my favourite parts of world tour: justin on that tamberine harold rapping the songs sierra being sierra the love triangle harold giving leshawna some thrills blanerific the way heather played the game this time leshawna putting up the finger to heather in the last episode
name unknown That’s why this season is the best in the show. Every character matters, and a lot of them had really great arcs like Heather becoming a hero, Alejandro being even more manipulative than Heather, Team Amazon being the best team in the show’s history, Cody becoming a great hero, Noah getting the credit he deserves, Tyler actually mattering, etc. The only thing I don’t like about the show is just how bad Team Victory was, and it was kind of annoying to see them lose over and over again. They should’ve let Lindsay and DJ stay a bit longer, but oh well.
so is oui my friends, save this show, versus, lovin' time, rowin' time, shearing sheep, oh my Izzy, and more. Of those lots my favorites are Versus and Oh My Izzy (you probably could guess that)
I mean it’s iconic Like Lindsay switching to leshawanas option The whole 2 words PROM DESTROYER Heather saying parachute because everyone else said dumb shit
I love them there my favorite boy and girl yes Alejandro was a little auto-tuned but still I think everyone except bridgette Courtney and May d heather wasn’t
Honestly this was my favorite season the songs were great ( except for blainerific, I don't know how it's spelt sorry) and all the characters were really memorable and had great moments and this season is why I like Noah and Tyler so that's a plus
Guys In this is how we will end it theres a refrence to something that came out on total drama offical today Courtney throws a tv and she goes crazy the wood courtney is doing the same thing.
5 - Shear The Sheep 4 - We Built Gwen’s Face 3 - This Is How We Will End It 2 - Im Gonna Make It 1 - Versus Im from Argentina, and this were the songs i enjoyed most in the english language :)
-gypsy rap -stuck to a pole🖤 -strip them down🖤 -what's not to love -fight for the gold(just cuz of duncan's voice) -boy friend kisser -we built Gwen's face -ı'm winning this -sea shanty -come fly with us -ı'm sorry🖤 -this is how we will end it🖤 -ı'm gonna make it🖤 -oh my ızzy I think ı might love most of them
my top 30 songs 30. Baby 29. Blainerific 28. sisters 27. I'm sorry 26. This is how we will end it 25. what's not to love 24. oh my izzy 23. lovin time 22. shearing sheep 21. Before we die 20. Gypsy rap 19. stuck to a pole 18. Chinese lesson 17. who you gonna root for 16. save this show 15. rowin time 14. her real name isn't Blaineley 13. condor 12. Eline Kline 11. come fly with us 10. I'm gonna make it 9. fight for the gold 8. Versus 7. I'm winning this time 6. sea shanty 5. Wake up 4. Oui my friends 3. Boyfriend kisser 2. Strip them down 1. We built Gwen's face
Top 10 (in my total opinion) 10. Blainerific - The latte bit... WOW so much detail! 9. Boyfriend Kisser- to be honest.. Heather and Courtney’s voices combined are AWESOME 8. Whats not to Love- now... this is just funny 😁 7. Condor- CODYS GOT A VOICE!!! 6. Before we die- SOME CHIPS AND DIP WILL DO!!!!!! 5. I’m sorry- I LOVE BRIDGETTES VOICE!! (Probably spelt that wrong) 4. This is how we will end it- EVIL PUPPET!!! 3. I’m gonna make it- JUST LOVE IT 😊 2. Come fly with us- ITS SO CATCHY AND COOL!!! 1. Oui, my friend- SIERRA CAN SING LIKE A SAINT MAN... SEE HER IN THAT SONG!!!! (Its catchy)
XxDiamond DavidxX how about you actually read the wiki, the first sentence is: “Paris in the Springtime (also known as Oui, my friends)” which means you can call it either. So don’t get mad at people for calling it the wrong name
My top 10 10. I’m gonna make it 9. This is how we will end it 8. Stuck to a pole 7. What’s not to love about New York 6. Wake up 5. Blanerific 4. Boyfriend kisser 3. Versus 2. We built Gwen’s face 1. Oui, My Friends
