Hello! Another Monday another Basketball Cinema banger, as we take a close look at THE breakout performance for the legend known as... Steph Curry! Please let me know if you enjoyed this episode of the show, I really put a lot of time into this one as per usual! Hope you enjoyed! "LORD, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us." Isaiah 26: 2
Look, this was the game I realized this man was something special. He did that to a Knicks team I wanted to go deep into the playoffs. Big respect to SC30🙏🏾
Local commentary guy Bob Fitzgerald has been calling him "The Human Torch" for a while. Fun fact. He was the guy calling the USA games in the Tokyo Olympics alongside Vince Carter.
I remember casually tuning into this game not really knowing much about Curry until seeing this game 🔥🔥 This was crazy. And I was actually watching to see what Carmelo would do lol
basically, i was done with NBA pretty much from the last decade, unless its a Spurs game that is...LOL. But what put me back in the couch with a 6-pack and chips, is this guy. Back then when someone hit a trey, you mostly expect it to bounce off, but when Steph do his thing, itsthe other way around, you always expect it to swish the net through...thats how potent i saw it. I remember the kind of hate the league put Curry thru, since the long shot has always been regarded as a "specialization" and almost always the "last option" in a clinch. But oh boy, Steph broke that mold in a million pieces and changed the game like Irving, Chamberlain and Jordan before him.
@@BballCinema maybe it’s a Bay Area broadcast thing I’ve been a fan of Warriors since 2011. I actually became a fan by playing 2k11 because steph, Ellis and d Wright shot deep threes in that game at a high clip.
Just for your info, Bob Fitzgerald called him the human torch live on television the day after his cohost Rod Brooks on KNBR said it. He told him he was going to use it on a 3 point make, which he did. Unfortunately I don't have the exact game.
no. for many years now, mark jackson wasn't able to earn a single championship. and when steve kerr took over, the first year with the warriors, he won a championship for the bay.
Jay I know you probably get asked to do a ton of videos but this game reminded me of when Melo faced the bulls and went insane and crowd reaction was nuts! So if you could do that game that would be🔥🔥🔥
Wrong.. The Warriors commentator Bob Fitzgerald came up with “Human Torch mode” early in Steph’s career when he would rattle off several points / made shots in a short burst
you are right, it sucks listening to you. i wish you could of give all the stats to the introduction and then just let the game roll........ but i liked all the facts and stats you gave.
So you seen the tail end of that inbound play with someone literally trying to run through him shoving him backwards and you assume it’s a moving screen. They were standing still until Steph cut. Such a hater. I’d rather someone occasionally set a moving screen and play at the tempo he plays at with that amount of passion than bums like Lebron always begging for a foul call and setting out 15-20 games a year just because they don’t wanna play. The league has become boring to watch. It’s now who can shoot the most free throws wins the game. There’s several times when Lebron and James Harden have shot more free throws than the entire opposing team. That’s infuriating. And I’m sure that’s your favorite 2 players
nah it wasn’t this he was having great games before this, this one was just another great night to making him a star. Don’t highlight it like it created curry son.
