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  • @jordanmcpherson3794
    @jordanmcpherson3794 5 месяцев назад +1

    I have Tourette’s Syndrome. Growing up, motor and vocal tics. Humiliating, and muscle aches every day. Not to mention the psychological terrorism, of which I won’t go into detail here. But it was so hard at certain points in my life, but God gave me a drive to work past it. The short of it is that God has soothed my symptoms to a point where I’m able to function as a living testimony of His Grace and mercy. I even went into sales, started a company, and do street preaching now. Before that I was very worried about what people would say about me. Glory to God.

  • @HeribertoBaez-d9s
    @HeribertoBaez-d9s 6 месяцев назад +9

    When Jesus was on earth Preached,healed and got Crucified !!
    We’re lucky we’re all alive !! Thank you Jesus!!

    • @rK-em4yy
      @rK-em4yy 6 месяцев назад

      We are blessed by our God in and through The Lord, our saviour Jesus Christ, His love, mercy, grace&kindness to us is unfathomable, incomparable& inexplicable.... To Him be all the praise&glory forever.. ❤

  • @jdaze1
    @jdaze1 6 месяцев назад +4

    The Father said if we repent and choose to return to him (prodigal son parable) follow after him (spirit of truth), that he would heal our minds, heal our blinded eyes, heal our deaf ears, heal our spiritual lameness. The gospel story was spiritual allegory. And if we crucify our old man (flesh) he will raise our new man within us to eternal life. If it's his will to heal our physical body then he may do so if we ask.

  • @I-Am-He
    @I-Am-He 6 месяцев назад +10

    I fully expect to die hard; I’m not expecting God to look upon me with extra favour… Jesus has already given me life - and I’m not even worthy of that.

    • @pristinepersians
      @pristinepersians 6 месяцев назад +1

      I have a feeling with that type of reverence and humility, you will have so much peace when it draws near, you will not even feel it. Remember the three in the furnace? He kept them in there, but he was WITH them, and they came out without even the smell of smoke. People who command God to perform like a circus elephant are the ones in for a rude awakening.

    • @jordanmcpherson3794
      @jordanmcpherson3794 5 месяцев назад


  • @ebennachministry.jesusheal6171
    @ebennachministry.jesusheal6171 6 месяцев назад +6

    It is the will God for everyone to be save and heal but not everyone is willing to accept these offer.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 6 месяцев назад +4

      Seriously? Many people believe what you are saying and they are not healed. How do you explain that? Your view is very evil and people who are not healed start to question whether they are forgiven. You need to repent.

    • @DavidPaul1986
      @DavidPaul1986 6 месяцев назад

      @@iThinkBiblically Because they live in sin and idolatry.
      1 John 5:18 We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.
      Sickness is of the devil, the wicked one
      1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols.
      Paul explained what is the reason that believers are sick:
      1 Co 11:29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
      1 Co 11:30 FOR THIS CAUSE many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
      1 Co 11:31 For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.
      John 5:14 Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin NO MORE, lest a worse thing come unto thee.
      Another reason - people add to the word of God, their interpretations and doctrines:
      Revelation 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.
      That's why James warned:
      James 3:1 Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
      It is also important to notice what was the context of those words, it comes after the second chapter - false teaching of faith alone

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 6 месяцев назад

      WoF adherents like to say we can _know for sure_ it's God's will to heal us, and they reason it out by emphasizing that Jesus never refused healing to anyone who came to Him for healing. Then they point to the centurion and the bleeding woman, both of whom had remarkably 'great faith' to be healed. So they say, if you go to Jesus in prayer, believing (firmly enough) that He will heal you, _Jesus _*_must_*_ heal you._ That is how the WoF people put God on puppet-strings and make Him your servant, requiring Him to do your bidding, and if you don't get healed _it is your fault_ because you must have doubt or sin or something in your life. 😝
      Most of their theology in this regard sprang out of _the experience_ of Kenneth E. "Dad" Hagin when he was healed as a teenager. What worked for him must work for everyone, or so they think.
      I was in a prominent, large WoF congregation for 15 years. I know their teachings, and I know that they go beyond a sound interpretation of Scripture on this issue.
      Let me add that I do believe God still heals people today. Some years ago I laid hands on and prayed for a highway construction worker who had just been struck by a vehicle, cratering the windshield with his head. Within 20-30 seconds that worker went from lying on the ground groaning loudly and unresponsive, to jumping up and saying he was all right. The hospital later confirmed this: they gave him some Tylenol for his sore leg and sent him home. All glory to God! He works as He wills.

    • @rK-em4yy
      @rK-em4yy 6 месяцев назад

      Please be careful how you use God's name. Remember The Lord, Jesus Christ we would all account for every idle word spoken..
      1.Using God's name to claim things He has not spoken, is using His name in vain.
      2.Telling people God says He will do, xyz.. Is misrepresenting God as a liar when He doesn't do this, creating false expectations can sometimes lead them to resenting God or not trusting His love, mercy&compassion.
      Best thing is to advice people to ask God whatever the need, just as our Lord Jesus Christ instructed us to do.. .. Or even, asking The Lord, Jesus Christ to help you pray as you should...
      I've sometimes wrongly divivided the Word, but I learn and repent..
      So please examine yourself and your beliefs about God in the light of God's Word (I do that to)
      God is God, and is soooo Holy.. His ways are Far far far above all & everything in heaven, the heavens, on earth and every realm of existence...
      And the glorious wonder of it all, that He would even consider a lowly wretch like me.
      Even as we seek the knowledge of Him in His Word... It is a joy of endless wonder upon wonder❤

    • @cooldog60
      @cooldog60 6 месяцев назад

      @@iThinkBiblically Sounds like you need to repent.

  • @donaldwortham2409
    @donaldwortham2409 6 месяцев назад +1

    The balm of Gilead . By his stripes you are healed, the chastisement of our peace was laid upon him, Ezekiel 36 a new sprit, sprit soul and body

  • @shifttransformations6597
    @shifttransformations6597 6 месяцев назад +2

    Good video sir, he was pierced for our TRANSGRESSIONS.

  • @michaeldexter1098
    @michaeldexter1098 6 месяцев назад +1

    Excellent insight into what the Scriptures are really saying. Thank you, and God bless you in the mighty name of Jesus!

