[WR] 🔥 22.9 Million DAMAGE - Mk3 Gameplay | War Robots

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 141

  • @AYGIR
    @AYGIR  Год назад +71

    P.S: Luchador modules are 2x TRA and 2x DC modules. For pilot skills you can check Luchador VS Rook video I have. I have the same skills used in there.
    A game that happened while trying to record Revenant footage. A large portion of that score is just healing which comes mostly from Revenant and Luchador. Pure damage output comes from Ophion which can deal tons of damage to titans thanks to Blastcharge ability. This game is also a proof of how powerful Luchador really is. The monster was able to withstand the onslaught of multiple Rook titans in the middle beacon for long enough.

    • @Blubbleer
      @Blubbleer Год назад +7

      Can’t say I’m the biggest fan of titan pilots overall, but I won’t lie when I say crushing people with a never dying luchador is pretty satisfying

    • @tsukuyomi4054
      @tsukuyomi4054 Год назад

      What are the Luchador and Revenant builds?

    • @seancampbell4288
      @seancampbell4288 Год назад

      What’s the module set up in the Luch?

    • @XLR8388
      @XLR8388 Год назад

      you almost beat your own dmg record again

    • @kevindelcarmencabreraramir7178
      @kevindelcarmencabreraramir7178 Год назад

      Bro, what modules did you put on the fighter to make it last so long?

  • @alexwarrobots710
    @alexwarrobots710 Год назад +43

    Honestly i wouldn't have ditched the Luch. I would have kept going until i had used every single bit of HP available, still awesome how it didn't instantly get destroyed during the push of those Rook monsters...

    • @golden_g_was_taken
      @golden_g_was_taken Год назад +3

      I believe he ditched it because he got pushed out of center
      But that was crazy

    • @juanmanuelrivera3233
      @juanmanuelrivera3233 Год назад

      ​@@golden_g_was_takenvuelve con el salto y los suprime

  • @andersonst3089
    @andersonst3089 5 месяцев назад +1

    2:10 after teleport: I'd like to apologize

  • @asmallboi3559
    @asmallboi3559 Год назад +14

    You should do a comparison. Between the new bomb effect family vs old ones like scald incinerator etc

    • @AYGIR
      @AYGIR  Год назад +7

      Yep, those are on my to do list.

    @TACISBACK Год назад +9

    Amazing game! I can always find time to watch your vids Aygir as they are both entertaining and educational. 😎❤️

  • @Gman_Having_Fun
    @Gman_Having_Fun Год назад +2

    Almost got the victory. Incredible games! Gg!

  • @TrueBlueWR
    @TrueBlueWR Год назад +2

    I saw the screenshot (of course i already knew who it was)
    Been waiting for the video! Awesome match Aygir💙💙

  • @Ultraseven77
    @Ultraseven77 Год назад +2

    Very good timing and control for Luchador! They didn't deserve to lose the game.

  • @Fake_Fake
    @Fake_Fake Год назад +2

    playstyle on yamantau is so much different to any other map

  • @NitroMugenGaming
    @NitroMugenGaming Год назад +3

    Awesome gameplay with Revenant 🦾😎

  • @quanghuyabc9
    @quanghuyabc9 Год назад +3

    I swear that luchador and rook now are top 2 titans in beacon rush game

  • @Nima.Mahdavi
    @Nima.Mahdavi Год назад

    Ggs bro,wow crazy gameplay 👍👍👍

  • @humbertoortega4838
    @humbertoortega4838 Год назад

    What modules does that titan carry?

  • @0ffme296
    @0ffme296 Год назад +2

    that murometz should have been killed like yesterday! It wss so annoying emping the lucahdor every single, and I was surprised how none of your teammates got annoyed nor bothered hunting it.
    great gameplay! definitely an onslaught, I hope luchadfor does not get touched.

