BEST OF Game Grumps - October 2016
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
- A wondeful BEST OF from a wonderful month. Yes!
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"Hey dan, I shit myself so bad that I sobered up from the opium!"
I fell out of my chair
It made me fall out of my car.
GreatSwordOfVictory that would make the perfect senior quote
GreatSwordOfVictory no you didn't
The Comment Cop
If Game Grumps ever gets a slogan, it should probably be some thing like "We play games, but we don't finish them!"
Not that's the slogan for OneyPlays. Gamegrumps slogan is "We're not good at games. Why would you assume as much?" starring Arin (Horrible-at-games) Hanson, and Dan (hasnt-played-a-game-since-1986) Avidan.
Didn't they finish Rugrats, Harry Potter, Mega Man X & Crash 2?
MrGamernova and gamegrumps finished sonic boom, sonic 06, pokemon fire red, a bunch of Zeldas, the actual Kirby's dream course, super Mario Sunshine, Mario Galaxy, and a bunch of others. what's your point?
ExponentiallyMusical They've both finished a fraction of the games they've played, I mean OneyPlays hasn't been around nearly as long as Game Grumps, so of course they can't have finished as much yet.
MrGamernova No it's because Oney is an ADD plagued shit head who doesn't finish games on purpose to fuck with people, I love him he's hilarious. A lot of let's play channels don't finish a lot of games. they go for games that they can play off of. that's why the grumps finished sonic adventure, sonic and the black knight, sonic 06, and sonic boom. Because they're ridiculous, fast paced, and terrible games are really easy to make jokes too.
A Best OF? And NOT during the middle of the month? Holy shit, we must have been good this month.
I like that arins laugh changes pitch sometimes
I'll be honest, I didn't think we'd get this til halfway through November
Same. Really surprised to see this in my feed.
Hunter Huang its November 4th, how's that half way?
Charle Gonzalez Mendoza reeding
BIGBLUBLUR I just noticed, sorry lol
Just got wisdom teeth out today, luckily I got to watch this while I was recovering and I felt 100% while watching. Love you guys
Urgh. Good luck with that, buddy! Get some rest!
Blueraptor good luck, that shit sucked for me.
Get some rest, PLEASE. And enjoy your week-ish off while you recover!
0:00 - Cloak of Arin
0:44 - Unforgettable
1:32 - Joking off
2:42 - Fly with me
3:11 - My cakes will burn
4:24 - Silly at math
5:18 - Baby penis
6:44 - The olden days
8:02 - Dragon ballsy
8:44 - Get started
9:57 - Dirty disc
10:52 - Chris Pratt in a tree
11:21 - Words of Carlin
12:15 - Malaysian memes
13:38 - Satan and your butthole
15:27 - Astrological BS
16:36 - Blasphemy
17:22 - The messy mystery
20:17 - Brent's hookers and coke
20:43 - Tank suicide
21:42 - Plane madness
22:59 - Rump senpai
23:44 - I got a wheel
24:38 - Hole in one
25:11 - 1 Melbourne
27:19 - Can't blame the opium
28:05 - Donkey Kong bodyguard
28:46 - Not R.Kelly
29:37 - Stop thinkin' of that
30:08 - It's Flash!
30:42 - Full southern
32:07 - Scrotal tongue
33:10 - Glamazons and grapes
35:00 - Triple kill
36:11 - Sonic/Jumanji rant
Super APM thanksss!! there should be one of you in every bestof video
Super APM you missed one
Joking off was Arin's "moment."
Now I'm a Porcupine AND I'm started!
That whole bit was gold.
Green screen Arin made my day.
shroud Arin
We need Dan to do a legitimate play of Skyrim. Especially since it was just Remastered for the PS4. I feel like he would absolutely love playing through it.
FinnTheLycan we don't "need" that
MegaKrage Sure we do.
Hero Of Rhyme xD Good point, but I feel like he'd be super uncomfortable. Who knoooows. I just really want him to legitimately play Skyrim.
