I hate it when people say 'they're not metal' it's the most frustrating thing ever, there are so many genres of metal and not all of them have to growl through a song. To be honest I don't care what genre it is, if I like the band, I like the band.
People say they're not metal not because the singer isn't growling. They're saying it because of the actual music. It's called heavy metal, man. And Ghost, is just simply not heavy.
+Lilith R. No one ever sait Ghost are Heavy Metal, which is an umbrella term for the heavier sub genres within metal. Ghost is considered to be Doom Metal, like Black Sabbath and Candlemass. Doom Metal does not fall under the Heavy Metal umbrella.
+Erland Johansen Yeah, and Ghost is only considered doom metal by people who don't know what doom metal is. Listen to Burn in Hell by Reverend Bizarre, or Funeral of Your Mind by Electric Wizard, or Dreaming Out of Death by Saturnalia Temple, or so many fucking more, and compare them to any Ghost song. There is nothing similar. And, Black Sabbath and Candlemass are still heavier than Ghost, so I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. I bet you probably thing My Dying Bride is doom metal too, don't you.
Lilith R. Doom is a pretty broad subgenre, and most bands can't be placed under a single subgenre (Electric Wizard for instance have both Sludge and Stoner elements to their music). In reality the only people who care about exactly what sub genre a certain band belongs to are metal elitists. My point was that no one has claimed that Ghost is Heavy Metal (just like Black Sabbath isn't Heavy Metal), but that their muic is still considered Metal. And whatever views you might have on what is and isn't Metal doesn't change the fact that Ghost IS concidered to be Metal by the vast majority of Metal publications and general metalheads. And again, even that doesn't really matter. Ghost have even said in an interview that they're just making the music they want without thinking about whether somtheir music "Metal" or if it's something else. They don't give a shit what label we put on ther music, they just want us to enjoy it...
Edge Master Kerry came off as harsh, but in reality he wasn't harsh at all. He said he "loves the imagery, hates the music" I dunno why so many people flipped their shit over it. None of the members of Ghost found it offensive or anything, they respected him
Well, music is all about personal tastes. I like Ghost because of their musicality. I prefer clarity in vocals, melodic foundations, simple beats, soulful harmonies, and hooky riffs. Ghost has all that. I also like guitar solos. Ghost guitar solos are precise, melodic, and neatly done without overdoing anything, but sometimes I feel they should let loose on their solos more. Most importantly, when you hear Ghost you know it's Ghost.
I'm pretty sure that many of today's metalheads wouldn't consider old Black Sabbath albums metal, either, because there's no brutal riffing, no harsh vocals, etc, etc, etc. People get too hung up on labeling music, completely oblivious to the fact that the style label is not here for the fans primarily, but so that the music label (LABEL, get it?) can slap a label on a band and say "for the fans of yadda yadda", which in turn facilitates sales. Also, anybody remember 1988? You know, the year when Iron Maiden published Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, and most "true and cult" metalheads were like, "No friggin way, dewd, they got keyboards in their songs! Iron Maiden is no longer metal cuz they got keyboards! It's not real metal if it's got keeeeeyboooooaaaards!" Looking back, quite hilarious, that :)
WardahTheBlaqQ The crowd's hypocrisy, fuck them. Of course BS is the beginning of Metal so it can't be super-fast-brutal shit, but I love them. Not only because they are the precursors of Metal but because it has already all the elements of the genre (Dark undertone, saturated guitar, powerful drums...) they just went beyond 'classic' Rock n' Roll where it leads to Metal.
WardahTheBlaqQ And fuck the purists who thinks other instruments aren't Metal, just screw these guys. They're just as close-minded as someone listening to Mainstream pop these days. I don't walk around pointing Bands like 'that's not Metal !' I sincerely respect the work behind. I don't like Ghost because I find it boring but I respect what they do and the people who enjoy them, it's just not my kind of shit, that's all.
I bought "Paranoid" as a new release. People today don't realize that Boston was considered "metal" in it's day. I've been bitched at because I've referred to Sabbath as metal. I guess if you don't sound like you're gargling when you vocalize- I'm not going to call it singing- then you are old school marginalized
Most fans of extreme heavy music will say that Sabbath was the quintessential heavy metal band and the true progenitors of what is now considered metal. Artists from Fu Manchu and Sheavy to Cannibal Corpse and Nile most likely share this view. At the end of the day it either moves you or it doesn't. Those who say there's no brutal riffs in Sabbath should wash their mouths out with soap, btw.
Ghost didnt say they hate slayer. I think they're only comment was that they are still a fan of slayer and that their (Ghost's) music isn't for everybody. They were very mature about it
A lot of BS reasons to dislike them. That 70's hard rock, early classic metal sound is why I have really enjoyed them. The occult themes and stage show takes me back to when rock and metal were more theatrical as opposed to today's lack of showmanship. There was a time when showmanship was a virtue in live shows. The Blue Oyster Cult and Mercyful Fate vibes in their music are definitely there, but I hear some definitive original style as well. No matter what you want to label them, they are a homage to music of a better era.
I feel like most people who hate them have heard only seen photos, heard one song (Probably Secular Haze) and call them "carnival music" based off of one track. I don't really care though, they're brilliant songwriters and always put on a HELL of a show. Very humble and down to earth guys too that hang with the fans after shows.
+Lunablivion agreed, If I'm introducing someone to Ghost I have them listen to Pinnacle or Year Zero first, I think those are two of the strongest stand-alone tracks and it's easy to develop a fondness from there.
TheZman1978 No, only for the recent VIP meet and greets that take place before shows. I've met them several times after all the shows I've been to and they always come out a few hours after in their street clothes to talk and sign stuff.
I respect your opinions, I enjoy the band and that is all that matters. I do not agree with the people who want to hate a band because the band "brand" becomes successful.
Thank you, my philosophy in life is to live and let live when it comes to things that are trivial such as what someone else likes in music, or food. When I had kids growing up at home I would never convince them to try new foods that I enjoyed passed one or two attempts just meant more for me.
Kind of stupid. You either like the music or you don't. What's the point of hating on it? I don't particularly care for LadyGaGa's music, but I don't "hate" it or her for doing it. Ars gratia artis. Nobody forcing you to buy it.
If Ghost wasn't well known, people would love them. I feel like popularity should have been a reason. Many times do I hear people say "they are too mainstream" about bands, and it's stupid.
+Chloe Price that nearly made it. I read a lot of giggletards talking about how they're just mainstream darlings and will fade. I left it off because these same giggletards were in support of the petition to have Ghost stop as a band. It got website attention. They were mainstream for a few days. Their argument loses.
stand back, i think i'm going to vomit. anyone who thinks ghost is better than kiss should die for the sake of the gene pool. and i don't even like kiss.
I think that it's more complex than "it's not metal". People, especially nerds, like things that they can organize and classify. Ghost is a band that is difficult to classify because their music covers a few different genres. Papa sings about Satan, which is a very metal topic but in a very soft and melodic voice. I think there's a large portion of people that just automatically reject things that are difficult to classify.
VO DOOM I think you meant to direct your comment at yourself probably. I've got two daughters in college, played guitar for 20 years, got involved in band in Junior High School I can play brass instruments guitar bass drums what about you numbnut?
Ive never seen any hate for Ghost..this is the first im ever hearing about it. The only thing i dont like about them is they are a bit SJWy and talk politics they know nothing about . Other than that i dont see the hate.
I want to like Ghost..i really do...they do have their moments...and the retro guitar and over all analog sound is appealing..but i just do not really like them...it is not easy to explain
Shawn C. I completely understand what you say, I tried multiple times to like them. cuz I am extremely open minded and like similar stuff but there is some sorta level of boredom or uninspired feeling I get while listening.
