SKT T1 Faker Irelia vs Riven TOP Ranked Challenger Korea

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 140

  • @blindorize
    @blindorize 9 лет назад +35

    LOL @ 5:30

  • @EliteWea
    @EliteWea 2 года назад

    Idk why I got this vid recommended, but I wanted to remember how good this guy was back then. 11:18 Look at this wave manipulation in 2015 when this wasn't a thing that many ppl knew, now LS has made sure this is a well known thing but ofc existed before.
    That wave manipulation made him gain exp enough to comeback into the game plus his roams

  • @Szederp
    @Szederp 9 лет назад +16

    Yeah....then they say Irelia is OP. Riven has basically everything that Irelia does plus a fucking shield and NO MANA COSTS. Yeah...Irelia is so OP..buff Riven.

    • @TheGreatslyfer
      @TheGreatslyfer 9 лет назад +7

      Alonso de Hojeda LOL Irelia outscales Riven hard.
      Irelia has sustain, Riven doesn't.
      Irelia has built in cc reduction which means she's better in teamfight, Riven on the otherhand needs the other team to mess up position wise.
      Your point of NO MANA makes no sense because rarely do you ever see a mana based champion running out of mana like ever.
      Irelia has better ability to safely farm as she can just Q in and not receive much harass. Riven though has to actually go in, and when she has to escape, she doesn't have Irelia's stun to help her run away.
      Again Riven's ult can be baited, Irelia's ult isn't that important to her kit so her ability to all in someone can be retracted, where as Riven puts herself in danger when committing, while Irelia can just do her normal combo and use her ult while STILL going backwards.

    • @topanteon
      @topanteon 9 лет назад +8

      TheGreatslyfer Wait wait wait. Are you joking? Since when does Riven have no stun?! And since when does she not have an easy way to get in or out?! I mean come on. Riven's Q and E are both mobility spells. Which means they help her move around. Last hit > E and you're out.
      And yeah, you're right, Riven doesn't have Irelia's stun. She has a better one. Riven's stun is AoE and doesn't depend on the opponent having more health than you do.
      And how is Irelia's ult not important to her kit?! You need it for freaking Sheen/Trinity procs, come on.
      Are you bronze?

    • @TheGreatslyfer
      @TheGreatslyfer 9 лет назад +2

      Derfoklishe Lol I'm Diamond but ok.
      Irelia's stun lasts longer than Riven's after a few levels in it. So it's obvious that after a few levels she becomes safer when responding to a gank where she can Q back to a minion to gain distance and E the jungler. Plus if her stun doesn't work on the jungler, then that means there's also a kill potential on him. So wouldn't make sense for the jungler to gank in the first place since they Irelia can trade her life for pressure on the map. Even then when both jump in on her, two scenarios happen. One: One of them is higher in health than her, and she stuns them, reducing DPS and increasing her chance to live.
      Two: None of them are higher in health, so she turns on one of them and has a good chance (depending on minion setup) to go 1 for 1.
      And my point specifically for why Irelia is better than Riven is that she can unleash her W damage on an opponent, get a decent amount of damage done, and STILL have the option to use Q to do more damage OR Q to a minion to escape a gank.
      When Riven decides to go in and do damage, she is using her Q and E(although E if use conservatively can be used as an escape after the trade), which means she can't cover the distance when escaping a gank like Irelia.
      So Irelia can do damage and still have the option to escape with a good chance to live (of course depends on situation), while Riven does not have the option to escape when going in to damage.
      Riven has to choose to either go in and get damage or not go in at all.
      LOL if you actually think that her ult is that important for activating sheen procs then you've obviously not played her a lot, you can activate your 2nd proc by Q'ing in to the enemy (this is of course assuming you've reset Q by jumping to a minion to get to your opponent) and by that time a 3rd proc won't be needed since it makes no fucking sense since you're going in on an opponent who's around 60% and below health.

    • @topanteon
      @topanteon 9 лет назад +1

      TheGreatslyfer You say you are diamond and maybe you are. But you are arguing on Irelia whom you don't really know well enough and game mechanics which you seem to know even less.
      First off: I'd like to point out the flaw in your rationale with all the Q to escape a gank: you can only Q to enemy minions. If you have to Q enemy minions to escape a gank in lane, you're doing it wrong.
      Second off: yes, maybe Irelia's stun is longer. But it's still not AoE. And maybe you can use your E to stun an enemy jungler to get out easily but in lane you have two options: either your E level is too low to actually make a difference or your enemy has some sort of gap closer or CC which will render your E pointless.
      Third: Fighting in laning phase 1v2 is generally a bad idea unless you've got like way more health than at least one enemy. Which you probably won't have.
      Fourth: Your understanding of Sheen procs baffles me. You do realize it has a cooldown, right? Generally what you will do to engage, by your logic, is W, Q a minion, E the enemy and trade. During that period your sheen proc will be on cooldown cause it happens really fast. After that combo, if you Q an enemy it's usually to use the Q as an execute. Cause if you Q before killing the enemy you will be left reliant solely on auto attacks. That tactic will get you absolutely rekt against let's say a Teemo. Plenty other champs will destroy you if you Q before using it as a finisher.
      You're talking about scenarios that will never, ever happen.

