ZAYN - Calamity (lyrics)

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 83

  • @r.diyarza
    @r.diyarza 3 года назад +176

    "Years that pass by, cant press no rewind just watch my life by and lock the right ties."
    Bro, i felt that. :(

  • @nataliagarcia4298
    @nataliagarcia4298 3 года назад +264

    You know how he says nobody is listening, let's show him how much listening we can do.

    • @norinellysrodriguez4538
      @norinellysrodriguez4538 3 года назад +7

      I think he means we are heaering him but not listening. I’m trying to understand what he’s feelings and talking about in his songs.

    • @nataliagarcia4298
      @nataliagarcia4298 3 года назад +5

      @@norinellysrodriguez4538 ik it's just that we aren't only listening but also understanding. Just trying to make him feel heard.

    • @CousinCrew1572
      @CousinCrew1572 Год назад

      Bro this sucks

  • @claudiabonilla3289
    @claudiabonilla3289 3 года назад +310

    trying to learn the lyrics :)

  • @jocelynramirez9262
    @jocelynramirez9262 3 года назад +66

    “nobody is listening” NOBODY IS LISTENING. NOBODY IS LISTENING TO HIM! the album cover- everyone’s watching but nobody’s listening. this song. and still nobody is listening

    • @crying_black
      @crying_black 3 года назад

      Yes you got me

    • @chanelrosatitv7906
      @chanelrosatitv7906 3 года назад +2

      lol the problem is that I AM LISTENING to him and my heart is broke in 1000 pieces... because how can you feel ok after that you read this lyrics?? i mean these lyrics don't make me feel comfortable at all.