Ghost is an incredible Doom Metal band. Fuck anyone that says they are not metal. See their very heavy live show, then try and say that. Great singing, melodies, memorable riffs and chorus, great clean and distorted tones, solid discography, and fun lyrics. Ghost are a great band.
+Ocean Sage Great singing? Not so much. The singers voice is nasal heavy and quite airy. Just look at Dio, that genius of a guy could sing high clean notes while pushing a lot of power and rasps at points. Dio was a great singer, Ghost's singer is not.
ragemaniac22 No one before you has made that statement. There is however a clear distinction between a Great Singer and a singer you enjoy. In order to be classified as a Great Singer you must use your voice in a musically versatile manner. It should sound Great in both acapella and together with other instruments while also utilizing the entire singing apparatus. If you like Ghost, good for you. I actually think the singer makes his voice somewhat monotonous, nasally and airy on purpose, but he needs to show off greater versatile skills in the way he uses his faucibus to be classified as a Great Singer.
Why do Ghost fans get so defensive when people say Ghost isn't metal? They play pop rock, and wearing makeup and pretending to be evil doesn't make them metal. That doesn't make them a bad band.
Syaiful Bahary Dunno why your comment is marked as spam, but I can't restore it for some reason. Nevertheless, Ghost seems like a band that either you like them, or you just pass by them. My metal buddies and I appreciate Ghost, because they make some pretty solid albums.
Your delivery is fantastic, for an unpolished video you have a great technique of speaking. I kinda think this channel is a diamond in the rough. I can't wait to check out more videos
Never understand the it's not metal argument, there's tons of msuic that's amazing that's not metal and there's tons of music that's metal that sucks. Being metal doesn't make you good automatically.
+JoRdOguitarman1 Most of the reasons why people say Ghost isn't true metal or some shit like that, is because there either not heavy enough or brutal enough to them. But most people have no problem with Tool being called metal even though their not super heavy or brutal as well.
+SuperNovaThomas exactly and I like both Ghost and Tool but I never considered them metal, I see them as a hard rock progressive band with psychedelic elements.
Grammy's don't always prove everything...you can be the most generic,and mediocre band ever,and you will likely get the best Metal performance which i don't understand why..Ghost is more Rock than Metal...
ghost is a fucking amazing band. Im old. very old. i grew up on the king diamonds, megadeth, ghost to me sounds like old alice cooper with a megadeth riff, maybe a little bloodrock. (if you don;t know bloodrock... you are useless)
Great video, but the comment about Kerry King couldn't be farther from the truth. Kerry said that he liked the getup of Ghost, but simply couldn't get into the music. Then in an interview, a Nameless Ghoul responded by simply saying that their music isn't for everyone and that it's good to be acknowledged by such a well known icon.
+MadTitan Productions Kerry King also said he loved the image, thought they were great guys to tour with and was happy they were getting the success they were getting because they were talented muscians. Not everyone likes Mozarts music but any honest person will state Mozart was talented and had an impact on the history of music and should be taught about.
and here I am saying FUCK LABELS!!! I was introduced to Ghost with their third album release and Not once did I think "who are these posers". I cannot name a single song on that album i dislike and neither can I say that for their first or second album, in fact it is safe to say Ghost is the first and only group I am happy with whatever they choose to release because to me it sounds good, AND THAT'S ALL THAT FUCKING COUNTS WITH MUSIC. That said if you are a fanboy to a genre that is your perogative but saying a band is bad simply due to a genre argument is fucking hopelessly pathetic.
nos llew-blaidd when I found Ghost I didn't even know they were "satanic" I saw them on a top 10, and not once did I think "what the hell is this". I made a mental note to check them out, and got hooked. Now one of my favourite bands, even though I've only really listened to their third album
To get this band, you have to have good taste in music and a love for mega talented musicians. Kerry King didn't say he hated them, and Ghost didn't say they hated Slayer. They both expressed mutual respect. Kerry said that their music wasn't his kind of metal. But he said that they are the nicest guys. Ghost is comprised of very sexy, dynamic, theatrical, hard-working, talented song writers and musicians. Good for them for not caring what naysayers spout. Go Papa and the Nameless Ghouls!
Good taste in music .....it's so trivial.....yes they can play better than alot of people... but.. are they doing anything original? ...no.. they copied all the greats .. not to say that nobody ever stole anything form the greats before them ...but ghost just literally stole all the highlights from so many other bands ..... if you had any "taste" in music you would realize this...
About the masks, they wanted to have some that looked like statues from the 1920's. That's their favorite era. They like History, literature and shit like that. Just saying...
That fact that they upset close minded metal heads that love to argue over whats metal and whats not makes me like them more. Kerry hates them? Well that makes me love them.
When I first heard of them I thought they were black metal lmao. But when I gave them a listen, I got a massive surprise, they weren't even heavier than Avenged Sevenfold (Which to be fair, they can actually get impressively heavy at times) And no they are not heavy metal. They are hard rock. (However, one of the best hard rock bands to come out recently) IN ADDITION: They don't say they aren't heavy metal because people aren't growling (Again Avenged Sevenfold for example), people say they aren't heavy metal because they dont have heavy guitars, heavy drumming, or deep bass guitar (Which you need to be heavy metal). They're hard rock. Blue Cheer covering Summertime Blues in 1968 is the "lightest" example of metal I could find, and they are heavier than Ghost BC.
Ghost and slipknot are no where near each other maybe the way they are dressed but still they have all the same masks except papa and slipknot they are all different]
Deus Culpa this is true, everything outside the suit from the neck up is latex, he even referenced it in a concert saying that he was showing off a bit too much of his ankles lol
I have all the Ghost albums and I just bought a ticket to their show here in Stockholm in April. However, I get a lot of the criticism and the first time I heard them I gave them about 20 seconds before I decided that this was not something I wanted to listen to. This was because: 1. What I heard was clearly a song without a proper guitar riff. In my mind, the riff is the foundation of a metal song. 2. The music was drenched in harmony keyboards. I loath the sound of it. 3. The vocals was pop vocals and not only that; the voice was weak even for singing pop. A few years passed and one day I was like "There's an awful lot of talk about Ghost. What is all this about? How can such a band be so popular?". I decided to just listen again to a song. The song I decided to listen to was 'Cirice'. This song had riffs. Great riffs. It also had a great guitar solo. The vocals (while not outstanding) was stronger than before and the melody was great. I then started listening to their other stuff and found more songs I liked. I started to realise that the band had their heart at the right place and that they really were paying tribute to heavy metal bands like Mercyful fate even though they clearly had other influences as well. I also found one quality that I think is sadly lacking in modern metal bands and that is the courage to actually use a sound that isn't trying to hard to be metal. In the 90's all old heavy metal bands found it necessary to down tune their guitars and use a lot of distortion (Judas Priest, Saxon, even Mötley crüe) and they never got away from that. I feel this could be a revival of an old school sound which I find very promising. However, I still feel that the vocals and keyboards are the weakest part of this band. I would actually get another singer if I managed the band but, as we know by now, the singer is most likely the main song writer and force behind the band. It is hard to see how he could be asked to take the back seat. Don't get me wrong here, it is not his style a can't stand. I just don't think he is a very good singer.
Me before hearing them live: this band is pretty good. Me after hearing them live: OMG they are fucking amazing. They literally sound 10x better live than they do on a studio track.
