Why My Mother HATED Pokemon (I shouldn't have brought my Game Boy to church...)

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @melkhiordarkfell4354
    @melkhiordarkfell4354 2 года назад +1207

    My mom was the opposite ironically, I got Pokemon Blue and my mom was more the "we paid a lot for this so you better play it and not ask for more new games" so I played and played and as long as my homework was done and my tests were still 10/10 I could keep playing and honestly I think my mom was glad that it was such a long game that it saved her having to get another game that year, I would get two games a year, Xmas and my Birthday for the record.

    • @Lumberjack_king
      @Lumberjack_king 2 года назад +63

      That's how parents should be

    • @mgrah3723
      @mgrah3723 2 года назад +70

      Your mom knew to make sure to buy quality games, that's awesome.

    • @AtelierGod
      @AtelierGod 2 года назад +34

      I finished my homework before coming home, truly a galaxy brain move.

    • @GarkKahn
      @GarkKahn 2 года назад +32

      @@AtelierGod as a kid almost every day i finished like 5-10 minutes earlier than the others and started doing homework so i could maximize my time playing at home
      I remember any day without finishing homework during school was like a failure in my eyes lol

    • @AtelierGod
      @AtelierGod 2 года назад +6

      @@GarkKahn seems like we were two of a mind.

  • @angrynoodletwentyfive6463
    @angrynoodletwentyfive6463 2 года назад +440

    The preacher at our church actually kinda encouraged parents to let their kids play videogames or read or etc. During church (on silent) he said he didn't want to create a negative association between them with church being boring and that the stuff during the regular adult service is often above a child's comprehension level anyway. He also encouraged parents not to force children over the age of 12 to come to church as they should be allowed to "find their own way and nobody can be forced into a relationship with god." He was a chill dude and I am still on cool terms with him as an agnostic with mutual respect for each others beliefs.

    • @katiarepublic7057
      @katiarepublic7057 2 года назад +15

      They sound AMAZING I wish more people felt that way

    • @DaleFrewaldt
      @DaleFrewaldt 2 года назад +2

      What denomination, if you don't mind me asking?

    • @TheMeloettaful
      @TheMeloettaful 2 года назад +16

      Wow that is amazing! That pastor is freakin awesome! I'm a Christian, but that is the first I've heard of a pastor saying such a thing. But what he's saying is basically true.
      You cannot force anyone to have a relationship with God. If He wanted to force us to he wouldn't have given us freewill to make the choice ourselves. And the fact that younger kids could play their games albeit on silent mode I love it 😆!
      Because like the pastor said the services are often above what kids can understand. And in my case growing up bored me to sleeping in church much to my mom's chagrin lol.
      And for kids 12 & up it just makes them kind of resentful to being forced to go and maybe even forced to being baptized. But mad kudos to that pastor for getting it when it comes to kids 👏👍❤!

    • @kingkazma3246
      @kingkazma3246 2 года назад +3

      Lucky, mine was calling them demons! I almost had no childhood 😭

    • @angrynoodletwentyfive6463
      @angrynoodletwentyfive6463 2 года назад +2

      @@DaleFrewaldt I think it was non-denominational

  • @OtakuUnitedStudio
    @OtakuUnitedStudio 2 года назад +494

    I remember the bizarre religious rejection of Pokémon when it first came out. How it was Darwinist, how it was satanic, how it taught people to steal and kill and cheat. My neighbor's dad was a pastor and he talked out against it multiple times, including directly to me and my parents. All just another case of The New Thing making Capital F Fundamentalists scared over something they didn't understand. It's good that, 25 years late (ugh, saying that makes me feel sick), that they've mostly given up on it and even conservative values groups realize it's not really any of those things.

    • @awesomeocelot7475
      @awesomeocelot7475 2 года назад +20

      But didn’t Charles Darwin believe in god?

    • @obambagaming1467
      @obambagaming1467 2 года назад +28

      @@awesomeocelot7475 kinda. It's a bit more complicated but he saw himself as something like an agnostic.
      I don't know if he really believed that, or if he just told it the church, so that he wont get even more hate from them.

    • @allstarpterosaur850
      @allstarpterosaur850 2 года назад +35

      That’s religion for you. A cult of scaredy-lambs (as a former Christian now atheist, the word “lamb” makes me cringe because it has so many religious connotations) that aren’t willing to accept anything different from them. Instead of loving all (as they’re “told” by some “higher power”), they bully and persecute anyone who is a different religion, watches cartoons, believes for evolution, or is independent.

      (I’m sorry to any religious folks in advance. This stereotype does not apply to you rare blokes. Just those people who fit the description. Don’t kill me.)

    • @crystalwings4520
      @crystalwings4520 2 года назад +9

      @@allstarpterosaur850 Well, the word 'lamb' and 'sheep' doesn't sound like a good comparison...
      Also yeah, you're not the only one. My religion (the extreme side one) also have almost the same thing. I mean, I saw several cases when there are the 'scholars' claiming that video games and K-Pop were made by Satan, those with different religion are bad 'kafir' (yeah, you might already guess what religion I have), or maybe something like globalization is the evil leaders' plan.

    • @darkclawgreatonenas
      @darkclawgreatonenas 2 года назад +13

      oh the Zealots havnt stopped yet, i remember when Pokemon GO first came out, there were more than a few who claimed that, since sometimes a mon or three would 'appear' in a church, these 'digital demons' were 'marking Christians for assassination' or some such garbage...these people dont change their minds, they just get more wacky because of 'muh book'...

  • @RyukoDragonHalf
    @RyukoDragonHalf 2 года назад +173

    My parents had already suffered from the Satanic Panic (D&D Edition), so when Pokemon came out and we started getting into it, they pulled us from the very strict Christian school we were attending at the time. That school had a strong stance against everything remotely magical - including the Chronicles of Narnia! They were worried about us getting addicted too, but all these years later, they've embraced it enough to dabble in the games themselves!

    • @SkoomaGodDovahkiin666
      @SkoomaGodDovahkiin666 2 года назад +19

      And to this day, Christians wonder why people view them with such disdain.

    • @Austar7
      @Austar7 2 года назад +36

      Christain extremists hating on Narnia of all things?! It's like the most pro-Christain fantasy series of all time!

    • @SkoomaGodDovahkiin666
      @SkoomaGodDovahkiin666 2 года назад +12

      @@Austar7 Same with Tolkien's work.

    • @RyukoDragonHalf
      @RyukoDragonHalf 2 года назад +6

      @@Austar7 You'd think so!! But, magic is magic, and talking trees and beasts were a complete no-go. I can see some plot points in the last Narnia book causing some fuss, plus CS Lewis ran afoul of some churches himself, if I'm not mistaken.
      Oh @SussusMaximus Tolkein's work was NEVER brought up. Would be ironic if they didn't mind it, though. This was in the mid to late 90s so I have no ideya what that school is like now. Hopefully they, and fellow students, have calmed down a bit since then... ^^;

    • @The_Blue_Otaku
      @The_Blue_Otaku 2 года назад +1

      How strict was your Christian school?
      I mostly went to a Catholic school it was semi strict

  • @roralize1358
    @roralize1358 2 года назад +218

    I was in middle school in 2014 and my mother banned Pokémon from the house because the neighbor convinced her it was "demonic". She's neutral to it now, but even at 19 I just don't say anything lol.

    • @waelalabri7219
      @waelalabri7219 2 года назад +11

      I don't blame you. Some Arab fans didn't believe that rumour. But they can't help it if censorship injustice banned Pokemon because of the lousy rumours about atheism and so. I didn't have much of their products because of the wrongly banning in the Middle East!

  • @Ronin11111111
    @Ronin11111111 2 года назад +152

    There's never too many "what are NFTs" videos. The more people say it, the more people get infromed and the bigger the push-back against it becomes.

    • @chaotix1826
      @chaotix1826 2 года назад +5

      Yup, like me. I still have no idea what NFTs are and because of that, I absolutely have no interest in them.

    • @Ronin11111111
      @Ronin11111111 2 года назад +7

      @@chaotix1826 You shouldn't have unterest un them, because they are bullshit, but it's good to know about them because it's the buzzword of the now. There're a lot of videos about them, but there's 2 I would recommend in particular: one, is Josh Strife Hayes' "What the hell are NFT's?", it is about 20 minutes and explains in understandable terms what NFTs are, what they aren't and how people are using them to scam people. The other video is Folding Ideas' 2+ hour epic "Line Goes Up - The Problem With NFTs", it is a detailed and exhaustive look not just into the NFT craze, but everything that led to it and lays bare all of its component parts. He talks about how cryptocurrencies came to be, how they work, how NFTs came to be, how THEY work, what kind of people use and advocate for crypto and NFTs and what their communities are like.
      The TL;DW is that crypto itself is a fucking scam by nature and all of the so called web 3.0 is just illusions and bullshit.

