The First White President - Ta-Nehisi Coates

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2017
  • The foundation of Donald Trump’s presidency is the negation of Barack Obama’s legacy.
    Audio version of Ta-Nehisi Coates' article for The Atlantic:

Комментарии • 145

  • @mommalisa1226
    @mommalisa1226 6 лет назад +16

    Thank-you Mr. Ta-Nehisi Coates. Genuine, Beautiful mind of an Intelligent young man. Thank you so much❤💯

  • @joshgordon8369
    @joshgordon8369 6 лет назад +12

    This is absolutely brilliant

  • @karenkerr4737
    @karenkerr4737 6 лет назад +5

    What a great writer.... This piece will be assigned reading in PS courses in ten years.

  • @ablackgoliath1827
    @ablackgoliath1827 6 лет назад +4

    This should be widely distributed. Good work and thank you.

  • @prieten49
    @prieten49 6 лет назад +62

    This is the most powerful piece I have read in a long time and captures my sentiments all through the Obama presidency and even today: the vicious opposition to Obama was based on racism, a backlash against a Black president. Trump rode that racism right into the White House. Yes, White racism is alive and well in the U.S.A. That being said, we shouldn't forget that many Whites did not vote for Trump, many of us Whites are as upset and outraged as Mr. Coates at the brazen open racism of the Trump movement. But here we are, over 150 years after slavery was supposedly abolished in our country, still fighting the same White racist mentality. Yes, the harping on the "White working class" supporters of Trump is just a fig leaf for liberals who don't want to admit that a majority of every economic segment of Whites voted for Trump. I like Bernie Sanders, but I am getting tired of his harping on them. I am reminded of Frederick Douglass's autobiography in which he describes how when he was a slave, he was "given" to a relation of the plantation owner, a relation that lived in Baltimore, Maryland. This "master" sent Douglass to work in a shipyard, side by side with White workers, only Douglass's wages were handed directly to his "master." At one point, during some labor unrest, the anger of the White shipyard workers was redirected at their Black slave co-workers and Douglass and other Blacks barely escaped with their lives. So we see the White working class behaving as they have always behaved. What is the excuse of the rest of the many Whites who voted for Trump? Racism is fun?

    • @JoshRoxxas
      @JoshRoxxas 6 лет назад +2

      You see, in politics, there is a tool for planning the future that politicians sometimes use, it is called an agenda, and it can be used to appear to be for or against certain politics in individual situations in order to push laws which harm the opposition's ability to ever regain equal control of the country. And that equality which most politicians protect is being abused by a group of indirectly dangerous and violent people. We just call them Racists right now for lack of a better term. We will need a better explanation for evil, this is true.

    • @alexvoneiff2546
      @alexvoneiff2546 6 лет назад

      i love you

    • @CribNotes
      @CribNotes 6 лет назад

      Oh if racists were quietly hiding in the bushes while Obama was President....why the fuck were they so quiet during a black presidency? Just waiting in the bushes for America to elect Donald Trump AND THEN they would feel emboldened??? Give me a fucking break.

    • @prieten49
      @prieten49 6 лет назад +3

      The constant questioning of Obama's country of birth, the complete unwillingness to even negotiate with Obama on anything, the constant shutdowns of the government, the near default on the national debt, the refusal to even hold hearings to consider Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court, the Benghazi witch-hunt, these are all things that occurred during the Obama administration. No White Democrat President would have met with these "scorched earth" tactics.

    • @CribNotes
      @CribNotes 6 лет назад

      Bullshit. Bill Clinton was under constant assault from the Republicans. And even Jimmy Carter admitted that Trump is being raked over the coals by the press more than any other President he can remember - and he's about 90 years old.

  • @Movingtogainesvillefl
    @Movingtogainesvillefl 6 лет назад +5

    Well written. Thank you for sharing.

  • @jeffo3476
    @jeffo3476 6 лет назад +6

    Excellent. Brilliant. Compelling.

  • @zinaj9437
    @zinaj9437 6 лет назад +7

    Depressing, but not surprising. Good article.

  • @rosemaryalles6043
    @rosemaryalles6043 6 лет назад +3

    Brilliant. Powerful. Thank you.

  • @mchlrosenblum
    @mchlrosenblum 6 лет назад +5

    Fascinating piece which sums up the current presidency in every way.

  • @conciliator6440
    @conciliator6440 6 лет назад +4

    this is the truest shit yet written about Trump and the Trump era in America.

