Superlek Spars with Random Guys Across USA | 10-Minute Highlights | EP 4

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 146

  • @MusicNinja12345
    @MusicNinja12345 2 месяца назад +393

    i laughed so hard when saenchai started giving him the count after that girl spinning back fist him 😂

    • @SuperCucko
      @SuperCucko Месяц назад +7

      Got her revenge for the faceplant

    • @omarossani6824
      @omarossani6824 Месяц назад

      Il gesto muto con tua sorella chiaro🎉

  • @Ryan_Tinney
    @Ryan_Tinney 2 месяца назад +309

    My god, his skill level is just amazing.

    • @unknownentity8256
      @unknownentity8256 2 месяца назад +24

      I mean... Superlek is 2 division Lumpinee champ, ONEFC kickboxing world champ, and ONEFC Muay Thai world champ.
      You'd expect him to be this good, he is just playing with them.

    • @burningknuckle26
      @burningknuckle26 2 месяца назад +17

      Superleks roots come from Muay Thai royalty. He was mentored from his uncle the legendary Singdam, and later by all time great Saenchai. Hes nearly the perfect fighter with crazy fight IQ and skill set

    • @Thesavagesouls
      @Thesavagesouls 2 месяца назад

      Muai thai champ rolling over randos, aaamazing

    • @henrikandreason7261
      @henrikandreason7261 2 месяца назад

      ​@@Thesavagesoulsit is amazing. The students learns ALOT from this interaction.

    • @1984-w6g
      @1984-w6g 16 дней назад

      what you see is like his 5% effort tho

  • @snazzfab
    @snazzfab Месяц назад +63

    I love this. He basically shuts down "that guy" from a bunch of gyms

    • @radagascar1
      @radagascar1 18 дней назад +3

      Well deserved too. Only bozos try to prove something against the best in the world right now

    • @ganxkmoney8721
      @ganxkmoney8721 4 дня назад +3

      looked like everyone sparred with respect ..

    • @fredcharlotte
      @fredcharlotte 2 дня назад

      @@radagascar1 Amen. These guys are just here to teach and have fun, and some asshole always has to make things awkward by trying to prove something. Then they smile and play it off and come to class next week and say, "Man when he did that one thing though I could have got him if I'd really wanted to." 😆

  • @lucasnowicki8073
    @lucasnowicki8073 2 месяца назад +270

    the "random guys" look quite good themselves

    • @StoutZ33
      @StoutZ33 2 месяца назад +19

      Only because superlek is not in a real fight with them .

    • @12345idiotsluggage
      @12345idiotsluggage 2 месяца назад +21

      True. It takes guts to even light spar w someone on Superlek's level.
      Funny to me that some of the guys are doing fancy footwork gimmicky stuff. Superlek just stands there, trad stance, and blasts these guys.
      Also funny that some of the fancy stuff (spinning, sweep, etc) might get your ass beat if you spar like that with the wrong person. Wandy has a famous video where a sparring partner did a spinning backfist. Wandy got pissed and beat the guy solid.
      Kudos to Superlek for keeping it civil. If not, Superlek would blast any of these guys quickly.

    • @cheeks7050
      @cheeks7050 2 месяца назад +10

      The guy who did the dragon's tail sweep on Superlek was good and had good head movement too.

    • @Kirkrrr
      @Kirkrrr 2 месяца назад +2

      Couldn't agree more. I don't think of these guys are raw amateurs, they're all'ish quite good. They don't look amazing going up against Superlek, but that's the sport. The opponent has a large say in how great or not you look in comparison.

    • @JXZa
      @JXZa Месяц назад +1

      So don't fight random people inside the Muay Thai camp.

  • @ma-cg2vj
    @ma-cg2vj 2 месяца назад +121

    it's like he always knows the 3 next moves that his opponent is going to do

    • @mr.bomzalo9563
      @mr.bomzalo9563 2 месяца назад +5

      Femur style baby!