  • @user-yusvani120
    @user-yusvani120 Год назад +1

    Impresionante ese luchador 😮😮😮

  • @jaffelee5183
    @jaffelee5183 Год назад

    Dope content man loved watching it...surprised u ditched like everbody else

    @FENIXWR Год назад +9

    Why did you destroy Luchador? 😐 You could have done a lot more damage with it! But still, insane match! 🔥

  • @Emaniuz
    @Emaniuz Год назад

    Damn! Amazing how that luchador survive that intense firing from multiple rook. Well done! 👊🏽

  • @linkbrown6012
    @linkbrown6012 Год назад

    Bro i strongly need you advice as an expert you are. Whats best? Hades w Midea Hornet/Magnetar, Hades w Otto Decay/Magnetar, and both mentioned before but with Lilian? Tell me please I don't know whos better honestly

  • @dawoodafzali5087
    @dawoodafzali5087 Год назад

    Really good 👍

  • @pablooliveira25
    @pablooliveira25 Год назад

    What orbital support were you using and its configuration? What about luchador modules?

    • @ЯрославВласов-в4щ
      @ЯрославВласов-в4щ Год назад

      Orbital support: Paladin
      Turrets: Anti-Jamming-Support, Durability Extender and Lifesaver
      Titan modules: 2x Titan Repair Amplifier, 2x Damage Controller

    • @rainnaturesleep1382
      @rainnaturesleep1382 Год назад

      I think roulette it was

    • @Nigga.-.
      @Nigga.-. Год назад +1

      ​@@rainnaturesleep1382nope it's paladin

    • @pablooliveira25
      @pablooliveira25 Год назад +1

      @@ЯрославВласов-в4щ Thanos Bro.

  • @The_Angry_Dwarf
    @The_Angry_Dwarf Год назад +3

    I was against you the other day on carrier map. You lost with 18.8 million score. I was running beacons with my old fenrirs trying like crazy to stay alive. 😂 We just won in last seconds.

    • @AYGIR
      @AYGIR  Год назад +6

      I remember that one. Great fight and beacon control with your Luchador.

  • @KimGamingPH
    @KimGamingPH Год назад

    evora and veyron, what an insane weapon

  • @marcelopantoja7027
    @marcelopantoja7027 Год назад

    Crisis brilhou no final kkkkk muito bom

  • @alb.albania7083
    @alb.albania7083 Год назад

    the most honor defeat.nice job

  • @guessingwsly6018
    @guessingwsly6018 Год назад

    I am curious as to what modules were used on the Luchador, Revenant, and the Ophion if anyone knows

    • @FardeenRiyadh16
      @FardeenRiyadh16 Год назад +1

      I can only tell you the Luchador,
      The modules are 2 Titan Repair Amps and 2 Damage Controllers.
      I have a similar setup with 2 Grand Balance Reactors instead of Damage Controllers and I can tell you that Aygir setup is so much stronger due to the tankiness of it

    • @guessingwsly6018
      @guessingwsly6018 Год назад

      @@FardeenRiyadh16 Gotcha, thank you, much appreciated

  • @trueholygod5431
    @trueholygod5431 Год назад

    The best ever gameplay that ive ever watch that luchador is so tough tho omg awesome 👍😮😮😮😮

  • @swordMechA
    @swordMechA Год назад

    are u still using same pilot skills from ur past rev video ?

  • @SIowfox
    @SIowfox Год назад

    Soo close, very good game indeed 👍🏻

  • @yshdhddh5516
    @yshdhddh5516 Год назад

    Omg how its even possible. GG

  • @paradae10
    @paradae10 Год назад

    What Modules in Luch?

    • @alexwarrobots710
      @alexwarrobots710 Год назад

      2 titan repair amplifiers and 2 damage controllers, best module build for the Luchador

  • @酔い太郎-l4e
    @酔い太郎-l4e Год назад

    Hi AYGIR, I would like you to use puncher Behemoth again. In today's environment, I think there are opportunities for it to play an active role, though not as much as it used to.

  • @NoTalent04
    @NoTalent04 Год назад +1

    Bro what. My best is 18.2 mil. Broooo, your insane.

  • @まるまるもりもり-j5v
    @まるまるもりもり-j5v Год назад

    A sample that loses if you don't fight with a beacon even if you put out firepower. It was good until I endured it in Luchador

  • @specimen_89
    @specimen_89 Год назад +1

    You know you lasted long when an ultimate weapon breaks, or its just the devs lying about ultimate weapons being unable to break

  • @azizbektoshkenboyev2963
    @azizbektoshkenboyev2963 Год назад +1

    Luchador or rook
    How good titan😮😮😮

  • @chaclakhonggionau3691
    @chaclakhonggionau3691 Год назад +2

    1 Luchador vs 4 rock

  • @vaishnavisemwal9878
    @vaishnavisemwal9878 Год назад

    I'm just thinking what would have happened to the enemy titans if you has you full speed and super charged fafnir l😅😅. Nice video and well done bro.