Slayers last good album was God Hates Us All. Skeleton Christ was meh, only real good song on there was Cult. Kerry is a good guitar player, but he's not what he was 20-30 years ago. Ghost is amazing. my favorite. Love them. have all their albums on vinyl, digital and have a ton of t-shirts. I love papas voice and the music itself isn't metal, it reminds me kind of old school Black Sabbath or Blue Oyster Cult. Hard rockish. It is Metal in its own way tho. some of the songs are pretty hard, even if papas voice is very calm rather than screaming like a lot of people are so use to now a days.
+Goregy it's wasn't even that the music was bad or that they weren't metal, it was just that I thought it was going to be mind blowing since there was so much hype. I guess ghost isn't the type of band for me hahahha
+Daniel Bastidas for sure blue öyster. like this guy mentioned. but them having soft vocals just brings their message way better ;) just explore the genre satanic metal etc black metal etc
Seeing Ghost in a few weeks! Can't fucking wait for it. Along with having well put together intelligent/dynamic songs, they also put on a good show along with it.
I like Ghost for the reasons people allegedly hate them, though I don't quite get the Blue Oyster Cult connection. I think they are consistently better than BOC. Actually they remind me a lot of a heavy prog outfit called Phideaux, well worth checking out. Whatever genre you call them, Ghost's catchy song writing and tight performances are matched by few other bands today.
Alienart The first time I heard them, I instantly thought of BOC. The vocals are especially similar in certain songs. You're obviously welcome to your opinion, but I definitely hear the BOC sound with their music.
Wow, almost all of the reasons why people hate Ghost(per this video) are reasons I like the band. Hmmmm, I must be doing something right then. Right? Haha
I have listened to Heavy Metal and rock and roll my entire life. I do not like Ghost because they sound like Panic! At the Disco and look like Slipknot killed itself, Stole Jason Popson from Mushroomhead and said "Let's just keep it simple guys, We will still sell records!" And they all just kinda said "Ok, yeah, simple good yeah!" I'm sorry you feel sick whining about a band that is a bunch of soft serve ice cream sounding Emogoth kids trying to make money being simple! That my friend, is all I have to say. Thank you, Ghost sucks, deal with it. \m/
i totally agree that they are a metal band, but dont ever cite the grammys when it comes to applying genres. remember these are the same guys that gave Jethro Tull the first award for best metal performance over Metallica
Travis I did not know that,thanks for the info,it just really blew my mind when dude said they weren't a metal band,whether they say themselves their not metal,they still give off the metal vibe,I really don't see what all the fuss is about,they remind me of king diamond wannabes,there's only 1King so let him do what he does best and get their own style
A very good summarisation there sir. I came in to this video thinking "Here we go, another fool hating on a band for no reason" but no you actually present whats going around in the "metal" zeitgeist in a very intelligent and accurate manner. Kudos to you! You also remind me of Hunter S Thompson, which is cool.
+Jesuit Acid Attack aye! Thanks man! I love Ghost, myself. The series aims to expose the weird reasons people will give for hating a band. It may need a disclaimer, since most don't seem to get that point just from watching. Haha. Oh well!
Looking through Google images of Portal, I see that the leak vocalist has used a few different head covering, including what looks like a small grandfather clock, and a huge wizard's hat. To accuse Papa of ripping off his look is unfair since The Curator changes his look quite drastically, and doesn't really have a "signature" look. I do think that Powerwolf ripped Papa's gimmick off for their Blood of the Saints album cover, though... or, maybe they ripped off that Catholic Liberace dude like everyone else.
People seem to not know that Ghost used to be a somewhat underground band here in Sweden and most likely had ties to the Uppsala extreme metal scene (bands like Watain, In Solitude etc.)
Not being rude but these people who say they’re “ripoffs” don’t understand ghost, I’m not saying ghost is the best band ever but I like ghost and I just want to shed some light for those who hate ghost
I hear a lot of Judas Priest in Ghost. Its fine, bands will be influenced by other bands, whatever. So to claim they have an original sound is just silly. Plus they sound so cute compared to Behemoth.
Another great review. I think your a fan of Ghost. They are clearly doing their own thing which confuses the hell out of everyone. Thank you for spelling it out for everyone who is not up to speed with Ghost. Just saw them live in Toronto, 1st row second show, first night sold out. Go see Ghost and you will become a better person.
It's just boring. You see an unholy pope singer thing and hells minions as musicians and expect something metal. The fact that they said slayer sucks proves they aren't metal. I don't know where I'm going with this except that I gave them a listen because I was curious... some song called hammer or square some bullshit. They sound like they belong next to night ranger on the 80s weak rock shelf.
I am not a fan of Ghost, mainly because reason #4 mentioned in this video. I think their music is boring and frankly, weak. It lacks power and innovation. I feel they are inauthentic and very gimmicky. The only thing that is good about them, in MY opinion, is their costumes/presentation, which is all they have. I mean, they aren't the worst band in the world, but they aren't "good" either, again, in MY opinion. I'm just spoiled from all the awesome metal that has come before Ghost e.g., Death, Slayer, Megadeth, Merciful Fate/King Diamond. Why downgrade? It doesn't make sense. With music you don't want to downgrade, you want something progressively more inspired. Listening to bands like, Merciful Fate and then to a bands like, Ghost after, is like drinking a Mickeys malt liquor after you've had a Guinness. I mean what's the point? Like I said, I'm spoiled from generations of bands that came before that continue to blow my mind every time I listen to them.
Having seen Ghost live- I loved them, and having been born in the 60's and liked bands like BOC, Merciful fate, Death SS etc, I couldn't give a flying fuck as to what Joe knobhead thinks! I couldn't care less what we are supposed to like or dislike to fit in with metal or any other genre. If it sounds good to me I will listen to it. I listen to everything from Death metal to Jazz and all of it has its merit. Ghost are damn good at what they do and are fantastic live. I don't need someone screaming at me or death growling all the time for music to be satanic and from where I stand , having grown up with the beginners of death/satanic music. Venom , Bathory etc. Ghost are a nice change. Long may bands like them exist. BY the way if you have been around long enough you will have seen that very little that we see is 100% truly original. I guarantee that it will have had its roots from somewhere else.
Guys, CKN isn't saying he hates Ghost, he's collected reasons why other people have stated their dislike for the band. He researches and does these kinds of videos from time to time. It's all good
I like ghost. I really like the range of music they play you cant really label them metal or hard rock. And always remember If you have Ghost you have everything.
2/3 of the way through this video and I already say this guy is awesome. I do like some of Ghost's music, but with the way this guy lays out the reasons for not liking Ghost, I give him his due.
He's the type of guy who hates popular things because they are popular despite talent and wears stuff way out of style because he thinks they actually look okay. No he isn't blind. Just a wannabe stevie wonder
I am one of those that can't get passed the vocals. I also think their sound lacks anything unique. They sound like a million old bands. Not interested.
A couple of things for the modern day elitist Metal listener. -Hiding identities wasn't invented by Slipknot, there's a large number of bands which hide their identities. -Their style isn't copied, it's derived, much like every other fucking band in history derives it style from multiple sources. -Being a good showman also doesn't facilitate copying a style, it's called playing to a crowd. If you dislike a band because they're "similar" to other bands, good luck listening to any music other than pre-mankind rock smashing.
for me it's the vocals. the man can clearly sing very well, however I often feel there aren't enough balls behind them, like he is sort of half assing it. other than that, their sound is great, and I love that they allow the bass to do what it should.
My bandmates suggested we cover Ghost for our senior year of high school, which is coming up in a few months. I flat out disagreed because while I do like Ghost, my school hasn't heard me sing before and I wanna showcase my vocal range. I sang at a few retirement homes and have done some Hal Leonard recordings, though I wanna show them what I'm capable of. As selfish as it sounds, I want to make the most of my senior year.
