lots of south asians refer to their cousins as 'cousin brothers' to distinguish them from their immediate brothers (same with 'cousin sisters'). families try and stay very tight-knit and lots of us grow up with cousins who are as close to us as our immediate siblings
Hasn't anyone picked up the fact she says at 8.00ish that she went on holiday with her older cousin and her cousins brother? Wouldn't that make him her cousin as well?
@LuxVertas Also, she was the grandma in The Kumar's at No. 42.
Britain is amazing for female comedians.
She writes really well, too.
lots of south asians refer to their cousins as 'cousin brothers' to distinguish them from their immediate brothers (same with 'cousin sisters'). families try and stay very tight-knit and lots of us grow up with cousins who are as close to us as our immediate siblings
Hasn't anyone picked up the fact she says at 8.00ish that she went on holiday with her older cousin and her cousins brother? Wouldn't that make him her cousin as well?
i dont think there really a room underneath that hatch so they didnt fall far
She could have meant step-brother, in which case he wouldn't be related to her...
If they can survive being blown up I think they can survive a small drop.
Hang on, she was in Goodness Gratious me? She looks more attractive than any of the characters there!
I love that!
"If I was to stick Austria in Room 101 that would just be compounding the area; it'd be lazy racism...In it goes!"
not...particularly. You just made me wonder.
Were those cockroaches not injured when they were dropped into Room 101? =/
Cage probably broke, how long do you reckon the Room 101 studio was infested for?
@schnorschrajaxx no
"Compounding the error". Didnt you wonder what "compounding the area" meant when you typed it?
Christ, I couldn't watch 2:45 to about 3:20