The game's story takes place before World War II and centers around a cargo pilot named William Augustus Grey (voiced by Nolan North) who is teleported to another world while flying through the Bermuda Triangle. In this world, known as the "Void", Will encounters an alien race as well as other humans, which are known as the Watchers and the Survivors respectively. Will reluctantly joins the Survivors, who are engaged in a feud with the alien race, to satisfy his desire to return to Earth. While aiding the Survivors, Will discovers that the Void is a middle ground that connects both the Watchers' homeworld and Earth. It also becomes apparent that the Watchers are supplying the Axis powers with various wartime provisions for reasons unknown. With the help of Nikola Tesla, Will uses retrofitted Watcher technology to combat the Watchers and eventually find a way to escape the Void.
August 1938: the USAAC use biplanes powered by twin jet engines Also August 1938: Luftwaffles now posses flying saucers which don't need a virticle stabilizer, tail, or ailerons and has the ability to steer the "wings" independently from the cockpit. (and Resistance fighters have a jet pack powered by three small turbines) gOd HeLp Us
Me and my brother waited for this game like it was the greatest thing ever created. Once it actually went out it flopped and we still repeat as a joke to this day the awful dialogue at 23:22 haha. thanks for uploading
The game's story takes place before World War II and centers around a cargo pilot named William Augustus Grey (voiced by Nolan North) who is teleported to another world while flying through the Bermuda Triangle. In this world, known as the "Void", Will encounters an alien race as well as other humans, which are known as the Watchers and the Survivors respectively. Will reluctantly joins the Survivors, who are engaged in a feud with the alien race, to satisfy his desire to return to Earth. While aiding the Survivors, Will discovers that the Void is a middle ground that connects both the Watchers' homeworld and Earth. It also becomes apparent that the Watchers are supplying the Axis powers with various wartime provisions for reasons unknown. With the help of Nikola Tesla, Will uses retrofitted Watcher technology to combat the Watchers and eventually find a way to escape the Void.
Huh, didn't think anyone else remembered this game. The cover definitely stuck with me for all these years till I rented it.
You just unlocked a memory for me, everything about this game suddenly came back at once
Anyone else remember playing the demo on a disk they got with a gaming magazine?
August 1938: the USAAC use biplanes powered by twin jet engines
Also August 1938: Luftwaffles now posses flying saucers which don't need a virticle stabilizer, tail, or ailerons and has the ability to steer the "wings" independently from the cockpit.
(and Resistance fighters have a jet pack powered by three small turbines)
gOd HeLp Us
Is it REEEEALLY hard to make a Dark Void game actually based in the retro game?
Well You have Dark void zero
By the way You know where i can download the PC versión? It is no more on Steam
back then this was better than the Iron Man movie-video games (the Iron Man simulator)
A mi me gusto merece un remake y una continuación
التالي : The Professor and the Madman
18:30 but this makes no sense...
Me and my brother waited for this game like it was the greatest thing ever created. Once it actually went out it flopped and we still repeat as a joke to this day the awful dialogue at 23:22 haha.
thanks for uploading
It took me 3 months to beat the game😂
12:03 Nikola Tesla scene
The ending was a let down.
This game was very mid. Felt like a lot of potential that squandered what it could have been
بعد قليل : Bee Season
التالي : Birdman
لاحقا : DIRTY