EP2. Something to Talk About (숨), 2019

  • Опубликовано: 17 янв 2025

Комментарии • 424

  • @bittersw33tdoll
    @bittersw33tdoll 3 года назад +8

    Baps music was never a failure. They were just ahead of their time. Korea just didn’t appreciate it enough.

  • @ju-ui8kx
    @ju-ui8kx 3 года назад +3

    나는 용국이를 마니 보고싶은데 방송에 마니 나왔음하는데 그걸 안좋아하는 용국이 아이러니하다 그러나 오래 봐야하니까 니가 하고 싶은거 다해 늘 응원할께

  • @Rimiee_
    @Rimiee_ 3 года назад +207

    Being a fan after so long, seeing him talking about his inner struggle back in those days make me so proud of where he is now. We're strong because of you're music, thank you for accompany us during our darkest moment ♥

  • @얏호-d3y
    @얏호-d3y 3 года назад +38

    내가 생각했던 것보다 더 오래 견뎌왔구나

  • @쿵야-i5g
    @쿵야-i5g 3 года назад +82

    생각해보면 데뷔초의 용국오빠는 내 또래였을 때인데 리더라는 이름으로 얼마나 큰 짐을 지고 있었는지 가늠이 안 된다.. 지금의 나에게 그런 짐을 지고 웃고 싶지 않은데 웃고 사람들을 만나야한다? 절대 못 할 듯... 지금까지 그걸 모두 혼자 버텨왔다는 걸 생각하면 정말 대단한 사람이다. 지금 이 영상으로 용국오빠의 속내를 알 수 있어서 참 다행이라고 생각한다. 영상을 찍으면서 전에 있던, 그리고 지금의 용국오빠의 속마음을 말해줘서 고맙다고 말해주고 싶다. 데뷔 때부터 쭉 지켜봐온 팬으로서 영상을 보면서 느낀 이 감정이 어떤지 콕 집어서 말할 순 없지만 한 가지 확실한 건 나는 여전히 용국오빠를 응원하고 사랑하고 존경한다는 점이다.

  • @spectral__
    @spectral__ 3 года назад +7

    Your songs have never been a failure. You have never been a failure. You were a victim of circumstance. Your company used you because it was cheaper than hiring an outside producer. Your talents were taken advantage of and you were exploited. Please do not ever feel bad about that time. You gave your fans a lot to cherish. We are glad for the memories you gave us and happy that you are feeling much better now. I wish for your continued happiness.

  • @wldyd534
    @wldyd534 3 года назад +26

    너의 우울까지 사랑해 너의 모든 모습을 사랑해 하고싶은거 다 하고 행복하고 건강만했으면 좋겠어

  • @ayleafang1188
    @ayleafang1188 3 года назад +4

    The B.A.P name held him down for so long 😭
    But at the same time, his members were his brothers 😭
    I understand why he feels this way. The world is so toxic.

  • @lxol_9
    @lxol_9 3 года назад +6

    اتمنى انك تعرف تسوي انعاش ... لانك من اول معرفتك اخذت انفاسي😭😭🥂

  • @jihyeeo2966
    @jihyeeo2966 3 года назад +16

    그냥 용국이라서 좋았었는데 미안해 진다. B.A.P의 리더였을때 지금도 용국이라서 그냥 좋아. 뭐든 응원할께 더더 밝아지고 용국이가 하고싶은거 다 해 !!

  • @lucya_llkr
    @lucya_llkr 3 года назад +7

    방용국이란 인간을 다 이해할 순 없겠지만 b.a.p라는 그룹을 이끌었던 사람으로써 이렇게 자신의 날 것을 이야기하고 카메라에 담기까지 얼마나 많은 시간과 경험 그리고 용기가 있었을 지 정말 상상조차 할 수 없네요
    이걸 볼 지 모르겠지만 저도 제 자신이 정말 오빠 말그대로 찌질해 보일 때가 많아요 거울을 보거나 집에 혼자있을 때 내 행동들을 되돌아보면. 그런데 다른사람들도 대부분 똑같고 그렇게 행동할거에요. 똑같이 주어진 인생이라는 도화지 그 안에서 자신이 노력해서 만들어내거나 이루어낸 성과, 작업물, 그리고 가치관이 그 사람을 만들고 보여준다 생각해요
    제가 2012년 초등학교 5학년때부터 오빠의 음악을 듣고 지금까지 응원하는 이유는 방용국이라는 사람의 생각과 가치관에서 나온 작업물들이 제가하는 생각과 많이 공감되고 그걸 표현하는 방식이 대단하다고 느껴서에요. 그게 방용국이라는 사람의 모습을 보여주는 거라 생각하고 오빠는 생각보다 더더욱 대단하고 멋진 사람이에요
    부당하다 느끼는 점이나 하고싶은 말을 자신의 방식으로 표현하는 능력을 가졌어요 자신의 모습을 있는그대로 수용하고 그 능력을 어느방면이든 마음대로 펼쳤으면 좋겠어요 고맙고 사랑하고 존경하고 응원합니다🖤