Hero Of Rhyme xD Good point, but I feel like he'd be super uncomfortable. Who knoooows. I just really want him to legitimately play Skyrim.
KakaCarrotCake Yep, but it was Ross playing and he was trying to Speed Run so it wasn't a legit playthrough, and I think there was only on episode.
T H I S I S I L L E G A L Y O U K N O W ?
A L L T R U E W A R R I O R S S T R I V E F O R C O M E !
W H Y A R E W E T A L K I N G L I K E T H I S Y O U G U Y S ?
you know you have the perfect life when you dont remember if its Monday or not
11:00 Whap Goblin is my favorite Grumpy Gamers joke.
Barry always seems so sweet and his voice is super comforting so he makes me laugh/smile the easiest. Gotta be my favourite grump (:
30:40 full southern barry is a treat
at 19:50 the commentary gets so real, lol.
"You're an employee of this company"
holy fuck, please dont rip into him
"If [Jesus] was such a good carpenter how did he get stuck to a wooden cross?"
- Ross O'Donovan, 2k16
He should have known not to nail down his hands
When he mocks other faiths, then I'll say he's edgy, till then he's just a buffoon
"Hey Dan, I just shit myself so bad I sobered up from the Opium"
i like how with game grumps' own best-of videos are like this:
-beginning being the best episode starts.
-middle of the video being the best "middle of video" moments.
-remaining segment being the best endings.
The theme of this episode: Sunday
CHAOKO Cartoons : "Can you guess the word of the day?"
Is It Sunday?
I was watching this in 2X speed because it was long and then 30:15 came around and it was all worth it.
"Im Dan Avidan. three teens in one person."
it could've bean it could've bean it could've bean
Bha'al the Lord of Murder I usually dont like accents but jesus that was so cute to me
Bha'al the Lord of Murder Its even cuter if you sing it while walking like a Norse deity! Baldur's gait, if you would
29:21 that replay made me pre to the point of conclusion.
It has been 0 days since Arin last beat-boxed
I friggin' love these compilations... I just don't like how sometimes I watch them late because I don't always have time to watch the whole thing right away. xD
Thanks, Grumps!
It's Election night and I'm watching this to calm my nerves.
Md2011956 it's the day after the election and I'm watching this so I don't cry myself to sleep hahahaHA
I actually love Arin's rant at the end of this, I wish more people understood it.
This world needs more of Arin accidentally medicated on opium
Adrian Dicaire
Adrian Dicaire you people are so dumb, i know they said "opium" but its not opium. its an opiate cough syrup, fucking purple drank.
The first grumps vid I watched was 'best of October 2015' and now it's one of my fav channels. Weird how a year flies by.
Anyone notice Ross says bean?
yipyo morgan Those crazy Aussies
YAS! Omg I love going back through the past month on Game Grumps, they're just as funny as when you originally watched them.
I like to think that the grump course level at 6:50 was made specifically to see if they'd go through the same conversation about that moment for a third time and laugh just as hard again.
Was anyone else waiting for this !?!?
0:04 three teens in one person? that sounds like a hell of a party :)
Hearing Arin sick and Arin well really does show how sick he must of been.
I love how Ross says "been" in this compilation! What's even funnier is that is how "been" is supposed to be said gramatically! :D
Maria Annette Is that grammar, though? Or just dialect?
M-DE-V Technically, it could be both. Think about how "seen" is pronounced. "Seen" and "Been" are spelled the same way, but have two radically different sounds. That would be a grammar issue.
On the other hand, people on the East Coast say "tournament" differently than people on the West Coast. My dad is from Philidelphia, and he says it "tour-na-ment" while my mom, who is from Colorado, says it "turn-a-ment". While this is still technically grammar, it is also a matter dialect.
I hope this helped!
Maria Annette Being from Australia, I imagine Ross is somewhat used to more classic pronunciations of certain English words. But you can't say the other way is incorrect. Many dialects develop over a long time.
People embarrass themselves a lot by saying that a word needs to be said their way rather than a way that has also become widespread.
