Their skin is on fire (literally) I really love Mai shiranui effects because they enhanced it, on origin KOF Mai doesn't have much of a effects so this is 100/10
Supa Dope😭 Mai and Terry feels like you actually play the character in KoF and ML together in gameplay unlike others past kof where they just blasting skill
FRRRR ATHENA LOOKS SO BLANNDDD , the revamp kula looks dope tho I just wished they gave Athena more star effects and better ult like wth is that ult it's the basic ult but orange and almost invisible@@reqm354
Please consider to revamp Valir into a fighter/mage moonton, we also doesn't have enough fighter/mage in the game, beside Valir is pretty useless in the higher tier right now, by revamping Valir into a fighter/mage you can also fix the Ikki Skin. 1st Skill (Long Range): The same as his current 1st skill but in the enhanced(ult) version *This skill will be Kyo's Yamibarai* 1st Skill(Close Combat Mode): Valir dashes in the designed direction and punch the enemies in the area, if he hits the Hero unit or a jungle creep, he can use this skill again, he can use this skill for 3 times max, the 2nd phase of this skill is kicking the enemies forward, causing a small knockback, in the last phase of this skill Valir will do the uppercut, causing a knock up to the enemies in the area. *This skill will be Kyo's Shiki Nanase + Shiki Oniyaki* 2nd Skill: Valir dashes in the designed direction, if there was an enemy unit in the area of his dash destination he will changes into a close combat mode, otherwise he changes into a long-range mode, this skill was available since the start of the game(like Roger and Selena). Ult(Long Range): Available to upgrade after reaching level 4, the same as his current 2nd skill, but it deals more damage and have a smaller range, you can charge this skill to add more damage and increase the range of the attack, he will be immune to all CC effect when using/charging this skill *This skill will be Kyo's Orochinagi* Ult(Close Combat): Something like Lapu Lapu's ultimate in the Heavy Sword Stance, but the last attack will cause a knock up effect. He also gains Control Immunity during this process and can change his attack direction and move a short distance on each attack. *This skill will be Kyo's Mu-Shiki* Note: All the skill of his Close Range and Long-Range mode doesn't have a share cool-down(with the exception of 2nd skill). Passive: Valir cannot gain Magical Power or Physical Attack, instead every Magical Power or Physical Attack stats that he has will be converted to Adaptive Attack, which mean he can build both Physical and Magical Item, He deals magical damage in long-range mode and deals physical damage in close-combat mode. The passive of his long-range mode is the same as his current passive(marking the enemies and "burn" them) but at the 3 stacks the fire doesn't detonates anymore, in his close-combat mode he deals more damage depending on how many marks the enemies have, if he hit the enemies that have 3 stacks of ablaze marks during his close combat mode, the fire will detonates, causing additional damage and stun the enemies. But then again, i'll still buy this skin just because it was *Kyo*
I ain't reading allat but man Valir as Kyo Kusanagi is such a let down in this collab it's too forced and it's so weird to look at when Kyo spamming 1st skill lmfao should've Alucard instead of Valir, Alucard's skill set fits more then Valir.
MC KOF got a worse treatment from Moonton. Give him a better hero or make a new character to collab Moonton kyo is not even accurate as valir with mage long range 😂
Terry uses chi, not fire. In the past game (Fatal Fury) Terry's chi effect was blue then changed it in KOF. Meanwhile Terry's brother, Andy uses both chi (Tung Fu Rue) and fire (Mai)
WHATTT 😱 it's been so long since I last played this game but I really thought Mai was going to be Hanabi. I'm surprised it turned out to be Masha. But it seems that Masha suits her more so it's good I guess.
@@KeepCoping679they also need to make the effects more HD and noticable because a lot of money went there for the players to get it. And higher hero model quality ofcourse
nah ini, kirain bakal niat dikit bikin-nya kan, ulti-nya pakai animasi awal Orochinagi terus badan-nya dibuat berapi gitu selama durasi ult (0:01). Yang bikin kesel itu dipaksain mirip fighter banget, animasi-nya dibuat ninju-ninju angin ngeluarin api. Basic Attack-nya pun dibikin gitu juga, memang dari awal pemilihan valir udh salah sih.
