✨I don’t even care that it’s almost a no talking video, I’m still in love with this! Thank you so much Sina Also I’m finally on Summer vacation! Yay! This is the best way start the summer! I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing summer and a wonderful day/night! I love you so much Darling!🥺🥰💕💗💝❤️✨
Yessss thank you for the relaxing video! I’ve been waiting for a full video on just these two exact triggers so I feel very lucky today lol. I love the way the sounds are picked up by your mic settings, the finger flutters are so crisp and the nail tapping is so soothing. Awesome job as always, will be studying hard with this playing in the background :))
FINALLY a long video of finger fluttering and nail tapping. It’s always inserted for like, 5 seconds in asmr videos. I like this a lot, sweet dreams and God bless ❤️
sinabro does it in a way that it sounds so relaxing and smooth! usually I don’t get tingles with nail sounds in asmr video, but this one is REALLY good! so many tingles! thank you, Sinabro! 🥹💗
As it's gotten more usual for me to not be here that often because i find myself falling asleep randomly without any sound on, i figured I'd come and tell you, Sina, that you are still as immaculate as always. The asmr you provide is a must listen for anyone into asmr. I lack words to descrivbe but to be simple i love watching your videos because they're so relaxing^^ Thank you for another flawless video Sina!
I just noticed that your eyes are very round, they look like somebody drew them, they are so pretty, srsly, your facial expressions and eye expressions are amazing, it reminds me of my kindergarten teachers. That kinda sweet friendly warm look. Gorgeous eyes, amazing asmr and perfect sleep!
Very good sounds. Thank you so much. Love the flutters. Can you do a video with fingerfluttering and fingertip rubbing? Very close-up ear to ear? Or tracing words or pictures on paper or cardboard? Big thank you from the Netherlands (Europe)
your channel was my go to asmr whenever school gets a little stressful. now that im on break im watching your videos for relaxing and enjoying my school break :))
I dont't know what I have written there...I'm just on the beginning of learnin Korean, sorry if it's something bad, pleas remind me of that and I will delete mely message instantly
@@biophotography903 ‘ㅐ’ this is a vowel, pronounced as ‘ae’ it does not mean anything and a vowel can’t be put on its own. ‘늩’ this word, pronounced as ‘neut’ isn’t really a word,not that I know of, but google says it is a Unicode 😭😭😭 so I don’t really know. Good luck learning Korean !!
i will NEVER shut up about how good this video is! i keep coming back EVERY single day
Same. It might be my favorite ASMR video
Still coming back?
@@becca1424 hell yeah still heavily in my nail sounds videos rotation
me frfr
✨I don’t even care that it’s almost a no talking video, I’m still in love with this! Thank you so much Sina Also I’m finally on Summer vacation! Yay! This is the best way start the summer! I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing summer and a wonderful day/night! I love you so much Darling!🥺🥰💕💗💝❤️✨
Summer vacation💕Hope you have the best vacation ever! Sweet dream!
@@KrispyyCookie Yes!
Nail tapping is definitely my favorite trigger! Thank you for this. Never thought that finger fluttering would give me so much tingles.
0:00 Introduction
1:10 Nail tapping + random whispers
2:25 Finger fluttering
4:02 Nail tapping
4:48 Finger fluttering
5:53 Nail tapping
7:28 Finger fluttering
8:18 Nail tapping
12:57 Finger fluttering
16:27 Both (alternating sides)
18:40 Finger fluttering
19:50 Nail tapping
20:35 Finger fluttering
21:44 Nail tapping
23:15 Finger fluttering
24:09 Nail tapping
28:45 Finger fluttering
32:15 Both (alternating sides)
33:30 Nail tapping
35:42 Finger fluttering
36:30 Nail tapping
44:42 Both (alternating sides)
46:55 Finger fluttering
48:03 Nail tapping
48:48 Both (alternating sides)
51:28 Finger fluttering
52:18 Nail tapping
56:58 Finger fluttering
1:00:25 Both (alternating sides)
Goodnught yall (︶_︶)zzZ
Yessss thank you for the relaxing video! I’ve been waiting for a full video on just these two exact triggers so I feel very lucky today lol. I love the way the sounds are picked up by your mic settings, the finger flutters are so crisp and the nail tapping is so soothing. Awesome job as always, will be studying hard with this playing in the background :))
FINALLY a long video of finger fluttering and nail tapping. It’s always inserted for like, 5 seconds in asmr videos. I like this a lot, sweet dreams and God bless ❤️
Thank you so much!
insane quality, grateful for all you do!!