    • @TheGreatslyfer
      @TheGreatslyfer 9 лет назад

      Derfoklishe Point is you can go in for the trade as Irelia and can still dash out when the jungler is there. Riven can't, she has to either commit or not engage at all get zoned.
      Of course I'm talking about a scenario in which the lane is in the middle, since if it were pushed both Riven and Irelia would not go near their enemy due to jungle pressure.
      And in that scenario where the lane is in the middle, since a good deal of the time some enemy minions will attack your caster minions, they will be further down your lane which means if you Q to them you have less distance to travel to your turret and more distance away from your enemy ganker as to a scenario in which you don't have enemy minions near your caster minions.
      Man you keep going to the fact that it is AOE. Sure, it has value in potentially stunning both enemies, but what happens when one of them is not near it, which happens a lot when you're playing purple side? Then that's when the value of Irelia's E surpasses that of Riven's W, and that's assuming it's past already level 5. At rank 2, Irelia's stun has a 0.5 stun second advantage over Riven's 0.75s stun, which is a lot lol to gain distance. Again I'm assuming it's in the stun and not slow mode due to the fact that if the opponent is lower than you then you can kill them, trading 1 for 1 in a 1v2 situation.
      I will agree that a dash from the enemy can reduce the effectiveness of E as a stun, but with that case even Riven falters as combining factors such as W's lower stun duration and Q+E distance covered will make her distance covering and enemy stunning around the same as Irelia's, but yes hers is greater when dash is involved.
      But Irelia outshines when there are enemy minions that are semi-close to her turret (in your side of the map), as she can quickly Q away. Obviously you have to realize when the minions are in the right places for you to extend like that.
      Indeed, your third point does make sense, although that comes down to personal experience and different values since I find that I can kill in a 1v2 with Irelia around early to mid game if played correctly. Again I believe it is up to the player to gauge how likely that are to kill the enemy if they decide to stay in, and still they can stun, Q minion and flash away. We all like to say that she's probably going to kill or die most of the time, but was that with even kills and deaths? Even minions, even power levels, even items? Other factors at play that we don't take in to account when judging these capabilities of champions.
      Your 4th point makes no sense.
      Ok so let me describe for you the two apparently different scenarios for "Q'ing to kill and Q'ing not to kill"
      1: You go minion dash, and do your combo. You Q early. But they still die after a few more autos.
      2: You go minion dash, and do your combo.
      You do a few more autos, and THEN Q for the last hit that kills them.
      What's the difference? You auto the same number of times and leaving the Q for the finishing blow makes no difference in any scenario as the enemy is already dead in both scenarios.

  • @YaneSatsuki
    @YaneSatsuki 9 лет назад +7

    dat nidalle gank >.>
    enemy plant :
    riven : faker at top ...
    jungle : ok i will rage gank top

    • @Mongoldreng
      @Mongoldreng 9 лет назад

      +Yane Satsuki Many koreans equal at fakers level. Koreans dont really fear each other at all, look at sc pro scene, everyone think they are the best. No different in lol.

    • @YaneSatsuki
      @YaneSatsuki 9 лет назад

      you know it's a joke right ?

  • @Nelcj_99
    @Nelcj_99 9 лет назад +5

    nobody saw that baron steal?

  • @Generic-Username
    @Generic-Username 9 лет назад +1

    Definitely an underwhelming game from Faker. He made some Fakeresque plays, but he went too aggro in the early levels and let Riven get way too far ahead. First death, shouldn't have been trading. Second death, shouldn't have been trading with or without Pantheon there.

  • @jonathanhendricks4495
    @jonathanhendricks4495 9 лет назад +2

    why would he start q against riven, also why would he not qe the panth during the first tower dive. done watching after that lol

    • @mikedang3613
      @mikedang3613 9 лет назад +1

      Jonathan Hendricks I thought the same. The whole match after that is a disappointment.

    • @enesduraku6087
      @enesduraku6087 9 лет назад

      +Jonathan Hendricks He mainly plays mid.When playing irelia mid he skills Q first so he can put some harras on his opponents and asert lane dominance mby he forgot he was going top and not mid about panth play...I honestly have no clue mby he was Drunk :D

    • @abrahamm2016
      @abrahamm2016 9 лет назад +2

      +Mike Dang 10/5/8, goes top (instead of mid where he excels), wins the game. He may have underperformed, but I wouldn't quite call it a disappointment.