Asli, K' yang attack nya jadi jauh gitu jadi terasa lebih masuk akal daripada si Valir ini😂, maksa nya luar biasa maksa. King of Fighter, mukul aja g bisa yak😂
If you're wondering what is that Illuminati Recall,It's actually part of Orochi Saga from kof 94-97 But I never Expect Mai's hair is burning,They should add Andy instead of Terry but it's okay tho Edit:I hope Mature,Vice and Shermie is added if they wanted to do part 4(3 of them are Orochi Hakkeshu if I remember) But What I find A Bit accurate between these 3 woman is Mature and Shermie where they can fit as Natalia and Eudora,While Vice,Idk who will fit her
@@TheClassicNero31109No, Vice's attack style is Speed and it represents how Aggressive she is while Mature Using her Hand nails to attack I know she was like a Copy from her Outfit and Anything but she's different
Pilit na pilit si talaga si Valir as Kyo ang weird tignan ni Kyo naging spell caster naging fire ball (1st skill) spammer parang hindi si kyo ginagamit mo para Valir lang na nag cosplay as Kyo Kusanagi, mas bagay talaga skill set ni Alucard kesa kay Valir
They give random unwanted kof so you would spin again. Better if they made it like choose which kof skin you want than milk money from those not really into the other heroes.
RASAIN TUH YG VOTE valir!!! Basic si valir dah api d tambah kyo elemn api bedanya apa kocak, mana ultimate si kyo jadi aneh gitu😂, padahal klw di kasih ke alucard keren bgt gue yakin visualnya😂
biasanya skin collab gaada vote sih bang, memang moonton-nya yg sedeng, gw juga bingung cok malah Valir yang dapat. Coba lu perhatiin animasi basic attack-nya, dipaksain mirip fighter anjir, dibuat ninju-ninju angin terus ngeluarin api gitu, terus di entrance nya ada animasi Orochinagi, kirain bakal dipakai jadi animasi ulti-nya kan, eh.. animasi ulti pas di ingame-nya malah terbang gitu anjir, gajelas banget.
Kyo-kun. Mai-chan. And also.. Terry. 🤩✨️ Man! I must save diamond first. (Fyi. Terry is one of my 5 favorite Kof idols. I don't know if it's because I watched Kof anime or Fatal Fury. Whenever there's Terry, I get hype.)
@@cabaniggiancarlo2512 yah good luck trying to use that combo if lancelot was chasing you, eventually there was a time where you need to use 2nd skill first, there's no standard combo for a hero like Valir, he ain't gusion.
These are actually the best quality skins I've seen, those models are extremely clean. If only they would revamp the old KOF skins models and in-game effects, that would be insane.
I've always thought Hanabi is a better character for Mai Shiranui because they're both ninja, but after seeing Masha with Mai Shiranui skin i realized Masha was the perfect hero for Mai Shiranui as they're both close combat fighter in the game.
@@arruhunahya7593 dude are u really not reading it? I played all kof game even my name says it all, I’m saying his flame is very simialr and the fire vibe gives off the same but that’s it
It's over moneytod gonna be slapping those exclusive skin tags on every expensive skin existence starting now
So what?
it's so over
its the beginning of MLBB's downfall
y'all are so overreacting
Their skin is on fire (literally) I really love Mai shiranui effects because they enhanced it, on origin KOF Mai doesn't have much of a effects so this is 100/10
All the skins looks great. Just hoping to see Valir revamped as a fighter / mage soon, and all the skins will be perfect!
I wish this, Kyo skills are forced. But making him a fighter and mage would actually fix Ikki skin which is exciting!
@@theminipat8956 ooh i like that
@@theminipat8956 exactly, making him a fighter/mage would fix both this and Ikki skin.
He would be like Bane and Julian
Where's the boy who likes fire???
Supa Dope😭 Mai and Terry feels like you actually play the character in KoF and ML together in gameplay unlike others past kof where they just blasting skill
fr unlike gusion’s K…
nah i'd argue that Athena is perfect for Guin. and Iori for Chou as well.
this Valir/Kyo was me when i first learn how to play fighting game, i always spam a projectile because i don't know how to pull off a TotD combo 🤣🤣
Athena, lori, karina x kof is perfect
@@arruhunahya7593 But Moonton never gets any grappler character. Like come on.