@@BballCinema according to whom? everyone was already getting to know steph before this once again. Don’t narrate it to this game made him. Just put “young steph curry highlights vs knicks” 🤣🤣🤦♂️ clowns
Mark Jackson wasn’t a scapegoat. He was a legit problem. • Bristled at Mike Malone being the assistant coach under him (ownership wanted him to be the Associate Head Coach, like Gentry was with Kerr, but when Jackson found out he said NO WAY • Didn't let assistant coaches do interviews with press because he thought they were gunning for his job • Pushed Malone out because Jackson thought Malone was gunning for his job • Ran ISO-ball all the time (post iso heavy, curry underutilized) • Instilled a "us vs them" where the "them" was the entire front office. He would tell the players that the front office didn't want them to win so that Mark Jackson would look bad. • Barred Jerry West and Jim Barnett (the beloved TV color guy) along with everyone else from practices so they couldn't hear the crazy shit he said to the team • Told the team Festus Ezeli was rooting for them to lose so that Ezeli would look better (he was injured). This culminated in Ezeli in tears saying that there was no way he would do this, when confronted by the team • Told the team that Harrison Barnes was possessed by a demon, which is why he regressed • Darren Erman, the assistant responsible for the defense after Mike Malone left, was recording Mark Jackson surreptitiously to try and capture the crazy shit like the Harrison Barnes demon thing and the Ezeli thing, but was caught and fired • Noted homophobe, including the "I'll pray for him" when discussing Jason Collins coming out. This doesn't fly in the bay area when a lot of the team staff is gay and so is the front office, including the COO/President Rick Welts • Didn't want to hire actual good assistants, instead, he hired yes-men like Pete Myers and Lindsay Hunter, who backstabbed Alvin Gentry in Phoenix to get the head job • All the coaching staff were allying themselves with star players instead of the players who actually needed their help/development, so a lot players like Barnes didn't get the development time and help they needed • He put players against each other, telling a star player "hey that bench thinks he's better than you" and then telling the bench guy "hey that star guy thinks you're shit, go take his job" • Didn't get along with anyone in the front office, including Jerry West, Bob Myers, and actually the rest of the employees (marketing, PR, etc) • No preparation. He said in the Clippers series that he didn't need to prepare extra hours, when Doc Rivers was up all night devising schemes
@@BballCinema nah, fuck that guy. Mark Jackson crawled so Kerr could walk. The team cleary was on the right track under Jacksons tutelage. He got shafted.
@@marlandwren6493 We all give Jackson credit for getting the defense established and setting the track. However, you can't deny that he was a Bible thumping cancer that needed to get cut out sooner or later. The former GM of the Cavs current GM of the Pels, David Griffin, didn't want to hire Jackson to the Cavs because he knew about the behind the scenes BS. You also can't deny that he fucking underutilized Curry in a major way by preferring iso post ups and leaving Curry to stand around and do nothing. Look at BBallBreakdown's offensive analysis of the Warriors with Jackson vs Kerr and he explains the massive differences between the two offenses. Curry's explosion into all time great would only have been hampered with Jackson at the helm. It's Jackson's own damn fault he got in his own way. Also, fuck you ya bitch. Appreciate the caterpillar before the butterfly my ass. Jackson stay salty on the commentary.
Hello! Another Monday another Basketball Cinema banger, as we take a close look at THE breakout performance for the legend known as... Steph Curry!
Please let me know if you enjoyed this episode of the show, I really put a lot of time into this one as per usual! Hope you enjoyed!
"LORD, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us." Isaiah 26: 2
Hilarious commentary.
Thisu announcing the show is really annouying and unprofessional!
Me too!!! It is the truth!!!! Everything you said is what I done!!!!!
This is when I started getting back into basketball and Steph became my favorite player after Kobe
It was a transition point for sure!
@@BballCinema I never saw shooting like that makes it look effortless or should I say... Stephortless
@@tercial same though yo this was the game where I was like ok curry let's see what you about in the years to come then and he didn't disappoint
steph shimmy dancing right past and left draymond hanging is always hilarious
Ive laughed at that for years now
Nice Irene profile pic
In the zone
8:41 "equally as financially savvy" never knew I needed to hear thi so much
That iconic shot for 100 didn't even ripple the net ...I've seen only two other players do that ....Klay and Korver I think damn Steph
How often you steph and klay do that makes it seem like it is a lot easier than it really is.
It clanged of the bottom back rim....happens very often
@@Baulders ;
back when curry wasnt tripled teammed after crossing halcourt
So we just gonna skip over Steph being nicknamed “Threezus”? Lol 😂🔥🔥🔥
He certainly ushered in a Basketball second coming
@@LaughingJokerProd true, it's gospel
That’s kinda sus
@@veronxacous9069 lol
Look, this was the game I realized this man was something special. He did that to a Knicks team I wanted to go deep into the playoffs. Big respect to SC30🙏🏾
Look at curry man, so inspirational
I remember this from his 2k challenge in the season 3 spotlights
13:49 Sorry Draymond... You won't be getting a lot of that for a couple of years to come 😁😂🤣😅
There is actual footage of commentators calling him the human torch
There is actual footage of commentators calling a lot of other players the human torch .
