The Right Way to Handle Leash Reactivity in Dobermans (No Gimmicks)

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 93

  • @frankie7508
    @frankie7508 2 месяца назад

    Another fantastic video and highly informative, John - thank you very much. I have never been able to figure out this problem until this video. I have a six-year-old female doberman. Slightly above average size,and she is a hybrid. And her European side comes out very powerfully anytime she sees another dog while I am walking her on a leash. Thanks to your expertise I now have the tools in which to acclamate her
    Better than I have done in the past. 👍👍👍

  • @vaishalib5400
    @vaishalib5400 3 месяца назад +12

    Yes ..! That’s a nightmare 😢. I take him for morning and evening walk but I have to make sure other dogs aren’t on walk. But he is very friendly with stray dogs as they come daily n visit him, but with others he is totally different. Thanks I will try to follow 👍

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад +3

      It is a headache (and embarrassing) to have a dog so reactive on the leash. So sorry you've had to plan around when other dogs are out and about because of this, but no doubt these methods and tips in the video will help with that!!

  • @nateaguirri3076
    @nateaguirri3076 2 месяца назад

    I love y’alls website and information on it! So my wife and I had a black dobie for 11 years and she never really had any issue with her coat. We just recently got a fawn pup and I know there can be some issues with dry skin and issues with their coat and I wanna make sure I’m ahead of it.
    Is there a conditioner y’all recommend? And is there anything else y’all recommend like a topical oil, fish oil supplement, etc.

  • @trishasylvester7659
    @trishasylvester7659 3 месяца назад

    Where can I get that raincoat your dobe is wearing at 4 mins 50 secs?

  • @katfish4386
    @katfish4386 3 месяца назад +10

    Subscribed! You’re awesome, thank you!!!

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад

      Awesome!! Thanks so much! ")

    • @katfish4386
      @katfish4386 3 месяца назад

      @@DobermanPlanet Thank YOU so much. I have a new Doberman, I’m actually her 4th owner and I have worked so hard with her to be sociable that it hasn’t left much room for the basics. I’m still trying to gage her when she’s off leash. She’s so smart that I feel like we’re moving backwards when I call her, she doesn’t come right away anymore unless I’m serious. Then she knows it’s because I’m scared and she can hear it in my voice. It’s two extremes. When we’re super chill she comes then too. It’s the in between that I’m really struggling with like she gets the naughties. Any suggestions?

  • @EarthSurfer
    @EarthSurfer 3 месяца назад +14

    We all want our Dobies walking around in head forward “goofy mode” rather than head up “threat assessment mode.”
    Handling reactivity is all about management! My Dobie had major leash reactivity issues. I had success with many of the techniques covered in this video, and had great improvement. BUT some situations will trigger my dog, and it is my job to get out in front and manage the environment.
    The worst is the clueless owner with their lab straining at the end of his leash who is yelling “He’s friendly!” as their dog charges head on into my dog’s face! They never understand the signal that I am between their dog and my dog, and I am trying to manage his attention to avoid a reaction.
    Additionally, getting my Dobie’s obedience on point helps manage things. He has commands like “switch” (change sides) and “safe” (between my legs) that are trained in high distraction environments so he will quickly respond. This helps reassure him that I am aware of the situation and I am managing it.
    We have worked hard to get to a point where my Dobie goes weeks with a major reaction. It’s usually my failure to notice the early warning signs when he has a reaction these days.

    • @Acolis
      @Acolis 3 месяца назад +1

      how did you teach "switch"
      i ride a EUC with my dobie and sometimes he crosses in front of me (or god forbid behind me which will 100% cause a wipeout at worst, at best make me bail) and it really throws off my balance. i have crashed in this manner before.

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад +3

      Very helpful tips! Thank you for taking the time to write this comment - it was well thought out!

