Hello Nout! Thanks for the great video. I couldn't fit the following example in any of the categories you've talked about in the video: Van buiten zag de appel er lekker uit, maar van binnen was hij rot. Can you be so kind as to clarify what I am (probably) missing. Thank you again!
Dankjewel voor de informatieve video, Nout! "Er" is something I've been struggling with lately, so this has helped a lot.
Het is voor mij een van de moeilijkste onderdelen van de Nederlandse grammatica.
Funny you post this I was just studying er and having so much trouble! THIS HELPED SO MUCH THANK YOU 💕💕💕
Hello Nout! Thanks for the great video. I couldn't fit the following example in any of the categories you've talked about in the video: Van buiten zag de appel er lekker uit, maar van binnen was hij rot.
Can you be so kind as to clarify what I am (probably) missing.
Thank you again!
Would you be so kind as to help me?
Dankjewel! Zeer nuttige informatie!
Sort of get it, like "there (is/are ) or in French this "y" or "en" added.
Thank you teacher👏👍👍
Dutch & easy Go )) thank you for this topic
Thank you!
er wird immer wie ör ausgesprochen?
Aber im Satz: Wat ligt er in de straat höre ich nur er?
Und warum heißt es straat ohne Artikel?
whats is NT2??
Ik wil Nederlands leren❤