Stardust Speedway Good Future JPN PAL) Sonic the Hedgehog CD Music Extended

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 816

  • @jessicalupton331
    @jessicalupton331 4 года назад +2272

    When you realize the sonic statue in Japan in the mountains has been restored:

    • @SuperStarM64
      @SuperStarM64 4 года назад +184

      Back then it was in terrible condition, now we're restoring Sonic's future and that fixed statue is symbolic of that✌

    • @Mari-lg1wk
      @Mari-lg1wk 4 года назад +46

      Yess! So glad it's been fixed!

    • @georgetheredengine277
      @georgetheredengine277 4 года назад +14


    • @errornoname23
      @errornoname23 4 года назад +29

      Finally, inner peace.

    • @randomguyontheinternet7940
      @randomguyontheinternet7940 4 года назад +55

      Wait what!? You're telling me there is some bigass Sonic Statue in the Mountains in Japan!?
      That's to crazy not to be true.

  • @ramisays8939
    @ramisays8939 4 года назад +1125

    I just love the beginning, damn.

    • @portofrico
      @portofrico 4 года назад +32

      Rami Says ikr! It sets the mood for the rest of the song

    • @Genixgang
      @Genixgang 4 года назад +7

      Same I bro, same I...

    • @ExpressoTheCat
      @ExpressoTheCat 4 года назад +7

      you deserve a master emerald piece

    • @nouser_50
      @nouser_50 4 года назад +3

      @@ExpressoTheCat no no 2

    • @magzelyify
      @magzelyify 4 года назад +3

      Same dude, same bro, same same

  • @faded9581
    @faded9581 4 года назад +928

    This music is just perfect in that it so clearly conveys the image. Metal Sonic is scrap metal, Robotnik is humiliated and lying at the bottom of the junk pile, and the stars twinkle above a shining city that can party without fear of evil all thanks to Sonic the Hedgehog.

    • @hotw_plush
      @hotw_plush 4 года назад +22


    • @TokoSauce
      @TokoSauce 4 года назад +20

      @@hotw_plush no, thank YOU, Sonic, you saved the planet!

    • @hotw_plush
      @hotw_plush 4 года назад +17

      @@TokoSauce You’re Welcome

    • @edge1701
      @edge1701 3 года назад +5

      Sonic: hello amy

    • @hotw_plush
      @hotw_plush 3 года назад +9

      @@edge1701 AHHH!!!!!! AMY, STOP FOLLOWING ME!!!!!!!!

  • @no-content-here
    @no-content-here 5 лет назад +585

    I hear a crowd shouting "Stardust highway!" going along with "HUEHUEHUE"

    • @RiayToons
      @RiayToons 5 лет назад +27

      Good! You are in a really funky mood I see! You are totally enjoying the vibe!!!
      I had these nuisances back on days with Love Box by Grove Armada!
      People were so cynic to steal that treasure from me to a point that every alien on Spore I create is a heartless moth**-F***!!!

    • @kekodemoner6915
      @kekodemoner6915 4 года назад +5

      @Nara Shikamaru we will never know.

    • @stuperstupidworld
      @stuperstupidworld 4 года назад +12

      @@RiayToons What are you even talking about

    • @RiayToons
      @RiayToons 4 года назад +3

      @@stuperstupidworld I used to clear my view to a point I could feel tiny neuances in music just like what mentioned in that comment but it was all taken from me by psychiatry because they thought I was freaking out.
      That made me lose my delicate sense when related to games such as Spore, Sonic and etc'

    • @tommyroddenberry66
      @tommyroddenberry66 4 года назад +4

      This is the type of good future sonic cd music I'd used when I'm smashing my girl but in the end the bad furture music always happen afterwards, weird might need some help for this one. ...

  • @theletterd
    @theletterd 4 года назад +443

    Peter Griffin roller blading brought me here, and I’m thankful for that.

    • @jesusgalvez3598
      @jesusgalvez3598 3 года назад +19

      I don’t know if it’s sad that I know what video you’re talking about

    • @alexanderadams9058
      @alexanderadams9058 3 года назад +17

      @@jesusgalvez3598 Yes and no. But mostly no because that video was great ngl.

