The Bible is True Because It Says So? Theist Caller Challenges Matt Dillahunty + Jimmy Snow

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Ely calls in claiming the Bible proves Jesus was the son of God. When asked what evidence he has besides the Bible, Ely cites no external evidence and asserts the Bible validates its own claims through interwoven testimony. The hosts explain why this is circular reasoning and question Ely's confident claims about biblical authorship that conflict with scholarly consensus.
    As Ely persists in making unsubstantiated assertions about the Bible proving itself, the hosts point out his flaws, like relying on faith and fallacies. Ely ignores their rebuttals and continues using weak arguments like finding brimstone where Sodom was. The hosts express their frustration at Ely's shallow reasoning and ignorance of scholarship. The call ends disappointingly with both sides unconvinced, Ely still asserting the Bible is self-evidently true.
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  • @TimelyAbyss
    @TimelyAbyss 11 месяцев назад +653

    It’s strange how the people who call in to this show with the biggest claims about the Bible never seem to have read the darn thing 😂

    • @Lupinemancer87
      @Lupinemancer87 11 месяцев назад +77

      You'd be surprised by how many theists this applies to in general :D

    • @dlon4539
      @dlon4539 11 месяцев назад +21

      I was brought up as a catholic etc. etc. To be honest never did anyone in the priesthood or layman division care less about burden of proof. Catholism is about community and politics from the beginning

    • @amberharmsen2497
      @amberharmsen2497 11 месяцев назад

      @@Lupinemancer87 you would be surprised how many atheists had to read the bible due to harassment and threats made by christians
      you better believe in god or your not going to see your family when you die
      or you better believe in XYZ or your gonna be tortured for life
      with claims like that learning the bible would be done for 1 of 2 reasons
      1.because you were emotionally and mentally manipulated into a position you dont even fully believe in
      2. To learn as much as you can to call out christians and god forbid jews (if they become as pushy as christians) on their flawed belief systems
      I would make the arguement that those who are gay or trans (such as myself) would actually have studied the bible even more simply to give the finger (in some ways) to those that persecuted them
      there was also a study done a bit back about what religions knew the most about the chritistian bible and just for shits and giggles they threw in atheists atheists knew far more about the bible than christians jews or muslims

    • @danmcqueen5295
      @danmcqueen5295 11 месяцев назад +26

      Exactly! And the more they actually find out what's in there, and where it came from, the less likely they are to believe it! The greatest miracle in the Bible is that people can actually believe that $hit!

    • @dlon4539
      @dlon4539 11 месяцев назад

      @@danmcqueen5295 one of the finest weapons in the advancement of western civilisation and philosophy is the Abrahamic faith. Shit happens

  • @AlexPBenton
    @AlexPBenton 11 месяцев назад +281

    “The book is true because the book refers to its own author in the third person”

    • @alangarland8571
      @alangarland8571 11 месяцев назад +19

      Trump seems to get away with this as well.

    • @rsr789
      @rsr789 11 месяцев назад

      @@alangarland8571 Appeals to the same cultist ignoramuses.

    • @cutoverpark9596
      @cutoverpark9596 11 месяцев назад

      @@alangarland8571Trump is the one who will save this country from the absolute Shit Pit OBiden and his cronies have put it in…Trump 2024 MAGA

    • @Trackformers
      @Trackformers 11 месяцев назад +4

      Well.. if Jesus identified as the son of god, he is son of god right?

    • @PronatorTendon
      @PronatorTendon 11 месяцев назад +8

      ​@@het53 Hopefully a man who sees the consequences of his felony criminal charges

  • @Uniteusall
    @Uniteusall 11 месяцев назад +64

    My deconversion started in the 3rd grade because i had a sleepover at a friends house who was a Mormon. I knew some basic tenants and stories from the Bible but i was not as well versed as my friend was in the Book of Mormon.
    He basically told me that because i am Black i am descended from Ham and my skin color is a curse. Because i am cursed i would never be able to go to Kolob, meet God, and get my own planet.
    He told me it was ok, because when he got his own planet he would invite me there to live with and serve him. When his parents dropped me off the next morning his father gave me a copy of The Book of Mormon. I still have it to this day.
    I couldn't defend myself because i didnt know enough about the Bible or what i thought my religion was to refute anything he was telling me and showing me from the Book of Mormon.
    That day i vowed that no one would be able to do that to me ever again. I was going to read the Bible and The Book of Mormon myself so i could defend myself because i just knew there was no way i was doomed to be slave to someone when i died.
    Needless to say, i didnt find the answrrs i was looking for in either of those books. By the time i read the Koran in high school i was convinced that all of it was bullshit and even if it was true, God was so petty and evil i wouldn't want to follow or worship Him anway.
    I thank my friend, Chris, the mormon, for settling me on a path to freedom. If I'm wrong and i end up on your planet to serve you, I'm going to make your planet hell for you. Trust.

    • @thedarknessthatcomesbefore4279
      @thedarknessthatcomesbefore4279 11 месяцев назад +8

      Thanks for sharing your story.

    • @paddlefar9175
      @paddlefar9175 11 месяцев назад

      Mormon men getting their own planet, sheesh! How full of themselves they must be, growing up and being told that! They must be insufferable! Getting your own family is a lot of responsibility, but a whole planet! Gosh that’s so obviously idiotic that I’m ashamed of them for being so gullible and stupid.