  • @Nora-nd4ez
    @Nora-nd4ez 3 года назад +5


  • @겨울안녕-j5c
    @겨울안녕-j5c 3 года назад +3

    모든 사람이 그렇듯, 한 사람을 바라볼 때 밝은 모습만 보려 했던 것같다. 나조차도 늘 행복할 수 없는 아이라는 걸 알면서도.
    그 사람을 좋아하는 이유 하나만으로, 우상으로 삼고- 내가 좋아한 부분만을 바라봤던 그 어린시절의 나를 대신하여 미안하다는 말을 하고 싶다.
    9년째 오빠를 알아갈 수 있어서 너무 감사하고, 지난 오빠의 시간들을 이렇게나마 바라볼 수 있음에 감사해요
    행복이란 감정을 딱 정의 내리긴 어렵지만, 힘든 일이 있어도 자기 자신을 잃지 않으면 그것을 행복이라 불러도 괜찮을 것같아요.
    힘든 시간동안 옆에서 바라보기만 하는것이 전부라 응원밖에 못했는데, 이렇게 응원하는 것이 오빠한테 부담이 아닌, 힘이라면 이렇게 늘 응원하겠습니다:)
    솔직한 모든 모습들을 보여줘서 고맙고
    무대 위의 오빠 모습도 좋아했지만, 아무도 없는 고요 속의 오빠도 궁금했던 사람이 있다는 것을 알아줘요.
    무슨 모습을 하고 있던, 그 모습이 오빠 그자체라면 좋아해요
    어떤 타이틀이 아닌, 방용국으로서의 음악 기대할게요!
    여전히 세상의 한 사람으로 존경합니다.

  • @RusherRoMonte
    @RusherRoMonte 3 года назад +5

    I love seeing him free and more bright after leaving the Voldemort's company🤧

  • @dskeeem9275
    @dskeeem9275 3 года назад +11

    매주 금요일만 기다리는 이유.... 솜사탕을 너한테 준다그럴 때 시사회장에 있던 사람들 다 기절했었는데ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 킬링포인트

  • @a99051470
    @a99051470 3 года назад +8

    현재 나보다도 어린나이에 리더라는 이름으로 작곡가라는 이름으로 큰짐을 지고있엇는지 .... 오빠도 팬들에게 일상생활보여주고싶고 웃으면서 장난치고 이런모습을 보여주고싶엇단거였잖아... 진짜 슬퍼.....
    이런 모습을 보여주기까지 고민도 했겟고 걱정도 됬겟지??
    근데 나는 이런모습을 볼수잇다는게 한편으로 고마움이 잇오요 본인 마음을 들어내는게 쉽지 않앗을텐데 이렇게 보여줘서 고마워요♡
    내가 해줄수잇는게 응원하는거밖엔없지만
    앞으로도 지금처럼 응원할께여!! 방용국이짱이다!

  • @다분히정성적이고지극
    @다분히정성적이고지극 3 года назад +9

    B.A.P때 화려한 모습도 솔로 모습도 평상시 그냥 술자리 모습도 전부 아름다웠어요. 그 어떤 모습도 방용국이라는건 변하지 않으니깐 늘 멋있었구요. 압박감 느꼈을 때 그래서 우울에 극한에 닿았을 때 오빠 노래 들으면서 좀 위로됐던거 같아요. 꾸준히 노래 내줘서 고마워요😄그러니 은퇴하지마요...

  • @amanitawn
    @amanitawn 3 года назад +37

    "I think YG can do this kind of music now because that time also existed"
    youngjae seeing the bright side more than us ♥

  • @maryJaeJ
    @maryJaeJ 3 года назад +4

    My life is a mess or more to say my mind is at fault.
    I try to live for my parents but sometimes i just .....I don't know anymore.
    I don't want them to be disappointed in me i guess.
    I am only 27 years old and I already feel the need to retire 😅 I'm too tired for this shit.
    Sometimes i can feel my heart beating so slow.....i just wonder ...why don't you just stop(my heart) ? And then I just,laugh. Have i gone crazy already or what? I don't know,maybe.
    Anyway it's not about me.
    But i'm so so happy to see you going on and do what you really love and letting us see a part of you're true self , you really inspire a lot of people and encourage them to go on because even if life seem so boring bcuz some think they don't do big things it's really not like that.
    Life can be beautiful sometimes and we must enjoy every little thing it's thrown on our way. ^^
    Yongguk,you're really a beautiful person inside and out and I consider myself really lucky to know such a person even if not face to face but i'm happy i know about you for so many years.
    We grew up along with you.
    I really love and appreciate you.
    Fighting! Never stop being who you really are.❤️

  • @손채영-o8q
    @손채영-o8q 3 года назад +3

    5년동안 좋아하다가 간만에 생각이 나서 영상을 찾아보게 됐어요. 마냥 밝아만 보였던 전남친의 깊은 속얘기를 예고없이 전해들은 기분..? 멍해요.. 마냥 어리고 천진난만했을 때의 저는 그때의 오빠를 좋아했지만 지금보니 지금의 오빠가 더 매력있었네요ㅋ. 앞으로도 본인을 가감없이 마구마구 드러내주세요. 팬들도, 저도, 오빠또한 다 같은 사람이고 평범한 사람임을 이제는 알지 않을까요. 성인이 되고 세상 풍파 다 겪고나서야 제가 오빠의 노래를 제대로 이해할 수 있게된 것이 아쉬우면서 기뻐요. 가사가 이렇게 꽂힐 수가 없네요. 항상 뒤에서 묵묵히 응원하고 있겠습니다. 화이팅!