  • @tonyfisher4113
    @tonyfisher4113 6 месяцев назад

    God ordained all the days of our life, every beat of our heart comes from God. Healing or no healing God alone sustains our lives. It is God's mercy, grace, His providence always at work in our lives.

  • @pastorernestalbuquerque4770
    @pastorernestalbuquerque4770 23 дня назад

    Thanks Caleb, all that you have said is sound biblical theology absolutely in line with the scriptures. God bless.

  • @benjaminofperrin
    @benjaminofperrin 6 месяцев назад +1

    Yes you are spot on. Far too many people abuse people with this doctrine.

  • @terryrambarran5917
    @terryrambarran5917 6 месяцев назад

    Our spiritual healing of reconciliation to God because of sin is far more important than our physical I believe because Christ told His followers it is better to enter heaven maimed than to enter hell whole. There is a new body in the new heaven and new earth promised to all who believe. I do believe that He Jesus will grant one like the one He has. So like Paul I wait for it, for me to live is Christ and to die is gain. Sickness and death are temporary to the believer in this life for eternity awaits with Him. If we are looking for healing alone now then that has taken the place of Him, we should be looking for Him for in His presence there is healing and fullness of joy. Thanks Caleb.

  • @ReyReina-mr2rb
    @ReyReina-mr2rb 6 месяцев назад +2

    I’m not sure if I agree completely but I needed to hear this. I’ve been so confused this week. My son and I are both really sick and I’ve prayed and I just haven’t been able to understand why I’m sick. I’m a man of God I put him first but I’m sick not to mention my son who is “innocent” I believe the word of faiths doctrine takes things where they were never meant to be and that can be dangerous.

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 6 месяцев назад +1

      Trust God that He hears your prayers and He will do what is best _for all concerned_ in the proper time. The thing is, since we cannot see all possible permutations of what might happen as a result of this or that, we need to have simple trust that God knows best _even when _*_it looks to us,_*_ seeing "as through a glass, darkly," as if He's not paying attention._ May His peace reign in your heart in this difficult hour, and remember that when you're in the bottom of a valley where it looks the darkest, your only choices are to linger right there in the valley or to go in the only remaining direction: UP.

    • @LeviHelles
      @LeviHelles 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@rexlion4510very well said 👍

    @EXPWUC 6 месяцев назад +4

    Thanks brother Caleb, if physical healing was guaranteed in the new covenant, then no TRUE BELIEVER would die.

    • @thecatalysm5658
      @thecatalysm5658 6 месяцев назад +3

      It should be painfully obvious shouldn't it? A simple study that shows that people in these churches aren't on average, living any longer than the average Christian, would reveal all we need to know. Even if they could show a marginal advantage to longevity, it wouldn't prove much would it?
      I'm so tired of the damage done by faith healers.

    • @EXPWUC
      @EXPWUC 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@thecatalysm5658 Thank you, it's painful, but much as it is, scripture is clear, these "fake faith healers" are in of themselves part of God's judgment towards the wicked seeking for signs and wonders rather than fully relying on the infallible Word of God.

  • @Dave77220
    @Dave77220 6 месяцев назад +2

    Here's another example of where healing means spiritual healing :
    Isaiah 6:9 And he said, “Go, and say to this people:“‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’ 10 Make the heart of this people dull,and their ears heavy,and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes,and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.
    This is paraphrased by Mark where he uses the word forgiven in place of healed.
    Marc 4:12 they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand, lest they should turn and be forgiven

    • @jacques9445
      @jacques9445 6 месяцев назад

      Just asking... How can your spirit be sick if your spirit is reborn through the Holy Spirit? There is no sickness in the spirit. This is a great topic for discussion. Blessings

  • @erichpengel1528
    @erichpengel1528 6 месяцев назад

    Amen brother Amen greetings from Suriname 🇸🇷

  • @cooldog60
    @cooldog60 5 месяцев назад

    There are all kinds of signals in the atmosphere. But if we don't know how to receive them it does us no good.

  • @Chriscatt
    @Chriscatt 5 месяцев назад

    Hi, thank you for a balanced teaching on healing. I'm in a church that teaches healing in the atonement. I have seen God heal and know that sometimes in his grace he does, but not always. My wife was healed of cancer, had a baby, then died of cancer. What is that about, did we not have enough faith the second time around, because if healing is on the atonement, that's what it comes down to.

  • @herbertleonardsmythe7901
    @herbertleonardsmythe7901 6 месяцев назад

    Great teaching praise the living Lord, the living Lord bless you with wisdom brother, Amen 🙏🙏 I'm from India.

  • @jamesboone3678
    @jamesboone3678 6 месяцев назад +16

    I got to share my personal testimony of healing. Does God heal? Yes. Did he heal me? No. Let me explain why i believe He did not heal me. If you don't know I have a ear disease called mineres disease. I was bed ridden for a year and a half because of this disease, i lost my stable income, almost became homeless. I became deaf soon after even though I was hard of hearing. I now have a cochlear implant. God definitely uses me. I volunteer for the company that makes my cochlear implants. I now help people with cochlear implant questions. Not only that, I'm a deaf violin teacher, and a professional violinist. So God definitely uses the gifts he gave me to show his glory. Do i wish to be healed? Of course! This all happened when I gave my life to Christ.

  • @donaldwortham2409
    @donaldwortham2409 6 месяцев назад

    Yes, but if not here in heaven no more tears. If not hear there

  • @Dave77220
    @Dave77220 6 месяцев назад +2

    Another point I would make is this.
    When I believed and placed my faith in Jesus for my salvation though the atonement at the cross, I was immediately forgiven and saved at that very moment. I didn't need to work to obtain my salvation - it's a free gift..
    So why do people insist on doing works to obtain healing through the atonement ? By works I mean that to obtain this healing through the atonement, we see people fasting, praying, pleading the blood of Jesus, for days, months and even years without seeing the fulfilment of this "promise".
    If healing truly is included in the atonement, then just as with our justification, it should be instantaneous with the only requirement being faith. And this is the really evil part of this doctrine: people may understand that if healing is included in the atonement, and they are not healed, then the implication is that they are not justified either. Furthermore, if the promise is true, then the reason can only be that when they believed and prayed for healing, they did not have enough faith at that time, so they have to continually get on the hamster wheel of repeated prayer sessions trying to build up their faith for a healing which is not promised.
    Then we have the problem of unbelievers who are in better health that believers. How is that possible? Of course, what really separates the two groups is that believers are justified whereas unbelievers face the judgment and the wrath of God. But of course that is invisible.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 6 месяцев назад

      Good points!