Highly doubt the band Ghost was thinking oh wow Ima rip off portal (never even heard of them) and if you think about it a lot of newer bands expand off of something that has already been done. Rather it be sound or image. If you think about it Ghost is original in my opinion because all the newer metalcore bands of the last decade all sound the same to me and im not a big fan of ghost but when I first heard them I thought oh here's a new and different sounding band compared too all the other same crap thats been put out. I am not a big fan of Ghost but I do like them and to the ppl who hate on them all I have to say is dont listen to them then. I think theyre better than a band like Avenged 7fold. Now theres a band if you want to argue oh theyre a rip off or theres a sound thats already been done! Their hail to the king album sounds like a rip off of some corny concept album from the 80s.
Yeah, this covered a lot of the reasons I our others hate Ghost. Personally, I find them to be overrated, boring, and their sound doesn't appeal top me at all. To me, they're just a gimmick band, and not a good one at that.
I don't like ghost because well... THERE NOT METAL... Says me and all my friends and every other real metalhead i know, CKN nice shirt :-) and respect for knowing and Aussie band
I have no idea what people like about these guys especially why metal fans like them. They just arent very good or interesting and if you took the gimmick away they would seem more like an early 2000's indie rock band.
Honestly if you don't like a band just dont listen and dont take it seriously, just listen to what you like and move on PS A Nameless Ghoul responded to what Kerry King said about Ghost and he responded in a classy way, he said, "Ghost is not for everyone" so in other words they don't care if they like Ghost or not
Doesn't sound like rock or metal. Categorically they sound like Bubblegum Pop music. In any case, they're definitely NOT my cup of tea. This will be my first and last time listening to this band.
Spheroid Earth Society well slayer said that they can't get into ghost first seems like ghost just got butt hurt by it and said slayer sucks Not a slayer fan btw peace
honestly,first time i saw "ghost" i thought they were Black or Death metal. but i was 100% wrong
Terrible band.
@@davidbeauvais1364 Great band
Yeah I agree
I was surprised at their look and personas when I finally saw them. Wasn't expecting that. Fun stuff!
@@davidbeauvais1364 yeah
I love how Ghost even said themselves that they're not a metal band, but people still wanna say they're poser metal or whatever
Ghost is also a ripoff by metallica. yep, both bands has a guitar
Henric Thunberg 😂
Lol sounds like something this guy would say.
Henric Thunberg I've confirmed that Ghost is a rip off of 1400s music because they use choirs
Henric Thunberg lmfao! Nice!
Heather Luv Yes!
I hate it when people say 'they're not metal' it's the most frustrating thing ever, there are so many genres of metal and not all of them have to growl through a song. To be honest I don't care what genre it is, if I like the band, I like the band.
People say they're not metal not because the singer isn't growling. They're saying it because of the actual music. It's called heavy metal, man. And Ghost, is just simply not heavy.
Porgie Six well, they aren't metal. so get over it.
+Lilith R. No one ever sait Ghost are Heavy Metal, which is an umbrella term for the heavier sub genres within metal. Ghost is considered to be Doom Metal, like Black Sabbath and Candlemass. Doom Metal does not fall under the Heavy Metal umbrella.
+Erland Johansen Yeah, and Ghost is only considered doom metal by people who don't know what doom metal is. Listen to Burn in Hell by Reverend Bizarre, or Funeral of Your Mind by Electric Wizard, or Dreaming Out of Death by Saturnalia Temple, or so many fucking more, and compare them to any Ghost song. There is nothing similar. And, Black Sabbath and Candlemass are still heavier than Ghost, so I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. I bet you probably thing My Dying Bride is doom metal too, don't you.
Lilith R. Doom is a pretty broad subgenre, and most bands can't be placed under a single subgenre (Electric Wizard for instance have both Sludge and Stoner elements to their music). In reality the only people who care about exactly what sub genre a certain band belongs to are metal elitists. My point was that no one has claimed that Ghost is Heavy Metal (just like Black Sabbath isn't Heavy Metal), but that their muic is still considered Metal. And whatever views you might have on what is and isn't Metal doesn't change the fact that Ghost IS concidered to be Metal by the vast majority of Metal publications and general metalheads. And again, even that doesn't really matter. Ghost have even said in an interview that they're just making the music they want without thinking about whether somtheir music "Metal" or if it's something else. They don't give a shit what label we put on ther music, they just want us to enjoy it...
Ghost's response to Kerry was actually the opposite. One of the ghouls said specifically they didn't care and that they're still big Slayer fans.
+Edge Master Exactly, and also Kerry talks about how even though he is not a big fan of their music he likes the guys in the band.
Edge Master Kerry came off as harsh, but in reality he wasn't harsh at all. He said he "loves the imagery, hates the music" I dunno why so many people flipped their shit over it. None of the members of Ghost found it offensive or anything, they respected him
Theyd be killed if they did anyways
i like ghost, i didnt even know people didnt like them
It's a big world, There's enough people to hate what you like and you have enough people to hate what they like.
"i didnt even know people didnt like them" ... LOL what the fuck does that mean? You think everybody loves Ghost? What the fuck?
yes thanks, what i mean is that i have never heard anyone say anything negative about ghost.
edgy music and edgy looks with and soft sound really?
I like ghost as well
Well, music is all about personal tastes. I like Ghost because of their musicality. I prefer clarity in vocals, melodic foundations, simple beats, soulful harmonies, and hooky riffs. Ghost has all that. I also like guitar solos. Ghost guitar solos are precise, melodic, and neatly done without overdoing anything, but sometimes I feel they should let loose on their solos more. Most importantly, when you hear Ghost you know it's Ghost.
so fuckin true, hail ghost.
Well said.
sickb2200 Yes, they steal great solos.
BJacob Campbell "steal great solos"
Mind showing me an example?
I, too, would like to see these stolen solos
I'm pretty sure that many of today's metalheads wouldn't consider old Black Sabbath albums metal, either, because there's no brutal riffing, no harsh vocals, etc, etc, etc. People get too hung up on labeling music, completely oblivious to the fact that the style label is not here for the fans primarily, but so that the music label (LABEL, get it?) can slap a label on a band and say "for the fans of yadda yadda", which in turn facilitates sales.
Also, anybody remember 1988? You know, the year when Iron Maiden published Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, and most "true and cult" metalheads were like, "No friggin way, dewd, they got keyboards in their songs! Iron Maiden is no longer metal cuz they got keyboards! It's not real metal if it's got keeeeeyboooooaaaards!"
Looking back, quite hilarious, that :)
WardahTheBlaqQ Black Sabbath was the first metal band. Ghost is just a rock band. Doesn't matter. Ghost is just boring.
WardahTheBlaqQ The crowd's hypocrisy, fuck them. Of course BS is the beginning of Metal so it can't be super-fast-brutal shit, but I love them. Not only because they are the precursors of Metal but because it has already all the elements of the genre (Dark undertone, saturated guitar, powerful drums...) they just went beyond 'classic' Rock n' Roll where it leads to Metal.
WardahTheBlaqQ And fuck the purists who thinks other instruments aren't Metal, just screw these guys. They're just as close-minded as someone listening to Mainstream pop these days. I don't walk around pointing Bands like 'that's not Metal !' I sincerely respect the work behind. I don't like Ghost because I find it boring but I respect what they do and the people who enjoy them, it's just not my kind of shit, that's all.
