Capitalism Hits Home: Why do 38% of Americans support Donald Trump? - Part 1

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 876

  • @Ace1000ks19751982
    @Ace1000ks19751982 4 года назад +182

    People are angry, and it is ultimately their anger that will destroy them. My father was like that, he always listened to right wing radio shows. He would blame other people for all the problems he had, he would abused alcohol, and he was abusive. Years of negativity, and abusing alcohol destroyed his health, had chemotherapy, two surgeries due to colon cancer + bladder, and still an asshole. Populism, being angry at everyone, blaming everyone, and substance abuse will not get you anywhere in life. He is paying for it now, living in chronic pain, living with a colostomy bag, and another bag for his urine.
    I did learn something from him, and that was not to be like him. Not to be a masochist, and not to believe in right wing bullshit. Populism, anger, and negativity is something snake oil salesmen sell to people blinded by rage.

    • @gwills9337
      @gwills9337 4 года назад +25

      Populism (not neo-fascism) is our only way out. We have to support each other and shift this ME vs. YOU design of our economy. My father was also a fool - glad you were able to stop the pattern. Left is best!

    • @Ace1000ks19751982
      @Ace1000ks19751982 4 года назад +24

      @@gwills9337 The kind of populism that Bernie Sanders is promoting is good, but the kind of populism from the right which got Trump elected is bad. That kind of populism only promotes scapegoating people, and it isn't about finding solutions.

    • @RazorKane22
      @RazorKane22 4 года назад +2

      @@Ace1000ks19751982 nobody scapegoats more than the left..

    • @Ace1000ks19751982
      @Ace1000ks19751982 4 года назад +17

      @@RazorKane22 Right wing politics is pointless. Sure they talk about the problems that exist in our society, but they never talk about solutions. You would be better off using that to refine your skills, or go to school to find a better career to improve your life than to listen to such bullshit.

    • @petezervos6497
      @petezervos6497 4 года назад +4


  • @hclau218
    @hclau218 4 года назад +66

    The same reason a large portion of Germans supported Hitler or Italians supported Mussolini

    • @magistrumartium
      @magistrumartium 4 года назад

      @Timothy Petitpas Christians have always thought they were living in the end times, but they've always been wrong about that. 2000 years and still waiting.

    • @magistrumartium
      @magistrumartium 4 года назад

      @Timothy Petitpas Famines have always existed, but fewer people are dying from famine than ever before, because we have international transportation and charity organizations that didn't exist in the past.
      Also, there have been numerous peace treaties between Arabs/Palestinians and Israelis in the past. The question is, how long before someone breaks the new treaty? (Anwar Sadat was assassinated for signing a peace treaty, back in the 80s I think.) Radicals are never willing to compromise. But we shall see.
      What I mean is, people have always seen "signs" of the end-times. Prior to the year 1000 there were many, many people who were certain the end was nigh, but they were wrong. (There's a book about that called The Pursuit of the Millenium.)
      Jesus himself thought the end of the world was coming soon, 2000 years ago, but he was wrong. Read Matthew 24.30-34. ("The stars shall fall from heaven .... This generation shall not pass , till all these things be fulfilled.")

    • @magistrumartium
      @magistrumartium 4 года назад

      @Timothy Petitpas For about 60 years we've had more than enough nukes in the world to wipe out humanity, so it's certainly possible.

    • @magistrumartium
      @magistrumartium 4 года назад

      @Timothy Petitpas Oh yes. Not all of it but a lot of it, including the gospels.
      Many people interpret the weird things in Revelation as cryptic references to the modern world, but I wonder, why be cryptic at all? And I've noticed that none of the places named in the Bible lie outside a radius of a few hundred miles in the Middle East (because that's all the authors knew of the world.) It never mentions Paris, London, Moscow, Tokyo, or the Americas. Never mentions anything specifically modern like airplanes or submarines, but it mentions a talking snake and a talking donkey. I just can't take it seriously, except that "Love your neighbor as yourself" is a good rule to live by.

    • @magistrumartium
      @magistrumartium 4 года назад

      @Timothy Petitpas Dude, you need to lighten up.

    @TBONESIDEOFLIFE 4 года назад +61

    America doesn’t need more incrementalists. It needs leaders who can successfully transition it from being a capitalist society to a social democracy. I say that because America is exactly what social democrats predicted would happen to capitalist societies - the masses would end up poor and powerless, crises of every kind would afflict them, society could never invest in public goods, exploitation would trickle down, not riches, and as a feeling of despair and fatalism swept the land, demagoguery and extremism would arise. Capitalism, the old social democrats noted, implodes into fascism. America’s currently shining proof of that terrible axiom coming true - all over again.