    • @CheaterzEye
      @CheaterzEye 4 месяца назад

      "I'm going to make your planet hell for you"
      My personal heaven would be getting to watch you do that, hmu if you want any help 😂

    • @BFGGuy
      @BFGGuy 3 месяца назад +3

      That's cool and all but what I wish is that we lived in a world where if someone said, "here's a book that has proof of god in it", the other person would say "thats asinine! A book is just a series of words on a page. It's definitionally impossible for words to demonstrate something about the world."
      Don't misunderstand. I'm happy you got out, but it's depressing that you even had to read them to make sure you were covered. I've never believed. Primarily because if anyone had ever said that to me, I would have thought they were insane. If a god wants to show or tell me something he could just do it right? What does a goddamn book have to do with anything whatsoever? It's like someone saying "I have a million dollars in the bank, watch this TV show about it"
      Id say "no, either tell me about it, or tell me why you told me in the first place."
      I'm sorry it's just impossible for me to understand how anyone could ever possibly believe that a book could be anything other than a book. I just can't see the connection because there isn't one. I mean "hey an invisible sky magician wants to make your life awesome, you just have to eat this little Debbie brownie first" doesn't make any sense, and pisses me off if anything, yet BILLIONS of grown adults think "god is real but you have to read this book" is logical, though it's a complete non sequitur. It's the fact that they don't see the proposition itself is nonsense. When I hear "Christianity is true" I actually hear "candy canes are true"

    • @jimmy_junk
      @jimmy_junk 3 месяца назад +3

      It’s hard to take seriously people who wear magic underwear. Still I couldn’t imagine being told I was inferior because the colour of my skin. We all bleed red and I’m going to show that to anyone who tries telling me someone of a different race is inferior.

  • @dieseljester3466
    @dieseljester3466 11 месяцев назад +187

    The so-called Brimstone of Sodom and Gomorrah was one of the first things that I researched and found debunked when I started my de-conversion from Christianity. I then went to the "evidence" for the Parting of the Red Sea, the Exodus, the Battle of Jericho, the existence of Noah's Ark on Mt. Ararat, etc. Then I went into biblical morality and was pretty much done at that point.

    • @Mxxx-ii9bu
      @Mxxx-ii9bu 11 месяцев назад +16

      You've just outlined a primer for going from Xtian to atheist. Well done.

    • @PramodKumar-gy8lb
      @PramodKumar-gy8lb 11 месяцев назад +12

      Christians would even lap it up if a 2000 year old whale is found alive and traces of Johana's clothes are in the mouth.

    • @timothykeith1367
      @timothykeith1367 11 месяцев назад +1

      People do not reject the Bible because of so-called "evidence', or lack thereof, they do so because of their moral failures - the same sin that drew me to the Cross.
      "This is the judgment, that the light is come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their works were evil" - John 3:19

    • @Kylerusse64
      @Kylerusse64 11 месяцев назад +40

      @@timothykeith1367 That's not true! I rejected Christianity (after being a Christian for 10+ years) because I studied the historical development of the Bible and Christianity. And I learned much of what is written in the Bible is not true! It's not true that the Israelites came from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Instead, they were a group of local Canaanites who formed their own separate ethnic identity after the collapse of the late Bronze Age in the 13th century BCE.
      I learned that Israelite religion itself was polytheistic through and through that involved a pantheon of different gods with El and Asherah heading the pantheon! Yahweh was a foreign god that was introduced to Israel somewhere from Edom, Seir etc. who then became synchronized with El and eventually the religion was reformed into a monotheistic belief system sometime after the Babylonian Exile
      I learned that much of the Bible and its books were not written by the authors who they are attributed to, but instead written by anonymous people writing in their names. Moses did not write the Torah but it consists of multiple different authors who were not eyewitness accounts to alleged events and wrote it many centuries later after such purported events occurred.
      I learned that the NT likewise also has books who claim to be eyewitness accounts to Jesus' death, burial and resurrection but weren't. Even the majority of Christian scholars acknowledge that they weren't eyewitness accounts but instead were written some 40 to 60 years after Jesus purported time on earth.
      I also learned that there are many historical inaccuracies with various books of the Bible. The book of Daniel has a fictitious character named "Darius the Mede" who never existed in either Babylonian or Persian accounts. Likewise, Belshazzar was not the son of Nebuchadnezzar but was the son of Nabonidus. "Daniel" (who was not a historical person) also failed to prophesy that Antiochus IV Epiphanes would war against Egypt and die near Judea . Yet, there was no war and he died near Persia or Babylon. And that's just one book.
      And I also learned that there are clear discrepancies within the same accounts of the Bible and they clearly contradict one another. Whether that be the order of creation in Genesis 1 and 2. The various and contradictory accounts of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Who killed Goliath. And the fact that the Bible itself is just not univocal on virtually any topic pertinent to it.
      I could go on. None of which has anything to do with some carnal desire to "sin" or because I "hate God."

    • @dieseljester3466
      @dieseljester3466 11 месяцев назад +25

      @@timothykeith1367 don’t tell me what’s in my head as if you know me. You have no clue what I’ve gone through so I’ll thank you to not presume things about me. I don’t believe your book because it doesn’t stand up to scrutiny and I am more moral than anything that your god condones in that book.

  • @markhaunert5029
    @markhaunert5029 11 месяцев назад +450

    People want it to be true so bad they literally become childlike in their thinking abilities.

    • @The_Nightwatch
      @The_Nightwatch 11 месяцев назад +52

      Religion is long on faith and short on evidence. Pretty similar to a conspiracy theory.

    • @markhaunert5029
      @markhaunert5029 11 месяцев назад +17

      ​@@The_Nightwatchperfect comparison.

    • @FourDeuce01
      @FourDeuce01 11 месяцев назад +17

      That’s why I say religion means never having to grow up.😜

    • @chris999999999999
      @chris999999999999 11 месяцев назад +15

      Ever since we came up with science and it really started to rule out religious explanations, one of the survival mechanisms of religions is to keep its adherents from thinking about things too deeply.

    • @davidmandell1727
      @davidmandell1727 11 месяцев назад +9

      I would call it childish rather than childlike.

  • @davidmthorley
    @davidmthorley 9 месяцев назад +27

    I don’t know why people call into the show when it’s so painfully obvious they’ve never thought through any of the reasons for their belief. It’s like this guy just assumed the hosts wouldn’t ask him any questions at all about why he believes the things he believes. He didn’t have a single answer prepared for even basic questions. Why even call in?