can't wait for mai's gyatt
Find god
They censored bro
@@OfficialArima do i care? GYATT IS GYATT BRO
@@OfficialArima censoring wont stop me, i will edit it, if there is a will, there is a way
@@shotabota325 my god is jesus
Old kof skin needs a recall animation Kula diamond and Leona has they're recall animation while Iori,Chris,K' And Athena is still standing
Agree, and they need revamp effect skill too
FRRRR ATHENA LOOKS SO BLANNDDD , the revamp kula looks dope tho I just wished they gave Athena more star effects and better ult like wth is that ult it's the basic ult but orange and almost invisible@@reqm354
They seriously need to revamp the old skins, they would look INSANE with moontons quality now. The old ones are so outdated yet still so good
MY GOD. I did not expect the effects would be that good😭. No wonder people called the KOF collab the goat.👍
It's always been the goat 🔥🔥 all the past kof skins are great too
Even if you don't get the KOF skin, you'll still get an epic atleast 2 which is nice
Valir: Menyalaa Abangkuhh🔥🔥
Gila keren semua cuy 😂
Tema menyala Abangkuh
Haduhh, duit lagi abangkuhh. . .
Kemaren saint saiya yg biasa aja udah habis berapa
@@Hari-tvitu baru biasa, ini kof minimal 400-500k + tiket, harga normalnya bisa2 jutaan
@@AnimeMusicVideo.1 skin collab rata² emang setengah juta lebih kurang. Mau kof apa saint seiya sama aja 😅
The sound effect, skin animation is OFF THE HOOK....!!! Damnnnnnnn
Only Valir didn't have some adjustments recently. I wish they gave him a little buff too.
maybe a revamp valir as fighter / mage would be nice
@@donkeywonkgky that would be so ridiculous
@@teteahauchhum4079 valir to fit kyo is not ridiculous
@@teteahauchhum4079then Kyo as Valir is not? You're ridiculous.
@@donkeywonkgky Do u even know what a fighter hero is capable of? Valir is not a melee durable hero. Wtf r u thinking??
Please consider to revamp Valir into a fighter/mage moonton, we also doesn't have enough fighter/mage in the game, beside Valir is pretty useless in the higher tier right now, by revamping Valir into a fighter/mage you can also fix the Ikki Skin.
1st Skill (Long Range): The same as his current 1st skill but in the enhanced(ult) version
*This skill will be Kyo's Yamibarai*
1st Skill(Close Combat Mode): Valir dashes in the designed direction and punch the enemies in the area, if he hits the Hero unit or a jungle creep, he can use this skill again, he can use this skill for 3 times max, the 2nd phase of this skill is kicking the enemies forward, causing a small knockback, in the last phase of this skill Valir will do the uppercut, causing a knock up to the enemies in the area.
*This skill will be Kyo's Shiki Nanase + Shiki Oniyaki*
2nd Skill: Valir dashes in the designed direction, if there was an enemy unit in the area of his dash destination he will changes into a close combat mode, otherwise he changes into a long-range mode, this skill was available since the start of the game(like Roger and Selena).
Ult(Long Range): Available to upgrade after reaching level 4, the same as his current 2nd skill, but it deals more damage and have a smaller range, you can charge this skill to add more damage and increase the range of the attack, he will be immune to all CC effect when using/charging this skill
*This skill will be Kyo's Orochinagi*
Ult(Close Combat): Something like Lapu Lapu's ultimate in the Heavy Sword Stance, but the last attack will cause a knock up effect. He also gains Control Immunity during this process and can change his attack direction and move a short distance on each attack.
*This skill will be Kyo's Mu-Shiki*
Note: All the skill of his Close Range and Long-Range mode doesn't have a share cool-down(with the exception of 2nd skill).
Passive: Valir cannot gain Magical Power or Physical Attack, instead every Magical Power or Physical Attack stats that he has will be converted to Adaptive Attack, which mean he can build both Physical and Magical Item, He deals magical damage in long-range mode and deals physical damage in close-combat mode. The passive of his long-range mode is the same as his current passive(marking the enemies and "burn" them) but at the 3 stacks the fire doesn't detonates anymore, in his close-combat mode he deals more damage depending on how many marks the enemies have, if he hit the enemies that have 3 stacks of ablaze marks during his close combat mode, the fire will detonates, causing additional damage and stun the enemies.
But then again, i'll still buy this skin just because it was *Kyo*
agreed bro, kyo kusanagi is a fighter who punches and kicks not a joker who throw fire away😭
up this
I ain't reading allat but man Valir as Kyo Kusanagi is such a let down in this collab it's too forced and it's so weird to look at when Kyo spamming 1st skill lmfao should've Alucard instead of Valir, Alucard's skill set fits more then Valir.
