Gears of War: Judgment: Giant Bomb Quick Look

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024
  • Judge not, Vinny, lest ye be judged by Jeff's sawed-off shotgun. If you like this, maybe you'd like to check out our website!
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Комментарии • 79

  • @InfernoChaos
    @InfernoChaos 11 лет назад

    I believe the reasoning behind what he said is because Gears was the game/series that started the popularity of 3rd Person Shooters on the consoles this gen and that it's hard for it to be generic when it was the one that started the trend. No matter what you say or think of Gears series itself you can't deny the influence it has, much like Uncharteds influence in making much more cinematic games or God of War making a different kind of action game compared to the likes of DMC and etc before it.

  • @UpsideDownAce
    @UpsideDownAce 11 лет назад

    Any new enemies?
    -Kantus riding on a Bloodmount on screen-

  • @strongforce79
    @strongforce79 11 лет назад

    in the novels the goggles are used when chainsawing the locust, there bones are super dense, and when cut with the spinning chainsaw they fly like shrapnel, the goggles protect the gears eyes.

  • @BlackOut0189
    @BlackOut0189 11 лет назад

    Yes, and you can also get day-one DLC for this DLC by buying the season pass along with the original $60

  • @TheInnerWork
    @TheInnerWork 11 лет назад

    Vinny always sounds drunk, whenever he does these quick looks. It's like he is swerving about on the road with his head at the wheel. He can't control either his thoughts or his words.

  • @veebanjo
    @veebanjo 11 лет назад

    So did their testemony include them saying things like "and then i shot another grub and it's head exploded and i was like NICE! and cole was like WHOO!"

  • @danielgonzalezisaiev9643
    @danielgonzalezisaiev9643 11 лет назад

    Just played GoW3 yesterday for the first time in like a year. I had really forgot how fun, and frankly different, that game is.

  • @Renegado140
    @Renegado140 11 лет назад

    Another reason to get Gears of war 3. Notice how two of the games have different gameplay styles and multiplayer modes that seperate the two, its kinda cool since its not like call of duty and the two games are completely different since well its made by People Can Fly

  • @FourCogs
    @FourCogs 11 лет назад

    Jeff and Vinny forever.

  • @ThatIndianGuy7116
    @ThatIndianGuy7116 11 лет назад

    You know what, this game looks alright. I probably wouldn't spend 60 bucks on it, but if it goes down significantly in the next few months, I'll definitely pick it up because the story looks kind of interesting

  • @tedwickman
    @tedwickman 11 лет назад

    no. free. and i just realized, horde mode is actually in the game. its just called survival now. honestly, the only 2 changes starting to annoy me so far are: in TDM, its COGS vs. COGS. its hard to tell whose the enemy even with the reddish color. secondly, you only have two weapons in TDM: choice primary, snub pistol, and choice grenades. if you want a gnasher, that has to be your primary unless you pick it up. otherwise the game is amazing and how gears should have been, once exec. is back

  • @nualaoch507
    @nualaoch507 11 лет назад

    Just thouht I'd point out that Vinny doesn't literally mean wine; it just sounds like the Italian word for wine.
    Also, you know some weird drunks if that's what they sound like.

  • @AOHarness
    @AOHarness 11 лет назад

    I imagine Vinny is a gently lover.

  • @MSUHitman
    @MSUHitman 11 лет назад

    Also Overrun mode is the new version of Horde.

  • @LeeShadow
    @LeeShadow 11 лет назад

    Well, I just found out the local Redbox has this in stock. Not sure if I should rent it or not. I guess I'll watch part of this QL and figure that out.

  • @AkimboLizard
    @AkimboLizard 11 лет назад

    Gears 3 is innovative compared to other gears to a degree maybe, but it's hard to make a solid argument that it was innovative compared to the video game market which isn't it's fault, the market is so exhausted because of how long the consoles have survived. Deciding the fate of a character was pretty cool though

  • @JohnyScissors
    @JohnyScissors 11 лет назад

    It seems for every one step they take forward they take like 50 steps back with this game

  • @rrcp1us
    @rrcp1us 11 лет назад

    Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

  • @strat066
    @strat066 11 лет назад

    Welcome to gears of war.

  • @Sp1n1985
    @Sp1n1985 11 лет назад

    If this is a prequel that mean there are still Kryll right?

  • @TheInnerWork
    @TheInnerWork 11 лет назад

    Figures, actually .. what with his name literally meaning 'wine' in Italian.

  • @thunderwoot
    @thunderwoot 11 лет назад

    3:25 sold me on this game.

  • @tedwickman
    @tedwickman 11 лет назад

    its there. its just called survival.

