They hit themselves with nunchucks because they hold the nunchuck at the end of the stick rather than choking up on chain. The Recoil from hitting the target flies back and crack their knuckles. Most people practice nunchucks for Flash & flare rather than combat of purposes
The nunchuck also has similar grappling potentials as that of a stick with an additional effect that resembles a guillotine. If you wrap the nunchuck around somebody's head or neck and pinch the sides together you have the same leverage as that of two hammers pulling out a nail but instead you're crunching somebody skull.
The problem with evaluating any weapon is those who tend to do this have no understanding of its methodology . Would you say the bow and arrow is not an effective your hands no but put in the hands of someone who understands its methodology and understands its historical context and suddenly its not only effective its fricken wicked. In your hands the nunchaku not so good in my hands its lethal.
I got my first set of chucks when I was 12. Accurate comment is accurate. Still got them too, although they've been restrung a few times and are looking a bit beat up.
I always have that feeling when someone pulls out an unusual weapon in a fight, that either this dude is a goof who just has to be different or he has spent so much time getting good at using it that maybe it's time to run away.
It's like the High kick rule: If someone throws a high kick in a street fight, either he has no idea what he's doing, or he really knows what he's doing. Personally, I wouldn't risk it for the second one.
I love how often your answers or recommendations come down to “if it’s fun, if you like it, do it.” I think people overlook the importance of enjoying what you do. Thanks for reminding us of that.
"Someone can take it away from you". That's actually one of the great benefits of it being a difficult to use weapon.. even IF someone took them off you, there is no chance they will have the faintest idea how to use them against you and will probably hurt themselves. Great vid!
but then they start swinging it like a flail at you. if your opponent is able to catch your chuck MID-SWING then you deserve to have it taken away from you lmao
difficult to use? I wouldn't trust that...every healthy man can do at least 1 good whip with these sticks and that should be enough to weaken you or scare you away if they got a hold of your nunchucks
Better then nothing I practice with them all my life and know how to use them in close quarter but listen shtf I would not pick them first. If you enter my home and their next to me then yes but a bat ,sword, knife would be more effective.
My uncle who used to be the black sheep of the family and ran with street gangs back in the 70s once used a nunchaku in a street fight against a Balisong wielding rival gang member. He said the first few seconds were spent circling each other nervously with him trying to keep the proper distance to maximize the nunchaku's range and stay out of knife range, after a few swings, he got lucky and hit the other guy in the hand making him drop the knife and then spent the next minute chasing the guy down the street while trying to hit him in the head with the nunchaku but only managed to hit his back and shoulder a few times before he got away. He said it was not a pretty sight like in the movies and was actually quite comical. Now in his old age, he shudders to think what would've happened had he missed the hand and the other guy managed to close the distance into knife range.
japanese weapns are made to use distance your useing them wrong creat space then attack never close in you would use them to stab and jam if in close range but distance is key
@@chrisortiz8077 lol, nah, I'm sure it wasn't. Although I'm familiar with that movie now because of YT, it wasn't as well known in Asia back in the 70s. You're more likely to find people who are more familiar with the "Jets" and the "Sharks" than "The Warriors". Since "Westside Story" was more well known in Asia back then.
Thats actually closer to what the actual okinawans had as far as wooden weapons, okinawa has very high mineral content in its water because of the volcanic springs, they use used volcanic springs to basically fossilize the wood and this made it much harder and denser than the stuff you see today, it was just about impossible to cut and the mass made it hit much harder, probably enough to break an armored opponents neck if you hit them in the head with it, scientists even proved it by doing it the way the okinawans did, takes between 5-7 years and they had a rotation for it.
@@XBullitt16X I mean, people need to start seeing Shad for what he is - A book nerd with no real training either in history or in martial arts. He isn't even a HEMA practitioner.
@@vladimirgertner3960 Doesn't mean he's wrong, what you're doing is appealing to authority. You don't need to watch his video to realise how impractical of a weapon the Nunchaku is, but it just helps raise awreness for those that don't.
100%. If you're going to carry a blunt force tool as your CCW just carry an expandable baton. If you MUST rock the feudal Japan EDC, tonfa are a much more capable and versatile weapon.
I was told by someone who trained with nunchucks for decades "ok, they're not bad for distracting blows and you can maybe pull of some assisted locks... but the only real practical value they have in a fight is that when someone sees you spinning nunchucks around like a master (which is WAY easier than people think) they simply don't want to fight anymore".
total rubbish. spinning can impress noobs only.If you really know how to use them, believe me, one hit - one broken hand or arm or palm or whatever or at least pain shock for sure. I am not talking about if you target face...
@@salazarreach1636 I have no experience with them whatsoever, but from basic physics that is what I would expect. The free piece conserves and accumulates momment beyond the biological limits of a human arm. To think of it as a hit from a stick or baseball batt is not accurate. I think people is largely underestimating the power of a nunchuck hit.
I actually like Bo and Jo staves the best out of "martial arts" weaponry. Bladed ones scare me a little, though. I'm always afraid that I'll inadvertently hurt someone with a functional Katana. 😬
I know I am 3 years late to the party, but I was watching a tutorial on re-stringing Nunchaku today, and this video auto played. The men in the video admittedly had no idea what they were doing but proved many of the points they were trying to debunk. I have been using Nunchaku casually for about 20 years now, and i can assure you they are much more deadly and practical than they are given credit for. I stick to very basic and effective strikes and transitions, with bone if the ineffective fancy flips. I have smashed many watermelon and gourd with them, and even an oxen skull (the oxen had been dead for many decades by this point). I have struck myself with them 3 times. First was the very first time i picked them up and swang them around absent proper training. The second was when i was stupid enough to swing them at a basket ball, within the first week of owning them. The third time came many years later. I was drunkenly showing off and broke my funny bone.
This one is informed and by people who can look things more objectively. As bad analogy Shadiversity is about as reliable source about nunchaku as Der Stürmer was about Jewish religion.
@@vksasdgaming9472 A really bad analogy, physics are not that hard to learn. Asking a theologian about Jewish religion even if it was not their field of mastery would be a better analogy.
@@alqualonde2998 I meant as example of source criticism. Even Nazis found Der Stürmer offensive and crude rag and that is no exaggeration. Low-brow dirt meant to stir dumbest to frenzy towards "them" whoever "they" are.
@@kurosan0079 Yes, in history the best weapons are the ones that need less traning to be letal, that's why a stick with a point end A.K.A Spear was the most effective weapon class, colt 1911 was great because was easy to manufacture and really reliable at most stress situations.
@@geovanneteixeira100 Also why crossbows started replacing bows. A skilled archer can get more range and shots with a longbow, but it's a LOT easier to train a peasant to use a crossbow.
I think the best part of nunchucks as a self defense weapon is the intimidation factor. That whole “why do they have nunchucks, can they use them” thought process
When I see nunchaku my first thought is "This person is seriously about to regret their decision in the next five seconds when I use a stick to catch their nunchaku and easily disarm them"
@@DarkOmicron How would you go about it? I'd think nunchaku and stick are very comparable, so it would come down to everyone's proficiency with the particular weapon.
There was a 1970s Kojak episode where one of the guys in the dept. was showing how the nunchucks work and one of them asked Kojak if they could get them banned.
yeah pretty sure that's why this was recommended to me now lol. No to using chucks unless there was literally nothing else even a good stick. Shad's points seem to cover everything discussed here.
I've had my chain swivel hickory straight octagon chucks since 1982. Super hard wood. I've accidentally hit myself many times in learning. The follow-through swing is best. Thanks for the video!
My buddy has steel ones and he's scary with them, haha. He trained and practiced alot. You put the time in and you can do real damage especially the steel ones. He can be effective while using them in the classic way actually spinning it really fast like ninja turtle shit.
Holding nunchaku at the end like that, limits their effectiveness. You lose range, power and flexibility of use. Hold in the middle and it’s a different ball game. Sure, they aren’t great up close, but the point is to stay at a distance that inhibits your opponent’s ability to strike you. As for an opponent that is rapidly moving in on you, staying mobile and able to step back rapidly while delivering a powerful swing will stop just about anyone.
I agree, I feel like anyone with some real fighting experience or training can find a use out of anything as a weapon, but these? it's a multi-use two part weapon, I feel like people are just thinking too directly
Nunchucks could also be used as a one hand weapon if you know how to catch it. I usually use double chucks, and even if griping near the end, I can still catch it with one hand. When closed in one hand, you can also rest it on your forearm and use the wood to block.
from what i’ve seen, you hold the chucks at the end of the stick, leaving 3 fingers of space at the bottom. holding it at the bottom gives you less control, but more power in striking.
Back in 1978, Mike Hess was the self defense instructor for the Broward Sheriff's office in Florida. He was teaching nunchucks and tonfa for police use and for a few years the BSO actually carried chucks on their belt instead of batons. That year I attended a seminar of his at the BSO academy (was open to civilians) and after the initial introductions he broke the class into two groups to work with each weapon in depth. I was already doing nunchaku katas (why my sensei recommended Hess having trained under him before) so I took that class. It was taught as a two handed weapon and at no time did we actually swing them (as for a cop that could lead to a lawsuit that a jury would probably convict on). It was used for trapping and control. We did blocking and disarming of sticks as well as various takedowns and pain compliance moves. We struck with the but ends of the sticks but always while holding both. Always used the octagonal tapered wood (easier to retain than round and hurts more when striking or pressing hard-as I can attest to!). Likewise he only used corded (quieter and less likely to bind) and not more than about two inches (better to control and essential for a tight pressure when used around someones wrist as a come along). He said the longer cords were great for showing off and doing tricky round the body catches but were totally useless in the street as you couldn't do locks and they would bounce around more in actual confrontation (when swung single handed). Was very enlightening but those kindof technique takes a high level of mastery to pull off with consistency. The tonfa however was much simpler to use (no recovery or reverberation issues) and I probably should have taken that instead! In fact the BSO would drop the chucks when the epoxy resin version of the tonfa was created (not sure if by him) that was basically a round nightstick with a side handle and they were among the first to try it out. Now the Monadnock PR-24 (24", also in longer sizes for riot use) is used by practically every police force in the world! I am glad I had a brief connection with the guy who had the foresight to replace the centuries old nightstick for cops everywhere!
Hey Mike, can you please highlight how to use belts as defensive weapons? Most of us guys wear it and this knowledge could be very beneficial. Thanks man
what a timing, my friend got in a street fight 2 or 3 days ago, he was a amateur muay thai fighter a few years ago here in brazil, 4 guys entered the fight to help the other guy, and his dad, started to swing his nunchunks in everybody, now he and my friend are responding in the justice, crazy mofos XD
@@mikeriverajr4447 wtf i really need to work in my english, the thing is: my bro got into a street fight, his dad started to swing his nunchucks in everybody. police got involved, end.
