Honestly, it may be boring, but I've always had a soft spot for Better Late Than Never. I think it's because it was the first time I heard the Repairs Theme, which is one of my favorite songs from the whole series.
Not to me since I used intern at a couple places and I was late I said to them: there are times being late which isn’t a bad thing after all and they agreed with me
i remember the episode for having the most awesome theme tune ever. and it's a theme tune for a damn bridge! at least the old viaduct has some sort continuity with the movie, where diesel 10 falls off, because its falling apart.
I agree with the part about The Fat Controller blaming engines for things that are out of control part. I find it very stupid. I could understand if they were to like manipulate their driver and fireman into causing the accident or something of the ilk, but as a whole, they get blamed for things they can't help. For real, the engines wouldn't even be able to operate without their driver and fireman, so why are the accidents always the engines' faults? How come The Fat Controller never criticizes the driver and fireman for it? The only time I've known The Fat Controller criticize the driver for the actions of an engine is in Thomas and the Rumours.
The Fat Controller is just unpredictable as far as it goes, train logic is also mixed when it comes to the writing. At first I ruled out that engines have some control over themselves, they can stay in place and the driver can't make them move, they can move but they can't stop. Thomas Comes to Breakfast makes me wonder if Awdry had no train logic in mind. It would've made sense if Thomas could start up on his own and the cleaner did nothing, but no, the cleaner messed with Thomas's controls and he gets blamed for the accident. All I can say is, Sir Topham Hatt means well to his engines when they get into accidents, but he can get a little too stern and blame them for it.
And hey, why not stop there? What about the times the trucks have been majorly responsible for the accident, whether it be pushing something/someone off the rails, dragging them down a hill, or just simply knowing how to provoke and manipulate an engine, based on their "weakness" if you will? I'm surprised the Fat Controller at least didn't scare the trucks into behaving better, by threatening to replace them with "better rolling stock", whilst sending them to the scrapyards to be processed, or something.
The Fat Controller didn't blame Percy in Special Attraction when the trucks essentially killed Bulstrode. Instead the incident was all the barge's fault.
@@evanclarke5561 Who's says I was talking about Special Attraction? I was talking other episodes where engines get punished for something they didn't do
3:16 Since no one else has tried to explain it, I shall. The only reason I feel STH sent Duck away was to keep him and the big engines apart while he looked into the name calling. He felt that figuring that out would take a while, and he didn't want Duck to be anywhere near Gordon, Henry or James who would be harassing him endlessly. He couldn't send Gordon, Henry or James away since they pull big trains from Tidmouth/Knapford and need to be stationed there. Duck was the station pilot so he could be moved temporarily to Wellsworth so he could monitor Diesel more closely. See if the names continue while Duck is away.
I always thought he sent duck away to let things cool down but also to let diesel show himself up. If only they could have shown the other engines turn on Diesel that would have given closure
I agree. STH tried to play the peacemaker and separate Duck from the trio, knowing they were heated and angry. He sent Duck to work with Edward because it was a breath of fresh air for Duck and also, Edward is generally a kinder, more understanding engine.
Another problem with Buffer Bother is that it is just a carbon copy of Twin Trouble: 1) Both have similar titles. 2) They both are about railway twins having a falling out (Donald and Douglas in TT and Bill and Ben in BB) 3) While one of the twins is away, the other works with another engine (Donald works with Duck in TT, and Bill works with Mavis in BB). 4) One of the twins fall into a ditch in the climax (Bill in BB and Donald in TT). 5) After the engine is out of the ditch in both episodes, the twins reconcile.
the one thing I find hilarious in Gordon and the Gremlin is when Alec Baldwin does the funny lady scream during the brief bath part, classy and hilarious voice
I'm a bit late to the party lol, but the reason STH sent Duck away was so that Diesel would have enough cable to strangle himself with. Duck was trying to keep Diesel in order, and STH knew that he couldn't send Diesel away without obvious evidence, and so he let him wreak havoc and get cocky for a bit so that he would show his true colours to the other engines and they would forgive Duck (and get Diesel sent away in the process).
The original book version of Thomas’ train makes much more sense than the TV episode, because in the RWS, Thomas only got as far as the yard entrance before he was stopped, and realized he left his train behind.
In the RWS version of A Close Shave, the Fat Controller doesn’t just not believe Diesel. In that version Diesel tries it again on Henry and gets caught
It's still offscreen, though, so it has the same problem as the show. And as much as I love "A Close Shave", I have to agree: It's frustrating that we didn't get to see Diesel once more. The last we see of him in the book, he's wearing one of the nastiest smirks I've ever seen as he watches Duck roll sadly away. It would've been really gratifying to see him get called out or at least in disgrace afterwards, as well as to see the other engines realize their mistake and feel bad about how they hurt Duck. Yeah, I know it's "all there in the manual", so to speak, but that's just not as satisfying as seeing it ourselves.
@@1Korlash There were stories by Christopher Awdry involving what Diesel did to Diesel and the engines, and as well as the freight cars. Example: "Old Square Wheels".
I'm so glad someone else realizes how bad Middle Engine is, every reason you brought up is exactly what've questioned so long (But also why Henry didn't at least get scolded or at least apologize to Percy for being careless & causing the incident & what was the point of staying in the middle of a train.. if the engine could just rearrange it themselves with no trouble..)
To answer the question about “sending Duck away,” well, the Fat Controller didn’t exactly “send him away.” He relocated him. Edward’s station is still part of the NWR, and isn’t even far from Tidmouth. The way I see it, the Fat Controller could tell there was just too much conflict boiling over between Duck and the others, so he had Duck spend some time away from everyone else so that he could sort things out. On the other hand however, as a kid, this confused me too. I always was under the impression that “Edward’s Station” was like, a different railway or something, so it did feel like Duck was just getting sent packing, but he was really just being brought out of the conflict.
I agree, though 1 thing I question is why Edward didn't get a story made about him and why he didn't believe Diesel's lies. Sleeping Beauty (the TV version at least) was also pretty bad realism wise. I posted the main reasons in another comment.
+Train Maniac Studios James, Henry and Gordon did nothing as well. It was only the Trucks who laughed at Diesel, mostly due to him thinking he was smarter then he actually was, not asking Duck which trucks he meant.
Oh.... (quickly flicks through my copy of Thomas: The Complete RWS Collection) OH! I know what i was thinking of, In Thomas1Edward2Henry3's fanfiction that's kinda what happened. NVM :P In that case, it was probably because Diesel hadn't met Edward before
he also isn't as proud as the other engines. Gordon, Henry and James are the most boastful engines in the series and with Diesel being oily towards them ("I am delighted to meet such famous engines") it was simple enough for him to win them over compared
10:46 As someone who works on similar length steam-hauled trains with locos of a similar size to Thomas, I must disagree with you that it could happen in real life (for more than a few seconds). Believe me, with the amount of physical effort required to get steam locos moving, you _know_ if something is wrong. You can even tell if the brakes are dragging _slightly_ on _one_ axle, they're that sensitive!
I mean I have seen a rough make of the missing coach and frankly it was not confusing. Donald and Douglas arrive with no numbers. They get picked on by the big engines but turn the tides on them, then Douglas misplaces a coach for Thomas and switches tenders with his brother to get out of trouble
I agree about the Classic henry in terms of personality. But also how Emily was so sweet and kind to be the only one to notice and help Henry. His CGI personality is a lot better and his facials too.
Palkia792 I feel Henry was a character who notably fell from grace in later series, with his personality becoming so much of a departure from what he was, to the point he got demoted from the main cast because the stupid feminist groups called Thomas "sexist" and "misogynistic" and demanded for more women to join the main cast, hence the SJW Brigade engines named Nia and Rebecca being made and forced into Edward and Henry's places. Henry's demotion from the main cast has seemed to have caused him to mostly be relegated only to cameos, so I wouldn't be surprised if he disappeared from the show altogether, if the franchise doesn't end up dying sooner.
I believe that the main lesson that we as the audience are supposed to learn from Buffer Bother is to not let our emotions get the better of us. As you stated, Bill is jealous of his twin brother Ben and this sets up the plot and actually fits the character/ personality of either twin rather well as they are always competing with each other. As to why I believe that the lesson is to not let our emotions get the better of us, it is shown throughout the story that all Bill can think about is Ben's new buffers because he is jealous which causes him to continuously have mishaps across the quarry.
8. - I used to watch this episode all the time since "Better Late than Never" was my favorite VHS tape of the Thomas shorts. Definitely agree about the sluggish pace of the episode, but feel the moral was "Being late for a good cause (Thomas bringing Bertie's passengers in his place) is better than being late in general." Tacky, but it's the best I can interpret. 7. - My favorite classic episode, but I can definitely agree that Diesel's punishment was very anti-climactic. 6. - Agreed 100% 5. - No comment. Never saw the episode. 4. - No comment. Never saw the episode. 3. - I didn't like it because it was basically a "kick-em-while-their-down" story. Everyone teases Thomas for not getting to pull trains, and then after the stories events, the teasing just gets worse. 2. - Agreed, but I always thought the lesson was "don't get upset/obsessed over menial shit." As for Baldwin's performance in Season 6, I think it's safe to say it was a combo of both cases. Baldwin is still a pretty big name outside of Thomas, and the film's failure coupled with his real-life problems with his marriage was just causing him not to give a shit about his performances anymore. Rather sad because I would've loved to have actually seen him try to do a Scottish impression when he was voicing Donald and Douglas... 1. - Agreed, but as for Sir Topham Hatt's blaming of the others, I can see why it seems harsh, but (depending on the episode mind you) I interpret this as him speaking on behalf the engine's inner guilty conscious. In the case of this episode, it was unneeded for when he snapped at Percy, but it was entirely justified when he did it to James since he was loudly mouthing off.
Sure, James was arrogant and may have deserved it, but we still need justice for Percy. And James not moving, how much confusion and delay would cause that? I want to know how much
A real nice list! In fact I'm writing a completely revised Middle Engine and it is very intense. Plot: After getting sandwiched by Arry and Bert, Percy plots revenge and with the help of James gets a devilish idea of revenge. I won't spoil the ending, but it will be a good one.
