What To Do With A Prideful Heart

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024

Комментарии • 149

  • @MultiJpad
    @MultiJpad 2 года назад +142

    As a child growing up in poor circumstances i had visions of becoming an astronaut a doctor an fbi agent but it never materialized ive finally come to the realization that i am a common man, it hurts, but i am dedicating my life to prayer.

    • @albieinangelus921
      @albieinangelus921 2 года назад +1

      And....pride comes in all kinds of packages...I desire affirmation from my children and I forget that I am 47 years older than one of them, and I see life from the '50s onward.....

    • @clemonsx90
      @clemonsx90 2 года назад +24

      The thing I noticed as a millennial is that our entire generation was taught that we would have superior standing in life if we went to college, but for the overwhelming majority of people it's actually put them in a subordinate position and a lot of debt. As time goes on the value of plumbers, mechanics, carpenters, electricians, and so on are only going up and these blue collar workers can easily change jobs or work on the side, while white collar workers have a harder time finding new jobs and may need to switch states to stay in their industry.
      We were told that we were all equally special, rather than equally common, and this gave people the impression that they're too good to do basic hard work. I think this, along with the debt for unnecessary college classes, did a lot to hold people back for a fair number of years.
      It's way easier to build up from humility than to fall from pride.
      As a generation, I think a lot of us have lost a decade off of our lives, pursuing vanity and putting off responsibility to no end.

    • @SunshineFlowerHeart
      @SunshineFlowerHeart 2 года назад


    • @tomparks6584
      @tomparks6584 2 года назад +1

      Read and pray over Sirach 38. I believe Meditation on the poverty of a Christ is good(for everyone). God Bless you!

    • @afranka87
      @afranka87 2 года назад +1

      I can relate to your story.

  • @amaraheising4672
    @amaraheising4672 2 года назад +43

    I often pause to ponder...what is it that makes this priest so amazing in communicating and connecting with others? Father, your gifts are many, one that clarified itself in this video; ability to pour forth words of eloquence while instantaneously judging the grammar, standards, meaning, and usage of those words, allowing you to comment upon them, perhaps correct yourself, while formulating your next sentence. You leave me in the dust as I ask myself, "what did I just hear?" Incredible! Quickness of mind, gifted tongue, love of God, great education and desire to serve, sharp humor, sense of humility, life of brotherhood with other like minded and gifted men, that is quite a God gifted package! It seems God sometimes bundles many gifts into single persons in order to illuminate His love and desire to educate and uplift us. "Thank you God for Father Pine and others like him. Bless his arthritic bones and keep him safe in his coming in and going out. In fact bless us all as we seek our way to you. Amen"

  • @musiclover44551
    @musiclover44551 2 года назад +80

    This is incredible. I've slowly come to realize that pride is my greatest weakness in these recent months and I've been recommended this in my youtube feed during my short 10 minute break. If this isn't the hand of God, I don't know what is.
    Edit: I've finished the video finally, I am planning on watching again once I am home. Thank you Father Pine.

    • @JevgenijsMusic
      @JevgenijsMusic 2 года назад +5

      Same!!! Praise the Lord! 🙏

    • @alfredgazivoda
      @alfredgazivoda 2 года назад +4

      Hey brothers and sisters.
      I’m thinking all time in my mind that everything is illusion and nothing is real like we live in some kind of matrix and i know this may sound silly and surely the devil is trying to convince me of this thing but those though just won’t get out of me and are causing me anxiety and also depression.
      Please if anybody could pray for me in the free time i would be very thankful.

    • @JevgenijsMusic
      @JevgenijsMusic 2 года назад +4

      @@alfredgazivoda similar thoughts was in my head. They are not from God. I will pray for You! 🙏 I recommend to contact a good priest about it. There might be some deep pain inside, it was in my case. He helped me to forgive myself and showed how to give it to God. Now it’s much better. Thanks to God! ❤️ It is actually easy - You say “I forgive myself for… (and put what You forgive) and give it to the Lord!” My list was hour long. No shame in that! Take it easy - You will succeed! God already had forgiven You, He loves You very much! ❤️He will help You! 🙏

    • @albieinangelus921
      @albieinangelus921 2 года назад +4

      AMEN!!! And never forget that the wicked vice comes in ALL kinds of packages

    • @angelalemos9811
      @angelalemos9811 2 года назад +1

      It's one of my weaknesses too.

  • @Jake-Riprock
    @Jake-Riprock 6 месяцев назад +5

    Over the years - many years - I have spent countless hours living inside my own head. Daydreaming, wishing, fretting, fantasizing about a life that isn't actually mine. I never considered it Prideful. This video has been somewhat of a revelation for me. Thank you Fr. Greg for explaining this. I need to find a use for my gifts in the actual life I have; not squander them for one I don't.