    • @hyperslash2144
      @hyperslash2144 3 года назад +2

      Same here

    • @harrisonstallings4522
      @harrisonstallings4522 3 года назад +3

      “Starlight express,”

    • @luginess0
      @luginess0 3 года назад +4

      was brought here from Sonic CD

  • @quinnmcmurtrie8022
    @quinnmcmurtrie8022 4 года назад +241

    Present: Funky!
    Past: Temples and Hues.
    Bad Future: Chance of Hues: 100%
    Good Future: Leaving the disco.

    • @itsyaboiikari7689
      @itsyaboiikari7689 3 года назад +5

      y'know the past version always remined me of Washington Dc at night because the temples looked like those buildings for dead presidents like the Lincon monument

    • @austinreed7343
      @austinreed7343 2 года назад +2

      Bad Future US: The Disco is on fire.

  • @gotovyse9433
    @gotovyse9433 4 года назад +693

    This version is criminally underrated!!

    • @Portalcrafter
      @Portalcrafter 4 года назад +22

      Goto Vyse no, it really isn’t, for some reason nobody likes the us soundtrack, and only talks about the JP soundtrack, so it’s not really underrated.

    • @Portalcrafter
      @Portalcrafter 4 года назад +13

      disabled account what I’m saying is that the us soundtrack doesn’t get the love it deserves, and everyone talks about the stardust speedway music so this isn’t really that underrated, but compared to the bad future version, this is underrated

    • @ahmadtemsah8322
      @ahmadtemsah8322 4 года назад +29

      @@Portalcrafter The Good Future JP Is Way Better Than US

    • @glitchxtheglitch1225
      @glitchxtheglitch1225 4 года назад +10

      @@Portalcrafter but the metal Sonic us(Sonic 2 megadrive) got some love and metal Sonic theme from Sonic forces gets a Lot of love

    • @colingznetworkplus4618
      @colingznetworkplus4618 4 года назад +3


  • @amtrakisveryepic
    @amtrakisveryepic 4 года назад +463

    Rest in peace my friend, we all miss you #JoyConBoyzForever

    • @visiona234
      @visiona234 3 года назад +10


    • @breazy832
      @breazy832 3 года назад +12


    • @breazy832
      @breazy832 3 года назад +15

      @ivan loquendo yeah ok but wtf does that have to do with this song?

    • @gigipearly
      @gigipearly 3 года назад +71

      @ivan loquendo He played Sonic Mania and it was probably the last time we saw Etika be so happy, he was jamming to the OST constantly, enjoying how much love they put into the game which was a huge part of his childhood etc.

    • @Joe-pz2fs
      @Joe-pz2fs 3 года назад +13

      F, will forever miss him

  • @qrowrevenge9898
    @qrowrevenge9898 4 года назад +91

    This song just gets me feeling some type of way, especially when you look at the background in the level. The view is stunning, and the song paired with it just creates an indescribable feeling

    • @TricBrosStudios
      @TricBrosStudios Год назад +1

      You feel good, like you actually saved a real planet and restored it to... this. Only you. You proved you can do anything. Even though it's all inside a game, the feeling of accomplishment + the audio and visuals expand into more feelings.
      I dunno it sounds like a fortune cookie, but human psyche is human psyche. Not that I'm a psychologist either.

  • @southy98
    @southy98 4 года назад +74

    Everything about this just screams summer and relaxing vacation.

    • @sanicthedeadmeme612
      @sanicthedeadmeme612 4 года назад

      coronavirus: sir thats is imposible

    • @sanicthedeadmeme612
      @sanicthedeadmeme612 4 года назад

      @Guest Desconhecido mexico is going so bad

    • @jenniferboyles2
      @jenniferboyles2 4 года назад +1

      This Horizon. Look it up hippies!

    • @starentertainment-n4l
      @starentertainment-n4l 4 года назад

      sanic the dead meme Bad Future just screams that

    • @tjohnson2139
      @tjohnson2139 4 года назад

      Ironically this reminds me of New York City in the middle of a blizzard on Christmas Eve.