    • @tommccarthy3052
      @tommccarthy3052 9 месяцев назад +3

      Very true. Watched a recent one with a Muslim caller, same thing.

    • @blazerdude89
      @blazerdude89 4 месяца назад

      This is why a democratic voting system is bad. The stupid are the majority and majority rules.

    • @jayrifel8920
      @jayrifel8920 3 месяца назад +1


    • @SteveVick-xe8ko
      @SteveVick-xe8ko Месяц назад

      So because they do not exude the answers that razzle dazzle you , that’s your evidence that God & the creational account in Genesis is not real????
      That’s not proof for the atheist claim .
      I don’t listen to the calls , but would text back & forth with them ,but then it’s no money in it for them . Understandable , but given out the false impression that their theories prove lord Radom chance is supreme over the indestructible Word of God, is a major fallacy& , over dose on posturing Matt’s point of view .
      For those who love the Matt.D or Aron ra , etc . They offer no evidence to support their claims . But a test can be conducted into what the truth really is:
      The gospel message;
      Acts 2:36-47
      Acts 17:23-40
      Waking in hell seconds After death.
      Are the revealing test to end this long time claims against each other .

  • @rammsteinrulz16
    @rammsteinrulz16 11 месяцев назад +110

    The way he gave the softest, most unconfident "yea" to trying to debunk Mormonism is both tragic and amusing

    • @thomash.schwed3662
      @thomash.schwed3662 11 месяцев назад +5

      That part of the exchange stuck out like a sore thumb. Ely can't even uphold Christianity and yet he thinks he can debunk Mormonism. And, as though Ely didn't make himself look bad enough there, that happened on the heels of Jimmy telling him what he was about to do and Ely insisting on walking into it anyway. Matt's point at the end, to wit, that people like Ely are credulous is well taken by itself. However, the problem for people like Ely is that what makes them credulous in the first place is their own penchant for gullibility which they keep on full display in glorious Technicolor and stereophonic sound.

    • @cutoverpark9596
      @cutoverpark9596 11 месяцев назад +7

      To be fair Mormonism doesn’t take much Debunking,Of all the religious con jobs Mormonism is by far the lamest and easiest to debunk…

    • @TheMilitantMazdakite
      @TheMilitantMazdakite 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@cutoverpark9596 Do you have evidence that religion is a "Con job". I have talked to random polytheists on the internet who claim to have had visions with their respective gods. Weather these are actually visions are irrelevant. They honestly believe that they have had visions and other divine experiences. Why could have these religions not have started this way?

    • @cutoverpark9596
      @cutoverpark9596 11 месяцев назад

      @@TheMilitantMazdakite Well let’s use Mormonism as a classic example of a con,Joseph Smith was a grifter and convicted felon when he started Mormonism by claiming he’d had a personal interaction with the god attached to Christianity and was told to find the golden plates by the Angel Moroni,These plates supposedly contained a sacred text which he was to translate into the Book of Mormon,Since he formed the Mormon faith believers have parted with Billions of Dollars in tithings which are today hidden in offshore accounts and laundered through multiple shell companies,All of which you can research especially since the DOJ launched a fraud enquiry into the corrupt dealings of the so called religion after whistleblower testimony was made public,Long before his death Joseph Smith admitted that he never had a conversation with any god,there was no Angel Moroni there were no plates and he had created the whole scenario for the purpose of selling the Grift,You would think that after realizing it was all a lie the religion would of folded after all it was all based on lies,But there’s just to much money for the high ups in this fraud to let it die,There’s also way to many lost and gullible people that need direction and need to believe there’s some invisible higher power to guide them which the church does with threats and promises and the biggest con is they need to part with their hard earned money or their told they won’t get not just to Heaven but the special place in heaven that awaits those that follow the all the guidelines and of course be current with their Tithings.Joseph Smith formed the Template for this con based on the Bible and the fact that it could contradict itself and make claims that clearly never happened and as long as the Carrot (heaven) was available and Eternal Damnation was the fate for those who wouldn’t submit their will to the Tyrant god character the con kept and keeps going….

    • @PrometheanRising
      @PrometheanRising 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@TheMilitantMazdakiteAt the end of the day, religion is a con job that people run on themselves regardless of the motives of those who got them there. Having said that, you turned what he said into a Barnum statement, but he could have equally been referring to the subset of religions that are con jobs. Joseph Smith was literally a con, both by conviction and by fraud.

  • @Wilhelm-100TheTechnoAdmiral
    @Wilhelm-100TheTechnoAdmiral 11 месяцев назад +45

    You gotta question your beliefs. You'll learn some hard, uncomfortable lessons, though.

  • @Locust13
    @Locust13 11 месяцев назад +12

    I wonder if the caller even knows what brimstone is, today we call it sulfur. And ya know where else it's found? Everywhere.

  • @adeofbass
    @adeofbass 11 месяцев назад +18

    He brought a spoon to a gun fight 😂😂

    • @martinkuliza
      @martinkuliza 10 месяцев назад

      no he didn't

    • @brucebaker810
      @brucebaker810 10 месяцев назад


    • @landsgevaer
      @landsgevaer 6 месяцев назад

      I think he shot himself.

    • @modernenglishman7802
      @modernenglishman7802 6 месяцев назад

      Who are you kidding? He almost certainly came into this fight unarmed.

  • @jesperjee
    @jesperjee 11 месяцев назад +29

    They really can’t think can they? They have the creator of EVERYTHING on their side but can’t string a thought together.

    • @PrometheanRising
      @PrometheanRising 11 месяцев назад +1

      The more sophisticated ones like WLC can string together long strings of words that sound meaningful, but are really meant to obscure that there is no there there. All the while, lowering the bar to the floor for their own acceptance of the absurd things that they believe because they really, really want it to be true.

    • @DeludedOne
      @DeludedOne 11 месяцев назад

      That's because that very creator supposedly told them all the answers to all the questions. So now they don't have to think or have independent thoughts, they only have to follow.