  • @331PERCENT
    @331PERCENT 3 года назад +197

    I appreciate you for uploading this anticipating documentary very much. Being able to watch this side of you feels very personal. Please always continue to do what you love. I will support you till the end. Love and respect🖤

  • @flora729
    @flora729 3 года назад +16

    I think Babys are the only fans who felt happy when their artists finally disbanded and left the company. I don’t really know what to say while watching this video, my feelings are complicated.
    I remember when I met you for the first time after a concert I was so stressed I didn’t know what to do, but you smiled at me brightly and I could only give you back a big smile, your smile is just so powerful ❤️ I will always support you and I hope you will keep smiling while doing what you love, always ❤️❤️

  • @luizarehder2789
    @luizarehder2789 3 года назад +51

    Another point that shows how amazing Yongguk is as a human being is the fact that he put subtitles both in English and Korean, which makes the documentary so inclusive both to foreigners and deaf people!
    Yongguk, it’s so admirable and respectable that you’re releasing such personal stories to everyone, I’m so touched and it just makes me admire you even more!

  • @oluwatobi6415
    @oluwatobi6415 3 года назад +14

    I remember when it was posted on social media about yongguk feeling responsible for bap songs not doing well on Korean charts and stuff like that but this is the first time I’ve heard him say it himself…. I really wish he didn’t think like that because he made a lot of songs that got me through tough times, hospital stays and depressive episodes….

  • @파도-l6e
    @파도-l6e 3 года назад +7

    진짜 많이 힘들었겠다 혹독하게 외롭고 슬펐겠다 감히 위로하거나 고마워하기 조심스러울만큼 헤아릴 수 없는 수많은 순간들과 감정들이 있었겠죠 저는 팬이라는 작고 먼 존재일 뿐이지만 꼭 안아주고 싶다고 얘기하고 싶어요 방용국이라는 사람을 형용하는 어떤 단어에도 갇히지 않길 바라요 모든 순간이 그냥 방용국의 모습인거니까요 그리고 저는 그런 방용국이라는 사람에게 사랑과 존경을 힘껏 보내고 싶어요 천천히 오래 이야기 해주세요 ; )

  • @nuraqidah6598
    @nuraqidah6598 3 года назад +48

    "I'm not dark person, really"
    Don't think anything just enjoy your life Mr.Bang♥♥

  • @송수현-s3c
    @송수현-s3c 3 года назад +10

    저는 오빠의 어두운면도 밝은면 둘다 다 좋아요
    온전한 인간 방용국의 모습도 좋고 아이돌 방용국 모습도 좋고 그냥 다 좋아요 아팠던 시간 지나고 여전히 음악해줘서 고맙고 앞으로도 계속 음악해줬으면 좋겠어요 B.A.P가 해체하고 너무 슬펐지만 오빠가 너무 행복해보이고 가벼워졌다는게 눈에 보이니까 그래 오빠가 행복하면 됐지 오빠가 하고 싶은 음악 평생하면서 원래 존나 밝았던 방용국 모습도 많이 보여주세요 언제나 사랑해요 오빠❤️

  • @너를닮은꽃이핀다
    @너를닮은꽃이핀다 Год назад +1

    자신의 많은 생각과 감성을 음악으로 표출해낼 수 있는 뮤지션!
    그의 노래가 슬프고 왠지 힘들어보이고 그랬는데..진짜 힘들었구나.
    B.A.P를 안지 2개월 반?
    이전 영상들을 무쟈게봤었다
    데뷔하고 첨 엄청 밝고 그랬는데 점점 차분해지고 말수가 줄었는데.. 부담감에 그랬던거니..안쓰러워 울었다..
    댓글에 팬들이 말한것처럼 꼭 안아주고 싶다.
    그동안 너무 애썼으니 이제 너가 하고싶은 것들을 하면서 맘 편히 살았으면한다고..
    건강하고... 행복하길..바란다고.. 말하고싶다

  • @c0mil4
    @c0mil4 3 года назад +71

    Do you know the feeling when you have a lot to say but it seems like there aren't enough words? I feel like that after watching this.
    Yongguk has been through a lot and still lives with the consequences of what has happened. But he seems to be full of life and desire to live and share what he can with us.
    I'm really grateful to be able to follow him and see what he's capable of doing at his own pace. I hope we get to see more of his goofy and talkative side.
    I really enjoyed this episode.
    Thank you Bang Yongguk 💛

  • @farizaija4286
    @farizaija4286 3 года назад +4

    If in the future we cross path and you're sad, it's okay if you don't smile. We won't make you smile. We still adore you.

    @CHERISH_MIWOO 3 года назад +38

    왜이리 어려진거같지 외모에 무슨일이 용국이의 시간도 거꾸로 흐르고 있구나 팬들만 늙어가나봐 ㅠㅠ 진짜 데뷔초때 처럼 많이 밝아지긴한듯 ...
    당신의 사상과 당신의 마인드와 당신의 음악을
    존경합니다. 용국이는 용국이다운 음악할때 가장 멋진♡

  • @from1stday
    @from1stday 3 года назад +4

    Thank you for being honest. Ugh! I am so happy that you choose making a live than making a living by being an idol 😭🤍

  • @7kitsu7
    @7kitsu7 2 года назад +1

    I'm B.A.P fan since 2013 ... i wasn't with them since debut but all members giving me "family vibe". I think of them as one of my biggest source of happiness cuse of their songs. Once I fell in love with them and now it last for 9 years i think... They were my first kpop love and still B.A.P's my No.1 group in kpop - even if they aren't active as team. I support and look for every activity of all members. I'm proud of them. I'm really really proud of me being Baby ♥
    I'm watching this video and my heart is in pain to hear that the man who, through his work, made my life become brighter, suffered so much. It's really sad to hear that. Also I'm so thankful for uploading this video and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us about your hardships which you went through. I hope from now you'll only do what you want and how you want. I wish you success and as many pleasant moments in your life as possible. Less worries and much more precious moments. I wish all the best for you and B.A.P members.

