You get it because you never went to school. The Republican party is now attracting the dumbasses the liberals used to attract a decade before. It's disheartening. The moderates have no place to go except to the left. That's a major issue.
I don't usually comment. Here's a quick testimony. In 2008, I lost my job as a Cash Management Rep. at a business private bank. It was a good thing because I was done working behind a desk, wearing a suit and tie, and wanted to work outdoors with my hands and physically see my accomplishments. So I went on a quest to get into a trade. Unfortunately, I had no trade skills, no trade experience, thus I couldn't land a gig in any trade (besides, trade jobs were hard to land at the time). No worries, because I figured if I go to a trade school (shout out to LA Trade Tech), learn electrical, and show my hunger, it would make me a great prospect to landing a gig in the electrical trade. It worked! Started in the warehouse, learned electrical parts, hustled my way to the field. I was a helper/apprentice until my boss started giving me little jobs of my own to do. Showed a good attitude and kept moving up. I gained enough experience that it allowed me to make a shift into the elevator trade. 10 years later, I'm an elevator mechanic, working for the city, making good money, with great benefits, and ***SENSITIVE FEELINGS ALERT*** I'm in the process to make my wife a stay at home Mom (it's a mutual choice) so she can take care of our children while I bring home the bacon. God is good! One of the many lessons that I've learned along my journey is, if it's meant to be, it's up to me. Things could have been a lot easier if they were like now when I started looking to get into a trade. But my challenges make me appreciate where I'm at now. So if anyone wants to get into a self-rewarding trade and make great money, now is the time. So many opportunities. Take advantage and may your journey to success in a trade be as rewarding as mine.
“We’re the clouds which the snow flakes fell.” A truer statement couldn’t have been said. The reason why kids are the way they are is because we let it get this far.
Mike Rowe is so down to earth, sensible, hard working, funny and just a great man! I admire him a lot! Mike Rowe reminds me so much of my Grandfather as they share the same traits. I pray that he, his family, foundation and businesses are mightily blessed!
It is sad the Republican party is trashing intelligence. A decade ago, the Republican party was for the smart people. Now it's for the uneducated. Trump really has made the Republicans a party for the uneducated / ignorant. It's the new liberals.
They all suck. Where is the story: Russia has deployed a massive naval armada off the coast of Syria after its Defense Ministry claimed to have intel on a new chemical false flag attack to justify additional western intervention.
I am 75 and was a stone mason most of my life. I remember giving my bill to a Doctor's wife after I finished building their fireplace. She made the comment that her husband was a doctor and it seems to her that my bill was to expensive for not having a degree like her husband had. All I said was if he is so smart having a degree, why did they hire me to do this stone work when he could have done it. SHUT THE DOOR ON THAT ONE. Mike, thanks for standing up for SKILLED WORKERS vs COLLEGE GRADUATES
This stress and anxiety crap that these kids claim to have, is an insult to people who actually are stressed out and have anxiety. Same as when they claim PTSD. That's an insult to veterans or anyone who actually have had a very traumatic experience or experiences.
Alexa, They need to try and recruit guest workers by challenging marchers from BLM, and Antifa.then send 'em out on some real dirty jobs,to show what they can do.
It's pretty bad when you hear a teen tell you that she gets stressed out by seeing someone that doesn't know how to put make up on correctly. I had to just roll my eyes at her
It starts early, kids aren't told no, they're not allowed to lose, they're not allowed to deal w/ other kids who may not be so nice. These small frustrations that happen in early childhood are tools for the bigger stuff later. If a kid doesn't excel at something but is given a trophy anyway then what is his motivation to work harder? So called negative emotions are necessary to development These tools have been taken away from kids and left us w/narcissistic, fragile adults.
I'm a professor at a state university and I could not agree with Mike more. WE did this to them.Mike, I want you to know that at least ONE of us is out here talking to young people about this issue (surprisingly, they get it) and letting go of their hands.I encourage parents, teachers, coaches and other leaders to quit helicoptering. It's OK for them to make their own decisions and build the confidence that comes from sinking or swimming on their own wits.Keep up the great work, Mike.
It started with the removal of competition. Example: children’s sports no longer keep score and EVERYONE gets a trophy. They don’t learn real-world winning and losing until they leave college.