  • @leavemiialone1868
    @leavemiialone1868 5 лет назад +150

    This is my personal favorite gaming soundtrack of all time, the way the melody starts at the beginning to transition to stardust speedway main chorus to the hook of the track with the classic 90s hip hop style vocals in the background sums it up to be the sound of happiness. The artists for stardust had to be on dope because the the backdrop for the stage is like looking into heaven on Christmas.

    • @Nic_2751
      @Nic_2751 4 года назад

      LeaveMiiAlone not really that great to be honest, at least the unused loop has a cool low quality effect and the mania remix is absolutely beautiful

    • @Darkspinesupersonic8
      @Darkspinesupersonic8 4 года назад +12

      @Meme Man
      *In your opinion.
      It is great, to him. He literally prefaced it by saying it's HIS PERSONAL FAVORITE. .. You know.. as in, subjectively?
      How about let's not try to claim our personal feelings are more 'objective' than others?

    • @fatalerror6469
      @fatalerror6469 3 года назад +1

      have you heard the Tee Lopes remix?

    • @theluigifan1
      @theluigifan1 2 года назад +2

      The “classic 90s hip hop style” is new jack swing, if you’re looking for a definitive term for it. Other than that, I 100% agree with you.
      I adore both of CD’s soundtracks.

  • @supersaiyanyo2198
    @supersaiyanyo2198 5 лет назад +81

    For some reason this reminds me of my childhood

  • @jose.i6372
    @jose.i6372 3 года назад +66

    Theres something about this song, it makes me picture a wonderful and successful future, where im satisfied with myself and truly happy.

  • @yurilowell4878
    @yurilowell4878 4 года назад +43

    I would live a happy life in Stardust Speedway

    • @SeiyaTempest
      @SeiyaTempest 4 года назад +7

      Better than this messed up planet

    • @yurilowell4878
      @yurilowell4878 4 года назад +4

      @@SeiyaTempest True.

    • @azurneon
      @azurneon 3 года назад +3

      Agreed. I'd live in Stardust Speedway and enjoy it much more than a rotten planet like this.

    • @ZphyZphyer
      @ZphyZphyer 3 года назад +4


    • @neptune2133
      @neptune2133 Год назад +2

      Unless it's bad future stardust speedway

  • @ahmedkhalil986
    @ahmedkhalil986 5 лет назад +116

    Breaking news hue hue hue is back

    • @abc_4226
      @abc_4226 4 месяца назад

      it's in every version of this song i dunno what you mean

  • @zigaudrey
    @zigaudrey 5 лет назад +262

    *Everything on my shoulder*
    *Your heart's gonna pump forever*
    This music is absolutely gorgeous. It has a melancholic feel because it radically changes from a music/instrument filled (all-time favorite) to a attraction field, Paris-like landscape and even more when it is the total opposite of busting, police chase city.
    Those who aim for the good future will be awarded this magnificent piece.

  • @supahdupahguy3732
    @supahdupahguy3732 4 года назад +841

    When it's 2021 and Coronavirus is dead

    • @wonderchubby
      @wonderchubby 4 года назад +23

      Sounds legit

    • @brenisis2772
      @brenisis2772 4 года назад +81

      Unfortunately that wont be the case

    • @yuckycheese2143
      @yuckycheese2143 4 года назад +12

      No No No, It can't die not until it turns 21 and drinks too much

    • @sonicdudeatdawn2
      @sonicdudeatdawn2 4 года назад +14

      give it a little less than 3 weeks, the deadly pandemic is a damn cold :v

    • @Lo.a.802
      @Lo.a.802 4 года назад +16

      Sorry mate forgot to destroy the robot generator in act 1.

  • @marx8542
    @marx8542 5 лет назад +55

    This is giving me nostalgia vibes

    • @Picsasworld
      @Picsasworld Год назад +1

      good 4 u because I got to SS GF (good future) on the US soundtrack and you know what happenedd...