    • @jesperjee
      @jesperjee 11 месяцев назад

      @@DeludedOneSounds like a great life. And a pointiess one

    • @donnievance1942
      @donnievance1942 11 месяцев назад

      @@PrometheanRising William Lane Craig has reinforced his sophistry by going sodeep into topics like cosmology and physics that almost all of his Christian audience can't follow him and so are able to be bamboozled. He truly has learned a lot about these subjects. However, for people who can follow him to the ultimate limit of his arguments (and I am one such person) it turns out that he is just as intellectually dishonest as the much more primitive theists like Ham and Hovind. He makes self-contradictory claims, and he adopts fringe positions that are totally outside the mainstream of science.
      For instance, he claims that actual infinites are impossible, therefore the universe has to have had a beginning and could not have existed infinitely in the past. However, he also claims a "presentist" theory of time, in contradiction to relativistic "block" time. In this presentist theory of time the present moment is all that is real, or actual. But he conveniently overlooks the fact that if only the present moment is real, then an infinite past does not entail the existence of any actually infinite phenomenon. Add to this the fact that his rejection of relativistic time is totally outside the mainstream view in physics, and that, as a non-physicist and non-mathematician, he cannot possibly have any legitimate analytical ground for rejecting the mainstream view. If he actually did, he could win a Nobel prize. Also, he insists that the Big Bang hypothesis entails a necessary beginning of the universe-- a view that is not held by the majority of cosmologists.
      And he inconsistently accepts some aspects of relativity theory while contradictorily rejecting others. He will not recognize that he can't keep the parts of the theory that he wants and reject others, because they are logically interdependent.
      Furthermore, he asserts that time cannot be infinite in the past on the basis of a quasi-mathematical rationale that is transparent BS and repudiated by every mathematician who encounters his argument. The physicists and mathematicians who have engaged him-- Sean Caroll, for instance-- have allowed him a legitimacy he does not deserve. Perhaps they think that he is an honest person who simply does not understand the flaws in his own argument. However, he is too intelligent not to recognize the bogus character of his claims. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that he is one more of many apologists who seem to believe that the truth of Christianity justifies lying to support it.

    • @jesperjee
      @jesperjee 11 месяцев назад

      @@DeludedOne And yet apparently he didn't give them answers they could share with others in order to spread the faith. The creator is not very good at communicating.

  • @Csizzorhandz
    @Csizzorhandz 11 месяцев назад +9

    I kept expecting this guy to say “I believe you have my stapler”

  • @FlyinZX10R
    @FlyinZX10R 11 месяцев назад +41

    I read a book about green eggs and ham. It must be true!😂

    • @wyett123
      @wyett123 11 месяцев назад +2

      I've had green eggs and ham 😂

    • @joeanon5788
      @joeanon5788 11 месяцев назад +2

      In the Army, I once ate green eggs , but no ham...🐷

    • @petyrkowalski9887
      @petyrkowalski9887 11 месяцев назад +5

      I do not like this biblical scam, I dont believe it, Sam I am.

    • @FlyinZX10R
      @FlyinZX10R 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@petyrkowalski9887 lmao

    • @brucebaker810
      @brucebaker810 11 месяцев назад +2

      I do not like books like that.
      I like books about yams. And Seuess, that bastard, coulda. But didn't.

  • @ΘάνατοςΧορτοφάγος
    @ΘάνατοςΧορτοφάγος 11 месяцев назад +10

    The irony of saying others come too a conclusion because of bias without seeing his own 🤦

    • @brucebaker810
      @brucebaker810 11 месяцев назад

      I watch a ton. They project so much.

    • @jackwhitbread4583
      @jackwhitbread4583 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@brucebaker810your cult is laughable and you are ignorant.

  • @Obligate.Carnivore
    @Obligate.Carnivore 11 месяцев назад +46

    These people (theists) just blow me away! I have come to my lack of belief by way of Matt, mostly. LoL I I appreciate all Matt’s work

    • @PramodKumar-gy8lb
      @PramodKumar-gy8lb 11 месяцев назад +2

      Theists think they can call in and Matt would be compassionate enough to accept their "evidence".

    • @bicstic8
      @bicstic8 11 месяцев назад +3

      Imagine how Matt feels. Time and time again for about arduous. But yeah, when the AE first blew up on YT, all the hosts and co-hosts were instrumental for millions. Seems everytime I get questions from theists I can't answer on the spot, the reasoning of shows like the line always sit in waiting. I am grateful.

    • @donnievance1942
      @donnievance1942 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@bicstic8 I agree with you. I was an atheist long before I encountered AE, but Matt taught me how to bring intellectual rigor to my position. I do have to say, however, that there was a long period in his career when he was almost unbearably rude and disrespectful to callers. He seems to be getting over that.

  • @TattooedGranny
    @TattooedGranny 11 месяцев назад +10

    The inability to think critically is one thing that brings people to religion. They accept without evidence. It makes me sad that there are so many of them.

    • @MarlboroughBlenheim1
      @MarlboroughBlenheim1 8 месяцев назад

      For some it offers comfort in the face of pain and uncertainty. Nothing wrong with that.

    • @TattooedGranny
      @TattooedGranny 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@MarlboroughBlenheim1 but it’s a comforting lie. And religion does negatively impact society much more than it helps.

    • @MarlboroughBlenheim1
      @MarlboroughBlenheim1 8 месяцев назад

      @@TattooedGranny well, it's not a lie if you genuinely believe it, is it? Or if you choose to resolve the doubt by faith? That's not a lie.
      And yes, people often bury their heads under the carpet. See what they want to see. As I say, it's for comfort in many cases. Would you tell a five year old child who is terminally ill that there is heaven, if they wanted to believe that, rather than being terrified of oblivion? Sometimes the truth isn't what is needed.
      As for religion doing more harm, that's very difficult to measure. Where is your data?