  • @ju-ui8kx
    @ju-ui8kx 3 года назад +2

    내 사랑하는 빵 홧팅 나쁜 TS 잊어 우린 다 니편이야 하고 싶은거 다해 빵 용국이는 웃는게 이뻐

  • @DaeJae
    @DaeJae 3 года назад +6

    this is very emotional :(( i hope other bap members could have this kind of chance to talk about the past if they willing to.

  • @ch-nc3dd
    @ch-nc3dd 3 года назад +6

    시간아 달려쥐 울오빠 언능 보게

  • @BYG_BAP
    @BYG_BAP 3 года назад +36

    끊임없이 생각하고 자신을 어두움에 가두는
    방용국도 방용국의 모습이라고 생각합니다 일부... 한 일부분의 모습이요 ^^ 원래는 정말 밝은 사람이라는 말에 동감해요 자신이 웃는 모습이 예쁘다는걸 아니까요 😊 일반 사람들은 버티기도 힘들었을 그런 상상 할 수 없는 어려운 시기들을 이겨내고 지금 이자리에 있어줘서 감사합니다 🙏 앞으로도 방용국 아티스트님만을 바라보며 응원할게요
    우리 같이 꽃길 걸어요 🌸🥰🖤

  • @princesssophiagasilan1398
    @princesssophiagasilan1398 3 года назад +4

    Whenever I see him, I just really wanted to hug him tightly 🥺🥺🥺

  • @hyjeong840
    @hyjeong840 3 года назад +6

    인간 방용국 !
    한없이 어른스럽게만 보였었는데 생각해보니 지나온 시간들이 지금 내 나이, 나보다 어릴때였던걸 생각하니 참... 기분이 그랬는데 20대를 그리 보내며 정말 성실함과 팬들에 대한 사랑 봉사 책임감으로 버텼지 싶네요
    어떤 모습이라도 멋지고 여전히 좋고 데뷔전부터 팬이었으니 벌써 10년이 넘었나... 하고싶은거 다해!!!!
    그리고 여전히 긍정적인 에너지 받고 갑니다
    앨범도 너무 좋았고 영와일드앤프리 개인적으로 정말 멋지다 생각하고 무대마다 비엪 표정도 몸도 밝아지는게 닭살돋아요 정주행 추천 ㅎㅅㅎ

  • @ahhh_motherland
    @ahhh_motherland 3 года назад +9

    When he said "I worked insteand of playing with friends so B.A.P. could grow" that nearly broke my heart to see how much he placed on himself and how much pressure people put on him. Please keep smiling because you found joy and not because you feel you have to.

  • @yeonju1326
    @yeonju1326 3 года назад +6

    저 또한 오빠가 솔로 앨범을 내주고 그걸 들으면서 공감과 위안을 받았습니다 끝없는 무기력함에 가라앉는듯한 삶을 살다가 마음한켠에 행복해지고 싶단 욕심을 발견하면서 조금씩 변화가 오더라구요

  • @aleyongguk
    @aleyongguk 3 года назад +52

    I'm crying, the company really destroyed him from the beginning. I'm so glad he is free and can do whatever he wants now. Please, be happy from now on, Yongguk. That's all I wish for you

  • @dubby115
    @dubby115 3 года назад +11

    Dear Yongguk, please know that you can always show us any side of you, happy or sad, we will be there. When we say we wish to see you smile, it is because we wish for you to be happy. But if that is not the case, then we can cry together. Either way, we are here for you ❤

  • @김민쥐-l8j
    @김민쥐-l8j 3 года назад +23

    비에이피 명곡들 역주행 해야합니다....... 숨듣명이 얼마나 많은데요...... 컴백할때마다 수록곡들도 다 너무 좋고...하

  • @Dndddnd303
    @Dndddnd303 3 года назад +3

    솜사탕을 너무 귀엽다 오빠
    오빠 하고 싶은 거 다해!!!!

  • @902-l6w
    @902-l6w 3 года назад +32

    항상 응원합니다... 2012년부터 2021까지 내년에도 내후년에도 십년뒤에도 몇십년이 지나도 응원하고 좋아할거에요 항상 좋은 사람으로 남아줘서 고맙고 좋은 음악 들려줘서 감사합니다 함께 좋은 것만 보면서 좋아하는거 하면서 삽시다!! ♡-♡

  • @Shumeesmy
    @Shumeesmy 3 года назад +48

    찬구들: 방용국 왜 좋아해? 넘 무섭게 생겼는데 개는.
    방용국 (작업실에서 ): 솜사탕을 너에게 줄거야.

