Shift linkage install and custom steering column mount for FREE

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 33

  • @joewolf4483
    @joewolf4483 18 часов назад +1

    One step closer ... pretty cool stripe pictures ... don't forget to take a Christmas break ...

  • @mcdonaldryan81
    @mcdonaldryan81 День назад +4

    Mini trucker over 40 checking in! Love the videos keep them coming. Maybe make a video on the basics on pinstriping. In just getting started trying to teach my self wondering if what kind of paint you can and can't use. How to load a brush. Ect thanks

    • @PeckerwoodKustoms
      @PeckerwoodKustoms День назад

      Id love this also...

    • @LTscustomgarage
      @LTscustomgarage  День назад +3

      I totally intend to. got some things coming up soon and might not be able to work on the truck for a couple weeks, so that's one video we'll definitely be doing.

  • @Das_burrito
    @Das_burrito День назад +2

    just put together a harbor freight 5 drawer roll around cabinet and the first sticker on it was a LTS CUSTOM GARAGE ONE!

    • @LTscustomgarage
      @LTscustomgarage  День назад +2

      Nice! I gotta get some more stickers designed and made up, ill send you more when I do!

  • @PeckerwoodKustoms
    @PeckerwoodKustoms День назад +1

    Fiddly for sure but you kicked its ass mate!! Another big step closer... also just received my merch, many thanks for freighting to Down Under,,, the quality of the shirt is awesome for those wondering if they should buy something and help LT out...get on it peeps

  • @rlp2806
    @rlp2806 День назад +1

    Dude you crack me up...

    • @LTscustomgarage
      @LTscustomgarage  День назад +1

      😆 I think i just say out loud what we're all thinking while doing this stuff

  • @DavidBrady-wf6qh
    @DavidBrady-wf6qh День назад +1

    I know your frustration. I'm 72 and look for stuff just like you. I tell myself move on it it will show up..😂😂😂😂

    • @LTscustomgarage
      @LTscustomgarage  День назад

      And it usually does, or you come up with some other ways around it

  • @brianquilty687
    @brianquilty687 День назад +1

    Do you remember building the " Rat Fink " model kit as a kid ?

  • @Lugnutter.
    @Lugnutter. 17 часов назад

    These videos always give me motivation to work on my Luv. Thanks and keep at it 💪

    • @LTscustomgarage
      @LTscustomgarage  4 часа назад

      That's really cool to hear man, thank you for that.

  • @magicman_metal_fab
    @magicman_metal_fab День назад +1

    Dang that requires way too much patience. lol. I knew you could knock it out though. Merry Christmas bud. 🎁🎄🎁

    • @LTscustomgarage
      @LTscustomgarage  День назад

      Merry christmas ti you too! Hope all is well up there

    • @firelord71
      @firelord71 День назад

      Merry Christmas to you and happy new year. You work the same way I do even though it may be close you got it done right. I'm new to this channel what type of truck did it start out as

    • @LTscustomgarage
      @LTscustomgarage  День назад +1

      Merry christmas to you as well. It's a 1978 Chevy LUV.

    • @firelord71
      @firelord71 День назад

      @@LTscustomgarage thank you for that info info little to small for my 6'4" body 😂

    • @LTscustomgarage
      @LTscustomgarage  День назад

      @firelord71 yeah there's not much room in there for 5'9" self lol

  • @DCAutoEnhancement
    @DCAutoEnhancement 15 часов назад

    LT, I know this is a little premature but, would you consider doing a collab with me? That's the best prom proposal I could come up with. Seriously, I would be interested in you pinstriping my 65 Ranchero (once I get it drivable). Think it over, let me know.

    • @LTscustomgarage
      @LTscustomgarage  4 часа назад +1

      Yeah when the time comes we can try to make that happen. Where are you located again?

    • @DCAutoEnhancement
      @DCAutoEnhancement 4 часа назад

      @LTscustomgarage I'm in Indiana. I could probably bring the car to you.

    • @LTscustomgarage
      @LTscustomgarage  4 часа назад +1

      Could possibly meet you at camp n drag in waveland, or I'll be at symco every year in Wisconsin. Or if you wanna bring it all the way down here that's cool too. We can work somethin out.

    • @DCAutoEnhancement
      @DCAutoEnhancement 4 часа назад

      @LTscustomgarage camp and drag is on my list for 2025

    • @LTscustomgarage
      @LTscustomgarage  3 часа назад +1

      @DCAutoEnhancement i may or may not be there this year, depends on a bunch of things that are up in the air right now and out of my control.