    • @MarlboroughBlenheim1
      @MarlboroughBlenheim1 8 месяцев назад

      @@TattooedGranny would you lie to someone to protect them and comfort them, if they couldn't handle the truth (or likely truth)?

    • @TattooedGranny
      @TattooedGranny 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@MarlboroughBlenheim1 Should people be able to believe whatever they want…well maybe…depends on societal consequences. Everyone is capable of lying and maybe sometimes it can be justified (to save a life, little white lies, etc) but to live one? No thanks. Have any personal beliefs you want for yourself but many religious people consistently try to legislate and impose twisted beliefs of bigotry, authoritarianism, restrictions of body autonomy onto others. Double no thanks. “I want to believe as many true things as possible and as few false things”…MD

  • @DreadEmpath69
    @DreadEmpath69 11 месяцев назад +11

    Every video I watch makes me so happy that I deconstructed. Matt continues to annihilate these people with logic ❤

  • @Traitorman..Proverbs26.11
    @Traitorman..Proverbs26.11 5 месяцев назад +4

    For me, the funniest thing to ask a Christian, is to ask them to recite the Lord’s Prayer.
    When they get to “Lead me not into temptation”, I ask them WHY their God would want to do that.
    And why they have to BEG their God several times a day not to do that.

    • @Not_An_EV
      @Not_An_EV Месяц назад

      "BuT iTs AcTuAlLy ThE dEvIL"
      So your god is so weak he can't even defeat something he made. 😂😂

  • @jamesoblivion
    @jamesoblivion 6 месяцев назад +4

    Gotta say, one of the things that's hardest to listen to is when theists take forever to answer a straightforward question that has an obvious logical answer. That pregnant pause when they fail to stick the landing in their mental gymnastics routine. When it's clear that they know the correct answer, but are running from the admission. It's both sad and infuriating.

  • @dimitrioskalfakis
    @dimitrioskalfakis 11 месяцев назад +10

    cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy have strong roots with this one as evidenced by the answers to the questions he was asked.

  • @DelightLovesMovies
    @DelightLovesMovies 11 месяцев назад +32

    If the bible is true, then you have to believe in talking snakes if you want to believe in Jesus.

    • @TimelyAbyss
      @TimelyAbyss 11 месяцев назад +16

      If the Bible were true there’s a whole pile of junk that you’d need to buy into.
      Good thing the logical contradiction involved in cherry picking the Bible doesn’t seem to bother many believers.

    • @wyett123
      @wyett123 11 месяцев назад +13

      And talking donkeys, curses, witches, magicians, souls and 4 legged bugs.
      I could keep going, which is sad.

    • @maggiebarrett7300
      @maggiebarrett7300 11 месяцев назад +9

      Every word of the bible is true; but when the words group together to form sentences, that’s when the crap begins.

    • @alamunez
      @alamunez 11 месяцев назад +3

      I always like to refer to the part where the god character literally fights a sea monster 😄

    • @rmtsapphire0
      @rmtsapphire0 11 месяцев назад +2

      ​​@@wyett123I believe in magicians. Guess I'm on my way to theism. Wish me luck.

  • @christinaerskin1413
    @christinaerskin1413 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks for sharing! It's got my mind going that's for sure!!!

  • @carter358
    @carter358 10 месяцев назад +3

    It's amazing how these people call up thinking they're gonna totally destroy the hosts and bury them with "proof" of god and then they're dumbstruck and silent when they get their asses handed to them .

  • @hhvictor2462
    @hhvictor2462 Месяц назад

    That was brutal. I'm surprised the caller didn't chime in with: "just look at the trees" as evidence.

  • @tw3235
    @tw3235 11 месяцев назад +12

    His voice says a volume.

    • @jesperjee
      @jesperjee 11 месяцев назад

      It really does.

    • @brucebaker810
      @brucebaker810 5 месяцев назад

      A very low volume.

    • @craaab____721
      @craaab____721 4 месяца назад +1

      umm, um *sniffle* Jesus exists ;w;

    • @tw3235
      @tw3235 4 месяца назад

      Only in your mind1@@craaab____721

  • @BaronVonQuiply
    @BaronVonQuiply 11 месяцев назад +4

    $50 says Ely can't tell us what singular element Brimestone is composed of, let alone why finding it in a volcanic area is less than world shaking.

    • @Not_An_EV
      @Not_An_EV Месяц назад

      I found sulphur near this volcano... God is real!

  • @stobe187
    @stobe187 11 месяцев назад +6

    Marvel comic books are spectacularly interwoven

  • @camwyn256
    @camwyn256 11 месяцев назад +4

    We know that there were a lot of apocalyptic preachers 2k years ago and Yeshua was a rather common name back then.
    It’s likely there were several apocalyptic preachers named what we modern folk would call Jesus

  • @peterbunyan3924
    @peterbunyan3924 11 месяцев назад +7

    They believe it is true because they want it to be true whether it is true or not. So many stories in their book of myths that are just myths, if you look at with an open mind you will see it.

  • @yep_2431
    @yep_2431 11 месяцев назад +5

    Theists don't know about their own proof. If only churches was concerned with actual history of their holy books

    • @CascadeGamer
      @CascadeGamer 11 месяцев назад +4

      If only they were concerned with the horrific acts their own clergy does onto their practitioners than to tell others how they should act. That was what did it for me.

  • @operating
    @operating 9 месяцев назад +2

    The best way to lose religion is to actually read the books and not have an interpretation.

  • @IndridCool54
    @IndridCool54 10 месяцев назад +1

    The end of this video is my exact feeling tonight. I just can’t.

  • @nigeltrigger4499
    @nigeltrigger4499 8 месяцев назад +3

    Ely sounded very upset by the end of the call. Showing believers that they have no foundation for their beliefs can make them feel terrible. However, I would rather see billions of miserable people have their faith torn apart, than continue to have to put up with their unfounded beliefs!

