Puddle Of Mudd - She Hates Me (Explicit) (Official Video)

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025

Комментарии • 1,6 тыс.

  • @Bandz410
    @Bandz410 Год назад +315

    To have been born in 89 and grew up throughout the 90's and early 2000's is such a blessing and the end of an Era that will never be matched and never undone such a wild and crazy Era to be apart of and will never b duplicated!!!!... such a beautiful part of history to be apart of!!! So much timeless and everlasting music and more!!!... so much to be Grateful for!!! Miss those days so soo badly 😢💯💯💯

    • @YourName-jm7lz
      @YourName-jm7lz 11 месяцев назад +12

      it was even better being 18 y/o in 1991.....1970s were awesome too, even at that age.

    • @davedavidson7059
      @davedavidson7059 11 месяцев назад +8

      Hell yea bro 89 here I love all this shit! For me the big one was limp bizkit... finally met fred at a party last year shit was crazy lol 🤣

    • @MRsolidcolor
      @MRsolidcolor 11 месяцев назад +10

      The end of the 90s was the start of the death of the American way..

    • @Kratos527
      @Kratos527 10 месяцев назад +6

      86 here........and you speak The truth my friend.......we are the last generation to grow up in an actual ERA and what an awesome FUCKIN end it was........ NEVER to be forgotten

    • @Kratos527
      @Kratos527 10 месяцев назад +4

      The times are missed greatly

  • @kokukun6907
    @kokukun6907 11 месяцев назад +304

    can we all admit even to this day this song still hits the heart like a tank

  • @johnzerangue9222
    @johnzerangue9222 Год назад +70

    63 here guys. If it jams, it jams. 70's 80's all decades have some serious music.

  • @jimvanlieshout7657
    @jimvanlieshout7657 Год назад +1913

    OK, I’m an old man (closing on 70) and I thought of my HS girlfriend, class of 1972, so yes-this song is TIMELESS!!😳😳🤣🤣😱😱

    • @adiebrown4135
      @adiebrown4135 Год назад +48

      Hey I'm 57 and I'm still jamming to Band of gold and so many awesome ones that my Older sisters used to have blasting lol example.. Going to the Chapel and going get married 😂😂😂

    • @harperholbrook7102
      @harperholbrook7102 Год назад +40

      Wait if my math checks out than you age is

    • @DOGE777---
      @DOGE777--- Год назад +12

      ​@@harperholbrook7102 wait 69 lol

    • @brettmarshall8982
      @brettmarshall8982 Год назад +12

      Yes! Get on gramps, your an inspiration, listening to rad songs and being IT illiterate as well. My old man is nearly 69 and he's a dinosaur when it comes to technology 🙈

    • @daveyamericanpridegodbless9842
      @daveyamericanpridegodbless9842 Год назад +4

      '79 and, 61 now and, fast, loose, wild wanted & living on thee edge and wouldn't have it any other fuckin way Brothers! Keep Rockin & Fightin the Good Fight! 🤟🤘🤙✌️😎😉🫡🌎🏖🏜🚆🏎🏍🛵⛵️✈️🚢🚁🪂🛫YASSIR ARAFAT, GET it?! Nuttin bad...

  • @kylepinkston7861
    @kylepinkston7861 2 года назад +1076

    I'm so grateful that I grew up in the early 2000s and being fortunate to have grown up with this kind of music

    • @millebrasco
      @millebrasco 2 года назад +20

      you are so goddamn right my good sir!

    • @nunyabusiness6090
      @nunyabusiness6090 2 года назад +19

      I'm so glad I was around for the 70's, 90's and 00's and because I never really grew up I got top appreciate music from all of them... 80's sucked though

    • @sw673
      @sw673 2 года назад +10

      I’ll add to that ❤ glad I grew up in the 70’s and got to party thru 80-90’s and early 200’s music in the clubs. Best times ever and zero evidence 😂🤟🏼

    • @albertking7959
      @albertking7959 2 года назад +6

      The 90's were the best

    • @bill5974
      @bill5974 2 года назад

      Ah, the old ball n chains song to me...what a b*tch.

  • @marshaackerman3113
    @marshaackerman3113 Год назад +121

    Love this song....sums up how most relationships start and then burn to the ground in a hurry

    • @MarianMurphy-rz8ej
      @MarianMurphy-rz8ej 10 месяцев назад +4

      I don’t think things need to go down like that. Does always have to go to these extremities? From my perspective that didn’t happen in my life. Tried to be sensitive if things didn’t work out.