To be honest, the first time I finally watched season 6 about a year ago, when I saw the title card "Middle Engine" I couldn't help but imagine the engines forming a hand that's flipping off the audience. That may sound rediculous, but that seriously was my first impression of the episode
Joshua Long really? I don’t hate Rusty to the rescue but I do agree with the guy. Why would a scrapyard be near the bridge to the mainland? In the site of an old depot? With a narrow gauge line connect to it? From Crovans Gate?
I'm SO HAPPY that you mentioned Henry's shape in TAB... That shit PISSES ME OFF! Especially tidmouth sheds having 7 births when it should have 6. Sorry, just leaving comments as the video goes on, really enjoying it by the way!
I personally liked most of those episodes, but I can understand what you mean. Even agree on "The Old Bridge" and "Middle Engine". Oh, and also "What's the Matter with Henry?". And "Rusty Saves the Day", though I didn't mind it at first, but you do make a great point about continuity. And the Fat Controller sure was awful in that one.
In my opinion, the worst classic episodes are Time for Trouble and Special Attraction. Time for Trouble: The problem I have with this episode is that James basicaly gets punished for no reason. Sure, he was showing off again at the beginning, but this didn't bother Toby, so, James did not cause any trouble at all. In the end, James gets punished by being humiliated by pushing Toby and being laughed at by the children. You could of course say, that James was punished for showing off, but the thing is, that this has no influence on his punishment; Even if James didn't show of, he would have been punished. Special Attraction: They somehow tried to adapt two Railway Series storys into one episode, but it didn't work at all; The plot is really confusing: First, it is about Toby, then, it becomes a story about Percy, trucks and Bulstrode with Toby having nothing to do with it and then, in the end, Toby appears again. Also, just like in Time for Trouble, Bulstrode's punishment was undeserved: All he did was complaining without hurting anyone. That Percy dropped these trucks on Bulstrode was not Bulstrode's fault: It was an accident and of it was anyone's fault, then either Percy's (because he pushed the trucks) or the truck's (maybe, they tried to teach Bulstrode a lessen and pulled Percy on purpuse further). But no, Bulstrode gets punished by being left on the beach. Not only is this punishment way to much, but also if Bulstrode did not complain, the accident could have happend (If the trucks didn't do it on purpose) and Bulstrode would have been punished anyway. I'm probably getting shot for this, but one of the main reasons, why I don't like season 4 that much, is that many episodes are also out of place: Henry and the Elephant actually should take place in season one before the big engine's strike, Bulls Eyes takes place during Daisy's season 2 episodes, that's why Daisy's fear of Bulls is mentioned in Percy's Predicament. Paint Post and Queens takes place right after Down the Mine, but it's been a long time since that episode and in the seasons between, Thomas did run his branch line, so, Gordon's line "Can Thomas have his branch line back, Sir?" (I'm actually not sure what he said in the English version) makes no sense. Also, Duck appeard in this episde, even though he was not there in Down the Mine. Stepney's situation is also confusing: First off, Bowled Out and Train Stops play are swapped, which is confusing considering the fact, that Stepney leaves the NWR in Bowled Out but is back again in Train Stops Play. In season 5, he just visited the NWR again but since season 6, he seems to be working on Sodor with no explaination. I'd never thought I would ever write a comment like this...
Funny thing about Paint Pots and Queens, in the US dub, Gordon still says "Can Thomas have his branch line back, sir?" though it may or may not have been paraphrazed a little.
@ 3:17, I suppose the Fat Controller sent Duck away because he obviously knew that Diesel was to blame for all of this and didn't want to see Duck to get more accused and upset, so maybe he sent him to Edward's station to take a break from all this, help Edward and get a little comfort from him. I felt so sorry for Duck when I was younger and wanted Diesel to get found out.
Domeless engines was supposed to foreshadow the events of the other books. Ducks reputation as a great western engine, his rivalry with the big engines, his friendship with Edward, and Gordon’s humiliation mirrors duck humiliation in the final book
Motorway T-S What he meant was that Season 5 was the last time until Season 20 that Henry had an episode that didn’t treat him like a wimp or having that illness that breaks all the continuity with his rebuild that was meant to correct his problems. The Classic era, at least up to Season 5, was like, the only time Henry wasn’t treated badly.
You forgot Rheneas & the Roller Coaster, because that episode felt like it was written from the Miller era, and the whole plot about Rheneas in my opinion was so lazy and dumb, and how could there ever be a roller coaster in that episode! For that case it would cause the train to crash, and then some of the passengers on board of the train will be injured and likely to die by either being thrown off, or being involved in the crash for that matter! It's only Rheneas taking the class on a school trip, and while he was bored, he was diverted onto a track which can really lead him to risk! I mean, why not rewrite and retitle the whole episode so it can focus something else about Rheneas instead of a having a silly and risky story about him! He was a gallant old engine for pete's sake, not a impatient foolhardy engine!
Glasolia2000 According to the wiki, Peter Sam was originally supposed to be the main character of the story, but due to complications with his model, the role was given to Rheneas. Also, I’m sure many people are gonna hate me for this, but I actually really like Rheneas and the Roller Coaster. Rheneas’ situation makes sense if you look at it from a modern day standpoint. Kids don’t find anything that isn’t on a screen to be entertaining, so why not give them a real life experience of a life time. Also, the “Roller Coaster” is actually the route that Rheneas got diverted on and I’m not surprised it was called the roller coaster, it sure as hell acts like one.
History Fan Right, but regardless, it's still an episode which that I really don't like in my opinion, because it just makes Rheneas out of character. Same goes with The Old Bridge about how they made Skarloey a complete wimp in that episode, it's just ridiculous!
@@Ethan-ey4jx, in Old Bridge, replace Skarloey and Rheneas with Sir Handel and Duke, that makes more sense. I would also explain why Rheneas is this way in Roller Coaster because times have changed at that time and it has been a while since Rheneas took children on a trip. He knew that children had changed over the years and was worried he wouldn't make the trip interesting
03:17 I think, in the book, it was because of the tension in the sheds so he sent him away to ease the tensions down. Also, you got mentioned in James A Williams' Thom-Tober. Good job!
My List: 8: One Good Turn (Season 3) 7: Better Late Than Never (Season 2) 6: Rusty Saves the Day (Season 6) 5: The Old Bridge/The Old Iron Bridge (Season 7) 4: Buffer Bother (Season 6) 3: A Big Day For Thomas/Thomas' Train (Season 1) 2: Thomas, Percy and the Squeak (Season 6) 1: Middle Engine (Season 6) No Season 4 or 5 episodes on my list
Liam Altork Middle Engine is by far the worst - it’s Percy (and James) torture, “coal” is said exactly the same way every time it’s said, and ‘Arry and Bert suck compared to their roles in Stepney Gets Lost
What about Cranky Bugs? Everyone in the episode tortures Thomas and Percy. The right main characters for that episode would honestly be Bill and Ben. Then we could have Duck and the big engines replaced by Edward, Boco and the Scottish twins. Wait, Trainboy7 did that already!
If you hate Alec Baldwin, then use Michael Angelis! He and Ringo are miles ahead of the trashy US narrators. (Although Baldwin had quite a few good performances; Cranky Bugs for example)
I hate Angelis' narration. His tone is so cutesy and chocked full of upward inflections, just because it's a kids' show; even as a kid, I felt it was patronizing. Not to mention Angelis has like three voices. Carlin took the material more seriously and was much more dedicated to character voices. So was Baldwin in Season 5. I agree that Starr is fantastic.
GEOFFERY THE FUCKING ANGRY SKUNK UTTP “Donald and Douglas should not argue” They’re brothers! It’s natural for siblings to fight. And don’t give me that “Awdry never wrote them to argue” or “their scrap yard escape” crap. I know people that have gone through serious s**t and still tend to fight from time to time.
GEOFFERY THE FUCKING ANGRY SKUNK UTTP technically Season 5 wouldn't be canon either, or any of the non-Awdry stories from season 3 and 4 wouldn't be canon either.
I don’t disagree most of these to be honest. However, I do think What’s The Matter With Henry did have a positive that wasn’t mentioned: Emily was portrayed well. Her very first episode showed her as a kind-hearted engine, and some episodes after that added a bit of a motherly personality to her; which I think was shown in that episode. It wasn’t her best episode appearance, by all means, but I think she filled the role in the story very well.
DraconicLeafTalarus most definitely. Emily was such a great character but then Season 8 happened and her personality was completely different. She was so arrogant and she was basically that one annoying girl in school or your whiny little siblings.
Julian Brown when I watched Season 8 she was. As well as all the other seasons before the CGI Series when they changed her character back to nice engine she was in Season 7.
I agree, but I would replace Thomas and Percy with Bill and Ben. Thomas and Percy felt too cruel in this episode and I feel like Bill and Ben would be better choices, considering what they did to Fergus that same season
@@evanclarke5561, Sir Handel would've been a better choice, as it would bring back memories of his mountain incident. But he conquers his fear to save Duke
Duck was sent away because Diesel told jokes to the trucks about Henry, James, and Gordon. They assumed that Duck had told the jokes about them to the trucks because Diesel seemed innocent.
While I totally get the complaint about Middle Engine being incomplete -- this show features karma a lot, and 'Arry and Bert don't get any -- the STH complaint I don't agree with. You know what Percy said when STH scolded him? "But it wasn't my fault. It's because those diesels made me a middle engine!" Percy immediately stood up for himself, and told him exactly who was to blame. And you know what STH did? He took Percy _away_ from the job that took him near the diesels. Also, it's not against railway regulations. Oliver's basis was literally built for that purpose.
Sir Topham Hatt Duck away to Wellsworth because he knew Duck would never make up names about the engines, but Henry, Gordon and James might have a fallout or go on strike otherwise.
I Think Diesel in my theory Diesel was sent away because i think the trucks break his promise and tells Sir Topham Hatt and was he told diesel to go away
That's why you listen to the UK versions of the Episodes instead, though George Carlin did do some pretty good narrations here and there, especially in Season 3. Alec Baldwin has a nice voice and he was definitely the guy to take over from George Carlin, but he never made it to Michael Angelis' standards.
I dislike the US narration, all the funny parts has been removed such as The Fat Controller is called Sir Topham Hatt. in the Ditch Episode with Gordon, Henry says "Hello Fat Face" in Uk but "Hello lazy bones" in US. I mean why remove the quotes that makes the episodes funny?