  • @rrcp1us
    @rrcp1us 11 лет назад

    Wasn't only gears of war 1 available on the PC?

  • @andrewstephens62
    @andrewstephens62 11 лет назад

    This game looks like it would be entertaining for a short while, but it isn't enough to make me unpack and dust off the old 360.

  • @Samouraii
    @Samouraii 11 лет назад

    It's called a spin-off for a reason

  • @ArnielSarethi
    @ArnielSarethi 11 лет назад

    I haven't even finished gears of war 3 yet! I need more time!

  • @LeeShadow
    @LeeShadow 11 лет назад


  • @icetrey87
    @icetrey87 11 лет назад

    lol remember when they combined warzone and execution for a while in 3? That was so dumb.

  • @icetrey87
    @icetrey87 11 лет назад

    lol except I enjoyed 1 through 3. The people in 3 who always cried that 1 was the only good multiplayer were pretty hilarious. The retro and sawed off both got cried over a lot in 3 because the retro outranged the gnasher and the sawed off required no aiming. What they refused to admit though was that the gnasher was still one of the most balanced weapons in the game. Good luck getting a triple with a sawed off. So many players got mad if you even used the retro though.

  • @Robby322
    @Robby322 11 лет назад

    That weapons swap animation is hilariously fast.

  • @Sharkey3331
    @Sharkey3331 11 лет назад

    But it did refine it to the point that TPS copies of it are getting annoyingly common

  • @INTRO173
    @INTRO173 11 лет назад

    Glad I ended up selling my Xbox and getting a PC. I put 150+ days into the Gears series multiplayer (G1-G3, mostly 1 and 2) and this just doesn't look interesting to me. I'm sure it'll do fine, but not for me. It changed into a totally different game that doesn't relate to what I fell in love with.

  • @jayrobson88
    @jayrobson88 11 лет назад

    I dunno if these guys make themselves sound nerdier for the audience or what. What's with the "gears of war books" talk and vinny talkin bout him playing with his dad lol

  • @eandjproductions2
    @eandjproductions2 11 лет назад

    I assume it's paid dlc correct?

  • @MSUHitman
    @MSUHitman 11 лет назад

    Execution is coming as free DLC thanks to Maxim in 2 weeks.

  • @LtDestroyer
    @LtDestroyer 11 лет назад

    I'm waiting for this to go on sale, screw the abundance of must buy stuff. 60$ ffs.

  • @msanjeev
    @msanjeev 11 лет назад

    I woud say Gears 3 was still pretty innovative. I think Gears Judgement tries to do something different but ultimately, seems like it falls short on the multiplayer side.

  • @tedwickman
    @tedwickman 11 лет назад

    survival mode is horde mode. guess you havent played the game yet

  • @deuser
    @deuser 11 лет назад

    Please update ur app

  • @magicalmysteryollie
    @magicalmysteryollie 11 лет назад

    Execution will be free DLC very soon.

  • @Bigjonmetal
    @Bigjonmetal 11 лет назад

    @SudarsanRagavan I see what you did there.

  • @icetrey87
    @icetrey87 11 лет назад

    And don't even get me started on the EZ mode multiplayer. Lol, instant weapon swaps, quickfire grenades, a semi-auto sniper with giant magazines, a two-shot sawn off.... I can't believe actual Gears fans wanted this game. I'm not the hardest of hardcore Gears fans, but I really enjoyed both the campaigns and many multiplayer modes of the original three. Heck, I even had fun with the Stay Frosty mode in 3 that most people hated. This is trash though.

  • @CaptainBoltoks
    @CaptainBoltoks 11 лет назад

    Execution comes out in a month i think.

  • @WOWman1919
    @WOWman1919 11 лет назад

    yep...looks like Gears of War

  • @Pub1icEnemy
    @Pub1icEnemy 11 лет назад

    they even removed locust from multiplayer....

  • @MachineLaw
    @MachineLaw 11 лет назад

    Are you talking about God of War?

  • @treppass
    @treppass 11 лет назад

    not to say that its a bad game but I've played so much Gears up to this point that if there isn't really a decent story to flesh out the universe a bit and give me a reason to play more i really dont know whether i can be bothered with this.

  • @MrTehPretender
    @MrTehPretender 11 лет назад

    Not to suggest that the formula isn't becoming stale, but Gears is not generic in any way. Other third person shooters copy /it/, not the other way around. Nice try though.

  • @lbkid1000
    @lbkid1000 11 лет назад

    god of war>gears of war or grears of war>god of war ?

  • @Canteu04
    @Canteu04 11 лет назад

    It made me sad when he walked up the Gnashers and just walked away. Double sawn off, quick weapon swap and instant magical sticky grenades. No thank you. This is gears of war casual mode through and through.