Now Mr. Mike, I love this video. I have by chance alone defended myself against three attackers with nunchucks. I was living with a mexican friend who sold weed at the time, and he owed people money. I was currently in the process of moving in to a mexican trailer good. My biggest saving grace (even though I did train for a respectable time with nunchucks) was that they were unarmed. Had they been armed with anything it would be a different story. I was in the process of picking up my martial Arts gear from my truck when I was punched in the back of the head, and coincidentally had rattan nunchucks in my grasp. I swung them like a stick or sword (which I've also trained) and all the regular nunchucks bs went to the wayside. I knocked out two of them by just fuckin bludgeoning them, the third ran away. I hid in the trailer with my shotgun and waited for them to come back. My window was open as we had no air conditioning. They came to my window and took a .12 gauge deepthroating class. Cleaned tooth fragments out of my barrel after that night. He stuck his head up next to my screen, I used the gun like a spear and rammed the barrel into his mouth, and racked the slide. Never heard faster footsteps in my life
@@Tkoutlosh Of course cultist fanboy is in denial, son. Did you know your idol harasses and bullies everybody who calls out his bullshit, junior. Well, now you know, kid.
@@vksasdgaming9472 I'm 38.. "son" and you are the one who show childish behaviour, but nevermind. I am not his cultist fanboy, I know he had some pretty bullshit videos and I agree that he is bashing that nunchucks too much and don't accept the obvious fact that it is improvised concealable weapon made from non-weapon object so no legal issues on Okinawa, where was very strict rules about carrying or maybe even owning any weapon. But majority of his points about it are right - it is just improvised weapon developed in specific setting and even that (solid) stick could be often better. But there was few video reactions talking about this in very civilised manner.
@@Tkoutlosh Level of denial and projection displayed by your pathetic attempt to defend your cultist messiah is worthy of being in a textbook about psychological defense mechanisms, kid. His "points" are "result" of deliberately biased "experiment" which was meant to do nothing but support already made "conclusion". Do you really think that those who developed nunchaku were not aware of its properties? Judging by your useless posturing you really think so and naturally underestimate importance of them. Did you know daggers are utterly useless trash never used in any battlefield? Just a scam concocted by Jim Bowie. Do not expect civilized response when you are obviously not providing any civilized response either, boy.
A lot of people forget about that’s straight snapping technique, similar to whipping a towel. Imagine that to the bridge of your nose. And since it’s going straight it’s harder to perceive the range.
I used to practice that I called it poping i would put one stick under my arm then with other one I would flip it out and jerk it wet towel.. Used to practice on trees I Would Dent the trees.
That's exactly how I would imagine using them would be most effective. Target the face and catch them by surprise with it and I would imagine it's a demoralizing moment for the aggressor. If somehow it doesn't, it at least gives some kind of distance or temporarily stops the attack and you can run for it, hopefully.
Used to carry a pair back in the early 2000s and had a knife pulled on me in a bad neighborhood. Pulled it out and did a quick little flurry to hold it under my armpit and dropped into a stance. Never got to actually use it but he sure did fuck off real quick lol.
And yet “hard to hurt” thinks nunchucks and front kicks are good for street defense, Why on earth did this idiot fail to address the legal issues behind this matter? What a moron , just passing around hurtful advice that’s going to literally hurt people what an idiot
@@Ihateutubecontextandsensorshit I used to r7n brothels and move keys with police chiefs here, then speed off in the car with an open container, CA law is insane, narcos run it, completely corrupt and hyper liberal at the same time, only used nunchucks once 8n a gang fight in Boston in 1989, lol, true story
@@danplasma you think teeps dont work for self defense? Its literally one of your most effective and efficient weapons. And it's so simple that we naturally have a decent one without training.
The cool thing they do, is they dont transfer energy back to gour arm. A stick does when you strike and you lose some of the energy. The chain stops that. So you can hit harder with them.
@@infini_ryu9461 well I can't believe you. A stick has the force that you apply from your arms, nunchucks have that force and a whiplash effect due to the separation between the two sticks. Assuming they are of the same material and similar weight, simple physics applied, nunchucks have more potential
@@ember2200 Wrong. They do not have a "whiplash" effect, the nunchuck hits it's target and because there is no weight or rigidity behind it, it does not follow through all that much. It relies on the weight of the stick but not the human body behind it. Nunchucks do not have anywhere near the kinetic impact, nor control, of a simple stick. Being able to put your weight behind a bludgeoning force is everything.
I heard these were named because a dude named Charlie was attacked by someone he knew. He pulled these out and started swinging them around and said "how much of this do you want?" His attacker said, "None, Chuck."
I've seen them used in a street fight. It was brutal. Guy ended up with a knot on his head and a broken finger. I will say that he was offset by the fast movement of the chucks. He walked away wanting nothing more do to with it.
I dont know why people say you hit yourselves with nunchuks because ive used them for a few yrs and have never hit myself with it from day 1 even when swinging in full force with body weight....My uncle had used it with his friend when he was young and chased 20 attackere away...he hid it in a magazine behind his bicyle and caught them by surprise smashing many of them in the process...i dont know the logic or physics behind Shadiversitys video, but i think he did it for Seeking Attention and Clickbait....Indians use Full fall through swings when using the lathi so i think that practice would have helped.
In a lot of places it is banned for being a strangulation tool, but padded nunchakes with the same chain/rope of the same length are not strangulation tools, but hey people who make weapon laws don't know things about weapons.
@@VincentMMALife jazeker, heel veel knuppels zijn categorie 4 in Nederland maar pas op hoor je kan wurgen met de nunchaku zoals die ene bruce lee film, dus categorie 1 net als de hele gevaarlijke pepperspray waardoor je niet keer kan ademen. Alleen als sport instructeur is er een manier om nunchakus te hebben en dan op locatie. Ar-15, revolvers en hand guns zijn minder streng in Nederland, die zijn categorie 3
@@VincentMMALife Zwaarden zijn er voor de sier en als cultureel iets, maar nunchakus die versierd zijn met Chineze tekens zijn niet voor de sier en het is voor de Nederlanders niets cultureels, maar we hebben ook immigranten waarvoor het wel iets betekent en zo levensgevaarlijk zijn deze dingen niet...
@@proforce1497 Dat wist ik, alleen ik wist het niet over de nunchakus. Nederlandse wapenwetten zijn sowieso veel te streng naar mijn mening. Niet eens pepperspray is legaal. Zelfverdediging is bijna een misdaad hier.
@@VincentMMALife op heel het west Europese vaste land buiten Scandinavië en Benelux kan je pepperspray hebben(sommige landen hebben een regel voor hoeveel in 1 busje kunnen) en daar gaat het gewoon goed, misschien zien we ooit verandering
I'm pretty sure they were effective coz its pretty discombobulating to face a dude who really knows how to use those. at the height of the whole kung fu craze in 70's Manila, fraternity and gang wars saw more than a few rumbles with these in their arsenal. lots of broken bones out there according to my dad.
Oliver Buenaflor * * * * * EXACTLY = The whole world was Kung Fu Fighting in the 70's especially the gangs.... I seen the same thing in Miami Florida ! True Paul D'
@@PunchProfessor - True, and almost every mop and broom in the neighborhood seemed to have disappeared. A few days or a week later you see numerous guys showing up at school with bruises on their head, arm and legs as a result of their homemade Bruce Lee stick.
Maybe they served more as a threatening weapon and for this they are very suitable: flashy, intimidating, unpredictable to untrained opponents. Intended for Broken Bones and bruised limbs, but nothing too lethal. Dead man pay no debt. (And yeah, thats totally my prejudice of gang dynamics talking)
Really strange that supposedly GARBAGE weapons make broken bones. Someone said that for criminal use cricket bat is best because it has broad side you use when reminding impolitely about debts and narrow edge when you simply take your financial loss and show your displeasure about it.
I used to manage a restaurant. We had an employee with a meth addiction. He had been clean for a couple of years, but when his brother got out of prison he relapsed. He was the manager when I started. When he started becoming unreliable, I was given his spot. In one of his many psychotic episodes, he was convinced that I had conspired against him to take his job. I didn't. I hate those types of people. Anyway, one night he was waiting outside for me with his nunchucks. I didn't want to hurt him, he was in pretty bad shape. He started to come at me, but never really committed. I was backing up to get in my jeep. He was cussing me and whatnot. Well I had a wooden boat paddle strapped to the roof rack on my jeep. I didn't want blood on me for obvious reasons. I grabbed the paddle to create distance if needed. At that point he attacked. I instinctive stuck out the paddle, and his nunchucks sort of wrapped around and cought him in the chin. It split his chin open. We both started laughing. I went inside and got home some peroxide and towels. I really didn't want him to be bleeding in my Jeep, but I felt bad. I just warned him not to drip a single drop, or I was getting the paddle back out (jokingly). I drove him to the hospital and we had a good talk about what was going on, and he accepted it. That wasn't the last psychotic episode, but it was the funniest. The owner felt bad for him (and he owed the owner money), so he was never fired. He was a great guy when he wasn't on drugs. He died of a heart attack about five years ago, surrounded by shady people. Don't do drugs folks. RIP Catdaddy. You were crazy, but you are missed.
@@TallicaMan1986 Judging by story you told it might have been some kind chainlock or something else with longer chain than nunchaku. Of course written record does not tell things like distance and angle.
@@vksasdgaming9472 I didn't tell it, but any time I've seen someone play around with nunchuk they get hurt. Now imagine someone actually trying to hurt you.
I'm an expert with these things and in my view they are pretty inadequate as a weapon but great for fitness if you use them for any length of time (its a bit like skipping but focused on the upper body). Using two at a time is great for co ordination too (don't try using two until you are expert unless you like a sore head).
@@tesmith47 I'm sure that's true but it rather assumes they are readily at hand, so to speak. I'd be more inclined to use my elbows and knees, to be honest.
you say you're an expert and still call it inadequate? I don't think you've ever fought for your life with the nunchucks. I can really tell you that when you're risking your life there couldn't be a better weapon. I personally combine this art with the boxing stop and on the street it has saved me on more than one occasion from don't get stabbed at night.
@@hache6338 You're some kid aren't you?I'm guessing in the US? So here's a little caution for you. In many US states they are illegal, especially when on the street. Ironically more so than guns. Now go outside and play and stop pestering the adults.
@@williamsmith3169 1. I'm 25 years old 2. I'm chilean, in Latinoamérica u fight or die , no doubt about that 3. Ur probably the american kid that says its an expert on this art lol
I agree to an extent. I used to have nunchuks my mate's brother made which were shorter but were aluminium shafts stuffed full of lead sinkers (fishing sinkers) and they hit HARD due to the weight. If you get a heavier harder wood or use those epoxy resin ones you are going to hit a lot harder with them than a lot of the standard shitty wooden ones or the foam wrap handle varieties. Make some out of heavy gauge rebar then try smacking stuff with them.
They really are not, someone with a knife can just rush you, take a hit*, and stab you You end up in a hospital or dead. Opponent leaves slightly bruised *(that is if you manage to hit your opponent with the 1/4th of the weapon that can actually do some sort of damage)
I personally know a guy who had a pair of these and some guy came at him, he swung the chucks down low hitting the side of his knee. His knee bended in and folded, dropped like a stone and the fight was over.
As we all know, if you learn dance with story behind it, like karate or kung-fu you will gain ability to shoot Kamehameha and to block bullets with your eyes.
The people that say the weapon is garbage clearly don't know how to swing them properly. I've split the realistic jell dummy's head (and it's supposed to be like an actual human skull) very easily with one swing and barely any effort.
@@piratebobb900 well, lock in a sock has been used with some real effectiveness. It's not the same as crystals. One has been shown to be legit in its application and the other is the opposite. Of course it's not a WMD but it is something.