  • @meganbrennan454
    @meganbrennan454 2 года назад +14

    I think what has slowly helped me (still working on it though) is looking at the people around me and realizing that, they aren’t much different. Everyone around me is no lesser or better, just another person with hopes, desires, hobbies, and people they care about.
    Seeing myself as the same as everyone else helped me to realize that it’s unkind to everyone to think I’m better, but it’s unkind to myself to think I’m worse. It’s also helped me to treat other people more kindly and work on my temper.

  • @EcclesiastesLiker-py5ts
    @EcclesiastesLiker-py5ts 2 года назад +9

    Great video! For other people I mean. Of course, I don't need it, but I'm capable of understanding the value of things even if I don't need them personally. Myself, I am extremely humble. Really, exceedingly humble. Not many people equal my humility, but, perhaps, some, such as Francis of Assissi, may even exceed it.

    • @roxanaconception
      @roxanaconception 2 года назад +1

      😄….I really enjoyed your comment. We can all continue to work on our humility.

    • @ABB14-11
      @ABB14-11 2 года назад


  • @BossAunt
    @BossAunt 2 года назад +12

    Thanks for this video, Fr Pine. Can you please go more in depth and explain how thinking less of yourself than what is true is prideful as well? This tends to confuse me as well as my friends. A counselor explained it to me like this, “just because you’re not the best doesn’t mean you are the worst and pride is the driving force that makes you think that you are the worst because you’re not the best.” Can you please go into how being self deprecating is pride please? Would love a more complete and thorough explanation of this. I come from the school of thought that pride is thinking that you’re better than. I have a history of being severely verbally abused and so my mentality as a result is that I am lower than everyone and essentially the worst which I’ve been told is also pride. Help please 😊! I’d love to have a firmer understanding.
    Thank you!

    • @mirnacudiczgela1963
      @mirnacudiczgela1963 2 года назад +2

      Because we should accept that God loves us and that we are precious to Him. By thinking less of ourselves in a way we don't allow Him to consider us precious.

    • @sophiaharne3271
      @sophiaharne3271 2 года назад +2

      I understand it in two ways:
      1. If you assume that you're the worst, this means you assume that you are some how so good at being terrible, that you're so inherently unlovable that you're outside the scope of God's mercy (in some paradoxical way, you're the best at being the worst, you're some special case of bad). When you think of God's mercy as so small and yourself as so big in your failings, you get the proportions completely wrong, and exaggerate how terrible you such that you make yourself very vulnerable to temptations to despair, and it becomes easy for you to think that God's mercy and love is so small and so can't help, when really, any failing you have is a tiny drop compared to the ocean of God's mercy and love - that is the objective reality of the situation, regardless of how you subjectively feel about your own failings. In fact - if you've been hurt in such a way that now you have an even stronger tendency to think of yourself as so specially bad, you should feel even more compelled to run to God in love and in humility, asking for healing and help to recognize and experience and be aided by his love. You can express objective trust in this and ask for the grace to come to know his mercy and his love as a real and experiential tangible reality, even when you might subjectively or emotionally feel terrible. The Holy Spirit is the comforter, and by making yourself open in this way even as you are hurting and tempted to close yourself off in despair (seeing your sinfulness distorted as something too big for God's mercy), by humbling yourself in this paradoxical way and asking for grace, you are inviting the Holy Spirit in and asking for his aid.
      2. Pride is also intimately connected with self-concern. C.S. Lewis said that humility isn't thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less. When you are conceited, you forget about others because you are so self-contented and/or concerned with how others are perceiving you. You're not actually being attentive to people. Similarly, if you think you're the worst person ever and you feel terrible about yourself, you'll also be either constantly reflecting on how badly you feel because you wish you could change it but you can't, (constantly pulled back, away from reality, toward yourself and a sense of helplessness or hopelessness), or you'll be encountering people but only actually being attentive to them insofar as they help you (or, even worse, maybe fail to help you and reaffirm you in this cycle of feeling terrible), to feel better about yourself, and you'll be more likely to act and speak and be in a way that is still totally self-referential. When you're not at peace with yourself, it's really hard to actually be free and totally be attentive in self-forgetfulness (not hating yourself, just resting in the love of God and in his mercy even as you recognize that yes of course you're a sinner like everyone else) and go forth and love and give and be present as the joyful light you are called to be! :)
      Sorry this is long and potentially convoluted. It's just something I've thought a lot about and is also very personal to me too so I thought I would share.
      I also will say that God wants us to be healed, both of sin and of the wounds that each of us carries with us from our experiences in life. Often we will find that bound up in our wounds is also a disposition that is affected by or colored by sin, but a wound is not a sin in itself, and especially when we experience things when we are quite young, we develop all sorts of complicated and better or worse coping mechanisms to try to deal with them - this is totally natural. As we grow, we encounter those coping mechanisms and those wounds in a new way, and recognize them as helping or hurting us, and, in some cases, leading us closer or further from God. If they lead us further from God or into sin, the goal is to overcome the sin precisely by healing that wound and helping build a better coping mechanism. And even here it still remains that the wound is not that person's fault. If you struggle with very low esteem of yourself because of wounds you carry, and you recognize, wow, I am very tempted to despair, or wow, I am not as attentive to people as I could be, then the solution is not to say "oh my gosh I'm the worst sinner ever" (completely counter productive, especially in this situation, and also completely false). If you're tempted to despair, you need to be actively meditating on and praying for the grace to really come to know God's love and mercy as a tangible reality in your own life. In doing so, you are at once both working to cooperate with God's grace to heal a wound that he wants so much to help you heal, and to overcome a disposition toward sin that is keeping you from Him, from freedom, from love, and from the people around you. All that to say - God loves you, really, and he wants you to know that and to work with you towards healing and freedom.
      Oh, and also, I HIGHLY recommend the book "Self-Esteem Without Selfishness" - it is solid, non-sentimental, practical and theological advice on what it means to have a right relationship with oneself so that one can love! :) It's beautiful and was really healing for me.
      May God bless you!