MC KOF got a worse treatment from Moonton. Give him a better hero or make a new character to collab Moonton kyo is not even accurate as valir with mage long range 😂
Can't wait 😭😭😭
Who Is May??
@@yisuszomber1170 its masha
@@yisuszomber1170 Masha
That intro of kyo was super nostalgic 'iyadeyadadee' 😂😂😂
"Kurae Yagare"
@@dikiwahyu8787 Oh that's the word 🤣
kurae yagaree
Hoping they will update the older KOF skins
Chou doesn't need update
@@kwaslkiiiHe needs to add a return animation, some KOFs already have it, but he doesn't
Which one tho?! I think Gusion and Chou no need 😊
@@kwaslkiii He still need the new entrance animation tho, make it more HD, the in-game is already perfect.
@@kwaslkiiihe need revamp effect because the effect is very rubbish
Let's gooooooooo 🔥
Whack, they’re all pure fire effects all looking similar to each other unlike the past KOF skins being different from each other
Mai anf kyo use fire
And terry use similar looking skills
Tell me you never play KoF without telling me
@@prawnhub357 are u talking abt the first comment or me?
Terry uses chi, not fire. In the past game (Fatal Fury) Terry's chi effect was blue then changed it in KOF. Meanwhile Terry's brother, Andy uses both chi (Tung Fu Rue) and fire (Mai)
This skins is on fire🔥🔥🔥
WHATTT 😱 it's been so long since I last played this game but I really thought Mai was going to be Hanabi. I'm surprised it turned out to be Masha. But it seems that Masha suits her more so it's good I guess.
The effect way better than the last 6 skins
As they should lmao, new skins are always better than old skins
bruh the last new kof skins before this was like 3 years ago 😂😂
Bro just compared the old Kof with the new one😂
Their old kof skins are great too, but they really need to put some idle animations and random actions perks asap
@@KeepCoping679they also need to make the effects more HD and noticable because a lot of money went there for the players to get it. And higher hero model quality ofcourse
Sheesh, ON FIREEEEEE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Bro The Effect Make Melted 🔥🔥
Thank you. Love it. Need More ! GOD Bless
Kyo looks so handsome omggg😍😍😍😍💐💐
Valir udah dasarnya api jadi b banget cuma di perbagus dikit trus pas ulti yg ngelilingin tubuh juga mirip skin default
se7 bgt
tapi nya icon ult nya lain tak seperti di effectnya
nah ini, kirain bakal niat dikit bikin-nya kan, ulti-nya pakai animasi awal Orochinagi terus badan-nya dibuat berapi gitu selama durasi ult (0:01).
Yang bikin kesel itu dipaksain mirip fighter banget, animasi-nya dibuat ninju-ninju angin ngeluarin api. Basic Attack-nya pun dibikin gitu juga, memang dari awal pemilihan valir udh salah sih.
Asli, K' yang attack nya jadi jauh gitu jadi terasa lebih masuk akal daripada si Valir ini😂, maksa nya luar biasa maksa. King of Fighter, mukul aja g bisa yak😂
@@effathazmi ya itu, icon-nya itu gambar pas lagi charging Orochinagi, pas dipake di ingame animasi-nya malah jadi terbang gitu
1st kof recall and elimination effects are way better it's just need to rework.
yeah it feels more authentic
IDC what anyone says, these skins are fire 🔥
yeah, it was literally a "fire"
If you're wondering what is that Illuminati Recall,It's actually part of Orochi Saga from kof 94-97
But I never Expect Mai's hair is burning,They should add Andy instead of Terry but it's okay tho
Edit:I hope Mature,Vice and Shermie is added if they wanted to do part 4(3 of them are Orochi Hakkeshu if I remember)
But What I find A Bit accurate between these 3 woman is Mature and Shermie where they can fit as Natalia and Eudora,While Vice,Idk who will fit her
Don't forget Geonitz ,yamazaki and yashiro
I think vice fits Hilda maybe
I think it's enough that they ruined Kyo, Shermie is too iconic, it's best not to. The attack cannot be paired with MLBB ,no
Vice is just a copy of Mature. And the recall is actually Orochi stage that you can see in KOF 97 final boss stage (Also can be seen in KOF 98 UM ver)
@@TheClassicNero31109No, Vice's attack style is Speed and it represents how Aggressive she is while Mature Using her Hand nails to attack
I know she was like a Copy from her Outfit and Anything but she's different
Finally, Valir's Kyo Kusanagi skin
Kyo as valir suckash imagine being a fighter that you have keep your distance
@@Doriya678 I'm gonna build Valir as a pure tank after i got this skin so i can fight the enemies in close quarter, lmao 🤣🤣🤣
@@Doriya678 just hope valir gets a revamp survey soon as fighter and mage
skin paling ga masuk akal
Now there is K and Kyo Kusanagi but both different heroes. And the most suitable candidate Hanabi didn't get Mai's skin😢
Kereeennnnn!!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Wow valir's effects and sound is just SATISFYING!!!!!! 🔥💯💯
id tag id tag everywhere 👍
Valir Skin has the Most OP effects TBH
Skin visuals got a lot better now WOW❤
Skin api semua menyala abangkuh 😂😂
Me: Shut up and take my money!!👊💵
@@raxie_lesley to hahahaha wow
Soooo excited 🎉👌.