  • @bubbles25403
    @bubbles25403 2 года назад +199

    Thank you for putting up the explicit music video. This made my day.
    From: Everyone

    • @JDoe001
      @JDoe001 3 месяца назад


  • @dontgetmarried
    @dontgetmarried 9 месяцев назад +44

    The kid squeezing a handful of mashed potatoes is so real lmao you want that cathartic release and theres nothing solid to break lmao 🤣😂

    • @tezwah5651
      @tezwah5651 Месяц назад

      Wtf did I just read?

  • @Joseph-lt6pp
    @Joseph-lt6pp 9 месяцев назад +79

    Finally a uncut version of this song 😊

  • @atvena
    @atvena Год назад +56

    The harmonized vocal lines are everything

  • @mandyburke6921
    @mandyburke6921 Год назад +340

    My dad drove a taxi for some extra $ after he retired. One night he picked up 4 very drunk young men from a casino. This song came on the radio & all 4 sang it at the top of their lungs. My dad loved the song so much, he bought the CD the next day😂😂😂

  • @MidiPunk
    @MidiPunk Год назад +1186

    Married 30-something years and still fun to crank this song when she goes on the warpath.

    • @melissaepperson7524
      @melissaepperson7524 Год назад +9


    • @ToStompU
      @ToStompU Год назад +26

      i laughed pretty hard at this one haha

    • @shelleybrooks1156
      @shelleybrooks1156 Год назад +17

      That’s hilarious!! I’m gonna send this song to my husband now… married 30 yrs 2 grown married children and now this song is so appropriate!! Thanks for the idea 💡

    • @itsmrlonewolf
      @itsmrlonewolf Год назад +9

      You may like guns n roses “I used to love her” too in that case.

    • @Tommozuya
      @Tommozuya Год назад +1


  • @jonmichael3280
    @jonmichael3280 2 года назад +88

    Random story.. But a few weeks after my dad passed I was at a McDonald's drive thru and could hear music playing. So I'm trying to listen carefully because it sounded really good echoing in the distance. Well, the line wasn't moving so I decided to just leave and follow the sound. So I arrive and someone had this blasting out of their truck at a restaurant. I've owned the damn album since I was in middle school and heard this song countless times. But something about the way it echoed in the distance really changed my appreciation for the song. Kinda strange!

  • @elgoog7830
    @elgoog7830 Год назад +97

    Saw them play this song, at Chicago Blue's Club, in 2005.
    Won tickets from Q101 radio station.
    Likely one of the best concert vibes I've ever felt, when this song came on. The place went crazy! Bartenders, security, everyone just went nuts.
    Great times!

    • @walkertexasranger1514
      @walkertexasranger1514 Год назад +1

      You gotta love concerts in Chicago ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @xTCxGR8Milenko
      @xTCxGR8Milenko 9 месяцев назад

      Back before Q101 had to be rebooted... miss those days

  • @MikeBargerstock
    @MikeBargerstock Год назад +37

    Music before your time might not be as cool, but music is timeless in every generation. 🤙🤘

  • @bradleydubose74
    @bradleydubose74 Год назад +108

    This was my favorite song as a kid and I still listen to it to this day

    • @StonerWeeb
      @StonerWeeb Год назад +2

      Same, takes me back to being ten

    • @xTCxGR8Milenko
      @xTCxGR8Milenko 9 месяцев назад

      Having been in HS when this came out, remembering cruising around with my buddies screaming this song at the top of our lungs... this comment made me feel so old 😪

  • @salimalamistheone
    @salimalamistheone Год назад +31

    This is the first time hearing this song not on the radio 😂omg I didn't know it has cursing in it. All these years! this makes it ten times better.

    • @jwg5774
      @jwg5774 6 месяцев назад

      Before the FCC crack down in the early 2000's that forced radio stations to erase curse words from songs they used to play the uncut version on the radio all the time.

  • @miserysmuse
    @miserysmuse 11 месяцев назад +14

    Girls can absolutely relate, too😢 He just tore my heart out, chewed it up and spat it right back at me! This goes both ways, it was fantastic for 2-3 months and all of a sudden... Ghosted. Like I was nothing at all.