  • @gabrielwebster7902
    @gabrielwebster7902 4 года назад +73

    Good Future: Your gazing into your girlfriends eyes at a concert
    Bad Future: Her ex-boyfriend finds you guys

    • @GeneralRadahn7987
      @GeneralRadahn7987 3 года назад +15

      Impossible,that would require me to have a girlfriend and money to go to the concert

    • @HotdogBro12
      @HotdogBro12 2 года назад

      NO FUN

    • @kingduckdodo6672
      @kingduckdodo6672 2 года назад +1

      @@GeneralRadahn7987 🗿

  • @lucienjoy7381
    @lucienjoy7381 3 года назад +15

    this game has some of the best sonic music, period

  • @HyperSonic777
    @HyperSonic777 3 года назад +44

    One of my favorites from the Japanese Soundtrack.

    • @floridanscorpion2006
      @floridanscorpion2006 2 года назад +2


    • @Picsasworld
      @Picsasworld Год назад +1

      if this is one of your favorites: good for you
      because Im not a huge fan of this song but I dont hate it at all

  • @SuperWARTECH
    @SuperWARTECH 5 лет назад +77

    AFTER 13 YEARS I FINALLY FOUND IT! OHHH IT SOUNDS SO GOOD 😭😭😭 the last time I heard this was when some RUclipsr made a m.u.g.e.n of sonic,I’m so glad to hear this again 😄🥳

    • @mauroelawesome6247
      @mauroelawesome6247 5 лет назад +7


    • @SuperWARTECH
      @SuperWARTECH 5 лет назад

      Mauro El Awesome THANK YOU!!!!!!!

    • @nobecauseiworkatzemuffinfa7712
      @nobecauseiworkatzemuffinfa7712 4 года назад +1


    • @Nic_2751
      @Nic_2751 4 года назад +1

      How did you not find BrawlBRSTMs3 X’s version? It was up for 6 years.......

    • @SuperWARTECH
      @SuperWARTECH 4 года назад +4

      Meme Man I’ve been exploring the whole sonic series ost and couldn’t find a trace of it until I just stumbled on it from nope it was a video of eggman asking sonic the dealio with him and Amy and it showed all the games of them pretty much (one in particular sonic rescuing Amy then the music played)видео.html

  • @Andrewo.
    @Andrewo. 4 года назад +21

    When a friend wants a emotional and catchy music but he wants it calm

  • @احمدالتمساح-و5ي
    @احمدالتمساح-و5ي 4 года назад +206

    Past : Were In Home Saying Hue Hue Hue
    Present : It's Party Time Hue Hue Hue
    Bad Future : HUE HUE HUE Attacking The Us Music
    Good Future : Sad Hue Hue Hue😭😢😢😢👍👍💕💕

    • @TheOofaloofa
      @TheOofaloofa 4 года назад +2

      I just don’t get the hue hue. I kinda hear it, but I usually hear “yeah yeah”

    • @ساهرةتمساح
      @ساهرةتمساح 4 года назад +1

      @@TheOofaloofa It Kinda Cool Right This Comment It Was Me

    • @leandroberon9693
      @leandroberon9693 4 года назад +1

      Bien fresco😎😎
      No me maten

    • @ساهرةتمساح
      @ساهرةتمساح 4 года назад

      @@leandroberon9693 What ?

    • @leandroberon9693
      @leandroberon9693 4 года назад

      @@ساهرةتمساح jaja, just kidding.

  • @jorgeluistorresmolontzin4132
    @jorgeluistorresmolontzin4132 3 года назад +12

    This fits too well for a graduation dance

  • @girlcrazyrockstar
    @girlcrazyrockstar 4 года назад +12

    Randomly got reccomended this.
    I like it.