  • @Lupinemancer87
    @Lupinemancer87 11 месяцев назад +31

    So basically, whenever you read one of the stories by the Brothers Grimm, or HC Andersen, and the story starts out by stating the story is true. According the theists, those stories are 100%, undeniably true.

    • @Traitorman..Proverbs26.11
      @Traitorman..Proverbs26.11 5 месяцев назад

      And then they present the stories told about Till Eulenspiegel, and realize that someone might not have copyright to their own stories.

  • @jordangallagher215
    @jordangallagher215 11 месяцев назад +3

    Fuck.... Matt just makes my fucking day everytime I listen to him. He is a fucking wolverine when it comes to illogical thinking. I would feel so stupid after this discussion. ILY too Jimmy! Jesus Christ what an absolute pleasure it is to be alive and listen to you guys.

  • @Ajhcr
    @Ajhcr 9 месяцев назад +2

    One of my favorite Aunts disclosed to me that she believes “they” found the crown of thorns. I didn’t know what to say, but my eyebrows went up, and someone changed the subject. I would never start a debate with her about it though because I really do love her. But wow. Just wow.

    • @Not_An_EV
      @Not_An_EV Месяц назад

      Now I need to know who the *_they_* is so bad!

  • @ericdentry9236
    @ericdentry9236 10 месяцев назад +3

    Ely answering questions is like trying to assemble a puzzle but blind and stoned

    • @landsgevaer
      @landsgevaer 6 месяцев назад +1

      And the puzzle is imaginary.

  • @oscarmudd6579
    @oscarmudd6579 7 месяцев назад +1

    "But this doesn't matter very much to our story; in its telling, there is absolutely no deviation from the truth." Don Quixote

  • @infidelcastro5129
    @infidelcastro5129 11 месяцев назад +6

    Theists don’t want to be this stupid but they’ve backed themselves into a corner where they’re left with no choice.

    • @ga6589
      @ga6589 11 месяцев назад +1

      “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Carl Sagan

  • @AXE668
    @AXE668 Месяц назад

    If you've ever wondered what 'Begging the Qestion' actually means, this is a classic example.

  • @Awakened_Mucacha
    @Awakened_Mucacha 11 месяцев назад +3

    Good to know that Middle Earth is super real and not fictional.

  • @hansleeuw2840
    @hansleeuw2840 7 месяцев назад +2

    I get the feeling that these people are pushed to do this by their pastor or some religious teacher or something. He already sounded defeated when the conversation started and he could barely keep from crying it seemed.

  • @sugartoothYT
    @sugartoothYT 11 месяцев назад +5

    Ely sounds like someone who really needs more guiding and educating atheists, his whole tone just bleeds confusion and feeling of being lost.

  • @johnsperry9494
    @johnsperry9494 6 месяцев назад +1

    "The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

  • @fdoe9184
    @fdoe9184 11 месяцев назад +4

    Since you mentioned him, my favorite Moses story was when he returned from the mount and declared......God has given me these 15 com........oops.....these 10 commandments.

    • @landsgevaer
      @landsgevaer 6 месяцев назад

      Ah, that is where "thou shalt not own people", "thou shalt not rape", "thou shalt not stalk", "thou shalt not deceive", and "thou shalt not call in to atheïst call-in shows" went.

  • @jtmusson
    @jtmusson 11 месяцев назад +2

    This was so painful for Ely

  • @johnmunro4952
    @johnmunro4952 11 месяцев назад +3

    " I say he IS THE MESSIAH! and I should know, I've followed a few!"

    • @brucebaker810
      @brucebaker810 5 месяцев назад

      Graham died and didn't come back.
      Therefore atheism.

  • @Marchant2
    @Marchant2 11 месяцев назад +2

    if Ely said, "Blah, blah, blah, blah". That would be more meaningful than what he actually says here.

  • @PearlOfTheQuarter23
    @PearlOfTheQuarter23 11 месяцев назад +3

    Is it really that difficult to break free of a cult

  • @loggrad9842
    @loggrad9842 4 месяца назад

    I would love to hear the inner narrative of some of these people before they call in, convincing themselves that their assertion of faith will convince everyone else while they hear everyone else's assertions of faith being shot down left and right.

  • @JJ-ju6ky
    @JJ-ju6ky 10 месяцев назад +2

    Felt bad for Jimmy Snow, but not because of the caller. I felt bad for him because Matt interrupted him several times and seemed domineering. Not cool, Matt

  • @judahangell8859
    @judahangell8859 6 месяцев назад +1

    I am the foremost best authorities on biblical evidence the time I reach the worm in the bottle as well😂😂 what a predicament. 😂😂

  • @AlbertaGeek
    @AlbertaGeek 11 месяцев назад +12

    The only self-evident truth here is that Ely is as thick as two short planks.

    • @brucebaker810
      @brucebaker810 5 месяцев назад

      What effect does a plank's height have on its' thickness?

  • @muneerakhair
    @muneerakhair 3 месяца назад

    Trust is necessary for any relationship to exist. Most often theists use trust as a weapon.

  • @4thInches
    @4thInches 11 месяцев назад +4

    bro has the intellectual depth of a half carton of spoiled milk

  • @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084
    @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084 11 месяцев назад +2

    I wish Jimmy & Matt had let him try and criticize Mormonism lol it would have been interesting
    One of my absolute favorite things to see/hear, is a theist especially a Christian who argues the truth of their religion yet admits they haven't read the bible. It always ends the same way lol

  • @doskoip81
    @doskoip81 3 месяца назад +1

    Theist just doesn't want to accept reality.

  • @Columbiastargazer
    @Columbiastargazer 11 месяцев назад +4

    that "loving" god sure hates a lot

  • @BelRigh
    @BelRigh 11 месяцев назад +1

    Funny Commercial Break 2:12 right after Jimmy says "So who do You think he was Ely?" **BOOM** right into a PlayStation Logo *click boom* and I couldn't not laugh

  • @halwasserman7905
    @halwasserman7905 11 месяцев назад +2

    It's hard to have confidence in this soft spoken person who speaks so slowly and carefully. I am often mistaken of course but somehow I tend not to trust people who talk that way. On the other hand loads of folks hear a voice like this and think how wise he is, what a deep thinker.