    • @EarthSurfer
      @EarthSurfer 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@@Acolis It is all classic training. Start with a super high value treat. Blu will sell his soul (try anything) for freeze dried liver. (Relatively affordable at Costco & Sam's (online order only)) Do not use this treat for anything else until this command is trained. Train in multiple 3~5 minute sessions in a day. Remember to make this fun for both you and your Dobie!
      Start with using the treat as a lure to get the motion you want with the cue you are using (the word "Switch" in this case). Reward with the treat for following. It may 2-3 sessions just to get the motion down, and a good night of sleep. (You will likely have to train one direction of "switch" initially, then train to alternate after your Dobie has the initial switch down.)
      Second day, start the training session using the cue and lure, then slowly fade out the lure. You may need to indicate direction to get your pup started. Reward with lots of praise and treats for completed reps.
      By the third day, your pup should almost know what to do when the special treat is present. By the end of the third day, they might start offering the 'trick' to get a treat.
      Once your Dobie is 95% on the command with the high value treats, you can fade to lower value treats or only treat intermittently. Also, use the high value treats to train modifications like alternating sides and motion (walking & running initially).
      Again, make sure you are both having fun! It took Blu about 5 days to get the basic behavior well trained, and less than a handful of treats to catch on to alternating sides. It took a few days to get him to perform the command reliably on leashed walks.
      Training to switch sides while I was on a mtn bike was the hardest. I think this was due to the time between training sessions was rather random. I think Blue would have learned faster if we practiced 2~3 times a day for a few days in a row.

    • @Acolis
      @Acolis 3 месяца назад +1

      @@EarthSurfer thanks for this, i will definitely work on it.
      the good thing is that i have a freeze drier at home, and already freeze dry beef livers. the bad (maybe) thing is that they may not be as high value as they initially were, as i give them to him often but is an absolute madman for freeze dried salmon- which is a rare treat because salmon filets are quite expensive compared to livers, pound for pound.
      in any case looks like i have all the necessities to start working on this. just turned 9 months so i know it will be easy to train him

    • @EarthSurfer
      @EarthSurfer 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Acolis Costco sometimes has freeze dried salmon and freeze dried chicken at prices you can not approach with home drying. You probably use much higher quality meat than these Costco alternatives, but I bet your pup will find them just as tasty.

  • @matty99
    @matty99 3 месяца назад +10

    Great video. At 3:24 it looks like your shadow has it's middle finger up. I know it's your phone/camera but it did make me laugh 😂

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад

      Hahaha yeah just the camera's shadow! Lol

  • @mataharik8
    @mataharik8 3 месяца назад +7

    My Dobie, adopted at 5 was initially reactive to dogs, within a year, she didn’t care much about other dogs, is nice or wants to play with them. She’s now that dog that keeps walking while dogs behind a fence are losing their minds! She prefers humans though…
    Her only issue is with energetic young dogs or puppies that jump in her face, she used to snap in front of them (no contact, no forward movement, so not AT them, as if to keep warn them to keep away) She really couldn’t stand that behavior! So we try to meet as many of these kind of dogs to desensitize her and it’s pretty much worked, but I always let the owner know she’s learning how to be nice & ask first and I’m always cautious

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад +1

      So cool to see how she has grown out of being so reactive! Also smart of you to arrange meet-ups with owners who had young dogs since that is what "triggered" her the most.

  • @US-191
    @US-191 3 месяца назад +2

    Excellent Channel!! Having been a Doberman-only owner for many decades, I can relate to so much of your advice and observations. Like you, I believe they are THE most perfect canine companion, but certainly not a breed for everyone. Thank you for the wonderful tips and enthusiasm. I had noticed a few of your videos, but never really took the time to watch or dig deeper. Now that I have, I'm damn impressed. THANK YOU for your time and efforts and dedication to this breed.
    My current 5 year old female has become terribly reactionary to other dogs. But I'm to blame since I watched it happening but had been too lazy/busy to deal with it. Now it has become a serious issue. When this video popped up, I thought "What the hell- let's see if he can provide some energy and maybe some new techniques". Thanks to you, I have become focused again to work with my otherwise well mannered Dobie. She's a rescue, and it's been a challenge from the beginning. She was fine with other dogs when younger- but VERY reactionary to human strangers. I spent so much effort fixing that, that I missed the aggression shift to other dogs. She's fine with people now and slowly warming up to other dogs over the past week now that I'm working with her again. Daily CONSISTENCY is the key, that, and end every training session on a positive note.
    Just a sidebar- what got her into this dog aggression, was the neighbors walking their dogs in the neighborhood. While it's nice to see people out walking their pets, but they tend to stop in front of my house, which naturally has dog scent, and let their dogs do their business! My dogs see this from the window and you can guess how this ramps up! I've tried speaking with them, but I get the usual: Well, if your dog wasn't so aggressive... etc. Yep- always MY dog and MY fault... yet twice now their little yapper dog has bit my shoe/pants leg while I'm speaking calmly to them. Oh well, I've been around enough dogs (and reactionary owners) that I just brush this off and remain calm. To make matters worse, since they know my dogs name- they actually yell it when my dogs bark. Argh!! Whatever happened to common sense?!
    Anyhow- thanks for your videos, you have help to renew the effort/enthusiasm on my part. You reminded me that I'm not alone and simply need to refocus on my best, most loyal friend.
    JDH (US191)

