How to Add Custom Clothing to MetaHumans in Unreal Engine | Step-by-Step Tutorial

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @Relentless_Games
    @Relentless_Games 7 дней назад

    Nice trick with the opacity.

  • @bruceoberleitner3031
    @bruceoberleitner3031 8 дней назад

    Quick question for you on your Metahuman clothing. Are you planning to create clothing for a male version of this character?

  • @PageBlanche301
    @PageBlanche301 10 дней назад +1

    ok so i downloaded some fab cloth assets juste like you but when i try to replace the skeleton with my metahuman one it show me an error message saying the scaling isn't compatible.. how can i deal with that?

    • @haberdasherstudios
      @haberdasherstudios  9 дней назад

      I'm not sure sorry. I made this tutorial more for showing how my outfits could be used. You could reach out to the creator and see what they say :)

    • @MystMagie
      @MystMagie 8 дней назад +11

      Then don’t name your video « how to » but « how I do »

    • @limkhayea5642
      @limkhayea5642 8 дней назад +6

      As I know the clothes from fab have their own body proportions set up. So if u want to use it with your metahuman u need to check the description that they provide on their asset which type of body proportions do they use. For example they use "Tall proportion body" so u need to create your metahuman with this proportion in order to use their asset.

    • @PageBlanche301
      @PageBlanche301 8 дней назад

      @@limkhayea5642thx i'll try that

  • @IceDragonsWOM
    @IceDragonsWOM День назад

    it work just for cloth created for metahumans... very old info