  • @madelinewise8692
    @madelinewise8692 3 года назад +76

    LYRICS (with an explanation)
    IT'S DO OR DIE, I'M NOT GOING WILLING (from the saying to "DO something OR DIE trying." To "not go willingly" means to fight against death.
    BUT WHEN IT'S TIME WRAP IN WHITE LINEN (the Muslim tradition of wrapping their dead in white linen)
    I RAP THIS ( Zayn is rapping here but, it's also a play on the word wrap which is pronounced the same way, "It's a wrap" or "wrap it up" means to end something. So, "I wrap this" could be him leaving the band)
    FUCK ALL OF YOUR FANTASIES (to those who imagine they know him but don't - such as the media, the public in general, the fans, the band, or someone specific)
    YOU'RE A SNAKE, FELL OFF THE LADDER (the saying "A snake in the grass" means the unexpected betrayal by a friend / something you never saw coming. Also, "Snakes & Ladders" is the name of a board game invented centuries ago in ancient India "as part of moral instruction to children" and was originally about virtues (ladders) versus vices (snakes).
    I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF ALL THIS WET ("wet" a euphemism for crying, tears, sadness)
    AND I CAN'T TRUST THAT YOU'RE MY FAMILY (not trusting someone close, who was like family to him. The boys in 1D once thought of themselves as, it could be one of them he's talking to. Or, in light of what's happened recently, he could be talking about his relationship with Yolanda )
    I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S NEXT ( he's wondering about the future, but it's not clear if he's referring to now, or, that period of time when he left the band)
    THE BRAIN-DEAD THAT I NEVER MISS? (the phrase "brain-dead" = stupid, mindless, non-thinking people)
    CAN I RESIST THE DARK ABYSS? (An abyss is a very deep and dark part of the ocean. As a euphemism, it could mean plunging into the unconscious, the oblivion of drugs or, sinking into depression, as in the "depths of despair" He's asking himself if he can resist getting lost in any of the above)
    AND LEAVE A MARK ON THIS, WITH NO START, JUST EXIST? (the saying "to leave a mark on the world' means leaving behind achievements that will be remembered by future generations. The phrase "with no start, just exist" is his belief that life is eternal, with no start or end, telling himself to just exist without the pressure to achieve something)
    MY MIND IS IN A PRISM SHAPE (a prism is what happens when sunlight passes through glass or crystal and refracts into colors and geometric shapes)
    AND IN TIMES LIKE A PRISON STATE (a prison state is a totalitarian regime - constant surveillance, with no freedom to be who you are or to do what you want. It's the brutality of life in prison or under dictatorships like North Korea or the Taliban. He could be referring to feeling like a prisoner stuck inside his mind because of his paralyzing fears and anxieties as well as the fishbowl existence of celebrity)
    THERE'S NO RIGHT THAT I FEEL OF LATE ( He is taking poetic license playing with two phrases : "Lately, I don't feel right" and, "I don't know what is right, lately", two phrases with completely different meanings. Duplicate meanings appeal to Zayn but, he's also changing the words around for the sake of rhyming with the previous line: state/late)
    THERE'S NO LIGHT IF MY VIEW IS AT STAKE (the saying "There's no light at the end of the tunnel" means there is no hope, no end to a dark period or unhappy situation. It comes from the metaphor of a train going through a dark tunnel which eventually comes out the other end, into the light. To have something be "at stake" means, to be at risk. My interpretation is : there's no point to life (no light) if I can't be myself, have my own vision, risk having my own point of view). When he left 1D it was a dark period of time. The light at the end of that tunnel was his hope of fulfilling his vision of himself as an artist, with his own musical style)
    AND WHICH LEFT SHOULD I CHOOSE TO TAKE? ( literally which way should I go but also a play on the words left and right because taking the "right turn" can also mean the "correct" turn. Therefore, when he says LEFT I think it's deliberate, implying that his choices haven't always seen as the "right" thing to do for his life/career.
    WHAT'S LEFT? IS IT ROOM OR SPACE? ( Double meanings again...What is left after 1D? And also, what did he encounter when he went left as in the "wrong" way instead of "right" as in the correct turn? He asks the question then answers it himself saying it was the room or space to grow into who he would become)
    THERE ARE RUMORS WE HAVE TO FACE (people who know 1D and Zayn know some of the rumors he is referring to )