    • @chaotix1826
      @chaotix1826 2 года назад +3

      @@Ronin11111111 I don't have an interest in them, because they don't make sense, so I won't invest in them. If ppl want to that's their business, it seems like it won't stick around cuz of all the ppl bitching about them being "harmful to the environment "

    • @99civicDx
      @99civicDx 2 года назад

      @@Ronin11111111 there's a good argument for releasing the total control banks have over our wealth. While most coins are scams, the original idea is to have a currency free from the government's and oligarchs control

    • @Ronin11111111
      @Ronin11111111 2 года назад +2

      @@99civicDx And in the 2+ hour Folding Ideas video, Dan explains how de-centralisation is basically a myth and it's already all controled by oligarchs or wanabee oligarchs.

  • @MMumbles
    @MMumbles 2 года назад +304

    My mom hated pokemon. Idk why she let me keep it but when I mentioned my Pokemon "evolved" that was the end of it. And don't get me started on guiding Marowak to the afterlife in Red/Blue

    • @awesomeocelot7475
      @awesomeocelot7475 2 года назад +15

      Isn’t evolution natural?

    • @Ben_From_Canada
      @Ben_From_Canada 2 года назад +51

      @@awesomeocelot7475 yeah but some religious don’t believe in it because the bible said everything was created as it currently is and saying Humans evolved from apes is heresy

    • @KamenRiderGumo
      @KamenRiderGumo 2 года назад +18

      @@Ben_From_Canada That's why I'm grateful to have had the father that I do. I was largely homeschooled and was shown both sides of the spectrum - taught that history, science, and the Bible largely agree on events and the order they happened in. That evolution doesn't discount God making everything - rather, that He was patient as a timeless being would be and carefully sculpted the Earth, waiting until everything was as He needed it to be to give rise to humanity. Fundamentalists discount it because they want to believe that it all happened at once, yet throughout the Bible we see multiple instances of God waiting for the exact right moment to do something - for the right set of circumstances, or for the right person to come along, something like that and never just "Okay, this is happening now on a whim because I said so". And the primary evidence the fundamentalists use is the "begats" listed throughout the Old Testament, which they take to mean a complete list of entire family lines despite the fact that all "begat" means is that one person is descended from another. I am the direct descendant of my father, so it can be sat that my father begat me. But I am also descended directly from a man who lived in this area in 1865, so it could be truthfully said that THAT man begat me. So there is no way of knowing how detailed or complete those lists are. Using those lists, and an average of 20 years inbetween generations, they came up with the roundabout figure of 4,000 years for the age of he Earth and everything else in the cosmos. Never mind that we have hat are essentially writings in the prototype of a written language find in China in 1989 that are at least 8,000 years old which came from an already-established agricultural civilization that would have had oral histories going back long before that. Thankfully, the people who are THAT fundamentalist are few and growing fewer, though they tend to be the loudest voices among us Christians and are the ones that tend tomake the headlines. The vast majority of us either accept that TWO sources of information can both be right, or at the very least don't care about the details lost to history and simply pray and fellowship together.

    • @awesomeocelot7475
      @awesomeocelot7475 2 года назад +7

      @@Ben_From_Canada then explain fossils? Seriously where do they think those come from?

    • @The_Jzoli
      @The_Jzoli 2 года назад +33

      @@awesomeocelot7475 "The Devil planted them there, so you'd doubt/stop believing in God and the Bible".
      For real, that's the argument.

  • @Mojaveknight17
    @Mojaveknight17 2 года назад +195

    Pokémon and church? You're brave

    • @12DAMDO
      @12DAMDO 2 года назад +9

      based Saber playing a "satanic" game at church

    • @crispicheese
      @crispicheese 2 года назад

      @@12DAMDO bruh

    • @12DAMDO
      @12DAMDO 2 года назад +3

      @@crispicheese look up "satanic panic"
      Pokémon (as well as Dungeon and Dragon) was unironically banned at some churches and households for being too satanic

    • @HedgClan
      @HedgClan 2 года назад

      I do it all the time

  • @gottagofest1610
    @gottagofest1610 2 года назад +415

    Being from a heavy Catholic church family I remember my aunt's would roast me for not knowing any Bible verses and instead being able to name all 151 Pokemans. Be true and enjoy what you like. Don't let others tell you otherwise.

    • @obambagaming1467
      @obambagaming1467 2 года назад +39

      The only Bible verses I need to know, are the ones to disprove their arguments with their own book. Or just to confront them with something in the bible, that they dislike and ignore.

    • @mattwolf7698
      @mattwolf7698 2 года назад +20

      @@obambagaming1467 There's also a lot of weird NSFW ones in it like The Song of Solomon for example.

    • @IndustrialParrot2816
      @IndustrialParrot2816 2 года назад +12

      eh i can't name the 151 originals but i can rattle off every major north american railroad

    • @kuramayoko23
      @kuramayoko23 2 года назад +26

      Even the Pope at the time even said that Pokemon was about friendship.

    • @TechSpec814
      @TechSpec814 2 года назад +5

      Sounds like the overly religious Spanish family I am in.

  • @Vicky-Hugh-Martini
    @Vicky-Hugh-Martini 2 года назад +134

    I feel bad for you. Those type of stares are enough to give anyone the shivers.

  • @navi_6621
    @navi_6621 2 года назад +18

    Saber that was a good story. I too grew up with a Bible belt wielding mother in 1998 who literally bought me the GameBoy and Pokemon Red (my older brother got Blue but he was a teenager and focusing on girls so he didn't play much) and then started regretting her decision later because the church filled her brain with a bunch of nonsense about Pokemon being demons, and "when you level the demons up they become stronger and take over your child." We lived in the middle of nowhere Texas. At one point she grabbed the Gameboy off the table and said "no more Pokemon for you, no daughter of mine is going to rot her brain with this game" and locked it up in her bedroom, but I didn't tell her she actually grabbed my older brother's Gameboy with his copy of Blue (She let my brother and I decide who would play which color so she wasn't there when my bro was like "I'm taking Blue because I like Blue and I'm older."). and then she'd turn on the TV and let me watch anime like Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, and Sailor Moon. Somehow anime was more ok with her than Pokemon and she would sit and watch it with me. I only had to ride the "Pokemon demon train" for a month tho, because soon after Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone got super popular and the church freaked out because of "witchcraft" being taught to their children. So I was able to play freely again and she never really mentioned anything about demons after that.
    Thinking back, during that year my older brother was a teenager and wanted nothing to do with anyone, my little sister was a newborn crying in diapers, and my dad worked nights, I think now she just wanted an excuse for me to hang out with her because I was the only nice human being around her. She was a stay at home mom and taught me to help with chores, she used to force me to go to church but only on Wednesdays with the church kids. I think she just wanted me to be more social with kids my age. I found out later as an adult I suffered from social anxiety, so the Gameboy was a great device to focus my attention on when I began to sweat and black out from being around people. Every parent fears they did something wrong, and while my mom certainly wasn't perfect I think I still came out ok. My mom and I didn't have a lot in common other than both enjoying anime, and she would even record Sailor Moon on VHS for me because she knew the school bus always dropped me off in the middle of the episode. The 90s and early 2000s released sooooo much good content!
    While I didn't like to read books, later in 2001 we went to see Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in a tiny little backwoods movie theater and we loved it. She opened up to me years later as an adult and told me how she loved unicorns and dragons and fantasy stories but her parents were super religious and against it, so they forced her to bury her love of fantasy and grow up too fast. She told me when she was a child she read the most wonderful story called The Hobbit and introduced me to the entire Lord of the Rings series, I do remember her taking me to see all the Lord of the Rings films and she never told the pastor. She still kept her faith strong, but she stopped letting the church control her life so much after my dad moved us out to the city. When you're stuck in the middle of nowhere, all there really is to do is spend money at the one local Walmart or go to church and church gatherings.
    Now that we're both adults we get along so much better. Currently we BOTH PLAY POKEMON LEGENDS ARCEUS and we BOTH FLIPPED OUT when we got our free shiny Ponyta cause Rapidash is basically a unicorn and WE LOVE UNICORNS!

  • @WolfmanArt
    @WolfmanArt 2 года назад +79

    My parents weren't fans of me being involved with Pokemon 😅
    It was the 1st thing I was interested in 💛

    • @MMumbles
      @MMumbles 2 года назад +10

      Same!! It was my gateway to both anime and video games.

    • @michaelk5976
      @michaelk5976 2 года назад +5


  • @koopakaiju
    @koopakaiju 2 года назад +257

    I will never understand why my parents banned me from bringing my DS to church because I was secretly playing Pokemon Black, but I was allowed to bring my PSP, which had *Persona 3 on it.*

    • @mattwolf7698
      @mattwolf7698 2 года назад +52

      Maybe your parents didn't know what Persona was about or at least didn't expect the church members to know. Almost everybody can reconize Pokemon and a lot of churches thought it was satanic so maybe they thought you taking it there would cause a scene.