  • @Bernadette613
    @Bernadette613 2 года назад +29

    Another home run, Fr. Pine. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. YOU are made for great things and are doing great things! Blessings and peace.

  • @iacobusmonsi3645
    @iacobusmonsi3645 2 года назад +8

    This video is Godsent I have been thinking lately about how I act and speak with other people and I realize that I have a prideful attitude. Thank you!

  • @jonathandohanich7149
    @jonathandohanich7149 2 года назад +9

    Father, thank you so much for this commentary on pride. The part where you said it is going to take time to slowly rid ourselves of pride because we are not instantly malleable really hit home with me. I become very frustrated when my pride continually rises up in certain situations and my weakness before the Lord is ever present; however, it forces me to be humble in His presence and ultimately shows me I am not beyond His grace and mercy. I also learned from you in a previous talk that our motivation to "follow the Lord's commands" should be charity and not fear of damnation. When our main focus is charity, grounded in prayer, things seem to "fall into place" as it were, loving deeds flow from us, and we can look upon the face of the Lord with confidence. Not a confidence where our own merits suffice, but a confidence wherby the Lord will provide us with the strength we need in each moment to prevail over temptation (as we say in the Our Father).

  • @adamwestlund4750
    @adamwestlund4750 2 года назад +5

    Man, it's a good thing I'm holy enough that I don't need this video!

    @ROCKIN-AL 2 года назад +11

    Thank.you, as a Christian I had difficulty defining that sin, I'm sharing this

  • @jameschin1786
    @jameschin1786 2 года назад +3

    Hi Fr. Gregory. Thanks for explaining about pride so thoroughly. You're definitely the most intellectual priest I've come across - by far!
    I don't have any questions after your explanation. Time and time again, it's like "Checkmate!". You would make a wonderful chess player if you weren't a priest.😆
    God bless.🙏🙏

  • @jmkm333
    @jmkm333 2 года назад +6

    Amen! Just what I needed.

  • @AndyYoung789
    @AndyYoung789 2 года назад +3

    To sum up: It's what the greatest philosopher of modern times, Detective Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) in "Magnum Force, used to say just before he blew the bad guys away with his 44 magnum: "A man's got to know his limitations!" They didn't!

  • @therese_paula
    @therese_paula 2 года назад +4

    Thank you, Fr. Pine, now I have come to accept that I will never be a drummer nor a pianist and I am at peace with that. That will just remain in my fantasy 😂
    I pray that God will increase my faith, grant me wisdom, courage, and all the graces to cultivate my gifts by engaging in further studies. I pray the He purifies my intentions in doing all these 🤍🕊️🙏🙏🙏

  • @ch4rmeen
    @ch4rmeen 2 года назад +5

    Thank you so much for this video, I’ve really been trying to find a solution to my pride, and certain things you said confirmed many of the things I’ve been pondering about!

  • @lindamartin6798
    @lindamartin6798 2 года назад +5

    Thank you, Father Gregory! Continued prayers for you and all of our clergy throughout the world. God bless!

  • @annemcgoff8495
    @annemcgoff8495 2 года назад +3

    Thank you, Fr. Gregory! This is very helpful and a video I’ll watch again. 🙏

  • @catholicchannel4915
    @catholicchannel4915 2 года назад +1

    Hello everyone! I feel conflicted with social media, when does is become vain and prideful, and when is it not? Is it the motivation for why we post things? Anyone please share your thoughts!! Thank y’all!!