  • @Segra13
    @Segra13 3 месяца назад +4

    Thank you for covering this topic. Looking forward to the upcoming videos to see the process in action!
    Its almost 4th of July, in the US that means lots of fireworks!... any tips on how to help dogs that are terrfied?.. Ive been working on desensitization, and I have anxiety meds from the vet. In previous years I have washed out gatoraid bottled, remove the cap and plastic ring and I put kibble treats in the bottles for my dobies. Its a Very loud game on tile/hardwood floors and helps keep them distracted from the firworks outside. I live in Kentucky and some years back they lifted restrictions on consumer fireworks. My neighbors stockpile the big ones (m80s?) The type that rattles your chest. One neighbor has already started in with the fireworks last friday. Its hell season here (my horse and donkey are also terrified by the fireworks).
    Any helpful tips for keeping animals safe would be welcomed!..

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад +1

      So sorry that your Dobies and the farm animals are struggling with fireworks. The noisy game, like you mentioned, is smart. Desensitization training is great to keep working as well - that topic is on our list of ideas to do a video on in the future! Some find success with noises of the fireworks played on the TV while giving treats (similar to a sound machine with thunder noises).

  • @gailwatson4927
    @gailwatson4927 3 месяца назад +5

    Thank you.

  • @dennisknight8565
    @dennisknight8565 3 месяца назад +5

    Thank you sir for this video.

  • @cathyba5113
    @cathyba5113 3 месяца назад +3

    Another excellent video, John. Thank you for your work

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад +1

      Thanks so much for the kind words, Cathy!

  • @karllundmark8886
    @karllundmark8886 3 месяца назад +3

    Thank you for this video, it's been much needed. My Doberman mix acts exactly like this - a sweetheart off leash and very reactive on leash. She is also very reactive riding in the car. While riding, she politely sits with eyes forward or hangs her head out the window like a normal dog but If she see's another dog walking on the sidewalk or in another car, she goes ballistic...Any ideas on how to deal with this situation?

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад +1

      So glad this video came at a good time for you! Look up some videos on desensitization training with the car behavior. Although we don't have any videos on that, yet, it's on our list!

  • @Acolis
    @Acolis 3 месяца назад +4

    my dobie is the most non reactive dog i have ever seen. not just off leash, on leash too. he just dgaf about other dogs, even if they bark he just strolls on by with no worry.
    even still i am pretty cautious but there has only been one encounter where i was worried my dog might react and it was with some random guy on a bike being too friendly.
    there was one time i walked past a neighbor with his dog, a blue heeler, and as we both walked by we both commented about how well behaved and polite our dogs were lol

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад

      That's so great! He sounds very chill. You're right, though. It's good to be cautious just in case with new and unique situations like the biker.
      Haha! Love it!!

  • @mountaingrandmama
    @mountaingrandmama 3 месяца назад +1

    Lentils and peas are not good for Dobermans. Do your research.