@@hess1912 the whole world is getting strange. People are wimps. Safe spaces, SJWs, the left... They're all slow. Conservatives are the ones fighting for freedom. The left is fighting for censorship. It's insane.
This SH!T all started when we kept kids from getting jobs before 18 yrs old (16 in some cases). What bull! I started working (by lying) @ 15 yrs and it was the best thing I ever did. Now kids just play games or waste time with BS ‘social media’. If they’re not going to study, by all means let them work. I hate the nanny state we have become.
I started taking college classes but ran out of money but did not want to borrow money. I took a job in the trades. I am still doing that trade after 35 years. No college debt, house, cars, raised two kids who are in the trades that make good money for their families. I have made more money than my sibling that has a master's degree and plenty of school loan debt. Mike is right
Our local station interviewed a girl who had just finished her college education. She was stressed out because she couldn't figure how she was going to pay off her $15,000 student loan on a minimum wage job! If she is going to continue in that job why did she go to college? I'm with Mike: learn a trade and learn a skill. I was a bricklayer and never had to work at it for minimum wage. Thanks for having Mike on, Greg.
Stop babying these young people. They need to learn, get a job and make a life. Mike is right, the parents set the stage for their inability to function. Nevertheless, nothing is free or easy and they need to learn it now. Being 37 years old, living in mom's basement eating corn chips, burritos and playing video games is no life. .
Wagon Train is my favorite METV show. Those people had COURAGE! Trekked across the country in covered wagons. Many had to WALK it. Virgil said, "FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD." So true! Adventure beats safety hands down!
You know I have a stroke lost Vision in one eye lost the use of one arm and one leg has to learned how to use my right hand while in school and I didn't miss one day of class and I maintain a 3.9 GPA and all this before I turned 20. I don't understand what these kids have to be stressed about that all.
Right Now I’m buying you a Nice Cigar and a Beer (or two) “Toast!”, I’m sharing your story at our dinner table with my soon to go off to college twins... Much respect and love my Friend!
@@OldZenMonk thanks, unfortunately alcohol react to my medicine so I can't get drunk and due to half my lungs collapsing a few years ago I can't smoke lol it's better now but still have a problem with smoke. But anything is possible. I'm even going to start teaching creative writing in a week in RUclips.
This is higher education left to the stupid. Life can be stressful if you do not understand very much about the world. You can't change it if you don't understand it.
I totally agree with what Mike said at the start. Somebody brought up the people we are now calling "snowflakes". I was raised by a parent'sthat was born in the Great Depression & my father served nearly, between active & reserve duties, 40 year's in the US Navy & Air Force. My sibling's & I were raised that when we turned 18 we were OUT of the house, My sister's were married, for the most part. My brother went to college & became an admitted communist. I joined the US Navy. Since I got out of the USN I have had one daughter. I was raising her to be as SELF RELIANT as possible. Her mother & half brother's thought differently. What's interesting, one of her half brother's actually joined the USN because of my father & my example. HE is married, out of the USN, working & taking care of HIS FAMILY. The other two brother's are nearly 30 & STILL LIVING AT HOME WITH MOM & NOT CONTRIBUTING. In fact one is STILL going to UW Madison & paying little if anything. Because he somehow is still managing to get loans/ grant's for his "hispanic" hertiage.
I went straight into the real world right out of college. Unemployed roughly half of it, and never been paid more than 10$ an hour. My generation is point blank spoiled and weak, and I'm currently attending a tech school to rise above. Because I've lived in the real world, and I know you can't get anywhere by throwing a fit and demanding the world to change. It takes work.
I was born in the 80's....When i was growing up his statement was so true. My parents and society told me if you wanted to be successful and make good money, all arrows pointed to college. You hear how college graduates make X amount of dollars more per year then someone who didn't go to college. They don't tell you depending upon the program, college, and demand for that job you might not get that result. These are serious factors that they don't tell you. Costs of the college route: Start out in debt thousands of dollars and there is no guarantee for employment. Now you can't find a job or the one you get pays peanuts and the government still wants your student loans paid...Now having lived it I tell my children they will need to weigh their options and go the route that makes them most successful and it doesn't have to be the college one...