    • @alexandercorbett1147
      @alexandercorbett1147 2 года назад +50

      @@mattwolf7698 It's odd because that was back in the day when Persona was marketed with the Shin Megami Tensei name, and the logo of SMT is a pentagram. If an overly religious parent sees a pentagram on the cover of a game, you'd think they'd be a little concerned.

    • @rikustorm13
      @rikustorm13 2 года назад +8

      Ayy Persona 3, great game

    • @serPomiz
      @serPomiz 2 года назад +9

      @@alexandercorbett1147 christianists cares not for facts. that's what differenciate them from christians
      the guy that says he's talking for the Big One said things about pokemon, so those thing ARE, it never said anything about persona, so it must be godly enough.
      and yes, this is one thing I have personally heard being discussed.

    • @katiarepublic7057
      @katiarepublic7057 2 года назад +4

      That’s *hilarious*

  • @beardedmarksman2458
    @beardedmarksman2458 2 года назад +41

    I am so surprised on how light your experience was. When I was a kid my church was completely against Pokémon and yugioh. I remember being in kids church and having this random woman come in and talk about how Pokémon was translated to pocket demons (clearly wrong) and how evil it was. Went as far to say the cards possessed kids. So a bunch of the parents went and made the kids cut or break their stuff in order to “protect them”. I remember a bunch of them crying while the parents watched. It was so crazy.

    • @omega_blue5009
      @omega_blue5009 2 года назад +6

      Church: what does Pokémon mean
      Also church: pocket monsters
      Church: what about pocket demons
      Also church: perfect nobody will ever know what the true meaning is
      Church 20 years from then: why does everybody like listening to satan

    • @fredericksaxton9782
      @fredericksaxton9782 2 года назад

      Church people: We're good people!
      Also Church people: *force children to destroy inoccent toys as they cry as the adults evily watch*
      Funny how church people can be so sheerly evil. Imagine watching a kid cry because of you and not being absolutely sickened with yourself.

  • @justicetaylor3050
    @justicetaylor3050 2 года назад +16

    When me and my siblings were unable to summarize the church sermon one time, we were all grounded from video games for an entire month. Like, we did nothing pro activly wrong, we just had a short attention span. We weren't even warned to pay attention this time. It felt like a landmine out of nowhere.

  • @Gatchu137
    @Gatchu137 2 года назад +85

    Saber's story of being stuck in Pallet town reminds me of my first time playing a pokemon game. Pokemon Pearl was actually my first video game, alongside Mario Kart DS, so I wasn't familiar with the concept of saving, and I thought I had to beat the entire game in one go. I played through the opening section of the game like 4 times before I clicked on the little sign that says "press x to save".

    • @hubertkrakowski722
      @hubertkrakowski722 2 года назад +4

      Haha, that reminds me of when I was a kid and was playing LEGO Racers 2. I didn't know how to save at all so each time I played I tried to to go as far as I can in the story in one sitting. My record was 3rd world.

    • @tvsonicserbia5140
      @tvsonicserbia5140 2 года назад

      Well on a DS that could've been easily feasible, you just keep it in sleep mode and don't let the battery die out.

    • @deadpool1454
      @deadpool1454 2 года назад

      I got stuck in Viridian city. My reading comprehension wasn't so good back then so I didn't knock I had to take professor oaks package back to him before the catching tutorial would stop having a stomach ache

    • @kaitlynwickham6237
      @kaitlynwickham6237 2 года назад

      It took my sister-in-law about an hour to figure out how to leave the moving van in Pokemon Emerald.

  • @Calamity64
    @Calamity64 2 года назад +181

    I remember I used to watch the pokemon series but the moment my mother heard the word "evolution" the TV was shut down and I was given a speech about how evolution is the devils work.

    • @michaelk5976
      @michaelk5976 2 года назад +18


    • @ayolotl4830
      @ayolotl4830 2 года назад +71

      bruh, so basically all of existence is the devils work? I don't understand how those people function with their constant contractions. Like if you don't believe in something cool, but let others enjoy life too lol

    • @Arexion5293
      @Arexion5293 2 года назад +51

      I still find it odd the game uses the term evolution, when it is depicting metamorphosis. I guess evolution is just a more marketable word?

    • @mattwolf7698
      @mattwolf7698 2 года назад +27

      @@ayolotl4830 They think God created everything as is excluding maybe wolves being able to be bread into dogs and stuff like that.
      Yeah, I grew up around Christians like that and they their super conservative and anti-science views drove me to athiesm.
      I was lucky though compared to some kids at my church, I was allowed to watch Pokemon and Disney movies. Some other parents found both satnaic.

    • @alexandercorbett1147
      @alexandercorbett1147 2 года назад +26

      @@Arexion5293 I think it's exactly that, it's just something to keep the word short. Can you imagine your Pokémon evolving and it says "Your Charmeleon metamorphosized into Charizard!"

  • @beanboi789
    @beanboi789 2 года назад +30

    Pokemon was okay in our house. "Thank goodness the boys are playing that little critter game instead of that devil game .... Dungeons and Dragons." Lol, now my mom is asking me to run a game of DnD for her and my siblings.

  • @spartanvenom5388
    @spartanvenom5388 2 года назад +37

    I always find it interesting hearing stories about people having weirdly strict parents,because my parents where never anywhere close to this strict with things like video games unless me or either of my siblings did anything bad or got bad grades in school.
    This was probably because my dad was into transformers and GiJoe (mostly GiJoe) and really like playing RTS games,and my mom watched Voltron and Godzilla when she was younger

  • @lunch_trey
    @lunch_trey 2 года назад +146

    My parents were pretty okay with a lot of the stuff my siblings and I got into. They knew we'd never go overboard with it and we could separate reality from fantasy. They just let us enjoy stuff.

    • @waelalabri7219
      @waelalabri7219 2 года назад +18

      I'm glad that your parents are moderated and understanding. Some ignorant parents may not always be so. If they might not acknowledge the innocence of some hobbies.

  • @Nando75549
    @Nando75549 2 года назад +293

    Playing Pokemon in church is one thing.
    But, imagine playing Shin Megami Tensei in church.

    • @driversed388
      @driversed388 2 года назад +50

      You, sir, have GUTS!

    • @ZKP314
      @ZKP314 2 года назад +24

      Especially 2.

    • @Nando75549
      @Nando75549 2 года назад +13

      Hell, even all of them.

    • @alexandercorbett1147
      @alexandercorbett1147 2 года назад +70

      SMT is basically what the church thought Pokémon was in the 90s.

    • @MizuHime07
      @MizuHime07 2 года назад +11

      Oo play part 4 on the 3ds in a church ooo I dare ya

  • @Firechick12012
    @Firechick12012 2 года назад +45

    Yeah, it baffles me how people get so up-in-arms over the most asinine things. Granted, I can somewhat understand not being allowed to play games in church, as it's considered rude to do so during service, but anything beyond that is over the line. I never went to church, as my family isn't religious, and my family was cool with my love for anime, manga, and games, as they knew those things made me happy, and didn't mind as long as I made sure I got good grades in school. Though I did know a kid in school whose family absolutely hated Pokemon, and he wasn't even allowed to so much as own Pokemon cards because his parents believed Pokemon was Satanic. I did have a creative writing teacher who thought Pokemon was basically watered down cock-fighting, but other than that, he was mainly a cool dude.
    Also, love that you have the Heart Gold/Soul Silver OST playing in the background.

    • @Darthjoseph14
      @Darthjoseph14 2 месяца назад

      To be fair you catch Pokémon in the wild and make them fight so it is kind of cock-fighting

  • @MrEmerys89
    @MrEmerys89 2 года назад +26

    My second cousin wasn’t allowed to play because his mom thought it was satanic. Meanwhile the rest of us kids were always playing it when we went to visit my grandparents. Always felt bad for him.

  • @mraaronhd
    @mraaronhd 2 года назад +18

    Here’s my “Pokémon-Church” story. So my grandfather is a pastor, and he was once pastoring at a small church (only maybe 10-20 members, including my family (my grandparents, my parents, and me and my two siblings). So I would usually ride with my dad early on Sunday morning to the church where he would help get the worship music ready, prepare the Sunday school lessons, get the coffee ready, etc. Except one morning where I decided I wanted to ride with my mom who comes a little bit later with the rest of my siblings. So he left, and about an hour later my mom eventually left with my siblings. Meanwhile, I was just in my bedroom, playing Pokémon Blue, waiting to go church (I was still in my church clothes).
    Now, I didn’t plan on staying home (because I knew I would get in trouble by my mom if I did), but I also didn’t tell her I was going to ride with her, and I just kinda waited until they were leaving- assuming she would come get me (I had assumed my dad had said something to my mom about me coming with her, but he hadn’t). So while I’m at home, playing Blue, the house phone rings. I answer it, and it’s my mom. She was mad, and wondering why I was at home when I should be at church. I explained the situation to her, but she said I had planned it so I could just stay at home and play Pokémon. She eventually hung up, and I went back to playing Pokémon. When they got home afterwards, she gave me a good lecture (but I did catch a Jigglypuff, which I was super proud of because I had seen it in the anime and thought that it’s sing attack was that powerful Lol).