M-DE-V We sort of have the same thing in Colorado. Native Coloradans, or people who've lived here for a few years, say the name of our own state "incorrectly". The "correct" pronunciation is "Colour-ROD-o". Most people in the state say "Colour-RAD-o". Colorado means "the colour red", so the more widely recognized way of saying it is more Spanish or Latin pronunciation.
Maria Annette Or my Southern way, Colour-RAID-o. :P
"Hey, you have a dirty disc." I died at that part!
My favorite thing about George Carlin is that he narrated Thomas the Tank Engine.
Scarberry My childhood has officially changed.
I'm making popcorn with exotic butters anyone want some
sounds delicious
Sure, I'll bring my Casual Bongos so that we can jam, too.
+Ham Bro don't forget to invite Eggs Benedict
Ham Bro Can we have ice cream for dessert? I'll bring my secret ingredient.
Thank you for an early monthly best of!
these are always a pleasant surprise
If the "started" bit doesn't get on best of 2016 I'll never forgive them
I actually use these summaries to determine what series of GG is worth watching and which isn't based on the humour in the episodes
I love you guys so much! You always make my day, I hope you two, have a wonderful day!
The mess Ross described is literally the exact mess I come home to every time I leave home for more than a day. Roommates are awesome.
"Hey guys welcome back to teens react" 😂😂
i laughed really hard at the if he was a carpenter joke and my step brother came in and asked if i was having an asthma attack
"Could have bean. COULD HAVE BEAN"
-ross 2016
Oney is a messy boi >:)
Relating to the clip near the end of Arin ranting about how people don't like it when someone negatively reviews a game they love, I think its more the fact that when someone is saying WHY they don't like it, they give viewpoints that the listener never thought about and they see those negative things in the game and can't not notice them anymore. I think they get mad because they try to point out good things but sometimes can't because usually the main reason they like the game is because they simply have good memories of the game. Its more of them getting mad at the fact that they never thought about reasons WHY they like the game (viewpoints, things in the game they love) that causes them to lash out at the negative review. I dunno. Just might be more of an inner conflict that a "Deeeuuughhh you can't have an opinion opposite of mine that make me MAD." Or maybe it is. I dunno. Just trying to find other viewpoints and such
I think both circumstances can be the case. I definitely would agree that the kind of feelings you're talking about are very prevalent, but I would be hesitant to say that it's that case all the time.
Flamesinger599 yeah I get you. I doubt its all the time as well I was just proposing a theory as to why it happens sometimes
Dan and Arin are so good at Kirby dream course
I have always enjoyed the scatting used in these videos.
'A Wondeful BEST OF from a wonderful month. Yes!'
You spelt wonderful wrong.
"Wondeful" then "wonderful" in the description. I can appreciate this XD
Just finished and that ending was phenomenal.
I had a terrible week, and this made me smile :)
The Resident Evil series they've been doing in Ghoul Grumps were perfect, it sort of reminds me of how their humor was a while ago.. like with the zombie getting tasered. I miss Old Grumps ;w;
Fear and cower when you hear his name; Growku, the legendary hero!
Okay, so I haven't been following up on the Grumps playing Kirby's Dream Course. Did someone make them a custom rom with the grump Kirby faces?
Yeah they did.
And entirely new levels, custom intro, music, etc. It's an entire fan game made by Grump fans just for them, because they knew how much the Grumps enjoyed the original Kirby's Dream Course.
That's rad as hell. Major props to whoever made that.
Are you mad or something...? They might've not read it closely to see it said 'Grumps' instead of 'Kirby'. Besides, it could've been taken as a joke to change the name. So I'm not sure how a title should have automatically cued them in that this game was an entire custom set of fan levels.
Mac ah, yes, my mistake, totally sorry. If you will excuse me i will now go watch their recent episode of Grump Evil Remastered. Thats how they shouldve know, they have never done that, why start now?
Still holding out for Deadly Premonition. Though I'm guessing maybe technical issues contributed to ditching that one.
Playing through Deadly Premonition is an educational experience for aspiring programmers -- a wondrous world of memory leakage.