My Top 30: 30: Sierra’s German Song 29: Sisters 28: Baby 27: Her Real Name Isn’t Blaineley 26: Gypsy Rap 25: What’s Not To Love 24: Blainerific 23: A Chinese Lesson 22: Save This Show 21: I’m Sorry 20: Stuck To A Pole 19: Sea Shanty 18: I’m Gonna Make It 17: Fight For The Gold 16: Rowin Time 15: Lovin Time 14: Eine Kleine 13: Oui, My Friends 12: Versus 11: Before We Die 10: Strip Them Down 9: Boyfriend Kisser 8: Come Fly With Us 7: We Are Shearing Sheep 6: Condor 5: We Built Gwen’s Face 4: I’m Winning This 3: Oh, My Izzy 2: This Is How We Will End It 1: Who You Gonna Root For 0: Wake Up
My Top 5 5 Blainerific 4 Sheering Sheep 3 This Is How We Will End 2 Save This Show Honourable Mentions : Boyfriend Kisser, Fight For The Gold, Stuck To A Pole, Gypsy Rap & Versus 1 We Built Gwen's Face & Wake Up
My personal top 30 is 30 Wake Up - Meh 29 Her Real Name Isn't Blaineley 28 This Is How We Will End It 27 Versus - I really like how their voices were edited though 26 What's Not To Love 25 A Chinese Lesson 24 Before We Die 23 Condor 22 Who You Gonna Root For? - Harold's rap was the best lmao 21 Come Fly With Us 20 Save This Show - LMAO GIVE US CASH OR THIS SHOW DIES 19 Eine Kleine - Aaaw Lindsay remembering Tyler is actually pretty cute though 18 Greek Mix 17 We Built Gwen's Face 16 Baby 15 I'm Gonna Make It - That first part was great 14 Sea Shanty Mix - IT'S A SEA SHANTY, AND IT'S DARN CATCHY 13 I'm Sorry 12 Gypsy Rap - WOW GWEN'S RAP 11 Paris In The Springtime - *Massive gulp of air* CODY BROKE MY HEART AND CHEWED IT UP AND SPIT IT OUT AND THEEEN, STEPPED ON IT AND THREW IT DOWN A SEWER AND CALLED IT NAMES AND THEN LAAAUGHED 10 Lovin' Time 9 Stuck To a Pole 8 I'm Winning This - Wow Courtney really doing good, "The lava that's a flyin'" 7 Rowin' Time - VANQUISH HIM VANQUISH HIM 6 Changing Guard Mix - Sierra's first line though, holy shit 5 Sisters 4 Blainerific - M-M-MAKE ME SI-ICK 3 Oh My Izzy - GWEN'S OOH OOHS ARE KILLING ME 2 Boyfriend Kisser - BOYFRIEND KISSER (But seriously stop shaming Gwen though) 1 Shear The Sheep - SHEARING SHEEP INSTEAD OF YOU! Okay but the music at the start is so great though Lmao the only one I kinda dislike is Wake Up, I like the rest of them
Did you know Sierra's line "I made a vow that Cody's the only man for me" was originally "I can only strip Cody and he can only strip me"? Or is that what you were referring to?
15: Sisters 14: Greek Duet 13: Eline Kline 12. Versus 11: Sea Shanty 10: Shearing Sheep 9: Come Fly With Us 8: Condor 7: Blanerific 6: Gypsy Rap 5: Wake Up 4: I’m gonna make it 3: This is how we will end it 2: We built Gwen’s face 1: Oui my friends
The songs were best in the beginning and in the very end. I think the last ones in the show are actually really good - Versus, This is How We will End it, I’m Gonna Make It, Wake Up, I’m Winning This are all really good. World Tour turned Total Drama from a show I liked to a show I loved. Previous villains like Heather and Courtney turned into people I rooted for and this season made Heather my favorite character of all time. Cody and Noah went from boring background characters to lovable ones, and Sierra and Alejandro were great additions. #liveloveteamamazon
Hannah Shribman-Brown yo yo calm down. I get it's your opinion. I'm just saying. But to b honest. I thought I was the only one who doesn't like Chinese lesson
We built Gwen's Face, Versus and I'm Gonna Make It are my fav (even the songs are a bit different with the fact that I'm Italian) Also Gypsy Rap because the Gwen part is awesome
I'm gonna be honest... I expected Boyfriend Kisser to place dead last. Mine: 30 Boyfriend Kisser 29 Blainerific 28 Baby 27 A Chinese Lesson 26 Stuck to a Pole 25 Save Our Show 24 Who Ya Gonna Root For? 23 Eine Kleine 22 I'm Sorry 21 Gypsy Rap 20 Her Real Name Isn't Blaineley 19 I'm Winning This 18 Rowin' Time 17 Lovin' Time 16 Shearin' Sheep 15 Go for the Gold 14 Versus 13 What's Not to Love 12 Before We Die 11 Strip Them Down 10 Paris in the Springtime 9 Come Fly With Us 8 Wake Up 7 Sisters 6 Sea Shanty 5 We Built Gwen's Face 4 This is How We Will End it 3 Condors 2 I'm Gonna Make It 1 Oh My Izzy
Aw man, Chinese lesson and lovin' time are easily in my top 5 favourite songs :( Love them so much, doesn't matter at all they're slower because they're so catchy. My favourite by far has to be changing guard though, it's WAAAAY too catchy