    • @Legendman234
      @Legendman234 2 месяца назад

      its so insane

    • @Globalpeaceseeker
      @Globalpeaceseeker 2 месяца назад +1

      He has so much experience and had seen it all

    • @HumanAki
      @HumanAki 2 месяца назад +4

      Just did a seminar with Cade Albrecht...he's a far lesser known God, even fighters below Superlek's level are still insane. He addressed the "3 moves ahead" point you made...What Cade had to say about it, in my opinion, was that it's easier to do so when you set the pace FIRST! For example, if you're in the clinch and you want to escape it, throw a knee and, in response, YOU KNOW the other guy will do the same! Once he does, you trap his knee by using your own/raising your thigh under his while simultaneously pushing him away! I simplified the sequence but, man, the idea of baiting the opponent to respond how you want them to means you understand positioning, the tools available, how to be relaxed in real-time fighting, the tools available to you, and SO much more! I fuckin' love Muay Thai! XD

    • @ifz5680
      @ifz5680 2 месяца назад +2

      I heard Liam Harrison talk about how Saenchai would know Liam's next move before Liam would know ha not sure if it's based on the opponents stance, position, a tell. Mayweather apparently was the same, would watch the hips or for twitches on the shoulders.

  • @Kirkrrr
    @Kirkrrr 2 месяца назад +8

    I think the thing I found the most interesting about this video, other than just the sheer entertainment value of watching Superlek be a legend, is that it shows how much role raw knowledge plays in the sport. Many of his opponents simply didn't know what to do against some combinations he was throwing (neither do I 🤔). The gentlemen sparring around the 8:00 mark, by way of contrast, knew the counters, and the sparring match looked much different. Anyways, really cool, thanks for the upload!

  • @NPCOasis
    @NPCOasis 2 месяца назад +24

    Superlek you are soo amazing.. wish i could been there....

  • @DerpMcDerp101
    @DerpMcDerp101 18 дней назад +3

    Hes so gentle with all of them.

  • @chonsawataewame225
    @chonsawataewame225 Месяц назад +2

    superlek giving those guys some top tier experience while maintaining the pain to the minimum is incredibly genius of him, technically he use the same speed and every move he has to all of those guys without causing too much pain and sparring rage so that they can experience or train their tactic to the fullest, they are so lucky.

  • @arbpaninken6719
    @arbpaninken6719 2 месяца назад +41

    I'm sure most of these guys in that gym know they are watching one of the best strikers in the world across all sports.

    • @kendalgee5808
      @kendalgee5808 Месяц назад

      Against an MMA fighter, they can take Superlek down easily. There's no ref to break it up, muay thai can't really defend against mma style takedowns very well.

    • @gmeme9252
      @gmeme9252 Месяц назад +10

      @@kendalgee5808 I Agree, footballers don't stand a chance agains basket ballers they will just pick the ball up and run away with it

    • @emerestthisk990
      @emerestthisk990 Месяц назад

      Lool perfect response to that dumb MMA comment ​@@gmeme9252

    • @emerestthisk990
      @emerestthisk990 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@kendalgee5808it's a different sport numpty. MMA fighters have garbage striking by comparison. Look at Dricus Du Plessis' striking.

    • @marioiglesias4850
      @marioiglesias4850 Месяц назад +1

      @@emerestthisk990 mma striking is horrible, in the UFC theres very few good strikers, 10 at the most

  • @Jordanphil23
    @Jordanphil23 2 месяца назад +9

    Superlek needs to do an Australian tour asap!

  • @meepmorp5109
    @meepmorp5109 2 месяца назад +4

    Its really cool to see how he controls the distance. Kind of mindboggling to me, ho he manages not to end up in the pocket ever. Males you wonder just how much he mist habe trained and fought to get that much control of the space around him and balance in the body.

  • @inanutshellreviews77
    @inanutshellreviews77 2 месяца назад +4

    Superlek is amazing. He is my favorite.

  • @James-wd9ib
    @James-wd9ib 17 дней назад

    Thanks for compiling all the interesting parts!

  • @Gelster
    @Gelster 2 месяца назад +53

    Superlek is not even at his peak in 2023...and look at his skill level then. He is an absolute beast now.