  • @mirzamay
    @mirzamay 6 лет назад +16

    To be fair to Bernie Sanders and others, I didn't realize that my own family were such racists. You just don't expect it if you aren't that way. And.... a lot of them do not realize intellectually that they are.
    I began to realize during Obama's presidency that the country is deeply racist. It slowly dawned on me. And during this presidency I understand how close to home it is.
    But I also didn't realize how much a pathetic low life reality star, famous for no quality beyond stammering out psychologically damaging phrases for the special sector to enjoy had actually whipped up that racism with the help of the conspiracy sector.
    I still believe and hope that this racism is not as prolific as decency and fairness is, but a melted spray tanned peach is blowing on the flames and turning originally not racist or at least less racists into straight xenophobes. He is an anti Christ. That's apparent. I just didn't think someone so..... obviously mentally challenged.... could sway so many with his gas bag lies and opinions.
    He can't read properly, he can't talk properly and even his insults are grade school. His rise must have come from the hell fire underneath him. To be honest. He's like certain people I know who can't get a woman because they can't not talk stupid, except he is meaner, and has money.

    • @toddtoure7041
      @toddtoure7041 6 лет назад

      mirzamay 100%Correct

    • @Mr11massa
      @Mr11massa 4 года назад

      Your post, strikes quite close to what I have experienced. The election of Obama, brought out the disgusting side of friends and family. And with the current president, reaffirmed it... I have noticed when out in public with my wife, living in the middle west. How the judgemental gaze, has become more prevalent. Her being blonde and blue eyed. And myself being a mutt if races, with the African and native American traits being most dominant. 2019 and it still exists and with a president that subverts it...

  • @markk5216
    @markk5216 6 лет назад +2

    Stunningly precise! The pen is truly mightier than the sword, if not the nuclear bomb

  • @devonedwards4395
    @devonedwards4395 6 лет назад +7


  • @BlvkColossus
    @BlvkColossus 6 лет назад +12

    This was amazing writing. A truly great piece

    • @CribNotes
      @CribNotes 6 лет назад

      Cliche ridden nonsense. Like listening to a fish describe the habits of mammals.

  • @LichenAndMoss
    @LichenAndMoss 6 лет назад +24

    thank you for this

  • @rr3901
    @rr3901 6 лет назад +2

    I’ve said & thought a lot about the issues you bring up in piece.

  • @brrestige8105
    @brrestige8105 6 лет назад

    Please join the NAACP and participate in the fight for true equal opportunities for all people! Thank you Ta-Nehisis for your continuing writing to give me as a white man true knowledge about black lives in the pre and post Obama era.

  • @Gregwms285
    @Gregwms285 6 лет назад +2


  • @soneil
    @soneil 6 лет назад

    This is really insightful.

  • @urielriley
    @urielriley 4 года назад +1

    #Perfect #Tanahisicoates this is flawless. Well researched. Royal salute 🎯❤

  • @dreamingrightnow1174
    @dreamingrightnow1174 6 лет назад +2

    OH SNAP!!!

  • @crystaleldridge3988
    @crystaleldridge3988 2 года назад

    As relevant today as it was 4 years ago.

  • @nateline5120
    @nateline5120 5 лет назад +1

    Only listening to the because of senior comp

  • @lesterdiamond6190
    @lesterdiamond6190 6 лет назад

    Somebody needs to ask this guy how he feels about Allen Dulles!!! mwhahahahahaaaaaaaa!!!

  • @Dazen101
    @Dazen101 6 лет назад

    No one wants to talk about 5:47?

  • @drsmetal2747
    @drsmetal2747 5 лет назад +2

    Woodrow Wilson had the KKK march in DC.

  •  6 лет назад +8

    While this is a brilliant and disturbing article, Coates does not address the psychological fractures of the trump mind. It is these psychological fractures, or trumpian private logic, and his consequent constructions of reality which are dangerous for America and its citizens in the future!

    • @zinaj9437
      @zinaj9437 6 лет назад +6

      The willingness of certain segments to completely ignore what was present throughout the year plus campaign is what he describes and explains. That's the basic premise. He's the new low, but Coates states that a more polished version of this low mark could take the country deeper into the divide.

  • @jonathankurian5026
    @jonathankurian5026 6 лет назад

    Ta-Nehisi 🐐s

  • @jesss3725
    @jesss3725 6 лет назад +6

    I'm a "white" guy who lives in Alabama. I despise racism in all its forms. I take issue with some of the stats about whites in the 2016 election though. Even in Alabama, as bad as we are stereotyped, SO many of my friends, relatives and acquaintances did NOT vote for trump. Actually, many of us didn't even vote. After the "new investigation" into Hillary was announced, so many just gave up and didn't vote. Remember, out of 220 Million registered voters, 65 million voted for Hillary and 63 million for trump. That leaves 90 million people. 1/3 more than voted for either. Quit pointing negative stats at all "white" people. Can't we just deal with issues without pointing a finger at a brother of another color? I thought this racist crap was dying back in the 80's when I was growing up. What happened??

    • @cgcade1
      @cgcade1 6 лет назад +7

      Jess S I hear where you are coming from. I will address your last 2 sentences. As you were growing up in the 80's if you lived through the Regan/Bush presidencies and thought this racist crap was dying, I don't know what to say? It actually grew out of control during this era. I am not sure how old you were then and how well informed you were during this time of the rise of the crack cocaine epidemic. Please research this time and you will find out just what happened.