    • @gheller2261
      @gheller2261 9 месяцев назад +1

      It seems clear that this guy is both not very bright and is extremely timid.

  • @geraldammons5520
    @geraldammons5520 11 месяцев назад +4

    Please Ely. Just admit that you cannot defend your beliefs. Are you afraid you will lose your salvation?

  • @duncanidaho8234
    @duncanidaho8234 4 месяца назад

    “When my pastor pours this torrent of nonsense into the world everyone in the church just nods. Why isn’t it working now that I’ve encountered people whose critical thinking skills haven’t been atrophied by religion?”

  • @RHC2024
    @RHC2024 11 месяцев назад +4

    Someone crowdfund a brain for Ely...

  • @GeoStreber
    @GeoStreber 11 месяцев назад +1

    If you ever write "The book of Jimmy Snow" and start a religion based on it, count me in. Still less fake than Scientology.

    • @brucebaker810
      @brucebaker810 4 месяца назад

      That's Snow Religion.
      -- It is so.

  • @mufasta8322
    @mufasta8322 10 месяцев назад +1

    9:18 He doesn't understand the question. Anytime he is asked how he knows a claim is true, he just goes back to references the claims in question again. WE ARE VERY FAMILIAR WITH WHAT THE BOOK SAYS ELY!! *_THE QUESTION IS,_** HOW TF, DO YOU KNOW ITS TRUE?*

  • @20yrsfarming
    @20yrsfarming 6 дней назад +1

    Is Mickey Mouse real?
    Well, Minnie Mouse says he is and she’s married to him.

  • @christopherwilliams5808
    @christopherwilliams5808 10 месяцев назад +7

    Man... I'm so glad I grew up in a household that really wasn't religious at all. My mom is a Christian and my dad is an atheist. Church was never forced onto me. My dad explained a lot of the Bible and all its nonsense to me at an early age and made me think about it all critically. Then I made my own decision to believe or to not. Glad to say I've been an atheist as long as I can remember 😂

    • @ryanpalmer3295
      @ryanpalmer3295 10 месяцев назад +1

      Did your mom try to force Christianity or church on you? Did your folks argue about their differences in belief? I find it interesting an atheist and Christian could marry and not argue about religion.

    • @christopherwilliams5808
      @christopherwilliams5808 10 месяцев назад +1

      @ryanpalmer3295 No, my mom didn't force anything onto me.
      I only went to church once to please my grandma one time and just saw it all as a waste of time. My parents weren't married but were together for nearly 28 years. They didn't seem to have argued over beliefs differences as far as I remember.

    • @giannaleng1897
      @giannaleng1897 7 месяцев назад

      @@ryanpalmer3295 My parents were also similar. My dad is an atheist and my mom is a Roman Catholic. My mom put me and my brother in Catholic school and brought us to church all the time but it was her fundamental belief that me and my brother should choose whether to believe. She exposed us to Catholicism and let us determine if it spoke to us. My parents also didn’t shy away from exposing us to other religions and letting us determine if any spoke to us. I don’t think they ever fought, mostly because my mom never let her religion obscure the good in others. Her religion is for her. It’s for her well-being. Religion is her personal relationship with God. She doesn’t really believe in convincing others or dictating other lives. She’s a pretty sane and tame Catholic 😂

  • @BlessYourHeart254
    @BlessYourHeart254 11 месяцев назад

    When will people get it through their heads that the BuyBull isn’t evidence? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  • @galvatrontimewars
    @galvatrontimewars 11 месяцев назад +3

    I miss Tracy

  • @expiredcannedbeans
    @expiredcannedbeans Месяц назад

    As someone who has escaped the cult of Christianity I often watch these videos and find myself secretly rooting for the Christian to give these guys a good back-and-forth.
    This is pure entertainment and I often find myself laughing to the point of tears at how bad these callers get decimated 😅

  • @amandajones661
    @amandajones661 5 месяцев назад

    Ely walked right into this.

  • @patriceriksson7924
    @patriceriksson7924 11 месяцев назад +2

    I think that many of these religious people really believe that their god will empower them with divine authority if they only take that first step in faith and call you. And then the bewildernment when they realizes that they are all alone on their end. Equiped with nothing but bad arguments.

  • @XratedRC
    @XratedRC 7 месяцев назад +1

    Religion is the biggest con ever to inflict humankind

  • @VanillaGorilla541
    @VanillaGorilla541 11 месяцев назад +1

    The only thing that the Bible provides, is ones gullibility... 🙄🤷

  • @mikekohary1075
    @mikekohary1075 11 месяцев назад +1

    I love these videos, but I'd like to actually listen to this show. I've perused the description of the video and can't figure out what the show is even called, much less how to listen to it live. So, that's some feedback for the folks running this channel - please make it clear where this comes from and how I can listen to more. I'm an old listener of The Atheist Experience, and want to listen to Matt on his new show, but I can't find it anywhere except for these videos, partly because I don't even know what I'm looking for. Can anyone help me here? What is Matt's new show called, and how do I listen to it? Is it available in podcast format, or is it only here on RUclips? Thank you for any help!

    • @thomaswigfield7623
      @thomaswigfield7623 11 месяцев назад +1

      It’s called “The Line”. Unfortunately, I don’t know when it goes out live. You should be able to click on where it says “Call The Line” under the description for more information. Hope this helps.

  • @Richard-b5r9v
    @Richard-b5r9v 11 месяцев назад +1

    The Bible is basically just a Story Book and should be treated as such

  • @chriscosby2459
    @chriscosby2459 4 месяца назад +1

    This is why I was a crappy Christian. I could not believe all the idiotic stories in the Bible. I finally had enough and told my wife I would go with her to church, but I could no longer be a believer.