Im 29 years old, and going through high school it was all about getting the best and highest education you could achieve. Little did we know the baby boom generation pushed all their kids to do the same, and there was a shortage in good paying labor jobs. I wish back in school I was allowed to pick my own courses but the pressure of going to university from parents and friends and that your somehow a lesser person for choosing a more menial employment option was frowned upon.
Universities need to stop letting the animals run the zoo. How did all the millions of other people, like myself, get a degree without safe spaces? They GREW up and got their education. College is a place to explore and get different opinions, views, and see what is out in the world.
Mike, hard honest work will eliminate most democrat-leaning prospects! A college education, as it is today, will NOT prepare a young adult for the working world.
The summer after I turned 16 my dad demanded I get a job. I went and got a job at McDonalds. I was working sometimes part time and sometimes full time all the way up until I graduated with my Associates degree from the local community college. We didn't have 'safe spaces' or therapy animals. We weren't allowed to go into the back room and play with bubbles or play dough. We didn't have 'cry closets'. If you got stressed out and needed to vent, you ran into the back, hopped into the the walk in freezer and screamed to the heavens or swore like a sailor... and then you went back to work again. When I worked overnights, you deal with it. The place I worked at had 3 night employees and we were busy as heck sometimes from 9:30 pm all the way until 5:30 am. You didn't have time to be a snowflake. Feelings don't matter for much in the real world.
A lot of young people today have never worn the uniform, that means they have never taken the heat and stress making them adults. Even if they feel that our country is on the wrong track, they have invested their very lives in defense of country.
I see education as education, not particularly higher or lower. My plumber is more likely to give me advice on my illness as a doctor is to fix my toilet. Education is ongoing, it never ends. I am old and I learn something new everyday.
The Pleasure of giving The Pleasure of serving The Pleasure of unconditional love The Pleasure of selfless kindness Who wants still to Suffer in greed? (Aufie Zophy)
My thoughts on it, because the professors, most of them have never had a real job. Professors of business who have never started a business. Those who can, do, those who can't get a job at a university.
What Mike and these guys are talking about is the sweetest 'music' this side of heaven. Having employed that *mind-set* for most of my working life allowed my wife and I to retire in our early fifties and enjoy doing things other than working for a living, after having *enjoyed* working with our hands, for a living.
LOL I LOVE Kilmeade's face. He's like "ah, that hurt, Mike. You were talking about me, weren't you?" I agree with Rowe. I'm glad my parents weren't that bad. They actually didn't turn me into a snowflake. Are you KIDDING me??? Anti-stress courses??? And kids are stressed over THEM???? I wonder if the parents are more of the snowflakes than the kids. I don't have a job anymore (after 16 years), but I'm still not stressing despite I currently have a mortgage. Still putting my name in for new jobs.
Find, 'Myth of the well educated manager' Harvard review, 1971. Harvard detailed the lack of ROI in 1971. So the higher education industry started to add student facilities to make college more attractive, student loans to pay for the increased costs and now wants the Government to pay for it. The industry was willing to mortgage the future of their students to maintain their facade.
I don't care if today's youth has no abilities to deal with stress. Many have selected to a life lane that is lazy. Any parents that has supported this behavior has set kids up for failure. Life doesn't give participation trophies or instant gratification. Get over yourself!
I think it's something genetic for sure but I grew up in a "snowflake" producing family and I have seen the damage the lack of preparation for the real world has caused me and well I'm grateful to hear someone talk of these things about the real world and how ill prepared the average college grad is. I was in that boat and well I still have things to learn but it sure was a school of hard knocks that I learned how the real world really is and how you can't have a "safe space" to unwind and cope with the difficult things in life in the workplace.
The Universities need to guaranty a job when they leave school & make the students do internships for their degree by their jr. year. That pays down the debt (co-op program) & gives them a job when they leave school. If they don't then they get the loan reimbursed back to the lender. If not then states start pulling funding. This would probably make the colleges start to get rid of useless degrees that can't be used in the real world & maybe cut staff too. This might even slow down some of their indoctrination. High School needs to bring back basic living classes & make them a requirement Just like when I went. Even some shop classes to start learning a basic trade for those that don't want to college.
