Trying To Match My Girlfriend Eating Pace Prank Tiktok Compilation

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 30

  • @Acethedonn100x
    @Acethedonn100x 8 месяцев назад +14

    Time stamps: 5:36 blud was like "come onn im trying to eat moree" 💀,
    8:21 😂 "come onnn"
    10:19 🙄lmafo
    11:05 taking turns be like:
    11:47 EW HE SPIT IT OUTT😭,
    15:27 he said "i dont cAre"
    17:49 late asl 😭
    18:45 "dude..."
    20:35 breathing hard asb...
    22:13 "NO",
    24:24 😁
    25:00 the end...

  • @Nyasia-vl1oc
    @Nyasia-vl1oc 8 месяцев назад +37

    My man would never have a hard time matching my eating habits because as soon as I see food I chow down❤😂

    • @AckeeandSaltfish
      @AckeeandSaltfish 8 месяцев назад +4

      Yea these women eat way too slow.. the tiny forkfuls and eating a piece of a chip is not it lmaoo😂. I probably don’t eat as fast as a man but these were pissing me off lol

  • @LulamaDabula-p4z
    @LulamaDabula-p4z 7 месяцев назад +10

    "Why you playing with your food" & "We gonna be here the whole day" had me in stitches. I liked the 2nd last couple how the boyfriend decided to feed his girlfriend.

  • @Pancakeyummyyy
    @Pancakeyummyyy 5 месяцев назад +6

    My man would be so mad at me 😂

  • @우부-x5n
    @우부-x5n 6 месяцев назад +6

    They’re literally lagging

  • @edwardkimakaballislifekim_578
    @edwardkimakaballislifekim_578 8 месяцев назад +6


  • @SweetBrownGirl
    @SweetBrownGirl 8 месяцев назад +16

    Welp, my observation from these videos, the guy's get irritated and impatient with their gf/wives because most of the women eat slow lol

    • @3twibles4sweetrevenge
      @3twibles4sweetrevenge 3 месяца назад

      And women choke on their food cause their men eat too fast 😂

  • @VincentJames22
    @VincentJames22 2 месяца назад


  • @tabp7337
    @tabp7337 6 месяцев назад +1

    Haha, i liked the grizzlystr8 and savor delights tik tok video. Grizzly str8 dude was so precise, it was hilarious and the female in savor, eating so quick haha

  • @cjmedi5526
    @cjmedi5526 Месяц назад

    1st guy: “take more scoops” then she decides to finish her food later, he’s starving 😅
    3rd guy: waiting forever to take the next bite of his hamburger 🍔 😅
    4th guy: he gave up 😂he’s hungry!
    6th guy: he’s frustrated, he wants to eat 😂
    10th guy: waiting patiently to eat more but she keeps doing the happy dance in between bites 😂
    12th guy: Dude! Learn to eat pasta quietly 🤨 both of them slurp, mmm, slurp, mmm, then vacuum sound as he is inhaling his pasta 😑

  • @INTJames
    @INTJames 6 месяцев назад

    8:43 this girl reminds me of my wife she chugs my water then barely anything is missing 😂

  • @zc4258
    @zc4258 Месяц назад +1

    Has to be fake, right? No one talks to each other....they just ignore each other while they eat?

    • @NoName-sp5dp
      @NoName-sp5dp 18 дней назад

      They’ve seen each other all day

  • @Cumber213
    @Cumber213 2 месяца назад +1

    I noticed that girls eat slow

  • @MolcarMama
    @MolcarMama 7 месяцев назад

    3:36 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🥪👈🏼

  • @PakArun
    @PakArun 7 месяцев назад +3

    man and woman are different species, maybe 😬

  • @Yulinga-y1j
    @Yulinga-y1j 4 месяца назад

    I'm a girl but I don't even eat like a Lady! 😅

  • @TS-Musician
    @TS-Musician 7 месяцев назад


  • @pooteen3
    @pooteen3 8 месяцев назад +2

    Азиатка переигрывает 🫤в реале она этот кусок пиццы скрутила бы в ролл и схомячила бы за две секунды 😬

  • @choze4k104
    @choze4k104 Месяц назад

    lol this a boring ass trend lol

  • @yujibell
    @yujibell 4 месяца назад

    it's always matching our eating pace, never matching our cooking pace, our cleaning pace or our emotional labor pace smh

  • @pleasemakeduaaforme7419
    @pleasemakeduaaforme7419 8 месяцев назад +7

    On a serious note, I’ll say this AS A MUSLIM MAN Inshaa Allah - men are in the wrong when it comes to eating. Women are right. They take their time, chew their food, eat neatly, not like animals. I’ve seen other men eat. They eat how I used to eat, before I started my practicing Islam.
    Prophet Muhammad (saw) (pbuh - peace be upon Him) -
    - are neatly
    - chewed His blessed food (blessed cuz it was His)
    - cleaned up His entire blessed plate
    - always began eating just like other tasks, by reciting (bismillah - “In the name of Allah and with the blessing of Allah )”
    - ate with His blessed right hand
    - are with His blessed thumb, index finger and middle finger
    - His blessed nails were cut (at least every Friday)
    - He (saw) had 2 different blessed positions to sit in other normal circumstances. And 1 other blessed position while in battle
    His blessed wife (ra) would say moltte - “if there were guests, I’d know that I was washing the blessed plate The Prophet (saw) ate in because He (saw) would always clean His blessed plate up, completely.