10. Im gonna make it 9. Her real name isnt Blainley 8. Im winning this 7.Gysp rap 6.fight for the gold 5. Shearing sheep 4.Strip him down 3.Verses 2.We built Gwens face 1. This is how we will end it
30:Blainelirific 29:Chinnese Lesson 28:Lovin time 27:Rowin time 26:Baby 25:Gypsy rap 24:Wake up 23:Stuck to a pole 22:Strip them down 21:What's not to love 20:Fight for the gold 19:Save this show 18:Shear the sheap 17:Condor 16:Eine Kline 15:Boyfriend kisser 14:Her real name isn't Blainely 13:We built gwens face 12:I'm winning this 11:Who you gonna root for 10:Sea shanty 9:Come fly with us 8:I'm sorry 7:This is how will end it 6:Versus 5:I'm gonna make it 4:Sisters 3:Oh my izzy 2:We my friends 1:Before we die Please like i worked a lot
top 11 songs that i actually like 11 - come fly with us - only cuz of leshawna's dance 10 - boyfriend kisser - idk why i like it 9 - eine liere? or something like that - only part i like Is Lindsay x Tyler 8 - i'm sorry - i like it 7 - oh my izzy - i like the way how is it sad 6 - Condor - good song 5 - gypsy rap - Gwen's rap left me shook 4 - chinesse lesson - i dont get why people hate it So much Its actually bop 3 - this Is how we Will end it - really good song 2 - Sisters - sLayinG mY aSs 1 - blainerific - GurL sLay bop!!
Top 5 5: Sisters/Fight for the Gold/Oh my Izzy 4: Paris in the Springtime/Before we Die/I'm Winning for Real 3: Sea Shanty/Eine kilen/Boyfriend Kisser/Shearing Sheep 2: Sorry/I'm Gonna Make It/Save the Show/Who you Gonna Root For/Versus 1: Wake up/ This is How We Will End It/Blanerific (even though I HATE Blaniely)/Her Real Name is Blaniely/Rowing (loving) Time/Come Fly With us
This show was the freaking best omg
Not only that but Duncan was so against singing but he probably had the best voice out of all the characters
That Insane Fangirl ikr thats why his song with gwen is really good.
That Insane Fangirl I thought Bridgette had the best voice
Any song he was in was freaking AMAZING
Fun fact, Duncan's voice actor actually loves to sing! He does karaoke sometimes
That Insane Fangirl (Owen has the best)
Noah: " Come fly with us, come die with us."
Lol I love Noah he's the best
So do i! *High fives*
Same XD
Lol Noah is such a mood
Same best Noah part
•* Kaileigh *• p
my favourite parts of world tour:
justin on that tamberine
harold rapping
the songs
sierra being sierra
the love triangle
harold giving leshawna some thrills
the way heather played the game this time
leshawna putting up the finger to heather in the last episode
Same thing my dude
And character improvement to characters like Noah, Cody, Tyler, DJ etc
name unknown That’s why this season is the best in the show. Every character matters, and a lot of them had really great arcs like Heather becoming a hero, Alejandro being even more manipulative than Heather, Team Amazon being the best team in the show’s history, Cody becoming a great hero, Noah getting the credit he deserves, Tyler actually mattering, etc. The only thing I don’t like about the show is just how bad Team Victory was, and it was kind of annoying to see them lose over and over again. They should’ve let Lindsay and DJ stay a bit longer, but oh well.
You forgot Heather and Aljando's duets! It definitely needs some credit!!!
Ezekiel didn’t get the development he is begging for
I really miss this show😭😭😭
Lovely Sil yes and agree
Lovely Sil Definetly
Lovely Sil me too
Lovely Sil Me Too
Lovely Sil yeah
"Why did we build Gwen's face" has to be the most hilarious.
basically courtney heather and Sierra questioning their lives for a minute and 30 seconds approximately
Idk but I think second funniest is strip them down
Gwen goth and I goth so offensive
Oh why did we build gwens face I me a I would of built sierras face
I think striping a English guard is funny but that just me
I love Noah so much
"Come fly with us come die with us"
"Um, no my friend this thing just burned off my shoe"
agloverforever 2004 I’m going to say the n word
@@robertchindamo4549 n...n...Noah
@@IceCrystal130 very cash money must I say
agloverforever 2004 :D
And when theyre falling out of the plane and saying things that’ll catch them he just says WATERBED
Honestly, “Before We Die” is a *VERY* underrated song. I don’t quite know why because it’s actually really good.