  • @hokeypokeypots
    @hokeypokeypots 3 месяца назад +2

    I've had seven Dobermans and none of them were aggressive to other dogs when they were on a leash...but I got them used to, at a young age, to walking on busy sidewalks where there were lots of dogs and people.
    It was also a good way to socialize them to be around people. They were so cute as puppies that people couldn't help petting them and making a fuss over them...and they enjoyed the attention.
    I had more trouble with other dog's aggression to my dog when they were on the leash, but my dogs just looked surprised and ignored it.
    As my dogs got older, they didn't seem to need the attention of either humans or other dogs, but they were all well-behaved in public places.

  • @darbiemayberry2902
    @darbiemayberry2902 3 месяца назад +4

    Thankyou John 💜you are spot on , such an important part of our Doberman tribe 💜

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much, Darbie!! Really appreciate those kind words!

  • @pauloely7689
    @pauloely7689 3 дня назад

    First of all, I would like to thank you for the content on this channel, it’s excellent. I have an 8-month-old Doberman, and I’ve had him for 5 months. He has basic obedience, although he still jumps when I open the door, but he’s an interesting dog. However, when I take him for walks, I’ve been bitten 3 times when he gets very reactive upon seeing other dogs. It makes me sad, but I’m confident this will pass. Note: 2 of the bites hurt a lot, and he’s still a puppy.

  • @debract736
    @debract736 3 месяца назад +1

    Watching real in person training sounds wonderful, lose leash and relative behavior in my 1 yr old red female has been such a challenge 😢

  • @knight59
    @knight59 3 месяца назад

    Great video! I totally agree with your points . In my experience, I've also found that your tips can be really helpful. For more details on that, I made a video about it on my channel The Pet Perspective.

  • @oscarmichel7959
    @oscarmichel7959 3 дня назад

    My dobbie just hit 6 months and is starting to be pretty reactive on a leash. When he sees kids running, bikes etc.. any tips?

  • @gavin1583
    @gavin1583 3 месяца назад +1

    Great clip as always!
    I have always tried to keep my female Doberman as neutral as possible around other dogs. Unfortunately there have been other dogs off lead (usually small breeds) that have no recall, that have run across a field barking to get to her. They then started circling her and because she was on a leash se was getting all tangled up trying to avoid the small dog. This happened a few times and really set me back.
    She is great off lead when we play frisbee 🥏and so focused on the prize. I will always put her back on a lead if another dog comes into the field off lead just to be sure. It’s not her temperament I am concerned with it’s the 30kg of muscle flattening a small breed dog when she is trying to be evasive.
    Keep up the good work! 👍

    • @US-191
      @US-191 3 месяца назад

      I can relate Gavin- those "uncontrolled" small breeds can be a challenge. It's tough when the other owner has no control and yet you are trying to do the right thing. Avoidance may be your only option- not really fair, but less stressful for everyone. Good luck and enjoy that time with your girl!

  • @MsCaterific
    @MsCaterific 3 месяца назад +4

    Now I feel scared/intimidated in getting a Doberman as my service dog and I have to decide today if I'm buying the puppy or not 😰 I wonder if going through obedience and service training in a group setting will be enough to desensitize the doberman, what do you think?

    • @jarrettmaurice3070
      @jarrettmaurice3070 3 месяца назад +2

      There’s 2 service Dobermans in my town. One male one female.
      I doubt the owners regretted their choice :)

    • @Acolis
      @Acolis 3 месяца назад +1

      YES x100

    • @mataharik8
      @mataharik8 3 месяца назад +2

      Dobies are the smartest dogs, with proper training & socialization, can be an amazing service dog for you!!

    • @tinaosullivan6451
      @tinaosullivan6451 3 месяца назад +2

      I assure you a doberman will be your best friend they are very easy to train by yourself they are intelligent

    • @MsCaterific
      @MsCaterific 3 месяца назад +1

      Well, I bought the puppy guys and I'm super overwhelmed with never being a fur mama before. So much to do. So much to buy!

  • @briand5436
    @briand5436 3 месяца назад

    My girl is the opposite. Great on leash Angel. Of leash well Run for your life 😂😂😂😂 but she expects me to protect her. She like yo there's someone looking at me go handle that.

  • @sheilahbuettner8452
    @sheilahbuettner8452 3 месяца назад +2

    Great video and tips are spot on!