I hope we can choose the kof skin we want. Tired of random skins I got to the hero I don't use.
It's bingo tho.
Paquito : sheees🥶💀
In this event i guess i will be happy to get any one of it
Lupet ng kayValir, pero sana i-enhance pa yung ultimate effects
Kaya nga prng basic skin lng
Pilit na pilit si talaga si Valir as Kyo ang weird tignan ni Kyo naging spell caster naging fire ball (1st skill) spammer parang hindi si kyo ginagamit mo para Valir lang na nag cosplay as Kyo Kusanagi, mas bagay talaga skill set ni Alucard kesa kay Valir
Please revamp a exclusive KOF recall effects
Wish for Masha kof in 1st 10 draws👏
In ur dreams
Probably the best snk skin now? It looks so good.
amazinggg 🤩
Lets play guys 💪😁🔔
They give random unwanted kof so you would spin again. Better if they made it like choose which kof skin you want than milk money from those not really into the other heroes.
Iori ketawa melihat rival nya baling api wkwkwk😂😂
Iyh bjirr malah jadi kang petasan dadakan😢🤮
iya kek apa ya masa rival ga sebanding di tendang iori aja k.o tuh si kyo
hope they revamp valir as fighter / mage
@@renshuu4818ditendang Chou? Ulti Valir solusinya😂
@@zul177 lah chou nya ge ngotak atuh yakali nendang valir pas masih ada ulti
that’s actually so nice, they have to revamp the much older kof skins now
Efek full api🔥🔥🔥
Wow so beautiful skins. I have to start fundraising
Pawuito skin looks so good hope I get terry
Valir and Mahsa is so special 🎉 Beautiful skin❤
The effect is😍
What's with all those fancy effects!!!
KOF is still the best collab in MLBB till now.
Skin look awesome, actually origins from japan, they do great art design, mlbb make it more visual effect
Players thinking Mai shiranui to be hanabi be like "😳😭"
When i see this mai shiranui postur and atk effects i cant distingushis her with hanabi,marsha not suitable at all😅😅
@@hanisrosli5484 but her skills match, and that´s more important
Good effect 😮😮
RASAIN TUH YG VOTE valir!!! Basic si valir dah api d tambah kyo elemn api bedanya apa kocak, mana ultimate si kyo jadi aneh gitu😂, padahal klw di kasih ke alucard keren bgt gue yakin visualnya😂
Gk ada yg vote,lu kira skin mythic blok
@@jamaal7874ada sesi pas milih vote di web dan yg menang memang alu tp knp jadi valir
biasanya skin collab gaada vote sih bang, memang moonton-nya yg sedeng, gw juga bingung cok malah Valir yang dapat. Coba lu perhatiin animasi basic attack-nya, dipaksain mirip fighter anjir, dibuat ninju-ninju angin terus ngeluarin api gitu, terus di entrance nya ada animasi Orochinagi, kirain bakal dipakai jadi animasi ulti-nya kan, eh.. animasi ulti pas di ingame-nya malah terbang gitu anjir, gajelas banget.
Ni valir efek basic kulit kof wkwkk
Klw gk alu hero fighter lain kek yg basic nya petarung bukan kang lempar api😢
Omg can't wait ❤❤❤❤
For me valir fits Ash crimson or saiki 🗿
yes better.. they did it again.. another skin not same skills.. like martis and levi..