    • @robertcain3426
      @robertcain3426 6 месяцев назад

      Dave. Though, I mostly agree with your comment, the comparative term to use should be sanctification, rather than justification. Sanctification could be considered a process of growth.

  • @A_Stereotypical_Heretic
    @A_Stereotypical_Heretic 6 месяцев назад +2

    Regarding Timothy, there is some evidence there was issues with the Roman aquaducts in asia minor at the time, often leading poisoned or stagnant water to the villages. Thats probably why Timothy was getting ill from drinking from the local water supply. And taking wine and beer would be a good remedy because boiling wasnt understood to do anything beneficial to water borne illnesses in those days.

  • @frankgreen3083
    @frankgreen3083 6 месяцев назад


  • @debiwallace2131
    @debiwallace2131 6 месяцев назад +1

    Excellent teaching!

  • @TheRealRenn
    @TheRealRenn 6 месяцев назад +2

    It seems nowadays the simplicity of The Gospel message is not enough for many Christians....they need feelings, experience, revelation when the FACT of the matter is Christ dying for our sins and redeeming us is in and of itself more than ANY of us deserve. We should take our lumps...our bodies of sin MUST die and that dying process take many forms, but thanks be to Jesus Christ He has made a way for our eternal salvation.

    • @metapolitikgedanken612
      @metapolitikgedanken612 6 месяцев назад

      " the simplicity of The Gospel message "
      Exactly which one? The real one or one of the watered down versions.
      And yes, with the real one comes: revelation and experience. But that's different from fairground showmanship and snake-oil salesmenship.

    • @TheRealRenn
      @TheRealRenn 6 месяцев назад

      @@metapolitikgedanken612 are you asking me a question, or just needing to post something making the assumption that I meant something needing to be you?

    • @metapolitikgedanken612
      @metapolitikgedanken612 6 месяцев назад

      @@TheRealRenn Well, given that there is zillions of folks that come up with a gospel that actually isn't. claiming it's simple and efficient, while it discernible doesn't. I think it's good, if you could clarify what you mean. Because IMHO experience. Most of the time somebody says "He believes in Jesus Christ"...He actually doesn't, but has an idol of the mind. Reasonable to ask, if somebody says he does.

    • @thecatalysm5658
      @thecatalysm5658 6 месяцев назад +2

      The more complicated religious leaders can make the faith, the more indispensable those leaders become, the more helpless the church laity.
      This is not a good recipe for Christianity and leads to abuse and bad doctrine everywhere.
      We can bemoan Christianity's weaknesses forever and accomplish nothing or we can assert what good doctrine is and change the trajectory of the faith.
      I choose the latter.

    • @metapolitikgedanken612
      @metapolitikgedanken612 6 месяцев назад

      @@thecatalysm5658 Got to admit that Christian teaching can look rather complicated when seen from the outside. After all isn't that what scripture tells us as well. But once one understands the basics things become rather self-evident over time. And yes one needs the help of the Spirit of Truth in this. The Flesh will however try to resist true knowledge and wisdom it desires to resist. Hence the passions of the Flesh must be crucified as well. One reason Christ allowed himself to be crucified so we can have the 'Spirit of Truth'.

  • @endoftheagereality
    @endoftheagereality 6 месяцев назад

    WOW !!! Quite the opinion on faith. As I was watching and listened to your presentation on the concept of faith, I was waiting for your comment on how your view correlates to the "spirit-realm" principle known as "the Law of Faith." I'm pretty sure you have knowledge of this precept as it is the standard by which all manifestations of "The Holy Spirit" become reality in the "natural-realm." If for some reason you are unaware of this principle I suggest researching it as it truly opens up the "origin and source of Divine" healing. Best to you and enjoy your video's.

  • @michaelnewzealand1888
    @michaelnewzealand1888 6 месяцев назад +7

    And carefully explained by his stripes you have been healed as quoted in first Peter 2 24 talking about Jesus bearing our sins and his body on the cross so the relationship between healing and sin is confirmed there. It is the only verse on the New Testament that quotes Isaiah 53 Verse 5 by his stripes we are healed. Also in Isaiah 6:10 it also talks about being healed when it says they will understand what their hearts and turn and be healed

  • @ZachariahMorningstar
    @ZachariahMorningstar 6 месяцев назад +1

    Our Lord and Savior said many times by your faith you are healed. In the places that did not have faith Jesus did not Perform miracles. I have seen firsthand my father was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and it had spread to his lymph nodes and his bladder. The cancer went away. As to whether or not everyone will be healed of everything of that I am not sure because while my father was healed from cancer he still has back issues, I have no doubt God can heal my father's back, but whether or not that is our cup to bear that is only for God to say.

  • @keepitzero808
    @keepitzero808 6 месяцев назад

    Well put sir.

  • @k3of5ks
    @k3of5ks 6 месяцев назад +7

    Thank you brother. Good words.

  • @felixbruno7937
    @felixbruno7937 6 месяцев назад +2

    His will is to heal all. But not all will be healed. Remember, the thorn in Paul’s flesh…..

    • @felixbruno7937
      @felixbruno7937 6 месяцев назад

      @gerhard1618 Go read it again. God didn’t remove it. Why? Because His Grace is sufficient. That’s the point.

    • @felixbruno7937
      @felixbruno7937 6 месяцев назад

      @gerhard1618 Never did I state it was a sickness. I simply said it was a thorn in his flesh.

    • @felixbruno7937
      @felixbruno7937 6 месяцев назад +1

      There is no sickness God cannot heal. But there is no sickness God will heal without faith.

    • @christianhaynes1954
      @christianhaynes1954 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@felixbruno7937correct ! The responsibility for our healing is on our ability to receive it by faith , not doubting it . The work of restoring us was done 2,000 yrs ago .

    • @felixbruno7937
      @felixbruno7937 6 месяцев назад

      @@christianhaynes1954 THAT IS AN AMEN. HALLELUJAH!!! Blessings brother

  • @ThHolyTrinity
    @ThHolyTrinity 6 месяцев назад +1

    When pple base the healing primarily on faith and claiming it's God's will to heal, the problem is the individual when he is not healed. And this view that the faith one has for healing is different from that which brings about salvation is just confusing.