Regulus Blues I personally think Michael Angelis is better than Ringo, but Ringo is definitely second best. Ringo had some good character voices such as Gordon, James, BoCo, The Scottish Twins, and especially Devious Diesel.
I dropped off the series with Calling All Engines so I’m glad this list is based on the classic series since I don’t remember hearing of any of the episodes you mentioned in the intro.
My thing I hate about the final episode is when the fat controller said “you will shunt frieight cars in the yards until I get to the bottom of this” so not only did he flat out disregard Percys explanation of his accident when he obviously knew he wasn’t the only victim of arry and Bert recently, he punishes him by making him do his basic job as a shunter
He was gonna punish Percy but after James boasted, STH now punishes James instead remember Trust Thomas and Rusty Helps Peter Sam? The Foolish Freight Cars get their revenge on another engine since they couldn't do it to the first.
@@tomthetenderengine663 So why aren't you complaining about other episodes like Rusty helps Peter Sam aka Trucks or Emily's New Route with the same bad message?
@@randomnessetc5600, Emily's New Route is a season 10 episode, where HiT was screwing around with the characters anyway. What happened in Rusty helps Peter Sam? Sir Handel was the one who was punished because he pretended to be ill, and he was glad he did so. He showed no remorse as he blamed Gordon who gave him the idea, but he knew better and chose to pretend
Yeah Snoke's death felt random, sudden, and undeserved after we had so much build up amd didn't even learn his backstory, but at least they showed on screen. I mean, can you imagine them like bringing back a major character frim the dead off screen or doing something crazy like that? ... ... OH WAIT!!!
Only Smudger would be acceptable for that role because his punishment was way too much and it was not entirely his fault. It's not his fault he wasn't built properly for the line! I could say similar things about characters like Bulgy and Bulstrode. What's with these island staff leaving vehicles anywhere for dead???
@@TheBrickGuy7939, no, Smugger rode roughly on purpose. Duke did say he was a showoff and he did not care that he was causing problems for the small business on the MSR. A fellow fan analyzed that, along with Henry's tunnel punishment
5:07 Why did they put testicles in a kids show?! But I do like Gordon and The Germlin for its stop-motion scene! 14:29 that episode is pretty forgettable to me! It was noly on the "James Goes Buzz buzz" DVD, which I never had!
+THE TIME IS MEOW! No. Those are definitely testicles. I'd say you should look at pictures of a bull, but... well, I don't know if you want to look at bull testicles, but they look like that.
I actually like your analysis on A Close Shave for Duck. The fact that we never actually see diesel get his comeuppance is definitely infuriating. We need it to be shown, not told. Crazy how I never thought about it before I saw this. Btw, I loved those two episodes you created about diesel! They were very well constructed and entertaining. Justice for Duck and Percy!
As part of the Duck and Diesel saga, A Close Shave doesn't really fit well. But if you are just there to go along for the ride like I did when I was little because the episode was on a VHS with no other episode from the Duck and Diesel saga, then it is a great episode and very fun to watch.
My top 10 least favorite classic thomas episodes 10. Gordan and the gremlin 9. Train stops play 8. Thomas's train 7. Rusty saves the day 6. Time for trouble 5. Peace and quiet 4. Better late then never 3. The refreshment lady's stand 2. Thomas and the conductor 1. Middle engine
I gotta disagree with you on What's the Matter with Henry and Thomas' Train. I feel like WTMWH is one of the most underrated of Season 7, it feels like something Britt, David, Brenner, or hell, maybe even Awdry might write. Henry's resilience and determination reminds me of Super Rescue. Also, as for Thomas & Percy being dicks, I think the point was to bring back their "cheekiness" by thinking Henry was faking his illness and trying to make things harder for him. And, at least they felt remourse for their actions at the end. As for Thomas' Train, I think Thomas being so overly-excited that he didn't realize there was no weight behind him was the point. They did say "Thomas was too excited to listen" or something like that. It's kind of like how in Peter Sam & The Refreshment Lady Peter Sam was so worried about missing his connection with Henry that he took off without the Refreshment Lady. Thomas got so wrapped up in his excitement that he didn't notice. Also, Thomas' Train has a pretty good message about failure that I like. Most of the time things aren't gonna go right for you the first time, and you simply gotta just get back up and try again. I think that's a good message for Kids watching to learn.
I agree with your statement on A Big Day for Thomas too even though Thomas leaving the entire train behind sounds kinda stupid. Also, I have to agree What's the Matter with Henry is pretty bad.
For part when you mentioned they’re trying bring Thomas and Percy’s cheekiness back, I feel like it was the wrong time to depict that way. Isn’t Percy suppose to tease the big engines when he stands up for himself if the big engines are ridiculing him and for goodness sake hasn’t Thomas learnt from the episode ‘Thomas and the Guard’ to not be insensitive about Henry’s illness. Also what’s really annoying about this episode is that Henry is ill despite getting a rebuild at Crewe after his flying kipper incident.
I too hated Middle Engine as its so badly written and poorly executed. I hated the Fat Arse Controller in it too blaming Percy for something that wasn't even his fault when it actually was Henry! I was laughing in stitches at 17:25 when you mention Alec Baldwin's single-word line "Coalcoalcoalcoalcoalcoal" being reused, its funny but so cheesy and lazy.
My Fair Madeline is to me what "Middle Engine" is to you. You see, that movie gets me legitimately angry. Poor Madeline gets abused by demons straight from Hell.
8. Then again I remember Christopher Awdry didn't really like writing the book either.I personally don't mind those episodes but then again I'm kind of a person that just watches for fun. Though there may be a few episodes of TV that either made me felt underwhelmed, or it had a good start but the rest feels disappointing, or either irritated because they used a plot cliché I didn't like.
Fun fact: in the original rws story of Thomas train, he only went as far as the station exit signal Box, so only a couple hundred yards. Which makes a lot more sense than him going a long distance.
Connor Flaherty It’s not that hated. Rule 55 was only a very minor issue, because Henry’s situation of getting sad after the forest was wrecked was more memorable. The episode also helped show a softer side to Henry that made him into a more likeable character.
I did like how you brought up the Kim Basinger divorce as a possible reason for Baldwin’s poor Season 6 narration given that Sodor Island site’s original description of him listed that as a possibility too. Also, am I the only one who thought Alec’s voices for Bill and Ben in Season 5 felt almost like a direct duplicate of their vices from Carlin?
Thomas1Edward2Henry3 indeed . Gordon losing his dome is just classic . But it's very out of place . I't could've took place somewhere inbetween off the rails , leaves , down the mine and paint pots and queens from Gordon the big engine.
I don't disagree that a Close Shave should have addressed the Diesel cliffhanger, but putting it on a *worst episode* list for that? Seriously? It's a contender for the all time best episode in the series.
I actually like trust Thomas along with season three of Thomas & Friends has my favorite classic season. It’s to me It’s an underrated episode I know It’s not kind of good if the two stories were separate, but I’m glad you left it out because the crash is actually the best of the episode.
I know this might be off topic but. If Sodor's Legend of The Lost Treasure had Percy being punished as well as Thomas for being cheeky, I think it would've been cool to see him snap at The Fat Controller when Thomas was being blamed for the TNT explosion, yelling at him back and addressing how much of an asshole he is, blaming the engines for stuff that is out of their control.
The episode that makes me angry is The Old Bridge because it was the episode that turned Skarloey from a wise old gentleman to a winey scared little child. >:(
Dragon Zilla Well, if you put in the story in the context of when Skarloey and Rheneas were young engines, the story actually makes more sense. After all, Skarloey and Rheneas are the only two engines to interact in that episode (ignore Duncan, just imagine him as a random character) and the Fat Controller could be the first Fat Controller.
Also, look at it this way. Season 9-12 Skarloey is whiny and childish. But in The Old Bridge? He rolled right onto a damaged bridge and was in great danger. It's easily understandable that he wouldn't want to cross the bridge he nearly fell off of.
I don't know who Skarface is but I do remember that when Skarloey became a whiny scared child, I lost respect for him. If they wanted an engine who was going to act whiny and scared, I would use either Sir Handel, Fred from the RWS or better yet make a new character!
When I was a little kid, I grew up with both the new series and the classic series of "Thomas the Tank Engine" (including half of the CGI series). Seasons 1&2 were good, Seasons 3-7 were awesome, Seasons 8-12 were great (in my opinion); but Season 13, I NEVER LIKED IT!!!
16:51, Actually there are a few exceptions to this rule, such as auto trains that Oliver runs, or small shunting maneuvers. but on the main line, yea your right. Great video my man.
I Disagree with you on The Matter For Henry and Thomas's Train. So, The Matter For Henry? Henry gets ill, Thomas and Percy added more trucks and later get punished to go back and take his Trucks. Emily rescuing Henry adds to the Story of his leaking tubes and it works for the episode. Rheneas and The Rollercoaster should've been on the list as it felt more like a Miller Episode and He was out of character. Thomas's Train: let me explain, The RWS Illustrations never showed him pulling coaches, he was able to pull them for Henry (especially in The Adventure Begins) They had a observation in the special, why Thomas left The train. He heard a Guard's Whistle much to his excitement of Pulling a Train. Which is something a young locomotive would do. Just Because Thomas is sentient, he can't drag trains without being coupled or feel them. That's why he went off. Overall Good Review but, I Disagree with two of these episodes on your list. (Bill and Ben arguing could be unintresing to you. but, These two are young and quarrelsome idiots. I prefer those then the likes of Emily In The Middle with The Scottish Twins)
LMS Arthur+ That's because Donald and Douglas were becoming Bill and Ben in Season 21 and The Reason Theu are Quarrelsome, is that they are young bickering brothers. I know EITM is not a classic episode. Twin Trouble was executed better back in Season 6. they were blaming each other on the accident and it gives something to offer.
I kind of roll my eyes whenever someone tries to claim Rheneas is out of character because it's like people don't want Rheneas to have this thing called a PERSONALITY of his own that does not only mirror most of Skarloey's traits.
But the story "Thomas and Gordon" plainly states that Thomas was "always pulling coaches ready for the big engines to take on long journeys". So, the illustration may not show it but the text plainly says it.