    • @jabubb
      @jabubb 2 месяца назад


    • @nermin93
      @nermin93 2 месяца назад +6

      Thais don't peak late, they peak in their early 20s. Only difference is he has managed to adjust to the small gloves but if you have followed actual Muay Thai for long enough you would know

    • @bl-nb8fo
      @bl-nb8fo 2 месяца назад +6

      By muay thai standards, he is in the latter years of his career. Many retire by late 20s or early 30s

    • @pix00l
      @pix00l 2 месяца назад +1

      @@nermin93 What the hell are you talking about lol Muay thai fighters usually peak at around 25+ where thier skills are honed to the peak and thier body is still in good condition just take a look at buakaw for an example

    • @clarity2115
      @clarity2115 Месяц назад +2

      @@bl-nb8fo his career will prolong since he fights 1-3x a year instead of 20+ like traditional MT fighters

  • @slatebook2384
    @slatebook2384 8 дней назад

    Wonderful. Thank you.

  • @Noexistente
    @Noexistente 2 месяца назад +9

    1:28 epic moment

  • @stevenbrewe1184
    @stevenbrewe1184 15 дней назад

    Superlek is actually incredibly skilled, really cool to watch him spar

  • @AcruxethGaming
    @AcruxethGaming 2 месяца назад +9

    his head movement is ON POINT especially when they throw hooks or head kicks, it's insane how he knows it's coming

    • @AiJaiDeeSaMer
      @AiJaiDeeSaMer 2 месяца назад +1

      That's why he knocked out the General( Haggerty) in just 40 seconds in round one. 😅😅. No one else can do that to Haggerty.

    • @olivermarrow4809
      @olivermarrow4809 Месяц назад +1

      @@AiJaiDeeSaMernah the Haggerty KO wasn’t instinctive, it was deffo a game plan for haggertys forward pressure

  • @lazydizzy4211
    @lazydizzy4211 2 месяца назад +42

    The kicking machine

  • @DMIII22
    @DMIII22 2 месяца назад +4

    7:38 so smooth 🔥

  • @andrewtran2328
    @andrewtran2328 28 дней назад +1

    Guy at 7:17 seems like a fantastic sparring partner !!
    No ego, with all the skill in the world.
    Fantastic gym partner

  • @neverleverland5685
    @neverleverland5685 Месяц назад +1

    he's done it so many times its all muscle memory to the point he has to remember to not throw the third or fourth strike what a legend

  • @charliee5970
    @charliee5970 28 дней назад +1

    Thai guys are like who I aspire to be. Chill and laughing, but can also mess you up if they need to.

  • @bba4769
    @bba4769 Месяц назад +2

    That spinning back fist was clean

  • @hugondoma-egba342
    @hugondoma-egba342 2 месяца назад +1

    He’s basically a kicker / clincher …. Loves to set up his knees and sweeps

  • @raygains2118
    @raygains2118 2 месяца назад

    That was just beautiful! The smooth slickness showed the art 🎨 of combat!

  • @djwerdwassound
    @djwerdwassound 14 дней назад


  • @KK-xq2mc
    @KK-xq2mc 2 месяца назад +14

    2:01 saenchai skill 😂

  • @asadawutsoh2187
    @asadawutsoh2187 5 дней назад

    8:28 is good. Coach or fighter, I don't know but they both are very good and very understanding.

  • @rickdurro1091
    @rickdurro1091 5 дней назад

    He's going easy but you can tell He's just on a completely different level He's just toying with them

  • @juicethegoose4
    @juicethegoose4 16 дней назад

    Calm cool and collected

  • @zayd55
    @zayd55 6 дней назад

    Big respect how he was very considerate with the female fighters that were obviously novices.

  • @Prestoux
    @Prestoux Месяц назад +4

    The females did great! The first girl caught him with a solid back fist and the girl who sparred in the ring is definitely a skilled kickboxer👊🏻☺️

  • @momoasraf3348
    @momoasraf3348 Месяц назад

    LOLOLOL Superlek's there doin his thing and they're having a great time SAENCHAI COMES OUTTA NOWHERE AND SWEEPS BRO FROM BEHIND. Full violating him ahahaha love the vibes, must be awesome dudes IRL

  • @seitan4943
    @seitan4943 2 месяца назад

    Insane how Superlek is so good in the standup that he makes literal UFC fighters look like 'random guys'.

  • @naokitaniguchi7604
    @naokitaniguchi7604 21 день назад

    Go find bougnahem plz
    This man is a true man. Wisdom. Skill. Would love to watch it

  • @stephenpaek9175
    @stephenpaek9175 2 месяца назад +3

    I'm glad the great Saenchai can take a rest and let Superlek do the sparring.