  • @tedwickman
    @tedwickman 11 лет назад

    dont know why this is but they will be releasing execution mode as a dlc in a few weeks. dont understand it. and horde. personally, i dont care

  • @icetrey87
    @icetrey87 11 лет назад

    It hurts me that Jeff doesn't realize what absolute trash this is for Gears fans. It's obvious he's not really that big of a fan of the series though since he thought Kantuses were in the first game and said he didn't like shotguns in Gears (lol). People Can Fly should have never let anywhere near Gears. They turned single player into some dumb score attack/challenge mode instead of just having it be a cool story with cool cinematics and cool characters like the 'actual' games.

  • @sudarsanvr
    @sudarsanvr 11 лет назад


  • @RazgulTheKind
    @RazgulTheKind 11 лет назад

    Seriously, look at Killswitch one the PS2 and even WinBack on the PS1. Gears didn't revolutionize or invent anything.

  • @m3pikma
    @m3pikma 11 лет назад

    What? That would make sense in a perfect world but not in ours, the gaming industry is going for generic shit more than ever before, look at NPD numbers and release lists for everything but PC/Handhelds, I mean, Indies are kinda fighting their way with a lot of creativity, but they're not there yet either.

  • @x1teDota
    @x1teDota 11 лет назад

    60 dollars and a mad shady business model for what looks like half a game. What the hell

  • @MagikGimp
    @MagikGimp 11 лет назад

    Good grief does this seem dull.

  • @RazgulTheKind
    @RazgulTheKind 11 лет назад

    I'll think you'll find we were discussing how generic the game is. And it is very generic, all for reasons I've listed. The fact Gears brought nothing new to the table only amplifies how generic it is.

  • @junkanoopunch
    @junkanoopunch 11 лет назад

    NO HORDE mode LMAO fuck this game.

  • @AaronDew
    @AaronDew 11 лет назад

    I've been playing the Gears clone Inversion. That's more fun than this game looks.

  • @gun1987gunn
    @gun1987gunn 11 лет назад

    I don't like xbox at all, but Gears Of war is a great game. I'd be a fanboy douchebag not to admit it.

  • @strongforce79
    @strongforce79 11 лет назад

    wow is that weapon changing animation broken lord that looks horrible.

  • @RazgulTheKind
    @RazgulTheKind 11 лет назад

    Not sure how you came to that conclusion, but Gears is definitely generic. Nice try though.

  • @Floydthefuckbag
    @Floydthefuckbag 11 лет назад

    They want to sell Xboxes.

  • @coolgamer77
    @coolgamer77 11 лет назад

    Yay. No Patrick!

  • @iMrHydraa
    @iMrHydraa 11 лет назад


  • @eandjproductions2
    @eandjproductions2 11 лет назад

    Wow what a disappointment. A Gears game without Horde or Execution are you kidding me?

  • @qwoppo
    @qwoppo 11 лет назад

    This might have been true for the first Gears of War, but by now every iteration is less and less innovative.

  • @josephrivas4762
    @josephrivas4762 11 лет назад


  • @evilbunnywalkthrough
    @evilbunnywalkthrough 11 лет назад

    Yeah but cover based mechanics did not work well in those games, gears of war found a way to make it work and ever since every third person shooter under the sun has copied gears of war

  • @Sonyboj
    @Sonyboj 11 лет назад

    Gameplay looks real boring. UC2-3 seems to have better combat

  • @XeloX
    @XeloX 11 лет назад

    Thank fuck, a quick-look without Patrick. Don't know why but I can't stand him for some reason. Made me not watch a lot of video's thus far. I've been a loyal fan of GiantBomb for quite a few years now but I refuse to watch any video with Patrick in it.
    Please tell me i'm not the only one that has this issue....

  • @amannerik
    @amannerik 11 лет назад

    Im stickin to gears 3 no downs. No dpad weopon start only 3 weopons spawn this game is a dissapointment true gears fans stick to gears 3. I really hope enough ppl play gears 3 still

  • @RazgulTheKind
    @RazgulTheKind 11 лет назад

    Think about it, what does Gears bring to the table in terms of originality? Nothing.
    Over testosterone filled main characters
    An all ecompassing world ending doom
    A generic, slightly futuristic setting
    3rd person cover based shooting
    ALL have been done before and ALL have been done better. Gears of War is generic as they come, and is struggling to stay relevant to a market that's shifiting it's focus from quick adrenaline thrills to more meaningful gaming.

  • @TheInnerWork
    @TheInnerWork 11 лет назад

    E-holes? Is that some kind of dude bro homophobic joke? They are defending their E-holes.. *shrugs*