    • @catholicchannel4915
      @catholicchannel4915 2 года назад

      Clarification: I meant is the motivation the most important thing when it comes to using social media😁

    • @Rivkacain
      @Rivkacain 2 года назад

      In my opinion, social media dynamic thrives on peoples pride primarily. Why would you just want to post your best selfie, only the good moments, only the best thoughts, if you’re not hoping to fit in and receive praise of other people while selling the idea of your “best life best selfie”? It’s the vanity of all vanities.

  • @dianngrasso3677
    @dianngrasso3677 2 года назад +2

    Please look at Dr Ken Berry on the arthritis subject.

  • @Kingdom_Piano
    @Kingdom_Piano 2 года назад +2

    One of the BEST talks given by Fr. Pine. So many are blind to the latent and insidious sin of PRIDE.

  • @ByCrom
    @ByCrom 2 года назад +2

    I think that I may need this. I'm so stubborn at times and I want to be the things I thought I I should've been but now in my early 40s I still feel as if I can achieve great heights even though my lacklustre resume would say otherwise. like my mother says, "you need to resign yourself to what is now" it's hard because I feel as of I was ripped off by life and not given that chance even though in my heart I had the best intentions for my life. on the other side, my practical side, along reality will, I say just conform to being something more humble in life. I do struggle with this along other carnal stuff.

  • @philippbosnjak4183
    @philippbosnjak4183 2 года назад +2

    He should have done pride in rainbow colors.

  • @PeteV80
    @PeteV80 2 года назад +1

    Twitter sucks me into this one. Debate is fun, but it's easy for things to go off the rails a bit.

  • @lissetecorrales343
    @lissetecorrales343 2 года назад +2

    Absolute gold! I struggle with pride constantly and find it difficult to know HOW to overcome it. This is a perfect way to approach such an overwhelming vice! Thank you for this :)

  • @willcoleman2014
    @willcoleman2014 2 года назад +1

    Vainglory’s child is named Virtue Signalling

  • @monikasolymos2396
    @monikasolymos2396 2 месяца назад

    Read, what I've just commented on your tatoo video, before I saw this one. I didn't know about your RA. Maybe you should tell to people with RA not to have tatoos, or I don't know why I had to give you this massage, but it was certainly from the Holy Spirit.
    God bless you, and I will pray for you.

  • @AndyYoung789
    @AndyYoung789 Год назад

    The 3 works that have been the most helpful to me are (1) CS Lewis's treatise on pride in "Mere Christianity." It's the best I've ever read on elucidating the demonic nature of pride. (2) Death of a Salesman by playwright Arthur Miller and (3) Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood) in "Magnum Force" i.e. "A man's got to know his limitations!"

  • @revelation20232
    @revelation20232 4 месяца назад

    I'm always conflicted about being public with my faith. There's always a l😮ittle voice in my head making me have doubt about my motivations for doing so. It's always "are you sure you aren't doing this to look good to others?". I don't know if this is just scrupulosity or what.

  • @Sraheens1
    @Sraheens1 Год назад

    Thank you so much...thank you and again...thank you. You are unraveling tightly bound things.

  • @angelalemos9811
    @angelalemos9811 2 года назад +2

    Ah yes one of my greatest vices that the Lord helped me overcome. Very good video. 😊

  • @alphacharlietango969
    @alphacharlietango969 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for a wonderful lesson

  • @heaveningearth
    @heaveningearth Год назад

    God love you brother! ❤️
    Maybe we’re not rebellious to reach beyond us, rather humble
    Maybe the grace on offer, is miraculous
    Try to forget judgment + reason mercy evan in your reasoning, which is mercied, forgiven to us! thank You.
    God build you up! May we talk?
    And off another word you gave..
    Jesus willed isolation for a time. Isolation is no sign that our will is not with God.

  • @deblobvis264
    @deblobvis264 Месяц назад

    I will be honest the litany of humility is kind of scary. I did it before work where i get stressed a lot and quick to amger and annoyence. I prayed it before work one time and i had none of those things. It was really scary i knew i would have been angry but i couldnt be

  • @xmpla
    @xmpla 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you for explaining it in a clear way with actionable steps and showing what mindset to have. Often times I get stuck on preachers saying something is bad and condemn a thing with no actual way out or not explaining exactly why its bad without enough contrast and comparison to whats good.
    My struggle is thinking or being told that Im somehow selfish or evil in my journey as a musician and music producer, being that it is a worldy and unacceptable career and unless Im producing and performing hymns for church then there is nothing else acceptable within an apostolic moral tradition. Being that I'm mainly a drummer and beat maker, there felt like no option besides a job I had no interest in and I felt lost for so long like I just have to live life doing things I don't want to do out of guilt and ended up resenting, whilst being too scared to venture into the thing I want because of fear and condemnation 😅 Thanks be to God that He is showing me I don't have to deny the creative part of me or just fit in a box.
    God bless

  • @teresapanman2064
    @teresapanman2064 2 года назад

    I wish that Fr Pine said his opinion about that fpotus of his position about abortion and said that is a devoted Catholic?? Bishop Barron approve it? Potus went to Rome and he received Communion???