    • @gwills9337
      @gwills9337 4 года назад +5

      preach brother!

    • @itzenormous
      @itzenormous 4 года назад +3

      No, what we need is a proletarian government. A government of action, to fight for working families.
      We need a rationally planned economy, rather than one that adheres to the irrational dictates of the market.
      Social Democracy is nothing but Capitalism - with benefits.
      It's time to move beyond this system.

    • @itzenormous
      @itzenormous 4 года назад +5

      @George AKA Dad Wow, I want whatever it is that YOU'RE smoking.

      @TBONESIDEOFLIFE 4 года назад +7

      Nobody on earth is foolish enough to want to end up like America these days - no, not even poor countries, which rarely choose America’s weird values of aggression, selfishness, materialism, and predation, go ahead and take a look at nations from China to South Korea to Nigeria. Nobody, that is, except Britain.
      A few years from now, Brits will live like Americans: their life expectancies, incomes, savings, and happiness will all be cratering, as the middle class implodes, the working class descends into Victorian poverty, society has no functioning systems left, which all get privatized and sold off, and billionaires make huge, huge profits off it all. Who on earth chooses all that? By now, you should already know the answer.

    • @martinzarathustra8604
      @martinzarathustra8604 4 года назад +4

      @George AKA Dad Nope. I live in Canada, people are fleeing the US to our country and we are sending them back.

  • @elpompo5166
    @elpompo5166 4 года назад +35

    Lady Fraad is such an outstanding person. Her deep analysis on American contemporary times takes hold on you mind and makes it see the truth. We love you, my lady! 😊

  • @765kvline
    @765kvline 4 года назад +42

    “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”― Vladimir Ilich Lenin

    • @wesleygordon1645
      @wesleygordon1645 4 года назад +2

      Quoting the likes of Lenin shows complete ignorance.After all Russia destroyed their economy many decades ago because of Socialism/Communism.

    • @MonteVanVleet
      @MonteVanVleet 4 года назад +4

      @@wesleygordon1645 Russia never had real Communism. It was a bastardized Socialism, in which the oligarchy owned the means of production, and the benefits of production accrued only to the oligarchs, not the working people. Effectively a fascist state in reality, which it still is, and which the US has also become.

    • @theallseeingeye9388
      @theallseeingeye9388 4 года назад +1

      Lenin's statement is a great example of what's happening in the US political conversation today.
      Lenin saying anything associated with ideas and concepts of capitalism will entail in the enslavement of the working class is the same nonsense right wing ideology deploys when anyone questions the broken neoliberal capitalism of America today.

    • @eben3357
      @eben3357 4 года назад

      @Janusha It's more a case that the Romanovs were unable to stop the February Revolution. The White House and Kremlin emerged historically out of 'revolutionary wars' and have not been toppled. Ideology aside, the Government that fails to protect itself by all means - even from the public - will collapse. In the case of National Socialism, the collapse was brought about by external forces.

    • @eben3357
      @eben3357 4 года назад

      @Janusha Fixed for whom? Everything depends on perspective. This year's virtue signalers will be condemned for recording injustices on iPhones made by Asian sweatshop lives. Discontents never end because humans are hardwired to compete for what other humans have. Lao Tzu taught to crush the innovative and keep the people simple and this is how civilisations and their leadership hitherto have survived against the changing morals and wants of the masses.

  • @davehendricks4824
    @davehendricks4824 4 года назад +54

    What an astonishingly intelligent woman!

    • @Mark-zu6oz
      @Mark-zu6oz 4 года назад +3

      @Westsude Granny She shows understanding and compassion.

  • @chickenchad9814
    @chickenchad9814 4 года назад +123

    This is really interesting and different perspective Dr Fraad. First time listener, I look forward to hearing more from you.

  • @jasmineluxemburg6200
    @jasmineluxemburg6200 4 года назад +16

    My mother was authoritarian and violent. (And religious)A hated her and am not ashamed of that. I loved and respected my kind and gentle father who had humanitarian values ! I am an atheist and a humanitarian, at ease with myself and supportive of equality and socialism. It is healthy to hate oppression and oppose any ideology that exploits and rationalises injustices! Compared to Europe the population of USA is ideologically and politically ill informed and inclined to be reactionary , hence Trump ! Malcolm X I admired and remember with strong feelings still ! black lives matter is hopeful radicalism that gives a lead to class struggle ! There needs to be ideological struggle alongside protest. This speaker is old like me, but well informed and radical but low key in her way of speaking. ! There is room for all in the struggle for equality and socialism!