Yes I know middle engine isn't good enough for everyone but it was to teach kids about what happens when a bully's come at you and when they mess about
You know, I can agree on some of these. Gordon and the Gremlin was a good episode, but the moral was confusing. I also don't like Trust Thomas, because the crash was kinda unrealistic (Thomas should've overran the jetti while not suddenly decoupling from the trucks, the line wasn't supposed to be open unless there was bridge, and Gordon and James didn't get into trouble, yet Gordon didn't learn from his mistake and tricked Sir Handel into faking sick, then getting him into trouble), and yeah, Middle Engine sucked because of Arry and Bert not getting punished for playing tricks on Percy and James.
Henry (even though he didn't speak in "Middle Engine") didn't get punished either because it was his fault he pushed Percy into the coaling tipper when he was backing up into some freight cars.
Unrealistic crash but the what do you think of most of the CGI? Its all unrealistic and bullshit. Boring episodes or not, Classic surpass the CGI anytime.
The Fat Controller knew Diesel was up to something so he sent Duck away to make sure he was safe from the trouble, like a good father would do. That's what I think, even Edward pointed this out in Close Shave.
Yeah, I remember watching the Better Late Than Never VHS as a kid but I only remembered the Duck and the Diesel trilogy and Off The Rails (or Gordon Takes A Dip) BLTN and The Runaway were two of the most forgettable season 2 episodes ever. And Middle Engine was painfully bad.
Awesome to see this video. 8: hmmmm..... yeah this episode was kinda boring. 7: Hmmm? ah I guess I get your point, it would have been nicer to see STH get Diesel kicked out, or at least that part could have been shown as a cutaway scene or something. 6: Yeah, also true. They missed the explaination for Gremlins, and the episode pacing and events made not much sense. 5: Oh..... ugh... this was a bad one. Hate Thomas and Percy's behavior in this episode. 4: Yeah, this made NO sense at all either. 3: Hmm? Ehhhh..... maybe. But you got a point. Then again, Thomas hasn't pulled coaches full of passengers so he might not have understood the expected weight of the coaches maybe. But I understand 2: Yeah.... it's pretty bad too. I did enjoy Bill sneezing the pipe that fell in his funnel in the air. (dishonorable)- Eh it is a little troublesome in script writing -Ugh.... no... just no. That was a bad one. -yeah... I guess. I didn't watch that episode much so I wouldn't know -yeah, the events of that was a little troublesome too. -Maybe.... though maybe it's just being how they filmed STH's lines. It might have been made in the original story, but still STH wouldn't be that mad. 1: Oooh yeah, that was pretty bad. I hate when STH just gets some bug up his butt and punishes an engine regardless of the situation. SLOTLT was another example of that which I hate of STH being a dick weed.
the reason FattHatt sent duck away was probably to see how Diesel would get on because he said near the end of the episode that he never believed diesel so maybe he sent Duck away as a test to see if the lies would continue without the western engine's presence in the yard
Considering that in the books Diesel got sent away after he was caught telling lies about Henry, you're probably right. I wish the TV show had made it clear that Diesel continued to tell lies after Duck left the yard.
The “lesson” for Better Late than Never is to not beat yourself up for things you can’t control. Thomas was never late because it was his fault
Honestly, it may be boring, but I've always had a soft spot for Better Late Than Never. I think it's because it was the first time I heard the Repairs Theme, which is one of my favorite songs from the whole series.
Not to me since I used intern at a couple places and I was late I
said to them: there are times being late which isn’t a bad thing after all and they agreed with me
@@pakmanparadise fucking love this episode lol, super nostalgic for me
T1E2H3 ten seconds later getting shot:well sh…
Exactly and that Thomas and Bertie should forgive each other for being late
The only reason I remember “Better Late Than Never” is because it’s how I learned about the word “viaduct”.
The only reason I remember it is because i just wached the old DVD again a few days ago.
Omg exactly
i only learned the word viaduct because i watched the episode five times
fuck it
i remember the episode for having the most awesome theme tune ever. and it's a theme tune for a damn bridge!
at least the old viaduct has some sort continuity with the movie, where diesel 10 falls off, because its falling apart.
i knew the word "viaduct" because when i was a kid i watched thomas and the magic railroad. more than once
I agree with the part about The Fat Controller blaming engines for things that are out of control part. I find it very stupid. I could understand if they were to like manipulate their driver and fireman into causing the accident or something of the ilk, but as a whole, they get blamed for things they can't help. For real, the engines wouldn't even be able to operate without their driver and fireman, so why are the accidents always the engines' faults? How come The Fat Controller never criticizes the driver and fireman for it? The only time I've known The Fat Controller criticize the driver for the actions of an engine is in Thomas and the Rumours.
The Fat Controller is just unpredictable as far as it goes, train logic is also mixed when it comes to the writing. At first I ruled out that engines have some control over themselves, they can stay in place and the driver can't make them move, they can move but they can't stop. Thomas Comes to Breakfast makes me wonder if Awdry had no train logic in mind. It would've made sense if Thomas could start up on his own and the cleaner did nothing, but no, the cleaner messed with Thomas's controls and he gets blamed for the accident. All I can say is, Sir Topham Hatt means well to his engines when they get into accidents, but he can get a little too stern and blame them for it.
And hey, why not stop there? What about the times the trucks have been majorly responsible for the accident, whether it be pushing something/someone off the rails, dragging them down a hill, or just simply knowing how to provoke and manipulate an engine, based on their "weakness" if you will?
I'm surprised the Fat Controller at least didn't scare the trucks into behaving better, by threatening to replace them with "better rolling stock", whilst sending them to the scrapyards to be processed, or something.
@@FullArcher05 agreed
The Fat Controller didn't blame Percy in Special Attraction when the trucks essentially killed Bulstrode. Instead the incident was all the barge's fault.
@@evanclarke5561 Who's says I was talking about Special Attraction? I was talking other episodes where engines get punished for something they didn't do
"He should feel the couplings on his behind. God, that sounds so wrong." LOL!!
It always gets me
PP in bum bum
the Lol at the end ruined I whole Comment
And Bill and ben
Cos ur dirty minded as fuck brudda
"Bill is jealous about his brother's new buffers? WHO CARES?"
Poor poor Bill he works he suffers while ben his twin and gets brand-new buffers.
I might not have new buffers, but I still know how to biff Troublesome Trucks!
After the episode
Ben: I hate my "new" buffers now, I want my old buffers back!
Ya know the episode could still be funny if they had their season 5 voices
Ben does
"I'm convinced who ever did had NO idea what Thomas and Friends even was.
WHAT THE F**K!?!?!?!?!?"
The WTF thing happened at 8:23
Can someone explain that
@@nmuniz2 Explain what?
Bill and Ben should have been in what’s the matter with Henry since it makes more sense than Thomas and Percy after all Bill and Ben do play tricks.
Holy Crap! That's Actually Not A Bad Idea!
You have 10 trillion IQ
3:16 Since no one else has tried to explain it, I shall. The only reason I feel STH sent Duck away was to keep him and the big engines apart while he looked into the name calling. He felt that figuring that out would take a while, and he didn't want Duck to be anywhere near Gordon, Henry or James who would be harassing him endlessly. He couldn't send Gordon, Henry or James away since they pull big trains from Tidmouth/Knapford and need to be stationed there. Duck was the station pilot so he could be moved temporarily to Wellsworth so he could monitor Diesel more closely. See if the names continue while Duck is away.
I always thought he sent duck away to let things cool down but also to let diesel show himself up.
If only they could have shown the other engines turn on Diesel that would have given closure
I head canon Thomas1Edward2Henry3's version of events as what happened.
I agree. STH tried to play the peacemaker and separate Duck from the trio, knowing they were heated and angry. He sent Duck to work with Edward because it was a breath of fresh air for Duck and also, Edward is generally a kinder, more understanding engine.
I actually already knew that, but it just wasn't stated in the episode itself well
“ We all want to see Diesel get his ass kicked!” That is the WHOLE SHOW in a nutshell
I agree, except with Nia and Rebecca
And Charlie and billy Dennis bash dash and Ferdinand and Diesel 10 d261 and others
I would like to see diesel get his comeuppance, but I liked domeless engines in the story
@@cbolanz1 showing it rather than telling it would’ve been more satisfactory imho.
Well, Diesel did kinda get his comeuppance in The World’s Strongest Engine.
Another problem with Buffer Bother is that it is just a carbon copy of Twin Trouble:
1) Both have similar titles.
2) They both are about railway twins having a falling out (Donald and Douglas in TT and Bill and Ben in BB)
3) While one of the twins is away, the other works with another engine (Donald works with Duck in TT, and Bill works with Mavis in BB).
4) One of the twins fall into a ditch in the climax (Bill in BB and Donald in TT).
5) After the engine is out of the ditch in both episodes, the twins reconcile.
Robert Treacy what a coincidence.
So how do we fix this?
2:34 “Let me make one thing clear before I get shot”. *Gunshot* “Too late”.
Too* :P
He edited it.
Also this made me burst out laughing.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still like it you need to add falling on the floor effects
I died laughing 😂
Putting “Worst” and “Classic series” in the same sentence is like a suicide note in this community.
To be fair no matter how good or bad a show can be there will always be episodes that are really bad.
francisjairam Yeah, But the classic series is like the Bible to most fans.
Illya Ratenko The classic series is the Old Testament and the modern series is the New Testament.
@@redviper1608 The Classic series isnt the worst
Red Viper No, to the fans, The Railway Series is the Thomas Bible.
the one thing I find hilarious in Gordon and the Gremlin is when Alec Baldwin does the funny lady scream during the brief bath part, classy and hilarious voice
Baldwin makes a good dog though
I so agree
Good thing I'm from britain to not hear alec baldwin but i do agree
The one thing I greatly fear is The bull😯
@@TheWTFTV You can find US narrations on the internet
I'm a bit late to the party lol, but the reason STH sent Duck away was so that Diesel would have enough cable to strangle himself with. Duck was trying to keep Diesel in order, and STH knew that he couldn't send Diesel away without obvious evidence, and so he let him wreak havoc and get cocky for a bit so that he would show his true colours to the other engines and they would forgive Duck (and get Diesel sent away in the process).
The original book version of Thomas’ train makes much more sense than the TV episode, because in the RWS, Thomas only got as far as the yard entrance before he was stopped, and realized he left his train behind.
Good Point.