  • @j-5087
    @j-5087 2 года назад +63

    What a great Era. A perfect fusion of extreme sports and punk/rock

    • @shiloeasley1995
      @shiloeasley1995 Год назад +4

      Hell yeah that the sweet fuckin kickass era love that that

    • @simplypatti6705
      @simplypatti6705 Год назад +1

      EXACTLY! The marriage 💔

  • @matthewleavens6200
    @matthewleavens6200 Год назад +247

    Jesus christ I forgot how much I loved this song. Im 32 years old now and my goodness...added straight to my rock Playlist 🤣

    • @RustedRevolt
      @RustedRevolt Год назад +2

      Im 34 😂

    • @nornalhumsn7167
      @nornalhumsn7167 Год назад +1

      Marry me

    • @Ginaarceci
      @Ginaarceci Год назад +2

      Im 45 and man i feel old 😂 forgot how much this song gets my hyped. And I'm a female 😂😂😂😂

    • @tonithames4604
      @tonithames4604 Год назад

      Meee toroo

    • @allrise9923
      @allrise9923 Год назад +2

      I’m 32 too lol straight to my playlist it went

  • @emeraldstategaming
    @emeraldstategaming 2 года назад +10

    2001: Reminds me of being 12 all over again. Super classic tune. In all it's EPIC glory! This song should have NEVER been edited. Speak your mind Wes!!!

  • @evanlee93
    @evanlee93 Год назад +53

    this is the divorced dad rock anthem and I love it

    • @josephschultz
      @josephschultz 3 месяца назад +1

      He He never thought about that but got Divorce Waped twice so I'll second this.. anybody else agree?

  • @blacklavoux
    @blacklavoux Год назад +9

    His songs always builds up.
    That’s why it’s fantastic ❤

  • @iheartharveyy
    @iheartharveyy Месяц назад +118

    2025 anyone

  • @roddycreswell8613
    @roddycreswell8613 Год назад +9

    I grew up in the 80s and can relate, good music crosses timelines.

  • @pedrocuviLEP
    @pedrocuviLEP Год назад +3


  • @StaticBlaster
    @StaticBlaster Год назад +12

    The early 90s and early 00s were booming economically and thus came out of it were awesome shows, movies and music (like this song) which makes me feel nostalgic.

    @LILATKINSON 25 дней назад +1

    This song cracks me up more now than ever. I went on a road trip with my 1st ex-husband that I haven't seen or spoken to in 18 years for Christmas vacation where we grew up to spend time with family and friends. Anyways on the way home this song came on the radio. And he said " Look, they are playing our song." 😀

  • @cavewerk
    @cavewerk Год назад +153

    i am 105 years old and i play this for my wife who is 98. we've been together for 85 years.

    • @greed2899
      @greed2899 Год назад +13


    • @NormaPhillips-m5w
      @NormaPhillips-m5w Год назад +24

      I'm 2000 years old and I play this for my mummy wife.

    • @ticklemyfancy1407
      @ticklemyfancy1407 Год назад +11

      ​@@NormaPhillips-m5wI literally just busted out laughing 😂😂😂

    • @LeaChorley
      @LeaChorley 11 месяцев назад +2

      Me Too!❤ Loving it!

    • @Mghol1968
      @Mghol1968 11 месяцев назад +3

      Thanks for the heads up- Read this comment and work and spit out my water all over computer screen.

  • @JasonFisherTX94
    @JasonFisherTX94 9 месяцев назад +20

    This song is exactly what I needed after a particularly sucky break up

  • @NomadixCook
    @NomadixCook Год назад +8

    I'm glad there's finally an official explicit version on yt

  • @RichardZumach
    @RichardZumach 9 месяцев назад +11

    Always hits the mark !!!

  • @AspieKing26
    @AspieKing26 Год назад +39

    Naturally this hits all men in a certain way, because we've all had one of those relationships that ended rather messily. But for me, this REALLY hits close to the chest because I was in a relationship where she literally "took everything that I ever had." and it ended REALLY bad and "I never got any action anyway."

    • @Dirk_the_Daring
      @Dirk_the_Daring Год назад +5

      You knew my ex-wife? Huh. Small world.

    • @AspieKing26
      @AspieKing26 Год назад +4

      @@Dirk_the_Daring LMSAO Only if your ex-wife's name was Mary Hopewell

    • @nothuman3083
      @nothuman3083 Год назад +3

      Literally went bankrupt homeless she went to someone else 2 weeks before.
      Came back swinging in a year tries to get my money.

