Lowko when casting a pro game: "What happened there!? Let me rewind, I didn't see. How did all those units die?!" Lowko when casting viewer game: "... and there's a little pylon under the warp prism. Look! It pops down when it siedges! Isn't that cute?!~~~"
Whenever you start with a weirdly abandoned base in campaign missions that hasn't been finished off like a dark shrine with 2 pylons and you think to yourself "WTF, who thinks of that?" Those guys in the last game: "Hold my beer" :D
Lowko your rants and mild aneurysms are actually quite funny with these viewer submitteds. With the pro games we see so very little deviation in game play I mean hell being able to say the precise time an upgrade or building goes up and it happens is... yeah seen it once seen it all but these... viewer submitted games, the utter uncontrolled chaos where anything goes and hearing you error 404 out is pure comedy, we definitely want more of this
"A Zerg player that is trying to be unbiased" is the reason why Lowko is the best and most unbiased commentator on the web. The ability to acknowledge your bias while trying to be unbiased is what being unbiased actually is; when people refuse to admit they have a potential bias, it is when they are the most biased and closed-minded. This is why I watch Lowko exclusively.
Seriously I’m scream make another base or atleast make another star port and burn some money. Like I get it sometimes you forget but atleast Que up multiple army units
@@cuddles4860 I calmed down since hours now because it was so frustrating to watch and i wasn't even rooting for him since he pulled the cannon rush, but i think his mind just gave up when the carrier was destroyed, the corosive bile shot made him panic when it wasn't necessary and he wasn't patient enough to just pull his army back to the zerg natural and just sit down while recovering the shield. hence he gave the opportunity to the zerg to just break free, and at that moment he was like "OMG what do i do? what do i do?!" It seems evident to me that this player doesn't know how to play the game when the enemy player doesn't move the way he like it, so when it come to a zerg, it's just a nightmare for this guy to see the creep spread everywhere (and i mean yeah for goods reasons but still...).
This is why I like lower level games. You never know what exactly is going to happen and you also bump into some very unique builds you otherwise would never see
A beginner can copy a pro build and appear competent, at first, but once the plan goes off the rails, even slightly, their complete lack of skill and inability to adapt becomes very apparent.
So, i am PlayZ, and i was not expecting the cannon rush that was to come. I had a lot of fun playing the game and thought that would be one i could send you. I wasn't really expecting it to be castet but i am so happy you did! :D. While starting to play the game i was so annoyed of another cannon rush. It sucks to see this over and over. and then i saw the flying units,.. that was diffrent. Had a hard time, but i guess luck was on my side. When playing this one, i was at Gold1 or Plat3 or something. I constantly got Plat players in Silver and Gold and was getting some diamont even. I really wish there would be a function holding people from smurfing. I really didn't know what to do agains all of this and microed my hearth out. I hope you noticed xDDD. As he was a barcode i directly was thinking of a cannon rusher lol xD Anyways, have a great day! I know i am late to the video :3
Man, i thought the way that first game was gonna end was Probeus Maximus getting the spawning pool, only to die to broodlings. Not sure if Im relieved or disappointed it ended before that happened.
@@robintoman4386 i neither did, and i was the Zerg. I just tryed my best in this weird ass position. I never played agains a cannon rush with tempest follow up, so i had to figure it out and somehow with some micro and some luck i ended up winning
Ya know, its funny you bring up how Protoss haven't figured out doors. In the Terran campaign, the automated Refinery uses low-power Protoss warp technology to teleport the refined Vespene to the Command Center, and the in-game lore on it from Stetmann has him actually wonder why the Protoss never thought of this. He chalks it up to either their lack of creativity to not think of it, or religious superstitions forbidding it.