Thank you!
the simplest things are always the tingliest to me
시나브로님의 타이밍이 최고입니당… 내일 시험이라 스트레스 많이 받는데도 일찍 자려고 노력해서 … 옛날 영상 보다가 잠들려고 하니까 이 영상 올려요!! 너무 행복해용 🥹🥹🥹 잘 지내길 바래요 !!🫶🏼
나나님!! 시험 화이팅입니다! 푹 주무시고 일어나셔서 맑은 정신으로 좋은 결과 있길 바라요💕
Best simple triggers ever.!
sinabro does it in a way that it sounds so relaxing and smooth! usually I don’t get tingles with nail sounds in asmr video, but this one is REALLY good! so many tingles! thank you, Sinabro! 🥹💗
This is amazing, I've never heard such good sounds from nail-tapping. I'm in love!!!
I really love the colourful backgrounds lately! 🍑 making me tired but also now I’m craving sorbet.
Hahaha sorbet💕 I’m craving for one too!!!
Tingly as always! Keep it up!
Thank you!
Amazing quality with relaxing sounds!! Thank you Sina!!
i dont usually comment but your sound is so uniquely high quality compared to other channels !!! SO GOOD :o ^-^
As it's gotten more usual for me to not be here that often because i find myself falling asleep randomly without any sound on, i figured I'd come and tell you, Sina, that you are still as immaculate as always. The asmr you provide is a must listen for anyone into asmr. I lack words to descrivbe but to be simple i love watching your videos because they're so relaxing^^
Thank you for another flawless video Sina!
You are so happy🥰
I love korean people❤
Love from the Netherlands🇳🇱❤
An hour?! We are truly blessed, it's perfect for reading. Thank you so much Sinabro! 💕
perfectly timed, just right for going to sleep, admiring your work
Good night💕
I love that every time I come on here, you have more subscribers. ❤️
I loooove hand sounds😍
wow, the tingles you choose to do are impressively relaxing. Thank you😌✨
Omg the thumb finger tapping is one of my favourite triggers!great video and execution .
This is EXACTLY what i needed!!! Exceptional as always sinabro!
I have already watched this and fallen asleep to it like 5 times😩
Can we talk about the great sound quality? Nearly perfect! I really like this video! Thank you
These sounds are amazing! 😊
Thank you so much!
The sound quality is perfect
he is really good at this!
i still can not comprehend how you do nail tapping to this day 👁👄👁
This is sooo good 💕 that struggle on doing nail tapping with short nails and still make a very nice asmr damn
손톱탭핑 간절히 기다렸는데 드디어...!
손톱탭핑 저는 아예 안되는데 잘하는게 너무 신기해요~
잘 듣겠습니다~~
Seriously, this is one of the best ASMR videos I have listened to and seen. Great job
Are your videos are top quality, sounds and video. It is always a treat to watch and listen to one of your videos. Keep it up.
Thank you!
The quality of this video ✨
Your nail tapping is very good!! Is so relaxing😊😊💗 thanks for the video 🇧🇷🇧🇷
Just in time.for me take Huge nap 😴 TNX SINABRO 🤩🥺✨
Omg yes! This is one of the things I look forward to in your videos, I love the way you do handsounds, it's my favorite! 💜
Slay gurl
탭핑갓탭핑 갓갓
Thanks for the nail tapping ❤️
Tenía tiempo sin ver un vídeo tuyo. ❤️😍😴
On time 💕
OMG this helped my headache thank you so much
This one is one of the best ASMR videos that I’ve seen. Thanks for your hardworking and I hope this one will be available on Spotify😭🥺👍🏼
Literally went straight to my bed and started watching this video before going to sleep.