Mike Rowe, had a wonderful opportunity to talk about the beginnings of Safe space/Playdates but he blew it. When 85-90% of danger is with Family, friends and Neighbours and 10% strangers? Millennials didn't play in the neighborhood they had playdates because parents feared what wasn't there. Zero roughhousing at school recess, etc. Has lead to what we have today w/ SJW, micro-aggression, timid behavior. Regarding Trade School, the reason there is $35/hr plumber's/Tradesmen is "Supply n Demand". We have to be careful with our propaganda. The College push could turn into Trade push, which would lead to an oversupply of Tradesmen. When Trade Unions where a thing, they would limit the amount of apprentice to keep Supply of Tradeworkers so salaries didn't implode & Halls job list wasn't to long. The prestige gap is what keeps young people from considering the Trades. Mike's non-profit doesn't get to the root of the Skills gap and the cost of training. If you combine workshops [maker spaces, Grandpa garage etc] with RUclips "How too video's" or more effectively Free MOOC's like World Mentoring Academy that has Trade & College courses that lead to professional certifications and Bachelors in 60+ majors from several State Colleges at $5,000 including books & College fees.
I love Mike Rowe! This guy just totally "gets it."
I could watch him all day.
And a lot of people need to hear his message of common sense!
You get it because you never went to school. The Republican party is now attracting the dumbasses the liberals used to attract a decade before. It's disheartening. The moderates have no place to go except to the left. That's a major issue.
I agree :)
Piteus W
What disagree with Mr. Rowe about? Do you know the difference between having an education and being educated right?
Piteus W, so why don't you start your own program?
Tony Pearl Yes indeed.
I don't usually comment. Here's a quick testimony. In 2008, I lost my job as a Cash Management Rep. at a business private bank. It was a good thing because I was done working behind a desk, wearing a suit and tie, and wanted to work outdoors with my hands and physically see my accomplishments. So I went on a quest to get into a trade. Unfortunately, I had no trade skills, no trade experience, thus I couldn't land a gig in any trade (besides, trade jobs were hard to land at the time). No worries, because I figured if I go to a trade school (shout out to LA Trade Tech), learn electrical, and show my hunger, it would make me a great prospect to landing a gig in the electrical trade. It worked! Started in the warehouse, learned electrical parts, hustled my way to the field. I was a helper/apprentice until my boss started giving me little jobs of my own to do. Showed a good attitude and kept moving up. I gained enough experience that it allowed me to make a shift into the elevator trade. 10 years later, I'm an elevator mechanic, working for the city, making good money, with great benefits, and ***SENSITIVE FEELINGS ALERT*** I'm in the process to make my wife a stay at home Mom (it's a mutual choice) so she can take care of our children while I bring home the bacon. God is good! One of the many lessons that I've learned along my journey is, if it's meant to be, it's up to me. Things could have been a lot easier if they were like now when I started looking to get into a trade. But my challenges make me appreciate where I'm at now. So if anyone wants to get into a self-rewarding trade and make great money, now is the time. So many opportunities. Take advantage and may your journey to success in a trade be as rewarding as mine.
Santos Chicas what a great testimony, congratulations.
Congratulations! I tell kids as soon as I see them about the electrical industry! Such a future shortage, and a recession free career!
Shout out from local 8, Otis mechanic here
I want to build charming man sheds.
Absolutely, Gold.
Thank you.
More Mike please :)
I'm here! You got it! Haha
“We’re the clouds which the snow flakes fell.”
A truer statement couldn’t have been said. The reason why kids are the way they are is because we let it get this far.
Mike Rowe is so down to earth, sensible, hard working, funny and just a great man! I admire him a lot! Mike Rowe reminds me so much of my Grandfather as they share the same traits. I pray that he, his family, foundation and businesses are mightily blessed!
I nominate Mike Row for Secretary of Education. It’s not that complicated.
Lckario combine the departments of Labor and Education.
Abolish that department. Mike for Sec of Commerce.
Mike's such a good bloke.
Common sense galore coming from his mouth.
Which means of course that you'll never ever hear it anywhere else but Fox.
I have never heard any from Don Lemon or Rachel Maddow and their ilk.
It is sad the Republican party is trashing intelligence. A decade ago, the Republican party was for the smart people. Now it's for the uneducated. Trump really has made the Republicans a party for the uneducated / ignorant. It's the new liberals.