  • @imalwysbored69
    @imalwysbored69 3 месяца назад

    Hello John. Our Lucy has a mysterious past history. We got her from a rescue. She was found on the side of the road with a dead litter mate at about 6 months old. The rescue didn't know if she was vaccinated so they kept her away from the other dogs. After she had all her vaccinations they had her spayed, so again they kept her away from other dogs during recovery.
    We adopted her a week after they had started introducing her to other dogs. She is very timid and will try to smell other dogs but won't let them smell her. She doesn't play with other dogs. However she is not aggressive. We just keep trying to get her used to them on walks and dog parks but she is usually just a wall flower. Do you have any recommendations?

  • @NicoleSchaafsma
    @NicoleSchaafsma 3 месяца назад

    my dobie is on two different anxiety meds, we’ve spent thousands on a professional trainer and nothing seems to help. he’s reactive and aggressive to every and anything, people, dogs, sounds, cars.. he’s just a giant ball of anxiety and stress and idk what else to do.

  • @rosemarymarsh3357
    @rosemarymarsh3357 2 месяца назад

    What if you live where therearen’t any dog parks?

  • @kathleenkistler3403
    @kathleenkistler3403 3 месяца назад

    My doberman is reactive when another dog is on leash but she is not. Any tips?

  • @DammHeAprotw6rp
    @DammHeAprotw6rp 2 месяца назад

    Hey I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of this Doberman dog I’ve been wanting one and my dad used to own one but he died from a diease and my dad and my family started to think that the dogs are aggressive and hard to keep but I made a presatation why we should get the dogs are aggressive and my information kinda sucked but I had 3 of your videos in it and they agreed to get my one thank you so much I hope you all the. Best❤

  • @strausd02
    @strausd02 3 месяца назад +1

    On the leash, if the walker will obey walking courteous techniques, by always walking facing or against the traffic, dogs will not approach face to face. They will either walk behind or opposite each other.

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад +1

      This does work well when there are two sides of the road to walk on, but in smaller environments, such as a park with a walking trail, they will encounter each other face to face in passing.

  • @JenniferPChung
    @JenniferPChung 2 месяца назад

    I really llike how you set realistic expections.

  • @matthewjay660
    @matthewjay660 3 месяца назад +3

    John, my girl Dobie seemed* to show off when she was on her leash. It was like she was chest-thumping. Now I know it's called "reactivity."

    • @Ravinesh3005
      @Ravinesh3005 3 месяца назад +1


    • @Ravinesh3005
      @Ravinesh3005 3 месяца назад +1

      I have 58 days girl puppy can we go for leash

    • @matthewjay660
      @matthewjay660 3 месяца назад

      @@Ravinesh3005 Ravine, she's gone. 😐🪦

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад +1

      So sorry to hear from reading the comments that your girl passed away, Matthew. But yes, it's labeled as "reactivity" and now you know moving forward and have better resources to address it.

    • @Ravinesh3005
      @Ravinesh3005 3 месяца назад +1

      @@DobermanPlanet my girl (60 days) is always crying when i leave her alone

  • @joelfortniteplayer9162
    @joelfortniteplayer9162 3 месяца назад +2

    My do it is 6 months. She so sweet off leash but on the leash she so reactive to dogs and other ppl it’s so sad. She doesn’t enjoy walks she is so tense w anxiety. We got a dog trainer and it didn’t help

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад +1

      We are so sorry to hear that the trainer didn't help with this circumstance. Hopefully this video came at a great time for you! Being consistent with these methods will help your dog to not be reactive on the leash.

  • @darren4392
    @darren4392 3 месяца назад

    Hi, My doberman is 7 now, and he has only recently started being reactive to other dogs when on the lead. The only reason I can think of is that I am now finding it more painful to walk (age) and so he is more protective of me. Do you have any advice on how to handle this?

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад

      Great question! Yes, the tips in the video will help you help him overcome this! Just try to remain as confident as possible (even if that means slowing your pace to make the walk easier for you).

  • @BrinleyLloyd
    @BrinleyLloyd 3 месяца назад +2

    I have a Doberman Pinscher x Shih Tzu ❤

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад

      Wow! That is a unique pairing!

