con
Ook leuke dingen opgepikt? 🤓
@@EdsRetroGeekOut de box van the fly dat was het, te weinig film dvd verkoopstanden vond ik
Verdekke ... Nu weten we ineens wie er met de goeie Mighty Max weg was ... 😬
M’excusi 😊
Haha mighty matthi and eddy strike again
i have a very big mighty max collection to sale if intrested
@@EdsRetroGeekOut if u want i can send u pictures i have also 3 troll tmnt and 1 giant leonardo u might like and then some other thing. i m about to sell em on ebay but i rather them go to somebody like u. let me know
Send it to my socials in private message or to my email if possible ;)
@@EdsRetroGeekOut i sent it to your email and thanks a lot for the reply ;)
Why so much for a bootleg? Though fake bootleg are saposed to be cheap
Mannn....own up to your hobby, don't let your wife make your decisions..hold up my my wife is calling 😆
Did anybody buy the big chicken figure with all the eggs that shot bullets? I would love to get one of those for my mom for Christmas she raises chickens and it would be a hilarious present especially because it says the cock can turn itself 360° it's so funny.
I wish I had 🤦🏻
18:12 - Spiderman. Towerodoomwithdoctordoomversescaptainamericaseteachsoldseperatelyyouputthetowertogether.
We got 8 seconds of tv promo how fast can you say this 🤣
@@EdsRetroGeekOut I can't even! I can only type it. If you ever sell anything at a convention or something you could give discounts to people who can pull it off lol