  • @Baggins99
    @Baggins99 2 месяца назад

    what a great guy. It was amazing seeing him get that knockout on Haggerty live!

  • @perfecto25
    @perfecto25 3 дня назад

    guy w green shin pads was very good

  • @Chris-tm4zq
    @Chris-tm4zq 2 месяца назад

    นักสู้มวยไทยที่ดีที่สุดและแท้จริงเท่านั้นที่เกิดในประเทศไทย ความภูมิใจของคนไทยทุกคน 🥊🥊🥊🥊🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭

  • @mitch-lawless
    @mitch-lawless Месяц назад +1

    Saenchai running in for the count was the most wholesome thing I've ever seen.

  • @lobenavente236
    @lobenavente236 2 месяца назад +2


  • @boogboog8097
    @boogboog8097 2 месяца назад

    Saenchai and ❤

  • @SkizzTV59
    @SkizzTV59 23 дня назад


  • @quanthinh3487
    @quanthinh3487 2 месяца назад +21

    Lol Saenchai

  • @cheeks7050
    @cheeks7050 2 месяца назад


  • @yannickfillon3851
    @yannickfillon3851 Месяц назад

    and Saenchai comes in for the sweep! loved it!

  • @eddyoliveiram
    @eddyoliveiram Месяц назад +3

    8:49 this guy's boxing skills are really good

  • @DrLaurelWeaver
    @DrLaurelWeaver 21 день назад

    Lol definitely a showing of how there is levels to this game

  • @francismitchelvdgaag
    @francismitchelvdgaag Месяц назад

    The first guy actually did really well

  • @alejo_420
    @alejo_420 2 месяца назад +3

    Crazy how Superlek only spars people with Yokkao gloves haha

  • @pizzazombie7373
    @pizzazombie7373 2 месяца назад


  • @Yungwrld999
    @Yungwrld999 29 дней назад

    I love how he floored the girl then proceeded to let her gain the spotlight.❤️‍🩹

  • @JamesFrancis-bx3bh
    @JamesFrancis-bx3bh 3 дня назад

    the guy at 2:50 is lightning fast

  • @lukeleung-colgan
    @lukeleung-colgan Месяц назад

    These random guys are so tense.

  • @doctorsleep3414
    @doctorsleep3414 2 месяца назад


  • @saburwolf2792
    @saburwolf2792 2 месяца назад


  • @EnRicoland
    @EnRicoland 2 месяца назад +2

    The GOAT 🐐Baaaaaa aaa aaaaa

  • @ddd4783
    @ddd4783 Месяц назад

    2:32 Teep kao pai That perfect accent

  • @smashbooibooi9008
    @smashbooibooi9008 Месяц назад

    Wow Some Guy can real fight in stage

  • @apichatpangjak1768
    @apichatpangjak1768 2 месяца назад


  • @ikeruriarteremis3496
    @ikeruriarteremis3496 2 месяца назад

    I love Saenchai random leg sweeps

  • @dejordo1
    @dejordo1 2 месяца назад

    OSS 💪🏽🥊🔥🏆💯

  • @ESSO-np2og
    @ESSO-np2og 2 месяца назад

    Muay techtical is best of muay thai
    Samart payakarun
    Somrak khamsing
    But deselnoi best of best .

    @NFROMTHE10 19 дней назад

    when he decides to impose his will. Its curtains

  • @yumenowinds
    @yumenowinds Месяц назад

    no elbow no blood

  • @knowone1586
    @knowone1586 2 месяца назад

    Question, how many years of Muay Thai does one have to do to have the right to ask for one of these sessions with the man?

    • @jesse8737
      @jesse8737 Месяц назад +1

      None. there were a few people here that looked like they had a few weeks experience

  • @puxxyboy3522
    @puxxyboy3522 2 месяца назад +2

    2:36 😳

  • @H33t3Speaks
    @H33t3Speaks 8 дней назад

    MT stops being so impressive when you understand these folks are rather light. I'm serious. At 134lbs, if you can handle a 70lb kettlebell you can handle somebody like Superlek. It's an immutable part of nature, raw unrelenting power. He's quick, he's tough but he's a Toyota Prius and some people are Freight Trains. Know thyself.