Common sense=sulfuric acid to lib/dem's ears.
@@siegfriedbraun5447 I hate socialist like any other. However, you do realize the people looking for free handouts are the mindless Trump drones.
CNN is down 12 % in August viewer-ship.
FOX is up 4 % and number one for 200 months in a row.
Go Trump 2020
Jerry Rowden - source please. Provide a link for your claim
They all suck. Where is the story: Russia has deployed a massive naval armada off the coast of Syria after its Defense Ministry claimed to have intel on a new chemical false flag attack to justify additional western intervention.
C B google it lol “cnn viewership down” you’ll see plenty of proof. 200 months in a row that’s amazing!
@@elkinsknight12 but i thought google is biased against conservatives and fox? Gtfoh
Love Mr. Rowe. Mad respect for that man.
I am 75 and was a stone mason most of my life. I remember giving my bill to a Doctor's wife after I finished building their fireplace. She made the comment that her husband was a doctor and it seems to her that my bill was to expensive for not having a degree like her husband had. All I said was if he is so smart having a degree, why did they hire me to do this stone work when he could have done it. SHUT THE DOOR ON THAT ONE. Mike, thanks for standing up for SKILLED WORKERS vs COLLEGE GRADUATES
This stress and anxiety crap that these kids claim to have, is an insult to people who actually are stressed out and have anxiety. Same as when they claim PTSD. That's an insult to veterans or anyone who actually have had a very traumatic experience or experiences.
You're an idiot. Which kids say they have PTSD? None do. Kids today have it much tougher than their parents did then when they were kids.
"You are an idiot"
Snowflake cries, traumatized...
"You are an idiot"
Veteral with PTSD replies "What is wrong with you?"
25 years old and going to trades school next week!!! gotta choose a field where the jobs and demand is!!!
Sun - lol well you have room for error, you could learn 6 trades in the time it takes to get a degree.
@@DavidClark1983 yup i graduate in April only 2 semesters and its straight to work
Sun - nice, congrats and good luck!
@Liam O’Neil im actually going for Plumbing but those are good trades too
I heard that coding is REALLY high in demand.
If only the South African farmers had a safe space...they’d be fine right?
Like the prison that Martin Mandela had to endure because he wanted equality for all.
Make a new show. "Snowflakes try Dirty Jobs".
i can just imagine the injuries. The show can be sponsored by band aid.
Alexa, They need to try and recruit guest workers by challenging marchers from BLM, and Antifa.then send 'em out on some real dirty jobs,to show what they can do.
ThrummerOfLove LOL BLM can work at the cotton factory and Antifa should clean up the poop in San Francisco.
Now THAT would be a hit show!
ThrummerOfLove One episode...done.
I’m a carpenter, my oldest is an electrician, my middle boy is going into welding and auto mechanics. My youngest will join a trade someday. MAGA.
If I put the Red hat on, half the country will not hear me. Truer words were never spoken.
And now the country is crumbling. ☹😔
Love Mike Rowe. Hes a good man. Miss dirty jobs!
Check out his Facebook series "Returning the favor." It's pretty good. A great replacement for dirty jobs. I miss that show too though.
It's pretty bad when you hear a teen tell you that she gets stressed out by seeing someone that doesn't know how to put make up on correctly. I had to just roll my eyes at her
It starts early, kids aren't told no, they're not allowed to lose, they're not allowed to deal w/ other kids who may not be so nice. These small frustrations that happen in early childhood are tools for the bigger stuff later. If a kid doesn't excel at something but is given a trophy anyway then what is his motivation to work harder? So called negative emotions are necessary to development These tools have been taken away from kids and left us w/narcissistic, fragile adults.
I'm a professor at a state university and I could not agree with Mike more. WE did this to them.Mike, I want you to know that at least ONE of us is out here talking to young people about this issue (surprisingly, they get it) and letting go of their hands.I encourage parents, teachers, coaches and other leaders to quit helicoptering. It's OK for them to make their own decisions and build the confidence that comes from sinking or swimming on their own wits.Keep up the great work, Mike.
Mike hit the nail on the head. Our actions actually mean something. They affect others.