  • @Sunny-hv7pt
    @Sunny-hv7pt 11 месяцев назад

    I'm looking for the other videos on this 7 deadly sins series but can't find them. Can someone do a playlist?

  • @pensivegrammaticus8876
    @pensivegrammaticus8876 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for this lesson, Father.

  • @missvianney4198
    @missvianney4198 Год назад

    Comforting, thank you. Odd a talk on pride be comforting so hope all listen to it and then will understand.

  • @ELROD.1_0_1
    @ELROD.1_0_1 2 года назад +1

    I am in church chorus. At the beginning i was like an 'angel,' and often i forget my self when i praise Christ. Now i am afraid that i am turning my self into sort of a devil. The Pride. Yes it is ruining and destroying every single holy mass i am attending. Its getting worse and worse....Now its like I am starting to hate others who were singing with me. I can't even sing without putting myself in a pride position.
    And the worst thing is I know in my heart that this is wrong. I know I need to humble myself.
    But i just can't. The struggle is real.
    Please pray for me.!...

  • @aiantenor9080
    @aiantenor9080 2 года назад +1

    Is it your birthday today Fr Gregory? September 3? being today is memorial of Saint Gregory the Great?

  • @lukasandisaaktime9147
    @lukasandisaaktime9147 4 месяца назад


  • @luke9747
    @luke9747 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for the video! This is really relevant to me and I definitely get caught it the trap of evaluating the purity of my actions as well as wishing i was better yesterday. Seems like this video will be helpful for the future!

  • @zacharynelson5731
    @zacharynelson5731 Год назад

    Something God told me recently is that my pride manifests in “seeing ignorance as a vice”

  • @lilyrudnytska5421
    @lilyrudnytska5421 2 года назад +1

    That was a real blessing to hear all of that wisdom. My soul and spirit responded with worship. May the Lord keep pouring His graces upon your ministry.

  • @ellenmiller5797
    @ellenmiller5797 Год назад

    Fr. Gregory. Your BEST podcast ever. ( Well, for me - the one I most needed to hear, and internalize.) Thank you. Every word instructive and hopeful -- of rejecting pride- and receiving His grace to become holier and holier.

  • @Mjl449
    @Mjl449 2 года назад

    You’re basically Jordan Peterson in priest form.

  • @krishnamayimarianni8026
    @krishnamayimarianni8026 2 года назад +1

    How wonderful to be hearing this. So expansive to be able to feel like one is in conversation with a fine mind.

  • @rosswade3602
    @rosswade3602 2 года назад

    Vainglory is such a tricky one. I think of the discourse on salt and light. Be the seasoning of the world, let the light of your life shine to others. But am I showing my faith to others for them and for God's glory, or because I want to appear noble? You really have to know your heart and pray for clarity.

  • @husq48
    @husq48 Год назад

    Isn't pride also arrogance, looking down on others?

  • @soroushfetkovich5084
    @soroushfetkovich5084 2 года назад

    Pride is truly the deadliest, we can see that clearly in our societies decline.

  • @P-el4zd
    @P-el4zd 2 года назад +1

    Any chances Pints with Aquinas will join Gab?

  • @aiantenor9080
    @aiantenor9080 2 года назад +1

    Thank you Fr Pine. This is an answer to my prayer.

  • @mikesarno7973
    @mikesarno7973 Год назад

    I'm the best at avoiding pride.

  • @lizm8975
    @lizm8975 2 года назад +1

    Such an excellent discussion of pride! Love these sessions!

  • @marialobo9034
    @marialobo9034 2 года назад

    I could not like this video enough times .

  • @petercooke5014
    @petercooke5014 2 года назад +1

    Thank you Fr Gregory

  • @sketch9306
    @sketch9306 2 года назад +1

    Thank you!

  • @gxhcbchchvfhbxsddvp96trg
    @gxhcbchchvfhbxsddvp96trg Год назад

    Beating Pride 🌈

  • @jphanson
    @jphanson 2 года назад

    Thank you

  • @Sage_of_Roccasecca
    @Sage_of_Roccasecca 2 года назад

    Naturally, my mind went IMMEDIATELY to Michael, Andy, and Dwight flopping around shouting "PARKOUR!"
    Thanks for the video. I know there is a tradition in catholic thought about the predominate fault, but whatever that is for you, it seems to me that you can't really go wrong spending effort on overcoming pride/growing in humility.