The Protoss in the second game forgetting about recall and then forgetting about his prism was painful… the prism and four stalkers could have beaten what little bio the Terran had left after the basetrade
At 27:00 you can see they're initiating a recall, but Lowko misses it. It looks like they just recalled back a single DT and nothing else, as the supply doesn't change until Lowko notices and we see that DT die.
he did recall but it was bad, only one DT. couldve also just walled off to buy himself time or followed the command centers so they couldnt land/scan, theres so many things they couldve done
If you talk about the first game. I could look it up if you want xD. I am PlayZ. I was sad he didn't show the APM, it was the only thing i had fighting against the barcode empire
Enjoyed these games. Even with all the mistake. I learn a lot more from viewer submitted games than i do from pro games. Pro gamers just have better apm
thanks xD. I was cheering after this match against this barcode protoss. I surely could have done better tho, but ye it was a new situation i never had to deal with befor :)
"I have these Tempests; better not use them while I build more" Players so often don't keep sieging with these units, even when they're not in danger. See that even with Pro player; unutilized damage.
Protoss have gotten to a higher level and are biologically so different from humans, that they have no need for fire and wheels anymore, if they even used it in the first place.
This is what happens when people copy/paste 1 strategy and know not to do anything else. (A good chunk of the ladder) Combat probes could indeed have destroyed all zerg structures
😃The cheesing or rushing player always loses, it makes the games a bit predictable. It would be funny if you got trolled a bit more by the screener lol.
Lowko when casting a pro game: "What happened there!? Let me rewind, I didn't see. How did all those units die?!"
Lowko when casting viewer game: "... and there's a little pylon under the warp prism. Look! It pops down when it siedges! Isn't that cute?!~~~"
Whenever you start with a weirdly abandoned base in campaign missions that hasn't been finished off like a dark shrine with 2 pylons and you think to yourself "WTF, who thinks of that?"
Those guys in the last game: "Hold my beer" :D
I love it when you cast viewer games. You should really cast more of them
I laugh during the whole video
I hate it, its s annoying to see bad play
@@christofreichmuth skip it
@@christofreichmuth Nobody's forcing you to watch. I haven't watched his pro game casts in a long time, so I just don't engage with those videos.
I love how you could meta guess the conclusion of game 1. It was just starting to drag out too much to be worth submitting
I'm actually a protoss player, but in this game I'm definitely a fan of the zerg player. Well deserved, Mr. Barcode
Turns out barcode protected himself after all.. from pure unadulterated rage.
18:13 if he would have initiated a base trade with the combat probes and turn it around again, I would have lost it
Lowko your rants and mild aneurysms are actually quite funny with these viewer submitteds. With the pro games we see so very little deviation in game play I mean hell being able to say the precise time an upgrade or building goes up and it happens is... yeah seen it once seen it all but these... viewer submitted games, the utter uncontrolled chaos where anything goes and hearing you error 404 out is pure comedy, we definitely want more of this
Seizing defeat from the jaws of victory
despite the braincells that died watching these games I had to finish watching in morbid fascination
I've never said "WTF?" so many times in a video. This was insane. Nice pick Lowko.
"When ahead - get less ahead"
That was the best quote - I'm in plat so I probably do this quite a bit myself without even realizing it HAHAH
"A Zerg player that is trying to be unbiased" is the reason why Lowko is the best and most unbiased commentator on the web. The ability to acknowledge your bias while trying to be unbiased is what being unbiased actually is; when people refuse to admit they have a potential bias, it is when they are the most biased and closed-minded. This is why I watch Lowko exclusively.
Lowko, you are a beautiful soul and a talented man. Thank you for the content over the years.
For the sake of his dignity and the community's nerves, that bar code toss should just shut off starcraft 2 and never touch it ever again.
Seriously I’m scream make another base or atleast make another star port and burn some money. Like I get it sometimes you forget but atleast Que up multiple army units
That was super cringe
Agreed, he had the whole map by himself and decided that he doesn't need another base
Probably an idle player switching to one of the most active game you could play.
@@cuddles4860 I calmed down since hours now because it was so frustrating to watch and i wasn't even rooting for him since he pulled the cannon rush, but i think his mind just gave up when the carrier was destroyed, the corosive bile shot made him panic when it wasn't necessary and he wasn't patient enough to just pull his army back to the zerg natural and just sit down while recovering the shield. hence he gave the opportunity to the zerg to just break free, and at that moment he was like "OMG what do i do? what do i do?!"