    I PREFER SOONER THAN AFTER , LATE (playing with the order of words in the common phrase, "Better sooner than later"... "Better sooner than after" has essentially the same meaning but separating the word LATE with a comma is Zayn referring to the fact that he didn't lie about his performance anxiety when asked. He chose to address the rumors honestly (SOONER), rather than be forced to admit them later (AFTER), possibly too LATE, after speculation and gossip had gone too far. By then, he might have been criticized for lying or accused of shaming people who had similar issues.)
    I'VE SEEN ACTORS AFTER BAFTAS BE MORE STRAIGHT ( BAFTA stands for British Academy of Film and Television Arts and is an award given to actors to acknowledge their performance. The word "straight" has several meanings. It can mean not crooked, as in "a straight line." It can also mean to be honest as in "be straight with me." Straight, not crooked, also means law-abiding / not a criminal" That's where the phrase "he was a crook or crooked" comes from. It can also mean heterosexual as in "he was straight, not gay" Here he is either accusing someone of lying saying: I've seen actors put on a better performance of being honest, or, he's saying he has seen gay actors putting on a better performance of being straight. Lastly, to "put on an act" as actors do, means to pretend, to essentially lie, or not be real/honest)
    I MEAN DOWN THE BARREL (he's clarifying the previous sentence saying that he means "honest" because the next part "DOWN THE BARREL" refers to a gun. To look "down the barrel" of a gun allows you to shoot straight and hit a target. The phrase "he was a straight-shooter" became synonymous with someone who was honest and spoke the truth. So, Zayn is telling someone, who could be gay, that he's referring to their honesty, not their homosexuality)
    I HEAR THEM SING - IT'S THE SAME CAROL ( A carol is a song sung in a group, in unison, usually at Christmas as in "a Christmas Carol." He could be referring to the music industry or, music artists, saying they're just regurgitating the same songs over and over or, since a carol is a song sung in harmony in a group, he could also be referring to 1D)
    THEY'RE TRYING TO SPRINT IN A LONG RUN, MO FARAH ( a sprint is a short-distance race, whereas the athlete Mo Farah is a long-distance runner, implying that some music artists are playing the short game of chart hits and fame instead of cultivating the long distance career of good music and the respectability of a serious artist. He sees himself as the latter. He doesn't seem to care about promoting himself or making money - just making the music he wants to make and not what record execs tell him will sell records).
    THEY'RE TRYING TO FIX WHEN IT'S LONG GONE, DON'T BOTHER (Fix has two meanings here. It can mean to repair something, as in Zayn telling fans who want 1D to "fix" the rift between them and reunite, "don't bother. It's long gone". Fixed also means manipulated for a specific end result and therefore fake. "It was a fixed race", or "the fix was in" are common phrases used when talking about a fake win. Zayn could be saying the music industry is fixed, that the results for award shows are manipulated by industry insiders long before so, there is no real contest. It's fake and not really about the best artist winning but about sales and back-room deals.
    THERE'S NO OTHER. THE THOUGHT SHUDDERS THROUGH MOST LOVERS (playing with the order of words in the phrase "Shudder The Thought" which means "I don't want to imagine that scary possibility" or, "that's a scary thought that makes me shudder." It's about the fear that people have of not finding a soul mate or significant other.
    I WANT TO BED YOU BUT STILL SLEEP IS DEATH'S COUSIN ( "I want to bed you" or "I want to take you to bed" or "I want to sleep with you" are all euphemisms for " I want to have sex with you". Sleep is also a euphemism for death as in "putting your dog to sleep." Death is sometimes referred to as "the long sleep." I think he's talking to an ex-lover saying, "I love you and desire you sexually but this relationship is a dead end - it won't work out". He also says this in the song Better : "You're still in my mind sometimes I must admit it but, me and you wasn't meant, we wasn't fitted" (we weren't meant to be, we didn't really fit).
    SO TWO WEEKS IS NOW FOUR DOZEN (he could be referring to the amount of time that has passed since he broke it off with this person. Or, he could be taking poetic license to illustrate the idea that, although he always knew the relationship wouldn't last long, it perhaps lasted longer than he thought it would or, longer than he meant it to)
    YEARS THAT PASS BACK (going back to past years)
    CAN'T PRESS THE REWIND, JUST WATCH MY LIFE BY (I can't rewind, go back in time and watch my life go by?)
    AND LOCK THE RIGHT TIES (the phrase "lock it down" refers to committing to a person in a relationship.The "right ties" means with the right person i.e. Gigi Hadid? )