  • @alenasvarkulys2810
    @alenasvarkulys2810 6 месяцев назад +2

    It is funny that none of Great Prophets of Old Testament aswell as Apostols of New Testament decreed and declared not things into existance like healings , miracles etc.but in our time so called apostols and prophets mostly doing just that with no success.

  • @JesusistheonetrueGod
    @JesusistheonetrueGod 6 месяцев назад +5

    Yeah, even a single read through the bible will show you that we will still get sick. The curse of sin isn't fully done away with until our Lord, King and God returns. May we all endire until the end.

    • @JesusistheonetrueGod
      @JesusistheonetrueGod 6 месяцев назад

      @gerhard1618 Yes it is God's will for sinners to go to hell, that is why He created hell.

    • @JesusistheonetrueGod
      @JesusistheonetrueGod 6 месяцев назад

      @gerhard1618 So God does things against His own will?

  • @michaeljames1021
    @michaeljames1021 6 месяцев назад

    What are your views on James 5:14-15 and Mark 16:16-18?

  • @ThemessengersRevelation
    @ThemessengersRevelation 6 месяцев назад +3

    Well, Paul was not healed. I need healing. Please pray for me because I have a large Henia, which is embarrassing

    • @segtha7389
      @segtha7389 6 месяцев назад

      talk to Him.. He has heed me of many sickness and diseases miraculously.. Some instantly , some had to wait patiently but even those He healed them very fast..My wife who was suffering a sudden chest pain and gasping for breath and she said it was from her heart .. It was in the middle of the night and I cried out to God that I am helpless and just laid my hand on her head and prayed a simple prayer ' Lord you have done it before ..Do it again one more time Lord and pleaded to Him ..She was healed immediately.. I just made her to lay on the bed and gave her water to drink and said you are alright .. and we went to sleep.. this happened more than 6 months ago and she is hale and healthy to this day.. My niece who was in the end stage of pregnancy and suddenly had typhoid and wrong drug was prescribed to her and her baby inside her womb became still and mother had high fever and she was dejected at home for the doctor gave her no hope saying that the infant won't survive and sent her off home.. But I went to her place immediately and spoke to her and made her sit on a chair.. Asked her if I could pray in the name if Jesus and her to believe on Him. She accepted immediately for she was in such state of fear and panic..I comforted her and asked for some oil and anointed her head with the oil as written in the book of James and prayed a simple prayer.. Brought some of the healing the Lord had done during His ministry and asked for healing upon my niece.. And I left their home.. The Lord healed her immediately..After two months in a marriage function she said in front of many people what the Lord had done to her.. She testified that as I prayed the fever left , the baby in her womb moved and she felt profound peace and she thanked me. I thanked God and asked her whether she is willing to come to church and honor the Lord. She accepted immediately and for first time she came to church with me and testified there to the pastor..
      He has led me and continues to lead me with miracles after miracles with signs and wonders.

    • @segtha7389
      @segtha7389 6 месяцев назад

      talk to Him.. He has heed me of many sickness and diseases miraculously.. Some instantly , some had to wait patiently but even those He healed them very fast..My wife who was suffering a sudden chest pain and gasping for breath and she said it was from her heart .. It was in the middle of the night and I cried out to God that I am helpless and just laid my hand on her head and prayed a simple prayer ' Lord you have done it before ..Do it again one more time Lord and pleaded to Him ..She was healed immediately.. I just made her to lay on the bed and gave her water to drink and said you are alright .. and we went to sleep.. this happened more than 6 months ago and she is hale and healthy to this day.. My niece who was in the end stage of pregnancy and suddenly had typhoid and wrong drug was prescribed to her and her baby inside her womb became still and mother had high fever and she was dejected at home for the doctor gave her no hope saying that the infant won't survive and sent her off home.. But I went to her place immediately and spoke to her and made her sit on a chair.. Asked her if I could pray in the name if Jesus and her to believe on Him. She accepted immediately for she was in such state of fear and panic..I comforted her and asked for some oil and anointed her head with the oil as written in the book of James and prayed a simple prayer.. Brought some of the healing the Lord had done during His ministry and asked for healing upon my niece.. And I left their home.. The Lord healed her immediately..After two months in a marriage function she said in front of many people what the Lord had done to her.. She testified that as I prayed the fever left , the baby in her womb moved and she felt profound peace and she thanked me. I thanked God and asked her whether she is willing to come to church and honor the Lord. She accepted immediately and for first time she came to church with me and testified there to the pastor..
      He has led me and continues to lead me with miracles after miracles with signs and wonders.

    • @andytyrrell5153
      @andytyrrell5153 6 месяцев назад +1

      Thorn in the flesh was the persecution of the Jews because he preached Gospel to the Gentiles.

    • @glorytothealmightycreator
      @glorytothealmightycreator 3 месяца назад

      ​@@andytyrrell5153, yes. True.

  • @christianhaynes1954
    @christianhaynes1954 6 месяцев назад +1

    By his stripes we are healed . Enjoy your videos brother . I've seen too many healings to think that God doesn't want us healed
    ...not being argumentative just sharing my experiences and what I see in the word . God bless

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 6 месяцев назад +2

      Thanks for your comment :) I’ve seen too many faith healers walk past disabled people.

    • @christianhaynes1954
      @christianhaynes1954 6 месяцев назад

      I would agree that there are a lot of frauds in the church . One of the reasons I like your channel so much is you have a great presentation and measured biblical response to these wolves in sheep's clothing . Thankyou for your ministry 👍

    • @christianhaynes1954
      @christianhaynes1954 6 месяцев назад

      @@iThinkBiblically new subscriber here 👍💪

    • @jacques9445
      @jacques9445 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@iThinkBiblically I totally agree with you. Jesus would have healed them all. Today it is about the show and making money in most churches. Just think of the damage they do to the Kingdom. It is sad. Blessings

    • @Titus2BibleStudy
      @Titus2BibleStudy 6 месяцев назад

      @@jacques9445 what do you mean “Jesus would have healed them all”? What Scripture do you have to support that everywhere He went everyone was healed?
      Jesus was compassionate, yes, but His miracles was to prove that He was the one true Messiah and that the Kingdom of God had come. Jesus’ miracles had a definite purpose. To prove that He is the Christ, the Son of God.
      Jesus healed bodies to prove that He could heal souls.

  • @cooldog60
    @cooldog60 6 месяцев назад +1

    The Bible says by his stripes you were healed. Why do people keep asking God to do things he already did. Big difference between old and new testaments.

