ir angliškas apytikslis vertimas :) jei norisi, įsikelkite į aprašymą I know I know, you are writing to me, It's only postmen that are sleeping, Or the rain comes, they get soaked, the letters get lost.... And the letters, the sentences flow down blue.. You are writing to me, aren't you, it's only the postmen - they are old, and ill with infections.. You are writing to me, aren't you, in white white [ink], and white [ink] on white [paper] you can't tell, can you... White on white, you can't tell, can you... White on white, you can't tell, can you...
ir angliškas apytikslis vertimas :) jei norisi, įsikelkite į aprašymą
I know I know, you are writing to me,
It's only postmen that are sleeping,
Or the rain comes, they get soaked,
the letters get lost....
And the letters, the sentences
flow down blue..
You are writing to me, aren't you,
it's only the postmen -
they are old, and ill with infections..
You are writing to me, aren't you,
in white white [ink],
and white [ink] on white [paper] you can't tell, can you...
White on white,
you can't tell, can you...
White on white,
you can't tell, can you...
AČIŪ... :) Nuostabi daina išties....