  • @torpedohost
    @torpedohost 26 дней назад

    why did they edit when i knocked him the fc out

  • @andrewtran2328
    @andrewtran2328 28 дней назад +2

    Little kid at 8:49 has too much of an ego problem.
    No respect for Legends who to come to USA to mentor
    Kid has no sparring etiquette !!

  • @quintonrodriguez9544
    @quintonrodriguez9544 29 дней назад

    Saenchai is hella funny

  • @MaxMax-th7uz
    @MaxMax-th7uz 17 дней назад

    Took it easy on the women apart from @ 03:50

  • @Larry_Hegs
    @Larry_Hegs 2 месяца назад +2

    2:30 dude thinks he's way slicker than he is

    • @MajinVegeto89
      @MajinVegeto89 Месяц назад

      Yeah I thought so too. So many unnecessary movements that he thinks make him look cool. Many of these people are such tryhards, insead of just having fun they try to prove themselves against someone who is 100 levels above them.

  • @omarossani6824
    @omarossani6824 Месяц назад

    Olle 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @beinsports9555
    @beinsports9555 Месяц назад

    Wait until they try tawanchai 😂

  • @tsma24
    @tsma24 Месяц назад

    You can have all skills but u really need at least 70% brute force to be top 100 in muaythai

  • @antonym00
    @antonym00 2 месяца назад

    I’d be kinda scared going into this? Like if I freak and throw too hard he could kill me with a pulled cross or something

    • @AiJaiDeeSaMer
      @AiJaiDeeSaMer 2 месяца назад +2

      Then just don't throw your punch too hard at him and you will be ok. 😅😅

  • @MaouKnightZ
    @MaouKnightZ 2 месяца назад +1


  • @GettingSore
    @GettingSore 2 месяца назад +2

    Better don’t sparr him hard. He will end everyone in a matter of seconds if he wants 😮

  • @joffre55
    @joffre55 Месяц назад +1

    Looks more like Superlek was the one going a bit too hard for a sparring session with rando's in some of them

  • @1984-w6g
    @1984-w6g 16 дней назад

    imagine he is casually walking down the street in western country and get bullied/racist from western people who dont know him and think he is only a random SEA dude. 🤣

  • @JorgeParma
    @JorgeParma 2 месяца назад +1

    Saenchai there’s only one

  • @cameronmedford-hawkins4736
    @cameronmedford-hawkins4736 Месяц назад

    pay for a better camera op. focus is ruining a great video

  • @paulfab5118
    @paulfab5118 20 дней назад

    I dont get the people's that try to go hard whit him..come on he can knock you down at any time ..just have fun. Dont try to make a point whit gim LOL 😂

  • @rithrean
    @rithrean 19 дней назад

    He's so COMPOSED when sparring with these students in the gym. It's crazy that most of them are trying hard and flaring all over the place, yet Superlek's not even going his true potential.

  • @MikolDaw-km7ns
    @MikolDaw-km7ns 2 месяца назад

    Seanchai save him

  • @esemachete5108
    @esemachete5108 2 месяца назад

    Superlek needs to go to the Netherlands if he wants some real sparring partners , up in the USA there is no one that can compare to his level

  • @ayrtkl0l
    @ayrtkl0l 24 дня назад

    basically he rocked their shit

  • @Tianzi38
    @Tianzi38 5 дней назад

    Stopped after watching this guy hit his sparring partners way harder than they are hitting him.
    Thumbs down

  • @marcd1981
    @marcd1981 21 день назад

    "Spars with random guys across USA"...second clip is a female 😂 fifth clip is a female 😂 Someone needs to look up what "Guys" means.

  • @Ashroth88
    @Ashroth88 19 дней назад

    Americans sparring pro thais is always a cringe thing

  • @jesse8737
    @jesse8737 Месяц назад +1

    these dudes need to chill tf out. imagine trying to prove a point to superlek

  • @limegreenpatato
    @limegreenpatato Месяц назад

    Wheres Lawrence kenshin complaining they are sparring too hard? 😅😅

  • @sg-go5li
    @sg-go5li 2 месяца назад

    Superlek running at about 2% there…