My top 3 is
3. Before we die
2. What's not to love
so is oui my friends, save this show, versus, lovin' time, rowin' time, shearing sheep, oh my Izzy, and more.
Of those lots my favorites are Versus and Oh My Izzy (you probably could guess that)
Before we die is best
I mean it’s iconic
Like Lindsay switching to leshawanas option
The whole 2 words PROM DESTROYER
Heather saying parachute because everyone else said dumb shit
I love the songs with Alejandro and Heather ❤️😋😋
I ship them :>
You scare me
Luz Garcia yes
Tbh most are auto tuned for Alejandro’s voice, but I love their songs together the most too lol
I love them there my favorite boy and girl yes Alejandro was a little auto-tuned but still I think everyone except bridgette Courtney and May d heather wasn’t
tbh all the songs Courtney and Heather sang were amazing
Santiago Jopen yes I love both of them so much I wish they actually could be friends
I love heathers parts in wake up
Honestly this was my favorite season the songs were great ( except for blainerific, I don't know how it's spelt sorry) and all the characters were really memorable and had great moments and this season is why I like Noah and Tyler so that's a plus
Jtnorton04 yo I freaking love Noah and tyler
Most people will agree with you. ME especially cuz after watching this season I went to watch season 4 and freaked out cuz there was *NO SONGS!!*
Lmao i might be the only person who actually likes Blainerific
@@JoaoPedro-eq3hj I like it too lmao idk why but the lyrics were just really catchy and I liked everyone’s singing in that song
Only character that I wished they’d done more with was Ezekiel, and I mean human Zeke not feral
can we just appreciate how everyone in the cast had amazing voices? 🧍🏻♀️
Literally any song Courtney sang in was awesome
I think that "I'm Winning This" is the best song she sang. That's my opinion though!
She sounds like Birtney Spears!
Totally true
Ikr I just wish she acted like how she sang: SWEET, AND NICE
Yes she is the best
"Her butt is scrawny and flat,
and she ain't all that"
damn Alejandro went there lmao
He be staring
Cody: who is the girl again?
*looks terrified instantly*
It's not ok
She was about kill cody...
Cody mah cinnamon roll
I mean it’s my face when blainley comes on screen
Employee: HECK NO
How did she get it?
@DiamondN1nja No, the latte was handed to her.
Y'know, she is quite specific
Do you wanna get me half fat no foam latte steamed to a 102 heat
Guys In this is how we will end it theres a refrence to something that came out on total drama offical today
Courtney throws a tv and she goes crazy the wood courtney is doing the same thing.
I never realized that's what the pose of her puppet was refrencing now that you say it I actually can see it wow that's a cool little snitbit
"Elsa do you wanna-"
Hey izzy
Not a speck:
I think my favorite song is “We built Gwen’s face”
How do you hate a Chinese lesson
Koopa Domination AUTTP its bad
Koopa it not because of sierra at the end with the hidh note
Obey the Koopa its not really a song
ikr! i love this song
i doubt they hate it, but like all the songs are fabulous.
My favorite song is this is how we will end it.
Even though his voice jayhills auto tuned, it's still good
I agree👌👍
Same I love that song
Idk my full order but my top 5 are
5:sea shanty
4:who you gonna root for
3:Paris is the springtime
1:come fly with us
No offense but to me the only good one in the is sea shanty
Least Favorite:
Shearing Sheep (SO OFF BEAT!!!)
4. Sea Shanty and Versus Tied
3. I am gonna make it
2. Strip Em Down
1. Her Real Name Isn't Blaineley
@@SsVoyage1892 My least favorite used to be Gwen's face, but that made a comeback and now its lovin' time-
@@sillysillyleah Lol same I also just made a comeback (but shearing sheep is still my least fav ;-;)
@@SsVoyage1892 Gwen's Face is the queen of comebacks. It scares me sometimes!
elsa? do you wanna get me a half fat no foam latte steamed to 102 heat??
elsa: HELL NO
Oh wow...I didn't even realize it was spoken until I uploaded it. Now I find it hilarious! Thank you.
No problem! It's funny! xD
Rocky Pop 101 it is!!