    • @마레마레
      @마레마레 3 года назад +5

      ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그러게요~ 진짜 팬들한테만 보이나봐요 그런게~ㅋㅋㅋ 너무 귀여운데

    • @Everythingisvain
      @Everythingisvain 3 года назад

      1:04 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @김민쥐-l8j
    @김민쥐-l8j 3 года назад +13

    용국오빠 뒤에서 알게모르게 응원하는 팬분들 많으니까 긍정적으로 살아가셨으면 좋겠어요ㅎㅎ 저는 2012년 데뷔때부터 쭉 팬이에요 가끔 일상 올려주시고 낮에 나가서 햇빛도 보시고 라면만 드시지 마시고ㅠㅠㅠ 무엇보다 겸손하시고 생각이 바르신거 같아서 항상 응원합니당 사랑과 존경❤️‍🔥

  • @nikoletakiralyova
    @nikoletakiralyova 3 года назад +2

    I loved you then and I love you now even more, because you showing yourself, that who you really are. Smile whne you are happy and cry when you want to cry. Never hide your true emotions, we will stay with you no matter what.

  • @fauziafafa7985
    @fauziafafa7985 3 года назад +7

    You know what, Yongguk? Your songs were not failures! Never! Your songs are great! They help us going thru our dark times. It's the system worked in the Kpop industry that is sucks. So toxic. At least, i've realized it now. Bcs good songs arent valued by its music anymore, but popularity. It has became a meaningless competition.

  • @blackLILheartOinker402
    @blackLILheartOinker402 3 года назад +24

    Damn I miss B.A.P and I miss hearing BANG and ZELO pop off in songs together too... Such a same people don't know some real talented artist 💙🖤

  • @lulita200
    @lulita200 3 года назад +5

    예쁘고 귀여운 내 아기 방용국 너는 언제나 우리의 방용국일거야 리더로서 래퍼로서 수줍은 남자로 지적인 남자로서 아주 지적이고 약간의 어둠은 있지만 괜찮아 완벽한 인간은 없어 , 세상에서 가장 아름다운 미소로, 고통스러운 과거를 가지고 있지만, 계속되고 있으며 계속해서 싸우고, 지금과 같이 진심으로, 음악에 대한 사랑으로 계속되기를 바랍니다. 당신의 영혼의, 당신은 항상 왕의 왕이 될 것입니다, 우리는 당신을 존경합니다, 콜롬비아에서 큰 포옹

  • @zhishuenkam8177
    @zhishuenkam8177 3 года назад +2

    Just want you to know I’m a babyz and I’m always here for B.A.P and you BANG YONG GUK !

  • @bbangsso
    @bbangsso 3 года назад +5

    고마워 미안해 방용국..🤍

  • @synthetiquememoirs
    @synthetiquememoirs 3 года назад +5

    This just broke me and put me back together, because somehow in certain things you spoke about I could see me reflection.

  • @stellanoona
    @stellanoona 3 года назад +22

    잘 볼게요. 늘 고마워요 방용국 (건반 하나씩 쳐봐야한다고 쳐보는거 왜 이리 귀여워 ㅋㅋㅋ)

  • @yeonju1326
    @yeonju1326 3 года назад +5

    사람이 어떻게 행복만 하나요 다시 이렇게 볼 수 있음에 감사하고 모든 당신의 오늘을 사랑합니다 오빠의 넘치는 노력에 위로를 받고 살아갈 수 있었던 저는 주제넘지만 힘이 되어드리고 싶어요 전혀 부족하지 않고 무대위 모습 뿐만이 아닌 사람 방용국으로 오늘도 내일도 사랑하고 더 가까워지는 것 같아서 좋아요

  • @fatinrai2890
    @fatinrai2890 3 года назад +4

    BYG, if you read this. I just want to say thank you for all the memories of BAP that you gave us. Now, keep being yourself and thank you for existing. LESSSSGO MY BOYY 🐅

  • @khadidjadjebairia2525
    @khadidjadjebairia2525 3 года назад +7

    너무 슬퍼요 ㅠㅠ 아니 그 동안 아무것도 안해도 오울한 저를 행복하게 만드는 사람인데 그런 어두운 것에 살아보니까 너무 슬프고 미안하고.. 근데! 이제 조금씩 밝아져고 진심으로 웃고 있으니까 약간 마음이 편해요 진짜
    그리고 이렇게 주저하지 않고 이런 모습을 보여주셔서 너무 고맙고 더더 존경하게되요 🖤 사랑합니다

  • @mellowcatt97
    @mellowcatt97 3 года назад +7

    I've always thought that the system for idols was toxic, and the amount of them that have to take breaks for anxiety, etc. is scary. I think it is one part of the kpop thing I will never understand especially all the rules they have to follow. I love seeing this side of him, and I am sad that he had to go through so much crap.
    Love seeing him smile, and actually talk about what he felt during that time.

  • @yeonju1326
    @yeonju1326 3 года назад +5

    너무너무 따뜻하게 안아주고 싶은 사람 조금은 편해도 돼요 어제보다 오늘이 조금 편해질 수 있기를 이런 영상을 기획해줘서 고마워요 더 다가갈 수 있게 해주셔서 감사합니다 있는 모든 방용국이라는 사람을 사랑합니다. 당시 너무너무 걱정했는데 그런 시간을 견뎌왔다는걸 이제서야 알게 되었네요 정말 고생많이 하셨어요..