I bought "Paranoid" as a new release. People today don't realize that Boston was considered "metal" in it's day. I've been bitched at because I've referred to Sabbath as metal. I guess if you don't sound like you're gargling when you vocalize- I'm not going to call it singing- then you are old school marginalized
Most fans of extreme heavy music will say that Sabbath was the quintessential heavy metal band and the true progenitors of what is now considered metal. Artists from Fu Manchu and Sheavy to Cannibal Corpse and Nile most likely share this view. At the end of the day it either moves you or it doesn't.
Those who say there's no brutal riffs in Sabbath should wash their mouths out with soap, btw.
Ghost didnt say they hate slayer. I think they're only comment was that they are still a fan of slayer and that their (Ghost's) music isn't for everybody. They were very mature about it
they said that ghosts music flat out sucked.. lol. or that the album just sucked. lol
yes. I was referring to what ghost said in an interview. A ghoul said "our music isnt for everybody" when asked to respond to what was said
A lot of BS reasons to dislike them. That 70's hard rock, early classic metal sound is why I have really enjoyed them. The occult themes and stage show takes me back to when rock and metal were more theatrical as opposed to today's lack of showmanship. There was a time when showmanship was a virtue in live shows. The Blue Oyster Cult and Mercyful Fate vibes in their music are definitely there, but I hear some definitive original style as well. No matter what you want to label them, they are a homage to music of a better era.
Thats why i love them, its a homage to the older metal
Over all, I think Ghost is just a band that had all the right elements and the timing was right. Don't see that very often.
It’s basically if you got Jeff hanneman from slayer and convinced him to play in a major key and with a more poppy sound. It’s actually really good.
I feel like most people who hate them have heard only seen photos, heard one song (Probably Secular Haze) and call them "carnival music" based off of one track.
I don't really care though, they're brilliant songwriters and always put on a HELL of a show. Very humble and down to earth guys too that hang with the fans after shows.
+Lunablivion i love your videos
do they hang out with all their get up on?
+Lunablivion agreed, If I'm introducing someone to Ghost I have them listen to Pinnacle or Year Zero first, I think those are two of the strongest stand-alone tracks and it's easy to develop a fondness from there.
TheZman1978 No, only for the recent VIP meet and greets that take place before shows. I've met them several times after all the shows I've been to and they always come out a few hours after in their street clothes to talk and sign stuff.
Allison Godfridson Thank you :)
I respect your opinions, I enjoy the band and that is all that matters. I do not agree with the people who want to hate a band because the band "brand" becomes successful.
+Case H EXACTLY. You, my friend, get it.
Thank you, my philosophy in life is to live and let live when it comes to things that are trivial such as what someone else likes in music, or food. When I had kids growing up at home I would never convince them to try new foods that I enjoyed passed one or two attempts just meant more for me.
And they won a grammy, so they are cool at promoting good music
Kind of stupid. You either like the music or you don't. What's the point of hating on it? I don't particularly care for LadyGaGa's music, but I don't "hate" it or her for doing it. Ars gratia artis. Nobody forcing you to buy it.
If Ghost wasn't well known, people would love them. I feel like popularity should have been a reason. Many times do I hear people say "they are too mainstream" about bands, and it's stupid.
+Chloe Price that nearly made it. I read a lot of giggletards talking about how they're just mainstream darlings and will fade.
I left it off because these same giggletards were in support of the petition to have Ghost stop as a band. It got website attention. They were mainstream for a few days. Their argument loses.
It's a common problem with bands these days. In my town when a band started being hated it was good for the band ha ha!!
They're different from Kiss because they are actually good
stand back, i think i'm going to vomit. anyone who thinks ghost is better than kiss should die for the sake of the gene pool. and i don't even like kiss.
Kiss sucks
Kiss is one of the most foniest bands ever
Alice Cooper is the original
@@dbmagee21 not as bad as ghost
I think that it's more complex than "it's not metal". People, especially nerds, like things that they can organize and classify. Ghost is a band that is difficult to classify because their music covers a few different genres. Papa sings about Satan, which is a very metal topic but in a very soft and melodic voice. I think there's a large portion of people that just automatically reject things that are difficult to classify.
melodic satanic doom metal.
+theTYTAN3 yep
Well put. I have to agree. I've always said, "Music is art and art is subjective."
Geoff Brown bad musicians, bad style, bad lyrics, mix all ingredients and you get GHOST
VO DOOM I think you meant to direct your comment at yourself probably. I've got two daughters in college, played guitar for 20 years, got involved in band in Junior High School I can play brass instruments guitar bass drums what about you numbnut?
Ive never seen any hate for Ghost..this is the first im ever hearing about it. The only thing i dont like about them is they are a bit SJWy and talk politics they know nothing about . Other than that i dont see the hate.
Breezy I don't like them. just don't. it's a parody and guitars are definitely weak.
i hate ghost.... cant stand the vocals or their sound. its not very challenging to listen to
I want to like Ghost..i really do...they do have their moments...and the retro guitar and over all analog sound is appealing..but i just do not really like them...it is not easy to explain
Shawn C. I completely understand what you say, I tried multiple times to like them. cuz I am extremely open minded and like similar stuff but there is some sorta level of boredom or uninspired feeling I get while listening.
when they won the grammy EVERYBODY hated them
Ghost is an incredible Doom Metal band. Fuck anyone that says they are not metal. See their very heavy live show, then try and say that. Great singing, melodies, memorable riffs and chorus, great clean and distorted tones, solid discography, and fun lyrics. Ghost are a great band.
+Ocean Sage Great singing? Not so much. The singers voice is nasal heavy and quite airy. Just look at Dio, that genius of a guy could sing high clean notes while pushing a lot of power and rasps at points. Dio was a great singer, Ghost's singer is not.
+Ignis Cor so everyone has to sing like DIO now?
No one before you has made that statement. There is however a clear distinction between a Great Singer and a singer you enjoy. In order to be classified as a Great Singer you must use your voice in a musically versatile manner. It should sound Great in both acapella and together with other instruments while also utilizing the entire singing apparatus. If you like Ghost, good for you. I actually think the singer makes his voice somewhat monotonous, nasally and airy on purpose, but he needs to show off greater versatile skills in the way he uses his faucibus to be classified as a Great Singer.
+Ignis Cor can't disagree with that
Why do Ghost fans get so defensive when people say Ghost isn't metal? They play pop rock, and wearing makeup and pretending to be evil doesn't make them metal. That doesn't make them a bad band.
I didn't even know people hated Ghost.
+Neurosis A.D. more than i thought! I figured this was gonna be a hard request to fulfill, but it was honestly easier than most. I was shocked.
+Neurosis A.D. You know nothing Gengar
+Neurosis A.D. Too fucking many. Just read Loudwire comments
Syaiful Bahary Dunno why your comment is marked as spam, but I can't restore it for some reason. Nevertheless, Ghost seems like a band that either you like them, or you just pass by them. My metal buddies and I appreciate Ghost, because they make some pretty solid albums.
There’s a lot of hate on Facebook :/
Your delivery is fantastic, for an unpolished video you have a great technique of speaking. I kinda think this channel is a diamond in the rough. I can't wait to check out more videos
Never understand the it's not metal argument, there's tons of msuic that's amazing that's not metal and there's tons of music that's metal that sucks. Being metal doesn't make you good automatically.
So True.
+JoRdOguitarman1 Most of the reasons why people say Ghost isn't true metal or some shit like that, is because there either not heavy enough or brutal enough to them. But most people have no problem with Tool being called metal even though their not super heavy or brutal as well.
+SuperNovaThomas exactly and I like both Ghost and Tool but I never considered them metal, I see them as a hard rock progressive band with psychedelic elements.
didn't they win best metal band Grammy's?