  • @pesciwaifu5995
    @pesciwaifu5995 2 года назад +80

    This was so relatable lol. When I was in grade school, I was never comfortable going to church. So, kid me thought it was a good idea to hide in the Sunday School bathroom and play Ruby Version on my GBA.
    One of the church staff, an older woman, noticed me go into the bathroom and stay for a longer-than-usual period of time. She ended up barging in and tried to force the door open to my stall. When I refused to leave, she stayed in the bathroom and waited for me to come out so she could escort me to my parents. It sucked and was legitimately traumatizing. Lowkey it was worth it because Gen 3 was the bomb 💣

  • @Volothos
    @Volothos 2 года назад +45

    That title you have reminds me of an early memory.
    I was about 6-7, it was somewhere around 1998. My family had to go on a big trip to Puerto Rico that winter for a funeral; one of my aunts and cousins died in a car accident. I had no idea what was going on, I was just a kid with ADHD. There are a few things I remember though, my brother and I played the FUCK out of Pokemon all the while.
    The things I still clearly remember; at the wake I remember looking into my cousins casket and how eerie she looked, it was my first time seeing a dead person. At the services though, because of the ADHD, I was allowed to bring my gameboy and play as long as I had the volume at mute and kept quiet as the priest spoke. It was a huge church, and I think we were in the back? At this point I can't recall if it was a funerary service about my aunt and cousin, or if we just went to church that day.
    I also remember seeing all the cars parked on bare grass, no traditional parking spots, I legitimately thought all those cars got into accidents.

    • @maruku4445
      @maruku4445 2 года назад +3

      Hey I’m Puerto Rican! It’s the best country in the world I say.

  • @EnigmaticGentleman
    @EnigmaticGentleman 2 года назад +196

    I remember Pokemon was the most REVILED thing by so many parents. If I could time travel I would show those parents Doom Eternal, that sure would have shut them the hell up.

    • @MMumbles
      @MMumbles 2 года назад +26

      The 80's had D&D to watch out for, the 90's and 00's had Pokemon.

    • @dazcarrr
      @dazcarrr 2 года назад +39

      the thought of showing a 90s christian parent Doom Eternal is just too good

    • @xxx_penny_pincher_xxx7797
      @xxx_penny_pincher_xxx7797 2 года назад +14

      @@dazcarrr you just got to say the doom guys Christian and they'll allow it

    • @dazcarrr
      @dazcarrr 2 года назад +33

      @@xxx_penny_pincher_xxx7797 he's killing demons so i'd say its pretty anti-devil, they might actually like it

    • @mattwolf7698
      @mattwolf7698 2 года назад +13

      People act like people are more offended these days but they forget about everything religious nutjobs found satanic in the past. Most if it is laughable in retrospect.

  • @Yawgm0th
    @Yawgm0th 2 года назад +85

    I did the same thing back in the day, my stepdad was a full on believer in “Pokémon is witchcraft” because of Wizards of the Coast producing the card game.
    His attempts spectacularly backfired and resulted in me getting into
    Magic: The Gathering.
    This video parallels my childhood perfectly.

    • @autumbreeze1129
      @autumbreeze1129 2 года назад +11

      That is very similar to how I got into MLP.
      A coworker HATED the entire concept of MLP and spent months trying to convince me MLP was "everything wrong with the world".
      Like your stepdad, his plans massively backfired because his rants on why MLP was so wrong ate what got me curious to look into the series to begin with.
      I didn't even KNOW about MLP until he started trying to turn me against it.
      Had he simply never mentioned it, I probably never would’ve become interested.

    • @windowcreeperbird9669
      @windowcreeperbird9669 2 года назад

      @@autumbreeze1129 If you don't mind me asking, why did they hate MLP so much?

    • @autumbreeze1129
      @autumbreeze1129 2 года назад +5

      @@windowcreeperbird9669 he said He thought it was disgusting that MLP had such an effect on anyone. How adults shouldn't enjoy cartoons... despite also having told me in the past about cartoons he liked.

    • @masterseal0418
      @masterseal0418 2 года назад +2

      Yeah, for Sparda's sake!

    • @mainhalo117
      @mainhalo117 2 года назад

      @Autum Breeze all along he was a closeted brony

  • @Tony-fp7cn
    @Tony-fp7cn 2 года назад +27

    I had to emulate Pokémon yellow when I was younger on a shady website to play because my parents never wanted to get Pokémon for me while the other kids at church played Pokémon ):

    • @sdmblack1
      @sdmblack1 2 года назад +12

      My uncle taught me to use emulators and save states for Red, it was how I learned to navigate a programs menus and use a mouse. Great alternative, great learning experience.

  • @AnixDraws93
    @AnixDraws93 2 года назад +148

    Personally, while I adore the analytical videos, I find myself loving these small story time videos just as much. Everyone has some personal story with a particular game and I always find myself enamored with these kinda stories.
    As for my take on Pokémon, it’s kinda funny cause despite my parents being very religious, they didn’t mind me and my brother playing video games, especially Pokémon at all. My mother would even let us bring our game boys to church as long as we kept them on mute lol

  • @infineoinfinite
    @infineoinfinite 2 года назад +25

    I'm so glad that my mom doesn't hate me seeing play videogames, as soon as she work abroad, I miss her...

  • @sintijasurubkina2390
    @sintijasurubkina2390 2 года назад +17

    My mother once banned me from watching Pokemon anime, when the (exagerrated) news about the Porygon seizure incident reached us. However, she did allow me to watch it again after a few years, once the news calmed down.

  • @GirlieLittleNoob
    @GirlieLittleNoob 2 года назад +23

    After 19 years my father now accepts it as apart of my life 😂 he asked me the the other day “so what is Pokémon?” . I replied “it’s a world without hunger, poverty and car crashes. It really shines a light on how horrible humans can be tho.” It also gives the feeling of accomplishment when life gets ya down.

  • @swukpuff3320
    @swukpuff3320 2 года назад +18

    Oof, your story and the people commenting who relate to it is sad to me. I never really knew as a kid that so many parents were so against Pokemon in particular. Even my parents were harmfully strict about video games in general, due to simply not understanding why I valued them, and I was often accused of being addicted to them just because I was very interested in something they didn't really "get." Being told things like that, and being restricted from enjoying interesting things rather than being understood by your parents, definitely can leave lasting effects, y'know? I'm just glad my parents thought of Pokemon as "just another video game" rather than demonic or something (and it seems that's how your mom was too, despite this story being directly tied to going to church). My parents may have personal spiritual beliefs that I disagree with, but at least I didn't have to grow up in a religious household.
    Side note, I wonder if the pipeline of "church declares Pokemon is evil" -> "parents react to Pokemon in clearly ridiculous ways" -> "kids see right through it all" -> "kids recognize that religious leaders (and parents) don't know everything" -> "kids grow up with resolve to enjoy what they enjoy and think critically about what they're told" is a thing. Like, did that old reaction to Pokemon perhaps contribute directly to some people becoming less religious? Might it actually be somewhat true that, in the end, Pokemon DID damage religion and lead kids onto a different path in life? lol

    • @magical-soap5359
      @magical-soap5359 2 года назад +6

      That disillusion with authority figures and their messages to kids is always fun to think about!

  • @nostalgicumbry3279
    @nostalgicumbry3279 2 года назад +55

    Pokemon in my church was evil and stuff lol. I remember the pastor preaching about how he found some pokemon cards on the pew and threw them away, and all the adults in the church was hyped about it. My grandma was fine with pokemon overall because she saw it as a kids thing, however she did try to ban Harry potter, when the first movie came out, my mom snuck me to see it because she wanted to see what the hype was about (I had a friend that she bought the 4th book for when it was released so that made her more curious).

    • @mattwolf7698
      @mattwolf7698 2 года назад +5

      The church I was forced to attend as a child had a sermon on how evil Pokemon was, and old lady there also burned some Yu-Gi-Oh cards she found once.
      Yeah, I'm not religious anymore, it wasn't just from that stuff though.

    • @falondonahue8457
      @falondonahue8457 2 года назад +4

      I'm a Christian and I like Pokémon and anime and I don't see the problem with that.

    • @charaznable9209
      @charaznable9209 2 года назад +1

      Isn't it odd how these "Holy" people see nothing wrong with stealing toys from children?