    • @mikedang3613
      @mikedang3613 9 лет назад

      Abraham M Yeah I suppose you're right. He got the job dome but I feel as though there's not much for the viewers to learn here.

  • @Itachigoth
    @Itachigoth 9 лет назад +6

    rumble supp ! new meta ?

  • @mikedang3613
    @mikedang3613 9 лет назад +11

    Is Faker really this bad?

  • @Im_A_Dil_Emma
    @Im_A_Dil_Emma 8 лет назад +2

    Damn... I don't see how Faker is this "God of League" because he made horrible mistakes, then he got saved by luck or teamates.

    • @Kariyu2
      @Kariyu2 8 лет назад +4

      +TwinApocalypse as if people dont make mistakes

    • @akho47
      @akho47 8 лет назад +1

      Obviously he won't be playing at his best all the god damn time that would be exhausting as f

    • @gilbertpolanco5302
      @gilbertpolanco5302 8 лет назад

      he played her way too passively

    • @akho47
      @akho47 8 лет назад

      Gilbert Polanco Still won, who cares

  • @raymondjoannette8052
    @raymondjoannette8052 9 лет назад +1

    No offense, W Deal true damage. E stun on %Hp. Q gap Closer with high damage late game. He took Q first which is dumb because her most OP ability is her true damage basic attacks. With logic, you take W first, E second ability THEN q. Level 2 having a stun and true damage its broken and unair so, why not? I know this is an LCS player but, I seriously think that having flash with irelia isn't goo dat all since she has a Q gap Closer. Having ignit and Tp is better. Once you are fed with Irelia, its already the end. He still has the good plays though.

    • @DuyPham-in5wq
      @DuyPham-in5wq 9 лет назад

      +Gaiden Tears Guys, Irelia max W is old season (season 2,3), now all good irelia's players don't add W first anymore, E instead (Sorry to say that but add W first is newbie who train irelia). Why E first ? Because it has normally dame and stun duration, W has better damage but you must attack a lot, irelia early game is weak champion ~~ max W can't attack and solo win, max E and uses it you can easily take 240 dame on enemy and 2s stun, no need to attack a lot, just use only E and have 240 dame and 2s stun, then attack him 1 hit and back, enemy can't do anything, E has normal dame and increase stun duration, you can see this useful of E skill in 5p30 and 9p44, riven 2-0 and can't max W to 1vs1, riven always try to kill faker many times, but faker uses E stun riven and back to farm safely
      And you don't know why faker max E then max Q ? He want to chase and kill kogmaw, max Q to decrease cooldown to catch kogmaw and he thinks he has enough dame so he max Q instead W (but max Q is situation, players usually max E then W)
      You can check more good irelia's player clip season 5 you can see almost max E, W is situation

    • @raymondjoannette8052
      @raymondjoannette8052 9 лет назад +1

      I don't take this as an insult but, I really appreciate that you share you're knowledge. Thank you for the information. And by the way, I realised that at a certain point, Irelia one shot kills adc's x).

    • @Matrixinity1
      @Matrixinity1 8 лет назад

      +Gaiden Tears Actually most Irelia players go E,Q,W and max W first. Or You go Q first vs a ranged champion/someone who easily beats you lvl 1. Another thing is most players max Q last, so it has an insanely long cd unless you reset on kill so going flashless Irelia is also not recommended. I have to disagree about what Duy said about maxing E first. You only max E first on a squishy champion which you rarely see at top anyway. Always max W first otherwise. Also Irelia does not have a weak early game. In fact I main Irelia and I always go for kills/zoning at lvls , 4 and 6 because she has good power spikes at those lvls.

  • @IridescenceMGS
    @IridescenceMGS 8 лет назад

    Fakers IGN isnt faker lol, His name is Hideonbush

  • @kekw6371
    @kekw6371 8 лет назад +2


  • @no0bxzgaming987
    @no0bxzgaming987 7 лет назад

    if you stunned riven at turret witth low health say RIP

  • @PitLordism
    @PitLordism 9 лет назад +2

    Dat baron steal

    • @thegabry2
      @thegabry2 9 лет назад

      PitLordism dat spoiler

    • @Rotex2K
      @Rotex2K 9 лет назад

      thegabry2 dat spoiler of a spoiler...

  • @maauriabraham
    @maauriabraham 9 лет назад +1

    that riven was good, but faker...god damn

  • @nguyenbatien9061
    @nguyenbatien9061 8 лет назад +1

    Good game!

  • @tog-steal1276
    @tog-steal1276 9 лет назад +3

    This is some BRONZE Faker edition or what ? This is surely NOT Faker, because this guy is realy bad.