It seems evident to me that this player doesn't know how to play the game when the enemy player doesn't move the way he like it, so when it come to a zerg, it's just a nightmare for this guy to see the creep spread everywhere (and i mean yeah for goods reasons but still...).
This is one of the most weird and glorious game I`ve ever seen in my SC history! Absolutely amazing!!!
21:30 Protoss don't need to discover the technology of the door, that's what the gateways are for!
I didn't expect to enjoy the first game either way but your casting made that genuinely hilarious. Great video!
A cannon rush player getting what he deserves (in a very shameful way) really made my day
thats why i submitted the game xD
Finally getting viewer submitted games biweekly again, we’ve been waiting years
Love seeing viewer games!
This is why I like lower level games. You never know what exactly is going to happen and you also bump into some very unique builds you otherwise would never see
Moral of the story: if you want to cheese, win, and humiliate your opponent at the same time, you better be Has.
21:51 "You think they invented fire? The wheel?"
All protoss units are either on legs or flying/hovering.
i haven't played SC2 in a long time and never ranked, but now i am tempted...
I really enjoy watching the chaos of these games. Not that I could do any better, but it's still fun to laugh about it.
A beginner can copy a pro build and appear competent, at first, but once the plan goes off the rails, even slightly, their complete lack of skill and inability to adapt becomes very apparent.
These viewer ones are so funny and a nice change of pace, I hope you continue doing them!
Who needs doors when you can WARP!
So, i am PlayZ, and i was not expecting the cannon rush that was to come. I had a lot of fun playing the game and thought that would be one i could send you. I wasn't really expecting it to be castet but i am so happy you did! :D.
While starting to play the game i was so annoyed of another cannon rush. It sucks to see this over and over. and then i saw the flying units,.. that was diffrent. Had a hard time, but i guess luck was on my side.
When playing this one, i was at Gold1 or Plat3 or something. I constantly got Plat players in Silver and Gold and was getting some diamont even. I really wish there would be a function holding people from smurfing.
I really didn't know what to do agains all of this and microed my hearth out. I hope you noticed xDDD. As he was a barcode i directly was thinking of a cannon rusher lol xD
Anyways, have a great day!
I know i am late to the video :3
Hey this Lowko fella is really entertaining to listen to. He should really consider casting Starcraft II matches or something....
both games had my protoss heart just screaming
nice, pleasure of being the first one :) thx a lot for a great (and smart) enterteinment :)
These videos are really lowko off racing
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite type of game on your channel!
I freaking love viewer games.
Man, i thought the way that first game was gonna end was Probeus Maximus getting the spawning pool, only to die to broodlings. Not sure if Im relieved or disappointed it ended before that happened.
I thought the utter guy would win.
The Protoss in the first game is what happens when a League of Legends player plays Starcraft2 for the first time.
on the topic of things protoss invented, one silly thing i heard while googling is "did protoss create the mineral fields?"
Finally, the viewer submitted games are back
how in hell are these 2 in plat ?! :O
My Silver ass does a better job spending my money xD
@@Jukantos I do not understand, why he didnt make another base :D
@@robintoman4386 i neither did, and i was the Zerg. I just tryed my best in this weird ass position. I never played agains a cannon rush with tempest follow up, so i had to figure it out and somehow with some micro and some luck i ended up winning
Ya know, its funny you bring up how Protoss haven't figured out doors. In the Terran campaign, the automated Refinery uses low-power Protoss warp technology to teleport the refined Vespene to the Command Center, and the in-game lore on it from Stetmann has him actually wonder why the Protoss never thought of this. He chalks it up to either their lack of creativity to not think of it, or religious superstitions forbidding it.
I have never seen a player so dedicated to getting his opponent units health to red but not killing them.
i love dark templars theyre just cool units
A masterclass of how to throw as a Protos.
I cheered when he began repairing the Orbital Command, but then he STOPPED.
Loko, the Gordon Ramsey of SC2 casting.
I cant believe that first protoss never expanded
2 loss of the same race in 1 episode should not be allowed, as a Protoss player this was double pain
Health bar on damaged units is not on?