  • @helenshea6060
    @helenshea6060 15 дней назад +1

    What an era to be alive 🙌

    • @WesScantlinMusic
      @WesScantlinMusic 14 дней назад

      @helenshea6060 Hello, how are you doing it’s nice meeting you here

  • @MetalHead_75
    @MetalHead_75 Год назад +45

    50 next year, and was lucky enough to experience both amazing metal in the 90s (Fear Factory, Pantera, Korn appearing etc) along with grunge and the appearance of some amazing music talent, and also experience the early 2000s. Just some amazing music coming out, and some great bands. Nothing better than cracking open a few cold ones, cranking up tunes like this on my early 2000s playlist and just solo moshing, air guitaring, singing along the lyrics etc.

    • @brianborchardt7198
      @brianborchardt7198 Год назад +5

      62 here and love it just as much.

    • @candicemorrison304
      @candicemorrison304 Год назад +6

      44 and fully agree! 😊

    • @melak8934
      @melak8934 Год назад +3

      50 here. I listened to this song while breastfeeding my youngest son back in 2002 😂
      Same feeling as when I was in Uni blasting on Red Hot Chili Peppers. Freedom.

    • @MetalHead_75
      @MetalHead_75 Год назад +1

      Can't beat old school RHCP. Higher Ground, Aeroplane, Breaking the Girl...just like Faith No More, music that never grows old.

    • @stacyfitts2579
      @stacyfitts2579 Год назад +2

      am 50 now and still love this song.

  • @xx_demonoffear_1561
    @xx_demonoffear_1561 2 года назад +22

    About damn time they released the explicit music video

  • @nandwan2371
    @nandwan2371 Год назад +42

    Timeless classic. Every guy can relate 😂

    • @TheParot161
      @TheParot161 9 месяцев назад +4

      Agreed. And the video is pretty excellent too.

    • @JohnDixon-m2l
      @JohnDixon-m2l 9 месяцев назад +4

      The reality of Man and women get it ❤😂🎉😅😂😮😅😊😊😊

  • @11TruthAssassin
    @11TruthAssassin 2 года назад +15

    Thanks very much 😀 Wes ! For re posting this 90s masterpiece! I was around 8 years old when this came out and I remember trying to sing it back then ..now I know it word for word! Thanks for your beautiful music 🎶 🔥 🚀 💣 🍻

  • @jasonlee3860
    @jasonlee3860 11 месяцев назад +19

    God, this era of music was so fucking gold.
    Blink 182, my chem romance, linkin park, etc.

    • @recreatorband
      @recreatorband 10 месяцев назад

      We’re a New grunge band, check us out !

  • @HighDesertForgeIronworks
    @HighDesertForgeIronworks Год назад +58

    As a "Boomer" who grew up in the 70' and the 80's, and I prefer that era of music, I gotta say I like this one. Never really knew of very much, if any, music that's worth a shit that came out after the mid 90's. This is good stuff

    • @hughreynolds9089
      @hughreynolds9089 Год назад

      I was a 79 baby. Love 80s thru 00 them Muisc became shot

    • @Skhert
      @Skhert Год назад +5

      @@hughreynolds9089 Music is very subjective. A lot of great music after that and even today.

    • @johnnywalker984
      @johnnywalker984 Год назад

      @@hughreynolds9089 79 too

    • @Pikesburgh
      @Pikesburgh 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @xTCxGR8Milenko
      @xTCxGR8Milenko 9 месяцев назад +1

      Late 90s, I was a HS sophomore so 98/99 bring class of 01 ... that said, if preferring that old time rock n roll makes me one a "millennial" boomer I am.

  • @c.costanza1145
    @c.costanza1145 4 месяца назад +1

    Nothing better than that early 2000’s vibe. ❤

  • @jessicafarmer7437
    @jessicafarmer7437 Год назад +26

    I may be 31 years old but I love Puddle of Mudd. I love a lot of old stuff ❤

  • @davidmcallister1280
    @davidmcallister1280 10 месяцев назад +4

    Every teen guy thought this was written for them when they had the first big argument with the one they thought was the one haha

  • @Dudja
    @Dudja 11 месяцев назад


  • @anothersettlementneedsyour9628
    @anothersettlementneedsyour9628 7 месяцев назад +12

    You can never go wrong in a music video with breaking stuff and exploding lights with exaggerated sparks

  • @JoshMcNugget2
    @JoshMcNugget2 Год назад +3

    This song was shown to me when I was 5 in 2005 by my Step-brother Cody. In late 2019, Cody sadly passed. RIP, thank you for showing me such amazing music while I grew up

  • @mikepeebles
    @mikepeebles Год назад +12

    Puddle of Mudd just played in Addison IL a few weeks ago summer fest! And they rocked ass!