    • @magalyurzola.2608
      @magalyurzola.2608 2 года назад +5

      wow thank u so much for taking the time to explain it so good , clear and beautifully, now i can say that i understand the song better. gracias!!

    • @madelinewise8692
      @madelinewise8692 2 года назад +4

      @@magalyurzola.2608 It's nice of you to say. I'm glad it helped!

    • @gutierrezmaria77
      @gutierrezmaria77 2 года назад +2

      @@madelinewise8692 beautiful breakdown! Thanks so much for this!!

    • @madelinewise8692
      @madelinewise8692 2 года назад +3

      @@gutierrezmaria77 Thank you! I'm glad it helped.

    • @aartipandey6848
      @aartipandey6848 2 года назад +1

      You did a great job! Thanks ll

  • @adahinuyasha
    @adahinuyasha 3 года назад +34

    "But when it's time wrap in white linen" really hits me hard as a Muslim myself 😭 stay strong Z.

  • @zl8875
    @zl8875 3 года назад +56

    This album is sooo Fäüwking ggggooooooodddd✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

  • @seeyou1076
    @seeyou1076 3 года назад +21

    When he said nobody is listening,he wasn't mistaken 😭😭😭😭😭
    # protect Zayn✊

  • @ashlyn1073
    @ashlyn1073 3 года назад +93

    I will never forgive you for trying to break down harry and louis lyrics and figure out everything but then not listen to zayn. He made a whole ficking album to tell you. NOBODY. IS. LISTENING.

    • @adred9768
      @adred9768 3 года назад +8

      I really wonder what you have genuinely understood from his lyrics? If you think it’s about a secret relationship I think you might be projecting a lot then because I donkey see any of it in that song… And I was looking for it carefully. I think most of it it’s about his struggles with his management/label those past years. Since he refuses to tour I think they work hard to ruin his reputation and break him. The industry is all « Do or die » and now he is « wrap in white linen » his label doesn’t count on him anymore, he is irrelevant. Zayn also give his answer to a lot of nasty rumors about his drug habits. I bet the lines about some people singing « the same carols » and the rush they have to lead their career « sprint a long run » are about his ex band mates (maybe a bit more against Harry styles who get many nominations and a career in cinema going on (BAFTA)).

    • @ashlyn1073
      @ashlyn1073 3 года назад +2

      @@adred9768 that's exactly what ik saying.

    • @crying_black
      @crying_black 3 года назад

      Ikr 100%. So true. Finally somebody who understands. Can we like marry?

    • @emmacurran5259
      @emmacurran5259 2 года назад

      Have to agree. I dont think this song is about a relationship. Imo this song is a total cry for help. it just gives me eerie chills.
      "fuck all your fantasies" - the rumors about him, the defamation i'd say
      "singing... same carol" - Id say he's talking about either One Directions music (cause he thinks its generic and his songs got rejected) or society in general.. all doing the same thing, thinking the same thing
      "cant trust that you're my family" - 100% the Hadids or SYCO
      He talks about his mind being in a "prison state". He discusses "deaths cousin" and cannabis like... its worrying
      Theres so much more, but I am so curious as to what this songs about. What makes this more eerie is that he's the only person who wrote this song, no one else was involved.

  • @perrylizaa487
    @perrylizaa487 3 года назад +10

    I just found myself crying when I reached the “nobody is listening” part...

  • @salmamohammed3886
    @salmamohammed3886 3 года назад +8

    this made me cry wooo its so emotional I cant😭

  • @teiaalexander7131
    @teiaalexander7131 3 года назад +8

    November 2021! He was telling us what was going to happen in October of this year, snakes fell off the ladder (Hadids, Gigi included)! 💛💚❤️

  • @beatrice3725
    @beatrice3725 2 года назад +4

    This song is goddamned poetry

  • @alexrose20
    @alexrose20 3 года назад +8

    he is trapped I hope this ends soon❤️💛

  • @wasanthapremalal2388
    @wasanthapremalal2388 2 года назад +1

    His voiceeeee

  • @konusmaknk
    @konusmaknk 2 года назад +1

    The enemy ascended beyond your control
    Or was that all your intention?
    They have managed to demolish whatever we made
    But you're failing to comprehend
    If they can, they will easily butcher you whole
    While you're blinded by your depression
    I have gotten to the point where I'm just too afraid
    That you're going to meet your end
    My screams echo out through the fire
    And your rival dares stand in my way
    Yes, this is a hardship most dire
    And one day, you will heed what I say
    This is my message to my master
    This is a fight you cannot win
    I think that past your great disasters
    Their victory stirs below your skin
    If you proceed, I will not blame you
    I will move forth and win your war
    But if I should die before you continue
    You shall have heard my final dying roar
    The enemy ascended beyond your control
    Or was that all your intention?
    They have managed to demolish whatever we made
    But you're failing to comprehend
    If they can, they will easily butcher you whole
    While you're blinded by your depression
    I have gotten to the point where I'm just too afraid
    That you're going to meet your end
    My screams echo out through the fire
    And your rival dares stand in my way
    Yes, this is a hardship most dire
    And one day, you will heed what I say
    This is my message to my master
    This is a fight you cannot win
    I think that past your great disasters
    Their victory stirs below your skin
    If you proceed, I will not blame you
    I will move forth and win your war
    But if I should die before you continue
    You shall have heard my final dying roar