  • @jonathanhall7815
    @jonathanhall7815 6 месяцев назад

    I agree that healing is not guaranteed, but I do pray for healing for people if necessary. I have had partial success in my own life when praying for healing; doctors do have a purpose and are there to help us. At the same time, I don't believe that God is the author of sickness. Much sickness is caused by bad lifestyle choices and stress and that is not God's will for our lives. I think one possible cause of sickness is the curse of the Law that Paul alluded to in Gal 3:10. This may be caused by partially practicing the Law e.g. tithing.

  • @jacques9445
    @jacques9445 6 месяцев назад

    Matt 10:8 Heal the sick raise the dead ... Why would Jesus give us this instruction if He is not going to honor His own words. I say this in love but the issue is not with God not wanting to heal all people. We as children of God is missing something some where and we must ask the Holy Spirit to teach and show us how to heal the sick as Jesus told to do. I love you channel and let us all pray for revelation on this subject. God IS healing and He is in us so we should be able to heal through His Power an Authority. To all who read this and is sick... BE HEALED IN THE NAME OF JESUS. Blessings

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, I never said God doesn’t heal. I just don’t think he has promised to heal everyone.

    • @jacques9445
      @jacques9445 6 месяцев назад

      Jesus gave the instruction but then decides to heal only certain people. That does not make sense. How would we know who to pray for then. Do serve a God who would tell yo to do something and then decides not to do His part? Jesus healed every sick person and because He did so we should do the same. It is Christ IN us. We are the body of Christ on earth. The Kingdom is IN us and that is why we should be doing the what Jesus did .... and greater things. We ask God to do the healing but the instruction is that we go and heal. We have ALL of God in us because He is in. His Power His Anointing and His Life.
      Please I don't argue with you. Just ponder on this and keep an open mind. Thanks for a great channel. In the end we are His children and He loves us even if we disagree a little. Blessigs

    • @bc-1979
      @bc-1979 6 месяцев назад

      @@jacques9445 There's quite a few faithful people I know who passed away without healing. God has his reasons why He chose not to heal because He knows the best for each of us.

    • @jacques9445
      @jacques9445 6 месяцев назад

      @@bc-1979 Hi. Where in the Bible does it say that God knows that it would be better for someone to be sick than to be healed? That is what we were taught through religion .

    • @jacques9445
      @jacques9445 6 месяцев назад

      @gerhard1618 Hi. John 10:30.... I and the Father are one... God IS healing... He IS love He IS life. When you are reborn and filled with His Spirit yo become what He is because you are one with Him. I don't believe in faith healing. however I believe GOD I believe in Devine healing. BLESSINGS

  • @suganemmenaul
    @suganemmenaul 6 месяцев назад

    Nice one brother. Love this. 🫶🏼

  • @lz4217
    @lz4217 6 месяцев назад

    i believe that healing is for unbelie3vers mostly because of the testimony of Jesus. It is said Peter also healed everyone. However like you pointed out healing for believers is not promised. Possiblly because Jesus wants to create a heart in us of a master who keeps his house not to fall under thief in the night.

    • @lz4217
      @lz4217 6 месяцев назад

      @gerhard1618 have you watched the video? He literally said what he thinks about the promises in Psalms. Its the part of the Old covenant. So tell me why you think believers in the New testament werent healed. Did Paul lack faith?

  • @SeanR.L
    @SeanR.L 6 месяцев назад

    I have a friend who visited a church in London called Shofar Christian Church. The main church is in South Africa. Just wondering if anyone knows about them and if they're legit. I know they're Charismatic but they seem to have some good and bad theology mixed together. I think they believe healing is in the atonement. Any help or info about them would be appreciated.

  • @robertpavay3606
    @robertpavay3606 6 месяцев назад

    Physical healing was in the atonement but this doesnt mean that fully manifest in our body in this age. But that doesnt mean that it is not Gods will. Our sins also was taken away on the cross but this doesnt mean there is no sin in us or in the world at all. Holiness does not fully manifest in us in this age. Jesus took all our sicknesses like all our sins.

  • @pristinepersians
    @pristinepersians 6 месяцев назад

    He promised the ultimate healing in heaven, not here. If healing was always guaranteed, no one would die. God cares more about our soul than a broken toe. He can heal us, but he can also choose to take us THROUGH the valley vs getting us out. When the sin unto death is expanded on for how God corrects the believer who is still sinning, it says he will bring weakness, then sickness, and eventually death to save our soul, but the wicked he allows to remain hard in their delusion.
    . So, if God uses sickness to correct his elect, face plant on every fraud saying they need a demon cast out. By his stripes we are healed, is talking about spiritual healing of the flesh. People are so self absorbed they twist scripture to make it about us, and not Jesus. He chooses whom he will deliver, not some fraud deliverance wacko telling the elect we can be possessed. Good grief.
    I am beyond disgusted with how the charismatic movement abuses the holy spirit by claiming what he told them to do. It is also very telling that when he says depart from me, I never knew you is referring to a certain sect of people, not the church as a whole. Only the NAR and Charismatics push those very things, not the reformed church.

  • @Charles73358
    @Charles73358 6 месяцев назад

    I agree with your teaching today, but there is no evidence that Christ will be coming back on this Earth to rule and reign in Jerusalem if that was the case then .
    Why was he crucified outside the city gates of Jerusalem?
    And I will tell you why because Jerusalem is in bondage with her children even today but Jerusalem which is above is free a place where there is no need for a Temple because the Tabernacle of God dwells with men not at the end of history but now .
    God bless 🙌 🙏

  • @jesusprofessor314
    @jesusprofessor314 6 месяцев назад +1

    Well, we will rise from the dead. I call that the ultimate healing. But in this mortal body? No, that's not what the Bible teaches.