  • @LRM5195
    @LRM5195 2 года назад +97

    Glad I grew up in the 00’s. There’s a charm to every era but I love the bands I grew up with. From this kind of stuff, to pop punk, to metalcore and even some of the pop was decent :)

    • @Vinnay94
      @Vinnay94 Год назад +1

      The 00s are GOLD

    • @LRM5195
      @LRM5195 Год назад +5

      @@johnnywalker984 Can’t stand the 80’s with the exception with very few rock bands and thrash. Even 80’s movies suck imo. 90’s, especially late 90’s was amazing but that’s alright .

  • @ernestgarcia755
    @ernestgarcia755 2 месяца назад +1

    One of the best songs & videos by Puddle of mud ! She f**kin hates me ! 🔥 🔊

  • @Gr3atWhiteHop3
    @Gr3atWhiteHop3 9 месяцев назад +86

    It's 2024 so which legends are still around listening to this awesome song!? Total nostalgia trip!

    • @shredder2588
      @shredder2588 9 месяцев назад +2

      75 and still digging it!

    • @xTCxGR8Milenko
      @xTCxGR8Milenko 9 месяцев назад


    • @victorcreed_
      @victorcreed_ 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @caseymo7416
      @caseymo7416 9 месяцев назад


    • @hopelltt
      @hopelltt 8 месяцев назад

      This is exactly why it's in my "Nostalgia" Playlist. It's a timeless song

  • @jennatailya
    @jennatailya Год назад +4

    Loved this song when it came out and now my 14 yr old son cranks this song!

  • @lisadavis7336
    @lisadavis7336 2 года назад +14

    I loved the original official but this is so much better!!!!!!!!!!🤘❤🤘

  • @Dukelol323
    @Dukelol323 10 месяцев назад +1

    i was a very very shy person growing up. i didn't start dating until a couple of years ago when i was 29. my first date was my first girlfriend. and we dated for a year and a half, plus a couple of months pseudo dating. really good friends hanging out and it was dating in all but name for awhile. well that came to an end and we broke up last weekend as of writing this.
    the bright side is, since this is my first break up just before i turn 31. this song that i have known all the words to since middle school has new meaning. i can now feel the lyrics in my soul! it took me longer than most, but now i can finally be all emo about break up songs and stuff!

    • @paulwalton1222
      @paulwalton1222 10 месяцев назад +2

      Good luck for the future. You'll find someone perfect for you at some point

  • @darryenlamb1052
    @darryenlamb1052 Год назад +12

    I was born in 2003 and this song still slaps at 21 years of age and I will still listen to it

    • @wyldstallyn2016
      @wyldstallyn2016 Год назад +2

      born in '93 was a song of my childhood and forever. respect

  • @AaronYoung-z1k
    @AaronYoung-z1k 4 месяца назад +428

    Anyone's song Still in 2024? Mine 😂😂

  • @Resident-biohazard
    @Resident-biohazard 2 года назад +216

    Met a girl, thought she was grand
    Fell in love, found out first hand
    Went well for a week or two
    Then it all came unglued
    In a trap, trip I can't grip
    Never thought I'd be the one who'd slip
    Then I started to realize
    I was living one big lie
    She fucking hates me
    Trust, she fucking hates me
    La, la, la love
    I tried too hard and she tore my feelings like I had none
    And ripped them away
    She was queen for about an hour
    After that, shit got sour
    She took all I ever had
    No sign of guilt
    Not feeling bad, no
    In a trap, trip I can't grip
    Never thought I'd be the one who'd slip
    Then I started to realize
    I was livin' one big lie
    She fuckin' hates me
    Trust, she fuckin' hates me
    La, la, la love
    I tried too hard and she tore my feelings like I had none
    And ripped them away
    That's my story as you see
    Learned my lesson and so did she
    Now it's over, and I'm glad
    'Cause I'm a fool for all I've said
    She fucking hates me
    Trust, she fucking hates me
    La, la, la love
    I tried too hard and she tore my feelings like I had none
    And ripped them away
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, love, trust
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, love, trust
    La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, love, trust
    And she tore my feelings like I had none
    She fucking hates me
    "She fuckin' hates me"

  • @ACEfromVisa559
    @ACEfromVisa559 4 месяца назад +1

    Such a jam.
    Great lyrics
    Well written
    Relatable to almost anyone
    Catchy af

  • @vlahader
    @vlahader Год назад +4

    3:26 " i never got any action , anyway... "
    So sad, yet so true... That this happened at least once, for almost every mans life at teen or late teen years...