  • @tryhardwr2584
    @tryhardwr2584 Год назад

    Wow what a match !

  • @nabilaclaw
    @nabilaclaw Год назад

    nice gameplay bro l from indonesia

    @BLACKDRAGON1808 Год назад

    Como haces para que luchador dure tanto como para enfrentarte a 4 rook

  • @lllPNTlll
    @lllPNTlll Год назад

    The damage is out of the chart...👍
    Aygir, may I ask why you always change your name though..?

    • @00Samael
      @00Samael Год назад

      When players see the same name for a long time for ex. "Aygir" so they leave the game because they know who plays on the other side

    • @fjbrwkn3394
      @fjbrwkn3394 Год назад +1

      If he uses his YT name fans/haters will target him

  • @blazedout420
    @blazedout420 Год назад

    If even one of them rooks would have had sonic weapons you would have died. You got crazy lucky. Good game tho!

  • @imankhodayar8143
    @imankhodayar8143 Год назад +1

    I'm waiting for comments from those rook runners in this match. Definitely all other 11 players remember it😏

  • @yanimeza4148
    @yanimeza4148 9 месяцев назад

    Buena jugada mo 😢😢😢

  • @cabaasthiago4686
    @cabaasthiago4686 Год назад

    Pilot skills aygir

  • @jhonnh.7012
    @jhonnh.7012 Год назад

    Como seu Titã ativa os módulos tão rápido?

  • @banana9196
    @banana9196 Год назад

    It has been 2 weeks and i havent received my invader any ideas wy?

  • @hackertmc866
    @hackertmc866 Год назад

    Broo please share you revenant build🙏🏾

  • @raphwilliams9794
    @raphwilliams9794 Год назад

    Gotta love how you deal 23million damage and you still lose the game because of your team.Good job tho, you are honestly such a great WR 😅player

  • @AminCantarelli
    @AminCantarelli Год назад

    vs 4 Rooks bro?💀GG

  • @MaximilianoGT1
    @MaximilianoGT1 Год назад

    Yo tengo casi todo incluyendo sus módulos en el titán, casi por que lo que me hace falta el la nave (creo que usa la paladín sino la roulett) por eso no me aguanta demasiado también mi luchador😢

  • @Raiel100xHs
    @Raiel100xHs Год назад

    Imposible 😮 nunca nadie hizo tanto daño

    • @MaximilianoGT1
      @MaximilianoGT1 Год назад

      Yo ya había visto en el servidor de dís cord de WR seguido mandan capturas de los millones que hacen, ni modo como son p2w 😂

  • @Fake_Fake
    @Fake_Fake Год назад

    it's funny too see how aygir changes his name almost every video 😁

    • @ShadowSpace56z
      @ShadowSpace56z Год назад

      He doesn’t want people to kinda know who he is an suddenly something bad happens like hackers

  • @khalidtoopo4451
    @khalidtoopo4451 Год назад

    🙏AygirYou're a professional player.🙏🙏🙏

  • @ArgPsycho
    @ArgPsycho Год назад

    please make gameplay on aether

  • @azben7986
    @azben7986 Год назад

    I am a little bit worried about this video. Pixonic will nerf the luchador once again when they saw this.😢
    -Luchador user-

  • @Ion2170
    @Ion2170 Год назад

    i think he likes the revenant

  • @booombastic3049
    @booombastic3049 Год назад

    That reaper just 1 shot luchador

  • @johnbeck4216
    @johnbeck4216 Год назад

    That’s Jason Bourne.

  • @WR_mars
    @WR_mars Год назад

    I have the sonic weapons ready for a rook and I have Just over 3k plat ready to upgrade the rook so I hope I can win a rook at some point

    • @talha102
      @talha102 Год назад

      It will get nerfed

    • @WR_mars
      @WR_mars Год назад

      @@talha102 how do u know

    • @talha102
      @talha102 Год назад

      @@WR_mars wait and see. Remember my comment. After around 3 months.