    • @comics4556
      @comics4556 2 года назад +1

      @@falondonahue8457 SAME

    • @mitchellhancock7920
      @mitchellhancock7920 2 года назад +1

      @@falondonahue8457 So am I, and I like Yu-Gi-Oh and Digimon, and LOVE Pokémon

  • @Santoryu90
    @Santoryu90 2 года назад +20

    I still remember back in my elementary school Pokémon was taboo mostly because the principal didn’t like it and basically thought it was promoting animal abuse

  • @TheLadyLiddell
    @TheLadyLiddell 2 года назад +22

    One time I almost was able to trade an Entei card I got for going to see the 3rd Pokemon movie in theaters for this kid's Ancient Mew card. We had agreed on the trade, but then I never saw that kid again.
    All jokes aside, stories like yours is exactly why kids get religious trauma and end up leaving the church or faith they were raised in. Do adults really think that kids can sit through a stuffy church service and NOT get bored? At least the one I grew up in had a kid's service at the same time as the adult service that was at least more stimulating. I ended up enjoying going with my dad because of it.

  • @cs82271
    @cs82271 2 года назад +129

    My parents hated video games in general. I'm a bit younger and technically a zoomer, but I'm no high school TikToker. I'm a college senior. So while everyone else was on their DS playing Diamond and Pearl, I had my uncle's old GameBoy Color with pokemon Gold. And even then, I was only able to hide it from my parents until around 11 where they straight sold it. I was allowed 2hr of game time for the whole week and was constantly kicked out of the house just because they wanted to drink without me being around. And they wonder why I'm so distant from them now.

  • @gravity_mxk5663
    @gravity_mxk5663 2 года назад +22

    The church bathroom escape is the most relatable thing lol

  • @DiegoGonzalez-cz6gu
    @DiegoGonzalez-cz6gu 2 года назад +26

    I'm cristian, and so is my grandma. Unfortunetly many cristian "scientists" convinced her that Pokemon was a creation based on Satanism, and thus, she banned me from using it. She also banned me from watching Harry Potter, Disney movies and anything with either the devil or magic. Her views actually made me believe that Pokemon WAS indeed Satanic and thus, I avoided it at all costs. Closest I got to interacting with anything Pokemon related was whenever I went through the toy area in Walmart or Toys-R-Us(This was in the 2000s so it was still open).
    In 2019, I got Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and that is what changed me. I was already into some stuff with magic because I saw nothing wrong with it, despite my grandma's words. I played with fighter #69, being Incineroar. I soon realized that I loved playing as him and sure enough, he became my main. I slowly got interest into playing pokemon because I statred to use the other pokemon in the game, and eventually, in early 2020, I got a 3ds and played Sun & Moon, and I loved most of the game. Now I have plans to play the older ones and play the newer ones on Switch. Incineroar is my favorite Pokemon ever because of how he got me confident enough to give Pokemon a chance.
    I just want to say that my grandma isn't a bad person. She has actually done a lot for me when my mom couldn't because of her work, and I love her and have an endless appreciation for her, but nowadays I stay only twice a week with her because of our oposing views.

    • @alexandercorbett1147
      @alexandercorbett1147 2 года назад

      Have you ever introduced your grandma to Pokémon to show her it isn't as bad as she made it out to be?

    • @MailMainbutnot
      @MailMainbutnot 2 года назад

      "holy shit 69"
      someone, probably

    • @DiegoGonzalez-cz6gu
      @DiegoGonzalez-cz6gu 2 года назад

      @@alexandercorbett1147 I haven't, mostly because she is hard to convince in changing an opinion that is flawed. Plus, it would lead to an argument, and she already has a miserable life as is.

    • @DiegoGonzalez-cz6gu
      @DiegoGonzalez-cz6gu 2 года назад

      @@MailMainbutnot I expect someone to say that sooner or later lol

    • @harrydrone427
      @harrydrone427 2 года назад

      Incineroar is awesome

  • @ToxicRamenAnimations
    @ToxicRamenAnimations 2 года назад +16

    My parents didn't care what games we played as long we did our homework and got good grades. When Red/Blue Pokemon first came out me and my brother would play those games non stop, to a point in which my brother's grades weren't doing well. And this was enough for my dad to smash my brother's gameboy so he could get back to doing his homework. I was lucky that dad didn't smashed my Gameboy. (It was a birthday gift from my grandma and I still have it now)

  • @ironwolf5802
    @ironwolf5802 2 года назад +65

    My Mom found out she was having me and Pokémon had just come to the states so she got 4 of the boster packs and hid them away till I was older. About 21 years later I found them. So I brought them up to her and we each opened 2 packs. Now I'm getting married into a big collector family and told them the story and the dad almost had a heart attack that I opened the 20 year old pack of cards. I have those cards separate from the newer cards and in a little booklet together.

  • @dolanvskaney
    @dolanvskaney 2 года назад +39

    Thanks for a great story, Saber. Gotta be honest I was expecting some "summoning demons, evolution is against the bible" crap from your mom. Glad to hear she was more reasonable.

  • @MatthewCobalt
    @MatthewCobalt 2 года назад +45

    I feel bad for everyone who had their family believe that gaming is a gateway to a “corrupting” force.
    I only had the experience of not being able to buy games on my GBA because video games as a whole are hard to justify as an expense.

    • @justice8718
      @justice8718 Год назад

      It is. My brother was plugged into gaming 24/7 and it destroyed his life.

    • @SkoomaGodDovahkiin666
      @SkoomaGodDovahkiin666 Год назад

      Oh wow. One outlier over a vast majority of millions who play games and are still functional people. Almost like games and media are about as corruptive as a glass of water. Please, Religion is more corruptive in that It results in violent terrorism.

    • @MatthewCobalt
      @MatthewCobalt Год назад

      @@justice8718 Please elaborate, I was l was talking in general terms.

  • @Canada1994
    @Canada1994 2 года назад +38

    I admit when I was five and six in 1999 and 2000 I didn't know how to save in Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold and Silver. I remember spending weeks "playing" gold or silver and having to start over again at the start whenever I turned the game on again thinking I had to do it in one go. The furthest I got was the first battle with your rival in Gold in Silver. One day my Mom and Grandma wanted me to stop playing and I was for whatever reason pressing all the buttons and I noticed for the first time the start options menu. I began telling the options to my Mom and Grandma one by one each option and when I got to save they both shouted "SAVE!".

    • @alexandercorbett1147
      @alexandercorbett1147 2 года назад +6

      I'm surprised they knew what the word "save" meant in video games.

    • @DonVigaDeFierro
      @DonVigaDeFierro 2 года назад +3

      Haha. Sounds about right. When I was little, I had a PlayStation one, but no memory card. Plus, I didn't speak English at the time.
      I remember spending about 5 hours playing a game, when my allowance was only 1 hour of play, and hoping that my parents wouldn't come until I finished it.
      Man, I felt proud. And when I finally was given a Memory card, I was very happy.

    • @ariandynas
      @ariandynas 2 года назад +1

      @@alexandercorbett1147 Well, if the knew how to use a word document...

  • @Katara0524
    @Katara0524 2 года назад +19

    My upbringing with video games was a bit different than most I'd say. My dad was HUGE into like World of Warcraft, Arcade Games, Final Fantasy, all that stuff. So my little brother and I (and eventually my little sister) practically grew up surrounded by video games.
    On the other hand, my mother was the picky one about what media she thought was safe for us to consume. Not really *strict* or anything, just very wary. And it was typically only about TV shows and movies, video games were free reign pretty much (as long as it wasn't super gorey or had sexual themes). So while she let us play stuff like Halo and Final Fantasy, she wouldn't let us watch Spongebob, High School Musical, or even *Gravity Falls* of all things, because she thought it wasn't appropriate. I didn't get to watch Gravity Falls until my freshman year of high school lmao. The other stuff I can understand tho, esp with High School Musical (i never cared for the high school drama tropes in media anyways; hence why i preferred--and was directed to--Barbie movies instead of Bratz).
    Anywho, it was a rather different upbringing than what a lot of my friends had lol. Very sheltered in terms of TV and movies, but completely surrounded by video games.

    • @SpartanChief17C
      @SpartanChief17C 2 года назад +9

      Honestly that pretty accurately reflects how stuff went with my younger sister.
      She was allowed to play halo because her older bros played, but couldn’t watch most “high school girl” cartoons because my mom was afraid it would give her a bad attitude.
      She wasn’t wrong about the bad attitude thing lmao

    • @Katara0524
      @Katara0524 2 года назад +3

      @@SpartanChief17C Younger sisters always have the WORST attitude lmao

  • @RedKoopaPlumber
    @RedKoopaPlumber 2 года назад +55

    When I was a wee lad I went to church several times trading cards and playing the ds games with a few other kids.
    Oddly the pastor was chill about it since the youth were building small friend groups. I remember trading a holo regigigas for a EX infernape.
    My parents didn’t hate Pokémon but didn’t like it either.
    Many many years later I remember Pokémon go being a huge fad at the same church where dozens of teens and adults were playing it. And that did not go well at all. I wasn’t apart of it but was like.😬

    • @smf2k01
      @smf2k01 2 года назад +3

      W pastor for that one

    • @SkoomaGodDovahkiin666
      @SkoomaGodDovahkiin666 2 года назад +1

      That is one Based pastor. What's his Denomination?