    • @BrinleyLloyd
      @BrinleyLloyd 3 месяца назад

      @@DobermanPlanet Complete accident and only one pup was born, so I kept him 😆

  • @ItsJuJu26
    @ItsJuJu26 3 месяца назад

    How much do European male Dobermans typically weigh

    • @jIvEztImE
      @jIvEztImE 3 месяца назад

      It's called google

    • @ItsJuJu26
      @ItsJuJu26 3 месяца назад

      @@jIvEztImE Wow your fucking miserable aren’t you 🤣

  • @mrfreebhere
    @mrfreebhere 3 месяца назад

    Hi! Don't know if you will see this comment, but I wanted to address how your videos about hacks are almost always about younger puppies (ages maybe around 3-12 months old) and I am a first-time Dobie owner who came to this account after getting mine. He was 2 years old when I got him, and I had little time to decide if I should adopt him since he was about to be given up to a shelter because his previous owners didn't realize the responsibility. And when I started researching all the stuff I needed to know, I found you. Some things in your videos have really helped me! But I have seen a lot of missed opportunities just talking about stuff to help puppy Dobies only and not older ones. I really think it would be helpful to lots if you know some hacks for older dogs and would make a video on it. Of course, no hate!

    • @mrfreebhere
      @mrfreebhere 3 месяца назад

      Also, This video is pretty helpful as my Dobie is very scared of other dogs when I take him on walks!

    • @US-191
      @US-191 3 месяца назад

      Good point- I'm new watcher, but long time owner. What he says for puppies will most likely work on older dogs too. They are very smart, but MUST have consistent, logical input.. and they love getting this input! For a good take away on his channel, consider learning from all these videos how to THINK like a Doberman. That is his gift to us: teaching us to understand how your dog thinks and what it wants/needs to improve. Your dog probably has some self-confidence issues, so start boosting those. Learning new things and getting praise helps. Be consistent, daily. End all sessions on a happy/confident note, not a scared/frightened one. And THANK YOU for saving your dog from the shelter!

  • @bethmarie6974
    @bethmarie6974 3 месяца назад

    Hi, love your videos. Just was wondering why you were walking your dog with them being on your right side. I thought your pet should be on your left side?

  • @Caroline-pb8xx
    @Caroline-pb8xx 3 месяца назад

    I recently learned that crows/deer/etc will oftentimes feel threatened when you look straight at them, as predators tend to have their eyes on the front of their heads, whereas prey tend to have them on the sides!! The first half of this video reminded me of that! Educational video as always! There's so much to learn!

  • @johnutzelli3932
    @johnutzelli3932 3 месяца назад

    What about over excitement when they see a leash?

  • @agape8812
    @agape8812 3 месяца назад +4

    I am suffering from Schizophrenia and Doberman is my best buddy

  • @mataharik8
    @mataharik8 3 месяца назад

    I’ve learned so much from your videos @dobermanplanet, thank you!!
    For leash reactivity, what was amazing for me, was Joel Beckman Dog training methods, simple, really works, truly transformative! I wish I knew about his leash walking method for all my previous large dogs that pulled me!

  •  2 месяца назад

    dont get a friend had his grand daughter visiting (7) and the dog bite her head (skull) and didnt let go...horror She got away with few stiches less hair and a trauma....The dog was "normal" until that moment...

  • @meatsax
    @meatsax 3 месяца назад

    @dobermanplanet can you do a video about the exitment aspect correction l please? My titus has 2 weaknesses when on and off leash. Other dogs just the smell or sound of nearby dog he goes bananas and has an urge to ignore me and go check them out. He is getting better as he is getting closer to 1.5 years.
    His kids issue is he loves kids so much I don't even exist anymore haha. While this is good for doberman PR. He has been praised by many parents for how gentle and loving he is, he still needs to be my velco. These are my last 2 hurtles for service dog qualifications.

    • @DobermanPlanet
      @DobermanPlanet  3 месяца назад +1

      Yes, great question! That's been added to our ideas topic board!

    • @meatsax
      @meatsax 3 месяца назад

      @DobermanPlanet age seems to be a helping factor. However, just avoiding walks for a year is a no go either.