  • @JLTruRodYT
    @JLTruRodYT 4 года назад +51

    Forgot about Coronavirus during 30 minutes

  • @zainthemaynnn
    @zainthemaynnn 3 года назад +8

    that guitar blows like every other song in existence out of the park

  • @ssx3000
    @ssx3000 4 года назад +16

    This is my ringtone

  • @beansat3am
    @beansat3am 4 года назад +70

    *How everyone felt when Steve was Announced For Smash*

    • @danoob2399
      @danoob2399 3 года назад +7

      Some people didn't like it for some reason

    • @keepinitlow
      @keepinitlow 3 года назад +1

      @@danoob2399 Twitter:

    • @danoob2399
      @danoob2399 3 года назад

      @@keepinitlow Twitter: Lemme just.. *dies*

    • @keepinitlow
      @keepinitlow 3 года назад

      @@danoob2399 😆

    • @firecrash6481
      @firecrash6481 3 года назад +1


  • @ggtwinbee
    @ggtwinbee 2 года назад +8

    The fact they changed the Sonic movie designs means we're in the good future

  • @chocolatomilko9760
    @chocolatomilko9760 5 лет назад +159

    this disappear for some time
    And now is back ?
    0:46 hue hue hue hue

  • @michaelb.2662
    @michaelb.2662 5 лет назад +168

    I like this version better than the bad future

    • @RiayToons
      @RiayToons 5 лет назад +5

      Wait... Where are all these witty guys with their dark witty comments? Is this done to me on purpose?!

    • @JLTruRodYT
      @JLTruRodYT 4 года назад +5


    • @ShyxzizOfficial
      @ShyxzizOfficial 4 года назад +5


    • @frowny_brow
      @frowny_brow 4 года назад +4

      @@RiayToons U again!

    • @wockytalkie8352
      @wockytalkie8352 4 года назад +5

      *many people are typing....*

  • @fardung
    @fardung 3 года назад +11

    This is a blessing upon the human race

  • @finn_4761
    @finn_4761 4 года назад +38

    0:48 - “Taco, taco!”

    • @mystictaco835
      @mystictaco835 4 года назад +2

      Why are you calling my name, what do you need?

    • @finn_4761
      @finn_4761 4 года назад +1

      MysticTaco dammit 😂

    • @aharrison7459
      @aharrison7459 4 года назад +1

      Is it or does it say pasta pasta

    • @WoobinTheScrub
      @WoobinTheScrub 4 года назад

      awesome pawsome

    • @alanthevideomaker646
      @alanthevideomaker646 4 года назад

      @Jacob Silver lol i thought i was the only one who noticed that

  • @TailsGamer_YT
    @TailsGamer_YT 4 года назад +12

    This gives me good vibes

  • @The_FlamingBlade
    @The_FlamingBlade 4 года назад +11

    1:45 Your little brother who broke every glass cup in the house and laughs. You yelling in the background, "Brother, Brother!"

  • @pawarl.o.s.881
    @pawarl.o.s.881 3 года назад +9

    I feel the urge to go roller skating whenever I hear this, and I can't even skate well.
    Thanks Family Guy.

  • @reganswan6727
    @reganswan6727 4 года назад +7

    This is so relaxing

  • @lankthedank6931
    @lankthedank6931 5 лет назад +42

    I actually prefer this over Bad Future. It’s super chill.

    • @farragoprismproductions3337
      @farragoprismproductions3337 4 года назад +14

      Guess what...

    • @LexxGee1234
      @LexxGee1234 2 года назад

      @@farragoprismproductions3337 ?

    • @randomico7632
      @randomico7632 2 года назад

      @@LexxGee1234 it's the bad future version

    • @LexxGee1234
      @LexxGee1234 2 года назад

      @@randomico7632 oh

    • @randomico7632
      @randomico7632 2 года назад

      @@LexxGee1234 I recommend you to hear that version: stardust speedway bad future. it's sooo good

  • @dislike2657
    @dislike2657 5 лет назад +261

    Etika brought me here, my friend

    • @supersaiyanyo2198
      @supersaiyanyo2198 5 лет назад +52

      KhomotsoFXFR first song I went to when I first heard the news he died. Can’t wait for all of us to meet him in the good future.