    • @artemismoonbow2475
      @artemismoonbow2475 4 года назад

      I was the same, though my father is not as authoritarian and more gentle, he still cannot bring himself to question to far. He has severe limits. I am convinced that these traumas extend down through multiple generations and perhaps I was born a trans woman to this family to disrupt this cycle, even if it is from exclusion and alienation. I fear for them, as I fear for us all, but I can hope that these cycles can be disrupted at the personal, the familial, and the communal levels. I've been told my whole life that I am "an old soul," so if we can't disrupt this, I'm in for some hurt because I am tired. :)

  • @mikeklassic78
    @mikeklassic78 4 года назад +34

    We've been in trouble for A LONG TIME....unfortunately people are just realizing this.

  • @spiritualanarchist8162
    @spiritualanarchist8162 4 года назад +6

    If Americans don't understand why Trump is still popular, imagine how we in Europe feel. We see him destroy your country and wonder,,,Why ? How? .What the hell is happening over there ?..

    • @nil981
      @nil981 4 года назад +1

      Trump is the result of decades of anti-intellectualism, neoliberalism, and corporate cronyism.

    • @spiritualanarchist8162
      @spiritualanarchist8162 4 года назад +1

      **@@nil981 I understand that. I also understand why people voted for him as a protest vote. What i, and most people i speak with around Europe is why so many *will vote for him again. He is so obviously flawed,

  • @dianeblack4865
    @dianeblack4865 4 года назад +49

    Fantastic video! Everyone should watch this. But some people can't handle the truth.

    • @HALee-
      @HALee- 4 года назад +1

      Preet Dhami some of us get it. I try to educate others, but they still think Trump will save them!

    • @HALee-
      @HALee- 4 года назад +2

      ¿K Allayl? Nah, the Republicans I know are exactly the same way as the Democrats you describe. Each thinks the other is the enemy. What a mess!

    • @Grandpa_Boxer
      @Grandpa_Boxer 4 года назад

      @@HALee- People like to claim all politicians are the same. We now know that's absolutely incorrect!!

  • @michellebudd5176
    @michellebudd5176 4 года назад +35

    Best analysis of what’s going on that I’ve ever heard. Thank you.

  • @alisonburgess345
    @alisonburgess345 4 года назад +16

    Really interesting video. I’m Australian and we’re a bit puzzled about how Trump is getting away with his hopeless Presidency and this gives insight into the issue. We’ve got plenty of problems here, but at least this religious authoritarianism isn’t one of them. We are culturally very different I think. Although our countries were both founded on violence to an extent, it’s really ingrained in America - we can’t believe how armed to the teeth your population is!

    • @justice_was_taken
      @justice_was_taken 4 года назад

      As an American I absolutely hate how many people in my neighborhood fly those don’t tread on me snake flags (usually under an American flag) that represent hardcore 2nd amendment conservatives. Very disturbing for sure

    • @alisonburgess345
      @alisonburgess345 4 года назад +2

      Fuck Google It seems so strange to us - no civilians have guns here. The only people armed are cops, farmers (and underworld crims I guess). We had one mass shooting at Port Arthur in Tasmania about 30 years ago and that was it. All over. All the privately held firearms went into the grinders!

    • @justice_was_taken
      @justice_was_taken 4 года назад +1

      We have lots of mass shootings but our legislators are bought and paid for by the NRA

    • @C02045
      @C02045 4 года назад +1

      Early days yet. We Aussies have a nut who would have us all back at work dieing at our desk but for the resistance of most states. Some is an evangelical

    • @quantumdecoherence1289
      @quantumdecoherence1289 4 года назад

      let them off themselves into oblivion . good riddance, the world would be a better place

  • @ankersman
    @ankersman 4 года назад +15

    Normally I will dismiss feminist talk as anti-man but Dr Fraad presents a very persuasive argument which takes it beyond the usual rant. Thanks, Dr Fraad.

    • @fuckfannyfiddlefart
      @fuckfannyfiddlefart 4 года назад +2

      Well now you know you bias, you should consciously work to counter it.

    • @ankersman
      @ankersman 4 года назад

      @@fuckfannyfiddlefart Dworkin turned me off feminism. Onboarding the anticap perspective a vast improvement.