They did and they also won a Swedish prize (dunno the name).
I thought it was best performance
Correct. Best metal performance
Aaron Davis
Lol you care about awards? 😂 the Grammys are useless you know who else has won Grammys? Macklemore and Millie Vanilli.
Grammy's don't always prove everything...you can be the most generic,and mediocre band ever,and you will likely get the best Metal performance which i don't understand why..Ghost is more Rock than Metal...
ghost is a fucking amazing band. Im old. very old. i grew up on the king diamonds, megadeth, ghost to me sounds like old alice cooper with a megadeth riff, maybe a little bloodrock. (if you don;t know bloodrock... you are useless)
So really there is no real good reason to hate ghost.
There is no reason to hate Ghost. They are the light of the morning!!
Lmao what??? Light of the morning.? Wierd
they're the shinning in the light, without whom i can not see. 😂
That's one of his points.
+Cominen, Light of Lucifer, Son of the Morning Star (metaphorically speaking)... And there's no wrong in that...
The guidance of the morning star will lead the way brother.
Great video, but the comment about Kerry King couldn't be farther from the truth. Kerry said that he liked the getup of Ghost, but simply couldn't get into the music. Then in an interview, a Nameless Ghoul responded by simply saying that their music isn't for everyone and that it's good to be acknowledged by such a well known icon.
+MadTitan Productions Kerry King also said he loved the image, thought they were great guys to tour with and was happy they were getting the success they were getting because they were talented muscians. Not everyone likes Mozarts music but any honest person will state Mozart was talented and had an impact on the history of music and should be taught about.
and here I am saying FUCK LABELS!!!
I was introduced to Ghost with their third album release and Not once did I think "who are these posers".
I cannot name a single song on that album i dislike and neither can I say that for their first or second album, in fact it is safe to say Ghost is the first and only group I am happy with whatever they choose to release because to me it sounds good, AND THAT'S ALL THAT FUCKING COUNTS WITH MUSIC.
That said if you are a fanboy to a genre that is your perogative but saying a band is bad simply due to a genre argument is fucking hopelessly pathetic.
nos llew-blaidd well fucking said sir
Placido Castillo thank you
nos llew-blaidd when I found Ghost I didn't even know they were "satanic" I saw them on a top 10, and not once did I think "what the hell is this". I made a mental note to check them out, and got hooked. Now one of my favourite bands, even though I've only really listened to their third album
Gigantickookie listen to their debut album and second.
I do not dislike any of their songs.
To get this band, you have to have good taste in music and a love for mega talented musicians. Kerry King didn't say he hated them, and Ghost didn't say they hated Slayer. They both expressed mutual respect. Kerry said that their music wasn't his kind of metal. But he said that they are the nicest guys. Ghost is comprised of very sexy, dynamic, theatrical, hard-working, talented song writers and musicians. Good for them for not caring what naysayers spout. Go Papa and the Nameless Ghouls!
He did say he hated them. Hated the music that is, but liked the guys.
What does a "good taste in music" mean to you?
Good taste in music .....it's so trivial.....yes they can play better than alot of people... but.. are they doing anything original? ...no.. they copied all the greats .. not to say that nobody ever stole anything form the greats before them ...but ghost just literally stole all the highlights from so many other bands ..... if you had any "taste" in music you would realize this...
About the masks, they wanted to have some that looked like statues from the 1920's. That's their favorite era. They like History, literature and shit like that. Just saying...
STEPHANIE RR. eyes wide shut.
I feel so sorry for eyes wide shut there most be everyone from britney to mystikal whove stolen the movies idea.
RELAX, everybody. These guys are about as Metal as Celine Dion.
glam metal
@@maxellray Non Metal
Maxell Ray Tandan It’s not glam
That fact that they upset close minded metal heads that love to argue over whats metal and whats not makes me like them more. Kerry hates them? Well that makes me love them.
When I first heard of them I thought they were black metal lmao.
But when I gave them a listen, I got a massive surprise, they weren't even heavier than Avenged Sevenfold (Which to be fair, they can actually get impressively heavy at times)
And no they are not heavy metal. They are hard rock. (However, one of the best hard rock bands to come out recently)
IN ADDITION: They don't say they aren't heavy metal because people aren't growling (Again Avenged Sevenfold for example), people say they aren't heavy metal because they dont have heavy guitars, heavy drumming, or deep bass guitar (Which you need to be heavy metal). They're hard rock.
Blue Cheer covering Summertime Blues in 1968 is the "lightest" example of metal I could find, and they are heavier than Ghost BC.
you are a white Stevie Wonder !
Stevie Wonderbread
Stevie wonderbread. Holy shit lol
Reinhardt Nilsson 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Genuinely made me laugh
More like the son of Elton John.
I don't see how on earth they're, "heavy". Am I delusional? They've got more radio play than any "metal band" I know barring Metallica.
It doesn't matter what I hear about them I love them. I am a guitar player and find their music extremely interesting.
why is a balding Jack Nicholson in sunglasses and a Joy Division shirt talking about metal suggested for me to watch?
Ghost and slipknot are no where near each other maybe the way they are dressed but still they have all the same masks except papa and slipknot they are all different]
I like ghost and slipknot.depends what mood i am in.
But they both have mostly young angry fans ;)
Hey we're pretty awesome fans though! lol
Deus Culpa this is true, everything outside the suit from the neck up is latex, he even referenced it in a concert saying that he was showing off a bit too much of his ankles lol
Adriano Moura yes exactly
I have all the Ghost albums and I just bought a ticket to their show here in Stockholm in April. However, I get a lot of the criticism and the first time I heard them I gave them about 20 seconds before I decided that this was not something I wanted to listen to. This was because: 1. What I heard was clearly a song without a proper guitar riff. In my mind, the riff is the foundation of a metal song. 2. The music was drenched in harmony keyboards. I loath the sound of it. 3. The vocals was pop vocals and not only that; the voice was weak even for singing pop.
A few years passed and one day I was like "There's an awful lot of talk about Ghost. What is all this about? How can such a band be so popular?". I decided to just listen again to a song. The song I decided to listen to was 'Cirice'. This song had riffs. Great riffs. It also had a great guitar solo. The vocals (while not outstanding) was stronger than before and the melody was great. I then started listening to their other stuff and found more songs I liked. I started to realise that the band had their heart at the right place and that they really were paying tribute to heavy metal bands like Mercyful fate even though they clearly had other influences as well. I also found one quality that I think is sadly lacking in modern metal bands and that is the courage to actually use a sound that isn't trying to hard to be metal. In the 90's all old heavy metal bands found it necessary to down tune their guitars and use a lot of distortion (Judas Priest, Saxon, even Mötley crüe) and they never got away from that. I feel this could be a revival of an old school sound which I find very promising. However, I still feel that the vocals and keyboards are the weakest part of this band. I would actually get another singer if I managed the band but, as we know by now, the singer is most likely the main song writer and force behind the band. It is hard to see how he could be asked to take the back seat. Don't get me wrong here, it is not his style a can't stand. I just don't think he is a very good singer.
You either like Ghost... or you're wrong.
+Amy Smith me three and one more thing real quick....Hail Ghost!!!!
Guess im wrong then :/
it's not wrong to hate shitty bands lol
It's not right to hate good bands either.
I love Ghost. Musically and conceptually it's all amazing to me.
+Angus Young Thanks!
Me before hearing them live: this band is pretty good. Me after hearing them live: OMG they are fucking amazing. They literally sound 10x better live than they do on a studio track.