It started with the removal of competition. Example: children’s sports no longer keep score and EVERYONE gets a trophy. They don’t learn real-world winning and losing until they leave college.
What you mean?
@@hess1912 the whole world is getting strange. People are wimps. Safe spaces, SJWs, the left... They're all slow. Conservatives are the ones fighting for freedom. The left is fighting for censorship. It's insane.
There are far too many people in this world who have nothing to offer...and yet keep trying.
This SH!T all started when we kept kids from getting jobs before 18 yrs old (16 in some cases). What bull! I started working (by lying) @ 15 yrs and it was the best thing I ever did. Now kids just play games or waste time with BS ‘social media’. If they’re not going to study, by all means let them work. I hate the nanny state we have become.
I started taking college classes but ran out of money but did not want to borrow money. I took a job in the trades. I am still doing that trade after 35 years. No college debt, house, cars, raised two kids who are in the trades that make good money for their families. I have made more money than my sibling that has a master's degree and plenty of school loan debt. Mike is right
Our local station interviewed a girl who had just finished her college education. She was stressed out because she couldn't figure how she was going to pay off her $15,000 student loan on a minimum wage job! If she is going to continue in that job why did she go to college? I'm with Mike: learn a trade and learn a skill. I was a bricklayer and never had to work at it for minimum wage. Thanks for having Mike on, Greg.
Love Mike Rowe! Skilled craftsmen make this country possible. High school grads should be required to apprentice for a trade prior to college.
Or better yet put trades and coding back into schools starting at the elementary level.
I can listen to him all day so long-always the the voice of reason and an amazing sense of humor!!
Stop babying these young people. They need to learn, get a job and make a life. Mike is right, the parents set the stage for their inability to function. Nevertheless, nothing is free or easy and they need to learn it now. Being 37 years old, living in mom's basement eating corn chips, burritos and playing video games is no life. .
Wagon Train is my favorite METV show. Those people had COURAGE! Trekked across the country in covered wagons. Many had to WALK it. Virgil said, "FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD." So true! Adventure beats safety hands down!
You know I have a stroke lost Vision in one eye lost the use of one arm and one leg has to learned how to use my right hand while in school and I didn't miss one day of class and I maintain a 3.9 GPA and all this before I turned 20. I don't understand what these kids have to be stressed about that all.
Right Now I’m buying you a Nice Cigar and a Beer (or two) “Toast!”, I’m sharing your story at our dinner table with my soon to go off to college twins... Much respect and love my Friend!
@@OldZenMonk thanks, unfortunately alcohol react to my medicine so I can't get drunk and due to half my lungs collapsing a few years ago I can't smoke lol it's better now but still have a problem with smoke. But anything is possible. I'm even going to start teaching creative writing in a week in RUclips.
This is higher education left to the stupid. Life can be stressful if you do not understand very much about the world. You can't change it if you don't understand it.
I totally agree with what Mike said at the start. Somebody brought up the people we are now calling "snowflakes". I was raised by a parent'sthat was born in the Great Depression & my father served nearly, between active & reserve duties, 40 year's in the US Navy & Air Force.
My sibling's & I were raised that when we turned 18 we were OUT of the house, My sister's were married, for the most part. My brother went to college & became an admitted communist. I joined the US Navy. Since I got out of the USN I have had one daughter.
I was raising her to be as SELF RELIANT as possible. Her mother & half brother's thought differently. What's interesting, one of her half brother's actually joined the USN because of my father & my example.
HE is married, out of the USN, working & taking care of HIS FAMILY. The other two brother's are nearly 30 & STILL LIVING AT HOME WITH MOM & NOT CONTRIBUTING. In fact one is STILL going to UW Madison & paying little if anything. Because he somehow is still managing to get loans/ grant's for his "hispanic" hertiage.
I went straight into the real world right out of college. Unemployed roughly half of it, and never been paid more than 10$ an hour. My generation is point blank spoiled and weak, and I'm currently attending a tech school to rise above. Because I've lived in the real world, and I know you can't get anywhere by throwing a fit and demanding the world to change. It takes work.