I've always kept my nunchucks in the car, just in case. I know enough to look like I know what im actually doing and not hit myself in the nuts, plus I figure if i had to twirl them around a bit that would intimidate the hell outta someone! They are a fun tool to train with though for sure.
My dad taught me this trick of concealing the nunchucks using the sleeves of a shirt/jacket. This trick is used in the Yakuza (not the game) for the defensive purpose.
I thought I'd made that up, but I suppose the odds were that somebody else thought of it first. It's also cool because you can slide them out partially for a punch that hits harder than a normal fist, before fully deploying them.
Let me inform you, if you take a powerful strike on any part of your face, arm , neck, head, this fight is over. Nun chucks strike with velocity and do tremendous damage on the human body.
So i found this channel today and what i learned so far is that a expandable baton is not self defense tool but a weapon. And that the best self defense tool is a gun. Got it.
Check out the Clinch Pick from Shivworks/Warrior Poet Society. You can get a trainer version of it with the real knife, and make videos with the trainer. Also, there is a video explaining the design of the knife, and how it's intended to be used on Warrior Poet Society's RUclips channel.
@@liamflanagan490 saw that, one thing i didnt like is that the guy talks like he invented that knife while it s an old philippines knife concept called pikal, the idea was having a clawlike knife. the handle shape is intresting but 100 dollars for sandvik steel is overpricing at his finest, sandvik has a price range of 20 30 dollars, then u easily find D2, then cpm154, s30v.... for that money you can buy m390 steel knives thats one of the highest steel u can find. the sheat is kydex and thats cheap, so u spend 100 dollars for an unoriginal idea and the craftsmanship which i know nothing about.
You can use the chain to block a attack as well. For example you swing it around someons wrist grab the other end and controlle one arm you can also do this to the leg by getting in the knee. You can just swing it at there fist every time they attack displacing it. This would be a good way of defending yourself if you have enough space if your able to keep a distance. I'm personaly a bigger fan of the chinees nunchuks big brother the sanjiegun, or 3 sectional staff. These things are very long 2 handed nunchuks with 3 sections of wood and 2 chains inbetween. You can use the ends to fight with it like there batons. You can crack it at a enemy like a whip. You can hold one end and the middel and just flail with it. You can just keep one end folded and that basicly leaves you with a nunchuk. Those things do a lot more damages, I have seen it almost litterly cut through watermeloens as in the blow was so strong that it past through it like a cut from a blade. Those things are just as easy to carry as nunchuks, only bit harder to use but maby a little to extreem for selfdefence. If I made spelling mistakes I have dyslecia I can't help it.
They are a great training tool. If you do a half hour of full speed nunchuck drills a few times a week you will be shredded, they work your muscles at angles a lot of people don't always get to at the gym. As far as grappling with them, don't underestimate that stuff, it's not just the leverage it's the pressure applied by the entanglement. If someone catches you right it feels like your limb or neck is caught in an industrial clamp or vice. Instead of a scenario of fighting someone that only practiced katas all day, think of fighting someone that already is a well rounded fighter but also decent with 'chuks, that fight would be over quickly and painfully.
@@nigelbeckett8994 Everybody knows that one is fake, but I have heard that someone did not know it and went to do it for real. He couldn't play table tennis, but could hit those balls.
Where I'm from in NY, I used too train in TKD and for me since I was on the demo team, I was on the demo team for my gifts of adherence to the craft. The weapon I was trained with was the nun chucks. I can verify from a self defense stand point that this weapon in the right person's hands can drop a dumbest aggro attacker
I recommend holding them in two-hands over the shoulder. Attacker doesn't know if the nunchaku is coming down overhead, or coming up underneath. Playing "tag" with foam chucks provides these little insights.
Yay for Hayden! I agree that they are not as bad as people often picture them, and I also agree that you have to have wrestling and empty hand training to back the nunchaku up in case the oponent gets too close. But, part of being good with a nunchaku is having good footwork, you want to keep moving sideways and backwards if someone is rushing you, while you unleash as much damage as you can to his arms/hands and head I posible. If by the time you get to wrestle you hit his hands, arms and or head at least two or three times you got good use out of it. Wooden or metal nunchuks mess shit up, we spar with homemade PVC pipes covered with soft material and they can't be bigger than 20mm or else you are hurting people. I don't agree that you can tank more than a few hits without taking significant damage.
Yes and on my earlier comment I should have specified the need for real unarmed training first. We never learn weapons until we are "semi adequate" with our natural weapons
Uh... You seem to have responded to the wrong comment bud. Also, I don't really think you need to be skilled in unarmed combat to be a good armed combatant, it does make you more complete though
@@vksasdgaming9472 don't end yourself man ... just learn not to attack content creators just because you don't like them, it is petty ;) Also, shad = 100% right that any weapon outclasses impotent stick >.>
The relevant question is, would you ever deliberately pick nunchuks over other weapons? It's clearly better than unarmed. But the question is, if we compare it to something that's equally innocuous, equally large, equally expensive, would you ever actually choose the nunchuks while foregoing that thing?
I've seen nunchucks used in two street fights twice, once effectively and once complete ineffectively. The ineffective time was when I was about 14 and another kid I had been having troubles with attacked me with a set. He opened with a ridiculously slow overhand swing that I was actually able to catch because it was so slow and things went downhill for him from there. The effective time was at a party years later when two guys got into a fight and a third person, who was doing security for the party, blindsided the instigator and cracked him in the back of the head. Dude never even saw it coming, and it ended them fight instantly. Add far as I know there was no permanent injury, though the guy hit by the nunchucks did take a trip to the emergency room with a likely concussion and possibly needing a couple stitches.
Nunchucks fall into the "just because they did it doesn't mean it was a good idea" I have seen a ton of testing done and you are generally better off with a good solid stick. The biggest problem with nunchucks vs a stick is it doesn't have the weight or length to take advantage of centrifugal force in a meaningful way and to use nunchucks effectively requires I high level of skill to get the same results as someone with a small amount of skill and a stick. Shadiversity recently did testing with nunchucks and he could knock down a training dummy with the stick but couldn't knock down the same dummy with nunchucks because the cord absorbs a lot of force. TLDR nunchucks look cool but are a shit weapon.
Actually "test" you refer to is only one around and performed to produce misleading results. That means it is useless garbage except as proof of dishonest method of research. I'm certain you also know .22LR as harmless because it delivers about as much power than a kick does.
@@vksasdgaming9472 just because something can be used as a weapon doesn't mean it is the best option. Nunchucks require a very high skill level to be as effective as a basic club. I am generally of the mentality that if it needs a very high skill level to get the same results it is a poor choice, the same argument can be said for the .22lr it can be effective but if you didn't know it is 5 times less likely to incapacitate an attacker than 9mm Lugar, so yes it is also a poor choice of weapon because it CAN get the same results but requires much or skill (or luck) to get that result. If your a nunchucks master do what you want but for anyone who is not going to spend years to master them they are ineffective.
@@keldon_champion "just because something can be used as a weapon doesn't mean it is the best option. " Irrelevant matter. "Nunchucks require a very high skill level to be as effective as a basic club. " Wrong. If that was the case it would never have been adopted by anyone. "I am generally of the mentality that if it needs a very high skill level to get the same results it is a poor choice" And of course everything is known before testing and learning too. "the same argument can be said for the .22lr it can be effective but if you didn't know it is 5 times less likely to incapacitate an attacker than 9mm Lugar, so yes it is also a poor choice of weapon because it CAN get the same results but requires much or skill (or luck) to get that result. " More people have been killed with .22LR than 9mm I don't think anything is as incapacitated than corpse is. "If your a nunchucks master do what you want but for anyone who is not going to spend years to master them they are ineffective." You obviously know nothing about them.
@@vksasdgaming9472 ok ill address this line by line. just because something can be used as a weapon doesn't mean it is the best option. " "Irrelevant matter." How is that irrelevant, I am saying it is a shit weapon and I think the fact that better options are more readily available has marrit. "Wrong. If that was the case it would never have been adopted by anyone." They have never been mass used for anything but recreational martial arts, never a weapon of war and their use as a weapon pre-Okinawan karate is unclear at best. "And of course everything is known before testing and learning too." You didn't really address my point. "More people have been killed with .22LR than 9mm I don't think anything is as incapacitated than corpse is." More people are killed per year with a claw hammer than all firearms combind, that dosen't change its effectiveness. FBI crime statistics show .22lr as 5 times less likely to incapacite than larger calibers (.32 ACP and up), the only reasons it has higher overall numbers are 1) it has been in wide use for nearly 140 years (few cartridges can say that) and 2) the associated firearms are small and convenient to carry. However my original argument that just because it has been done dosen't make it the best option still applies. "You obviously know nothing about them." You didn't really contest my point you just made a feble argument from authority. No I am not a master of nunchucks, but they still have never been widely adopted as a weapon for a reason, you probably wont like this but they are mostly just used for recreational martial arts and by people who take Bruce Lee movies too seriously.
@@keldon_champion Brendan Conley Brendan Conley 5 minuuttia sitten @VK's ASDgaming "How is that irrelevant, I am saying it is a shit weapon and I think the fact that better options are more readily available has marrit. " It has no bearing on matter. That makes it irrelevant. "They have never been mass used for anything but recreational martial arts, never a weapon of war and their use as a weapon pre-Okinawan karate is unclear at best. " Massive ignorance by ignorant stupid who does not even bother to use Google to check his claims. Tell me why several police departments in US use it? Don't ramble about deliberate weakening to make things sporty? "You didn't really address my point. " I did. You are simple wrong as you cannot prove anything. "More people are killed per year with a claw hammer than all firearms combind, that dosen't change its effectiveness. " Claw hammers are easier to buy than nunchakus are. Doesn't remove the fact nunchalu is clearly a superior when compared to claw hammer. So you say .22LR is useless as people are killed with them? I guess dead is not incapacitated enough then. "You didn't really contest my point you just made a feble argument from authority. " If physical fact is stated it is not appealing to authority. "No I am not a master of nunchucks, but they still have never been widely adopted as a weapon for a reason" Which is lack of knowledge about their effectiveness. "you probably wont like this but they are mostly just used for recreational martial arts " Did you know that swords are just used for recreational martial arts? That means they are utterly useless and stupid as well. Ineffective trash stupid people chose because they were stupid. Spears are useless trash as they are used even less. Not to mention bows or slings. "and by people who take Bruce Lee movies too seriously. " Indeed you do.
Having practiced with nunchucks, I can confirm that they are very fun to play with :D. That's the main reason that I practiced with them. That said, I thought that they would be more practical than most people give them credit for because they are surprisingly long, especially when you consider how small of a package they fold over into. You could conceivably carry nunchucks around with you for self defense, and they wouldn't be overly bulky or long, but they give you a lot of extra reach.
Many say in close fight they are useless,but,actually you can use them as a bat,punch to push them away with a part where you hold and then spin and hit,if you know how to use and suprise,they can be very deadly.
LPD used them in 25 years ago. They were square, made of some thermo plastic and had a really short cord. The community officer that showed them to me in "the hood" called them comealongs and used a nonlethal grip on my wrist. Not only did the joint manipulation he was doing hurt, but if he squeezed "nutcracker" style my limp had pain too.