  • @lxol_9
    @lxol_9 3 года назад +7

    غمض عينك شفت الضلام ذا؟؟هذي حياتي بدونك😉

  • @MsFatimaB88
    @MsFatimaB88 3 года назад +26

    Babyz always felt the pressure everything had on you, not just the company but the whole album making process and all the sacrifices, that's why we felt sorry that we couldn't do much to help you but we are so glad that you're not in those situations anymore, that you can finally be yourself and happier. May Allah keep you at peace, happy and healthy both mentally and physically. Sending lots of love Yongguk. Thank you to all his closer friends who were there for him, appreciate you all.

  • @rainiidays
    @rainiidays 3 года назад +3

    As much as I miss BAP, seeing Yongguk being truly himself and in a much happier state now is honestly more important to me as a fan. I know he will always care about the members and vice versa, and while I still hope to one day see BAP come together to release music again, I hope that they will do it because they truly want to and without the weight or labels of being an “idol” group. I just want them all to be happy and doing what they love.

  • @ashleyherjung1526
    @ashleyherjung1526 3 года назад +5

    I respect Yongguk so much. I have to be honest and admit that I thought he was just the quiet, calm, and maybe even lonely guy/member of bap. But seeing him being able to be completely himself, I was so wrong. I respect him for being so brave to openly express what was happening with Ts and his mental health. It takes a tremendous amount of courage but I am just so happy to see he can feel comfortable being fully himself and is happier.

  • @288dark2
    @288dark2 3 года назад +2

    ขอบคุณที่พี่ผ่านมันมาได้ ขอบคุณคนรอบตัวพี่ ที่ช่วยให้พี่ผ่านช่วงเวลาที่ยากลำบากนั้น จากนี้ไปขอให้พี่ยิ้มเพราะพี่อยากยิ้มจริงๆ ขอให้พี่มีความสุข รักและสนับสนุนตลอดนะคะ🖤🖤

  • @홍나라-h8v
    @홍나라-h8v 3 года назад +10

    영상에 용국 오빠 솔직한 얘기 담겨있어서 좋았어요. 보는데 즐거우면서 울컥하게 되네요..

  • @yeonju1326
    @yeonju1326 3 года назад +2

    얼마나 사람이 힘들면 내가 싫어지고 한심하고 뭣같다 생각했는데 지금와서 보니까 나에게 너무 잔인했던것같아요 내노력을 인정하지 않았다는게.. 당시에 나는 최선이었고 노력했다고.. 그건 분명한 사실이었는데 말이죠 인생을 허투로 살지 않았기에 너무 열심히 살려구 노력을 하다보니까 미처 나를 돌보지 못했나봐요

  • @kyunghwa3318
    @kyunghwa3318 3 года назад +12

    용국아! 넌 절대 찌질하지 않아! 너 존재 자체가 멋있어서 팬들도 멋있다 해 주는거야!
    이제 앞으로는 니가 행복하게 음악했음 좋겠어! 그리고 웃는거 보면서 넌 밝은 아이라는거 느꼈어!😊

    • @홍나라-h8v
      @홍나라-h8v 3 года назад +3

      맞아요 정말.. 존재 자체가 멋있어요

  • @Elz_R
    @Elz_R 3 года назад +2

    I just came back from watching a shred of this video on tiktok (the -¨I was a bright person¨-part). I can't stop crying of how much you were and are suffering from all that happened and all that you have been through 😔

  • @dianacaviedes5399
    @dianacaviedes5399 3 года назад +4

    I'm so happy that Yongguk can finally be himself.
    How much I love and admire this man is something I can't explain, really. ❤️

  • @NaNa-gb6ys
    @NaNa-gb6ys 3 года назад +2

    he was bright, then the company and idol live made him a dark person and now he finally got to be himself and proudly showing us his real and bright side. all the best for you, Bang Yongguk!

  • @renaiss4nce
    @renaiss4nce 3 года назад +2

    It's hard to know I am just a fan out there and I don't even know Korean so my words are probably never going to reach you, but I still need to try because I want to tell you so many things.
    People like me, fans, never thought you were a dark person. We were walking down that road next to you and we knew it was not easy for you. We never judged you, we hated your company and we understood what was going on. Fans and your members aren't like your company. We never thought what you did could be a failure or that if something went wrong it was going to be your fault just because you were the leader. You worked so hard for your members and for us and that was more than enough. You needed rest. You needed to live. You needed peace. You should have had that. You were not responsible for your group. Your company was. Nothing was your fault, it was theirs.
    Your fans always knew you were a bright person. We knew what you liked, knew you loved to hang out with your friends and we knew that sometimes you laughed only because you had to. We knew you were having a hard time and we hated it. We only wanted you to be safe and when you released your solo album, an album full of sincerity telling us your true feelings, I felt devastated but also good because it meant you were ready to trust us, to show us what you were going through. I was always proud of you but in that moment I felt extremely proud. I came to see you on tour and I didn't scream in the crowd because I knew how hard it was for you not so long ago and because I struggle mentally too and I know when things get too bright and loud. It also didn't feel too appropriate to yell like a crazy fan while you were singing about your struggles. I cried while you performed and thanked you a million times. The crowd did the same and interacted with you when you felt like it. I felt like I was at home.
    Fans want you to have that. We want you to perform only when you feel like it. We want you to work only when you feel like it. We want you to prioritize your feelings because that's OUR PRIORITY. You. We don't want you to smile when you're not okay. We want you to cry with us, to be honest, to show us every little part of yourself because we have always loved you like that. We want you to curse, to release every kind of music you feel like releasing (we are not going to think it's a failure), to cry, to laugh, to hang out with your friends, to talk about what you love and what you hate, to be revolutionary, to be Bang Yongguk. Because we have always loved you like that. I am sorry we haven't showed you that before.