    • @prieten49
      @prieten49 6 лет назад +10

      I don't think Coates is saying all Whites are racist. He is just saying that all this talk about the "White working class" being responsible for Trump ignores the fact that Trump won broad economic categories of all Whites. There are many decent White people who are every bit as shocked as Coates at Trump winning. We just have to mobilize our vote better and not let ourselves be discouraged by Comey, the Russians or anyone else. We have to turn out to vote!

    • @sweetsea8180
      @sweetsea8180 6 лет назад +8

      Jess S Thanks to you and your friends and family for not voting 😒. We live in awesome times now thanks to non voters!!! Weeeee!!!! It's a regular circus everyday! Alice in Wonderland! Down the rabbit hole we go... down we all go! What a ride! Thanks! The world applauds you! 😞😢😭

    • @cgcade1
      @cgcade1 6 лет назад +7

      Vincent Sample Thank you for clarifying the specifics. I have done so in past comments only to find there was a disingenuous person commenting who did NOT want to know the truth. Jess S stating that he thought the racist crap was dying, not me. All too often others will say something to just get into a fight. I was not going to indulge such until Jess S was responsive to my comment.
      However, I will say that white supremacy during the 80's was just another wave and not the 2nd. As this nation is rooted in such. Systemic structured inequality in America supports and upholds every wave of the continuous strategically designed and maintained through economic, political, the social, institutional power construct of white supremacy.

    • @pauladow5905
      @pauladow5905 6 лет назад +3

      Jess S if your thinking friends had sucked it up and voted for the qualified candidate, Hillary Clinton, we would not be in this mess. Trump is a crooked Russian agent, you and your friends put him there by not voting. Thanks for nothing.

  • @busaking1hawley689
    @busaking1hawley689 6 лет назад

    I have listened to this article several times and can find nothing positive that can improve America in any way. Mr. Coates is an expert at finding fault with Caucasians. Whinner!

    • @joelhenry5489
      @joelhenry5489 6 лет назад +5

      The truth is the truth. And you sound like an emotional whiner. "He didn't say anything nice about white people! Boo hoo!"

    • @busaking1hawley689
      @busaking1hawley689 6 лет назад

      One thing I'm not whinning about is the new word Mr. Coates taught me, "Negger" the true and proper pronunciation of the dreaded N-word, which by the way is what blacks like to call each other. J.H. croak!

    • @busaking1hawley689
      @busaking1hawley689 6 лет назад

      Give a white man a pile of bricks, and he'll build a city. Give a black man a city, and he'll create a pile of bricks. In the last 3,000 years black people have not created a single enduring city. Why? Lots of babies!

    • @OLAODUS-cs5sl
      @OLAODUS-cs5sl 6 лет назад +3

      Just like he claim to have built the pyramids in Egypt without sun lotion?Blacks built cities before your caveman ass came out from under the rocks.

    • @OLAODUS-cs5sl
      @OLAODUS-cs5sl 6 лет назад +1

      Try a history from where the Greeks and Romans learnt? Ignorance/lies keeps you deluded.

  • @tinmanx2222
    @tinmanx2222 4 года назад

    Fanciful, Ta-Nehisi Coates takes the low road. Don't the blacks have a better writer.

  • @busaking1hawley689
    @busaking1hawley689 6 лет назад +1

    Black people live better in the U.S.A. than in any country in Africa. Need proof? Black guys in the U.S. ride Suzuki Hayabusas, and Kawi ZX-14's, in Africa, Honda 90's or less are it!

    • @busaking1hawley689
      @busaking1hawley689 6 лет назад

      The implication is that despite the effects of slavery, and having to live in the presence of horrible whites, blacks in the U.S.A. have a better life than blacks in Africa. Mr. Coates is a cry-baby weakling also.

    • @dw7312
      @dw7312 6 лет назад +3

      busaking1 hawley Real Funny ... IGNORANT

    • @Swnsasy
      @Swnsasy 6 лет назад +1

      busaking1 hawley Actually, you are incorrect.. You should look up what happened in Africa after apartheid.. I watched a documentary on Africa and white people are now the ones in poverty there and its the black community that is booming.. If you search Whites in poverty in Africa you will see what I'm talking about.. If I remember correctly, the documentary I watched was called Reverse Apartheid.. You should watch it to educate yourself so that you know what the truth actually is instead of just an opinion thinking its truth. In no way am I saying this in a disrespectful manner.

    • @busaking1hawley689
      @busaking1hawley689 6 лет назад

      If whites are now doing poorly in S.Africa it is because they are being targeted like Mugabe does in Zim. Whites are being murdered, not discriminated against. Compare Rhodesia with Zimbabwe, WOW!

    • @studlyload
      @studlyload 6 лет назад +2

      Dangling Participle Definitely true!