I think they hurt a lot more than a “stick” because of the swinging action and if you took one to the forearm or shin that would hurt like hell if it was a proper swing. I think they definitely are a big advantage because it looks so much faster with all the swinging actions to react to and if you keep your distance using the nunchaku range as an advantage it would be very affective in a real fight.
Why do you think they would hurt more than a stick ? I practice Eskrima and I can assure you the force of a rattan stick strike is guaranteed to break any bone in your body easily and far more accurately than with a nunchuk.
@@alancatton3288 the chain adds momentum if you were to lightly swing at a wall with a stick I doubt anything would happen but If you lightly swing a nunchaku at a wall it would for sure leave a dent just because of the momentum form the movement itself. Eskrima is still good tho and definitely more accurate if u dont know what ur doing with a nunchaku
Kali is the most practical weapon because you can use it any time and use any thing that has similar lenght and size. Nunchuck is great for counter nunchuck attack speed is incredible and it is almost unblockable. But nunchuck is not easily to control improper hold and swing can deliver damage to the user. But what good nunchuck is it is more easy to carry than a stick. About damage i think kali stick can bring more damage than nunchuck for the reason the user can use full swing at it with out fear of getting hit by it while nunchuck there always fear of using full swing at it because of the recoil. Best use of nunchuck is not swinging but by flicker it, the damage is not great but it is enough to make your opponent stop or re think of attacking and hurt him more with the series of flicker attack. Remember nunchuck cannot help block any attack but it is great in countering any attack. You can hit them before their attack reach you.
A friends dad seen us throwing knives when we where kids and asked what are you more likely to find in an ally a ninja star a knife? Or a screw driver maybe a nail something like that. But throwing your only weapon may not be so smart lol
They are a good defensive weapon. 1st strike weapon for sure. They will break a forearm bone. Ive used them since i was a child. I would not grab them as my 1st choice but its in the top 10. I believe the person who is trained with them brings a weapon that likely wont be used against him. What are the odds the bad guy is also highly skilled with chucks. You look like you can handle them very well.
Hi from Shad too, just wanna put it out there... Don't think anyone ever said they were used to harvest rice. :'D How do you harvest anything with beating it with whatever? :D Flails were used to peel the grains, not harvest the crops... And yes, asians did peel rice with nunchucks, also used it as a "noise making device" and as "headgear for horses". In desperate situation you can even use your tv remote as a weapon, so i guess we can safely say that a chair had been used as a weapon in most cultures and ages in history? If you "graze" your target with nunchucks as shown here it won't bounce back and hit you but nobody can prove to me that you will always strike perfectly in actual fight. It's bound to bite you back sooner or later. Sure it works as a weapon but it shouldn't be anyone's first choice.
Where i come from, a place in the middle of europe we have something similar to peel grain...better said we had. These thigs where huge, like the part you grip was about 1,5m long and the part to beat the grain was about 1m long. It was used as a weapon in the farmers uprise and it actually was quite effective..maube because they used iron to reeinforce it or something, but damn, nunchucks are so small compared with these (and i do not even know the name of them) we have 3 pieces of them and every time i see them i simply ask myself how much damage these would to really to a human
@@refrigerant1245 youre searching for the word flail. andeffective is debateable. as shad said they are still better than nothing but if you had better things available youd of course use those.
@@refrigerant1245 Hey, i am from Czech Republic. Hussites used them, in English you just call it flail. In czech we have name for the tool that is "cep" and we have different name for a flail with spiky ball at the end which is "řemdih". With our flail there is simply very little possibility to hurt yourself because the handle is so long, altho they did hurt their allies with them and are still considered quite dangerous. It was peasant uprising, just as you said and everyone already had it at home as opose to any real weapon and that is the reason they used them :)
@@CzechGagi yes, also they couldn't afford real weapons obviously. In my country (austria) we call them "Dresche" in singular or "Korndresche" and if it is flail in english, okay, i associate flail with something different ^^'
Agreed.I like that they're compact and control can certainly be learned, I just think they're not going to do enough damage against a determined attacker. A floppy weapon just isn't going to transfer as much energy as a stiff weapon.
Every weapon must do compromises or has limitations set by outside influence. Nunchaku doesn't deliver as much energy as equally long and thick stick, but it still delivers more than enough to really make receivers day worse. Or last if you use sturdy piece of wood. It is also faster
Former nunchuck specialist, want to use it with the least movement possible and more for countering or overwhelming offense, not inbetween. Not meant for toe to toe, but to cripple and get away. Much tougher to block or react to and the only weapon I would have a problem with was a long staff. Would even embarrass sword sparing partners. I used 1 chuck with a high grip for speed.
Want to see us test if nunchucks will break bones?видео.html
Of a moving target that is evading, blocking and fighting back to see it's efficiency against other better possible weapons??
They hit themselves with nunchucks because they hold the nunchuck at the end of the stick rather than choking up on chain. The Recoil from hitting the target flies back and crack their knuckles. Most people practice nunchucks for Flash & flare rather than combat of purposes
The nunchuck also has similar grappling potentials as that of a stick with an additional effect that resembles a guillotine. If you wrap the nunchuck around somebody's head or neck and pinch the sides together you have the same leverage as that of two hammers pulling out a nail but instead you're crunching somebody skull.
@@sixtoewolf2 except the part where that's never happened
The problem with evaluating any weapon is those who tend to do this have no understanding of its methodology . Would you say the bow and arrow is not an effective your hands no but put in the hands of someone who understands its methodology and understands its historical context and suddenly its not only effective its fricken wicked. In your hands the nunchaku not so good in my hands its lethal.
Shout out to the 12 year old who recommended this
Yeah, "Hayden" is definitely between 10 and 13. 😂
Nope the Serbian Austrian dude pushed this
I got my first set of chucks when I was 12. Accurate comment is accurate. Still got them too, although they've been restrung a few times and are looking a bit beat up.
I was that kid back in the day and almost knocked myself out within half an hour of getting them. 🤣
he was obsessed with turtles ninja ...
I always have that feeling when someone pulls out an unusual weapon in a fight, that either this dude is a goof who just has to be different or he has spent so much time getting good at using it that maybe it's time to run away.
It's like the High kick rule: If someone throws a high kick in a street fight, either he has no idea what he's doing, or he really knows what he's doing. Personally, I wouldn't risk it for the second one.
Imagine getting in a street fight and a dude pulls some hook swords out of the bed of his truck
Insanity is a good feint. Take off all of your clothes next time you're in a douchebag fight and count how many times you get hit lol
@@obamaspaghettitoiletsauce9150 hook sword would fuck you up regardless of skill level. Let the dude have his victory lol
@@overlorddante goin all blue spirit on u and shit
I love how often your answers or recommendations come down to “if it’s fun, if you like it, do it.” I think people overlook the importance of enjoying what you do. Thanks for reminding us of that.
That's why when it comes to self-defense there's only one word I need to know:
That’s not the question though. It wasn’t if it’s fun. Nerf guns are fun, but aren’t effective.
@@KiLLJOY1056you clearly have never taken one of those bad boys to the eyes
"Someone can take it away from you". That's actually one of the great benefits of it being a difficult to use weapon.. even IF someone took them off you, there is no chance they will have the faintest idea how to use them against you and will probably hurt themselves. Great vid!
good point
Other than swinging them at you. Geez
but then they start swinging it like a flail at you. if your opponent is able to catch your chuck MID-SWING then you deserve to have it taken away from you lmao
difficult to use? I wouldn't trust that...every healthy man can do at least 1 good whip with these sticks and that should be enough to weaken you or scare you away if they got a hold of your nunchucks
Better then nothing I practice with them all my life and know how to use them in close quarter but listen shtf I would not pick them first. If you enter my home and their next to me then yes but a bat ,sword, knife would be more effective.
I'm an old lady. The shock and confusion of my pulling out a pair of chucks might give me a split second surprise advantage...
That's the spirit! Haha!
If an old lady pulled any weapon on me I think I'd freeze up a little
It would be even greater if you pulled out a gun
I never leave the house without my chucks!
Gotta wear a sweet headband too
@@hard2hurt And a bright yellow track suit...
@StebDub lol
I keep my switchblade lol
StebDub get them anyway lol or just get foam chucks
My uncle who used to be the black sheep of the family and ran with street gangs back in the 70s once used a nunchaku in a street fight against a Balisong wielding rival gang member. He said the first few seconds were spent circling each other nervously with him trying to keep the proper distance to maximize the nunchaku's range and stay out of knife range, after a few swings, he got lucky and hit the other guy in the hand making him drop the knife and then spent the next minute chasing the guy down the street while trying to hit him in the head with the nunchaku but only managed to hit his back and shoulder a few times before he got away. He said it was not a pretty sight like in the movies and was actually quite comical. Now in his old age, he shudders to think what would've happened had he missed the hand and the other guy managed to close the distance into knife range.
Would of been leakin if he missed that hand fo sure
japanese weapns are made to use distance your useing them wrong creat space then attack never close in you would use them to stab and jam if in close range but distance is key
You sure that's not a scene from warriors 🤔 lol
@@chrisortiz8077 lol, nah, I'm sure it wasn't. Although I'm familiar with that movie now because of YT, it wasn't as well known in Asia back in the 70s. You're more likely to find people who are more familiar with the "Jets" and the "Sharks" than "The Warriors". Since "Westside Story" was more well known in Asia back then.
Im a little surprised you don’t have two maglites connected by a chain
Genius comment. You win.
Cop nunchucks.
Thats actually closer to what the actual okinawans had as far as wooden weapons, okinawa has very high mineral content in its water because of the volcanic springs, they use used volcanic springs to basically fossilize the wood and this made it much harder and denser than the stuff you see today, it was just about impossible to cut and the mass made it hit much harder, probably enough to break an armored opponents neck if you hit them in the head with it, scientists even proved it by doing it the way the okinawans did, takes between 5-7 years and they had a rotation for it.
This comment got me. Good one.
lol this got recommended after watching Shadiversity
saaaame haha, really shows you the stark difference in knowledge and experience, or rather which one is honest and which one isn't.
@@XBullitt16X I mean, people need to start seeing Shad for what he is - A book nerd with no real training either in history or in martial arts. He isn't even a HEMA practitioner.
@@vladimirgertner3960 Doesn't mean he's wrong, what you're doing is appealing to authority. You don't need to watch his video to realise how impractical of a weapon the Nunchaku is, but it just helps raise awreness for those that don't.
Anyone here, after Shadiversity's Nunchucks are stupid video?
Yep. I'd rather use a stick, thanks.
Stick beats nunchuck. And you don't hit yourself with a stick as easy. Also sticks aren't illegal to carry.
100%. If you're going to carry a blunt force tool as your CCW just carry an expandable baton. If you MUST rock the feudal Japan EDC, tonfa are a much more capable and versatile weapon.
I play on auto and it got me here directly from shadiversity video
I was told by someone who trained with nunchucks for decades "ok, they're not bad for distracting blows and you can maybe pull of some assisted locks... but the only real practical value they have in a fight is that when someone sees you spinning nunchucks around like a master (which is WAY easier than people think) they simply don't want to fight anymore".
total rubbish. spinning can impress noobs only.If you really know how to use them, believe me, one hit - one broken hand or arm or palm or whatever or at least pain shock for sure. I am not talking about if you target face...
99.999*% of random idiots who start fights are noobs. That's kinda the point.
@@AndusDominae Well, idiot is always noob, due to inability to learn anything...))