    • @dislike2657
      @dislike2657 5 лет назад +33

      @@supersaiyanyo2198 Yeah, I know man...this world is real different without him.....nothing is the same now

    • @supersaiyanyo2198
      @supersaiyanyo2198 5 лет назад +34

      KhomotsoFXFR yeah, I can’t even find an another RUclipsr good as him, because every popular RUclipsr is doing this for money, not for fun sadly, I really miss that dude 😢, but hey we’ll be with him soon with the Joycon boiis and 👌🏿Gang

    • @dislike2657
      @dislike2657 5 лет назад +21

      @@supersaiyanyo2198 You are right, my friend......I really cannot find anyone else...all the other RUclipsrs are either doing this for the money like you said or have literally stopped making videos until they somehow suddenly come back

    • @gh0st731
      @gh0st731 4 года назад +11

      Wasn’t brought by Etika, but I really miss the dude.

  • @-sgsdfhdhhdt
    @-sgsdfhdhhdt 3 года назад +5

    I just got goosebumps all over

  • @thatsoneoof9308
    @thatsoneoof9308 4 года назад +6

    The first good future song I heard :')

  • @joaozin003
    @joaozin003 Год назад +8

    0:15 hits so so so hard

  • @somedollwholikesasdfmovie1139
    @somedollwholikesasdfmovie1139 4 года назад +13

    Millions of years later the world is no longer awful. This would play in the background.

  • @nesstar64
    @nesstar64 4 года назад +12

    Past: Ruins Road
    Present: Stardust Speedway
    B. Future: Cluster City
    G. Future: Stellar Streets

    • @user-ut2oo3kx3s
      @user-ut2oo3kx3s 4 года назад +4

      My version with descriptions for the names:
      Past: Mystical Road ( A evolving road soon going to be a Speedway, many people build mystical temples here because of the vegetation)
      Present: Star Speedway ( A loud speedway, the citizens here like to play many instruments, an starry night always happen here, hence the name, Star Speedway )
      Bad Future: Lightning Highway, ( Star Speedway after being destroyed by Metal Sonic and Eggman, there are only about 10 citizens here, the music is over, the sky has become a dark red, with thunder everyday, Eggman has won )
      Good Future, Stellar Road ( Star Speedway has finnally become what it was meant to be, a fun, happy, loud roadway the instruments are back and even more music this time, the animals finnally live in peace with the citizens here, Sonic and friends have won, this is certainly. The Best Timeline

    • @ZphyZphyer
      @ZphyZphyer 3 года назад

      @@user-ut2oo3kx3s both words need to start with the same letter

    • @user-ut2oo3kx3s
      @user-ut2oo3kx3s 3 года назад

      @@ZphyZphyer *10 Months ago*

  • @robertlupa8273
    @robertlupa8273 Год назад +2

    The intro really puts the "star" in "Stardust Speedway".

  • @パブロクリスチャン
    @パブロクリスチャン 3 года назад +1

    I don’t know about you guys but I hear *Hustle Hustle* and I look back & listen to this track for motivation :)

  • @zatchfan202
    @zatchfan202 3 года назад +4

    This is the music you hear in your dreams!

  • @xxblackkzoruaxx5971
    @xxblackkzoruaxx5971 3 года назад +8

    i jokingly said "is there even a good future variant lets be honest" but god damn yes there is and it slaps

  • @zebcoan8231
    @zebcoan8231 2 года назад +6

    The best song in the franchise took me so long to find. Sonic CD woulda been my fav game in the series if it had actual super sonic and good bosses. But besides that it truly is one of the most unique and beautiful sonic games out there.

  • @door52
    @door52 Год назад +1

    Ima blasting this while going for a fieldtrip on a bus with my friends at night

  • @humblebeast9813
    @humblebeast9813 4 года назад +4

    I typed in “stardust speedway good future theme” so many times and it never popped up but now is just shows up on my recommended 😂

  • @pixeldemon6173
    @pixeldemon6173 4 года назад +6

    I'm here after the Sonic statue has been fixed!

  • @loopez9608
    @loopez9608 4 года назад +5

    past: this is new
    present: i found the highway of stars.
    future: runing from cops
    good future: the cops are having a dance party
    me: tooooo faaaaaaast. R.I.P.