In my version, he goes the distance, but only takes the first coach. I thank T1E2H3 for giving me the idea
In the RWS version of A Close Shave, the Fat Controller doesn’t just not believe Diesel. In that version Diesel tries it again on Henry and gets caught
Never knew that before but I'm still mad that he picked on the epic conclusion a.k.a. Pop Goes The Diesel Part III
It's still offscreen, though, so it has the same problem as the show.
And as much as I love "A Close Shave", I have to agree: It's frustrating that we didn't get to see Diesel once more. The last we see of him in the book, he's wearing one of the nastiest smirks I've ever seen as he watches Duck roll sadly away. It would've been really gratifying to see him get called out or at least in disgrace afterwards, as well as to see the other engines realize their mistake and feel bad about how they hurt Duck.
Yeah, I know it's "all there in the manual", so to speak, but that's just not as satisfying as seeing it ourselves.
T1e2h3 did a episode of engines of sodor talking a bout this
@1Korlash well we got that 4 seasons later in "Worlds Strongest Engine"
@@1Korlash There were stories by Christopher Awdry involving what Diesel did to Diesel and the engines, and as well as the freight cars.
Example: "Old Square Wheels".
I'm so glad someone else realizes how bad Middle Engine is, every reason you brought up is exactly what've questioned so long (But also why Henry didn't at least get scolded or at least apologize to Percy for being careless & causing the incident & what was the point of staying in the middle of a train.. if the engine could just rearrange it themselves with no trouble..)
Toad Productions I thought it was good. I thought the ending was funny but yeah the fat controller was irrational
Henry didn't know Percy was there when he collected the coal
Is this worse or not as bad as Edward Strikes out, A Shed for Edward, Apology Impossible, or Marvelous Machinery?
@@randomnessetc5600, the less we mention the Hit era, the better
@@tomthetenderengine663 I'm asking if any of the aforementioned episodes I listed are worse than any of the worst Classic episodes?
"HELP!!" Wailed Percy. "IM NOT A TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!"
But no one heard him
*Top 10 Anime Disasters*
@@islandofsodorflims8712 😼
Percy: But sir it’s not my fault.
@@CW56 Percy: No! I won't!
when I watched Thomas when I was young, I would ALWAYS skip middle engine.
11:29 Everyone’s opinion on Caillou
In Rusty Saves The Day how did that workmen not get hit by a tree falling of a bridge.
And Bill and ben
To answer the question about “sending Duck away,” well, the Fat Controller didn’t exactly “send him away.” He relocated him. Edward’s station is still part of the NWR, and isn’t even far from Tidmouth. The way I see it, the Fat Controller could tell there was just too much conflict boiling over between Duck and the others, so he had Duck spend some time away from everyone else so that he could sort things out.
On the other hand however, as a kid, this confused me too. I always was under the impression that “Edward’s Station” was like, a different railway or something, so it did feel like Duck was just getting sent packing, but he was really just being brought out of the conflict.
I agree, though 1 thing I question is why Edward didn't get a story made about him and why he didn't believe Diesel's lies.
Sleeping Beauty (the TV version at least) was also pretty bad realism wise. I posted the main reasons in another comment.
+Matthew Ross Because Edward did nothing to piss Diesel off, and is a lot smarter than the other engines
+Train Maniac Studios
James, Henry and Gordon did nothing as well. It was only the Trucks who laughed at Diesel, mostly due to him thinking he was smarter then he actually was, not asking Duck which trucks he meant.
Oh.... (quickly flicks through my copy of Thomas: The Complete RWS Collection) OH! I know what i was thinking of, In Thomas1Edward2Henry3's fanfiction that's kinda what happened. NVM :P
In that case, it was probably because Diesel hadn't met Edward before
he also isn't as proud as the other engines. Gordon, Henry and James are the most boastful engines in the series and with Diesel being oily towards them ("I am delighted to meet such famous engines") it was simple enough for him to win them over compared
10:46 As someone who works on similar length steam-hauled trains with locos of a similar size to Thomas, I must disagree with you that it could happen in real life (for more than a few seconds). Believe me, with the amount of physical effort required to get steam locos moving, you _know_ if something is wrong. You can even tell if the brakes are dragging _slightly_ on _one_ axle, they're that sensitive!
@Thomas Fan909 Fuck man how excited was Thomas then?? 😂😂
Thomas’ train / a big day for Thomas in a nutshell:
Thomas can’t distinguish coaches and air
James is here moment
They said that the Missing Coach was too confusing but I think it would’ve been better than Better Late Than Ever.
I mean I have seen a rough make of the missing coach and frankly it was not confusing. Donald and Douglas arrive with no numbers. They get picked on by the big engines but turn the tides on them, then Douglas misplaces a coach for Thomas and switches tenders with his brother to get out of trouble
“Douglas, why are you wearing Donald’s tender?” Classic
I lost it at the blasting part
I agree about the Classic henry in terms of personality. But also how Emily was so sweet and kind to be the only one to notice and help Henry. His CGI personality is a lot better and his facials too.
I agree with that. Henry's CGI personality is way better. It sounds like a fearless and kinda timid Piglet.
He resembled Gordon too much, basically just a green version of Gordon in the Classic. But now in CGI he's his own engine.
Palkia792 Considering Henry isn’t even really a part of the main Thomas storyline anymore along with edward it really doesn’t matter anymore
trainz102 I wish that wasn’t the case.
Palkia792 I feel Henry was a character who notably fell from grace in later series, with his personality becoming so much of a departure from what he was, to the point he got demoted from the main cast because the stupid feminist groups called Thomas "sexist" and "misogynistic" and demanded for more women to join the main cast, hence the SJW Brigade engines named Nia and Rebecca being made and forced into Edward and Henry's places. Henry's demotion from the main cast has seemed to have caused him to mostly be relegated only to cameos, so I wouldn't be surprised if he disappeared from the show altogether, if the franchise doesn't end up dying sooner.
I believe that the main lesson that we as the audience are supposed to learn from Buffer Bother is to not let our emotions get the better of us. As you stated, Bill is jealous of his twin brother Ben and this sets up the plot and actually fits the character/ personality of either twin rather well as they are always competing with each other. As to why I believe that the lesson is to not let our emotions get the better of us, it is shown throughout the story that all Bill can think about is Ben's new buffers because he is jealous which causes him to continuously have mishaps across the quarry.
But it was poorly executed
"Whoever wrote the episode obviously has no idea what Thomas and Friends is. Oh? WHAT THE F*CK?!" Best ever comment, Mr T1E2H3 😆🤣
8. - I used to watch this episode all the time since "Better Late than Never" was my favorite VHS tape of the Thomas shorts. Definitely agree about the sluggish pace of the episode, but feel the moral was "Being late for a good cause (Thomas bringing Bertie's passengers in his place) is better than being late in general." Tacky, but it's the best I can interpret.
7. - My favorite classic episode, but I can definitely agree that Diesel's punishment was very anti-climactic.
6. - Agreed 100%
5. - No comment. Never saw the episode.
4. - No comment. Never saw the episode.
3. - I didn't like it because it was basically a "kick-em-while-their-down" story. Everyone teases Thomas for not getting to pull trains, and then after the stories events, the teasing just gets worse.
2. - Agreed, but I always thought the lesson was "don't get upset/obsessed over menial shit." As for Baldwin's performance in Season 6, I think it's safe to say it was a combo of both cases. Baldwin is still a pretty big name outside of Thomas, and the film's failure coupled with his real-life problems with his marriage was just causing him not to give a shit about his performances anymore. Rather sad because I would've loved to have actually seen him try to do a Scottish impression when he was voicing Donald and Douglas...
1. - Agreed, but as for Sir Topham Hatt's blaming of the others, I can see why it seems harsh, but (depending on the episode mind you) I interpret this as him speaking on behalf the engine's inner guilty conscious. In the case of this episode, it was unneeded for when he snapped at Percy, but it was entirely justified when he did it to James since he was loudly mouthing off.
Sure, James was arrogant and may have deserved it, but we still need justice for Percy. And James not moving, how much confusion and delay would cause that? I want to know how much
A real nice list! In fact I'm writing a completely revised Middle Engine and it is very intense. Plot: After getting sandwiched by Arry and Bert, Percy plots revenge and with the help of James gets a devilish idea of revenge.
I won't spoil the ending, but it will be a good one.
How's it coming along?
@@Jtmissile Slowly but surely.
Jessica Kasumi
Are you still working on it?
@@GoodOlGranite Not right now. Writing something for a friend.
You had a LOT of really good points on this list. I'm not a fan of few of these episodes either.
I'm surprised wolly bear didn't make the list.
@@backbayproductions9508 What's bad about Woolly Bear? I know Percy gets picked on a lot but is it that bad?
@@TheBrickGuy7939 In my opinion yeah
@@TheBrickGuy7939 Season 2 was a great season but it definitely had a quite a few negatives!
@@backbayproductions9508 How specifically?
2:57 we all wanted to see Diesel's ass get kicked 😂
In "The World's Strongest Engine," that's exactly what we got. In that story, Diesel got his ass kicked by 20 freight cars.
8. Agreed
7. Opinion respected (like)
6. Agreed nowadays
5. Opinion respected (neutral)
4. Opinion respected (like)
3. Agreed nowadays
2. Opinion respected (like)
1. Agreed
Dishonourable Mentions:
1. Opinion respected (favourite episode of Season 3)
2. Agreed
3. Opinion respected (neutral)
4. Opinion respected (love big time and favourite episode of Season 4)
5. Agreed
To be honest, the first time I finally watched season 6 about a year ago, when I saw the title card "Middle Engine" I couldn't help but imagine the engines forming a hand that's flipping off the audience. That may sound rediculous, but that seriously was my first impression of the episode
You make excellent points here. *Lol* it seems weird that they would have a narrow gauge railway leading to the scrapyard.
Probably for logic reasons. Question how logical some of the stuff in Sleeping Beauty was.
And I don’t like that they just had to change Stepney’s origin.
Also more correctable is that this scrapyard was actually past vicarstown near barrow more correctly, seriously I looked it up!
Joshua Long really? I don’t hate Rusty to the rescue but I do agree with the guy. Why would a scrapyard be near the bridge to the mainland? In the site of an old depot? With a narrow gauge line connect to it? From Crovans Gate?