@@salazarreach1636 Most people who start a fight, don't usually have a background in fighting
@@salazarreach1636 I have no experience with them whatsoever, but from basic physics that is what I would expect. The free piece conserves and accumulates momment beyond the biological limits of a human arm. To think of it as a hit from a stick or baseball batt is not accurate. I think people is largely underestimating the power of a nunchuck hit.
I heard Chuck Norris became Catholic, joined a convent, and started wearing a habit. They now call him Nun Chuck.
It would be more cringe worthy if you pronounced noonchawk properly.
Ahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣
Wasn't he already catholic?
@@junichiroyamashita i think he's Catholkick
Man, I wouldn’t want to take a whack with those Foam Nunchucks
CrimsonYT thanks!!
for a while there I thought those were real and he just took it like a REAL DUDE. in the head and forearm too
You mean the TWObaton?
I actually like Bo and Jo staves the best out of "martial arts" weaponry. Bladed ones scare me a little, though. I'm always afraid that I'll inadvertently hurt someone with a functional Katana. 😬
If your arm got hit with a real one you would problably go down in pain tbh
I know I am 3 years late to the party, but I was watching a tutorial on re-stringing Nunchaku today, and this video auto played. The men in the video admittedly had no idea what they were doing but proved many of the points they were trying to debunk.
I have been using Nunchaku casually for about 20 years now, and i can assure you they are much more deadly and practical than they are given credit for. I stick to very basic and effective strikes and transitions, with bone if the ineffective fancy flips. I have smashed many watermelon and gourd with them, and even an oxen skull (the oxen had been dead for many decades by this point).
I have struck myself with them 3 times. First was the very first time i picked them up and swang them around absent proper training. The second was when i was stupid enough to swing them at a basket ball, within the first week of owning them. The third time came many years later. I was drunkenly showing off and broke my funny bone.
There's no funny bone to break
It’s funny coming and seeing this after Shad’s video on them.
Yep haha
Yep and this video doesn't address any of it really
This one is informed and by people who can look things more objectively. As bad analogy Shadiversity is about as reliable source about nunchaku as Der Stürmer was about Jewish religion.
@@vksasdgaming9472 A really bad analogy, physics are not that hard to learn. Asking a theologian about Jewish religion even if it was not their field of mastery would be a better analogy.
@@alqualonde2998 I meant as example of source criticism. Even Nazis found Der Stürmer offensive and crude rag and that is no exaggeration. Low-brow dirt meant to stir dumbest to frenzy towards "them" whoever "they" are.
michelangelo to all the haters be like. “HA TOLD YA SO”
Leonardo and Raphael be crying in a corner
He's the reason why i do chuks lol
I always had the feeling most weaponry from Asia were somehow used "to harvest rice". xD
Rice is a very complicated food apparently
Yea, rice fights back sometimes, y'know
Just like Canadian weapons harvest syrup and American weapons collect cheese burgers
@@judofry And in medieval Europe, every tool on a stick is a weapon.
well, the kama is basically a kind of sickle and the kukri evolved from the sickle
Icy Mike, Sensei Seth, and the Karate Nerd all in one video is the crossover I never knew I needed
These guys vs Shad!? The RUclips algorithm demands it!!
Can't wait for a debate between them!
Yeah I was just thinking of that lol. Personally I agree with shad but that's my opinion
@@disabled7947 Yeah tbh nunchucks vs a baseball bat, I know which I'd rather have
Include Jesse Enkamp, it will be so good
Seeing how BADLY Shadiversity has shown himself ignorant and repeat offender of stupidity it would be one-sided and pointless.
i saw the Shadiversity videos on this so the algorhythm brought me here. I still prefer a stick though
Agreed. It takes way less training to be effective with a stick than with a nunchuck.
@@kurosan0079 Yes, in history the best weapons are the ones that need less traning to be letal, that's why a stick with a point end A.K.A Spear was the most effective weapon class, colt 1911 was great because was easy to manufacture and really reliable at most stress situations.
@@geovanneteixeira100 Also why crossbows started replacing bows. A skilled archer can get more range and shots with a longbow, but it's a LOT easier to train a peasant to use a crossbow.
@@kurosan0079 I go with my umbrella thanks
I think the best part of nunchucks as a self defense weapon is the intimidation factor. That whole “why do they have nunchucks, can they use them” thought process
Omg you're so right! It creates a ton of pattern interruption on the aggressors side. Like "wait, that's not how this usually goes" × 100
When I see nunchaku my first thought is "This person is seriously about to regret their decision in the next five seconds when I use a stick to catch their nunchaku and easily disarm them"
@@DarkOmicron How would you go about it? I'd think nunchaku and stick are very comparable, so it would come down to everyone's proficiency with the particular weapon.
@@Tanuki-Ha parry a nunchuck, an instant knockout to the user of the said weapon
NY recently lifted the ban on these because the ban violates the 2nd amendment. 🤣
Really? Those might come in handy considering the current state of the place...
@@Brass_Heathen I think that leaving would be more handy. Unfortunately, I'm not able to just yet but I'm definitely planning on it.
There was a 1970s Kojak episode where one of the guys in the dept. was showing how the nunchucks work and one of them asked Kojak if they could get them banned.
@chuck carl yeah, it's bad if you love freedom.
That is interesting. Still illegal here in Canada
How many chucks could a Nunchuck Nun? Wait..
I bet Chuck.... Norris knows the answer
A nun chuck would chuck a chock full of chuck on a nun if a nun chuck would chuck nun
Wukawuka weeeer. Reeeeemiiiiix
@@feminico2613 You win
A nunchuk would do none of this to a nun if the nun would chuck the nunchuk out of her nun.
Mike: I'm saying that the reasons that most people will immediately say that these are no good, are not thought out.
Shad: Hold my zweihander.
Hold my stick
I love how the guy at the beginning brings up flails, immediately putting him at odds with Shad 😂
@@kendrakrust1244 yeah, the newest videos of shad explain everything haha
yeah pretty sure that's why this was recommended to me now lol. No to using chucks unless there was literally nothing else even a good stick. Shad's points seem to cover everything discussed here.
greetings, im shad
I've had my chain swivel hickory straight octagon chucks since 1982. Super hard wood. I've accidentally hit myself many times in learning. The follow-through swing is best. Thanks for the video!
Indeed the hard ones will teach you quickly how to avoid getting hit. You follow through, and you and your weapon become one. ;)
My buddy has steel ones and he's scary with them, haha. He trained and practiced alot. You put the time in and you can do real damage especially the steel ones. He can be effective while using them in the classic way actually spinning it really fast like ninja turtle shit.
I have both steel and wooden sets. The wood hurts enough
Oak handled nunchuckas will kill a human
I prefer the nunchuckle for self defense. When attacked, I bring out a laughing nun to distract my opponent.
Take your like. 🖕🖕🖕😄
@@johnmartinez5228 thank you sir
Awesome video and cameo from Jesse. The martial arts community on RUclips is really a community, it's great.
Holding nunchaku at the end like that, limits their effectiveness.
You lose range, power and flexibility of use.
Hold in the middle and it’s a different ball game.
Sure, they aren’t great up close, but the point is to stay at a distance
that inhibits your opponent’s ability to strike you.
As for an opponent that is rapidly moving in on you, staying mobile and
able to step back rapidly while delivering a powerful swing will stop just about anyone.
I agree, I feel like anyone with some real fighting experience or training can find a use out of anything as a weapon, but these? it's a multi-use two part weapon, I feel like people are just thinking too directly
Nunchucks could also be used as a one hand weapon if you know how to catch it. I usually use double chucks, and even if griping near the end, I can still catch it with one hand. When closed in one hand, you can also rest it on your forearm and use the wood to block.
from what i’ve seen, you hold the chucks at the end of the stick, leaving 3 fingers of space at the bottom. holding it at the bottom gives you less control, but more power in striking.
@@PeptoAbismol That's what I was gonna say. It's also easier to hit yourself if you hold them at the end or if you have a longer chain.
just use a not broken stick^^
I was glad John Wick 4 brought these back, it's been a while. They were all over the place in 70's and 80's movies.
What if I tie two flashlights together - does that improve the efficacy?
Careful there, you’ll kill a man
I believe you just made Mike's ultimate street weapon! He loves flashlights.
How about two "Fleshlights"
@@gesslegonzales3692 that'll be *fucking* lethal
Good gosh 😂😂😂😂 the images in my head for these comments💀
Favorite movie with nunchucks: “Once Upon A Time in High School”. Korean movie about bullying with a brutal fight scene.
ok, lets look for it...:D
@@vocartagmailcom don’t get me wrong it’s slow in some spots but the fight scenes make up for it.
That movie was awesome
Love that movie bruh
Im sure the Diaz brothers have used them in a street fight atleast once lol
That reminds me of the conference call with Nick just playing with nunchucks
Cause thats real NinjaShit...
Back in 1978, Mike Hess was the self defense instructor for the Broward Sheriff's office in Florida. He was teaching nunchucks and tonfa for police use and for a few years the BSO actually carried chucks on their belt instead of batons. That year I attended a seminar of his at the BSO academy (was open to civilians) and after the initial introductions he broke the class into two groups to work with each weapon in depth. I was already doing nunchaku katas (why my sensei recommended Hess having trained under him before) so I took that class. It was taught as a two handed weapon and at no time did we actually swing them (as for a cop that could lead to a lawsuit that a jury would probably convict on). It was used for trapping and control. We did blocking and disarming of sticks as well as various takedowns and pain compliance moves. We struck with the but ends of the sticks but always while holding both. Always used the octagonal tapered wood (easier to retain than round and hurts more when striking or pressing hard-as I can attest to!). Likewise he only used corded (quieter and less likely to bind) and not more than about two inches (better to control and essential for a tight pressure when used around someones wrist as a come along). He said the longer cords were great for showing off and doing tricky round the body catches but were totally useless in the street as you couldn't do locks and they would bounce around more in actual confrontation (when swung single handed). Was very enlightening but those kindof technique takes a high level of mastery to pull off with consistency.
The tonfa however was much simpler to use (no recovery or reverberation issues) and I probably should have taken that instead! In fact the BSO would drop the chucks when the epoxy resin version of the tonfa was created (not sure if by him) that was basically a round nightstick with a side handle and they were among the first to try it out. Now the Monadnock PR-24 (24", also in longer sizes for riot use) is used by practically every police force in the world! I am glad I had a brief connection with the guy who had the foresight to replace the centuries old nightstick for cops everywhere!
Anyone else love that Jesse addressed Mike as "sensei"?
Sensei = teacher
Hey Mike, can you please highlight how to use belts as defensive weapons? Most of us guys wear it and this knowledge could be very beneficial. Thanks man
what a timing, my friend got in a street fight 2 or 3 days ago, he was a amateur muay thai fighter a few years ago here in brazil, 4 guys entered the fight to help the other guy, and his dad, started to swing his nunchunks in everybody, now he and my friend are responding in the justice, crazy mofos XD
not exactly sure what u just said
@@mikeriverajr4447 wtf i really need to work in my english, the thing is: my bro got into a street fight, his dad started to swing his nunchucks in everybody. police got involved, end.