“Yeah, I’m out.”
Sierras singing voice is so under appreciated
Yea she actually can sing really well if you watch some songs without autotune you will see can she sing pretty well
My top 5-
5. Come fly with us
4. Eine Kleine
3. We built Gwen’s face
2. This is how we will end it
1. Oh my Izzy
My favorite song is your number 2!
my top 5.
1. Fight for the gold
2. Wake up
3. We built gwen's face
4. Boyfriend kisser
5. Blainerific
Loved boyfriend kisser (first song I heard from TD), forgot the life is a highway parody name, and the song they made lyrics with mozart.
Those songs are all great! I agree with your rankings, except my list would have condor instead of blainerific.
5 - Shear The Sheep
4 - We Built Gwen’s Face
3 - This Is How We Will End It
2 - Im Gonna Make It
1 - Versus
Im from Argentina, and this were the songs i enjoyed most in the english language :)
YES ye s ye s I agree Versus is the best
Do you wanna- *GET ME A-*
I am so happy Oui my friend (Paris in the Springtime) actually got the deserved appreciation that was always my fav
Am I the only one that thought gypsy rap would be better if the rapping part wasn't there and was replaced with more singing?
Agreed. It's my least favorite song because of that.
Yup, the tune was SO good but then the rap ruined it.
Jiraqua Well, it wouldn’t be called Gypsy Rap, without a rapping part. But I also agree that I don’t like it that much.
You're not alone.
the rap was out of place with the rest of the song and didn't even have a consistent beat
Noah’s best moments:
“Come fly with us come die with us”
“Um no my friend that thing just burned my shoe”
Last “Don’t kill him you clown!”
And this “ooh stalker luscious”
My favorites are:
This is How We Will End It
It’s Lovin’ Time
Stuck to a Pole
Boyfriend Kisser
A Sea Shanty
Find That Clue
Gwen’s Face
I agree with:
This Is How We Will End It
Sea Shanty
Gwen's Face
Stuck To A Pole
Blainerific is my 2nd fav song first is...
Loving Time
Ikr it's such a bop
Autry Bushong shes my 2nd faveorite after gwen
Autry Bushong I hate Blaneley but I still like the song
bruh oh my izzy is so underrated
it's in my top ten for sure lol
Izzy why did u break up with owen
@@FlyingPotty420 idek, they just wanted me out and Owen would have dRAGGED me back in someway somehow
Izzy would you think of getting back together with him
@@FlyingPotty420 like if I could see him?
Heather Gwen and Courtney always sounded amazing when they sang together
and duncan if that would ever happen
-gypsy rap
-stuck to a pole🖤
-strip them down🖤
-what's not to love
-fight for the gold(just cuz of duncan's voice)
-boy friend kisser
-we built Gwen's face
-ı'm winning this
-sea shanty
-come fly with us
-ı'm sorry🖤
-this is how we will end it🖤
-ı'm gonna make it🖤
-oh my ızzy
I think ı might love most of them
Is nobody here gonna talk about the fact that Cody sang in like 3 songs.
like i legit didn't know he could sing until episode 23.
my top 30 songs
30. Baby
29. Blainerific
28. sisters
27. I'm sorry
26. This is how we will end it
25. what's not to love
24. oh my izzy
23. lovin time
22. shearing sheep
21. Before we die
20. Gypsy rap
19. stuck to a pole
18. Chinese lesson
17. who you gonna root for
16. save this show
15. rowin time
14. her real name isn't Blaineley
13. condor
12. Eline Kline
11. come fly with us
10. I'm gonna make it
9. fight for the gold
8. Versus
7. I'm winning this time
6. sea shanty
5. Wake up
4. Oui my friends
3. Boyfriend kisser
2. Strip them down
1. We built Gwen's face
My favorite is before we die, my second favorite is im gonna win this (Surfing) My third is versus.
Man I really loved this is how we will end it
Dancergirl213 lover Za
Why is "this is how we will end it" number 26? I feel like it was one of the best songs.
Dancergirl213 lover we built gwen face is my favourite to
I miss this season
Izzy and owen total drama world tour izzy and owen total drama rama izzy and owen total drama
Ron Scott same
@@melissathompson6085 Oh, hi there!
Intro :Do you wanna-
Blaineley: get me a half fat no foam laté
Yes. LOL!
