My associates and I have suspicions that this alleged 3rd attempt is a bit fishy. Just come here fresh from a discussion on the subject. I say you are onto it Tino.
OK, I'm not a US citizen so the gun culture does not affect me. Here in my French village there are plenty of firearms. However, they only come out for hunting. They are not seen any other time. There are strict regs in place.
The Golden Fringes of the Flags and the Badges tell a much more disdurbing Story then this Sockpuppet at the Interview. The Wold is rotten to the core, and the stench slowly cannot be longer ignored.
My associates and I have suspicions that this alleged 3rd attempt is a bit fishy. Just come here fresh from a discussion on the subject. I say you are onto it Tino.
Take a look at Stephen Gardner's video on this subject. He hosted an associate independent journalist to Vem Miller. Interesting perspective on this.
What is going on over there the great man you are go ahead for the great job
The term Sovereign citizen is a oxymoron.
OK, I'm not a US citizen so the gun culture does not affect me. Here in my French village there are plenty of firearms. However, they only come out for hunting. They are not seen any other time. There are strict regs in place.
This Sherriff likes the Sound of his own voice - too many Vaccines and Boosters 😵
The Golden Fringes of the Flags and the Badges tell a much more disdurbing Story then this Sockpuppet at the Interview. The Wold is rotten to the core, and the stench slowly cannot be longer ignored.