@@95DOIDO sorry bro , just wasnt sure what u said, makes more sense now
@@mikeriverajr4447 XD it's ok
Caralho, it had to be Brazil! aushaue
Now Mr. Mike, I love this video. I have by chance alone defended myself against three attackers with nunchucks. I was living with a mexican friend who sold weed at the time, and he owed people money. I was currently in the process of moving in to a mexican trailer good. My biggest saving grace (even though I did train for a respectable time with nunchucks) was that they were unarmed. Had they been armed with anything it would be a different story. I was in the process of picking up my martial Arts gear from my truck when I was punched in the back of the head, and coincidentally had rattan nunchucks in my grasp. I swung them like a stick or sword (which I've also trained) and all the regular nunchucks bs went to the wayside. I knocked out two of them by just fuckin bludgeoning them, the third ran away. I hid in the trailer with my shotgun and waited for them to come back. My window was open as we had no air conditioning. They came to my window and took a .12 gauge deepthroating class. Cleaned tooth fragments out of my barrel after that night. He stuck his head up next to my screen, I used the gun like a spear and rammed the barrel into his mouth, and racked the slide. Never heard faster footsteps in my life
You serious??
I'm just amused that I got recommended this after seeing Shadiversity completely wreck them compared to a stick. Twice.
Actually he did not wreck anything but his own meager trustworthiness, boy. Empirical fact.
@@vksasdgaming9472 Not true at all...
@@Tkoutlosh Of course cultist fanboy is in denial, son. Did you know your idol harasses and bullies everybody who calls out his bullshit, junior. Well, now you know, kid.
@@vksasdgaming9472 I'm 38.. "son" and you are the one who show childish behaviour, but nevermind. I am not his cultist fanboy, I know he had some pretty bullshit videos and I agree that he is bashing that nunchucks too much and don't accept the obvious fact that it is improvised concealable weapon made from non-weapon object so no legal issues on Okinawa, where was very strict rules about carrying or maybe even owning any weapon. But majority of his points about it are right - it is just improvised weapon developed in specific setting and even that (solid) stick could be often better. But there was few video reactions talking about this in very civilised manner.
@@Tkoutlosh Level of denial and projection displayed by your pathetic attempt to defend your cultist messiah is worthy of being in a textbook about psychological defense mechanisms, kid. His "points" are "result" of deliberately biased "experiment" which was meant to do nothing but support already made "conclusion". Do you really think that those who developed nunchaku were not aware of its properties? Judging by your useless posturing you really think so and naturally underestimate importance of them. Did you know daggers are utterly useless trash never used in any battlefield? Just a scam concocted by Jim Bowie. Do not expect civilized response when you are obviously not providing any civilized response either, boy.
Shadiversity has two videos about how crap they are. Would like to see a collaboration vid.
@@malapertfourohfour2112 someone mad their weapon was said to be bad?
Three and they are all same nonsensical rambling and insults towards people who actually call out his BS.
@@maybach5787 sorry hon, but Ive only got fetishes for tonfas and sabres.
A lot of people forget about that’s straight snapping technique, similar to whipping a towel. Imagine that to the bridge of your nose. And since it’s going straight it’s harder to perceive the range.
I used to practice that I called it poping i would put one stick under my arm then with other one I would flip it out and jerk it wet towel.. Used to practice on trees I Would Dent the trees.
That's exactly how I would imagine using them would be most effective. Target the face and catch them by surprise with it and I would imagine it's a demoralizing moment for the aggressor. If somehow it doesn't, it at least gives some kind of distance or temporarily stops the attack and you can run for it, hopefully.
forward snaps for jabs/pokes, sweeping strikes for powershots from what i’ve seen
Actually used a pair in a street fight in self defense when I was in my teens, it was effective
Say more please
One of the french karate instructor use to be a bouncer in paris in the 70 s , occasionally he d broke one of these wood handles on peoples heads
Yeah tell us.
Used to carry a pair back in the early 2000s and had a knife pulled on me in a bad neighborhood. Pulled it out and did a quick little flurry to hold it under my armpit and dropped into a stance. Never got to actually use it but he sure did fuck off real quick lol.
It's a lesser charge to carry around a concealed unregistered gun here in California.
Ca laws were written by people that want criminals to "win". Armed Scholar (on youtube) is a lawyer that specializes in effed up ca law.
Lol lol
And yet “hard to hurt” thinks nunchucks and front kicks are good for street defense, Why on earth did this idiot fail to address the legal issues behind this matter? What a moron ,
just passing around hurtful advice that’s going to literally hurt people
what an idiot
@@Ihateutubecontextandsensorshit I used to r7n brothels and move keys with police chiefs here, then speed off in the car with an open container, CA law is insane, narcos run it, completely corrupt and hyper liberal at the same time, only used nunchucks once 8n a gang fight in Boston in 1989, lol, true story
@@danplasma you think teeps dont work for self defense? Its literally one of your most effective and efficient weapons. And it's so simple that we naturally have a decent one without training.
I would use a shocker, a stick. Knives are OK too. Also you could pick a scissor with pointed tip.
I, myself would want to use a coilgun.
The cool thing they do, is they dont transfer energy back to gour arm. A stick does when you strike and you lose some of the energy. The chain stops that. So you can hit harder with them.
You’re welcome... HAYDEN
...If someone smashes me full power in my forearm with a stick, I think its going to hurt more than just an "ouch" level. Certainly if it hit my hand.
Love the baphomet logo.
Imagine now if they were steel ones. Even with many layers of clothing the force would be incredible.
@@ember2200 It's not. Nunchucks have little kinetic force, any measure of padding will absorb the blows. A simple stick will fair far better.
@@infini_ryu9461 well I can't believe you. A stick has the force that you apply from your arms, nunchucks have that force and a whiplash effect due to the separation between the two sticks. Assuming they are of the same material and similar weight, simple physics applied, nunchucks have more potential
@@ember2200 Wrong. They do not have a "whiplash" effect, the nunchuck hits it's target and because there is no weight or rigidity behind it, it does not follow through all that much. It relies on the weight of the stick but not the human body behind it.
Nunchucks do not have anywhere near the kinetic impact, nor control, of a simple stick. Being able to put your weight behind a bludgeoning force is everything.
I heard these were named because a dude named Charlie was attacked by someone he knew. He pulled these out and started swinging them around and said "how much of this do you want?" His attacker said, "None, Chuck."
Beautiful pun
I've seen them used in a street fight. It was brutal. Guy ended up with a knot on his head and a broken finger. I will say that he was offset by the fast movement of the chucks. He walked away wanting nothing more do to with it.
Who are you talking about the person using a nunchucks or the one who is fighting the person using the nunchucks?
I dont know why people say you hit yourselves with nunchuks because ive used them for a few yrs and have never hit myself with it from day 1 even when swinging in full force with body weight....My uncle had used it with his friend when he was young and chased 20 attackere away...he hid it in a magazine behind his bicyle and caught them by surprise smashing many of them in the process...i dont know the logic or physics behind Shadiversitys video, but i think he did it for Seeking Attention and Clickbait....Indians use Full fall through swings when using the lathi so i think that practice would have helped.
I keep my EDC nunchucks strapped to my forearm in case someone tries to catch me lackin
Just one forearm? Come on, brah.
@@bluedogguy lost the other arm when I brought nunchucks to a cold rolled steel mall bought katana fight
In a lot of places it is banned for being a strangulation tool, but padded nunchakes with the same chain/rope of the same length are not strangulation tools, but hey people who make weapon laws don't know things about weapons.
Really? I didn't know that was the reason.
@@VincentMMALife jazeker, heel veel knuppels zijn categorie 4 in Nederland maar pas op hoor je kan wurgen met de nunchaku zoals die ene bruce lee film, dus categorie 1 net als de hele gevaarlijke pepperspray waardoor je niet keer kan ademen. Alleen als sport instructeur is er een manier om nunchakus te hebben en dan op locatie. Ar-15, revolvers en hand guns zijn minder streng in Nederland, die zijn categorie 3
@@VincentMMALife Zwaarden zijn er voor de sier en als cultureel iets, maar nunchakus die versierd zijn met Chineze tekens zijn niet voor de sier en het is voor de Nederlanders niets cultureels, maar we hebben ook immigranten waarvoor het wel iets betekent en zo levensgevaarlijk zijn deze dingen niet...
@@proforce1497 Dat wist ik, alleen ik wist het niet over de nunchakus. Nederlandse wapenwetten zijn sowieso veel te streng naar mijn mening. Niet eens pepperspray is legaal. Zelfverdediging is bijna een misdaad hier.
@@VincentMMALife op heel het west Europese vaste land buiten Scandinavië en Benelux kan je pepperspray hebben(sommige landen hebben een regel voor hoeveel in 1 busje kunnen) en daar gaat het gewoon goed, misschien zien we ooit verandering
I'm pretty sure they were effective coz its pretty discombobulating to face a dude who really knows how to use those. at the height of the whole kung fu craze in 70's Manila, fraternity and gang wars saw more than a few rumbles with these in their arsenal. lots of broken bones out there according to my dad.
Oliver Buenaflor * * * * * EXACTLY = The whole world was Kung Fu Fighting in the 70's especially the gangs.... I seen the same thing in Miami Florida !
Paul D'
@@PunchProfessor - True, and almost every mop and broom in the neighborhood seemed to have disappeared. A few days or a week later you see numerous guys showing up at school with bruises on their head, arm and legs as a result of their homemade Bruce Lee stick.
Oh talaga? Mga fraternity noon gumagamit ng chako sa mga rambol Nila?
Maybe they served more as a threatening weapon and for this they are very suitable: flashy, intimidating, unpredictable to untrained opponents.
Intended for Broken Bones and bruised limbs, but nothing too lethal. Dead man pay no debt.
(And yeah, thats totally my prejudice of gang dynamics talking)
Really strange that supposedly GARBAGE weapons make broken bones.
Someone said that for criminal use cricket bat is best because it has broad side you use when reminding impolitely about debts and narrow edge when you simply take your financial loss and show your displeasure about it.
I used to manage a restaurant. We had an employee with a meth addiction. He had been clean for a couple of years, but when his brother got out of prison he relapsed.
He was the manager when I started. When he started becoming unreliable, I was given his spot.
In one of his many psychotic episodes, he was convinced that I had conspired against him to take his job. I didn't. I hate those types of people.
Anyway, one night he was waiting outside for me with his nunchucks.
I didn't want to hurt him, he was in pretty bad shape.
He started to come at me, but never really committed. I was backing up to get in my jeep. He was cussing me and whatnot.
Well I had a wooden boat paddle strapped to the roof rack on my jeep. I didn't want blood on me for obvious reasons. I grabbed the paddle to create distance if needed.
At that point he attacked. I instinctive stuck out the paddle, and his nunchucks sort of wrapped around and cought him in the chin. It split his chin open.
We both started laughing. I went inside and got home some peroxide and towels. I really didn't want him to be bleeding in my Jeep, but I felt bad. I just warned him not to drip a single drop, or I was getting the paddle back out (jokingly).
I drove him to the hospital and we had a good talk about what was going on, and he accepted it.
That wasn't the last psychotic episode, but it was the funniest.
The owner felt bad for him (and he owed the owner money), so he was never fired. He was a great guy when he wasn't on drugs.
He died of a heart attack about five years ago, surrounded by shady people.
Don't do drugs folks.
RIP Catdaddy. You were crazy, but you are missed.
Your tale tells of inept user. Nothing more and nothing less.