He changed basketball. I remember when Teams scoring 100 points a game was a high. Team's scored 125 on the regular now.
He is ONE OF ONE !. Years from now we would be talking about him just like we are about Jordan.
Those Knicks were amazing holy
Local commentary guy Bob Fitzgerald has been calling him "The Human Torch" for a while. Fun fact. He was the guy calling the USA games in the Tokyo Olympics alongside Vince Carter.
Really well made video. About to binge the rest of your videos while I put together this fish tank set up. Subscribed!
and now Trae is doing it all over again to the knicks xD
I remember casually tuning into this game not really knowing much about Curry until seeing this game 🔥🔥 This was crazy. And I was actually watching to see what Carmelo would do lol
great narrator.. no.cap
6:00 Steve Novak with a classic Travel that the REF OBVIOUSLY MISSED even though standing next to him
basically, i was done with NBA pretty much from the last decade, unless its a Spurs game that is...LOL. But what put me back in the couch with a 6-pack and chips, is this guy. Back then when someone hit a trey, you mostly expect it to bounce off, but when Steph do his thing, itsthe other way around, you always expect it to swish the net through...thats how potent i saw it. I remember the kind of hate the league put Curry thru, since the long shot has always been regarded as a "specialization" and almost always the "last option" in a clinch. But oh boy, Steph broke that mold in a million pieces and changed the game like Irving, Chamberlain and Jordan before him.
Easy sub. This channel has it right
Bro i can’t lie your channel hella underrated keep ur spirit 🔥🔥🔥
thanks brotha! gotta keep grinding 💪
After this game he was never the same
Good video man. Not sure how you dont have more subs....
we'll get there bro!
You're so entertaining. I'll subscribe now !!
Bob fitzgerald (warriors announcer) calls Steph the human torch all the time
One of my favorite curry moments. 12:22
Another FIRE vid 🔥
1:25 lmao
🔥 video as usual.
thank you!
Jay when is are next spin to win
Human torch is from the Bay Area broadcast
Very true
Love this vids there are so entertaining
thank you!
At 13:50 steph did give him a high fove so sad
Still think you should do Westbrook’s triple double against the nuggets in 2017
can you do grizzlies upset of spurs sorry i spam but i feel like that would be interesting
that's a good idea!
As an avid Warriors fan I remember us calling Steph the human torch after the 2013 playoffs but I don’t remember the specific video.
Oh wow! I remember watching the 2013 playoffs and big chunks of Steph’s career from a national perspective from then on... have never heard it!
@@BballCinema maybe it’s a Bay Area broadcast thing I’ve been a fan of Warriors since 2011. I actually became a fan by playing 2k11 because steph, Ellis and d Wright shot deep threes in that game at a high clip.
@@BballCinema it was Fitz on the warriors broadcast that calls him the human torch when curry starts heating up.
Look at Curry man
Just for your info, Bob Fitzgerald called him the human torch live on television the day after his cohost Rod Brooks on KNBR said it. He told him he was going to use it on a 3 point make, which he did. Unfortunately I don't have the exact game.
rookie draymond .. showing things to come
he honestly looked like Prime Draymond in fairly limited minutes... pretty wild!
Why where u throwing shots at Amare tho
Light Skin Assassin, The Human Torch, hes been known as that since college
How bout threezus? Lol
It’s baby faced assassin. Not light skin 😂
To be fair, Amar'e might as well have been 40 years old at this point. His decline was meteoric and quiet. He went from star to role player overnight.
I'm in complete agreement this was his coming out party
remember me when your famous
will do boss!
What's with the disrespect with david lee I too remember during 2014 final
no. for many years now, mark jackson wasn't able to earn a single championship. and when steve kerr took over, the first year with the warriors, he won a championship for the bay.