I'm late, but the finger fluttering is so relaxing😱😍
사부작 사부작 마음이 편해지는 소리 최고예요🥺 오늘도 감사히 잘 듣겠습니다!
damn good timing
thanks a lot, will be sleeping like the dead tonight for sure
Good night😍
Why you don't have more subs? I think you have the best and most realistic mic sound on asmr yt scene. My opinon.
Perfectly Executed and Top Notch. Glad to have found your channel bro keep it up♥️
Excellent, your ASMR continues to make me relax and Enjoy💓💓💓✨
i think the word "Flutter" is my new favourite trigger word🥰
My word, the quality is so high for the audio and the visual that I can almost taste it.
This quality is looking and sounding realer than real life.
와 진짜 30초만 들었는데도 잠와요ㅠㅠ
항상좋은영상 감사합니댜진짜!!!ㅠ시험기간을 버틸 수 있게 해주세여
I just noticed that your eyes are very round, they look like somebody drew them, they are so pretty, srsly, your facial expressions and eye expressions are amazing, it reminds me of my kindergarten teachers. That kinda sweet friendly warm look. Gorgeous eyes, amazing asmr and perfect sleep!
As always good sounds))😎👍🏻
Im going to have another good time of sleep thanks to you ! you always do good and always put me to sleep, keep on going on the amazing content 💕
I remember I asked for one of the nail tapping videos idk if you read it but thank you sm I love ur nail tapping
I read your comment :)
I’m glad you like it Deicon!
Insuperable, amo tu trabajo 😴❤️
Very good sounds. Thank you so much.
Love the flutters.
Can you do a video with fingerfluttering and fingertip rubbing? Very close-up ear to ear?
Or tracing words or pictures on paper or cardboard?
Big thank you from the Netherlands (Europe)
Wow this was good
This is peeeerfect.
와우 전 손톱 태핑 하다보면 손에 쥐 나던데 대단하네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 수고하셨어요☺️
쉽진 않던데요!! ㅋㅋㅋ 그래서 눈치 못채시게 플라터링으로 시선 끌기입니다!! ^^ 한나님!! 오늘도 행복한 하루 보내세요!
your channel was my go to asmr whenever school gets a little stressful. now that im on break im watching your videos for relaxing and enjoying my school break :))
마른손소리 + 1시간 = 극락👼
Me encantan tus videos!! Son muy relajantes >< ♡♡♡
❤ 5:46
아유......... 이거 뭐야 너무 좋다.............꿀잠잘게요......Zzzzzzzzz..............
Ur nail tapping Is better than mine I'm addicted to this video my nails are really short
Other asmr artists got rows of asmr items and trigger but they struggle to make me sleep but this man sleeps just by tapping his own nails….
me encantan demasiado!! 😍😍😍
the best
This Asmr Chanel is underrated as fuck
You’re awesome
너무듣기좋ㅇ... 😪
OMG, love your videos. Jsiahshah
아싸!! 안녕히 주무세요. 😴
안녕히 주무세요!
인스타그램 하다가, 가장 최근에 본 영화 주인공이 저를 암살하려고 쫓아오는데 가장 최근에 본 유튜브 영상 주인공이 도와준다는 게시글을 봤는데... 손석구한테 칼맞고 시나브로님 asmr듣는 상상을 했어요...듀근....
아 진짜요!??? ㅋㅋㅋ 위험한 상황에 항상 제가 도와드립니다!! ☺️
와 손톱탭핑 이거 지린다
His right mic is louder and thats a terrific ick for me... although he's good
Mirip shin tae young
Lah iya juga
Can u do a video where u just speak really closely to the mic please?
12:57 41:10
Jimin do bts
My ears keep getting tickled
I dont't know what I have written there...I'm just on the beginning of learnin Korean, sorry if it's something bad, pleas remind me of that and I will delete mely message instantly
@@biophotography903 ‘ㅐ’ this is a vowel, pronounced as ‘ae’ it does not mean anything and a vowel can’t be put on its own. ‘늩’ this word, pronounced as ‘neut’ isn’t really a word,not that I know of, but google says it is a Unicode 😭😭😭 so I don’t really know. Good luck learning Korean !!
마이크에 엄청 가까이 데고 속삭이는 에셈알 해주시면 감사하겠습니다 ㅠ
作为您的中国新粉丝 有没有人说过你长的很像中国的马琳