Think what you want, there amazing live, especially when the sun is setting ( when I saw them )
Slayers last good album was God Hates Us All. Skeleton Christ was meh, only real good song on there was Cult. Kerry is a good guitar player, but he's not what he was 20-30 years ago.
Ghost is amazing. my favorite. Love them. have all their albums on vinyl, digital and have a ton of t-shirts.
I love papas voice and the music itself isn't metal, it reminds me kind of old school Black Sabbath or Blue Oyster Cult.
Hard rockish. It is Metal in its own way tho. some of the songs are pretty hard, even if papas voice is very calm rather than screaming like a lot of people are so use to now a days.
Meh its just popular nowadays to hate on people who grow in popularity real quick.
I honestly couldn't get into ghost, felt somewhat boring
Yep. Same here.
+Goregy it's wasn't even that the music was bad or that they weren't metal, it was just that I thought it was going to be mind blowing since there was so much hype. I guess ghost isn't the type of band for me hahahha
+Daniel Bastidas ghost IS metal BUT they are a specific genre ;) you should look into it
+Mr.bunny Slippers any bands you recommend other than the ones mentioned in the video??
+Daniel Bastidas for sure blue öyster. like this guy mentioned. but them having soft vocals just brings their message way better ;) just explore the genre satanic metal etc black metal etc
Cute pop music. They should do a gig at Comet Ping Pong pizza. If my music was this boring I would hide my face too.
I can't understand why people could hate them. Their music is beautiful and so much more different from what we have now.
The fact that you think there "different" proves you have zero knowledge of actual metal, or even rock...
I guess I've been hiding under a rock for 6 years. Never heard of them, just saw their song on an NXT promo so that's why I'm here I guess.
Bow_To_Fitzy Holy shit me too 😂
Seeing Ghost in a few weeks! Can't fucking wait for it. Along with having well put together intelligent/dynamic songs, they also put on a good show along with it.
You're going to love it man. I saw them live 2 months ago and they were just mind-blowing. Such an awesome band
+matt w Same. May 17th, can't wait.
+matt w And they are really nice and funny x)
just seen them this past weekend. Great live band
I like Ghost for the reasons people allegedly hate them, though I don't quite get the Blue Oyster Cult connection. I think they are consistently better than BOC. Actually they remind me a lot of a heavy prog outfit called Phideaux, well worth checking out. Whatever genre you call them, Ghost's catchy song writing and tight performances are matched by few other bands today.
Alienart The first time I heard them, I instantly thought of BOC. The vocals are especially similar in certain songs. You're obviously welcome to your opinion, but I definitely hear the BOC sound with their music.
Alienart they are like BOC and sisters of mercy but with changes hes right but i love ghost so eh
Wow, almost all of the reasons why people hate Ghost(per this video) are reasons I like the band. Hmmmm, I must be doing something right then. Right? Haha
+Jon K yup. You're not looking too deeply into em. You love em for who they are.
I have listened to Heavy Metal and rock and roll my entire life. I do not like Ghost because they sound like Panic! At the Disco and look like Slipknot killed itself, Stole Jason Popson from Mushroomhead and said "Let's just keep it simple guys, We will still sell records!" And they all just kinda said "Ok, yeah, simple good yeah!" I'm sorry you feel sick whining about a band that is a bunch of soft serve ice cream sounding Emogoth kids trying to make money being simple! That my friend, is all I have to say. Thank you, Ghost sucks, deal with it. \m/
I loved Ghost at Louder Than Life 2016.
TheNHLrulz they fucking slayed.
TheNHLrulz bullshit! I needed to see the pope suit :.( I was so upset he wasn't wearing it
Dude, yes, the whole festival was solid.
ghost, disturbed, slipknot, Parkway drive on the same stage, great day! almost died at the a7x set list though.
why was the med cart in the crowd for A7X lol
You forgot the original Alice Cooper
2015,Best Metal performance, so apperantly somewhere they gave off the idea they're a metal band if the Grammy judges gave them that award
i totally agree that they are a metal band, but dont ever cite the grammys when it comes to applying genres. remember these are the same guys that gave Jethro Tull the first award for best metal performance over Metallica
Travis I did not know that,thanks for the info,it just really blew my mind when dude said they weren't a metal band,whether they say themselves their not metal,they still give off the metal vibe,I really don't see what all the fuss is about,they remind me of king diamond wannabes,there's only 1King so let him do what he does best and get their own style
Well Jethro Tull got that award in 1989 so...:D
To be fair Jethro Tull are one heavy live band. Even solo Ian Anderson rocks.
Madman on the flute :)
A very good summarisation there sir. I came in to this video thinking "Here we go, another fool hating on a band for no reason" but no you actually present whats going around in the "metal" zeitgeist in a very intelligent and accurate manner. Kudos to you! You also remind me of Hunter S Thompson, which is cool.
+Jesuit Acid Attack aye! Thanks man! I love Ghost, myself. The series aims to expose the weird reasons people will give for hating a band. It may need a disclaimer, since most don't seem to get that point just from watching. Haha. Oh well!
Jesuit Acid Attack
Looking through Google images of Portal, I see that the leak vocalist has used a few different head covering, including what looks like a small grandfather clock, and a huge wizard's hat. To accuse Papa of ripping off his look is unfair since The Curator changes his look quite drastically, and doesn't really have a "signature" look. I do think that Powerwolf ripped Papa's gimmick off for their Blood of the Saints album cover, though... or, maybe they ripped off that Catholic Liberace dude like everyone else.
People seem to not know that Ghost used to be a somewhat underground band here in Sweden and most likely had ties to the Uppsala extreme metal scene (bands like Watain, In Solitude etc.)
Papa himself says "We're a Swedish Rock band."
Not being rude but these people who say they’re “ripoffs” don’t understand ghost, I’m not saying ghost is the best band ever but I like ghost and I just want to shed some light for those who hate ghost
is that a joy division shirt or does it just look very similar too unkown pleasures
+larsheuker actually it's a nine inch nails shirt circa late 2000s I believe?
+coverkillernation oh damn , it really looked like unkown pleasure from joy division but in red. i wasnt ever into nine inch nails so i wouldnt know
+larsheuker Same kind of logo (waves) but not exactly the same... But I thought this too.
I hear a lot of Judas Priest in Ghost. Its fine, bands will be influenced by other bands, whatever. So to claim they have an original sound is just silly. Plus they sound so cute compared to Behemoth.
Another great review. I think your a fan of Ghost. They are clearly doing their own thing which confuses the hell out of everyone. Thank you for spelling it out for everyone who is not up to speed with Ghost. Just saw them live in Toronto, 1st row second show, first night sold out. Go see Ghost and you will become a better person.
+peter repeter I'm a pretty big Ghost fan, indeed. Def a fun band and very cool live atmosphere.
coverkillernation yeah they're a great live show
It's just boring. You see an unholy pope singer thing and hells minions as musicians and expect something metal. The fact that they said slayer sucks proves they aren't metal. I don't know where I'm going with this except that I gave them a listen because I was curious... some song called hammer or square some bullshit. They sound like they belong next to night ranger on the 80s weak rock shelf.
I saw an interview where PapaE. described Ghost as a Scobby Doo and- He said he imagined the band as out of an old Scooby Doo cartoon....