  • @Remembering1453
    @Remembering1453 2 года назад +2

    "For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race"
    Roman 9:3
    The last 2 years i have suffered horribly of a depression that has haunted me for all of my life, i haven't be able to go to school to finish my senior year nor prepare myself for university.
    I sacrificed everything for the girl i loved, but she started to hate me because of pride, arrogance, misunderstandings, and many reasons, she forgot the beautiful relationship we had, and betrayed me, she insulted me, humillated me, betrayed me, and finally abandoned me. She is fulled with so much hated for the divorce of her parents, sexual abuse and many reasons, that i became a scapegoat for her. She became and abuser and completly destroyed me and my image, by telling lies about me.
    Ever since then, i have cried almost every day by blaming myself for not being able to avoid her corruption.
    I converted to christ a few months ago. And how much i wish i could be cutted of, for her to be saved.
    The person i love is a monster and i havent be able to save her or turn her away from that path, im in so much pain, i dont know what to do but pray for her

    • @Remembering1453
      @Remembering1453 2 года назад +1

      I even was suicidal at the beginning of this year, whised i could do something for her to turn away from hatred and arrogance and turn to christ.
      But she is full of hatred and arrogance

    • @Jack-uo7gz
      @Jack-uo7gz 2 года назад +2

      Man, it’s terrible that you had to go through all that. I’m praying for you and your ex-girlfriend.

    • @MrsYasha1984
      @MrsYasha1984 2 года назад +1

      That sounds like so much pain... I hope you'll allow me a virtual hug, and some advice:
      Trust in Christ. Gift him the part of your loved one, the part that was yours once. And say something like: 'Lord, I want ot help her but I can't. I gift this to you, so your mercy might reach her'
      I'm a recent convert too. Now a year, but it's still so fresh. Everyone around me is very much caught up in sin... they are hurting, they are going down the path of desperation and I would love to save them all!
      But I can't. I'm not the one who saves. It's Jesus in the holy spirit.
      Now, I can talk. And show the peace of the Lord, and it starts to soften up some people.
      But it's the holy spirit that does the magic, that calls. Not me. So I need to trust in the Lord, pray, give it up! And not be so prideful as to think, that I'm the one who saves people.
      I hope this might help you a bit. It is a hard place to be... but you'll make it, if you trust😊

    • @Remembering1453
      @Remembering1453 2 года назад

      @@MrsYasha1984 thank you

    • @Remembering1453
      @Remembering1453 2 года назад

      @@Jack-uo7gz thanks, its been rough, to know she never loved you, ans now hates despite everything you have done

  • @itazenin
    @itazenin 2 года назад

    Hi Father please pray for me, and change my heart so that I can love you better.
    Jesus make me meek, humble, patient, prayerful, and hard/smartworking. Amen

  • @xrisc131
    @xrisc131 2 года назад

    Tonight I listened to you and also two Bishop Barron vids. I thank and praise God for both of you because I needed these messages. But Bishop Barron also had Mark Whalburg so… well… you are in second place because… I mean… c’mon - it’s Mark Whalburg… and he’s got Fr. Stu and, and, the Whalburgers restaurants up here in Boston so, I’m like Treva from Fiddler on the Roof. One the one, I got Fr. Gregory (hey… you’ve got a memorial today… maybe that was someone else… but I digress) anyway, I’ve got Fr. Gregory PINE (a most noble tree) and a pint (a most noble drink when it’s not brawling) and having this brawless pint with AQUINAS(!!!) and Aquinas was, hands down, the best theologian to do whatever it is theologians do. But on the other hand, I’ve got Bishop Barron. Now he outranks you in his bishopness but you are a Dominican so that’s a wash. But he’s also got Mark Whalburg with the Fr. Stu and the really fat hamburgers. So I medifasted on it for a spell. Then it hit me… WWAD… what would Aquinas do? He would take a bite of the Whalburger and wash it down with a sip of the pint. First Whalburger, then pint.

  • @paulahickey2123
    @paulahickey2123 2 года назад

    God bless you, Fr. Gregory. I'd love to come to you for spiritual direction but as I live in Ireland I can't. It's hard to find a priest both willing and able to do this. Alas!...

  • @Selahsmum
    @Selahsmum Год назад

    Such great insights, Father, you are reading my mail over here. And it's a tricky thing to find a balance between wanting to do excellent things to glorify God and use your gifts, and to not do so in order to get "credit". Oof. God, give grace.

    @ROCKIN-AL 2 года назад +1

    The vanity comes in when I perform as a singer?