@@vksasdgaming9472 it's more of a testament to how damaging these things actually are even when used by a drug user.
@@TallicaMan1986 Judging by story you told it might have been some kind chainlock or something else with longer chain than nunchaku. Of course written record does not tell things like distance and angle.
@@vksasdgaming9472 I didn't tell it, but any time I've seen someone play around with nunchuk they get hurt. Now imagine someone actually trying to hurt you.
@@TallicaMan1986 Blunt force trauma at receiving and lots of it.
I wasn’t expecting Icy Mike, Seth, and Jessie all in the same video…what I treat.
I'm an expert with these things and in my view they are pretty inadequate as a weapon but great for fitness if you use them for any length of time (its a bit like skipping but focused on the upper body). Using two at a time is great for co ordination too (don't try using two until you are expert unless you like a sore head).
Most folks would disengage after a good wack on the hand or arm with a chuck!!
@@tesmith47 I'm sure that's true but it rather assumes they are readily at hand, so to speak. I'd be more inclined to use my elbows and knees, to be honest.
you say you're an expert and still call it inadequate? I don't think you've ever fought for your life with the nunchucks. I can really tell you that when you're risking your life there couldn't be a better weapon. I personally combine this art with the boxing stop and on the street it has saved me on more than one occasion from don't get stabbed at night.
@@hache6338 You're some kid aren't you?I'm guessing in the US? So here's a little caution for you. In many US states they are illegal, especially when on the street. Ironically more so than guns. Now go outside and play and stop pestering the adults.
@@williamsmith3169 1. I'm 25 years old
2. I'm chilean, in Latinoamérica u fight or die , no doubt about that
3. Ur probably the american kid that says its an expert on this art lol
I agree to an extent. I used to have nunchuks my mate's brother made which were shorter but were aluminium shafts stuffed full of lead sinkers (fishing sinkers) and they hit HARD due to the weight. If you get a heavier harder wood or use those epoxy resin ones you are going to hit a lot harder with them than a lot of the standard shitty wooden ones or the foam wrap handle varieties. Make some out of heavy gauge rebar then try smacking stuff with them.
They really are not, someone with a knife can just rush you, take a hit*, and stab you
You end up in a hospital or dead. Opponent leaves slightly bruised
*(that is if you manage to hit your opponent with the 1/4th of the weapon that can actually do some sort of damage)
Or if someone pulls some "chucks" on you, you could just pick up a stick off of the ground and BOOM your attacker is outgunned.
@@burnaboy8434 or take out a gun and then out gun them that way
@@maybach5787 "parry this you filthy casual"
@@francescoleoci7685 jokes on you, im not a casual
Or someone with a stick with similar length
Nunchaku can be very effective there's a flashy way to use them and a more practical way, material also matters.
I personally know a guy who had a pair of these and some guy came at him, he swung the chucks down low hitting the side of his knee. His knee bended in and folded, dropped like a stone and the fight was over.
We used to playfight with foam ones and hit each other legs with them and it did the same thing, but without breaking anything.
Comedy hour with Hard2hurt! I’m here for it
I swear to god, one of his future videos are gonna tell us “Here’s why using weapons in a street fight is impractical”
Especially for legal reasons.
As we all know, if you learn dance with story behind it, like karate or kung-fu you will gain ability to shoot Kamehameha and to block bullets with your eyes.
@@jackb.207 That also applies to stick and boxing.
No joke though, the steel telescopic ones are on a whole different level.
The people that say the weapon is garbage clearly don't know how to swing them properly. I've split the realistic jell dummy's head (and it's supposed to be like an actual human skull) very easily with one swing and barely any effort.
Ever since I heard about lock in a sock I have thought differently about nunchucks. If people legit use the thing it must have some merit.
by your logic, that would mean that "magic" crystals are a legitimate cure for cancer.
@@piratebobb900 Do people legit use crystals though? Or do they try and fail?
@@Marco-ge5kl oh no, there are legitimately people who use crystals to "cure" cancer, I never said it actually worked.
@@piratebobb900 well, lock in a sock has been used with some real effectiveness. It's not the same as crystals. One has been shown to be legit in its application and the other is the opposite. Of course it's not a WMD but it is something.
@@Marco-ge5kl oh that's not the part I'm saying doesn't actually work in combat, I was referring to the nunchucks as shit weapons.
I've always kept my nunchucks in the car, just in case. I know enough to look like I know what im actually doing and not hit myself in the nuts, plus I figure if i had to twirl them around a bit that would intimidate the hell outta someone! They are a fun tool to train with though for sure.
I wonder how many times you hit yourself in the nuts before you learn how to proper use the nunchucks XD
@@BreRaffa10 Quite a few, with training chucks back in the day, lol!
a guy bold enough to whip out some chucks, will make you 2nd guess what's happening
@@Philth_E I've never hit myself in the nuts, back of the head with some flashy shit I'd never use though
@@Xannyphantom905 My thoughts exactly!
My dad taught me this trick of concealing the nunchucks using the sleeves of a shirt/jacket. This trick is used in the Yakuza (not the game) for the defensive purpose.
I carry mine on the inside of my leather jacket. Fully concealable. Respect to you and your dad.
I thought I'd made that up, but I suppose the odds were that somebody else thought of it first. It's also cool because you can slide them out partially for a punch that hits harder than a normal fist, before fully deploying them.
Let me inform you, if you take a powerful strike on any part of your face, arm , neck, head, this fight is over. Nun chucks strike with velocity and do tremendous damage on the human body.
7:02 "And this is not terrible. I mean like... This sucks for you..." I died there 😆
So i found this channel today and what i learned so far is that a expandable baton is not self defense tool but a weapon.
And that the best self defense tool is a gun.
Got it.
Jesse clears up more martial arts weapons myths in his latest video.:видео.html
Check out the Clinch Pick from Shivworks/Warrior Poet Society. You can get a trainer version of it with the real knife, and make videos with the trainer. Also, there is a video explaining the design of the knife, and how it's intended to be used on Warrior Poet Society's RUclips channel.
Hey mike how about those mokey fist keychain thingy. Are they practical?
@@liamflanagan490 saw that, one thing i didnt like is that the guy talks like he invented that knife while it s an old philippines knife concept called pikal, the idea was having a clawlike knife. the handle shape is intresting but 100 dollars for sandvik steel is overpricing at his finest, sandvik has a price range of 20 30 dollars, then u easily find D2, then cpm154, s30v.... for that money you can buy m390 steel knives thats one of the highest steel u can find. the sheat is kydex and thats cheap, so u spend 100 dollars for an unoriginal idea and the craftsmanship which i know nothing about.
You can use the chain to block a attack as well. For example you swing it around someons wrist grab the other end and controlle one arm you can also do this to the leg by getting in the knee. You can just swing it at there fist every time they attack displacing it. This would be a good way of defending yourself if you have enough space if your able to keep a distance. I'm personaly a bigger fan of the chinees nunchuks big brother the sanjiegun, or 3 sectional staff. These things are very long 2 handed nunchuks with 3 sections of wood and 2 chains inbetween. You can use the ends to fight with it like there batons. You can crack it at a enemy like a whip. You can hold one end and the middel and just flail with it. You can just keep one end folded and that basicly leaves you with a nunchuk. Those things do a lot more damages, I have seen it almost litterly cut through watermeloens as in the blow was so strong that it past through it like a cut from a blade. Those things are just as easy to carry as nunchuks, only bit harder to use but maby a little to extreem for selfdefence. If I made spelling mistakes I have dyslecia I can't help it.
The character came to life!!
@IcyMikeP You should do ALL the TMNT weapons aka.. Sai, Staff, Sword. That would make a great set of videos I think at least for the kids that watch.
Personally, I carry a tactical three-section staff for self defense.
They are a great training tool. If you do a half hour of full speed nunchuck drills a few times a week you will be shredded, they work your muscles at angles a lot of people don't always get to at the gym. As far as grappling with them, don't underestimate that stuff, it's not just the leverage it's the pressure applied by the entanglement. If someone catches you right it feels like your limb or neck is caught in an industrial clamp or vice. Instead of a scenario of fighting someone that only practiced katas all day, think of fighting someone that already is a well rounded fighter but also decent with 'chuks, that fight would be over quickly and painfully.
Ever seen the blooper reel of Bruce Lee whacking himself with them while filming Game Of Death? He looked like it hurt, but didn't want to let on.
No, not seen that one but I have seen the video of Bruce playing table tennis using his nunchaku for a paddle and beating doubles using paddles.
@@nigelbeckett8994 Everybody knows that one is fake, but I have heard that someone did not know it and went to do it for real. He couldn't play table tennis, but could hit those balls.
4:00 I like how dramatically Seth flies backward 😂
Where I'm from in NY, I used too train in TKD and for me since I was on the demo team, I was on the demo team for my gifts of adherence to the craft. The weapon I was trained with was the nun chucks. I can verify from a self defense stand point that this weapon in the right person's hands can drop a dumbest aggro attacker
the fact is to maintain a proper distance between you and your enemy using nunchaku range .
I recommend holding them in two-hands over the shoulder. Attacker doesn't know if the nunchaku is coming down overhead, or coming up underneath. Playing "tag" with foam chucks provides these little insights.
Yay for Hayden!
I agree that they are not as bad as people often picture them, and I also agree that you have to have wrestling and empty hand training to back the nunchaku up in case the oponent gets too close.
But, part of being good with a nunchaku is having good footwork, you want to keep moving sideways and backwards if someone is rushing you, while you unleash as much damage as you can to his arms/hands and head I posible.
If by the time you get to wrestle you hit his hands, arms and or head at least two or three times you got good use out of it.
Wooden or metal nunchuks mess shit up, we spar with homemade PVC pipes covered with soft material and they can't be bigger than 20mm or else you are hurting people. I don't agree that you can tank more than a few hits without taking significant damage.
Yes and on my earlier comment I should have specified the need for real unarmed training first. We never learn weapons until we are "semi adequate" with our natural weapons
Uh... You seem to have responded to the wrong comment bud.
Also, I don't really think you need to be skilled in unarmed combat to be a good armed combatant, it does make you more complete though
We need polearms for self defence after this and the shield video. Or at least home defence, I don’t see myself carrying a halberd around
Shad: I'm about to end this man's whole career.
More like: I'm about to end myself for good.
@@vksasdgaming9472 don't end yourself man ... just learn not to attack content creators just because you don't like them, it is petty ;) Also, shad = 100% right that any weapon outclasses impotent stick >.>
@@Morrodin182 Indeed stick is utterly useless when compared to its evolved forms. Sad reality utterly above your feeble comprehension, simp.
Make them out of solid steel :)
The relevant question is, would you ever deliberately pick nunchuks over other weapons? It's clearly better than unarmed. But the question is, if we compare it to something that's equally innocuous, equally large, equally expensive, would you ever actually choose the nunchuks while foregoing that thing?
I've seen nunchucks used in two street fights twice, once effectively and once complete ineffectively. The ineffective time was when I was about 14 and another kid I had been having troubles with attacked me with a set. He opened with a ridiculously slow overhand swing that I was actually able to catch because it was so slow and things went downhill for him from there. The effective time was at a party years later when two guys got into a fight and a third person, who was doing security for the party, blindsided the instigator and cracked him in the back of the head. Dude never even saw it coming, and it ended them fight instantly. Add far as I know there was no permanent injury, though the guy hit by the nunchucks did take a trip to the emergency room with a likely concussion and possibly needing a couple stitches.