+redwolf28386 that would be a pretty awesome crossover. I'd pay to see that!
redwolf28386 wait so papa himself described them as scooby doo style music? I thought that was just a meme in their comment sections lol
I am not a fan of Ghost, mainly because reason #4 mentioned in this video. I think their music is boring and frankly, weak. It lacks power and innovation. I feel they are inauthentic and very gimmicky. The only thing that is good about them, in MY opinion, is their costumes/presentation, which is all they have. I mean, they aren't the worst band in the world, but they aren't "good" either, again, in MY opinion. I'm just spoiled from all the awesome metal that has come before Ghost e.g., Death, Slayer, Megadeth, Merciful Fate/King Diamond. Why downgrade? It doesn't make sense. With music you don't want to downgrade, you want something progressively more inspired. Listening to bands like, Merciful Fate and then to a bands like, Ghost after, is like drinking a Mickeys malt liquor after you've had a Guinness. I mean what's the point? Like I said, I'm spoiled from generations of bands that came before that continue to blow my mind every time I listen to them.
If someone hates Ghost it's simple, he will be sacrifised in the altar bed, on this night of ritual ;)
Having seen Ghost live- I loved them, and having been born in the 60's and liked bands like BOC, Merciful fate, Death SS etc, I couldn't give a flying fuck as to what Joe knobhead thinks! I couldn't care less what we are supposed to like or dislike to fit in with metal or any other genre. If it sounds good to me I will listen to it. I listen to everything from Death metal to Jazz and all of it has its merit. Ghost are damn good at what they do and are fantastic live. I don't need someone screaming at me or death growling all the time for music to be satanic and from where I stand , having grown up with the beginners of death/satanic music. Venom , Bathory etc. Ghost are a nice change. Long may bands like them exist. BY the way if you have been around long enough you will have seen that very little that we see is 100% truly original. I guarantee that it will have had its roots from somewhere else.
Ghost may be the brightest spot on the hard rock/metal horizon in the last 20 years. Excellent musicians, great song writing and theatricality.
Guys, CKN isn't saying he hates Ghost, he's collected reasons why other people have stated their dislike for the band. He researches and does these kinds of videos from time to time. It's all good
TIL there are people who hate Ghost.
i dont hate ghost or like them i just hate when people call them metal
I like ghost. I really like the range of music they play you cant really label them metal or hard rock. And always remember If you have Ghost you have everything.
This band is about as cool as BLM,Feminism,Vegans,Crossfit etc...
wow such a racist triggering comment
I'm not racist dude... I hate everyone lol I honestly just don't get why everyone's so wet over this band 😒
2/3 of the way through this video and I already say this guy is awesome. I do like some of Ghost's music, but with the way this guy lays out the reasons for not liking Ghost, I give him his due.
Is he blind
he is cosplaying a white version of Morpheus
Fabricio Beckelmann or middle aged over the hill Matt Murdock
He's the type of guy who hates popular things because they are popular despite talent and wears stuff way out of style because he thinks they actually look okay. No he isn't blind. Just a wannabe stevie wonder
No matter what group it is some will like it while others thinks it sucks music is a personal preference
I am one of those that can't get passed the vocals. I also think their sound lacks anything unique. They sound like a million old bands. Not interested.
A couple of things for the modern day elitist Metal listener.
-Hiding identities wasn't invented by Slipknot, there's a large number of bands which hide their identities.
-Their style isn't copied, it's derived, much like every other fucking band in history derives it style from multiple sources.
-Being a good showman also doesn't facilitate copying a style, it's called playing to a crowd.
If you dislike a band because they're "similar" to other bands, good luck listening to any music other than pre-mankind rock smashing.
for me it's the vocals. the man can clearly sing very well, however I often feel there aren't enough balls behind them, like he is sort of half assing it. other than that, their sound is great, and I love that they allow the bass to do what it should.
I've heard three Ghost songs and liked two of them. That's all I need to know. People can shove their lovers vs haters drama up their ass.
no offense intended, are you blind? you move like you are.
+Mark K nope.
Thanks for the reply! Take care dude!
+Mark K no problem!
+hANK UNDERHILL Are... are you kidding?
+hANK UNDERHILL Wtf are you babbling about?
My bandmates suggested we cover Ghost for our senior year of high school, which is coming up in a few months. I flat out disagreed because while I do like Ghost, my school hasn't heard me sing before and I wanna showcase my vocal range. I sang at a few retirement homes and have done some Hal Leonard recordings, though I wanna show them what I'm capable of. As selfish as it sounds, I want to make the most of my senior year.
Highly doubt the band Ghost was thinking oh wow Ima rip off portal (never even heard of them) and if you think about it a lot of newer bands expand off of something that has already been done. Rather it be sound or image. If you think about it Ghost is original in my opinion because all the newer metalcore bands of the last decade all sound the same to me and im not a big fan of ghost but when I first heard them I thought oh here's a new and different sounding band compared too all the other same crap thats been put out. I am not a big fan of Ghost but I do like them and to the ppl who hate on them all I have to say is dont listen to them then. I think theyre better than a band like Avenged 7fold. Now theres a band if you want to argue oh theyre a rip off or theres a sound thats already been done! Their hail to the king album sounds like a rip off of some corny concept album from the 80s.
The moment I read "metalcore" I stopped reading
Spheroid Earth Society I stopped reading after newer bands
Avengedsevenfold started out heavy. This is tea time bs. Dimebag would slap the bitch out of you
Yeah, this covered a lot of the reasons I our others hate Ghost. Personally, I find them to be overrated, boring, and their sound doesn't appeal top me at all. To me, they're just a gimmick band, and not a good one at that.
Well that's your opinion but please don't make anyone else suffer for it.
When I first listened to ghost I called it scooby doo metal haha they're good tho
+Nick Hurst I'm going to quote you on that in the future :D. Maybe Scooby doom metal? ^^
+TheNenneator lol that works xD
I don't like ghost because well... THERE NOT METAL... Says me and all my friends and every other real
metalhead i know, CKN nice shirt :-) and respect for knowing and Aussie band
Glad somebody else caught the BOC influences.
I have no idea what people like about these guys especially why metal fans like them. They just arent very good or interesting and if you took the gimmick away they would seem more like an early 2000's indie rock band.
Ghost kicks fuckin ass!
You're under the age of 20, aren't you?
+TheWitchOvAgnesi probably
Ghost is one of the best metal bands ever and I have been listening to metal since the 70s
Honestly if you don't like a band just dont listen and dont take it seriously, just listen to what you like and move on
PS A Nameless Ghoul responded to what Kerry King said about Ghost and he responded in a classy way, he said, "Ghost is not for everyone" so in other words they don't care if they like Ghost or not
I like ghost and I listen to their music they are metal ass fuck ;)
+ollie ray metal ass fuck? that's hardcore. :)
Maybe, Maybe. Go listen To behemoth, this band is exactly what ghost look like to people who don't know ghost xd
The comparison to Portal is interesting considering Ghost and Portal have both worked with Zev Deans (Panorama Programming).
Ghost is awesome. Love their style.
I was recently turned onto Ghost. And after only a few songs, I was hooked.
Doesn't sound like rock or metal. Categorically they sound like Bubblegum Pop music. In any case, they're definitely NOT my cup of tea. This will be my first and last time listening to this band.
Even Pierce The Veil is heavier than Ghost.
+Enrique Godinez LOL.Being heavy doesn't make any band any less or more 'metal'get educated please.
Well, Ghost got one thing right; Slayer fucking Suck.
***** Original and well thought out insult, how am I ever going to recover.
Spheroid Earth Society well slayer said that they can't get into ghost first seems like ghost just got butt hurt by it and said slayer sucks
Not a slayer fan btw peace
O Zj Either way, they're both right, they both suck.
Spheroid Earth Society YES! They both do suck. My ears bled after listening to repentless
O Zj ghost never said slayer sucked though
Wow, a dude with 40 cd's over his right shoulder and a joy division shirt telling me about how all the bands I listen to suck.
ghost is great