@@shinnotomo1244 just revamp valir should be fine
Can't wait 😮
everyone was like: Why Valir is kyo why not badang and shits
Then now: I want that Mai Gyatt
Not the gyatt
Nuh valir kof skin's looks like the visual was revamped from the real valir itself
Now they need to revamp the old KOF skins
No matter what nothing can beat the old kof skins
Kof is kof smh
nothing is better just character from the game
sorry but these absolutely DEMOLISH, you just blinded by nostalgia
Nuh uh you're just stuck to old ones 😂 wake up
Brother is looking through the nostalgia lenses
Revamp skin kof first gen Will be nice idea
Angas ng valir
Angas nga wala ka naman pambili
@@OnlyValirTV kailan pala ito lalabas sa pinas brod
The exclusive skin tag is a trap😂
Keren banget 😮
OMGGG i thought i was gon' be disapointed with valir's skin wikziwjziws
Next Vale as Geonitz
And others
Sheeeett my pocket... I can feel it getting lighter
Kyo-kun. Mai-chan. And also.. Terry. 🤩✨️
Man! I must save diamond first.
(Fyi. Terry is one of my 5 favorite Kof idols. I don't know if it's because I watched Kof anime or Fatal Fury. Whenever there's Terry, I get hype.)
Bro benar benar menyukai terry dan ingin menikahi nya💀
@@bartod_. gk sampai segitunya 😅.
Best collab ever....🎈❤️❤️❤️
Uh...does Valir has a combo? I thought you just need to keep using Skill 1.
No he doesn't, it's just moonton's cheap marketing. Valir is a stupid hero you don't need a combo to play him
@@arruhunahya7593valir had a combo. 1 2 stun the enemy then skill 3 enhanced their skills.. try to educate yourself
1 2 3 1 2.. that isn't combo for you? Poorminded
@@cabaniggiancarlo2512 yah good luck trying to use that combo if lancelot was chasing you, eventually there was a time where you need to use 2nd skill first, there's no standard combo for a hero like Valir, he ain't gusion.
@@cabaniggiancarlo2512 Why would we start with first tho shouldnt we use the 2nd phase of his 1st too like my combo is 2-1-3-2-1
These are actually the best quality skins I've seen, those models are extremely clean. If only they would revamp the old KOF skins models and in-game effects, that would be insane.
Why does Masha not have a border frame when she uses her ultimate....??? Meanwhile Valir and Paquito does....
Moonton Please let it be free skin or atleast buyable😭
she does lol
She does have the border
For the first time its a win win kof event the three skins are cool
Kyo Kusanagi should be paquito😢
I wish they optimize the previous KOF skins and add a recall and special walking effects
Please do not ever use skin tags ever again.
Mai and Terry KOF moves 😍🔥🔥 and then Valir 💯😎🔥🔥
I need valir😘
I've always thought Hanabi is a better character for Mai Shiranui because they're both ninja, but after seeing Masha with Mai Shiranui skin i realized Masha was the perfect hero for Mai Shiranui as they're both close combat fighter in the game.
making kyo mage is kinda off just like levi
Tbh yeah but it looks better than Levi tbh
lets hope they revamp valir as mage fighter
@@donkeywonkgky that’s what everyone is saying and I agree tbh, if he does the skin will be the best
@@kyokusanagi3546 same valir could match same energy as iori since they both rivals
We need original Mai shiranui costume 🗿
Putting kyo as valir is like using magic build on alucard
alucard was better choice, but its too late now. hoping valir gets revamped.
@@donkeywonkgkylike kula. Also his for sure getting revamped in future making his skin better
@@kyokusanagi3546 yepp i agree they should
All the skins are insanely good
All are on fire. Especially Kyo.
valir jelek banget anying udah heronya ngeluarin api,collabnya jg ngeluarin api jdi gada specialnya selain sound effectnya,mending karina leona sih
I mean it’s very similar to kyo in og so it’s badass
Similar? How can kyo being stupid mage thrown some fire🤣
@@musashimiyamoto534 kyo become fire spammer 😆
@@kyokusanagi3546 Kyo is a fighter, a very brutal street fighter, not a walking flame-thrower
@@arruhunahya7593 dude are u really not reading it? I played all kof game even my name says it all, I’m saying his flame is very simialr and the fire vibe gives off the same but that’s it
the new kof event is better than i expected
I like the combo icons for combo tips.
Moonton seeing a fire type character
"Oh its Valir"
thank you for the free kyo 🎉🎉🎉
Wait kyo is free?
Chat is this real?
they should revamp valir as fighter mage to fit kyo and ikki
For real?
Need revamp on Old KOF Series when they comeback
Dang i really need kyo kusanagi now 😊😊
Mai looks like Fighter Hanabi