  • @abellopez7033
    @abellopez7033 Год назад +1

    My favorite track in the entire sonic franchise. They killed it with this one. ♾️/10

  • @lostcrusader8053
    @lostcrusader8053 4 года назад +5

    I don’t why this music sounds like I would be at a beach on vacation

  • @BombtasticGames
    @BombtasticGames 4 года назад +7

    I've beaten this game but I still love the music.

  • @AEnvorthenoob
    @AEnvorthenoob 4 года назад +6

    2021 according to the internet

    • @nickytembo4112
      @nickytembo4112 4 года назад

      Yeah especially since we are gonna get vaccines and will get vaccinated in January 2nd 2021

    • @azurneon
      @azurneon 3 года назад

      Well sorry to break your hopes and dreams, but it isn't... Let's hope this Summer will be better

  • @Omerizorman
    @Omerizorman 2 года назад +4

    You cant Escape the HueHuehue

  • @Steve-c1k2j
    @Steve-c1k2j 7 месяцев назад +1

    I have this in my sleep tracks.

  • @night.mix3r312
    @night.mix3r312 4 года назад +9

    The good future is when you graduate

    • @MoyanoJerald
      @MoyanoJerald 3 года назад

      I graduated from high school with first place in the last year, and instead of a Gold Medal, i got a $45,60 USD ($35.000 CLP) Gift Card only to buy new cloting

  • @traktor420
    @traktor420 3 года назад +2

    0:45: Luigi, it’s 0:45, time for your hue session

  • @chillycoldchomper9389
    @chillycoldchomper9389 3 года назад +3

    I played this during Perseverance's successful landing on Mars!

  • @jordibond
    @jordibond 3 года назад +1

    Happy birthday Sonic CD

  • @Sol_Z
    @Sol_Z 4 года назад +8

    So Beautiful :D :D

  • @memesmcgee2099
    @memesmcgee2099 4 года назад +4

    this is the theme i'd imagine if amy asked sonic out

  • @bassandtreble6616
    @bassandtreble6616 3 года назад +2

    Went back to 2011 playing Sonic CD on mom’s old iPad 1 for 30 minutes.

  • @theaveragegamer8413
    @theaveragegamer8413 4 года назад +5

    I like how Present & GF sound like Clubbing musics

  • @sonnydb1939
    @sonnydb1939 3 года назад +3

    The HUEs in the song make it sound like an old YTP

  • @desireewatts6093
    @desireewatts6093 3 года назад +3

    I want this to play at my funeral

  • @CS_Oddities
    @CS_Oddities 3 года назад +1

    With those "hue" changed in tone (0:46), sometimes I think this is a silvagunner rip

  • @superturkishdelight
    @superturkishdelight 3 года назад +3

    When it's 2021 and it's the 30th anniversary year for Sonic

  • @samanthasstoryproductions4894
    @samanthasstoryproductions4894 4 года назад +1

    nice. It sounds like believe in yourself.

  • @menelogz3698
    @menelogz3698 4 года назад +2

    When theres no exams and homeworks in your school forever:

  • @isaactorres4007
    @isaactorres4007 3 года назад +5

    Fun Fact: did you know that the game was supposed to end in Stardust Speedway

  • @theAZ360
    @theAZ360 2 года назад +1

    JP:you did well let's take a break
    US:you did it but... RUN!!!!

  • @just_viben07
    @just_viben07 4 года назад +4

    Is anyone else getting Christmas vibes from this

    • @camron586
      @camron586 4 года назад +1

      I am it’s like a winter evening thing we’re it’s snowing

    • @SeiyaTempest
      @SeiyaTempest 4 года назад

      I get a COVID free vibe

  • @KW36912
    @KW36912 3 года назад +3

    Past: Stardust Startpoint
    Present: Stardust Speedway
    Good Future: Stardust Smiles
    Bad Future: Stardust Sadness