  • @MusicMan32K
    @MusicMan32K 2 года назад +11

    I was a teenager when Pokémon came out, so my parents didn't really care that I was into it. I do recall the day I bought the game though. I was on vacation visiting my grandma, and one of her friends gave me $30 out of nowhere, so I hit up the local shopping center and bought a copy of Red.

  • @derrickhoward7445
    @derrickhoward7445 2 года назад +18

    I had no friends growing up, so my mom didn't care how long I would play video games, if it made me happy.

    • @JoshiTheKitsune
      @JoshiTheKitsune 2 года назад

      Gourmet Guy, is that you? Hey, I'm Count Bleck! Nice to meet you!

    • @derrickhoward7445
      @derrickhoward7445 2 года назад +1

      @@JoshiTheKitsune Yeah it's me man, nice to meet you too.

    • @JoshiTheKitsune
      @JoshiTheKitsune 2 года назад

      @@derrickhoward7445 (^ v ^)/ ❤

  • @ArcaneEther
    @ArcaneEther 2 года назад +5

    I think an important lesson to take away from this is how too many parents treat their childrens' interests as weird, foreign things.
    That creates an antagonistic relationship between parent and child that won't led to anything wholesome later in life.
    If your kid loves Fortnite, sit down and play a few matches yourself. If your kid trades Magic: The Gathering cards, borrow a deck and play a round with them.
    You don't have to become an expert in the material, just make some effort to understand WHY your kids love these things.
    Before he passed away, I challenged my father to read the first five chapters of the first Harry Potter book.
    Years later, we both went to the midnight release of Order of the Phoenix, in full cosplay as wizards. That is a memory of dad I will always cherish.

  • @rarreyna3971
    @rarreyna3971 2 года назад +11

    Man no offense to those who enjoy church, but I'm so glad my parents never made me go to church. My dad's an old school Mexican guy who grew up very religious, but my mom was a Japanese lady. She didn't let my dad force us to go to church because in her head she and my dad should be the ones to teach us "good values" or whatever it is you learn in church. So when pokemon came out my mom liked the anime too (not the games or cards or anything) and her parents still lived in Japan and sent us pokemon stuff all the time.

  • @yoshimasterleader
    @yoshimasterleader 2 года назад +5

    Wow that story turned out different than I expected. Your mom didn't want you to get obsessed with the game and you were ditching church. My mom bought into "Pokemon is demonic" thing. I remember the day too. I was talking to her about the show and she asked what the show was. I told her it was Pokemon and she immediately like "I don't want you to watch that ever again." From there on out Pokemon has been a kind of a secret thing with me and my siblings.

  • @Emcron
    @Emcron 2 года назад +49

    I can definitely empathise with the “bored kid at Church” part of life, but I was fortunate to have very engaging Sunday school teachers who kept me interested, and looking back now, I have Church to thank for keeping me out of alot of trouble when I was younger (heck, it still keeps me on the straight & narrow now when I’m pushing 40).
    I guess u might say I have something of an attitude problem, but something about the faith always managed to reinforce my conscience and stop me from practically getting a criminal record.

  • @MizuHime07
    @MizuHime07 2 года назад +9

    That’s crazy, thankfully my parents were really cool with Pokemon, in fact they were cool with video games in general since they would play games with me too. So how I got Pokemon was by sheer accident/misunderstanding; and it involves stickers. My dad and I went to our weekly Costco run and back then they had their system bundles out there for anyone to grab. While my dad was looking at some random clothes I saw the gameboy bundles. In it was a GBColor, with either Pokemon Red or Blue, a strategy guide and a link cable. I remember I grabbed the bundle and wasn’t fascinated on the GB..I was interested in the guide because it had 150 stickers! I was like “ooo 150 stickers I want it”. While I was grabbing it, guess I didn’t realize my dad was looking at me holding the stuff and he made a mental note to buy it since my birthday was coming up. Enter my bday and I have this HUGE package to open and I got excited for the guide with the stickers haha. I opened the guide and I saw the stickers were super small and I realized it was meant for me to use to keep a physical track of the Pokemon I caught. I was disappointed by the stickers but hey I got Pokemon Red with the pinkberry Game Boy color and I’ve been hooked on Pokemon ever since.

  • @mallyO
    @mallyO 2 года назад +4

    I was never allowed to bring my games to church as a kid. My parents would pat me down like airport security before we left the house to make sure I wasn’t hiding my DS in my clothes.

  • @phorchybug3286
    @phorchybug3286 2 года назад +8

    Funny Story:
    Back when I was playing SoulSilver, I started a new file and really wanted to go to the Battle Factory.
    But the people closing it up we're all like COME BACK TOMARROW so I kept my DS on until tomorrow and it was still under construction.

  • @Jedda678
    @Jedda678 2 года назад +8

    My mom just hated the noises the beeps and the boops of 8-bit gaming it made her for some reason think of sirens. She also made me go outside if I was in doors playing games too much. But she tried to play with me on some games or tried to get me stuff related to it. I always got what I asked for on my bday or xmas usually.

    • @SpartanChief17C
      @SpartanChief17C 2 года назад +2

      I bet she would’ve LOVED Lavender Town lmao

    • @Jedda678
      @Jedda678 2 года назад +2

      @@SpartanChief17C Oh you bet xD

  • @anarkyink1943
    @anarkyink1943 2 года назад +8

    if church had more interactive features aside from simon says and standing and sitting maybe kids wouldn't be so fidgety

  • @Sparrow_Bloodhunter
    @Sparrow_Bloodhunter 2 года назад +27

    your first card, the holo alakazam, was coincidentally my last card. I had a massive collection, but I moved on to YuGiOh because I actually understood how to play the game so I decided to give them all away. I just so happened to find a holo alakazam behind my bed afterwards. now my only pokemon card is the cyndaquil my Ex gave me because he's my favorite starter.

  • @sylas3265
    @sylas3265 2 года назад +5

    My mom worked as a manager at Burger King when they had all the Pokémon toys come in and I used to have a full collection of them including light ups and the keychains. I brought my collection to school for show and tell (it’s way back in what 3rd 2nd grade?) and the teacher asked me to let everyone play with my toys.
    By the end of the day I just had my vileplume and evee and a pikachu toy left. I was really devastated bc I’d been building my collection of toys up for awhile and we didn’t have any money and all these other kids just stole my Pokémon! I broke down crying at the end of the day when I asked my teacher about getting my toys back and it was too late or something. I can’t remember her answer but I remember I was in tears telling my mom about it.

  • @albertm5656
    @albertm5656 2 года назад +8

    my dad publicly executed our game cube cause he thought we were addicted. he took it out back while my siblings and I watched in horror as he beat it to death with a sledge hammer. he would later tell this story over and over to my friend's parents with pride lmao

    • @cami_banani3239
      @cami_banani3239 2 года назад +4

      Just out of curiosity what's your relationship with your dad nowadays
      Also what were the reactions from other parents who your dad retold The Story too

    • @albertm5656
      @albertm5656 2 года назад

      @@cami_banani3239 its good now dw, he mellowed out with age by a lot. I could tell other parents were shocked but trying to like fake agree with him when he would tell them that story lmao

  • @rockfan243
    @rockfan243 2 года назад +13

    My mom was a cool parent who actually liked pokemon and watched it with me. Her favorite pokemon was psyduck because she felt bad for him being abused by Mysty.🤣
    Also don't feel bad I had the same problem with the games and I couldn't tell what was a door or stairs 😅

  • @N.G.H.
    @N.G.H. 2 года назад +5

    My parents thought Kingdom Hearts was a product of something demonic because of it's affiliation with Hottopic, Goth, and emo kids of the mid 2000s (aka my friends that I sat with during lunch). I showed them the game to try and change their minds but it just made it worse because of the "vocabulary" they used like "darkness" and "hearts". They didn't ban me from continuing to play the games and buy the rest of the series though. Now that I'm all grown up, as an adult looking back, yeah they were right Nomura is pretty twisted and demented for putting crucial story plots in cellphone games and handhelds.

  • @Zeldur
    @Zeldur 2 года назад +14

    I grew up with games but we had "The Family PC" and my brother and I only played for about an hour. At that time, I didn't have internet but I didn't care. I had VHS tapes to play blocks and watch. I did start getting a lot more into games in 3rd grade with the gamecube. Now, I use games as a form of socializing and it confuses the crap out of my parents that I know my boyfriend from online XD.

  • @alandenney1664
    @alandenney1664 2 года назад +10

    I feel you so much on the being in church and feeling like you've been there forever when it's only been a few minutes, and I would go to the bathroom as many times as I could get away with just to get away lol.

  • @danime35
    @danime35 2 года назад +46

    I remember when Harry Potter came out and that caused a mini Satanic panic. I had a classmate in school that was particularly religious (granted, we were kids) and she thought Harry Potter and Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh were satanic. I was like "but we read those Enid Blyton books that have fairies and witches and you love those". Those books were "different" but she couldn't explain to me how or why 😂. I'll give my mom credit, she didn't trust Harry Potter because of the news around it but she let me read them because the books were gifts from other family members.