Jay I know you probably get asked to do a ton of videos but this game reminded me of when Melo faced the bulls and went insane and crowd reaction was nuts! So if you could do that game that would be🔥🔥🔥
yes, many Mike Breen BANG moments!
How do u know his nickname is accurate, well 1:13 "averaging a boat 18ppg in his first 3 seasons"
Jay, you forgot to mention D Rose in the Knicks title run
you ain't lying...
Wrong.. The Warriors commentator Bob Fitzgerald came up with “Human Torch mode” early in Steph’s career when he would rattle off several points / made shots in a short burst
11:54 Carl Landry stole that pass like he’s bron 😭
These prigioni puns are gold 😭
haha yessss glad someone noticed!
Best RUclipsr ever
@@JayNBA keep up the amazing videos, always hyped for the uploads
#11 Klay was drafted #11 in the 1st round on 2011? Is that why he picked the #11?
that's a great question lol
11+11+11=33 a powerful # used be masons in gematria...sorry just had to 😂
Noti gang LETS GO!
wassup jay noti gang here
Not one mention of Jason Kidd huh?
he was baaad this game... I uploaded a 2003 NBA Finals game on my channel, spoke lots about him!
Does Green remind you of Rodman?
Green grew into a player who was WAY more involved offensively.
you are right, it sucks listening to you. i wish you could of give all the stats to the introduction and then just let the game roll........
but i liked all the facts and stats you gave.
Gonna start saying financially savvy instead of money whenever anyone hits a three
Been watching James A. Janisse I see... lol but good job.
yes! I shout him out in every description, definitely take inspiration from his style.
This channel will blow up soon
You can thank Warrior's announcer Bob FItzgerald for the shit human torch nickname
Was it an actual thing? No way lol
@@BballCinema that’s true. Fitzy called him that early
We need a melo or j.r. Swish cinema
not enough Melo in this vid? bet!
@@BballCinema yes
where was iggy?
Me to a completely “meh” player: Ooh that’s a bucket just like the other guy
You: He’s equally financially savvy
Dude you are corny af but, i like it, it works, got my sub good luck look forward to more vids like this.
Steph 38pts in 3qtrs really makes you think how ridiculous it is that Klay got 37pts in 1qtr 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
16:55 oof aged like milk
gawwwd tyson ruined it for all of us
14:19 "Draymond Green with a perfectly set screen"... You mean the master of disguising moving screens? Does it again there. Infuriating to watch.
So you seen the tail end of that inbound play with someone literally trying to run through him shoving him backwards and you assume it’s a moving screen. They were standing still until Steph cut. Such a hater. I’d rather someone occasionally set a moving screen and play at the tempo he plays at with that amount of passion than bums like Lebron always begging for a foul call and setting out 15-20 games a year just because they don’t wanna play. The league has become boring to watch. It’s now who can shoot the most free throws wins the game. There’s several times when Lebron and James Harden have shot more free throws than the entire opposing team. That’s infuriating. And I’m sure that’s your favorite 2 players
Refs fault for not calling dont blame the 3 time champ 🤣
Questioning the guy that averaging 19 pts and 10 rebs? Really?
hes already a star tho
nah it wasn’t this he was having great games before this, this one was just another great night to making him a star. Don’t highlight it like it created curry son.
I pointed out that he was on a great run of games... this was definitely a coming out party for Steph on national TV.
@@BballCinema according to whom? everyone was already getting to know steph before this once again. Don’t narrate it to this game made him. Just put “young steph curry highlights vs knicks” 🤣🤣🤦♂️ clowns
Tyson chandler had 28 rebounds.
Thats a lot of roast beef
@@BballCinema watch “no dunks” their big beef segment
First this guy disses my man dLee then proceeds to say the human torch is not the human torch🤦🏾😭watch more warrior games my guy
🔥Italian accent
hahaha i try!
Mark Jackson deserves another team....!
No dangling mouthguard?
