zero 88 flx s24 training ep1

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @brunodacosta_soundtec6036
    @brunodacosta_soundtec6036 Год назад +2

    Your Tutorial its great! normally I work with a MA DOT2 in a auditory for 300 PAX , but we have this one in a small venue so your tutorial its great to give me the basics in this type of console. thank u :) if u came to Lisbon, Portugal, i pay u a lunch. :) cheers!

    • @dylanlowe2007
      @dylanlowe2007  Год назад

      glad this helped. there are more videos to come about actually controlling fixtures but I haven't uploaded them yet :)

  • @parviznavidi5732
    @parviznavidi5732 Месяц назад +1

    Hello, good time I don't see any on/off switch to turn this mixer on and off, and I have to turn off the power You might say how it turns on and off Can it be turned off from within the menu?

    • @dylanlowe2007
      @dylanlowe2007  24 дня назад

      Unfortunately, no. It is a design floor; however, I have been told that it is designed to stay on, and this shouldn't affect it.

  • @bastothemax
    @bastothemax 3 месяца назад

    Should I buy a Zero88 FLX S24 or a S48?

    • @dylanlowe2007
      @dylanlowe2007  3 месяца назад

      it depends on the size of your rig?