Learn basic marketing skills on skillshare
I was born in the 80's....When i was growing up his statement was so true. My parents and society told me if you wanted to be successful and make good money, all arrows pointed to college. You hear how college graduates make X amount of dollars more per year then someone who didn't go to college. They don't tell you depending upon the program, college, and demand for that job you might not get that result. These are serious factors that they don't tell you. Costs of the college route: Start out in debt thousands of dollars and there is no guarantee for employment. Now you can't find a job or the one you get pays peanuts and the government still wants your student loans paid...Now having lived it I tell my children they will need to weigh their options and go the route that makes them most successful and it doesn't have to be the college one...
I am not a fan of conservatives or liberals but this coddling has become absurd.
Im 29 years old, and going through high school it was all about getting the best and highest education you could achieve. Little did we know the baby boom generation pushed all their kids to do the same, and there was a shortage in good paying labor jobs. I wish back in school I was allowed to pick my own courses but the pressure of going to university from parents and friends and that your somehow a lesser person for choosing a more menial employment option was frowned upon.
Universities need to stop letting the animals run the zoo. How did all the millions of other people, like myself, get a degree without safe spaces? They GREW up and got their education. College is a place to explore and get different opinions, views, and see what is out in the world.
We need more people like Mike Rowe in this country.🇺🇸👍👌💪😎
Love Mr. Rowe! Great human being.
When rich Republicans stop sending their kids to private schools and then college, then I will listen to a rich Republican an the perils of college.
Mike Rowe is the man. We need more of that, less snow flakes.
Mike's the freaking man! Thanks Fox
How ironic that people with no facility for critical thinking are against it being taught to others.
Mike, hard honest work will eliminate most democrat-leaning prospects! A college education, as it is today, will NOT prepare a young adult for the working world.
Like your foundation very much.
Couldn’t agree more
The summer after I turned 16 my dad demanded I get a job. I went and got a job at McDonalds. I was working sometimes part time and sometimes full time all the way up until I graduated with my Associates degree from the local community college. We didn't have 'safe spaces' or therapy animals. We weren't allowed to go into the back room and play with bubbles or play dough. We didn't have 'cry closets'. If you got stressed out and needed to vent, you ran into the back, hopped into the the walk in freezer and screamed to the heavens or swore like a sailor... and then you went back to work again. When I worked overnights, you deal with it. The place I worked at had 3 night employees and we were busy as heck sometimes from 9:30 pm all the way until 5:30 am. You didn't have time to be a snowflake. Feelings don't matter for much in the real world.
A lot of young people today have never worn the uniform, that means they have never taken the heat and stress making them adults. Even if they feel that our country is on the wrong track, they have invested their very lives in defense of country.
I see education as education, not particularly higher or lower. My plumber is more likely to give me advice on my illness as a doctor is to fix my toilet. Education is ongoing, it never ends. I am old and I learn something new everyday.
mike is the man thank you
Mike Rowe is what we need in America!
The one problem with not getting a degree is the HR departments that use it as a filter so they will not have to read all the applications.
A celebrity I can be proud of. Mike Rowe is a REAL American.
Absolutely! I have been saying this for a decade!!!
Anything from Mike Rowe is a Instant like from me!
Mike Rowe is just great!
Mike for president. Canada needs you.
Parents did this, thank you Mike
The Pleasure of giving
The Pleasure of serving
The Pleasure of unconditional love
The Pleasure of selfless kindness
Who wants still to Suffer in greed? (Aufie Zophy)
A common sense Working Man's Hero.
Mike Rowe. American treasure
My thoughts on it, because the professors, most of them have never had a real job. Professors of business who have never started a business. Those who can, do, those who can't get a job at a university.
Mike Rowe is the dad every kid needs.
Mike Rowe is a smart guy. Dirty jobs is awesome.
Learn a skill. Thanks Mike.
He knows what he is talking about.🇺🇸👍👌💪😎
My next door neighbor and classmate just commited suicide. Mental health might be worth the attention that continues to mount....
Mike Rowe for President 2024
That guy, Mike, can really think, is logical and has an immense command of the English language. Wow! What a polymath!
What Mike and these guys are talking about is the sweetest 'music' this side of heaven. Having employed that *mind-set* for most of my working life allowed my wife and I to retire in our early fifties and enjoy doing things other than working for a living, after having *enjoyed* working with our hands, for a living.
Mike Rowe is awesome!!!!