Did I just see 11/13 from 3 on the thumbnail????
melo vs lebron james is next
maybe... 👀
As a Knicks fan, why, just why
they still won!
my guy went OFF.
DAvid Lee was not ball dominant
Mark Jackson wasn’t a scapegoat. He was a legit problem.
• Bristled at Mike Malone being the assistant coach under him (ownership wanted him to be the Associate Head Coach, like Gentry was with Kerr, but when Jackson found out he said NO WAY
• Didn't let assistant coaches do interviews with press because he thought they were gunning for his job
• Pushed Malone out because Jackson thought Malone was gunning for his job
• Ran ISO-ball all the time (post iso heavy, curry underutilized)
• Instilled a "us vs them" where the "them" was the entire front office. He would tell the players that the front office didn't want them to win so that Mark Jackson would look bad.
• Barred Jerry West and Jim Barnett (the beloved TV color guy) along with everyone else from practices so they couldn't hear the crazy shit he said to the team
• Told the team Festus Ezeli was rooting for them to lose so that Ezeli would look better (he was injured). This culminated in Ezeli in tears saying that there was no way he would do this, when confronted by the team
• Told the team that Harrison Barnes was possessed by a demon, which is why he regressed
• Darren Erman, the assistant responsible for the defense after Mike Malone left, was recording Mark Jackson surreptitiously to try and capture the crazy shit like the Harrison Barnes demon thing and the Ezeli thing, but was caught and fired
• Noted homophobe, including the "I'll pray for him" when discussing Jason Collins coming out. This doesn't fly in the bay area when a lot of the team staff is gay and so is the front office, including the COO/President Rick Welts
• Didn't want to hire actual good assistants, instead, he hired yes-men like Pete Myers and Lindsay Hunter, who backstabbed Alvin Gentry in Phoenix to get the head job
• All the coaching staff were allying themselves with star players instead of the players who actually needed their help/development, so a lot players like Barnes didn't get the development time and help they needed
• He put players against each other, telling a star player "hey that bench thinks he's better than you" and then telling the bench guy "hey that star guy thinks you're shit, go take his job"
• Didn't get along with anyone in the front office, including Jerry West, Bob Myers, and actually the rest of the employees (marketing, PR, etc)
• No preparation. He said in the Clippers series that he didn't need to prepare extra hours, when Doc Rivers was up all night devising schemes
wow! thanks for the info... scapegoat was probably the wrong terminology - was just trying to throw him a bone! lol
@@BballCinema nah, fuck that guy. Mark Jackson crawled so Kerr could walk. The team cleary was on the right track under Jacksons tutelage. He got shafted.
@@marlandwren6493 We all give Jackson credit for getting the defense established and setting the track. However, you can't deny that he was a Bible thumping cancer that needed to get cut out sooner or later. The former GM of the Cavs current GM of the Pels, David Griffin, didn't want to hire Jackson to the Cavs because he knew about the behind the scenes BS. You also can't deny that he fucking underutilized Curry in a major way by preferring iso post ups and leaving Curry to stand around and do nothing. Look at BBallBreakdown's offensive analysis of the Warriors with Jackson vs Kerr and he explains the massive differences between the two offenses. Curry's explosion into all time great would only have been hampered with Jackson at the helm.
It's Jackson's own damn fault he got in his own way. Also, fuck you ya bitch. Appreciate the caterpillar before the butterfly my ass. Jackson stay salty on the commentary.
The "Human Torch"? what kind of moronic name is that for a Ball Player? UGH!!
Warriors blew a 3-1 lead
You don’t have an Italian accent..;
lmao I tried 😂
The dark circle antenatally dream because fork similarly chew under a beautiful operation. helpful, actually action
54 people cant be first
hahaha yes they can!
Lol Doris isn't good as a commentator, she's very boring when calling a game, just my opinion but there's may better commentators in the league
she's less exuberant than others on the mic, but I find her to be super informative!
Wasted my time on this one
@@jejo4790 i was 2nd lmfao
@@jejo4790 you were first
@@lailakhizer5919 nope
@@jejo4790 you weird asf