  • @daisa777
    @daisa777 6 месяцев назад

    Hi Charris. It great discussing these thigs as true children of the Most High God. Please dont take my comments as argumentive or in the light that I think I know it all. I just say hoe I see it and keep an open mind for the Holy Spirit to convince me other wise. Thank you for your input as well. I believe that it is out of love and also not argumentive.
    Wherever I read in the Gospels Jesus healed the sick. In some one case He called the woman who was held captive by a spirit of infirmity to Him. That idicates to me that He wanted to heal the sick and set people free. I cannot find any scripture where Jesus declined healing to any person. Jesus said He came to set us free, and I believe that includes healing and anything that hols us in captivity.
    I dont think Jesus had to prove anything to anyone. He is God. I believe He did miracles to set people free and to teach us how to do it. He said that the works He does, we will also do...and greater things. It should not be difficult. We must just believe what He is telling us in the scriptures. Sometimes we grow up in an enviroment of religion and we believe anything what a Pator or Leader teach us, but we dont go back to the Word and study that topic to see if that is actually what was said. In Mark 7 Jesus talks about the traditions.
    I thank you again. I will ponder on what you said. Let me know what you think of my reply pls. God bless

  • @DavidRamirez-ww5kv
    @DavidRamirez-ww5kv 6 месяцев назад +2

    Another great teaching Caleb. Thank you for this teaching. Blessings in Christ.

  • @jothinaidoo6183
    @jothinaidoo6183 6 месяцев назад

    It's so sad that men sit behind their desks and bury their heads in the bible believing they know how God works. Even sadder they will never experience God using them to heal and bring deliverance to people who need Christ. It has nothing to do with God promising to heal every disease. In the heart of God there is Healing. Taking a few texts out of the Bible to show where people never get healed, there are more scriptures in the bible where people have been healed. God does the healing so when we pray and God does or doesn't heal...I still celebrate God. I will always encourage people to pray for the sick because God still heals. The video should be showing the power of Gods love instead of bashing other preachers and men of God. Let God judge them but let us be not only be the voice of God but also the hands and feet of God. It's so scary to see and hear how all the intellectuals think they are right. What a shame it is to put all this on the public platform bashing churches and men of God who are our own brothers in Christ.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 6 месяцев назад

      It's so sad that false teachers like you promise people healing if they only believe and then you never deliver. You make people feel like they have no faith and then they question their salvation because if all they need is faith and they are not healed then how can they be sure they have faith for salvation? You really should be ashamed of yourself.

    • @jothinaidoo6183
      @jothinaidoo6183 6 месяцев назад

      @iThinkBiblically I never teach God promises healing. Neither do what you say I do. I never think people do no not have faith if they don't get healed. I just teach that God loves people and healing is in his heart. I have prayed for people and they God healed them. But there is more people that never got healed when I prayed for them. But I never stop believing that God can heal, it's up to Him. My advice to you is stop playing God thinking you know how God works. The way you answered me tells me you have a Pharisees attitude. I never said any of those things. What a disgrace that you bad mouth your own Christian brothers to the world. You should be ashamed of your self. Get out from your studio and walk the streets as Jesus did. Go see the need and be like Jesus. He has given you the ministry of reconciliation not the ministry of criticism. You should repent my brother.

  • @rhondak4940
    @rhondak4940 6 месяцев назад

    T.Y. The "faith healers" confused me on this subject.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, the faith healers have misled a lot of people and have not demonstrated the ability to heal.

  • @myepicjourney8275
    @myepicjourney8275 6 месяцев назад

    Why did jesus say we would do greater works than these ! But nobody does any works like jesus. . We are supposed to use our own faith and believe it's going to happen to Receive.

    • @shadow96433
      @shadow96433 6 месяцев назад +2

      I believe jesus said that because jesus' Mission was to reach the lost sheep of Israel.But because we as gentiles have accepted jesus And became Christians.We, we don't have that Limitation.
      We can reach the entire world With the gospel.

  • @metapolitikgedanken612
    @metapolitikgedanken612 6 месяцев назад

    I do believe in healing. But I don't believe in the Automatism many charismatics seem to teach. And it's a bait and switch there. Obviously doing a great job at discrediting healing in general. Because if you look at the 'healing ministries' what you actually see is people that are affected by aging, disease and other issues as well, although they try to project a 'health and wealth' image onto others.
    The other extreme of Cessationism is however false as well. While some of them will grant that healing still occurs, they will limit 'spiritual gifts' towards those things that can easily be emulated with perfectly ordinary actions like administration, charity, teaching, etc. Sure those components are also required, but I don't think what's meant is what some think it is.

  • @mikem3789
    @mikem3789 6 месяцев назад

    Yes, it’s a shame the Apostle Paul was so lacking in faith, he had to bring Luke along as his personal physician. 🙏

  • @berane8909
    @berane8909 6 месяцев назад

    It's... complicated. Obviously the reason Jesus was able to heal the sick and forgive sins is because of the atonement. It wasn't because of his divinity. He truly earned the right to forgive sins.
    He didn't just purchase our healing, he purchased eternal life for us. Healing is one of the spiritual gifts but can only be activated by walking in the Spirit and through fervent prayer (emphasis on the fervent). God is the source of spiritual gifts and how can we receive these gifts except through prayer?

    • @NARwarsgalaxy
      @NARwarsgalaxy 6 месяцев назад +1

      Earned the right to forgive sins? He was able to heal the sick because of the atonement? He healed the sick before his death and resurrection. You are way off the mark here.

    • @NARwarsgalaxy
      @NARwarsgalaxy 6 месяцев назад

      @gerhard1618 the scriptures do not teach it's always God's will to heal. If you believe that, you are in fact the one twisting the scriptures.

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 6 месяцев назад

      @gerhard1618 WoF adherents like to say we can _know for sure_ it's God's will to heal us, and they reason it out by emphasizing that Jesus never refused healing to anyone who came to Him for healing. Then they point to the centurion and the bleeding woman, both of whom had remarkably 'great faith' to be healed. So they say, if you go to Jesus in prayer, believing (firmly enough) that He will heal you, _Jesus _*_must_*_ heal you._ That is how the WoF people put God on puppet-strings and make Him your servant, requiring Him to do your bidding, and if you don't get healed _it is your fault_ because you must have doubt or sin or something in your life. 😝
      Most of their theology in this regard sprang out of _the experience_ of Kenneth E. "Dad" Hagin when he was healed as a teenager. What worked for him must work for everyone, or so they think.
      I was in a prominent, large WoF congregation for 15 years. I know their teachings, and I know that they go beyond a sound interpretation of Scripture on this issue.
      Let me add that I do believe God still heals people today. Some years ago I laid hands on and prayed for a highway construction worker who had just been struck by a vehicle, cratering the windshield with his head. Within 20-30 seconds that worker went from lying on the ground groaning loudly and unresponsive, to jumping up and saying he was all right. The hospital later confirmed this: they gave him some Tylenol for his sore leg and sent him home. All glory to God! He works as He wills.