  • @scottbush2486
    @scottbush2486 Год назад +2

    Since I’m older now I’m glad this song was there to give me a warning back in the day

  • @stephaniemoore6122
    @stephaniemoore6122 2 года назад +21

    Best song ever, love this video

  • @curtburmeister922
    @curtburmeister922 Месяц назад +1

    I'm 64.…. This song got me through really bad times with a smile on my face

  • @holliblokker4198
    @holliblokker4198 Год назад +11

    Can't help but have angsty teenage memories with this song.

  • @KrackerJack5586
    @KrackerJack5586 Год назад +2

    One of my favorite songs and videos of all time what guy or girl didn't go through this at least sometime in their life it is absolutely fantastic kudos🎉🎉🎉

  • @hocine632
    @hocine632 2 года назад +23

    i miss the 90s and the early of 2000s

  • @PrinceKima_12
    @PrinceKima_12 6 месяцев назад +1

    The song is great but the film clip keeps me coming back. Master work.

  • @melisabuckley2873
    @melisabuckley2873 Год назад +12

    I just found this song and I can't believe that I can live with out it now that I have heard it

  • @backburnerboi6985
    @backburnerboi6985 2 месяца назад

    the fact that the beginning is the most replayed makes me so happy

  • @TexasJames
    @TexasJames Год назад +4

    Remember having this cd and taking it with me everywhere

  • @ghostmask124
    @ghostmask124 11 месяцев назад +2

    Only 51k likes?? , come on people. This song is one of a kind!

    • @recreatorband
      @recreatorband 10 месяцев назад

      We’re a New grunge band, check us out

  • @rickc.3079
    @rickc.3079 Год назад +10

    Rock n Roll just gets better every day, the 80s were the best years of my life growing up with rock n roll girls LSD weed and beer 😁

    • @charlesrogers3425
      @charlesrogers3425 Год назад

      I grew up in the late 60s to 70s and 80s there's no music like that some of the s*** they listen to today they don't know what real f****** rock and roll is the s*** they listen to today real musicians play instruments🎸

    • @Anonymous_Identity246
      @Anonymous_Identity246 Год назад

      @@charlesrogers3425 You realize young people today listens to this kind of music too right? Sincerely- a 13 year old

  • @NaomiOwens-ss8uc
    @NaomiOwens-ss8uc 10 месяцев назад +2

    Love this❤❤❤

  • @rhysm.5915
    @rhysm.5915 2 года назад +7

    My mom hated when I listened to music with heaps of cursing when I was in middle school, but she liked this song way too much to forbid it.

  • @CarlyVanloo
    @CarlyVanloo 2 месяца назад

    Yeah baby!!!! Still rocking the 90s remember Woodstock 99 like yesterday too

  • @ERLJR82
    @ERLJR82 6 месяцев назад +15

    "tore my feelings like I had none" classic

  • @InWithBothFeet
    @InWithBothFeet 21 час назад

    All these years later and Minka Kelly is still stunningly beautiful.

  • @sikosis999
    @sikosis999 Год назад +4

    turn 53 this year and after 24 yrs of marriage my wife smiles when this song comes on hahaha i still wake up every morning thus far so all good i guess :)

  • @seashellspeer
    @seashellspeer Год назад +3

    Saw him live at Ft Hood. Amazing show!!

  • @lynnmckenzie7231
    @lynnmckenzie7231 Год назад +6

    This one never fails to put me on a high .....got to be one of the best ....and I am nearly 71...😉

  • @angel_rot
    @angel_rot Год назад +2

    this song and this video ✨chefs kiss✨

  • @Comics420
    @Comics420 Год назад +23

    this is gonna be playing all summer once again.