    • @RazorKane22
      @RazorKane22 4 года назад

      @@fuckfannyfiddlefart everyone has a bias. Including you loony leftists

    • @RazorKane22
      @RazorKane22 4 года назад

      @Joe Average a "loser" is someone that wants to steal other people's resources and give it to the government. I'e leftists....basically YOU

    • @stuartnochance
      @stuartnochance 4 года назад

      Militant KANE but this implies you also have biases.

  • @bundleofperceptions1397
    @bundleofperceptions1397 4 года назад +7

    I have resisted authoritarian parents when I was a child, and have resisted authoritarians ever since. I've never been able to figure out how people can be so simple-minded as to think authoritarians are anything but pure evil. The human race will go extinct because of authoritarians, and we deserve everything that happens to us.

    • @kirstinstrand6292
      @kirstinstrand6292 4 года назад +1

      I too had Authitarian parents (mother, mostly).
      Congrats for breaking free!
      It is never easy to do - parents coupled with Christianity's control over our thinking! Gotta let both go. I did in my early 20's and have been picking up the pieces ever since. FREEDOM always comes with a price tag.

  • @johnlinden7398
    @johnlinden7398 4 года назад +3


  • @theveganbeast28
    @theveganbeast28 4 года назад +8

    What baffles me is, how does anyone still support capitalism?

    • @blackhogarth4049
      @blackhogarth4049 4 года назад +3

      Our population has been propagandized for generations to uphold capitalism as if it's a sacred, unassailable good, and that even suggesting that we can to better is equivalent to treachery. Make no mistake. It was engineered this way by those who benefit from it.

    • @wesleygordon1645
      @wesleygordon1645 4 года назад

      Are you really that ignorant--staggering statement !! shows total blindness on your part!
      I could not care less if my boss came to work in his chauffeur driven Rolls Royce,just as long as he treated his workers all right. Socialism will destroy your country.Someone once said: Capitalism is not a perfect system, it just happens to be the best there is !!!

    • @theveganbeast28
      @theveganbeast28 4 года назад +1

      @@wesleygordon1645 who said that? I want to guess and say it was a capitalist... "This crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career." - Albert Einstein

    • @theveganbeast28
      @theveganbeast28 4 года назад

      @johnlocke445 and the millions killed for capitalism... like the health care system, where thousands die a year due not having access to basic Healthcare.

    • @elinannestad5320
      @elinannestad5320 4 года назад

      Hello Matthew - me too, I wonder. It is very nice to hear that someone else wonders, rather than leaping to some hard-and-fast opinion. So far my ideas are: simply habit, 'the great flywheel of society' (thanks Henry James). Plus innate fear, which we all have, fostering greed and 'them-and-us' mentalities which have been elevated by propaganda such as Hollywood films. What do you think?

  • @clarenceedwards2866
    @clarenceedwards2866 4 года назад +6

    I think that this episode is testimony of the US as a declining power on the world stage. Has there ever been in the history of the US two old men competing for the presidency? I don't know for sure but it sends a message of hopelessness when the democrats could not have selected a younger and more vibrant candidate instead of the current geriatric.

  • @joemoe974
    @joemoe974 4 года назад +15

    She is absolutely brilliant.

    • @joemoe974
      @joemoe974 4 года назад

      @johnlocke445 "A fast-talking Marxist." Seriously? LOL. You need to watch less speeches by politicians and mainstream economists and more people like this who really understand how our culture and economic system have created the dynamics we live under.
      And while we're at it, what on earth does she gain by "fast talking" anyone? What does that even freaking mean? If anyone is fast-talking the nation, it's that god damn sociopathic loon in the White House! He lies a hundred times an hour and his supporters don't even CARE. That's the terrifying part.
      Did you even listen to what she was talking about? Stop being so hellbent on defending 'merica at any cost, and instead listen to what she's actually saying.

  • @brett22bt
    @brett22bt 4 года назад +4

    I just found you Dr. Fraad, I'm sorry it took me so long. The way you articulate your unique insight into the challenges we face is nothing short of inspirational.

  • @melissasoaresdejesus5021
    @melissasoaresdejesus5021 4 года назад +4

    Thanks for your video. I am from Brazil and the similar questions arose here with Bolsonaro. He did not lose his 30% despite their tragedies. I believe, as MARXIST, wroted on Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, that religion is symptom of capitalism decadence. Middle Class in Brazil vote massively FOR him because they are becoming poorer as American middle class too. They will do anything to hold power and position, including initiate a war. Sorry for my poor English!