    • @WR_mars
      @WR_mars Год назад

      @@talha102 ok

  • @ZaggZap
    @ZaggZap Год назад

    Thanks aygir for the giveaway❤❤❤

  • @dee9144
    @dee9144 Год назад

    We need updates with all the nerf weapons

  • @beachaw1149
    @beachaw1149 Год назад

    Rook or luchador?

  • @lmaorocal_
    @lmaorocal_ Год назад +1


  • @linkbrown6012
    @linkbrown6012 Год назад

    Aygir bro i think thats world record for damage lol

  • @juanmanuelrivera3233
    @juanmanuelrivera3233 Год назад

    El luchador se llama así no por nada. Hubieras seguido con el hasta el final

  • @بدر509-ي6ش
    @بدر509-ي6ش Год назад

    انا اتمنى يوجد تطوير للعبه؟

  • @conanpower
    @conanpower Год назад

    Looks like you was playing by yourself.

  • @cabaasthiago4686
    @cabaasthiago4686 Год назад

    Aygir you break adrian score 22.7m

  • @EspartanoGamingwr
    @EspartanoGamingwr Год назад


  • @Brine_The_Idiot
    @Brine_The_Idiot Год назад

    bro given up his luchador for ophion

  • @svoymir
    @svoymir Год назад


  • @ZombieRush123
    @ZombieRush123 Год назад +2

    Crazy and first heart this comment aygir

  • @LiseC-r7d
    @LiseC-r7d Год назад


  • @Bốkhỉ5588
    @Bốkhỉ5588 Год назад +1

    Đẳng cấp

  • @abhayjotsingh7043
    @abhayjotsingh7043 Год назад +1

    AYGIR I have won a arachnid invader but still don't received it my I'd K5PMGA

  • @khuetran4110
    @khuetran4110 Год назад

    the ophion did 70% i swear

  • @andersonnunez8486
    @andersonnunez8486 Год назад

    Las sonicas le hacen mas daño al luchador que esa de hielo

  • @freew1528
    @freew1528 Год назад

    Это называется Донат!

  • @alanramirezgarcia8713
    @alanramirezgarcia8713 Год назад

    Esta mega roto😐 no piede ser que ni entre yres tortugas pudieran matar un solo lichador😂

  • @plaxetronyt.6996
    @plaxetronyt.6996 Год назад

    please aygir sir please love from pakistan please reply

  • @dogansever1361
    @dogansever1361 Год назад

    Saçmalık titanın neden ölmüyor

  • @TrungTran-tk9ri
    @TrungTran-tk9ri Год назад


  • @verpalkaur7852
    @verpalkaur7852 Год назад


  • @jaylen6173
    @jaylen6173 Год назад


  • @LuminousCatt
    @LuminousCatt Год назад

    you're so low on powercells damn

    • @AYGIR
      @AYGIR  Год назад

      It's actually 1.2 millions around that but the game isn't showcasing it properly.

    • @LuminousCatt
      @LuminousCatt Год назад

      @@AYGIR ohh wow

    • @LuminousCatt
      @LuminousCatt Год назад

      @@AYGIRits the acc provided by Pixo isnt it?

    • @AYGIR
      @AYGIR  Год назад

      Yep it's the press account.

  • @hieutonglao9049
    @hieutonglao9049 Год назад

    the giveaway crisis is very long. I have not received the gift

    • @AYGIR
      @AYGIR  Год назад +1

      Sorry for the wait but this time it may take longer to get delivered by Pixonic due to summer holidays.

  • @QSWR
    @QSWR Год назад


    • @QSWR
      @QSWR Год назад

      Also, first to view and like

  • @degoodfamily2653
    @degoodfamily2653 Год назад

    Your team so lazy

  • @agussuprianto9189
    @agussuprianto9189 Год назад

    How that Lucha so hard to kill? @AYGIR

    • @AYGIR
      @AYGIR  Год назад

      Modules and pilot skills make it healing fortress.

  • @mohamedsanchez5054
    @mohamedsanchez5054 Год назад

    @luchador bahiu