  • @brentclarke9512
    @brentclarke9512 2 месяца назад +1

    I've lived this

  • @RonJohnston-ch1gs
    @RonJohnston-ch1gs 8 месяцев назад +15

    My wedding song.😅

  • @markgreenwood7540
    @markgreenwood7540 4 месяца назад +2

    Its applying to my life right now and the lyrics are perfect, damn!!

    • @Badhabit4590
      @Badhabit4590 3 месяца назад

      Them women just hate us la la laaaaa

  • @gregmarshall487
    @gregmarshall487 Год назад +5

    Perfect rock n roll song! 56 and I am still as angry as I was at 16. I thought it would have left by now.

  • @MonicaGuerrero-t6l
    @MonicaGuerrero-t6l День назад +2

    2025 anyone? 🤘🏾🎸🎶

  • @FromPanictoParis
    @FromPanictoParis 7 месяцев назад +3

    Nostalgia at its peak

  • @geoffmoorcroft302
    @geoffmoorcroft302 Год назад

    I saw these guys I think in 2008 Edmonton Alberta. One of my favorite bands. man what a crazy awesome atmosphere. I remember it was so cold outside and so hot inside that it was raining sweat in the building. Great time!

  • @Hejigon
    @Hejigon Год назад +13

    This is ‘I will survive’ for guys

  • @rcollins8991
    @rcollins8991 4 месяца назад +1

    It’s just so brilliant- makes me laugh and smile and think of the shit relationships as a kid. How I would’ve loved to have had this on a tape to listen to when ‘all was lost’ 😂

  • @Youtube-Is-Trash
    @Youtube-Is-Trash 2 года назад +241

    I wish I took the time to appreciate how amazing the 2000's were back then.

    • @Papichulo6996-i2j
      @Papichulo6996-i2j 2 года назад +5

      Great times indeed bud.

    • @MorrisB1971
      @MorrisB1971 2 года назад +16

      The early 2000s was the last of the great music of all genres before social media and autotune and the standards for what considered talent started to slowly go downhill

    • @EinfachErwin
      @EinfachErwin 2 года назад +4

      You can appreciate now to avoid writing the same thing with other numbers in 20 years.

    • @MorrisB1971
      @MorrisB1971 2 года назад +2

      @@EinfachErwin LAME

    • @Striker2097
      @Striker2097 Год назад +1

      Wish I heard this song before I met my crazy ex

  • @AGMellyLoserBaby
    @AGMellyLoserBaby 4 месяца назад +3

    Still jamming to this classic song 🎵

  • @ryanskahill7907
    @ryanskahill7907 Год назад +2

    It started with having a beer with Wes then the whole band showed at O'Hare. Great dudes!

  • @cjhunt7723
    @cjhunt7723 2 года назад +4

    🙋🏻Hi Guys!
    I worked one of your Texas concerts, I worked for Ticketmaster at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion in The Woodlands TX ( suburb of Houston) as manager of Ticket Sales & I worked with the band managers as well.
    My brother worked Backstage Security.
    I'm getting a "Green Jelly & Offspring" vibe off of the music and lyrics...which is great.
    I absolutely love this song❤
    Dedicated fan for life😘

  • @cikame
    @cikame 2 месяца назад +1

    The dude in the classroom is my spirit animal

  • @tonywoodyatt4510
    @tonywoodyatt4510 2 года назад +26

    This came out just as I split with my ex and said it all so I always played it full blast in the car!

    • @DrJ-hx7wv
      @DrJ-hx7wv Год назад +3

      Sometimes these harsh lyrics are just what we need.... and what they deserve

    • @Ṣţ_Pådraíģ
      @Ṣţ_Pådraíģ Год назад +1

      I think it's kind of strange to communicate to a person with a song. The lyrics are for how you feel inside. I've seen this with people, they rarely if ever say what's really on their mind

  • @LA_i6
    @LA_i6 4 месяца назад +1

    They mix this with "summer loving" back in the day when I saw them. Great show.

  • @edwardpinnix249
    @edwardpinnix249 2 года назад +7

    The good version!

  • @nomercy8989
    @nomercy8989 9 месяцев назад +16

    This song only has so little views because today no one is dating anymore.

  • @JWJ1960
    @JWJ1960 4 дня назад +2

    🤔Wonder why such a great song didn't get more radio play? Lol...

  • @tonimorris3498
    @tonimorris3498 Год назад +3

    I'm mid 50s and love these guys