    • @alexs1504
      @alexs1504 7 лет назад

      ToG-Steal Maybe just he troll

  • @ivanstanevich
    @ivanstanevich 9 лет назад +1

    wow great game

  • @hirotrum6810
    @hirotrum6810 9 лет назад +1

    bread team double kill

  • @no0bxzgaming987
    @no0bxzgaming987 7 лет назад

    LISTEN Irelia is OP thats becaause its meant to match riven

  • @DarkLeviathan8
    @DarkLeviathan8 9 лет назад +2

    I like playing troll supports but Rumble? dafaq

  • @ApexPredatorJack
    @ApexPredatorJack 8 лет назад +2

    everyone dying for faker.. and faker only flee away or ks or farm.. lol

  • @iUhMazexD
    @iUhMazexD 9 лет назад +1

    Panth camped him so hard lol

  • @jhonsanchez4590
    @jhonsanchez4590 9 лет назад

    1:59 por que no lo mato la riven x,x

  • @letuananh2878
    @letuananh2878 8 лет назад

    best change for the mistake

  • @theanswer631
    @theanswer631 9 лет назад

    I know it's faker but woow every fuckin time Panheon was gank top, yo chill out man

  • @pavelchankov840
    @pavelchankov840 9 лет назад

    report alistar !!

  • @kasumialinh
    @kasumialinh 8 лет назад

    hack speed

  • @lugi9633
    @lugi9633 7 лет назад

    Jugo re mal :v

  • @luotxem
    @luotxem 8 лет назад

    It very Good@#

  • @haiphan2722
    @haiphan2722 9 лет назад

    irelia ko an duoc riven. ""

  • @sonicogears
    @sonicogears 9 лет назад

    fuck irelia

  • @rishikeshsarangi1245
    @rishikeshsarangi1245 8 лет назад


  • @justavaneggtv5772
    @justavaneggtv5772 8 лет назад

    wow I must be better than challenger cos that irelia sucks ass...

    • @jamesaandoh
      @jamesaandoh 8 лет назад +1

      +just avanegg TV This is challenger level shut up you bronze/silver scrub

  • @HungNguyen-oh7qf
    @HungNguyen-oh7qf 8 лет назад

    đây là faker giả

  • @mariclau05
    @mariclau05 8 лет назад

    Obviously a fake. I saw a million mistakes from this Irelia, and if it actually was faker, then why would he be using his SKTT1 Faker username? Plus, he wouldn't play a game with actual people that he doesn't even know... because he's like... well, how should I put this? He's like a celebrity, so why would he just go to a game with random people? Wouldn't he play a game with pros that he already knows? This is obviously someone in disguise.

    • @pachuilarraz
      @pachuilarraz 8 лет назад +2

      He is Faker but he can make some mistakes, I mean, he's a human you know.. Also there is something called soloqueue and it's ok if Faker uses it, no matter who he plays with :P people ussually forget that he is a simple person just like everyone else. PS my english suck sorry

    • @W0mbRaider
      @W0mbRaider 8 лет назад

      Look at the date of the video, it's almost exactly one year old. I don't know how long you've been playing or watching this game, but the mass exodus of pros to the tournament realm to practice is a very new phenomenon and it's only because of dynamic queue. Before 2016, every pro would play hundreds if not thousands of solo queue games every season. The top 100 of challenger would consistently be stacked with LCS/OGN/LPL smurf accounts and you would be able to log in at any given time and watch a few of them play live from the featured match list. It wasn't a rare occurrence at all.

  • @scrymax3580
    @scrymax3580 8 лет назад

    faker top? .-.

  • @idaacquistapace9057
    @idaacquistapace9057 9 лет назад

    Frozen heart on Irelia :/

    • @yet0another0account
      @yet0another0account 9 лет назад +3

      Is that a problem? She greatly benefits from the 20% cdr, lets her duel Riven much better than Randuins would.

    • @idaacquistapace9057
      @idaacquistapace9057 9 лет назад

      i'm not english so excuse my lenguage XD I think that randuin on irelia is better because it slows AOE so u can do more than shot the enemy's carry in a teamfight

    • @kaukolsothy9919
      @kaukolsothy9919 9 лет назад +2

      Ida Acquistapace irelia need cdr.

    • @daniel-b8l2y
      @daniel-b8l2y 9 лет назад

      Ida Acquistapace frozen heart is a much much better first armor item than randuins

    • @trankhang2691
      @trankhang2691 9 лет назад

      +Ida Acquistapace actually frozen heart is the best item to counter riven bro

  • @Alloniya
    @Alloniya 9 лет назад

    what did i get from this video? that u can tons of damage all enemy team when u have such an alistar. that this sdr is so yammy. that randuin is sh)t

  • @quoctungle4244
    @quoctungle4244 9 лет назад