Top 10 (in my total opinion)
10. Blainerific - The latte bit... WOW so much detail!
9. Boyfriend Kisser- to be honest.. Heather and Courtney’s voices combined are AWESOME
8. Whats not to Love- now... this is just funny 😁
7. Condor- CODYS GOT A VOICE!!!
6. Before we die- SOME CHIPS AND DIP WILL DO!!!!!!
5. I’m sorry- I LOVE BRIDGETTES VOICE!! (Probably spelt that wrong)
4. This is how we will end it- EVIL PUPPET!!!
3. I’m gonna make it- JUST LOVE IT 😊
2. Come fly with us- ITS SO CATCHY AND COOL!!!
1. Oui, my friend- SIERRA CAN SING LIKE A SAINT MAN... SEE HER IN THAT SONG!!!! (Its catchy)
I also LOVE SISTERS It’s probably actually 10 but I put Blainerific instead... 11 I guess
It’s not called “Paris in the springtime”,it’s called “ oui, my friend’s”.
Kawtar Rahman ye
Actually, the wiki calls it "Paris in the Springtime". I'm afraid you're wrong.
XxDiamond DavidxX wiki can be changed by anyone...
@@MachineWashable101 And it's been like that for a while. I have been on the wiki for a while. Paris in the Springtime is the name.
XxDiamond DavidxX how about you actually read the wiki, the first sentence is: “Paris in the Springtime (also known as Oui, my friends)” which means you can call it either. So don’t get mad at people for calling it the wrong name
My top 5 favorite songs
5. Who you gonna root for
4.This is how we will end it
2. I'm gonna make it
1.Fight for the gold
Ngl stuck to a pole is literally my number 3 favorite
24: wake up
Me: wtf its one of the best song of world tour
Space Jeans yes
Space Jeans Sorry, this youtuber is out of touch with the fan base. And is a JERK when opinions are brought out
@@thesodanerd3205 ikr in another video he dissed someone hard for saying certain songs were better
Blake Barbee Scroll down for a bit in the comment section. You'll see my comment.
it's meh not the best in the season.
My top 10
10. I’m gonna make it
9. This is how we will end it
8. Stuck to a pole
7. What’s not to love about New York
6. Wake up
5. Blanerific
4. Boyfriend kisser
3. Versus
2. We built Gwen’s face
1. Oui, My Friends
what’s oui my friends
Zapp Garlicc aka “we my friends” sung by Sierra
you mean paris in the springtime?
9:36 cracks me up
Why would Duncan wear that he needs a skull
Bruh when Gwen was trippin on Cody’s meds
Sisters, oh my Izzy, before we die, sea shanty, eine kleine and Paris in the springtime are so underrated
Cody deserved to win.... he had to go through a whole season of sierra...
Tammy Maskiell what Sierra is great
Sierra saved his ass this whole season
@@thelastknight1276 no first off their team never post and during the merge he never posed a threat so everyone used him as an extra vote
*never lost*
Sierra is my fav ;C
Have you signed the petition for total Drama season 6
Of course!
Mario Bowser494 wait who created it I wanna sign it
I agree with your first choice. I'm surprised not too many people enjoy it as much as I do. I actually listened to it way too much. X3
My Top 30:
30: Sierra’s German Song
29: Sisters
28: Baby
27: Her Real Name Isn’t Blaineley
26: Gypsy Rap
25: What’s Not To Love
24: Blainerific
23: A Chinese Lesson
22: Save This Show
21: I’m Sorry
20: Stuck To A Pole
19: Sea Shanty
18: I’m Gonna Make It
17: Fight For The Gold
16: Rowin Time
15: Lovin Time
14: Eine Kleine
13: Oui, My Friends
12: Versus
11: Before We Die
10: Strip Them Down
9: Boyfriend Kisser
8: Come Fly With Us
7: We Are Shearing Sheep
6: Condor
5: We Built Gwen’s Face
4: I’m Winning This
3: Oh, My Izzy
2: This Is How We Will End It
1: Who You Gonna Root For
0: Wake Up
My Top 5
5 Blainerific
4 Sheering Sheep
3 This Is How We Will End
2 Save This Show
Honourable Mentions : Boyfriend Kisser, Fight For The Gold, Stuck To A Pole, Gypsy Rap & Versus
1 We Built Gwen's Face & Wake Up
When I watched oh my Izzy I almost cried
top five for me
1. Boyfriend Kisser
2. This is How we will end it
3. I'm winning this
4. Before We Die
5. sheering sheep
Heather is my favorite character. She was a legend this season
5. Before we die (underrated af)
4. Versus
3. Im sorry
2. Boyfriend kisser
Who am I?
Who am I?
What are you even saying?