  • @luisparra8530
    @luisparra8530 4 года назад +12

    I found this to be informative and will be sharing this portion:
    29:00. Let's face it. What brought in FDR, was an alliance betweenthe CIO, big labor, millions of people organizing, with many organizers from the Communist party, and the two socialist parties saying we want not only just $0.10 an hour more. We want a say in our lives because we are important and our labor matters. They (Trump supporters) want to forget all that, and the corporations have worked on that -getting the public to forget- quite consciously to get them to hate government, and not corporate leadership who exported their jobs, and has at this moment about a third of the workforce apply for unemployment, while at the same time these corporate leaders blame the government and focus Trump supporter's anger on the government.
    They are very angry (Trump supporters), they have a huge nihilistic anger, because they have lost the class war that corporate America fought against them, and they don't even know it.
    The same corporate America that exported their jobs, and brought their billions home to buy their politicians, to buy the media, to control what they see, and how they live their lives.
    31:30. They (Trump supporters), identify with Trump when he States "I will destroy our government by putting in charge of each agency, the one whose most interested in is destruction. (DeVose, a fundamentalist peddler of Christian education in charge of public education, traditionally a sanctuary of secular education; a coal and steel peddler in charge of environmental protection.)

  • @Leetah36
    @Leetah36 4 года назад +7

    I didn't realize that infanticide was that common. That's really disturbing.

    • @markdouglas8073
      @markdouglas8073 4 года назад

      I don’t know where she gets that claim that it was “common practice.” In fact, that would be very hard to prove. But that infant mortality was high before vaccinations and cures for many common diseases were developed is known from birth and death records. The Bible records child sacrifice among some of Israel’s neighbors and Aztecs seem to have followed similar practices to appease their gods.

    • @edwardkimball596
      @edwardkimball596 4 года назад

      Michelle L. Neither did I. We may need to fact check that. BTW. On the original topic, I highly recommend “The Lie That Binds “ by Ilyse Hogue. She and her researcher clearly explain the rise of Trumpism.

  • @TracedaBassman
    @TracedaBassman 4 года назад +1

    This was a departure from what I usually watch on RUclips, but I watched it to the end. Thank you for this video Dr. Fraad. You have such a wonderful way of explaining such difficult and complex topics.

  • @danieldemarcus1439
    @danieldemarcus1439 4 года назад +4

    She needs to have this on PBS, she is very articulate and powerful.

  • @infiniteinfiniteinfi
    @infiniteinfiniteinfi 4 года назад +6

    Incredibly needed analysis!

  • @richardh8082
    @richardh8082 4 года назад +3

    Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.
    Arthur Conan Doyle

  • @adrianjanssens7116
    @adrianjanssens7116 4 года назад +15

    Thank you for these insights. Cheers from Canada,

  • @jwick2520
    @jwick2520 4 года назад +5

    Utterly fascinating. Cant wait for part 2!

  • @edwardpalmore7114
    @edwardpalmore7114 4 года назад +2

    Dr. Fraad this is great material. Hurry up and bring on the sequel. Thank you. I am subscribed.

  • @Viper4ever05
    @Viper4ever05 4 года назад +1

    I had a teacher in the 5th grade who used humiliation tactics and authoritarian rule as her teaching style. Her style of teaching was very old school which makes me believe she was part of the catholic church at some point. She kept the girls closer to her with their desks packed together but had the boys farther from her desk with space between them. If I misunderstood a homework assignment or answered a test question wrong she would have me stand up, read my wrong answers out loud, and essentially embarrass me for being the only one who did the assignment incorrectly. On a number of occasions, she would stand me up and literally yell at me red-faced seething with anger over things I never did. The other kids were so terrified of this woman they would push blame on others in which I was a victim on a frequent basis. The messed up thing about all this was I was the quiet kid with no friends, turmoil at home, and getting bullied during recess.

  • @harrymortellaro8074
    @harrymortellaro8074 4 года назад +1

    Finally, common sense, pragmatism, accurate historical context, and truth. Long overdue. America really has to upgrade its ‘ public education system.

  • @sevenfights
    @sevenfights 4 года назад +8

    She really starts to hit the nail at the 16.00 mark. I've come to the same conclusions.

  • @sal_peter
    @sal_peter 4 года назад +10

    These were the most eye-opening 45 minutes of my life.

  • @Ray89135
    @Ray89135 4 года назад +1

    Excellent message. May I make one correction please: Singapore and Taiwan are not poor countries - far from it. Have you ever been there?