    • @TheSlipperyNUwUdle
      @TheSlipperyNUwUdle 2 года назад +8

      I grew up with a girl whose mom wouldn’t let her watch/play Pokémon or read Harry Potter. But for some reason she was okay with Fullmetal Alchemist? Lol it was wild.

    • @danime35
      @danime35 2 года назад +2

      @@TheSlipperyNUwUdle I wouldn't dare to watch that or any anime from adult swim with my mom. Too many mentions of demons or other religious terminology to risk it. However she did watch Princess Mononoke with me once and I was shocked she didn't say anything. I did preface it by saying "demons" were more like mythology than God and Satan in Japan so maybe that helped. Or I should have given her more credit.

  • @drewchappel8642
    @drewchappel8642 2 года назад +7

    I did the same thing at my church but instead of the bathroom my friend and I went into the "baby cry room" and never got in trouble

  • @thesaltyweeb
    @thesaltyweeb 2 года назад +5

    Ah man Gen 1... good times good times....
    I remember finding an extremely damaged Charizard card back in the day in my local card shop... I asked the owner if I could have it and he agreed!
    Needless to say I was a very popular kid back then hehe

  • @ghostcat8244
    @ghostcat8244 2 года назад +6

    What’s funny is that back then in 1998 my mother would get me all Pokémon related things even those rare coins I had too. but unfortunately at the time this step father I had said it was all the devil and made my mom throw away all my Pokémon stuff even my bed sheets or I think it was him who did it actually and she had to buy me this Spider-Man covers which I still have to this day at the age of 27. I still to this day trying to get everything I had as a kid.. that was the things my mom said she regretted the most.

  • @stellaviewer9849
    @stellaviewer9849 2 года назад +3

    5:29 Oh my gosh that's literally me. I get so bored in church that it's taxing on my sanity to the point that going to the restroom or just walking becomes fun. If I were to secretly play Pokemon in the restroom during a church service, I might do it for five to ten minutes, and tell my mom I had to wait on someone. I think your problem was how long you were in there as well you taking a while in "the bathroom" in past services, which raised suspicion.

  • @arcadedelprof
    @arcadedelprof 2 года назад +48

    when i was little, some famous preachy type fool went around saying that "the nintendos" are the devil's work, made to rot the minds of children and stuff like that.
    Eventually, in the ass end of the country town i lived in, the stupid shit this guy sold to believers made it's way to my mom's ears... and while she might not be a full faith zealot type. She was the kind of over protective (back then) mom, to follow a rumor as to protect her kid.
    Needless to say, it took a lot of time and convincing for me to get a N64 console for my 12th birthday.
    But i will forever remember the idiocy of that man's speeches or sermons, this is why i want nothing to do with overly religious people.
    Those peeps invented tunnel vision.

    • @mattwolf7698
      @mattwolf7698 2 года назад +11

      My church did a sermon on how satanic Pokemon was, yeah, I'm athiest now, their bigotry was a far bigger factor to why I left though.

    • @zestytriss5282
      @zestytriss5282 2 года назад +9

      I attended on a christian school before when I was in grade 4 it was not pokemon related. The principal did not allowed any students to watch any disney movies because its bad for younger kids.

    • @TheMenaceHimself2006
      @TheMenaceHimself2006 2 года назад +7

      People who spread this rumor shit about games are the ones responsible for giving christianity a bad name.

    • @notenoughmemes1847
      @notenoughmemes1847 2 года назад +6

      @@TheMenaceHimself2006 that and the homophobic ones, and Ken "this dude looks like the missing link" Ham, and ones who think that rock and roll is satanic, etc etc.

    • @una_pixel_cualquiera365
      @una_pixel_cualquiera365 2 года назад

      Let me guess, Josue Yrion?

  • @TomSketchit
    @TomSketchit 2 года назад +2

    No issues with parents, but I did go to a religious daycare in a church when I was little. I remember the daycare attendant pointing out a sparrow outside a window one day, and me getting excited and saying that sparrow was a Pokemon (misunderstanding Spearrow), and her gently chiding that we weren't allowed to talk about Pokemon. Nothing major, just always stuck with me.

  • @spikewolf8609
    @spikewolf8609 2 года назад +5

    I never even got to touch any Pokemon games, cards, anime, or anything throughout my entire childhood. My parents were both on the superstitious view of Pokemon that the church pushed. I still live with my Dad so I can't play Pokemon unless I do it on an emulator in secret.

  • @firemiracle
    @firemiracle 2 года назад +5

    My mom doesn't like pokemon, but she knows how much i love it, like one time she bought me a pikachu themed sweater for valentine's day 🥺

    • @cyruscyberdogcyroi8178
      @cyruscyberdogcyroi8178 2 года назад +2

      Same with me, mine's super against it, but she still bought me a beach towel.

  • @wjmerritt
    @wjmerritt 2 года назад +7

    A friend of mine came over to play mortal Kombat on Genesis one time. I had the game but lied to my mom it wasn’t violent like she wouldn’t know. We had the blood code on and she walked in right during Kano’s fatality so I tried to play dumb and went “what’s that?” and my buddy triumphantly hollers “ITS HIS HEAAAAART!” And that was the end of MK lol

  • @N.G.H.
    @N.G.H. 2 года назад +2

    As for Pokemon and church, for like 2 or 3 years when I was 12 to 14 my parents made me go to bible classes every Wednesday and I would ditch and play my Pokemon games in the church's garden. They don't really do role calls so it was pretty easy to sneak into the bathroom and wait for everyone to go into their classrooms and high tail it to the gardens and sit next to a cool water fountain during the warm summer afternoons. I was never caught.

  • @myanimeroom9350
    @myanimeroom9350 2 года назад +5

    Saberspark vs mom: mom wins. Fatality.

  • @Jake76667
    @Jake76667 2 года назад +2

    it’s the exact opposite with my parents. when they were first planning to have kids in 1999 during “pokémania”, my mom especially thought that i would love pokémon. and over 20 years later, she was totally right

  • @shrek-itgamer6214
    @shrek-itgamer6214 2 года назад +8

    Hiding video games away from parents huh? Story of our childhood, because we sure love playing them, I remember playing my ds and game boy late at night so my parents won't catch me playing it. Because i was always into mario alot as a kid still do today.

    • @SpartanChief17C
      @SpartanChief17C 2 года назад +2

      I learned the hard way hiding a DSi under a pillow was not a good idea. That MF was LOUD when I opened or closed it lmao

  • @classchair
    @classchair 2 года назад +2

    My first Pokémon game was Pokémon Yellow. My best friend was done with his game boy so he offered to let me have it, the games he had, and the accessories for like five bucks, and then I went out to get Pokémon. My mother, however, did not want me to be getting a game boy at all, so she made me ask him to take the stuff back, and ah man. Delightful friend that he was, he simply refused to accept it back and his mom was like ‘I don’t see the problem here?’ So I got to keep it, and all of it is kept in a closet for nostalgia to this day.

  • @CinnamonGrrlErin1
    @CinnamonGrrlErin1 2 года назад +4

    Remember the episode of the Simpsons when the kids are playing outside before church and then the parents come hunting them down "Planet of the Apes" style? This feels exactly like that lmao

  • @davidvkimball
    @davidvkimball 2 года назад +2

    My parents, in particular my mom, was NOT a fan of Pokemon at all. She actually made us get rid of the hand-me-down Pokemon cards we had, and took a ton of convincing to eventually let us buy the games and cards.

  • @koalasandwich567
    @koalasandwich567 2 года назад +3

    I never was into Pokemon as a kid, until Pokemon Go came out. But I remember kids being into it in elementary school in the early 2010s. Kids would trade them at recess, until one kid got mad that no one would trade with him told our super strict, take no crap recess monitor just outlawed them, and had all the other faculty crack down on them. There were arrests, broken families, the playground economy went into recession that even today almost ten years later it still hasn't recovered.