  • @angela12335
    @angela12335 Год назад +1

    Nostalgia, what a funny feelin'
    I feel depleted from feelings I've been revealin'
    It's do or die, I'm not goin' willing
    But when it's time, wrap in white linen
    I rap this, I say it for my sanity
    Whatever the calamity, I did this for myself
    Fuck all of your fantasies
    You're a snake, fell off the ladder
    I prefer speakin' in analogies
    I've had enough of all this wet
    And I can't trust that you're my family
    I don't know what's next
    The brain dead that I never miss
    My brain lives with the cannabis
    Can I resist the dark abyss?
    Leave a mark on this with no start, just exist
    My mind's in a prism shape
    And in timеs like a prison state
    Therе's no right that I feel of late
    There's no light if my view's at stake
    And which life should I choose to take?
    What's left, is it room or space?
    There are rumors we have to face
    I prefer sooner than after late
    I seen actors after BAFTA's be more straight
    I mean down the barrel
    I hear 'em sing, it's the same carol
    They're tryna sprint in a long run, Mo Farah
    They're tryna fix when it's long gone, don't bother
    There's no other, the thought shudders through most lovers
    I wanna bed you, but still sleep is death's cousin
    So two weeks is now four dozen
    Years that pass by, can't press no rewind
    Just watch my life by and lock the right ties
    Nobody, nobody-ayy is listenin' to me
    Nobody, nobody-ayy is listenin'
    Nobody, nobody-ayy is listenin' to me
    Nobody, nobody-ayy is listenin' to me

  • @terrya9648
    @terrya9648 3 года назад +4

    Canyon moon, two weeks and I'll be home,the baby gap year is over and he is waiting

  • @jackieescobedo2313
    @jackieescobedo2313 3 года назад +6


  • @sharonc4532
    @sharonc4532 Год назад

    This song is so sad

  • @lazyhomebody1356
    @lazyhomebody1356 3 года назад +4

    Would it help if he knew I know?

  • @chanelrosatitv7906
    @chanelrosatitv7906 3 года назад +6

    it's really painful to LISTENING TO HIM, FOR REAL and undestand about what and who he is talking about, because this song does not bode well, at all.

  • @24KGOLDD4
    @24KGOLDD4 3 года назад +1

    Heart zayn rapping
    Brain nah hes not

  • @ellwie
    @ellwie 3 года назад +10

    Ugh I can’t fucking rap 😔💔

  • @emilly8048
    @emilly8048 Год назад

    My crush

  • @changyiju6619
    @changyiju6619 Год назад


  • @sofiamoschioni4220
    @sofiamoschioni4220 3 года назад +1

    This is so fucking sad

  • @SM-ef5rl
    @SM-ef5rl 3 года назад +8

    Everyone wanted to listen but Zayn never said anything

  • @jacquelinegarcia6913
    @jacquelinegarcia6913 3 года назад +2

    Can someone explain what this song means

    • @NotEm.
      @NotEm. 3 года назад +6

      It means that literally no one is listening to him idk if you listen to the rest of the boys but he doesn't get acknowledged as much as like harry. Harry gets praised for everything he does but when zayn does he was just ignored. the song isn't about H but it's the fact the nobody cares and doesn't listen to him

    • @jacquelinegarcia6913
      @jacquelinegarcia6913 3 года назад +12

      @@NotEm. i think their is a deeper meaning but yea Um thanks

    • @tetebear5992
      @tetebear5992 3 года назад +6

      @@jacquelinegarcia6913 you’re correct, it’s way more personal, Zayn doesn’t promote his stuff, if he wanted fame, he would at least do these promotional activities but he doesn’t even involved in that, all his albums are personal and based on his experience whilst he was in the band and after that

    • @crying_black
      @crying_black 3 года назад

      He's depressed and his whole life is shit and he's thinking about suicide and you don't wanna know the reasons

  • @anonymperson3587
    @anonymperson3587 3 года назад +3

    Рlagiat from Масло черного тмина "Танцуй".