  • @CrayolaSniffer8008135
    @CrayolaSniffer8008135 2 года назад +3


  • @mishutka3159
    @mishutka3159 3 года назад +3

    0:45 beautiful

  • @dattebayosigma90744
    @dattebayosigma90744 3 года назад +1

    me listening to the jp bad future and good future in sync just saved me

  • @peytonreed937
    @peytonreed937 3 года назад +4

    Present: Stardust Speedway
    past: Flora Freeway
    Bad Future: Hellish Highway
    Good Future: Rock N Roll Roadway

    • @ZphyZphyer
      @ZphyZphyer 3 года назад +1

      i think i would be
      Present: Stardust Speedway
      Past: Longy Freeway
      Bad Future: Poizone Way
      Good Future: Wavy Heavway

    • @peytonreed937
      @peytonreed937 3 года назад +1

      @@ZphyZphyer no offense, there has to be alliteration.

    • @ZphyZphyer
      @ZphyZphyer 3 года назад

      @@peytonreed937 idk what that is

    • @peytonreed937
      @peytonreed937 3 года назад +1

      @@ZphyZphyer words start woth same letter

    • @ZphyZphyer
      @ZphyZphyer 3 года назад

      @@peytonreed937 ohhh

  • @GiffanyCD
    @GiffanyCD 5 лет назад +5

    Ahh, the ol' Razzle Dazzle

  • @terrenceojeda7172
    @terrenceojeda7172 3 года назад +2

    This song makes my butt wobble.

  • @merules2247
    @merules2247 2 года назад +2

    My local skate rink plays this song once a week at 2 pm

  • @F.N.S.360
    @F.N.S.360 4 года назад +2

    is it me or when a random sonic song hmmmm like....... oh sonic 4 ep2 metal sonic boss it makes me think about sonic like this also makes me cry

  • @ساهرةتمساح
    @ساهرةتمساح 4 года назад +2

    This Soundtrack Is Very Sad To Me And I Love It 😢😢😢😢😢😢😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

  • @JLTruRodYT
    @JLTruRodYT 4 года назад +5

    Good Future > Bad Future

    • @JLTruRodYT
      @JLTruRodYT 4 года назад

      This is my favorite song of Sonic CD

  • @Wario_Man
    @Wario_Man 4 года назад +2

    This is better than the bad future version

  • @camron586
    @camron586 4 года назад +1

    Everybody in my class just vibing

  • @wonderchubby
    @wonderchubby 4 года назад +4

    This song reminds me of twinkle twinkle little star😂😂

  • @Max_Toons
    @Max_Toons 6 месяцев назад

    Bad Future: “Nice try, faker, but nobody can outrun the real Sonic!”
    Good Future: “Sonic! My hero!”

  • @ShaneDouglas713
    @ShaneDouglas713 Год назад +1


  • @captainmedallion
    @captainmedallion 4 года назад +1

    the 12 dislikes are eggman, metal sonic and their 10 alts
    that funky bass line tho

  • @marcogonzalez9673
    @marcogonzalez9673 2 года назад +1

    now this is a bop

  • @cosmicreaper4976
    @cosmicreaper4976 3 года назад +4

    When jaystation’s channel gets terminated

    • @azurneon
      @azurneon 3 года назад

      Hell yeah

    • @aqil12347
      @aqil12347 3 года назад

      are he is clickbaiter?

  • @EpicGamer-nh9pt
    @EpicGamer-nh9pt 4 года назад +1

    This is sonic,the coolest thing

  • @JyujinPlus
    @JyujinPlus 3 года назад +6

    Gonna play this when the Pandemic is over

    • @NynyLemon123
      @NynyLemon123 3 года назад


    • @nickytembo4112
      @nickytembo4112 2 года назад +2

      “Like that’s ever gonna happen” (this is joke, I’m actually sure we will see the pandemic end… sometime)

    • @JyujinPlus
      @JyujinPlus 2 года назад

      @@nickytembo4112 If we go collecting the time stones we can probably deal with it ourselves

  • @Voidful_Molten
    @Voidful_Molten 4 года назад +3

    I guess was the inspiration for mania version