I always assumed Rusty went from the Bluebell Railway
I'm SO HAPPY that you mentioned Henry's shape in TAB... That shit PISSES ME OFF! Especially tidmouth sheds having 7 births when it should have 6. Sorry, just leaving comments as the video goes on, really enjoying it by the way!
I personally liked most of those episodes, but I can understand what you mean. Even agree on "The Old Bridge" and "Middle Engine". Oh, and also "What's the Matter with Henry?". And "Rusty Saves the Day", though I didn't mind it at first, but you do make a great point about continuity. And the Fat Controller sure was awful in that one.
8:24 Me When My Mom Jokingly Says That She's Strangling the Cat,But Then Says She's Holding It
In my opinion, the worst classic episodes are Time for Trouble and Special Attraction.
Time for Trouble:
The problem I have with this episode is that James basicaly gets punished for no reason. Sure, he was showing off again at the beginning, but this didn't bother Toby, so, James did not cause any trouble at all. In the end, James gets punished by being humiliated by pushing Toby and being laughed at by the children. You could of course say, that James was punished for showing off, but the thing is, that this has no influence on his punishment; Even if James didn't show of, he would have been punished.
Special Attraction:
They somehow tried to adapt two Railway Series storys into one episode, but it didn't work at all; The plot is really confusing: First, it is about Toby, then, it becomes a story about Percy, trucks and Bulstrode with Toby having nothing to do with it and then, in the end, Toby appears again. Also, just like in Time for Trouble, Bulstrode's punishment was undeserved: All he did was complaining without hurting anyone. That Percy dropped these trucks on Bulstrode was not Bulstrode's fault: It was an accident and of it was anyone's fault, then either Percy's (because he pushed the trucks) or the truck's (maybe, they tried to teach Bulstrode a lessen and pulled Percy on purpuse further). But no, Bulstrode gets punished by being left on the beach. Not only is this punishment way to much, but also if Bulstrode did not complain, the accident could have happend (If the trucks didn't do it on purpose) and Bulstrode would have been punished anyway.
I'm probably getting shot for this, but one of the main reasons, why I don't like season 4 that much, is that many episodes are also out of place: Henry and the Elephant actually should take place in season one before the big engine's strike, Bulls Eyes takes place during Daisy's season 2 episodes, that's why Daisy's fear of Bulls is mentioned in Percy's Predicament. Paint Post and Queens takes place right after Down the Mine, but it's been a long time since that episode and in the seasons between, Thomas did run his branch line, so, Gordon's line "Can Thomas have his branch line back, Sir?" (I'm actually not sure what he said in the English version) makes no sense. Also, Duck appeard in this episde, even though he was not there in Down the Mine. Stepney's situation is also confusing: First off, Bowled Out and Train Stops play are swapped, which is confusing considering the fact, that Stepney leaves the NWR in Bowled Out but is back again in Train Stops Play. In season 5, he just visited the NWR again but since season 6, he seems to be working on Sodor with no explaination.
I'd never thought I would ever write a comment like this...
Funny thing about Paint Pots and Queens, in the US dub, Gordon still says "Can Thomas have his branch line back, sir?" though it may or may not have been paraphrazed a little.
My least favourite episode from the classic is (don't hurt me) rusty the rescu
Edit : I think it's actually coal
Late_Jurassic continuity is one of the issues , i had with season 3 . For example the trouble with mud takes place after off the rails
Joshua Horvath yes
The Stepney episodes only aired out of order in the US
bill! bill! bill! bill! BILL NYE THE CHINE CLAY GUY!!!!!
@ 3:17, I suppose the Fat Controller sent Duck away because he obviously knew that Diesel was to blame for all of this and didn't want to see Duck to get more accused and upset, so maybe he sent him to Edward's station to take a break from all this, help Edward and get a little comfort from him. I felt so sorry for Duck when I was younger and wanted Diesel to get found out.
That’s a very strong guess. He is a very reasonable man anyways.
I agree with that, but it needs to be more clear. Besides in T1E2H3’s Diesel episodes it’s kind of clear.
Domeless engines was supposed to foreshadow the events of the other books. Ducks reputation as a great western engine, his rivalry with the big engines, his friendship with Edward, and Gordon’s humiliation mirrors duck humiliation in the final book
Still could've been saved for another book
I disagree on the Henry always having to be sick to make a Henry episode, just look at Henry's forest or Haunted Henry
Motorway T-S What he meant was that Season 5 was the last time until Season 20 that Henry had an episode that didn’t treat him like a wimp or having that illness that breaks all the continuity with his rebuild that was meant to correct his problems. The Classic era, at least up to Season 5, was like, the only time Henry wasn’t treated badly.
@@nicholetheotter1957 season 6 didn’t dump on him. But then again he didn’t have any episodes in that season so I understand why you don’t count it
Henry being a scaredy-cat started in Season 14.
@@zacharykim5596, yeah, and I don’t like that. But in Haunted Henry, he had 100% justification on being scared.
3:18 In the original book, it's implied that TFC sent Duck away to give Diesel enough cable with which to throttle himself.
6:41 Oh god Henry what are you doing with that damn face!?
@Kelvin_Playz RB I don't think so
He's looking at the children too, oh god
You forgot Rheneas & the Roller Coaster, because that episode felt like it was written from the Miller era, and the whole plot about Rheneas in my opinion was so lazy and dumb, and how could there ever be a roller coaster in that episode! For that case it would cause the train to crash, and then some of the passengers on board of the train will be injured and likely to die by either being thrown off, or being involved in the crash for that matter! It's only Rheneas taking the class on a school trip, and while he was bored, he was diverted onto a track which can really lead him to risk! I mean, why not rewrite and retitle the whole episode so it can focus something else about Rheneas instead of a having a silly and risky story about him! He was a gallant old engine for pete's sake, not a impatient foolhardy engine!
According to the wiki, Peter Sam was originally supposed to be the main character of the story, but due to complications with his model, the role was given to Rheneas.
Also, I’m sure many people are gonna hate me for this, but I actually really like Rheneas and the Roller Coaster. Rheneas’ situation makes sense if you look at it from a modern day standpoint. Kids don’t find anything that isn’t on a screen to be entertaining, so why not give them a real life experience of a life time. Also, the “Roller Coaster” is actually the route that Rheneas got diverted on and I’m not surprised it was called the roller coaster, it sure as hell acts like one.
History Fan Right, but regardless, it's still an episode which that I really don't like in my opinion, because it just makes Rheneas out of character. Same goes with The Old Bridge about how they made Skarloey a complete wimp in that episode, it's just ridiculous!
I don't like 'Rheneas and the Roller Coaster' either
@@Ethan-ey4jx, in Old Bridge, replace Skarloey and Rheneas with Sir Handel and Duke, that makes more sense. I would also explain why Rheneas is this way in Roller Coaster because times have changed at that time and it has been a while since Rheneas took children on a trip. He knew that children had changed over the years and was worried he wouldn't make the trip interesting
I think, in the book, it was because of the tension in the sheds so he sent him away to ease the tensions down.
Also, you got mentioned in James A Williams' Thom-Tober. Good job!
My List:
8: One Good Turn (Season 3)
7: Better Late Than Never (Season 2)
6: Rusty Saves the Day (Season 6)
5: The Old Bridge/The Old Iron Bridge (Season 7)
4: Buffer Bother (Season 6)
3: A Big Day For Thomas/Thomas' Train (Season 1)
2: Thomas, Percy and the Squeak (Season 6)
1: Middle Engine (Season 6)
No Season 4 or 5 episodes on my list
Liam Altork Middle Engine is by far the worst - it’s Percy (and James) torture, “coal” is said exactly the same way every time it’s said, and ‘Arry and Bert suck compared to their roles in Stepney Gets Lost
Yes me too
What would Top worst episodes based on the RWS be?
What about Cranky Bugs? Everyone in the episode tortures Thomas and Percy. The right main characters for that episode would honestly be Bill and Ben. Then we could have Duck and the big engines replaced by Edward, Boco and the Scottish twins. Wait, Trainboy7 did that already!
If you hate Alec Baldwin, then use Michael Angelis! He and Ringo are miles ahead of the trashy US narrators. (Although Baldwin had quite a few good performances; Cranky Bugs for example)
GWR Oliver the aaaah is better in the us than the uk because Michael Angelis is soooo scary
I hate Angelis' narration. His tone is so cutesy and chocked full of upward inflections, just because it's a kids' show; even as a kid, I felt it was patronizing. Not to mention Angelis has like three voices. Carlin took the material more seriously and was much more dedicated to character voices. So was Baldwin in Season 5. I agree that Starr is fantastic.
I like Michael A better
George Carlin was pretty good.
BryanTugs I’ll proudly say it! Ringo Starr is AWFUL!!
"What Exactly is the message?" NOTHING IS THE MESSAGE, Hence why Season 6 was a DVD exclusive in the US
Wait it was? So that's why I never saw the US airing date on the Wiki! Mind blown!
Yeah, It wasn't until PBS Kids Sprout began airing the original episodes that it aired on TV
“Donald and Douglas should not argue”
They’re brothers! It’s natural for siblings to fight. And don’t give me that “Awdry never wrote them to argue” or “their scrap yard escape” crap. I know people that have gone through serious s**t and still tend to fight from time to time.
You mean frost
GEOFFERY THE FUCKING ANGRY SKUNK UTTP technically Season 5 wouldn't be canon either, or any of the non-Awdry stories from season 3 and 4 wouldn't be canon either.
I don’t disagree most of these to be honest. However, I do think What’s The Matter With Henry did have a positive that wasn’t mentioned: Emily was portrayed well. Her very first episode showed her as a kind-hearted engine, and some episodes after that added a bit of a motherly personality to her; which I think was shown in that episode. It wasn’t her best episode appearance, by all means, but I think she filled the role in the story very well.
DraconicLeafTalarus most definitely. Emily was such a great character but then Season 8 happened and her personality was completely different. She was so arrogant and she was basically that one annoying girl in school or your whiny little siblings.
Julian Brown when I watched Season 8 she was. As well as all the other seasons before the CGI Series when they changed her character back to nice engine she was in Season 7.
I agree, but I would replace Thomas and Percy with Bill and Ben. Thomas and Percy felt too cruel in this episode and I feel like Bill and Ben would be better choices, considering what they did to Fergus that same season
14:19, If they replaced Skarloey with Peter Sam, I think that would've been a great episode.
