come devo fare per avere una coppia di questi stupendi canarini un bel canto veramente io cio i timbrado e i malinoas ma questo e super bellissimo ti prego rispondimi fammi sapere qualcosa ciao .
This bird sings beautiful. And to previous comment about the cage, this is a 'show' cage and is just used temporarily similar to when you put a dog in a crate for traveling. It is also safer so the bird does not get spooked and fly around and injure itself.
And they are taught by going in a show cage, that they are to sing in there. This bird has a lovely voice. My Russian prefers this video over the others.
Actually i get surprised !!! why all the canary breeders in Europe keep their canaries in such small cages like that!! We in Iraq keep them in really big cages at least 4 times bigger than that. Can any breeder tell me the reason please?
Guys, canaries don't need BIG cages! They need long cages if you don't let them out. Our Tango pretty much lives outside his cage and only uses it for the night sleep and food/water or bathing! Let your room be his home not just a cage :/ plus a champion canary for a show has to be kept seperate like all canaries at some point in their life, at least to find out if they sing!
This is NOT a parrot to play with toys and such shit. Canary singers give their best in smallest cages and thats how it is for centuries! He is ok in that cage, and dont need to fly around to be happy, as i said it is not a damn parrot.
Its worth to be a champion, its singing is very unique. Much different from ordinary canary singing. Very good.
Very nice canary song , i liked so much my canaries liked too . Beautiful
Très beaux travail décollage
Quelle est la souche primaire de ce canaris ?
Harz? Timbrado?
Malinois ?
Very nice love canary singing
Beautiful singer
Beautiful ... I converted this (audio) to MP3 format to save & play for all my birds
thank you amazingly awesome sounds ....
Прекрасно! Зареждащо!
👍👍Пытаемся научиться (. Спасибо 👍
Lovely canary beautiful song
sings beautiful
Отлична птица.Браво!!!!!!!!!!!
the most beautiful....i want one like it
Abouasmaa Abdou
My canary never sings. But I love him anyway.
Oh, I LOVE this singing. Just discovered this kind of canary and wondering Where have you been all my life?
tbarkalah rak kayn o 5achi bo3ayn morroco
come devo fare per avere una coppia di questi stupendi canarini un bel canto veramente io cio i timbrado e i malinoas ma questo e super bellissimo ti prego rispondimi fammi sapere qualcosa ciao .
e stupendo canto bellissimo
lovely bird .. he at times sounds like he is saying pretty birdie
hello where can i buy someone not so good like that but almost near ?
If this king of bird succeeds to stamp in DNA this song(nightingale)....certainly will become the best singer of every kind of canary!
Thank you :) at least someone thinks so too! :)
This bird sings beautiful. And to previous comment about the cage, this is a 'show' cage and is just used temporarily similar to when you put a dog in a crate for traveling. It is also safer so the bird does not get spooked and fly around and injure itself.
And they are taught by going in a show cage, that they are to sing in there. This bird has a lovely voice. My Russian prefers this video over the others.
Very lovely
shume zogu bukur
hi where abouts are you in varna as i will be over in march and would like to purchase a couple of pairs cheers
I´ve never seen a canary with this song, which breed is this?
q estilo de cante es este???
cantan asín o son educados de pequeños.
es guapisimo
is this canary mix of timbrado+malinoua?or something else?
verry good
Nightingle full
Hi where,can I buy apair,I'm in the us...thanks
do you sale any orpheus canary my friend?
que maravilla
Моля, някой може ли да ми каже защо моето канарче спря да пее? До февруари пя и сега месец март само чурулика.
extra ordinaire
класс у меня тоже такая канарейка только девочка она чирикает но очень красиво и немножко умеет петьт
is the best
sounds like a car alarm!! do you have problems in your street?? :p
muy bonito
Actually i get surprised !!!
why all the canary breeders in Europe keep their canaries in such small cages like that!!
We in Iraq keep them in really big cages at least 4 times bigger than that.
Can any breeder tell me the reason please?
Gloster corona e consort Forever
Bülbül ötüşlü bir kanarya.
i want this!!!!!!!
هل يزال حيا 🤡
What kind of Canaryn is this ? Russian ?
good first singing like ciblek (indonesian Bird)
Guys, canaries don't need BIG cages! They need long cages if you don't let them out. Our Tango pretty much lives outside his cage and only uses it for the night sleep and food/water or bathing! Let your room be his home not just a cage :/ plus a champion canary for a show has to be kept seperate like all canaries at some point in their life, at least to find out if they sing!
Soy de Burgos (España) ,¿alguien puede traer estos pájaros?
Son buenisimos.
lets check indonesian canary, so you can see the best...
agreed! Upset canaries don't sing, this one is clearly happy!
gerçekten usta
Cages no matter how big, they are small for birds, so enough is enough!
И аз имам🖤🐤
What kind
read the uploaders comment about the cages
fala português aii?
well said sister
КЛАСС !!!!!!!!!
This is NOT a parrot to play with toys and such shit. Canary singers give their best in smallest cages and thats how it is for centuries! He is ok in that cage, and dont need to fly around to be happy, as i said it is not a damn parrot.
A very small cage for this bird!
Dragan Mendes not permante cage. This is just for the shows
bonjour pour le canari ne chant pas merci
wow...that was awesome!!! how about we exchange eachother our bird pet?
я русский хд классное видео
I have a couple and this year I will have babies ....please send me your email to keep in touch . Thanks
pun je lepih tura ali nema dubinu glasa
if could understand his/her singing, probably is saying "PLEASE LET ME OUT, I WAS BORN TO FLY!!
teleio m mn m
JESUS CHRIST IS LORD ! The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. GET SAVED NOW !
an flyingirl96
das ist ein Ausstellunskäfig, man soll sich für so einen Kommentar schämen, du ahnungslose !
Как ? Такая птица могла победить? Нет плана песни! Рвет песню! Западает на любимые колена! Отмолчки не четкие .слабоооо; Ему надо учиться петь!
Perfect, canary song! My (lizet) canary, singing, but not like this!!!!!
Great singng but I miss some specific rolls etc. It sounds like a blue tit at times. But a 'WATERSLAGER" sound it has not.
Cage way too small.
Why??? dont be sad canary...#pathetic canary...keep singing
Nightingle full
lets check indonesian canary, so you can see the best...