You earned a sub! I agreed with these.
My favorite songs-
This is how we will end it
I’m gonna make it
Before we die
Come fly with us
Shear the sheep
Boyfriend kisser
0:12 I Agree 2:01 This Season In A Nutshell 2:14 9:43 10:08 10:23 10:41 11:33 12:57 13:56 15:32 15:46 Harold Tho 3:36 Alejandro Freaking Dies 4:30 4:37 15:04 15:39 Noah Tho 5:47 Duncan Freaking Dies 7:57 Nah This Is The Worst 12:17 This Is The Best 14:18 This Song Is Underrated
My personal top 30 is
30 Wake Up - Meh
29 Her Real Name Isn't Blaineley
28 This Is How We Will End It
27 Versus - I really like how their voices were edited though
26 What's Not To Love
25 A Chinese Lesson
24 Before We Die
23 Condor
22 Who You Gonna Root For? - Harold's rap was the best lmao
21 Come Fly With Us
19 Eine Kleine - Aaaw Lindsay remembering Tyler is actually pretty cute though
18 Greek Mix
17 We Built Gwen's Face
16 Baby
15 I'm Gonna Make It - That first part was great
13 I'm Sorry
12 Gypsy Rap - WOW GWEN'S RAP
10 Lovin' Time
9 Stuck To a Pole
8 I'm Winning This - Wow Courtney really doing good, "The lava that's a flyin'"
6 Changing Guard Mix - Sierra's first line though, holy shit
5 Sisters
4 Blainerific - M-M-MAKE ME SI-ICK
2 Boyfriend Kisser - BOYFRIEND KISSER (But seriously stop shaming Gwen though)
1 Shear The Sheep - SHEARING SHEEP INSTEAD OF YOU! Okay but the music at the start is so great though
Lmao the only one I kinda dislike is Wake Up, I like the rest of them
Did you know Sierra's line "I made a vow that Cody's the only man for me" was originally "I can only strip Cody and he can only strip me"? Or is that what you were referring to?
Hannah Shribman-Brown No I knew that, but I think I was referring to her voice, like damn that was powerful lmao
Mango54326 how do you not like wake up?
"LMAO GIVE US CASH OR THIS SHOW DIES" I love your reactions lmao
Your Comment about blainerific just yes
15: Sisters
14: Greek Duet
13: Eline Kline
12. Versus
11: Sea Shanty
10: Shearing Sheep
9: Come Fly With Us
8: Condor
7: Blanerific
6: Gypsy Rap
5: Wake Up
4: I’m gonna make it
3: This is how we will end it
2: We built Gwen’s face
1: Oui my friends
Cody: who's that girl again?
Alejandro:My hand *gets punched in the face by duncan* Duncan:My arm
0:26 my exact reaction when Blainleys on screen
The songs were best in the beginning and in the very end. I think the last ones in the show are actually really good - Versus, This is How We will End it, I’m Gonna Make It, Wake Up, I’m Winning This are all really good.
World Tour turned Total Drama from a show I liked to a show I loved. Previous villains like Heather and Courtney turned into people I rooted for and this season made Heather my favorite character of all time. Cody and Noah went from boring background characters to lovable ones, and Sierra and Alejandro were great additions. #liveloveteamamazon
How do u put This is How We Will End it, on #7! U monster.😤
Oh, big deal, my opinion isn't your opinion. Would you be happier if it was dead last?
Hannah Shribman-Brown yo yo calm down. I get it's your opinion. I'm just saying. But to b honest. I thought I was the only one who doesn't like Chinese lesson
I was just a little mad that you would call me a monster. I thought you were the one that needed to calm down. But thanks. Chris really can't sing.
Hannah Shribman-Brown well, I guess I did need to calm down I was mad too. So I apologise
@@robertchindamo4549 Actually, I am autistic. It's people who use that as an insult that need to grow up.
Where did Alejandro come from in come fly with us?
He appeared out of nowhere!
We built Gwen's Face, Versus and I'm Gonna Make It are my fav (even the songs are a bit different with the fact that I'm Italian)
Also Gypsy Rap because the Gwen part is awesome
Elsa, do you wanna-
Blainely: *GET ME A-*
Im not even gonna try and type what she says.she speaks to fast
I'm gonna be honest...
I expected Boyfriend Kisser to place dead last.