Mike Rowe is such a delight. Wish he was my dad. Great man and sensible charming guy.
Good job Mr Rowe👍
Mike Rowe always makes sense. That is very rare these days.
Mike Rowe for president!
High school kids need to work toward a career, not just a job. It takes a vision.
In real life safe space = living your life in fear .
LOL I LOVE Kilmeade's face. He's like "ah, that hurt, Mike. You were talking about me, weren't you?" I agree with Rowe. I'm glad my parents weren't that bad. They actually didn't turn me into a snowflake. Are you KIDDING me??? Anti-stress courses??? And kids are stressed over THEM???? I wonder if the parents are more of the snowflakes than the kids. I don't have a job anymore (after 16 years), but I'm still not stressing despite I currently have a mortgage. Still putting my name in for new jobs.
Yes sir Mike Rowe
They laugh about it but it is a really serious issue. A whole generation of snowflakes will freeze the advancement of society.
When snowflakes breed it makes slushies.
....Oh , and...even thinking of paying tuition causes MAJOR stress..................
Find, 'Myth of the well educated manager' Harvard review, 1971.
Harvard detailed the lack of ROI in 1971. So the higher education industry started to add student facilities to make college more attractive, student loans to pay for the increased costs and now wants the Government to pay for it. The industry was willing to mortgage the future of their students to maintain their facade.
I love Mike!
I don't care if today's youth has no abilities to deal with stress. Many have selected to a life lane that is lazy. Any parents that has supported this behavior has set kids up for failure. Life doesn't give participation trophies or instant gratification. Get over yourself!
So we should go back to the way things were after WW2? Like that worked really well.
Mike Rowe is as close to perfection as a human can get.
How do they expect to tackle LIFE? WORK?
I think it's something genetic for sure but I grew up in a "snowflake" producing family and I have seen the damage the lack of preparation for the real world has caused me and well I'm grateful to hear someone talk of these things about the real world and how ill prepared the average college grad is. I was in that boat and well I still have things to learn but it sure was a school of hard knocks that I learned how the real world really is and how you can't have a "safe space" to unwind and cope with the difficult things in life in the workplace.
The Universities need to guaranty a job when they leave school & make the students do internships for their degree by their jr. year. That pays down the debt (co-op program) & gives them a job when they leave school. If they don't then they get the loan reimbursed back to the lender. If not then states start pulling funding. This would probably make the colleges start to get rid of useless degrees that can't be used in the real world & maybe cut staff too. This might even slow down some of their indoctrination. High School needs to bring back basic living classes & make them a requirement Just like when I went. Even some shop classes to start learning a basic trade for those that don't want to college.
Mike Rowe BLOWS big time.
Mike Rowe 😍
He’s the voice of reason in a storm of bullshit and lies. Thank you mike Rowe!!
The biggest problem is parents dont teach their children, on the farm Dad not only taught us how to go about a task but he set an example.
Aw, poor babies.
Construction is a great job as long as there is work .
Buying something that you can't use, doesn't work in my head.
Mike Rowe is a Class Act... Trump should do the business side and use him as the face man for liberals. Think that would make both parties happy.
Mike Rowe, had a wonderful opportunity to talk about the beginnings of Safe space/Playdates but he blew it. When 85-90% of danger is with Family, friends and Neighbours and 10% strangers? Millennials didn't play in the neighborhood they had playdates because parents feared what wasn't there. Zero roughhousing at school recess, etc. Has lead to what we have today w/ SJW, micro-aggression, timid behavior.
Regarding Trade School, the reason there is $35/hr plumber's/Tradesmen is "Supply n Demand". We have to be careful with our propaganda. The College push could turn into Trade push, which would lead to an oversupply of Tradesmen. When Trade Unions where a thing, they would limit the amount of apprentice to keep Supply of Tradeworkers so salaries didn't implode & Halls job list wasn't to long.
The prestige gap is what keeps young people from considering the Trades. Mike's non-profit doesn't get to the root of the Skills gap and the cost of training. If you combine workshops [maker spaces, Grandpa garage etc] with RUclips "How too video's" or more effectively Free MOOC's like World Mentoring Academy that has Trade & College courses that lead to professional certifications and Bachelors in 60+ majors from several State Colleges at $5,000 including books & College fees.