    • @albieinangelus921
      @albieinangelus921 2 года назад

      Not as long as the glory goes to God, who gave you the talent to sing.

  • @joejackson6205
    @joejackson6205 2 года назад

    Since ALL praise, honor, glory, love, adulation, and obiedience belong solely to The Great and Almighty and Holy Triune God, Father The Son Jesus/Yashua The Holy Spirit. Therefore Pride breeds arrogance breeds conceit, breeds pessing self over others, and putting oneself ahead of The God who Created you and empowered you to do everything you have done.

  • @christinelovesOurLadyandJesus
    @christinelovesOurLadyandJesus 2 года назад

    Excellent, Fr. Pine. This helps a great deal with scrupulosity. God bless you.

  • @lowtechbd
    @lowtechbd 2 года назад

    A favorite. Just when I thought you couldn't get any better. Thanks.

  • @Traven158
    @Traven158 Год назад

    One of the best lessons I learned recently, which inspired me to work to change myself, was that self-loathing, self-deprecation, and the contempt, frustration, and disgust at oneself for one's limitations is also the sin of pride.

  • @christiandpaul631
    @christiandpaul631 2 года назад

    I can't say i was ever prideful. Mostly Selfish but never prideful. I'm really afraid i'm going to he ll for it too. I'm serious about that.

  • @justincolannino6544
    @justincolannino6544 Год назад

    19:18 Fr. Pine's reveling in how subjunctive the mood of a given statement was just made my day.

  • @lb10445
    @lb10445 2 года назад

    I'm struggling with this a great deal. I don't see the problem with being 34 and striving to be a virtuoso sitarist. To me, that seems harmless, even if it's unlikely.
    There must be something deeper that I'm not grasping. Is it identification with the ego perhaps, like reaching the point when one's focus becomes less about the striving for excellence and more about the excellence itself? I can see this being a problem because if I am not willing to put in the time and effort to become a skilled sitar player but still seek egoic identification as such, this would almost necessarily lead me to the commission of other sins such as lying in order to maintain that false ego.
    Is that pride, then, the unwillingness to accept or address one's shortcomings while simultaneously seeking to hide them from others?

  • @cyrusparvin6819
    @cyrusparvin6819 2 года назад

    Dear Father Pine, I may be about to give you completely useless information for your particular situation but here it goes. I had a flat mate who was/is in remission from arthritis. For her, the problem was saturates. When she ate food with saturates the arthritis would turn up. When she kept saturates out of her diet, there would be no arthritis. Hope this is helpful.

  • @ianmackenzie686
    @ianmackenzie686 2 года назад

    Hmm...well maybe you won't be the best sitar player in the world but why not take it up as a hobby or strive to be a goode amateur player? Instead of recreational tv or internet, take up an instrument.
    I mostly got the message of the vid but there is nothing wrong with useful constructive activities within their proper places.

  • @joannebywaters4154
    @joannebywaters4154 2 года назад

    Incredible!! Please have a listen to make the world a better place, beginning with "me" & where I'm to start anew❤🙏🤗😇

  • @SUZMIC1
    @SUZMIC1 2 года назад

    I learned so much very grateful Father for your teaching us! Also for the smiles you bring out with your wacky humor lol! It works so beautiful for us common men

  • @sigmann66
    @sigmann66 2 года назад

    Thank you so much for this wonderful reminder, Fr Gregory Pine.

  • @Nunya22Too
    @Nunya22Too 2 года назад

    A wonderful teaching! Thank you!

  • @mirnacudiczgela1963
    @mirnacudiczgela1963 2 года назад

    So it would be like perfectionism both if we expect perfection of ourselves as well as of others?

  • @squidward66
    @squidward66 Год назад

    Excellent and very helpful. Thank you!

  • @DavidMatias79
    @DavidMatias79 2 года назад

    Lord Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.

  • @Stealthinator200
    @Stealthinator200 2 года назад

    Thank you for this Father, God bless.

  • @נירטורק
    @נירטורק 2 года назад

    Can someone please point out to the other videos about the sins. Thanks

  • @bobandkelly
    @bobandkelly 2 года назад

    'Or maybe an isthmus.' I'm dying 🤣

  • @pepperorchid
    @pepperorchid 2 года назад

    Fr Gregory, just what I needed to hear. Thank you.

  • @moxie3610
    @moxie3610 2 года назад

    19:13 my prideful heart: not for me 😊

  • @Tallandstrong45
    @Tallandstrong45 2 года назад

    Where was this at the beggining of June

  • @anastasiabennett2543
    @anastasiabennett2543 2 года назад

    This is terrific! Thank you 👍

  • @benaise8962
    @benaise8962 2 года назад

    Thanks a lot. This is really helpful

  • @Lily-678
    @Lily-678 2 года назад

    This channel is such a blessing 😌🙏✝️

  • @maryjoseph3555
    @maryjoseph3555 2 года назад

    timely for me. God is working on me

  • @afranka87
    @afranka87 2 года назад

    I need this.