30 Boyfriend Kisser
29 Blainerific
28 Baby
27 A Chinese Lesson
26 Stuck to a Pole
25 Save Our Show
24 Who Ya Gonna Root For?
23 Eine Kleine
22 I'm Sorry
21 Gypsy Rap
20 Her Real Name Isn't Blaineley
19 I'm Winning This
18 Rowin' Time
17 Lovin' Time
16 Shearin' Sheep
15 Go for the Gold
14 Versus
13 What's Not to Love
12 Before We Die
11 Strip Them Down
10 Paris in the Springtime
9 Come Fly With Us
8 Wake Up
7 Sisters
6 Sea Shanty
5 We Built Gwen's Face
4 This is How We Will End it
3 Condors
2 I'm Gonna Make It
1 Oh My Izzy
You were so darn close to putting the funniest total drama moment in history (come fly with us come die with us)
yo before we die is my favorite to
In sheering sheep Heather told Courtney that she didn't have a tattoo, but in the TDA special, she and Duncan had a tattoo
I realyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy miss dis show!!!!!!! I hate the daycare ?
It has no drama
Aw man, Chinese lesson and lovin' time are easily in my top 5 favourite songs :( Love them so much, doesn't matter at all they're slower because they're so catchy. My favourite by far has to be changing guard though, it's WAAAAY too catchy
Lovin time is wayyy better than Chinese lesson, chinese lesson is kinda stereotyping Chinese culture. Also strip him down is one of the bestt
Same fav song! :D
Blooper :P same
Omg it’s you when is TBB: 13
10. Im gonna make it
9. Her real name isnt Blainley
8. Im winning this
7.Gysp rap
6.fight for the gold
5. Shearing sheep
4.Strip him down
2.We built Gwens face
1. This is how we will end it
My favorite character is Bridget
29:Chinnese Lesson
28:Lovin time
27:Rowin time
25:Gypsy rap
24:Wake up
23:Stuck to a pole
22:Strip them down
21:What's not to love
20:Fight for the gold
19:Save this show
18:Shear the sheap
16:Eine Kline
15:Boyfriend kisser
14:Her real name isn't Blainely
13:We built gwens face
12:I'm winning this
11:Who you gonna root for
10:Sea shanty
9:Come fly with us
8:I'm sorry
7:This is how will end it
5:I'm gonna make it
3:Oh my izzy
2:We my friends
1:Before we die
Please like i worked a lot
I spell some wrong sorry
They need to make one more series :(
I respect that sisters is number 4 on your list cause that shows that this song isn't just in my top 5
top 11 songs that i actually like
11 - come fly with us - only cuz of leshawna's dance
10 - boyfriend kisser - idk why i like it
9 - eine liere? or something like that - only part i like Is Lindsay x Tyler
8 - i'm sorry - i like it
7 - oh my izzy - i like the way how is it sad
6 - Condor - good song
5 - gypsy rap - Gwen's rap left me shook
4 - chinesse lesson - i dont get why people hate it So much Its actually bop
3 - this Is how we Will end it - really good song
2 - Sisters - sLayinG mY aSs
1 - blainerific - GurL sLay bop!!
Wake up and we built Gwen's face where definitely my favs lol
*I LOVE Versus! ♥️ 🆚*
Unicorn Cubes, Gacha, And Roblox! Rigger
What? Robert Chindamo
…. I won’t even say anything-
I saw a comment that said that Cody figured out early on that you can only get eliminated by openly refusing to sing.
For me:
Worst: Gypsy Rap
Favourite: Oh My Izzy
23rd shocked me, but and 22nd is my favorite, but i respect your opinion
My favourite is Boyfriend Kisser x) I love Courtney so much
Riliane same❤️
Bruh mines
5. Sisters come together
4. Your so smokin hot
3. Wake up
2. Oh my Izzy
Top 5
5: Sisters/Fight for the Gold/Oh my Izzy
4: Paris in the Springtime/Before we Die/I'm Winning for Real
3: Sea Shanty/Eine kilen/Boyfriend Kisser/Shearing Sheep
2: Sorry/I'm Gonna Make It/Save the Show/Who you Gonna Root For/Versus
1: Wake up/ This is How We Will End It/Blanerific (even though I HATE Blaniely)/Her Real Name is Blaniely/Rowing (loving) Time/Come Fly With us
correction: Top 21
Thanks for putting Before We Die at the 1st :D
I love courtney the most!
Finally someone's number 1 is mine too!!!!! Finally they include this song!
Best male singer is Alejandro, best female singer is Heather.
no it is eziekiel and courtney
Cody and Heather
I agree with Heather but I think Duncan is better..less autotuned
I think that it’s Duncan and Courtney
At 0:00 did it say"Elsa?"