  • @gracekoppenhofer5864
    @gracekoppenhofer5864 4 года назад +1

    Thank You!!!!!! I needed to understand! I have said and believed things you've said here for years! I see things that others don't but do not have your ability to explain it! Again, Thank You!

  • @Ray89135
    @Ray89135 4 года назад +1

    Dr. Fraad, WOW !!! You hit it right on target. Your explanation makes so much sense. I wish those 38% could hear your message.

  • @CaliDreaming01
    @CaliDreaming01 4 года назад +1

    Very enlightening. Can’t wait for part 2.

  • @drewroberts139
    @drewroberts139 4 года назад +5

    Can't wait for part 2!!

  • @tomricc69
    @tomricc69 4 года назад +2

    The per capita median wage is $33,000 a year in America not $78,000 after tax around $28,000 a year! The avg apartment costs $1500 monthly! enough said...

  • @allensacharov5424
    @allensacharov5424 4 года назад +1

    your presentation is absolutely spot on. I spent years living in South America and there the woman is revered as the "alma de casa." - soul of the house.

  • @DrDRE4391
    @DrDRE4391 4 года назад +1

    Excellently said. What interesting discourse Dr. Fraad. I can't wait for part 2.

  • @bluefil7181
    @bluefil7181 4 года назад +3

    What a sick, sick culture. I’m sooo happy I was raised in a beautiful, supportive Islamic environment. There is real price for willful negligence.

  • @Mark-zu6oz
    @Mark-zu6oz 4 года назад +2

    Thank you! At least now I can move to understanding what's going on instead of meeting rage with rage.

  • @sagemoma
    @sagemoma 4 года назад +1

    Dr. Fraad, I have followed Economic update since I was one of those subserviant Chassidic house wives that you spoke of listening to WBAI on the radio when home alone with my babies. I have watched every video you put out on this channel. Thank you for sharing your wisdom ❤️. I am happy to see your viewership grow and hope that more people hear your message.

  • @Alaska-luckylexi
    @Alaska-luckylexi 4 года назад +1

    You just got another subscriber, you are a wonderful speaker. I feel so much more enlightened thank you 😊.

  • @whatta1501
    @whatta1501 4 года назад +3

    The fact that Georgia just voted for Kelly Koffelor baffles me. The crazy coming from her is beyond words

  • @umtatazimbabwe6711
    @umtatazimbabwe6711 4 года назад +7

    Is it ironic and inappropriate that I kinda wish there was Harriet Fraad merc I could buy?

  • @jake4024
    @jake4024 4 года назад +13

    We need people like her in power, extremely intelligent.

  • @whysoserious8666
    @whysoserious8666 4 года назад +1

    I never did understand how people can fight for democracy 6 days a week and pray for a king on the seventh. But then neither did the priest I asked a long time ago.

  • @jeaninegoss9028
    @jeaninegoss9028 4 года назад +1

    I just wached this Episode. I didn't think I would watch such s long Clip, but the question about those loyal Trump voters cought me. I am really impressed by your thoughts and presentation. I am an American living in Germany. Your thoughts convince me very much. Good for you. I hope you can reach some people. Bravo.

  • @friedricengravy6646
    @friedricengravy6646 4 года назад +1

    Thank u for uploading content such as this. Offering the opportunity for viewers/listeners to ‘think’. So important always, but extremely important in these times. Exactly what an internet connection should b used for.....seeking knowledge & sharing experiences. In a world drowning in corporate pop instant gratification & conspiracy theories offering the bliss of living in denial, we need more sources of substance.
    Stay well, healthy & safe. Thank u

  • @Saint2K13
    @Saint2K13 4 года назад +1

    This entire video is incredibly well put together. So informative, so important.

  • @jmatsonheininger7760
    @jmatsonheininger7760 4 года назад +3

    thank you, again.

  • @tenderheart7530
    @tenderheart7530 4 года назад +1

    Followers of the current GOP are afflicted with extreme schadenfreude. Tragic for them and the rest of the citizens. 🌸

  • @TheTalkWatcher
    @TheTalkWatcher 4 года назад

    This video should not only be watched. It needs to be shared!

  • @thechaplainisin8598
    @thechaplainisin8598 4 года назад

    Thanks Dr. Fraad, this really helped me temper my anger and fear with some compassion - and a desire to contribute to the end of patriarchal, authoritarian power! I'm subscribed and look forward to more.

  • @christopherschafer7675
    @christopherschafer7675 4 года назад +1

    The U.S. Census Bureau reported in September 2017 that real median household income was $59,039 in 2016.