Or Duncan or Sir Handel
@@evanclarke5561or Ivo Hugh.
@@evanclarke5561, Sir Handel would've been a better choice, as it would bring back memories of his mountain incident. But he conquers his fear to save Duke
Duck was sent away because Diesel told jokes to the trucks about Henry, James, and Gordon. They assumed that Duck had told the jokes about them to the trucks because Diesel seemed innocent.
15:42 - Don’t forget “Sodor’s Legend of the Lost Treasure” when TFC punished Thomas after the dynamite thing.
I wouldn't be suprised if Thomas never forgave him for that
TheJohnler because if he didn’t, then he would not have his branch line now, would he?
Well it was kind of Thomas’s fault to begin with and also it was also Selah John as well because he took two of the dynamite from one of the box
I think it was because he saw Thomas mess up twice and try to make excuses so at that point he was fed up.
While I totally get the complaint about Middle Engine being incomplete -- this show features karma a lot, and 'Arry and Bert don't get any -- the STH complaint I don't agree with. You know what Percy said when STH scolded him?
"But it wasn't my fault. It's because those diesels made me a middle engine!"
Percy immediately stood up for himself, and told him exactly who was to blame. And you know what STH did? He took Percy _away_ from the job that took him near the diesels.
Also, it's not against railway regulations. Oliver's basis was literally built for that purpose.
But not percy
I also forgot Henry put Percy into the coaling plant without even looking behind, which, Henry didn't get punished by the Fat Controller either.
I read the wiki, and it says it goes against Railway Regulations.
He still punished Percy with yard work and never "got to the bottom of it"
Sir Topham Hatt Duck away to Wellsworth because he knew Duck would never make up names about the engines, but Henry, Gordon and James might have a fallout or go on strike otherwise.
He was trying to de-escalate the situation.
6:41 Henry looks like he about to get some childern
Thomas' Train? I mean, it's a dumb story but it's an iconic episode. And I think the idea is that we see Thomas is young and has a lot to learn
I Think Diesel in my theory Diesel was sent away because i think the trucks break his promise and tells Sir Topham Hatt and was he told diesel to go away
Actually Sir Topham never really believed him. He just sent Duck away to ease the situation.
@@CW56, fans have made different takes on that. T1E2H3 had one of the best
“Magic railroad failure” I goddamn love that film
That's why you listen to the UK versions of the Episodes instead, though George Carlin did do some pretty good narrations here and there, especially in Season 3. Alec Baldwin has a nice voice and he was definitely the guy to take over from George Carlin, but he never made it to Michael Angelis' standards.
C. Syde65 in s5 he definitely did, hell I even would say he even surpass Angelis on that season.
I disagree. But I still think he was a better choice than any of the other narrators that could have voiced the US series after George Carlin.
I dislike the US narration, all the funny parts has been removed such as The Fat Controller is called Sir Topham Hatt. in the Ditch Episode with Gordon, Henry says "Hello Fat Face" in Uk but "Hello lazy bones" in US. I mean why remove the quotes that makes the episodes funny?
None of them compare to Ringo.
Regulus Blues
I personally think Michael Angelis is better than Ringo, but Ringo is definitely second best.
Ringo had some good character voices such as Gordon, James, BoCo, The Scottish Twins, and especially Devious Diesel.
I dropped off the series with Calling All Engines so I’m glad this list is based on the classic series since I don’t remember hearing of any of the episodes you mentioned in the intro.
My thing I hate about the final episode is when the fat controller said “you will shunt frieight cars in the yards until I get to the bottom of this” so not only did he flat out disregard Percys explanation of his accident when he obviously knew he wasn’t the only victim of arry and Bert recently, he punishes him by making him do his basic job as a shunter
He was gonna punish Percy but after James boasted, STH now punishes James instead remember Trust Thomas and Rusty Helps Peter Sam? The Foolish Freight Cars get their revenge on another engine since they couldn't do it to the first.
And he DOESN'T get to the bottom of it. It's like he already knew, but didn't care
@@randomnessetc5600, but what's the message, "it's ok for bullies to pick on annoying people?"
@@tomthetenderengine663 So why aren't you complaining about other episodes like Rusty helps Peter Sam aka Trucks or Emily's New Route with the same bad message?
@@randomnessetc5600, Emily's New Route is a season 10 episode, where HiT was screwing around with the characters anyway. What happened in Rusty helps Peter Sam? Sir Handel was the one who was punished because he pretended to be ill, and he was glad he did so. He showed no remorse as he blamed Gordon who gave him the idea, but he knew better and chose to pretend
I agree about Middle Engine, Arry & Bert should have been punished.
As do I.
Todd Davis there's a Thomas and friends Season 8 Episode called "Halloween" shows arry and Bert getting punished in the end!
Nor do they get punished in Henry's Happy Coal for stalking Henry and in fact Henry helps them when they don't deserve it!
Diesels shouldn’t be punished.
R Gilyard
Well, Diesel did deserve a punishment in Calling All Engines, when he covered Thomas in paint.
Yeah Snoke's death felt random, sudden, and undeserved after we had so much build up amd didn't even learn his backstory, but at least they showed on screen.
I mean, can you imagine them like bringing back a major character frim the dead off screen or doing something crazy like that?
Only Smudger would be acceptable for that role because his punishment was way too much and it was not entirely his fault. It's not his fault he wasn't built properly for the line! I could say similar things about characters like Bulgy and Bulstrode. What's with these island staff leaving vehicles anywhere for dead???
@@TheBrickGuy7939, no, Smugger rode roughly on purpose. Duke did say he was a showoff and he did not care that he was causing problems for the small business on the MSR. A fellow fan analyzed that, along with Henry's tunnel punishment
@@tomthetenderengine663 Yeah you're right about his personality. And even if he wasn't gauged properly he likely used that as an excuse.
5:07 Why did they put testicles in a kids show?!
But I do like Gordon and The Germlin for its stop-motion scene!
14:29 that episode is pretty forgettable to me! It was noly on the "James Goes Buzz buzz" DVD, which I never had!
MrBnsftrain Gotta have dat realism
The Wiggles did a story about Germlins too. Just putting it out there
MrBnsftrain it wasn’t testicles, it looked like it but it was actually the tail in the wrong spot. Heh, penises in a kids show lmao
But bulls have that
No. Those are definitely testicles. I'd say you should look at pictures of a bull, but... well, I don't know if you want to look at bull testicles, but they look like that.
I actually like your analysis on A Close Shave for Duck. The fact that we never actually see diesel get his comeuppance is definitely infuriating. We need it to be shown, not told. Crazy how I never thought about it before I saw this. Btw, I loved those two episodes you created about diesel! They were very well constructed and entertaining. Justice for Duck and Percy!
As part of the Duck and Diesel saga, A Close Shave doesn't really fit well. But if you are just there to go along for the ride like I did when I was little because the episode was on a VHS with no other episode from the Duck and Diesel saga, then it is a great episode and very fun to watch.
My top 10 least favorite classic thomas episodes
10. Gordan and the gremlin
9. Train stops play
8. Thomas's train
7. Rusty saves the day
6. Time for trouble
5. Peace and quiet
4. Better late then never
3. The refreshment lady's stand
2. Thomas and the conductor
1. Middle engine
For 3,I think the real life event was the driver and fireman forgot to put the brakes on,and the engine took off without being coupled
Yes *Based Upon Real Life Events*
Can u do 50 states portrayed be Thomas
*WW1 Portrayed By Thomas*
@@MFahrulRozi *WW2 Portrayed By Thomas*
Lol sorry I had to lmao
@@ExtremeWreck in the future:
*ww3 portrayed by thomas*
I gotta disagree with you on What's the Matter with Henry and Thomas' Train. I feel like WTMWH is one of the most underrated of Season 7, it feels like something Britt, David, Brenner, or hell, maybe even Awdry might write. Henry's resilience and determination reminds me of Super Rescue. Also, as for Thomas & Percy being dicks, I think the point was to bring back their "cheekiness" by thinking Henry was faking his illness and trying to make things harder for him. And, at least they felt remourse for their actions at the end.
As for Thomas' Train, I think Thomas being so overly-excited that he didn't realize there was no weight behind him was the point. They did say "Thomas was too excited to listen" or something like that. It's kind of like how in Peter Sam & The Refreshment Lady Peter Sam was so worried about missing his connection with Henry that he took off without the Refreshment Lady. Thomas got so wrapped up in his excitement that he didn't notice. Also, Thomas' Train has a pretty good message about failure that I like. Most of the time things aren't gonna go right for you the first time, and you simply gotta just get back up and try again. I think that's a good message for Kids watching to learn.
I thought Henry was a total dick towards Peter Sam and it got the better of Peter Sam real bad.
Agree with your staement of Thomas's Train- But I agree with T1E2H3 about WTMWH
I agree with your statement on A Big Day for Thomas too even though Thomas leaving the entire train behind sounds kinda stupid. Also, I have to agree What's the Matter with Henry is pretty bad.
For part when you mentioned they’re trying bring Thomas and Percy’s cheekiness back, I feel like it was the wrong time to depict that way. Isn’t Percy suppose to tease the big engines when he stands up for himself if the big engines are ridiculing him and for goodness sake hasn’t Thomas learnt from the episode ‘Thomas and the Guard’ to not be insensitive about Henry’s illness. Also what’s really annoying about this episode is that Henry is ill despite getting a rebuild at Crewe after his flying kipper incident.
I too hated Middle Engine as its so badly written and poorly executed. I hated the Fat Arse Controller in it too blaming Percy for something that wasn't even his fault when it actually was Henry! I was laughing in stitches at 17:25 when you mention Alec Baldwin's single-word line "Coalcoalcoalcoalcoalcoal" being reused, its funny but so cheesy and lazy.
Henry probably didn't realise Arry and Bert stitched up Percy. HTH
My Fair Madeline is to me what "Middle Engine" is to you. You see, that movie gets me legitimately angry. Poor Madeline gets abused by demons straight from Hell.
You should do the worst episodes of the Brenner Era (Seasons 17-21)
Trainboy12 agreed or top 8 best new series episodes if there even is any.
Trainboy12 I think the worst episode of the Brenner era is A New Shed for Edward.
Wildcat 1999 i dont really dind that bad i mean edward did sleep at wellsworth until one of the seasons
Steamie Stafford
That will be like 1 year long video, not to mention S22 which will make it 2 years.