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 6 месяцев назад

      Wait, you're claiming that Jesus could only heal and forgive sins because of the atonement? Even though He had not yet made that atonement? Weird theology!

  • @AlizaDasha
    @AlizaDasha 6 месяцев назад

    Faith must be in Jesus and not in getting money and miracles and healings or in tongues.
    Faith is not trying to muster up enough brain power to achieve your fleshly desires and signs amd wonders, money or healings.
    Faith is believing in Jesus and obeying Jesus.

  • @stan.1955
    @stan.1955 6 месяцев назад


  • @AJTramberg
    @AJTramberg 6 месяцев назад

    What English language version of the Bible can we find Isaiah 53:4 matching Matthew 8:17 word for word?
    Almost all translations use the word "sickness" or "disease" in Matthew 8:17, but use the word "sorrows" in Isaiah 53:4. Any idea what this is about? It makes it appear as if Matthew is misquoting Isaiah.

    • @rylandmorrissey5511
      @rylandmorrissey5511 6 месяцев назад

      I wonder this too. Because people use Matthew 8:17 to show that Isaiah 53 is about our physical sicknesses which I find difficult to argue with when in context Jesus is fulfilling Isaiah by healing physical sicknesses?

  • @michaeljames1021
    @michaeljames1021 6 месяцев назад

    I normally agree with you on most things, but on this topic no.
    If a person asks God to heal them, would he say yes or no? What is your answer? Is it God's will to heal or not? What is your answer? Jesus did the will of the Father yes or no? What is your answer? Read Psalm 103.

  • @Outlaw-of2lt
    @Outlaw-of2lt 6 месяцев назад


  • @travisrassel9978
    @travisrassel9978 6 месяцев назад +2

    Sadly, no. God does not heal everyone.

  • @Stofpad73
    @Stofpad73 6 месяцев назад +1

    Ah...there is truth out there. Thank you.

  • @ApenasUmSenhor
    @ApenasUmSenhor 6 месяцев назад

    Why ever quote old testament on this subject? That is one thing I don't get at all. There is so much directly said in the New Testament.
    And those "faith teachers" who talk about faith and confession arent worth mentioning or refuting either. They are just ridiculous.
    However, when discussing from the New Testament point of view, you need to consider all statements that pertain to the discussion and not only those rather anecdotal reports regarding Epaphroditus, Timothy and Trophimus.
    Firstly, there's those verses that describe the power of faith (Mt. 17,20; Mt 21,21; Mt. 11,23; Hebr 11,1). Then, there's the verses that describe the gifts of the spirit (John 14,12; 1. Kor. 12,9). You need to explain how these work together with Phil 2,27 or 1.Tim 5,23 or 2.Tim 4,20 lest your analysis be severly flawed. My suggestion: they were of little faith. That is the easiest, because literally biblical explanation, and it doesn't do away with their other achievements (or their salvation) at all. Jesus even told his disciples into their faces that they were of little faith (Mt 6,30; Mt 8,26; Mt 16,8; Lk 12,28). Paul told Peter that he was in error on a fundamental subject (Gal 2,11), but that does not change the truth of the subject (jews and gentiles being equal before Christ).
    For completeness, Acts 10,38 is another one: "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.". Sounds to me like the bible equates being sick with being opressed by the devil. Now, resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4,7).

    • @alphawulff6354
      @alphawulff6354 6 месяцев назад

      Nah, that was a lot of rambling

    • @ApenasUmSenhor
      @ApenasUmSenhor 6 месяцев назад

      @@alphawulff6354 its a big book. A lot to think and talk about.

  • @eugeniopardilla3013
    @eugeniopardilla3013 6 месяцев назад

    Why the bible says God is Jehovah Rapha..can you plainly explained? And the gospel of Mark says..all thing are possible to those who believe...

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 6 месяцев назад

      All healing power originates in God. That doesn't mean we can tap God like a maple tree and get healing syrup whenever we work up enough faith to where we ought to be able to make it flow into us.
      WoF adherents like to say we can _know for sure_ it's God's will to heal us, and they reason it out by emphasizing that Jesus never refused healing to anyone who came to Him for healing. Then they point to the centurion and the bleeding woman, both of whom had remarkably 'great faith' to be healed. So they say, if you go to Jesus in prayer, believing (firmly enough) that He will heal you, _Jesus _*_must_*_ heal you._ That is how the WoF people put God on puppet-strings and make Him your servant, requiring Him to do your bidding, and if you don't get healed _it is your fault_ because you must have doubt or sin or something in your life. 😝
      Most of their theology in this regard sprang out of _the experience_ of Kenneth E. "Dad" Hagin when he was healed as a teenager. What worked for him must work for everyone, or so they think.
      I was in a prominent, large WoF congregation for 15 years. I know their teachings, and I know that they go beyond a sound interpretation of Scripture on this issue.
      Let me add that I do believe God still heals people today. Some years ago I laid hands on and prayed for a highway construction worker who had just been struck by a vehicle, cratering the windshield with his head. Within 20-30 seconds that worker went from lying on the ground groaning loudly and unresponsive, to jumping up and saying he was all right. The hospital later confirmed this: they gave him some Tylenol for his sore leg and sent him home. All glory to God! He works as He wills.

  • @cathrinemtombeni5030
    @cathrinemtombeni5030 6 месяцев назад

    It is very sad that when Christians put their hope in Christ and die off sickness.
    So according to you is even if we can pray for healing, it cannot happen, so it is like God answers some and some He doesnt? Dont you think such teaching can dent the relationship between people and God? Dont you think that what happens to other families dying from sickness they will believe that there is no God? All this sufferings that people are going through and die angrilly towards God. Why do we have to pray for healing if there is no promise of healing,
    Christians put their hope in God, Romans 10 vs 11 says those that trust in God they will never be put to shame or they will never be dissapointed. If i trust God for healing is that scripture irrelevant? I really believe that nothing is impossible to those that put their trust in God.
    Only God that has answers to our lives. If we can ask God what makes us sick He will give us answers, the problem is people believe a lie of the devil, ask ye shall receive, consider that as well, ask the Father anything in the name of Jesus and shall be given. When i ask for a healing is it not amongst anything? There is a secrete in healing and is between those that are sick and God. We must keep on praying God answers prayers, we cannot conclude that if people die from sickness that means that God didnt promise to heal everyone. Let us be careful on what we say about the word of God