  • @FassihAhmedFaiq
    @FassihAhmedFaiq 2 года назад

    but when its time wrap in white linen ...
    so when a muslim die we wrap his body in white linen and bury him ... yes only with linen not wooden coffin and anything ..

  • @Qasqyrqazaq
    @Qasqyrqazaq 3 года назад +6

    This is plagiarism. This song is Масло Черного Тмина-Танцуй

    • @captainnemo9736
      @captainnemo9736 3 года назад

      мәссаған, кімнен-кімнен, зейннан күтпеп едім осындайды

    • @allisonslocum6948
      @allisonslocum6948 3 года назад +1

      Or the song was just an inspiration

  • @igronmusoev8136
    @igronmusoev8136 3 года назад +1


  • @jacquelinegarcia6913
    @jacquelinegarcia6913 3 года назад +6

    I think he reveals that he’s gay or bi 🤍

    • @samanthaireland4038
      @samanthaireland4038 3 года назад +3

      girl no

    • @jacquelinegarcia6913
      @jacquelinegarcia6913 3 года назад +3

      @@samanthaireland4038 girl yesss🙌🏽

    • @mailocel9237
      @mailocel9237 3 года назад +5

      I think he crying out for help ✨my opinion ✨

    • @terrya9648
      @terrya9648 3 года назад +2

      @@samanthaireland4038 yes he has been singing with male pronouns lately look on inzayn channel and this is why bella Hadid friend Daniel called him a fag,and said he had pictures.

    • @alexrose20
      @alexrose20 3 года назад +1

      @@terrya9648 that is so inappropriate of Daniel whoever tf he is. I hope the Hadid's do not welcome him after that!

  • @erreeeashaa4111
    @erreeeashaa4111 3 года назад +6

    Plagiarism, music was stolen . Масло черного тмина - танцуй

  • @michaelgrant7322
    @michaelgrant7322 3 года назад +3

    😣 Extremely Bizarre, Curious, but ultimately Dreadful pseudo-rap... Sounds more like a person in drug rehab filled with self pity going through withdrawals... Is this even music? IF the previously talented Zayn keeps going down this path of self absorbed vanity productions, then just like the title of his album.... No Body Will Be Listening 😣😣😣😣

    • @lazyhomebody1356
      @lazyhomebody1356 3 года назад +1

      Well written review but I don't agree

    • @michaelgrant7322
      @michaelgrant7322 3 года назад

      @@lazyhomebody1356 then YOU write one and I'll read it ...because I'm dying to understand anything about why this is Zayn's music and what it's supposed to be???? 😣

    • @lazyhomebody1356
      @lazyhomebody1356 3 года назад +1

      @@michaelgrant7322 I'm no expert. I don't even play an instrument. My idea is these are his 3 am thoughts and as he admits, he is stoned alot of the time. So these tunes and lyrics are what he comes up with. I'm liking it!

    • @michaelgrant7322
      @michaelgrant7322 3 года назад +2

      @@lazyhomebody1356 I think you are probably a girl... And are just liking on ZAYN ❤... not on these stoned ramblings 😂

    • @lazyhomebody1356
      @lazyhomebody1356 3 года назад +2

      @@michaelgrant7322 No, honest! I DO think Zayn is cute, and I am a girl, but I only started liking his music about a year ago. "Fingers" was the first of his songs I loved. It MAY be the newness of the songs though. Pretty sure I'll always love Vibez but maybe the others will grow old,lol

  • @catfifibek
    @catfifibek 5 месяцев назад