8. Then again I remember Christopher Awdry didn't really like writing the book either.I personally don't mind those episodes but then again I'm kind of a person that just watches for fun. Though there may be a few episodes of TV that either made me felt underwhelmed, or it had a good start but the rest feels disappointing, or either irritated because they used a plot cliché I didn't like.
Tyler Rakstis i adgree with you, the rev hated james the red engine and only wrote it to meet a deadline
True, I never thought of it at first.
Great video! I would've said Thomas, Percy and the Squeak would of been on there, but other than that, good work!
Fun fact: in the original rws story of Thomas train, he only went as far as the station exit signal Box, so only a couple hundred yards. Which makes a lot more sense than him going a long distance.
Lol 6:47
His OG Happy Face From Season 1 Is Better, That One Looks Like It Came From Hell!
At least you didn’t even mention “Henry’s Forest”.
Connor Flaherty yeah the only reason people hate it is because its not realistic. Like oh my god the show isn't meant to realistic
Connor Flaherty It was on his Honorable Mentions in his Top Favorite episodes.
Henry’s forest isn’t even that bad.
Connor Flaherty It’s not that hated. Rule 55 was only a very minor issue, because Henry’s situation of getting sad after the forest was wrecked was more memorable. The episode also helped show a softer side to Henry that made him into a more likeable character.
Chris&forrest funvideos Henry’s Forest is one of my favorites. Why don’t you like it.
EXCUSE ME!!!!! You will not touch my Domeless Engines!!!! (Jk! Great list! 😄)
I didn't say it was bad XD in fact I love it too. It just felt out of place in a book about Duck.
I did like how you brought up the Kim Basinger divorce as a possible reason for Baldwin’s poor Season 6 narration given that Sodor Island site’s original description of him listed that as a possibility too.
Also, am I the only one who thought Alec’s voices for Bill and Ben in Season 5 felt almost like a direct duplicate of their vices from Carlin?
you fool! Didn't you hear? NEVER trust domeless engines!
Domeless Engine lmao fam stop trying to start shit xD
Thomas1Edward2Henry3 indeed . Gordon losing his dome is just classic . But it's very out of place . I't could've took place somewhere inbetween off the rails , leaves , down the mine and paint pots and queens from Gordon the big engine.
8:17 Who Wrote This? I'm Convinced Whoever Did Had No Idea What Thomas And Friends Even Was, oh...WHAT THE F***! LOL
I don't disagree that a Close Shave should have addressed the Diesel cliffhanger, but putting it on a *worst episode* list for that? Seriously? It's a contender for the all time best episode in the series.
I actually like trust Thomas along with season three of Thomas & Friends has my favorite classic season. It’s to me It’s an underrated episode I know It’s not kind of good if the two stories were separate, but I’m glad you left it out because the crash is actually the best of the episode.
I know this might be off topic but.
If Sodor's Legend of The Lost Treasure had Percy being punished as well as Thomas for being cheeky, I think it would've been cool to see him snap at The Fat Controller when Thomas was being blamed for the TNT explosion, yelling at him back and addressing how much of an asshole he is, blaming the engines for stuff that is out of their control.
I totally agree with you.
Buzzy Trombone I would love to see that :D
Yeah! I agree!
Daniel Bilington Just Imagine If That Really Happened
Nick Shots it did really happen.
The episode that makes me angry is The Old Bridge because it was the episode that turned Skarloey from a wise old gentleman to a winey scared little child. >:(
Dragon Zilla
Well, if you put in the story in the context of when Skarloey and Rheneas were young engines, the story actually makes more sense.
After all, Skarloey and Rheneas are the only two engines to interact in that episode (ignore Duncan, just imagine him as a random character) and the Fat Controller could be the first Fat Controller.
Yeah that's a point but what season 8 - 12 Skarloey still acted like that.
Also, look at it this way. Season 9-12 Skarloey is whiny and childish.
But in The Old Bridge? He rolled right onto a damaged bridge and was in great danger. It's easily understandable that he wouldn't want to cross the bridge he nearly fell off of.
Well if you've had incident like that, then of course you wouldn't want to do it again but at least he's not like that anymore.
I don't know who Skarface is but I do remember that when Skarloey became a whiny scared child, I lost respect for him. If they wanted an engine who was going to act whiny and scared, I would use either Sir Handel, Fred from the RWS or better yet make a new character!
When I was a little kid, I grew up with both the new series and the classic series of "Thomas the Tank Engine" (including half of the CGI series). Seasons 1&2 were good, Seasons 3-7 were awesome, Seasons 8-12 were great (in my opinion); but Season 13, I NEVER LIKED IT!!!
I love Seasons 1-12. I especially love Hero of The Rails. That's the best!
SebasTheClassicCartoonNetworkFan season 8-12 were absolutely awful to me but season 13 was even worse
Hey, I love Season 13. I don't care about the downsides at times. Mostly.
16:51, Actually there are a few exceptions to this rule, such as auto trains that Oliver runs, or small shunting maneuvers. but on the main line, yea your right. Great video my man.
15:41 I’ve never heard an American say the word ‘twat’ that perfectly
The dude just has the right voice to do it
I Disagree with you on The Matter For Henry and Thomas's Train.
So, The Matter For Henry? Henry gets ill, Thomas and Percy added more trucks and later get punished to go back and take his Trucks. Emily rescuing Henry adds to the Story of his leaking tubes and it works for the episode.
Rheneas and The Rollercoaster should've been on the list as it felt more like a Miller Episode and He was out of character.
Thomas's Train: let me explain, The RWS Illustrations never showed him pulling coaches, he was able to pull them for Henry (especially in The Adventure Begins) They had a observation in the special, why Thomas left The train. He heard a Guard's Whistle much to his excitement of Pulling a Train. Which is something a young locomotive would do.
Just Because Thomas is sentient, he can't drag trains without being coupled or feel them. That's why he went off.
Overall Good Review but, I Disagree with two of these episodes on your list. (Bill and Ben arguing could be unintresing to you. but, These two are young and quarrelsome idiots. I prefer those then the likes of Emily In The Middle with The Scottish Twins)
LMS Arthur+ That's because Donald and Douglas were becoming Bill and Ben in Season 21 and The Reason Theu are Quarrelsome, is that they are young bickering brothers. I know EITM is not a classic episode.
Twin Trouble was executed better back in Season 6. they were blaming each other on the accident and it gives something to offer.
I kind of roll my eyes whenever someone tries to claim Rheneas is out of character because it's like people don't want Rheneas to have this thing called a PERSONALITY of his own that does not only mirror most of Skarloey's traits.
But the story "Thomas and Gordon" plainly states that Thomas was "always pulling coaches ready for the big engines to take on long journeys". So, the illustration may not show it but the text plainly says it.
Yes I know middle engine isn't good enough for everyone but it was to teach kids about what happens when a bully's come at you and when they mess about
You have a good point, but the episode is still terrible.
No it isn’t.
You know, I can agree on some of these. Gordon and the Gremlin was a good episode, but the moral was confusing. I also don't like Trust Thomas, because the crash was kinda unrealistic (Thomas should've overran the jetti while not suddenly decoupling from the trucks, the line wasn't supposed to be open unless there was bridge, and Gordon and James didn't get into trouble, yet Gordon didn't learn from his mistake and tricked Sir Handel into faking sick, then getting him into trouble), and yeah, Middle Engine sucked because of Arry and Bert not getting punished for playing tricks on Percy and James.
Henry (even though he didn't speak in "Middle Engine") didn't get punished either because it was his fault he pushed Percy into the coaling tipper when he was backing up into some freight cars.
Unrealistic crash but the what do you think of most of the CGI? Its all unrealistic and bullshit. Boring episodes or not, Classic surpass the CGI anytime.
There are far more worse episodes outside of the Classic era, why don't you review any of those!?
The Fat Controller knew Diesel was up to something so he sent Duck away to make sure he was safe from the trouble, like a good father would do. That's what I think, even Edward pointed this out in Close Shave.
I would love to see you do a series of videos that rate every seasons episodes from best to worst
3:20 Look at Duck's text on his side!
I don’t get it
It’s Mirrored
Yeah, I remember watching the Better Late Than Never VHS as a kid but I only remembered the Duck and the Diesel trilogy and Off The Rails (or Gordon Takes A Dip) BLTN and The Runaway were two of the most forgettable season 2 episodes ever. And Middle Engine was painfully bad.
Awesome to see this video.
8: hmmmm..... yeah this episode was kinda boring.
7: Hmmm? ah I guess I get your point, it would have been nicer to see STH get Diesel kicked out, or at least that part could have been shown as a cutaway scene or something.
6: Yeah, also true. They missed the explaination for Gremlins, and the episode pacing and events made not much sense.
5: Oh..... ugh... this was a bad one. Hate Thomas and Percy's behavior in this episode.
4: Yeah, this made NO sense at all either.
3: Hmm? Ehhhh..... maybe. But you got a point. Then again, Thomas hasn't pulled coaches full of passengers so he might not have understood the expected weight of the coaches maybe. But I understand
2: Yeah.... it's pretty bad too. I did enjoy Bill sneezing the pipe that fell in his funnel in the air.
(dishonorable)- Eh it is a little troublesome in script writing
-Ugh.... no... just no. That was a bad one.
-yeah... I guess. I didn't watch that episode much so I wouldn't know
-yeah, the events of that was a little troublesome too.
-Maybe.... though maybe it's just being how they filmed STH's lines. It might have been made in the original story, but still STH wouldn't be that mad.
1: Oooh yeah, that was pretty bad. I hate when STH just gets some bug up his butt and punishes an engine regardless of the situation. SLOTLT was another example of that which I hate of STH being a dick weed.
If you hate Alec Baldwin Season 6 dub why not listen to Michael Angelis instead?
He tries too hard.
@@everythingproductions2004 Then why not you or he listen to Michael Brandon since that's also the dub he or you grew up with?
the reason FattHatt sent duck away was probably to see how Diesel would get on because he said near the end of the episode that he never believed diesel so maybe he sent Duck away as a test to see if the lies would continue without the western engine's presence in the yard
Considering that in the books Diesel got sent away after he was caught telling lies about Henry, you're probably right. I wish the TV show had made it clear that Diesel continued to tell lies after Duck left the yard.