  • @BriannaMemis_Breezy1
    @BriannaMemis_Breezy1 4 года назад +3

    Thought provoking commentary. Thank you :)

  • @lilmoe4364
    @lilmoe4364 4 года назад

    One of the most interesting and informative videos I've seen in a long time. Thank you.

  • @tedcarter4258
    @tedcarter4258 4 года назад +1

    Brilliant!!!! Thank you 🙏🏻

  • @dondattaford7608
    @dondattaford7608 4 года назад +3

    Wow your insights is spot on and it begs a question the remedies

  • @thomasmanes9103
    @thomasmanes9103 4 года назад +2

    BRAVO! And thank you! I've needed this for 4 years. I would love a written transcript of this talk to send to my aunt, who is not online and is a Trump supporter. She has a PhD in counseling (retired from a public school system), and she also sends him money. I do have mental illness in my family.

  • @richardsansbury5869
    @richardsansbury5869 4 года назад +4

    Thank u for the insight.

  • @samross6178
    @samross6178 4 года назад

    Great video! That was very well done, you hit it on the nail!👍

  • @DeathSpellXVI
    @DeathSpellXVI 4 года назад +1

    Oh but you are brilliant! I can't believe so little views while other charlatans with enormous egos, even on the left, get triple these views. I've learned to much in this lesson, thank you.

  • @Joebethere7
    @Joebethere7 4 года назад +2

    Both political parties want the people to fight among themselves so they don't look at the corruption and dysfunction of both parties, neither of which represent the vast majority of the people in the U.S.

    • @sponge6415
      @sponge6415 4 года назад

      Joe, most cogent comment I've read in a long time. Perfectly summarizes the current situation.

  • @bradmalinowski
    @bradmalinowski 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much. You helped validate what I've opined for a long time. You helped all of us grasp an understanding of why and how this was even allowed to happen. We have a very sick and traumatized citizenry now in America. I call it the U.S.A. = United States of Anxiety.

  • @firedplay
    @firedplay 4 года назад

    Thank you for doing this series.

  • @cptsky47
    @cptsky47 4 года назад +1

    You hit the nail right on the head. Neo Liberalism, and you got it all right. Thanks for telling the truth.

  • @phleef
    @phleef 4 года назад +1

    I’ve read volumes and watched hundreds of hours of video trying to understand why so many support Trump. This video is far and away the best explanation I have found on the phenomenon.

  • @BuddyCoopers
    @BuddyCoopers 4 года назад

    She explains our pain and suffering very well my take away is there's noting to stop it just try to stay alive one more day is the goal.

  • @nowthenzen
    @nowthenzen 4 года назад +1

    Can we also remember as part of the Soviet contribution to WW2 their none aggression pack with Nazi Germany? and their 1939 invasions of Poland and Finland? or the Katyn woods massacre? Or the 1944 stop order during the Polish Home Army Warsaw uprising? Let's remember those things too.

    • @stuartnochance
      @stuartnochance 4 года назад +1

      Haven’t heard the whole thing yet, but wondering what this has to do with this talk.

  • @WonderMagician
    @WonderMagician 4 года назад

    Thank you Dr. Fraad for your excellent in depth examination of a very dangerous time in our country!

    • @GordoGambler
      @GordoGambler 4 года назад


  • @quixoticindiscipline9524
    @quixoticindiscipline9524 4 года назад

    This channel has excellent content.
    Keep it up!

  • @f.drachenfels4503
    @f.drachenfels4503 4 года назад +1

    Isaac Asimov said: there is a cult of ignorance in the US and there has always been. The strain of anti intellectualismhas been a constant threat winding its way through our political and cultural life nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that „my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.

  • @andrewclifton429
    @andrewclifton429 4 года назад +2

    I think approval polls are relative to the alternative voters see as available. This is the only way I can explain Trump's incredibly high approval ratings - they're a function of how conspicuously awful the Democrats are. When people are asked, if they approve of Trump, they hear "Do you think Trump is doing worse, or better, than Joe Biden would do?" That's the question they answer. And I agree with America's collective answer: Yes, Trump is, indeed, even worse than Biden will be. But not by all that that much.

    • @robertyw2882
      @robertyw2882 4 года назад

      Choice between half or a full bowl of $h1t.

  • @choppsiepacino8181
    @choppsiepacino8181 4 года назад

    Terrific! Keep going.