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 6 месяцев назад +1

      Every person dies when their body becomes infirm in some way or other and ceases to function well enough to sustain mortal life. In other words, most everyone who doesn't have an accident dies of sickness eventually. Even those who are said to die of "old age" actually die from an organ that quits working; it may be a very sudden onset of sickness, but it is sickness nonetheless. If we had a guarantee from God of perpetual healing, the only way we could die is through a tragic accident, and people would live in these bodies for thousands of years.
      WoF adherents like to say we can _know for sure_ it's God's will to heal us, and they reason it out by emphasizing that Jesus never refused healing to anyone who came to Him for healing. Then they point to the centurion and the bleeding woman, both of whom had remarkably 'great faith' to be healed. So they say, if you go to Jesus in prayer, believing (firmly enough) that He will heal you, _Jesus _*_must_*_ heal you._ That is how the WoF people put God on puppet-strings and make Him your servant, requiring Him to do your bidding, and if you don't get healed _it is your fault_ because you must have doubt or sin or something in your life. 😝
      Most of their theology in this regard sprang out of _the experience_ of Kenneth E. "Dad" Hagin when he was healed as a teenager. What worked for him must work for everyone, or so they think.
      I was in a prominent, large WoF congregation for 15 years. I know their teachings, and I know that they go beyond a sound interpretation of Scripture on this issue.
      Let me add that I do believe God still heals people today. Some years ago I laid hands on and prayed for a highway construction worker who had just been struck by a vehicle, cratering the windshield with his head. Within 20-30 seconds that worker went from lying on the ground groaning loudly and unresponsive, to jumping up and saying he was all right. The hospital later confirmed this: they gave him some Tylenol for his sore leg and sent him home. All glory to God! He works as He wills.

    • @cathrinemtombeni5030
      @cathrinemtombeni5030 6 месяцев назад

      Have faith in God. That's the hope we can give to people, He is our hope, but to tell people that God didn't promise us healing, is just the same as keeping quiet because the one saying that, doesn't have faith in God.
      Everyone is sentenced to death, but we still have faith in God. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Accident is unpredictable, it happens unexpected., you actually reminded me about something, people who continues to commit sexual immorality if they do not repent, they are likely to contract diseases, who do we blame? God or them? But you can't accuse them but if they repent they can still die from that sickness and we can't say yes you knew that you will die, so you might die, you give that person hope, who knows, God can have mercy and that person receives healing.
      My argument is, let us not drive people away from God but bring them closer to God. He is the God of mercy.

  • @chesedsozo7840
    @chesedsozo7840 6 месяцев назад +1

    Healing is part of the atonement "package". Hallelu-Yah! "Be it unto you, according to your faith." (Who said that?!) Ignore and/or deny it to your detriment.

    • @A_Stereotypical_Heretic
      @A_Stereotypical_Heretic 6 месяцев назад

      What type of healing?

    • @chesedsozo7840
      @chesedsozo7840 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@A_Stereotypical_HereticConsider the work of Calvary, a perfect work, perfect in every respect, perfect in every aspect. Perfect-type healing of spirit, soul and body. Hallelu-Yah!

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 6 месяцев назад

      WoF adherents like to say we can _know for sure_ it's God's will to heal us, and they reason it out by emphasizing that Jesus never refused healing to anyone who came to Him for healing. Then they point to the centurion and the bleeding woman, both of whom had remarkably 'great faith' to be healed. So they say, if you go to Jesus in prayer, believing (firmly enough) that He will heal you, _Jesus _*_must_*_ heal you._ That is how the WoF people put God on puppet-strings and make Him your servant, requiring Him to do your bidding, and if you don't get healed _it is your fault_ because you must have doubt or sin or something in your life. 😝
      Most of their theology in this regard sprang out of _the experience_ of Kenneth E. "Dad" Hagin when he was healed as a teenager. What worked for him must work for everyone, or so they think.
      I was in a prominent, large WoF congregation for 15 years. I know their teachings, and I know that they go beyond a sound interpretation of Scripture on this issue.
      Let me add that I do believe God still heals people today. Some years ago I laid hands on and prayed for a highway construction worker who had just been struck by a vehicle, cratering the windshield with his head. Within 20-30 seconds that worker went from lying on the ground groaning loudly and unresponsive, to jumping up and saying he was all right. The hospital later confirmed this: they gave him some Tylenol for his sore leg and sent him home. All glory to God! He works as He wills.

  • @xerox137
    @xerox137 6 месяцев назад +2

    I think this video is ridiculous. No, Smith W. was not a false teacher. Sure, sometimes he was wrong and went too far. But he later changed(like punching people. He hated sickness.). Most of the great preachers had their faults. This, btw, in no way excuses them. I believe there's healing in the atonement. Both physical and spiritual. You say Old Testament had promises but negated those verses by exceptions. If the Old had healing promises, the the New would by default have better promises. James says if you anoint and pray over the sick, THEY WILL RECOVER by the Lord. It goes on taking about FAITH. I get that a lot of these people go too far. Don't forget God's will supercedes our will/prayer.

    • @jimmyharvey5400
      @jimmyharvey5400 6 месяцев назад +1

      Smith Wigglesworth was a false teacher and did more than go too far. He was a violent troubled unstable charlatan

  • @Jesus_is_otw
    @Jesus_is_otw 6 месяцев назад

    Andrew wommack would highly disagree with you. He hasn’t been sick his whole Christian life.

    • @iThinkBiblically
      @iThinkBiblically 6 месяцев назад +7

      Lol. You can’t believe these guys cause if they do get sick they have to confess they are healed and not sick. So they think lying is being godly.

    • @followerofyeshua9210
      @followerofyeshua9210 6 месяцев назад

      Andrew Wommack is a false teacher mark and avoid him. He is a manipulator. The bible doesn't promise no sickness or healing in this life.

    • @followerofyeshua9210
      @followerofyeshua9210 6 месяцев назад +2

      2 Corinthians 12:8-10

    • @PreacherPaul71
      @PreacherPaul71 6 месяцев назад

      Andrew Womack is not a teacher that should be followed. He is a false teacher

    • @followerofyeshua9210
      @followerofyeshua9210 6 месяцев назад +6

      Andrew is a manipulator mark and avoid him.