I find these walk arounds, fascinating! I enjoy seeing the patterns formed by the bricks, paving and structures; I also delight in seeing the people and the ladies in the doorways and alleys. What I see most of all, is tidiness, order and pride within the residents, as they go about theit daily lives and simply get on with it.
I find these walk arounds, fascinating! I enjoy seeing the patterns formed by the bricks, paving and structures; I also delight in seeing the people and the ladies in the doorways and alleys. What I see most of all, is tidiness, order and pride within the residents, as they go about theit daily lives and simply get on with it.
Thank you for your likes!
南宁变化真的很大 不去不知道一去吓一跳~大沙田的夜市更整洁了 三街两巷的重建更漂亮了~西关夜市更繁华了~火车车站对面没有了糟糕的印象了 为南宁的建设点赞