  • @xxshinanaevangelianxx
    @xxshinanaevangelianxx Год назад +1

    Oh boy that's an interesting story and quite terrifying. As for me Saber, I grew up with a mom who took me and my brother to church every Sunday and well what could I say as a kid? Church was admittedly boring to me as it felt like school, but talking about things said in the Bible.
    Yet hilariously enough my mom bought Pokemon games and cards for me and my brother as like you, we were into it at the time and still are. It's a guilty pleasure that's part of our hobbies. I can't say we've ever been bold enough to sneak play Pokemon in church, we knew better. We knew when it's proper to play it such as on rides to and from church, and at home, but never in church.
    Although I do remember my mom ratted me out to our pastor that I'd watch an old anime in the 2000s called Shaman King and he lectured me about ungodly the show was. I still haven't gotten over that and it was super hypocritical of my mom as she watched shows that aren't Christian like. So there's a little bit of mixed feelings I have towards religion.
    To further recount a story not mine but a former friend of mine's story. My brother and I befriended someone who rode our school bus, she first friended my brother as the two bonded over Pokemon while they both played pokemon on the bus. For awhile her mom was cool with pokemon games, cards and series until one day our friend told us that her mom bans her from having pokemon stuff and it was banned from their house in general. Her mom was a Bible thumper indoctrinated by her Christian religion. She found out what Pokemon stood for (pocket monsters), she believed that the pokemon got their powers from the devil. And I later found out more how her mom commented how (in her words) "spooky" the series was and how irresponsible the parents are in the series for letting their kids walk the world unprotected and end up begging for food whenever they're starving.
    And too, my friend couldn't sneak anything right under her mom's nose without her finding out eventually. Any cards and games got ripped and destroyed.
    However some odd years later, her mom mellowed out and allowed it.

  • @sonicsaiyan07
    @sonicsaiyan07 2 года назад +17

    Pokemon was fine for me. I didn't get too into the cards, and my first game was FireRed so Pokemania was already behind us, it was just one if many things I enjoyed as a kid, no different than Superman or Batman. It was Yu-Gi-Oh my family had a problem with. Between evil spirits, black magic, and a protagonist who talked to himself, I couldn't become a duelist myself until the 5D's era where I was old enough where my parents didn't care TOO much what I did provided I wasn't getting into trouble (Actually no, I DID manage to get a GX Game on DX. I guess I got away with it cause GX wasn't immediately identifiable as the same thing).

  • @Cellidor
    @Cellidor 2 года назад +2

    Man, I remember having to go to church every week....awful, absolutely awful. Place was just mental and physical torture I swear. Horrible uncomfortable wooden seats, listening to the pastor drone on and on with the same things every time to where it was just blurred background noise, having to stand/sit/stand/sit/stand/sit every five minutes. Then being given that awful wafer that tasted like sawdust. I dreaded it every week, just 'Here's this place we're taking you to once a week where you're stuck being miserable for several hours to no benefit'. At the very least, years in, I was able to start doing volunteer kitchen work after words and hand out juice and muffins to the church goers after the service. That was _something._ Heck I was so happy when I learned I could go and do kitchen prep before service actually ended, giving me what little freedom I could get from that awful, awful service.

  • @Eliastheyoshi
    @Eliastheyoshi 2 года назад +8

    Yeah my parents wouldn't let me have Pokemon cards. Apparently the Pokemon with horns were bad because the devil had horns. It was weird. The games were ok because they never knew what I was playing.

    • @Ocyla
      @Ocyla 2 года назад

      What about animals with horns? 😆

  • @CaptainCat101
    @CaptainCat101 2 года назад +11

    My dad hates Pokemon. The only reason he watched the Detective Pikachu movie is because Ryan Reynolds was in it, and he loves Deadpool

  • @Diamond_V_Blitz
    @Diamond_V_Blitz 2 года назад +6

    Man, I thought this story was gonna take a completely different route, I thought you were gonna get scolded because Pokémon meant “pocket demon” and something was going to go down at a church. That’s how my dad is, I’m 19 years old and I still haven’t played Pokémon because of my dad.

  • @doctordogelordtmg9637
    @doctordogelordtmg9637 2 года назад +2

    Saberspark: plays Pokemon
    His mom:*reloads minigun*

  • @thefields2956
    @thefields2956 2 года назад +37

    I will never understand why parents forced us to sit in service after 5 days of doing the same in school. We needed our weekend to do dumb kid stuff

    • @mattwolf7698
      @mattwolf7698 2 года назад +1

      They thought you would go to hell if you didn't but yeah, I hated church as a kid, I honestly still do because mine was rather bigoted too.

    • @kenirainseeker539
      @kenirainseeker539 2 года назад +2

      Agreed, let kids be kids. Let them choose a religion (or not) when they're old enough. They already learn about all the world religions when they're in school anyway. (just not forced to believe in any one of them)

    • @hootle4641
      @hootle4641 2 года назад +1

      My parents said they were just appeasing my gparents. Once we stopped going to do things like sports, gparents were pissed and still give my parents shit about it 20 years later.

  • @WolftenDragon
    @WolftenDragon 2 года назад +2

    My dad didn’t care, he was happy to see me happy about it. Mother dearest however, was the exact opposite. She didn’t think it was demonic, but she thought it was a bad influence and distracted me from school work (she cared too much about my school stuff than my actual well being) so she despised it greatly. My grandparents got me a gameboy color and Pokemon Yellow. Before that I was seeing kids at school with the Pokemon cards.

  • @CloverChats
    @CloverChats 2 года назад +14

    The fact that some comments are saying the evolution aspect pissed their parents off shows the kinda people Pokémon-Hating parents are.

    • @chaotix1826
      @chaotix1826 2 года назад +1

      Yeah, mostly religious nuts

  • @charizardfan1017
    @charizardfan1017 2 года назад +1

    My parents always had the mentality of "It's just a video game, therefore, nothing to worry about"

  • @kimoeo9378
    @kimoeo9378 2 года назад +6

    Pokemon Blue was my first of the series as well. I played, restarted, and replayed that game so many damn times. My parents ended up hating it though, as my siblings and I would argue over them alot. To the point that my dad grabbed a rare Yugioh card, the F letter of the game ending F I N A L magic cards, and ripped it in half. I also still have about 1200 pokemon cards, and I never bought a single pack. It was so rampant in my school years that I was able to give a kid a fucking FRENCH FRY for a Lt. Surge's Pikachu.

  • @PCIexplorer
    @PCIexplorer 2 года назад +2

    When I was like 5, I was at my cousin's house-and he had this neat game with a blue turtle and other strange creatures in it. It mesmerized me, it was mysterious, I wanted to play it. I told my parents I wanted to-but there must have been a lot of confusion and mayyybe some slight ridiculosity. Apparently they thought that I was talking about the TCG, and they didn't want me to be involved in it because the same company produced Magic: The Gathering cards, but I had no idea they got confused, because they only said that the company who makes it made bad things too. So for 10 years, I always saw Pokémon in a negative light-until I shyly asked my dad if I could play Pokémon Yellow in an emulator out of curiosity when I was about 15. And after showing him some gameplay on RUclips to show it was innocent-my life literally completely changed from that point on.
    I loved the games, the anime, the community, and especially the funny yellow mouse that I saw in Super Smash Bros Melee before too. It spawned my whole online persona that's now just starting to take flight into something bigger-something I never dreamed could happen. My dad now regularly jokes about Pokémon, and especially Pikachu cause he knows I like it. In the end, everything turned out to just be a misunderstanding, and I personally feel-that if I had experienced this in early childhood, I wouldn't be nearly as interesting of a person as I am now.
    My icon says it all.

  • @Ruler0fHyrule
    @Ruler0fHyrule 2 года назад +4

    My church growing up had anti pokemon pamphlets like the jack chick comics that spread the satanic panic d&d and such, so it was straight up banned for me

    • @mattwolf7698
      @mattwolf7698 2 года назад +1

      My church literally did a sermon on Pokemon being evil once. Even my Bible Thumping parents thought that was stupid.

  • @seashoreextinct3586
    @seashoreextinct3586 2 года назад +2

    I'm extremely glad that despite being a Prostenant, my mother was completely okay with mostly anything including Pokemon. I sadly didn't get into it until the end of Gen 3 because I was born right around the time Pokemon hit big but we have a bunch of old Pokemon toys and plushies (they're all Pikachu and one Poliwhirl) my family must've got us (though it's also probably for/from our older sister). My father isn't religious at all so he never really cared and bought us/made us work for new games when they came out up until I could buy them myself (or got the money for them like with White 2).

  • @Zeverinsen
    @Zeverinsen 2 года назад +14

    I always forget that The Americas are filled to the brim with religious indoctrination.
    It's so weird to me when I hear about people not much older than me being forced "to go to church", as it hasn't been a thing for my generation in my country.
    That being said, I could play my games as much as I wanted, as long as I was a good kid who did my homework and chores. My mother even helped me save my allowance for games, as well as the first handheld I bought with my own money: The DS!
    We didn't have a lot of money, so I cherished every game I got my little kid hands on.
    In fact, I still have all my old consoles and games. I still like to play them sometimes!

  • @katichu
    @katichu 2 года назад +2

    I grew up in a religious household too, so I know what you mean when you say you did NOT misbehave in church! XD I could FEEL your terror when she was banging on the door lol
    I played Pokémon too! I still do today actually :) my parents were fine with it so long as it wasn't the ONLY thing I did. If our homework was done (mine never was lol) our chores were done, we were in extracurricular activities and we went outside or whatever we could still play! ...but not for TOO long so we didn't hurt our eyes. Those unlimited screens you're talking about were NO JOKE! I have no idea how i was able to focus on such a tiny, dimly lit screen lol.
    Great video by the way!