Seems you cannot avoid or re-route to avoid the steepest hills and the topographical nightmare, it's those same landscapes like in Bayern Alps too it's a lot of hills there. Would be nice to have a complete list of your meals, where you eat and what. We know about your water though enough but meals very little.
I tried to avoid the highest peaks. This is why I went to north-east on the first three days. To the west the terrain is more strict. :) IMHO the water is more important. At least for me. Probably this is the reason why I mention it more times. My meals weren't so predictable. I had always bread, cheese, salami and different nuts with me. If I found something fresh, hot food I ate that, otherwise I ate what I carried.
Seems you cannot avoid or re-route to avoid the steepest hills and the topographical nightmare, it's those same landscapes like in Bayern Alps too it's a lot of hills there. Would be nice to have a complete list of your meals, where you eat and what. We know about your water though enough but meals very little.
I tried to avoid the highest peaks. This is why I went to north-east on the first three days. To the west the terrain is more strict. :)
IMHO the water is more important. At least for me. Probably this is the reason why I mention it more times. My meals weren't so predictable. I had always bread, cheese, salami and different nuts with me. If I found something fresh, hot food I ate that, otherwise I ate what I carried.