I call BS
You can blindside a person with a dry loaf of bread and it would be effective
@@mattyp7582 like Your Imaginary dad named Shad
Nunchucks fall into the "just because they did it doesn't mean it was a good idea" I have seen a ton of testing done and you are generally better off with a good solid stick. The biggest problem with nunchucks vs a stick is it doesn't have the weight or length to take advantage of centrifugal force in a meaningful way and to use nunchucks effectively requires I high level of skill to get the same results as someone with a small amount of skill and a stick. Shadiversity recently did testing with nunchucks and he could knock down a training dummy with the stick but couldn't knock down the same dummy with nunchucks because the cord absorbs a lot of force. TLDR nunchucks look cool but are a shit weapon.
Actually "test" you refer to is only one around and performed to produce misleading results. That means it is useless garbage except as proof of dishonest method of research. I'm certain you also know .22LR as harmless because it delivers about as much power than a kick does.
@@vksasdgaming9472 just because something can be used as a weapon doesn't mean it is the best option. Nunchucks require a very high skill level to be as effective as a basic club. I am generally of the mentality that if it needs a very high skill level to get the same results it is a poor choice, the same argument can be said for the .22lr it can be effective but if you didn't know it is 5 times less likely to incapacitate an attacker than 9mm Lugar, so yes it is also a poor choice of weapon because it CAN get the same results but requires much or skill (or luck) to get that result. If your a nunchucks master do what you want but for anyone who is not going to spend years to master them they are ineffective.
@@keldon_champion "just because something can be used as a weapon doesn't mean it is the best option. "
Irrelevant matter.
"Nunchucks require a very high skill level to be as effective as a basic club. "
Wrong. If that was the case it would never have been adopted by anyone.
"I am generally of the mentality that if it needs a very high skill level to get the same results it is a poor choice"
And of course everything is known before testing and learning too.
"the same argument can be said for the .22lr it can be effective but if you didn't know it is 5 times less likely to incapacitate an attacker than 9mm Lugar, so yes it is also a poor choice of weapon because it CAN get the same results but requires much or skill (or luck) to get that result. "
More people have been killed with .22LR than 9mm I don't think anything is as incapacitated than corpse is.
"If your a nunchucks master do what you want but for anyone who is not going to spend years to master them they are ineffective."
You obviously know nothing about them.
@@vksasdgaming9472 ok ill address this line by line.
just because something can be used as a weapon doesn't mean it is the best option. "
"Irrelevant matter."
How is that irrelevant, I am saying it is a shit weapon and I think the fact that better options are more readily available has marrit.
"Wrong. If that was the case it would never have been adopted by anyone."
They have never been mass used for anything but recreational martial arts, never a weapon of war and their use as a weapon pre-Okinawan karate is unclear at best.
"And of course everything is known before testing and learning too."
You didn't really address my point.
"More people have been killed with .22LR than 9mm I don't think anything is as incapacitated than corpse is."
More people are killed per year with a claw hammer than all firearms combind, that dosen't change its effectiveness. FBI crime statistics show .22lr as 5 times less likely to incapacite than larger calibers (.32 ACP and up), the only reasons it has higher overall numbers are 1) it has been in wide use for nearly 140 years (few cartridges can say that) and 2) the associated firearms are small and convenient to carry. However my original argument that just because it has been done dosen't make it the best option still applies.
"You obviously know nothing about them."
You didn't really contest my point you just made a feble argument from authority. No I am not a master of nunchucks, but they still have never been widely adopted as a weapon for a reason, you probably wont like this but they are mostly just used for recreational martial arts and by people who take Bruce Lee movies too seriously.
@@keldon_champion Brendan Conley
Brendan Conley
5 minuuttia sitten
@VK's ASDgaming
"How is that irrelevant, I am saying it is a shit weapon and I think the fact that better options are more readily available has marrit. "
It has no bearing on matter. That makes it irrelevant.
"They have never been mass used for anything but recreational martial arts, never a weapon of war and their use as a weapon pre-Okinawan karate is unclear at best. "
Massive ignorance by ignorant stupid who does not even bother to use Google to check his claims. Tell me why several police departments in US use it? Don't ramble about deliberate weakening to make things sporty?
"You didn't really address my point. "
I did. You are simple wrong as you cannot prove anything.
"More people are killed per year with a claw hammer than all firearms combind, that dosen't change its effectiveness. "
Claw hammers are easier to buy than nunchakus are. Doesn't remove the fact nunchalu is clearly a superior when compared to claw hammer.
So you say .22LR is useless as people are killed with them? I guess dead is not incapacitated enough then.
"You didn't really contest my point you just made a feble argument from authority. "
If physical fact is stated it is not appealing to authority.
"No I am not a master of nunchucks, but they still have never been widely adopted as a weapon for a reason"
Which is lack of knowledge about their effectiveness.
"you probably wont like this but they are mostly just used for recreational martial arts "
Did you know that swords are just used for recreational martial arts? That means they are utterly useless and stupid as well. Ineffective trash stupid people chose because they were stupid. Spears are useless trash as they are used even less. Not to mention bows or slings.
"and by people who take Bruce Lee movies too seriously. "
Indeed you do.
Having practiced with nunchucks, I can confirm that they are very fun to play with :D. That's the main reason that I practiced with them.
That said, I thought that they would be more practical than most people give them credit for because they are surprisingly long, especially when you consider how small of a package they fold over into. You could conceivably carry nunchucks around with you for self defense, and they wouldn't be overly bulky or long, but they give you a lot of extra reach.
Many say in close fight they are useless,but,actually you can use them as a bat,punch to push them away with a part where you hold and then spin and hit,if you know how to use and suprise,they can be very deadly.
people really like to forget that even nunchucks have its own compromises in different situations
LPD used them in 25 years ago. They were square, made of some thermo plastic and had a really short cord. The community officer that showed them to me in "the hood" called them comealongs and used a nonlethal grip on my wrist. Not only did the joint manipulation he was doing hurt, but if he squeezed "nutcracker" style my limp had pain too.
I think they hurt a lot more than a “stick” because of the swinging action and if you took one to the forearm or shin that would hurt like hell if it was a proper swing. I think they definitely are a big advantage because it looks so much faster with all the swinging actions to react to and if you keep your distance using the nunchaku range as an advantage it would be very affective in a real fight.
Some nunchucks went around that problem and made them octagonal or hexagonal so that the impact would be on a point more so
Why do you think they would hurt more than a stick ? I practice Eskrima and I can assure you the force of a rattan stick strike is guaranteed to break any bone in your body easily and far more accurately than with a nunchuk.
You should be using a proper horseman's flail for great damage. Something medieval.
@@alancatton3288 the chain adds momentum if you were to lightly swing at a wall with a stick I doubt anything would happen but If you lightly swing a nunchaku at a wall it would for sure leave a dent just because of the momentum form the movement itself. Eskrima is still good tho and definitely more accurate if u dont know what ur doing with a nunchaku
Kali is the most practical weapon because you can use it any time and use any thing that has similar lenght and size. Nunchuck is great for counter nunchuck attack speed is incredible and it is almost unblockable. But nunchuck is not easily to control improper hold and swing can deliver damage to the user. But what good nunchuck is it is more easy to carry than a stick. About damage i think kali stick can bring more damage than nunchuck for the reason the user can use full swing at it with out fear of getting hit by it while nunchuck there always fear of using full swing at it because of the recoil. Best use of nunchuck is not swinging but by flicker it, the damage is not great but it is enough to make your opponent stop or re think of attacking and hurt him more with the series of flicker attack. Remember nunchuck cannot help block any attack but it is great in countering any attack. You can hit them before their attack reach you.
Carry weapons that aren’t “weapons”, ie a length of chain with a bike lock, a hammer, linoleum cutter, whatever.
John Taylor, a cane. But know how to use it.
A friends dad seen us throwing knives when we where kids and asked what are you more likely to find in an ally a ninja star a knife? Or a screw driver maybe a nail something like that. But throwing your only weapon may not be so smart lol
Sticks and stones are may break my bones, but a nunchuck won't.
But damm they hurt
If it hurts, it breaks as well.
I love Icy Mike, always a great mixture of practical, modern, and silly self defense info. With a hint of traditional.
They are a good defensive weapon. 1st strike weapon for sure. They will break a forearm bone. Ive used them since i was a child. I would not grab them as my 1st choice but its in the top 10. I believe the person who is trained with them brings a weapon that likely wont be used against him. What are the odds the bad guy is also highly skilled with chucks. You look like you can handle them very well.
Hi from Shad too, just wanna put it out there... Don't think anyone ever said they were used to harvest rice. :'D How do you harvest anything with beating it with whatever? :D Flails were used to peel the grains, not harvest the crops... And yes, asians did peel rice with nunchucks, also used it as a "noise making device" and as "headgear for horses". In desperate situation you can even use your tv remote as a weapon, so i guess we can safely say that a chair had been used as a weapon in most cultures and ages in history? If you "graze" your target with nunchucks as shown here it won't bounce back and hit you but nobody can prove to me that you will always strike perfectly in actual fight. It's bound to bite you back sooner or later. Sure it works as a weapon but it shouldn't be anyone's first choice.
Where i come from, a place in the middle of europe we have something similar to peel grain...better said we had. These thigs where huge, like the part you grip was about 1,5m long and the part to beat the grain was about 1m long. It was used as a weapon in the farmers uprise and it actually was quite effective..maube because they used iron to reeinforce it or something, but damn, nunchucks are so small compared with these (and i do not even know the name of them) we have 3 pieces of them and every time i see them i simply ask myself how much damage these would to really to a human
@@refrigerant1245 youre searching for the word flail. andeffective is debateable. as shad said they are still better than nothing but if you had better things available youd of course use those.
@@refrigerant1245 Hey, i am from Czech Republic. Hussites used them, in English you just call it flail. In czech we have name for the tool that is "cep" and we have different name for a flail with spiky ball at the end which is "řemdih". With our flail there is simply very little possibility to hurt yourself because the handle is so long, altho they did hurt their allies with them and are still considered quite dangerous. It was peasant uprising, just as you said and everyone already had it at home as opose to any real weapon and that is the reason they used them :)
@@CzechGagi yes, also they couldn't afford real weapons obviously.
In my country (austria) we call them "Dresche" in singular or "Korndresche" and if it is flail in english, okay, i associate flail with something different ^^'
Im currently watching this in the toilet right now
Agreed.I like that they're compact and control can certainly be learned, I just think they're not going to do enough damage against a determined attacker. A floppy weapon just isn't going to transfer as much energy as a stiff weapon.
Every weapon must do compromises or has limitations set by outside influence. Nunchaku doesn't deliver as much energy as equally long and thick stick, but it still delivers more than enough to really make receivers day worse. Or last if you use sturdy piece of wood. It is also faster
This man hit himself in the groin with the nunchucks and it was making a knock sound this man has balls of steel
Former nunchuck specialist, want to use it with the least movement possible and more for countering or overwhelming offense, not inbetween. Not meant for toe to toe, but to cripple and get away. Much tougher to block or react to and the only weapon I would have a problem with was a long staff. Would even embarrass sword sparing partners. I used 1 chuck with a high grip for speed.