  • @eottoe2001
    @eottoe2001 4 года назад +1

    Don't always agree with you but this one I do see living in the Midwest around fundamentalist Christians & conservative Catholics. All of what you say today is true.

  • @gracewright7938
    @gracewright7938 4 года назад +4

    Outstanding explanation. I am older, and how you explained it is exactly how it developed.

  • @sanaa371
    @sanaa371 4 года назад

    Great presentation. Very lucid and to the point. Love it!

  • @spelunkerd
    @spelunkerd 4 года назад

    A decade ago I drove a car across the midwest. It is sparsely populated and there is little selection when scanning for radio stations. No public radio I could find, most radio stations were evangelical or far right talk shows, or country and western music. Their culture is very different, they don't listen to (and have very little access to) outside opinions. Indeed even in big cities in the US it is hard to find quality international news, almost all media outlets are inwardly facing, not even covering major news outside of their borders. My son finished high school in the US and I can say their public school system is far behind.

  • @viracocha4261
    @viracocha4261 4 года назад

    i enjoyed your video very much, Dr Fraad. Very sobering , yet true.

  • @rhou568
    @rhou568 4 года назад +1

    We can’t expect all American to be smart and sensible. IQ deficiency syndrome is a wide spread disease in US.

  • @bllewis52
    @bllewis52 4 года назад

    Thank you for a comprehensive discussion and analysis of recent history.

  • @ahajischreffler6276
    @ahajischreffler6276 3 года назад

    First time listener, fascinating analysis - thank you.

  • @bentrink2493
    @bentrink2493 4 года назад

    Brilliant !!! Resonates much Truth and Insight here.

  • @stellabella8224
    @stellabella8224 4 года назад +2

    Awesome information with good strong points of view.

  • @janicemorin3485
    @janicemorin3485 4 года назад

    Wow, thank you so much.

  • @claudermiller
    @claudermiller 4 года назад

    I'm reminded of the episode of All in the Family when Archie is laid off or on strike and Edith gets a full time job at a nursing home or something.

  • @RedRosa
    @RedRosa 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for the show! I would love to hear your thoughts on the Authoritarian Personality from Marcuse to Bob Altemeyer, etc.

  • @fredbarton8050
    @fredbarton8050 4 года назад +1

    Very well expresses, a pleasure.

  • @jodeen494
    @jodeen494 4 года назад +1

    I really appreciate your insights and analysis. Thank you so much.

  • @advandepol7537
    @advandepol7537 4 года назад +2

    Great lecture. But she avoids telling that a lot of white americans are racist, therefore support Trump. She wil also realize, that Obama was restricted in his power because of his color.

    • @JabramAllen
      @JabramAllen 4 года назад +1

      I completely agree with you; however she renders an accurate description of white America and those aberrant individuals hailing from the "other". It could be that in order to keep her audience listening - she must avoid those issues.

    • @jxmai7687
      @jxmai7687 4 года назад +1

      I think racist will become another topic and connect to the history so need lot more time.

  • @bigstuff52
    @bigstuff52 4 года назад +1

    one has to realize that a lot of his base are boomers..they'll never leave him for reasons that are really unknown to me...You're on your own in America..

  • @ktucker147
    @ktucker147 4 года назад +2

    Gosh, I love her content.

  • @Ratguitar58
    @Ratguitar58 4 года назад

    Thank you for your time and honest assessment of the current US and it’s reasons for ending up in this mess.
    I believe you are spot on in everything that you have covered so far.
    It echoes my thoughts and feelings almost exactly... and it helps to clarify the reason for my astonishment that Anyone at all besides the lowest of low life’s would even consider continuing their support of that person.
    Both of my parents who are in their mid 80’s are part of that support for the current dictator in chief and you just explained their behavior and mindset very well.
    I would ask the creator for unconditional love to all and please help this planet “ not just this country “ the entire planet... to overcome this horrible situation that has been imposed upon it and it’s inhabitants.
    Thank you 🙏

  • @justgivemethetruth
    @justgivemethetruth 4 года назад +1

    Race and gender arguments are pretty interesting. I used think these kinds of things were not very realistic, but it makes sense. So, is the question how to break this cycle?

  • @reggiebald2830
    @reggiebald2830 4 года назад

    You raise many important points and issues [most have been covered previously; but still pertinent], but I found you (Dr) very difficult to listen to. I 'm glad you have a following.

    • @redlipstickmafia
      @redlipstickmafia 4 года назад

      Reggie Bald Strange, I found her incredibly pleasant to listen to!

  • @johnlinden7398
    @johnlinden7398 4 года назад