  • @adeofbass
    @adeofbass 11 месяцев назад +2

    He was broken at the end. That in itself should make him question why his god would leave him so utterly unprepared.

  • @rickl1458
    @rickl1458 5 месяцев назад

    They want GOD to have a suggestion box 📦. Or maybe Human Relations for complaints.

    • @doctorgorgomel
      @doctorgorgomel 5 месяцев назад

      Considering how Christianity is full of how god wants us to have a relationship with it, i think it'd be a clever thing to have. :)

  • @jeff61177
    @jeff61177 11 месяцев назад +2

    Man…I miss Tracie Harris.

  • @JohnMRockwell
    @JohnMRockwell 11 месяцев назад

    They never have a clue what they are talking about. The believers never have a good reason to believe.

  • @alphaghost9672
    @alphaghost9672 11 месяцев назад +1

    When you are a child, you believe Santa is real, and when you grow up, you believe Jesus is real

    • @sjmckee1609
      @sjmckee1609 11 месяцев назад

      Actually, I was taught Jesus was real, and then Santa. I still stand up for Santa... He was a much nicer myth...

  • @diogeneslamp8004
    @diogeneslamp8004 11 месяцев назад +2

    That was a comprehensive beatdown. Oof.

  • @raymeedc
    @raymeedc 8 месяцев назад

    ~ I could go out for a stroll in my NYC neighborhood today and likely come across a soul or 3 declaring to be a Jesus….. why would that be any different in times gone by? This guy was apparently an Oscar contender 👏

  • @EricusXIV
    @EricusXIV 8 месяцев назад

    As a history teacher, I find myself perplexed: Why couldn't "the Bible," comprising diverse texts from various authors, (at least to some extent) validate one account of event x with another within "the Bible," provided we ascertain their independence?
    Note: I acknowledge that many of the texts are evidently interdependent.

    • @EricusXIV
      @EricusXIV 8 месяцев назад

      (John composed his account independently of the synoptic gospels for instance)

  • @dinky9216
    @dinky9216 11 месяцев назад

    Alas, Ely has evidently been introctrinated and gaslighted.

  • @ChristopherGranning-tj3pf
    @ChristopherGranning-tj3pf 11 месяцев назад

    One cannot use one's premise as evidence of one's premise.....

  • @carolineurban4920
    @carolineurban4920 3 месяца назад better to control the masses in ancient times, many of whom were enslaved and/or living a subsistence existence, than to tell them their reward lies in an afterlife....

  • @flowdreas5351
    @flowdreas5351 11 месяцев назад +1

    Love the Tracie Harris name drop!
    Hope to see her on The Line one day.

  • @Trollsagan69420
    @Trollsagan69420 7 месяцев назад

    What’s especially funny is that the sulfur he’s talking about are nodules.
    You can actually see how they push the surrounding sediment upward, because the sulfur is native to the stratigraphy of that area.
    If it was invasive, there would be a trail leading directly to where these nodules are now.
    They are native, not invasive.
    What this tells me, is that the Bible’s authors were familiar with the area, didnt understand geology, so they made up a fable to explain it as usual. Lol
    There’s a location in Ohio known as shale hollow I’ve visited many times.
    It has large concretions, and I noticed the sediment around it was bent, just like what we find in the Dead Sea area.

  • @user-yt9ro7md2h
    @user-yt9ro7md2h 6 месяцев назад

    When the person you’re trying to convince that the Bible is true,has read more of it than you have. Lort

  • @westingtyler1
    @westingtyler1 10 месяцев назад

    19:40 i'm not sure what jimmy's goal is here, but does he really think that shaming and demeaning people for being wrong or making mistakes, will persuade christians watching? or is his goal not to persuade but just to insult? i say this as an agnostic atheist.

  • @danielessex2162
    @danielessex2162 11 месяцев назад +1

    Testifiying to each other..... I dunno one of them seemed to call out the other three for bullshit.....

  • @Omerta-33-EE
    @Omerta-33-EE 10 месяцев назад

    How in the hell did Peter write anything? He was illiterate as was several of the other disciples?
    I thought this was unanimous with the scholars?

  • @radleycarter8521
    @radleycarter8521 4 месяца назад

    Is it just me, or when he said at the end ".....I just wanted to say... that Jesus was real, and he loves you", did it sound like he was crying?

    • @Imperial-Socialist
      @Imperial-Socialist 2 месяца назад

      Sometimes they do and I almost feel bad sometimes

  • @ghostpacas7600
    @ghostpacas7600 11 месяцев назад +1

    I genuinely despise how Matt is on not allowing the cohost to speak. You can see in his face how he can’t wait to go on rants non stop. It’s a shame he’s the person who I started watching which ultimately made me an atheist

  • @obbie1osias467
    @obbie1osias467 6 месяцев назад

    The Holy Roman Empire just made that all up! When Judea was under their rule it's possible there was a radical Jew who questioned what they were doing to his people. He was martyred by crusifixion and his followers somehow came up with a fantastic story and expanded him into a resurrected son of god that they found to be a lucrative mean to start an enterprise that we now call the Roman Catholic Church.

  • @1110venom
    @1110venom 10 месяцев назад

    I adore and appreciate you both. Have for a long time. It’s a hot topic, but I want to ask your opinion of the 2nd amendment, and why it’s so vehemently defended the seemingly morbidity consensus (I hate guns, and find the 2nd amendment mute).

    • @1110venom
      @1110venom 10 месяцев назад

      I absolutely would love to call in, albeit acknowledging the fear that it may be too far off-topic

  • @markeastlack4180
    @markeastlack4180 23 дня назад

    Theists are always convinced everyone else is lying just bc they themselves don't wanna do the work

  • @ericdentry9236
    @ericdentry9236 7 месяцев назад +1

    Gullible isn't a strong enough word