  • @TheMilitantPrayer
    @TheMilitantPrayer 2 года назад

    thank you

  • @bradleytarr2482
    @bradleytarr2482 2 года назад

    Do videos on The Inquisitions. On the Crusades. And why they happened. Do a video on the Dallas Charter of 2002, and why it matters. Do videos on where the Sacraments are in the Bible. Do a video covering each Ecumenical Council and why it took place. Do videos on The Borgias. These are the things Catholics need to be informed on when evangelizing friends, family, and co-workers. This is what people actually ask us about.

    • @albieinangelus921
      @albieinangelus921 2 года назад

      In the event that you were not aware, McCarrick was the chairman of the Dallas charter in 2002.

    • @abigailhoeppner7001
      @abigailhoeppner7001 2 года назад

      If you would like a good source on the Crusades, I highly recommend watching Joe in The Black Ministries (Fr Joe Krupp). He is doing a large segment on the Crusades right now. Very very good stuff.

  • @njohn6995
    @njohn6995 2 года назад


  • @dinasanchezharo1819
    @dinasanchezharo1819 2 года назад

    loved it!

  • @AbsurdScandal
    @AbsurdScandal 2 года назад

    Wait, so is being proud of yourself (not just glad you succeeded, but proud in the sense of self-satisfaction) and feeling accomplished part of the vice of pride? Or is it not sinful and a legitimate non-sinful form of pride, so kinda like enjoying food not being gluttony intrinsically?

    • @Jack-uo7gz
      @Jack-uo7gz 2 года назад +2

      Feeling good about yourself for the things you’ve accomplished isn’t a sin. Completely ignoring the role God has had in your achievements and feeling good at the expense of others is.

    • @BalthasarCarduelis
      @BalthasarCarduelis 2 года назад +2

      In English, we often (incorrectly) say "proud" when what we really mean is "pleased". "I'm pleased with you, son" is what we usually mean when we say "I'm proud of you, son". The only thing we solely own is our own sins; everything else, even things owned partly to our merits, is a gift of grace. Thus, I might be pleased with a beautiful painting I've made, but if I am proud of it then I am mistaking the unearned talent, the grace, to draw, as an accomplishment rather than a gift.

    • @AbsurdScandal
      @AbsurdScandal 2 года назад

      @@BalthasarCarduelis So the pleasure people expereince when they feel like they've impacted the world around them in some way or have influence on the world - a feeling of power and significance in this narrow sense - is what people usually mean as pride in the non-sinful sense? Would this also apply to pride in the sense of...I don't want to call it self-admiration because that sounds like a vice, but basically the pleasure you have when you "esteem" yourself or enjoy a compliment about your innate gifts or talents that makes you feel a bit...elevated?

    • @BalthasarCarduelis
      @BalthasarCarduelis 2 года назад +1

      @@AbsurdScandal Pleasure is the perception of beauty. There is a whole entire field of philosophy called Aesthetics, which is concerned with beauty, if you are interested to research deeper into this topic. We are pleased by a thing because it is true. Beauty, truth, and goodness are the same thing. This is order. To be pleased by a falsehood, therefore, would be a dis-order. I am pleased with my son because he fits into the right order of the universe, whether for his athletic or his artistic or his moral being (etc). I am proud of my son when I forget that his athleticism or artistry or morality (etc) is a grace, a talent with which he has been entrusted to multiply and grow. To be humble is not to ignore our talents or graces, that is false humility. And falsity is ugly is bad. So in your example, we would be pleased with a good, a true, or a beautiful influence we've had on the order of the universe, while we would be proud to be elevated for that influence, for the glory is to God in the highest. Some of us are smarter or faster or stronger than others but in the infinity of God's excellence, we are still just creatures and all the glory of our contributions should go to him. And I only know this because pride is my own predominant sin and I have only recently begun to meditate on these issues. God bless.

    • @AbsurdScandal
      @AbsurdScandal 2 года назад

      @@BalthasarCarduelis Kinda agreed, though I'd say some pleasures aren't just the perception but taking delight in the enjoyment of things, such as food. Regarding glory being only given to God though, do you mean by "glory" credit for being the source of talents? If so, it's clear it'd be prideful to consider oneself the source of one's talents or to forget God is. About being "elevated" there are multiple ways to understand this - some say they feel elated when they're proud, and so "elevated" in the sense they have something to be proud of relating to themselves as opposed to ashamed, or merely feeling neutral. What do you think?