Not Zerg bias. I am a protoss player, and cannon rushes deserve nothing but scorn and blame. It's why we cannot have nice things.
so funny, love these
This is really stressful to watch... Good god that first game
The Protoss in the second game forgetting about recall and then forgetting about his prism was painful… the prism and four stalkers could have beaten what little bio the Terran had left after the basetrade
At 27:00 you can see they're initiating a recall, but Lowko misses it. It looks like they just recalled back a single DT and nothing else, as the supply doesn't change until Lowko notices and we see that DT die.
he did recall but it was bad, only one DT. couldve also just walled off to buy himself time or followed the command centers so they couldnt land/scan, theres so many things they couldve done
If this is how Plat plays I should start playing again... I'd like to see the apm of the protoss... must have been about an average of 12
If you talk about the first game. I could look it up if you want xD. I am PlayZ.
I was sad he didn't show the APM, it was the only thing i had fighting against the barcode empire
@mido5126 while I am curious, I wouldn't devote much time to it if you've better things to do
What am I looking right now the amount of time I facepalm myself
Man i got some cool replays i would love to send lowko
very entertaining! love these viewer games (no i don't think i am better then most of them) XD
Enjoyed these games. Even with all the mistake. I learn a lot more from viewer submitted games than i do from pro games. Pro gamers just have better apm
Zerg deserved that victory against such a terrible Protoss.
thanks xD. I was cheering after this match against this barcode protoss. I surely could have done better tho, but ye it was a new situation i never had to deal with befor :)
Zealot sees a CC at like 100 health and only one SCV, decides to walk away. WHAT?!?! So many facepalms in this second game.
Omfg at game 1 how is that guy in that league !
these players r the reason why i tried sc2 in the first place.
that first game was impressive
As a silver league protoss, this hurt to watch
Stockfish AI is gonna scream at these games
It's a forge.
Because of course it is
7:50 devious voice crack
A barcode in platinum league 😂
Protoss are too "advanced" for doors, Lowko :D
Is this email to send the replays right?
it is
Viewer games are the best
First Toss could have built a nexus at every mineral spot and would have had the macro game on lock and held the line.
"I have these Tempests; better not use them while I build more"
Players so often don't keep sieging with these units, even when they're not in danger. See that even with Pro player; unutilized damage.
В первой игре протосс был настолько туп, что, даже, не фокусил атаку. Поэтому и проиграл.
Holy shit man that first game literally made me feel pain
Omg the second one did not help AT ALL LORRRRD
That was the most embarrassing loss I've ever seen
That protoss player in the last game... holy...cow... *facepalm*
Game 1 was so atrocious I was literally yelling at my screen, lol!
I think hes trolling. He had to be trying to lose or something.
When I was watching these games live on stream, I really thought Protoss was going to win the first one when the Tempests showed up. 😑
Protoss have gotten to a higher level and are biologically so different from humans, that they have no need for fire and wheels anymore, if they even used it in the first place.
yes! viewer submission
Before i watch anything this is Maxpax right? I thing so :D
Edit: welp i look like and idiot.
As the young uns say these days "that one dark templar was based."
Yeah yeah, one based dark templar.
Barcode should never touch a game again. Jesus christ
These two dead ovis are just pain in the heart of every zerg player.
i was to bussy at home. I noticed it to late. I was really not prepeared for the cannons and the tempest follow up. But yeah it hurted
Protoss in the video is epic fail. Wow. Can't believe these games.
Lokow please cast viewer games more often
I just watched almost all viewer games in ur playlist
This is literal junk food. Sooooo bad but can't get enough.
this first game was wtf moments .d
this is all a excuse to practice Ranking roulette
Crab beetle FTW
That was so painful to watch. There's no way these players are above Gold.
Stupid protos! Traps zerg on one base, and doesn't bother to build a second base. Zerg out-produces him!
This is what happens when people copy/paste 1 strategy and know not to do anything else. (A good chunk of the ladder)
Combat probes could indeed have destroyed all zerg structures
yeah i was lucky he didn't send them across
this one-trick-ponys are over gold? Hooooly sh....
Those were painful to watch. 😂
😃The cheesing or rushing player always loses, it makes the games a bit predictable. It would be funny if you got trolled a bit more by the screener lol.
haha that picture