It's very unfortunate. The Grumps' playthrough of DP is one of the few such playthroughs that I enjoyed (perhaps because Arin likes it, and I always smile like an idiot when Arin, in a rare moment, defends something that I like as well). Other players just make dumb jokes about the game's quirkiness and how it's "obviously" stolen from Silent Hills and Twin Peaks...
Hello Mr. GRumps! Your fun videos about video games teach me allot about making my own videos. And I also love them. Thank you!
"If Jesus is such a good carpenter, then how'd he get himself nailed to the cross?"
That's like saying "If he's such a good auto mechanic, then how'd he get hit by a car?" The things Ross says, XD.
Oh, yay! It's best of Game Rumps!
Ross: "If he was such a good carpenter how did he get stuck to a wooden cross?"
Brian: "ROSS."
Brian: "I am a proud athiest and I'm upset by that joke."
I am Brian AND Ross in this situation tbh
Best "best of" yet.
Moral of the story:
Never leave a crushed Pepsi can on top of a opens bag of beef jerky over night with the air conditioner off.
Yes! I've been hoping for this!
"I got a wheel" made me laugh so fucking hard
Can we just say the new editors are fan-freakintastic
Theme of GG October: Sunday
arin and danny are my favorite teens
This month was hilarious... but I'd really like them to bring back -The Adventures of Rooples Pooples- Devil's Third.
I miss earthbound so hard please bring it back. I dont normally like watching the episodes that are not arin and danny so to see a series with ross and brian that i enjoyed was really nice.
Arin has the best laugh.
Starting at 24:10 does anyone else think Arin kinda sounds like Negan from The Walking Dead or am I imagining it LOL
"It could've bean Arin or Dan. It could've bean Matt. It could've bean Ryan." bean.
Arin's rant at the end made me smile.
I just came to the saddest realization of my life. Game Grumps won't be here forever. one day Arin and Danny won't be doing Game Grumps forever.... When that happens I think I will cry harder then ever. They've been helping me through so much for so long. I never want them to stop, and I hope that someone can continue for them at least. so that way they can still be helping people after these 2 amazing people have retired.
VG Logic Hopefully Arin and Danny will continue this for about 2-3 years, but you never know what the future holds for them.
chris pratt for guest grumps
well this comment didnt age well
Early this month! Thanks Matt and/or Ryan
Didn't even realize I share a birthday with Arin until now. cool.
Toasty Bacon I'm like 2 days away from it too!!
31:35-31:59 I can't wait to hear the song version of that
Waterfall Kong what's the song called
I need the Flash Gordon song that Arin sings as my ring tone.. 😂😂 it kills me every time..
"If Jesus was such a good carpenter, how did he get himself nailed on a cross?" xD first recorded workplace accident
just had all the best of videos playing at once i heard
arin screaming over everything, especially about sonic and mario.
danny laughing loudly
haha I watched this through the night while I slept
Did you get me started?
shinyguru I tink u got ME started pal
shinyguru Now I'm a porcupine, AND I'm started!
Fukin Cactus prick fukin, fukin my wife YA PRIK
Dan's hello's give me life
I very much enjoyed Arin's beat scatting at the end
That beef jerky/messy room thing felt like something that should've been discussed off camera. No need to publicly embarrass anyone.
That moment when you actually I is what Arin was talking about from the story at 7:10 XD LOVED Beakman's World
I'm stoned af and them talking about Satan and your butthole has me dying 😂😭😂
I already forgot CD-I Zelda was in October XD
game grumps are over the top
love game grumps keep it up guys plus love nsp thanks guys
Game Rumps are best Gumps
Hey look I'm joke
Better make an early
AurumUrsus it's joke
AurumUrsus my life is a joke
funnnnnnnnnnyyyy jOKE
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand weeeeee're the Game Jokes
I'm joke. I'm also joke. Joooooooooooooooooke.
Please, please, PLEASE continue Wand of Gamelon! I waited too long for it to happen to end it after 7 episodes! #NoMoreLovelies #SaltySamsAhoy
XD you can call that octopus an octo-"rock" :D