  • @_imbee__
    @_imbee__ 3 года назад +9

    당신의 존재에 감사드립니다. 당신은 나에게 나의 하루를 보낼 영감을 줍니다. 그의 예술에는 생명이 있고, 그것을 듣는 사람에게 생명을 줍니다.
    그의 예술은 매우 중요합니다. 당신은 자신의 조각을 제공합니다. 강력합니다.
    예술이 되어주셔서 감사합니다 ♡

  • @katerine_alfaro
    @katerine_alfaro 3 года назад +3

    Te amo ❤️❤️❤️bang yongguk 🐯💚🐰

  • @anetawilbrandt8648
    @anetawilbrandt8648 3 года назад +13

    I am really proud of him. In this documentary, he showed his deep personality - sharing his fears and dreams. There are only a few artists (in my opinion) in this world that are so mature and so talented. Who in their works, apart from verbal content and music, can convey a deep message that connects him with his fans.
    When I listen to it, I see my own reflection - a bit younger.
    As a little brother, I would like to protect him from all bad people and things. Just keep him happy.
    That he could inspire those who have difficult times in their life.
    Yongguk take care , eat healthy and stay yourself.

  • @vasilikipapadimou91
    @vasilikipapadimou91 3 года назад +2

    You are a bright person indeed. You are so strong , you came through all this toxic situation and still you are a bright and warm person. I respect you !

  • @cassiebabyleigh4514
    @cassiebabyleigh4514 3 года назад +56

    This is so personal and I'm really thankful that you're able to talk about yourself without any pressure through this documentary. You've been through so much. I'm just really happy to see you finally showing yourself freely. Don't forget that there are so many people who love you for who you are. Much Love and Respect!

  • @BYG_BAP
    @BYG_BAP 3 года назад +8

    "내가 웃으면 예쁘다는 걸 알아요" 하면서 장난끼 섞인듯 해맑게 웃는 모습이 좋아서 자꾸 와서 보게 됩니다 😊🖤

    • @lys-t1t
      @lys-t1t 3 года назад +3

      저두요 ♥♥

    • @폰아이-q4q
      @폰아이-q4q 3 года назад +3

      여기요 한명더😘

    • @bapyongukgukguk2352
      @bapyongukgukguk2352 3 года назад +2

      Gukkie in my opinion got one the best smiles I have ever seen. It is the definition of sunnyb

  • @Trillyke
    @Trillyke 3 года назад +16

    I never thought he was a dark person, just someone who went through a lot and was broken inside. Also the constant facade you have to put on when you are an idol, showing how perfect you are. Of course you go crazy. I am just happy that now he can be the real himself!! ❤

  • @jenb9605
    @jenb9605 3 года назад +10

    I really enjoyed how comfortable Yongguk seemed while chatting over drinks. I like that he is able to talk more freely about himself and show his personality more now that he is no longer in the company that shall not be named. I was already a fan of Yongguk and his talents but I'm even more of a fan seeing more and more of his true self.
    As being the composer for his team, the pressures to create successful music for others must have been suffocating. I wish that those pressures were eliminated back in his younger days. I am glad that he is now able to create music to his liking and at his own pace.
    Although I don't understand exactly what Yongguk is going through, I do have firsthand experience in suffering from anxiety and depression as I, myself, am also working through it. It is difficult to talk about these issues and I find it very admirable of Yongguk to be open about himself. It shows how brave he is.
    Thank you to the "Something to Talk About" team for releasing part 2 of this documentary. I look forward to part 3. Much love.

  • @usepoug_076hb
    @usepoug_076hb 3 года назад +4

    다 고맙워요 하고 싶은것 다했으면 좋겠어요 그리고 음악해줬어 고맙워요 이 영상 보는것도 행복해요 히히 ~~

  • @BAngxy45-
    @BAngxy45- 3 года назад +5

    제 10대와 20대 동안 B.A.P의 음악이 있습니다서 너무 행복했어요 우리 리더 돼줘서 고마워요 그리고 사랑해요

  • @워닝-u2v
    @워닝-u2v 3 года назад +18


  • @2pmjonghyunralifetime254
    @2pmjonghyunralifetime254 3 года назад +2

    나 이 용국 한테 반했어 ♡ 그냥 방용국.
    The raw and fragily strong man.

  • @Moonlight0206
    @Moonlight0206 3 года назад +2

    Thank You For Not Giving Up Yongguk . Sometimes We lost and tired of Ourself But The important is that to keep going 🍀🤍

  • @Sara-qk4pk
    @Sara-qk4pk 3 года назад +25

    I just can't explain how lucky I am to have you in my life. Only the fact that we live in the same time, the fact that I am able to listen to your songs and enjoy your music is a privilege, but knowing that you decided to share more about your life through this documentary makes me feel like my heart is about to explode. You trust us enough to share something so personal and deep and I feel like I matter, I feel like my presence in your life matters and I’m glad that I was, and still am, able to stay by your side. I just want to hug you and tell you that I’m proud of you, that you are doing so good, that you have so many people that love you and that you are special and enough just the way you are... You do so much for me and I want to do the same for you, so knowing that you are aware of the fact that your fans, included me, are still with you, supporting you and loving you, makes me feel useful.
    Last year I graduate and the idea for my thesis came out thanks to you. In my thesis I talk about vulnerability and about the importance of being ourselves, and I choose this topic because you inspired me, through your story, your words, your songs. You are the bravest and the strongest person I know. You never gave up even though you went through something so hard, you stayed with B.A.P because you love them and you care about them so much and then you were finally free. You are doing what you were born for, and you are now telling us about your story, your insecurities, your fears. You decided to be vulnerable and to be yourself and that's the most courageous choice a human being can make. Your determination to fight, to keep trying, to being yourself is what I love about you, the fact that you don't pretend, that you are just you, Bang Yongguk, delicate, genuine, sincere, strong, imperfect, passionate, smart, funny... You. Please never fake with us, because we love you for who you are.
    Surviving and fighting was the most hurtful and the hardest thing to do, but you did it and this is helping me so much. I struggle with depression, anxiety and panic attacks but you are giving me a huge reason to keep fighting. I often feel like I don’t matter, like I’m useless, like I’m desperate and I’m going insane, with no way out, and sometimes I just want to leave this world, and knowing that you felt like this too breaks my heart, but it also helps me in a way that I just can’t explain. I just can't explain how your story inspires me in everything I do. I often struggle with words because I feel like I’m not able to express how much I respect you, how important you are for me, how you are giving me salvation. Saying ‘thank you’ is not even enough. I’m more than thankful, more than proud. You are an anchor that keeps me here, that makes me endure my pain and my life.
    I just want you to know that you matter. You are important. You are loved. You are enough. You are special. You are strong. I’m glad you’re still here and I’m glad I’m here too. Your strength is my strength, if you stayed here, I can stay here too. We can do this, together.
    I will stay by your side for more than forever. I’ll embrace you and I’ll comfort you as you comforted me. I’m glad you are sharing your story and I’m glad you are living your life with freedom. Thank you for showing us the real you in such a truthful way and thank you for understanding me and for showing me that there are still hope, happiness, faith and love in this world.
    Take your time always, we will wait for everything that is coming.
    I love you beyond infinite and I respect you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. See you later.
    Sara (aecy__)

  • @jennifertirrell1974
    @jennifertirrell1974 3 года назад +3

    All I can say through my tears is you have all my love and support, and you deserve the world, YongGuk-ssi. 🖤🖤🖤

  • @이예빈-w9x
    @이예빈-w9x 3 года назад +6

    속 마음을 이러게 영상으로 보여줘서 너무 감사해요

  • @3dgrade
    @3dgrade 3 года назад +12

    This episode was a way more emotional. Thank you, Bang Yongguk, that you show us real you. I hope you are happy now🖤

  • @predatorkitten
    @predatorkitten 3 года назад +13

    My dude we are here because of how real you and your music are. That was apparent even when you were struggling under the weight of the idol persona. I bet you'd be surprised how many people your music has helped and impacted. You keep doing exactly and ONLY what you want and we'll be here with you. I'm sorry you went through so much and I'm proud of the person you are. Thank you for sharing your soul with us.

  • @BABY_Nathalie
    @BABY_Nathalie 3 года назад +18

    I feel sorry that you had to go through this difficult path without the opportunity to share your true feelings. It hurts. And I hope that now, without pressure, you can always be yourself and you will be happier and mentally and physically healthy. I am really happy to see you as a free, light and bright person. Thank you for literally everything. I respect and appreciate you so much ♡
    I'm really grateful to everyone for making this film. It's just a whole soul.

  • @youexpectedanamebutitwasmedio
    @youexpectedanamebutitwasmedio 3 года назад +3

    The way he's happy about finally being able to openly use swear words!! 😂😂😂 He feels so much more natural and I love that

  • @j966
    @j966 3 года назад +7

    최초공개 누가 알려줘써!!! 빨리 보고싶다🖤

  • @odal8368
    @odal8368 3 года назад +5

    자랑스럽고 고마운 우리 리더

  • @shirleytassydickinson495
    @shirleytassydickinson495 3 года назад +18

    A really good artist with strength. His open heart and mind, his deep talks.. I really enjoy this moment with him.
    I hope is well now and he can take care of him and don't overexert himself.
    Yongguk Fighting!

  • @tubapanda
    @tubapanda 3 года назад +2

    I love that he's brighter and happier now. And it'd be nice if he doesn't feel pressured to appear happy when he's not. I think I'd rather see him sad than see a forced smile. If he smiles, I want it to be genuine. I think a lot of other fans feel the same.

  • @bychaimaaa5335
    @bychaimaaa5335 3 года назад +2

    You look the best when you smile 🥰 your smile makes me feel happy ♥️

  • @ox1306
    @ox1306 3 года назад +3

    As an English fan seeing the subtitles for these videos makes me so happy 😊 thank you so much for this amazing video series

  • @chiaki6800
    @chiaki6800 3 года назад +1

    오빠 얼굴이 너무 좋다 🥰daisuki💓💓